"... voted Monday evening to release a contentious secret memorandum said to accuse the department and the F.B.I. of misusing their authority to obtain a secret surveillance order on a former Trump campaign associate. The vote threw fuel an already fiery partisan conflict over the investigations into Russia’s brazen meddling in the 2016 presidential election. Republicans invoked a power never before used by the secretive committee to effectively declassify the memo that they had compiled. Democrats called the three-and-a half-page document a dangerous effort to build a narrative to undercut the department’s ongoing Russia investigation, using cherry-picked facts assembled with little or no context."
So reports the NYT, sounding rather terrified, don't you think? "Russia’s brazen meddling"... "a power never before used"... "a dangerous effort to build a narrative"... "cherry-picked facts assembled with little or no context"...
What's really the problem with “a dangerous effort to build a narrative" and "cherry-picked facts assembled with little or no context"? Isn't that what we face every day when we read the newspaper?
If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context and the non-cherry facts and demonstrate an alternative narrative, and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections.
१९४ टिप्पण्या:
Interestingly desperate press conference by Adam Schiff and some of his colleagues.
They seem terrified and are spinning like crazy.
This is a preemptive bid to discredit the memo, using the usual bullshit excuse making buzzwords.
"Build a narrative" Well, fuck yea when the narrative is exposing the truth about the FBI under Obama trying to sabotage an election using a phony intelligence dossier to justify FISA court warrant. They used perjury to obtain an illegal warrant. The Democrat Party is little more than a criminal cabal.
Well, let's just see if Schiff is correct.
The Ds are saying two things: 1) This is super top secret stuff that shouldn't be released, and 2) this is nothing.
As shown in one Tweet:
Ted Lieu: "As a Member of the House Judiciary Committee, I read the partisan, classified Nunes House Intel memo. I can't talk about it. However, here's an analogy.
Remember Geraldo Rivera and the infamous Mystery of Al Capone's Vaults? It's like that, but Geraldo Rivera has more integrity."
Seems hard to be both.
I dunno.
If this memo, and perhaps the IG report, live up to the buzz, things could get very very interesting.
I'm betting he isn't.
"Isn't that what we face every day when we read the newspaper?"
Yes, certainly. And not just the newspaper.
And, wasn't it just weeks ago re the DiFi release that everything was reversed re who want ta release and who doesn't?
By making this memo public it will be scrutinized and either debunked or validated. Nothing but positives from its release.
"Is that legal?"
"What is it that you think we do here for a living, kid?"
Oderint dum metuant.
"Let them hate as long as they fear."
And yes, they should be terrified, as their whole house of cards built of lies and deceit begins to sway precariously.
If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context and the non-cherry facts and demonstrate an alternative narrative, and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections.
Also known as the scenario in which the truth always wins out.
Which everyone - ESPECIALLY you - knows it doesn't.
What's most entertaining is what wins out. It's all in the framing.
You've spent way too much time behind a fish-eye lens to convince anyone here that you don't know that to be the case.
Talk about out of context. The DOJ said it was be reckless to release the memo without input from FBI. Guess what Wray saw the memo yesterday and McCabe was forced out today.
Now it is up to Trump to disallow the release. We'll see the next step in this Kabuki theatre.
Short term PR fail for Nunes to let Schiff beat him to the cameras. CNN is already reporting his spin uncritically.
One little issue - Schiff has not let his fellow Reps view his report. I have heard they are letting the same process go forward on the Schiff memo.
Also, contrary to his insinuations, the FBI director WAS allowed to see the memo last night, shortly before McCabe decided to hang it up.
We all are supposed to be satisfied and happy to read just the selective leaks that come from anonymous officials onto the pages of the New York Times.
Also - this memo is sort of the warm-up. The I.G. report is the main show - look for the usual suspects to start undermining the I.G.'s integrity.
anti-de Sitter space said...
The Ds are saying two things: 1) This is super top secret stuff that shouldn't be released, and 2) this is nothing.
I have been paying attention lately, and the MSM/DNC are forced into this exact type of contradiction on a lot of their narrative setting. Another example, the collusion story is dying, so its on to obstruction of justice. Well if there is no collusion, firing all the dept heads that have been pushing an investigation that lacked a crime, is the right thing to do.
it's telling that as soon as Mccabe's boss read the memo, mccabe had to step down.
The trolls on twitter are just great. https://twitter.com/search?q=house+vote+on+memo+release&ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Esearch
Paraphrased Republicans vote party line in remarkable display of party before country!
But no mention that Democrats voted party line.... Like on Obamacare.
Guess party line votes are evil and bad only when Republicans do it.
Republicans pounce
"CNN is already reporting his spin uncritically."
They would do so anyway, no matter the timing.
Just a coincidence,FBI Director reads "memo", tells McCabe he's being demoted & he decides to use PTO for his taxpayer subsidized beni's. According to Sarah Carter's so far accurate sources, would seem many creatures will soon be fleeing the black lagoon.
The NYT beclowns itself again. You want "cherry picked" "facts". Look at the Fusion memo re hookers peeing on the bed in Moscow where Obama and Michelle slept.
By and large the NYT would not know, recognize, or report a fact if it came up and slapped the reporter in the face.
Reading the NYT is a nasty job---I'm glad our host is willing to do it.
Back in March, Adam Schiff said that he had "more than circumstantial evidence" of Trump collusion with Russia. That was fun.
Are you folks jabbering about the "memo" re this post sure ya got it right?
I thought the FBI thing was re the IG report.
What's to become of us, when a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives is no longer intimidated by The New York Times? We're in uncharted waters.
This is better than the slow death by leak we've had for over a year.
The NYT is reporting that Chris Wray is citing the I.G. report as his reason for forcing McCabe out. That may not be Fake News.
Gowdy was on the Sunday shows. He is an ex Fed Prosecutor, yes? He has read the memo, saw no danger of exposing intel, and said it answered questions, and looks bad for the DOJ and FBI. Gowdy has never been one to exaggerate attempting to fire up the base.
EDH said...
[Is that legal?]
"What is it that you think we do here for a living, kid?"
Good reference. Democrats' carefully calibrated balance between damaging America and the public's right to know is 100% tied to whether it advances their partisan interests or not.
I used to pick cherries. It's not as much fun as you'd think. They make you pick the whole tree, not just the low hanging fruit.
When you fill a bucket, they punch another hole in your pay card.
There's no cherry picking in cherry picking.
I'm actually glad Congress is openly releasing this instead if us having people lie and steal from the government like Comey did to cherry pick facts to create a narrative.
"Are you folks jabbering about the "memo" re this post sure ya got it right?
I thought the FBI thing was re the IG report."
Nunes is supposedly targeting FISA abuses whereas the I.G. report if focused on political interference. But, as we've seen neither, there may be overlap. Separation of powers, yo.
Both involve corruption in the "intelligence community," the media's new pet.
Comey didn't lie or cherry pick anything. You just choose to pretend that there's not enough evidence there of what's plainly happening and the bigger threat to democracy. Not that threats to democracy should concern a republican like you or anything.
A Democrat hanging on every lamp post.
The cold will hide the stink until Spring. Except that emanating from the major media centers.
"Comey didn't lie or cherry pick anything. You just choose to pretend that there's not enough evidence there of what's plainly happening and the bigger threat to democracy. Not that threats to democracy should concern a republican like you or anything."
Comey illegally leaked classified info to his buddy to create a chain reaction that led to Mueller. And, then he, after the fact, claimed his buddy was his attorney so that these illegal leaks would be protected.
Just like Mark Felt, aka Deep Throat, who was passed over for FBI head, he is trying to bring down a President because of a career disappointment.
We've known about the existence of this memo for a couple of weeks - and not a single leak about its contents. But as soon as Wray saw the memo - leaks - and spin! - today! (Before the vote.)
What a surprise.
It's almost like the Republicans had a good reason to not show the FBI/DOJ.
Devin Nunes might be the hero who finally brings the crooked Dems to justice. Usually, perseverance is the key to ultimate success, he is said to be a dogged man, very determined.
Doggedly determined.
I like the cognitive dissonance required to slander cops and soldiers, but then pretend the FBI is above reproach when they are doing your bidding.
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NEW: Internal communication sent to FBI officials by FBI Director Christopher Wray links Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s early departure to results of an upcoming OIG investigation, CBS News confirms; says FBI must perform at the highest standards.
2:29 PM - 29 Jan 2018
So, the independent IG has alerted Dir Wray to something...interesting.
There will be alot of "interesting" things coming out in that Feb report.
TTR: "Comey didn't lie or cherry pick anything."
Comey did nothing BUT cherry pick, obfuscate, cover for his buddies, etc.
The IG Report will clear that up authoritatively.
The dems better get busy destroying Michael Horowitz.
Some columnist asked the important question: Since when does the FBI/DOJ review the workings of Congress? Oversight of the executive branch is Congress' constitutional duty. Slowly they are getting it done.
Where's Inga?
TTR is going to be really disappointed when Comey takes his perp walk!
Why is it so hard for some of you folks to grasp that there is a memo (the subject of this post) and there is an IG report?
Two things.
I wonder what it was from the IG office that made Dir Wray decide to make an agency wide announcement that the FBI has to perform at the highest standards?
That would imply something or other has NOT been at the highest standards.
One is forced to ask what precisely that is all about.....(not that we don't already know based on what we know today). Still, confirmation will be good.
February. That will be a fun month, and not JUST because of Valentines Day.
"They seem terrified and are spinning like crazy."
As does the Times if you read between the lines. They're expecting more than I am.
Was there a "bigger threat to democracy" than Hillarys flushing her corruption laden emails and servers?
I think not.
anti-de Sitter: "Why is it so hard for some of you folks to grasp that there is a memo (the subject of this post) and there is an IG report?"
The memo is itself a summary document of thousands of source documents coming from different areas of the govt, including the FBI, the DOJ as well as the Inspectors General office (which is how we got the emails).
So yes, the 4 page summary memo is not the thousands of source documents OR the official report from Horowitz due in Feb.
But there will be significant overlap between all sources since the information from the DOJ/NSA/FBI amongst others will be part of the IG Report.
Wouldn't one need to ask why McCabe was given such a great exit, if the IG report says he's uber awful?
McCabe still gets what he was going to get. I.e., full retirement when his job ends in March.
But, now he gets six weeks off until then.
Why not fired?
The ball of yarns wound to cover-up Obama spied, Clinton colluded, DNC denied did not harm Obama, Clinton, DNC, or affiliated journolists.
Clearly, we need more cowbell. More cowbell, NYT.
And with todays revelation that it was likely McCabe who initiated the conversation with Priebus way back when and then set up the White House with leaks to make it look like the White House was pressuring the FBI to push back on fake info.
A tactic, by the way, that Comey employed as well by telling Trump 3 times in private that he was NOT a target of the investigation but then in public being so coy as to imply he most certainly was.
This was apparently a ready tactic used by comey and company to continually generate fake news headlines damaging to Trump.
Which is ridiculous, since the MSM will print anything they wanted without any evidence at all. I would be all about efficiency if I were involved in the continuous fake news "leaks".
Pentagon Papers.
You haven't mistakenly interchanged references re these documents. Others in this thread have.
"Why not fired?"
He's civil service. It will take time.
Wouldn't one need to ask why McCabe was given such a great exit, if the IG report says he's uber awful?
The process involved in firing him could easily be stalled past his retirement date. This is just a way to get him out of the office immediately and save the money needed to fire him.
According to The Hill, the Nunes memo requires NO redaction.
Who exactly is "Justice Department"? Is it Sessions? If not, who is it?
Ruh roh, of course you have figure Dave Rhodes runs interference:
If the guy is as dirty as some here claim, you must take the time.
Rule of law and all.
adSs: "Wouldn't one need to ask why McCabe was given such a great exit, if the IG report says he's uber awful?
McCabe still gets what he was going to get. I.e., full retirement when his job ends in March.
But, now he gets six weeks off until then.
Why not fired"
All fair observations.
I wrote something about this on another thread.
All Wray had was the summary memo with perhaps some back up IG report info, enough to make the move he made but he is wants to wait until the full IG report in Feb.
I think the bottom line is this: the Hillary/dems/partisans at the FBI/NSA (until Rogers showed up)/DOJ did in fact pull a fast one to conduct spying for the Hillary campaign against a domestic political opponent.
No biggee. Hillary would win and it all gets buried.
BTW, I suspect we will see that this spying on Americans did not start with Trump and goes much further back.
Lets face it, it was probably just too tempting for those who are close to these systems/data/info to keep themselves from doing it. There have been reports that employees have been reprimanded for checking up on spouses and girl/boy friends, etc. Easy to believe.
But then Hillary lost and things get ugly. There's a danger of exposure. Terrible exposure.
The spying continues as part of a plan to keep Trump from assuming power. It's a clumsy plan because its a last minute thingy and there are other issues that might come out as well (going easy on the Clintons for about 20 years).
Well, you are Wray. You have to clean the mess up, keep it under wraps to maintain the reputation of the Bureau, but still hold some people accountable in some way to send a message to the rank and file who have been screaming for years about corruption and politicization at the top.
Unfortunately for Wray, there is an avalanche of information already in the pipeline ready to come out that he has to deal with. The classic, "yeah, thanks for the promotion..." scenario for him.
I won't even bother talking about Hillary because we all know what she is about.
I'm more interested in Wray and Mueller.
You people are still for investigating HRC's emails.
Seems like time and money are easy to come by. When you want to save America from the libs.
nti-de Sitter space: "You people are still for investigating HRC's emails."
Was that directed at me?
adSs, assuming that was directed at me then...?
If so, we just had a Jordan Peterson/Cathy Newman exchange.
It is Inspector General Horowitz who was tasked with investigating how the investigation into Hillary's email was handled.
We'll have those answers in Feb.
Unless you are arguing for Horowitz to take the results of his year-long investigation and just burn it to shield you from uncomfortable news.
"You people are still for investigating HRC's emails. "
No need. She broke the law. Move to the punishment phase. Simple.
BTW TTR, you were sitting heavy on your high horse months ago calling Trump and all his supporters treasonous traitors for working with the Russians.
A charge that the dems have basically all but abandoned.
I wonder if you ask yourself why that might be?
Tucker is out with a pretty detailed summary of the Memo.
No fair! Only Dem-friendly FBI an DOJ personnel are allowed to selectively leak and spread information/misinformation--that's how things are supposed to work.
Stupid Republicans releasing info themselves...that's downright dangerous!
Treason, treason I say.
I was responding to the folks who said McCabe should get to walk w/ the dough because it'd take too much time and money to stand up for American freedom and bring him to justice.
We don't need new email investigations because the DJT admin already settled that. We already know that the FBI investigation into HRC was handled badly: according to the official DJT administration, the reason for firing Comey was that the FBI was too harsh to HRC.
Come on. You gotta admit they were shoving a pile of shit down all of our throats w/ that one. Right?
The BALLS on the NYTimes, by the way, complaining that making confidential/secret info public might be harmful to the nation.
That's, like, half of their reason for existing!
Wikipedia - Terrorist Finance Tracking Program - NYTimes' Disclosure Controversy
That took me 30 seconds to find. FUCK the Media.
adss wrote:
Seems like time and money are easy to come by. When you want to save America from the libs.
They are easy to come by when trying to save America from anybody.
It is "interesting" - the exits of Comey, Bannon and Priebus plus the appointment of Kelly plus the fact that the exiled Obama heads of the CIA and NSA are now no longer in the loop - how the leaks have slowed to a trickle.
For a bumbling idiot, Trump seems remarkably effective.
Ace nails it:
The left always reveal their own tactics when they accuse you of it.
Yes and they were the venue for the stuixnet revelation, through general cartwright, that strzok is supposed related. As well as revealing the double agent inside ASAP, the surveillance networks we had In Afghanistan.
This is a big deal!
The Memo reports on a Criminal Treasonous collusion by the top level FBI guys in cooperation with the Obama DOJ and CIA to rig the 2016 election for Hillary and thereby to cover up Obama's career of Treason.
Nobody wants to believe that. But the chances are that our totally corrupt FBI and the world rulers at the CIA will have to be shut down and re-staffed with honest people.
At the same time about a third of the GOP Congress guys are taking the offer to resign and stay out of jail. But the Dems were not offered that deal, and they will be prosecuted.
"Dangerous to whom?" is the question of the day, and I think the NYT does not like the answer.
The problem is that so much about the Russian collusion thang has already been exposed as ungrounded, so trying to form the narrative that this is all about Republican propaganda is doomed to fail for mostly-objective observers.
If the Russian collusion thing was false, then we have a politically-motivated attempt to intervene in our election. That is dangerous to our democracy.
My deep resentment will be aimed at those who try to obfuscate the truth.
I agree with others in this thread - I want to see the IG's report that raised the questions about McCabe.
I want transparency. We are in an awful fix and we need to shine the light on our mess before anyone can possibly clean it up.
We note how the media is as breathless and desperate sounding as Adam Schiff.
"The Memo reports on a Criminal Treasonous collusion by the top level FBI guys in cooperation with the Obama DOJ and CIA to rig the 2016 election for Hillary and thereby to cover up Obama's career of Treason."
They sure covered their tracks. All that public jabber (incl the new FBI investigation shortly before election day (& concurrent w/ HRC polls falling)) about evil HRC did keep us from knowing about all the evil DJT wire tapping info that gathered, since it was never publicized before the election.
And the Russians did the same trick. They attacked HRC because they didn't want us to know that they were against DJT.
Show us the IG Report!
Show us the Memo!
Show us the rest of the Strzok-Page texts!
Show us the FISA application!
And, while we're at it......
Stormy Daniels - shows us your boobs!
No I'm sure there's enough of the latter on Youtube,
since it was never publicized before the election.
Please, what is the 'it' you are referring to? The wiretap was exposed in the NYT the night before the election.
Not following you.
”If the Russian collusion thing was false, then we have a politically-motivated attempt to intervene in our election. That is dangerous to our democracy.
My deep resentment will be aimed at those who try to obfuscate the truth.”
I find it truly appalling that only a dozen House Democrats have shown enough curiosity to even read the memo.
Given how Pelosi operates her caucus, I am cautiously optimistic that so many of them had the courage to go look.
That chick reporting a leak that some DJT person may have been swept up in existing surveillance between two Russian banks (server) on the day before the election is a pretty shitty way to get HRC elected, after all the years of very public investigations re her.
The real news re DJT folks and the FBI has come out after the election. That's why DJT folks are being prosecuted and making pleas.
I would say that during the campaign there was some publicity re Manafort having "problems." But, not much came of it at the time (beyond his firing, which was as much to do w/ DJT being pissed re limelight hogging). We (the public) definitely didn't have a hint of Manaforts crookedness from the POV of law enforcement. W/ him and other DJT folks, there was a lot that intelligence folks coulda used to attack DJT. But, we (the public) didn't hear that. They were publicly and repeatedly going after HRC (they did this to hide that they were anti-DJT, according to some of you).
Why aren't the Democrats horrified by the corruption at the FBI and DOJ?
Tim in Vermont: "For a bumbling idiot, Trump seems remarkably effective."
LLR and #StrongDemDefender Chuck hardest hit. Again.
It wasnt a chick, it was known fantasist Scott beauchamp who got his for editor at the new republic, frank for to front the story at slate, but the tip came from fusion gps
Louise Mensch = chick?
The funny thing, these sources all burn reporters like raju, Ross, and others and they just keep coming back for more.
Wouldn't one need to ask why McCabe was given such a great exit, if the IG report says he's uber awful?
McCabe still gets what he was going to get. I.e., full retirement when his job ends in March.
But, now he gets six weeks off until then.
Why not fired?
I keep asking myself that same question about Lois Lerner and others.
”They were publicly and repeatedly going after HRC ...”
They kept her and her associates out of jail.
If any of this holds up there is going to be a number of people doing the perp walk and its all going to point to Barack Obama.
"I keep asking myself that same question about Lois Lerner and others."
Presumably you answer yourself by noting that evil Ds were in charge then.
Presumably you don't think that DJT and Wray are evil Rs.
I dunno.
I have to wonder how much of this was known by the Trump people months ago. It would certainly explain Trump's sufferance of Mueller. In the worldview of the Ingas and ARMs, everyday the heroic Mueller drives ever closer to bringing the villainous Trump to account. What happens to that narrative, and the people who spun it, when it's shown that the whole thing was dumbshow to cover for the Democrat's abuses?
Trump, in his favored style, dramatically exonerated.
Democrats and the MSM shamed and beclowned.
And best of all (and the real point of waiting this long), a drumbeat of resignations, indictments, and tales of Democrat malfeasance, in the months leading up to the mid-terms.
Original Mike said...
I find it truly appalling that only a dozen House Democrats have shown enough curiosity to even read the memo.
That's 12 more house Democrats then looked at the evidence Ken Starr collected- that we can't see in our foreseeable lifetimes. And more than the number of senators of both parties who looked at it.
What is the first clue that the shit will hit the fan for the Leftists?
No comments from Frau Inga and LLR Chuck.
Even Ritmo gave up and mailed it in.
"They kept her and her associates out of jail."
OK. But, can we agree that they must be pretty dumb if they think that the way to help elect her is to run her through the wringer publicly (incl a new investigation days before the election that happened to coincide w/ her polls dropping), and to completely sit on all the dirt they have on DJT related investigations (to the point of not even publicly acknowledging that the investigations exist)?
Likewise, presumably the Russians coulda been smarter re their efforts to elect HRC. It seems like carefully timing data dumps to hurt her weren't too helpful to her.
I know many of y'all are all riled up about the deep state trying to elect HRC. But, presumably logic is still w/in your grasp.
I dunno.
No he didn't but he had to get past that iron wall Obama had built up, first sally Yates then boente, who was in charge of fara, he thought moving coney was the lay step, but the swamp is more like a minefield, ringed with razor wire. Behind mm stood mccabe, then rybicki and prietap. The second stepped down recently, the last may have turned.
“Why not fired?”
Because he is a career federal employee, protected by Civil Service laws, that require due process (Comey was a political appointee, who could be fired). It would very likely have taken far more than his remaining 6 week’s to actually fire him. I have heard upwards of a year or so.
“and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections.”
Which is the goal. Better be some meat in that sammich
Rantburg is a good place to keep following.
I forgot about Priebus. He could have been a casualty or set up.
So is McCabe lawyered up already?
”OK. But, can we agree that they must be pretty dumb if they think that the way to help elect her is to run her through the wringer publicly (incl a new investigation days before the election that happened to coincide w/ her polls dropping), and to completely sit on all the dirt they have on DJT related investigations (to the point of not even publicly acknowledging that the investigations exist)?”
No, we can’t agree. They did have to worry about their whitewash of her crimes, so they made a show of “being tough”. But what was the actual harm? Everybody knew Hillary was going to win.
As to “all the dirt” they had on DJT, unless Mueller pulls a rabbit out of his hat, it appears there was no dirt. Remember, they knew all the dossier stuff was manufactured, since they did the manufacturing.
The day that the House memo is made public will be remembered by historians as the day the Democratic Party went from being sick to being terminal.
Also from Rantburg I think via a post on a conservative site:
...There is a very strong possibility that U.S. District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras was forcibly recused by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, because Contreras is also the FISA Court Judge who signed-off on the 2016 FISA application (warrant) that led to the wiretapping and surveillance of General Flynn. That FISA application is now being questioned.
The initial media report stated Judge Contreras "was recused" implying the decision was ultimately put upon him. However, I repeat, if there was a conflict on December 7th, 2017 wouldn’t that same conflict have existed on December 1st (Flynn pleading).?
If the conflict did exist on December 1st, 2017, why did Contreras even allow himself to preside over the first hearing of General Mike Flynn’s rather odd guilty plea?
I read awhile ago Flynn might have a case to negate his case.
They didn't need to keep investigating her. They didn't, after finding nothing to prosecute, need to thrash her publicly (Comey). They didn't need to start the investigation that coincided w/ her polling drop days before the election.
DJT has folks going who are pleaing and being prosecuted for things that happened before DJT was elected. And, the gov was looking at these things contemporaneously. But, they did it w/o leaks and w/o weaponizing the info to hurt DJT.
And, the Russians (who we are now told were supporting HRC) strategically slow-rolled dirt to hurt HRC.
You can keep saying that this is the logical way for the deep state and Russia to take down DJT and elect HRC. I actually think it's funny.
Carry on.
"If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context...."
The memo will be savaged regardless because REPUBLICAN.
As for the DOJ's warnings, I understood that they were concerned because they had not read the memo yet claimed it might compromise national security.
Who cares what they say? Judicial Watch has spent millions in court to force DOJ/FBI to disclose materials they are obliged to disclose under the FOIA. This has not changed with Trump's ascendance. Both agencies are Obama-corrupted.
BTW Bruce,
Did ya see that a town in your sorta hood was at the top of the heap:
I really like that place.
Occasionally think about picking up a house there.
"If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context and the non-cherry facts and demonstrate an alternative narrative, and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections."
Spot on.
Howdy, was very good at looking at his shoes, but in terms of investigating only judicial watch and peter schweitzer found any actual facts.
”They didn't need to keep investigating her. They didn't, after finding nothing to prosecute, need to thrash her publicly (Comey). They didn't need to start the investigation that coincided w/ her polling drop days before the election.”
Comey got cold feet. He thought he needed one more swat. Again, her victory was in the bag.
”DJT has folks going who are pleaing and being prosecuted for things that happened before DJT was elected. And, the gov was looking at these things contemporaneously. But, they did it w/o leaks and w/o weaponizing the info to hurt DJT.”
This isn’t right. Flynn was after the election. Papa was after the election. Manafort didn’t have anything to do with the election.
”You can keep saying that this is the logical way for the deep state and Russia to take down DJT and elect HRC.”
I’ve never said that.
And yet these same people are celebrating THE POST?
Our media is schizophrenic.
I expect to fully disappointed by the memo.
What was the post about, one disgruntled think tank employee bureaucrat. Who had one serious judgement issues (Cecil curry and most recently max boot, pointed out a few) leaked a narrow study of decisionmaking in the previous three adninistrations.
DNC/MSM will create a Democrat corruption minimizing narrative. It's what the crooks and the mediaswine do. It's why Hillary and Obama have not been prosecuted for the email game.
They are the swamp.
What do you mean will, you can hear the early draft in CNN and MSNBC.
Papadopoulos was re lying about how he was coordinating w/ Russians while working for DJT.
Flynn likewise was caught lying about his entanglements (not talkin' Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen) that occurred before the election.
Both were hiding dirt. Just as the so-called deep state was hiding this dirt, before the election.
And, my jabber re your head in the sand was a paraphrase.
Who, in the FBI, ordered the laptops from hillary's pals to be destroyed instead of maintaining them as evidence, which they were?
Why did the FBI hide the fact that one of the "Senior Government Officials" who knowingly sent emails to Hillary on her non-secure server was.....Barack Obama. Obama used a pseudonym and the FBI "investigators" (hiders of facts) changed the original report which identified obama to the much more innocuous "Senior Government Official".
Oh, right. Well, he was certainly a Sr govt official alright.
Of course, you will all recall obama telling the nation that he had no idea nor info about Hillary's server....even though he had used it to send her emails.
No wonder the FBI was never going to do anything about it. If they did, obama would be caught up in it, and there is no way that was going to happen.
That would be "racist" and any FBI agent who exposed that would have found themselves assigned to duty to the worst s***-hole in the world in about 10 nano-seconds.
Yes she exaggerates the prelude to 9/11, and leaves put they weren't read into stellar wind till march 2004, which is very significant.
"Papadopoulos was re lying about how he was coordinating w/ Russians while working for DJT"
Begun the soft civil war has.
The FBI did not have to take down Trump. All they had to do is keep Hillary from being indicted. Everyone “knew” she was fully capable of getting herself elected.
But Drago,
Is it funny when Sessions gets away w/ the same lie:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians"
"Everyone “knew” she was fully capable of getting herself elected."
Yes she was, w/ a nice buffer in the polling, but then the FBI decided to go public w/ a new investigation of her days before the election, which happened to coincide w/ her dropping in the polls.
Move along, nothing to see here. Move along.
And, now we're also supposed to believe that the Russians were strategically dumping shit on her because they wanted to defeat DJT.
Got it.
Sessions is a Russian spy? You beclown yourself.
“If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context and the non-cherry facts and demonstrate an alternative narrative, and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections.”
Exactly what will happen.
Nice paraphrase.
What's good for the goose....
”Yes she was, w/ a nice buffer in the polling, but then the FBI decided to go public w/ a new investigation of her days before the election, which happened to coincide w/ her dropping in the polls.”
Did you read that in “What Happened”?
This is what fusion has done for a year and a half, it recycled undated rumors from fab sources and laundered them into intelligence documents.
If polling data did track as I described it, would that indicate that the FBI had sabotaged HRC?
When you are up against the Deep State, revealing the truth is "extraordinarily reckless." Progs don't take kindly to having their Narrative exploded. Republicans will be "horrifically vulnerable."
But at leas they will be vulnerable for a good reason, trying to shine a light on the swamp.
The question is which comes first-- their drowning or its draining.
Exactly what will happen.
1/29/18, 9:46 PM
LOL, Inga has her crystal ball out again. Because it's worked so well for her in the past!
Clueless and arrogant, our resident dullard smears shit on her face everyday in the comments section here.
I think it's easy to forget how much the "deep state" hid what it knew about DJT folks jabbering/interacting w/ Russians.
That Sessions thing was in January, just as there were hints becoming public. So the inquiry re Russians was not well considered.
If Sessions were in the same confirmation hearing but today, he'd be asked in all sorts of ways what he was doing w/ Russians. Before the election, the BHO administration hid all of this stuff (that we're now immersed in) from the public.
But, they carved up HRC for the public. And so did the Russians. Now we're told they did this to help HRC.
Oh! Another one of the Althouse psychopaths drops in! What fun!
”If polling data did track as I described it, would that indicate that the FBI had sabotaged HRC?”
No. Correlation is not causation.
And I’m not sure what you’re argueing. Are you actually claiming that the FBI actively sabotaged Hillary? MacAuffle should ask for his money back.
Sunshine makes the best disinfectant. Why are lefties so worried about this? Other than team blue taking a massive hit. Are goo goo liberals really deader than the proverbial do do bird?
Let’s see, how many are there now?
2.The Nursing Home Psychologist, Fanciso D
3.The LiverMoron, Bruce RP
What?! Only 4 seems like I’m missing someone, or two.
“Why are lefties so worried about this?”
I’m not worried at all. I think you folks are going to end up with egg on your faces.
“If the Republicans really have simply built a "narrative" with "cherry-picked facts" and "little or no context," the memo will be savaged as others supply the context and the non-cherry facts and demonstrate an alternative narrative, and the Republicans will lose credibility and be horrifically vulnerable in the fall elections.”
Oh yes, how could I forget Curious George the dumb monkey?! Sorry George.
Welp. That's the end of this thread.
Sure, your Stat101 makes sense.
But, if ya wanna get all technical, it's even more of a stretch to get to:
In future elections we need to have the deep state (i.e. government law enforcement) attack the Ds shortly before election day.
Likewise, the Russians need to keep attacking Ds during our elections.
And, then we'll conclude that these attacks are proof that the deep state and the Russians are trying to help the Ds.
I think it's cool that so many of you want to say that up is down.
Interesting minds.
Inga said...
Oh! Another one of the Althouse psychopaths drops in! What fun!
1/29/18, 10:25 PM
And you're the Village Idiot.
Creepy spectre board members is who were also had a lot to loose
“And you're the Village Idiot.”
And you’re the bitter childless spinster in her early 60’s. No wonder no one ever married you.
Notice how the (fake) narrative has shifted from 'It is all lies' to 'the facts have been cherry-picked'. This admits the factuality of the matter. Next stage will probably be 'It is so unfair!'
Fasten seat-belt, prepare popcorn.
Bay Area Guy desperately pleaded...
Stormy Daniels - shows us your boobs!
Stormy Daniels' boobs? I got yer Stormy Boobs right here!
Too big for my tastes.
Hers are "Boom ba Boom ba Boom".
The ones I like are "Bip ba Bip ba Bip".
De gustibus...
Headlines on the CNN Web page:
Trump's war on Russia probe reaches new peak
The President zeroes in on Justice Department brass as Washington heads toward political crisis
Republican lawmaker: Trump at war with his own government
Comey: McCabe stood tall when 'small people' tried to destroy FBI
Analysis: What the surprise resignation tells us about Trump
Trump declines to impose new Russia sanctions
CNN never fails to disappoint.
Inga said...
Oh! Another one of the Althouse psychopaths drops in! What fun!
1/29/18, 10:25 PM
I know, right? De Shitter is on FIYUH!
I have a good friend that continues to watch CNN and he is totally in the dark about most of what is being reported in the NYT much less Drudge. He's very much like the japanese public being told about glorious victories but noticing how after each "victory" the U.S got closer to Japan.
Wrong FullLoony.
I never worked in a nursing home, and I don’t know any LPN named Shouting Thomas. I can kick ass with the best of them and I defend myself.
adSs: "Is it funny when Sessions gets away w/ the same lie:
"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians""
Sure, passing meeting in hallways or conference centers constitutes "communications with the Russians".
You know who had deep, deep, collaborative communications with the Russians and purposely injected Russian disinformation into our electoral processes...on purpose?
Yep, your pals.
And to cover it up, they pulled the old lefty projection-switcheroo.
And they would have gotten away with it too, if hadn't been for the meddling Trump/Deplorables!
Gk1: "I have a good friend that continues to watch CNN and he is totally in the dark about most of what is being reported in the NYT much less Drudge"
Very common on the left.
That's why they are always stunned when things occur later on because all the precursor activities/outcomes are hidden.
It's always amusing to read the NYT/WaPo/CNN articles when they are forced to finally, FINALLY, have to begin sharing some of the most basic details of what had actually been occuring prior to having to explain why something has happened.
Earlier today I relayed the anecdote of a conversation I had with a lefty who still swore up and down that Trump had removed the MLK bust from the Oval Office.
Even when I told them to look it up on CNN they simply refused. Trump got rid of the MLK bust, and that's that!
Yes indeed and as I said before it’s a cesspool once again and you are the creature who lives on the bottom.
“....being reported in the NYT much less Drudge"
“Very common on the left.”
The left reads the NYTs, lol.
How does the liberal press walk back its hysterical pushing of this russia nonsense? How do they simply say "nevermind" after we have proof of FBI & DOJ involvement in pushing the phony dossier?. Isn't it funny I've noticed very recently the press has dropped the pretense there was anything of value in the Steele report after trying to defend it as being more than about peeing prostitutes and that it has verified information in it. Verified what? Russia was a nation state in Europe? You know if it had anything true and damaging to trump it would have leaked long ago.
Because its like cesium or cobalt, these stories are meant to be toxic, like poisoning a well, sometimes like Bernie bro hopkinson they act on their delusion.
Release the memo and release all the DoJ/FBI material that it references- all of it. This issue needs transparency cubed- nothing less is called for, or likely to be effective.
As for "cherry picked facts"- well, they are still facts by admission. You are welcome to fill in whats missing, right?
And if you closely read the left-leaning press, their arguments are contradicting each other- either the memo is based falsehoods who public release endangers nothing, or the memo is based on real facts whose release could well damage DoJ/FBI operations. I think it is all but certain to based on the material the DoJ has given to the committee, and I accept that releasing it could cause some damage, but not releasing it is the more dangerous path now. If you ever want some of us trusting bureaucrats in D.C. again, you have to give us some fucking reason to do so that ain't the NYTimes telling there is stuff I can't be allowed to see here.
We need true, and unprecedented transparency on this- nothing less will do. I would hope people like Inga could agree with this, though I know she won't.
All is proceeding as I have foreseen. We have known what these people have done for almost a year now.
Everyone should be rejoicing in the end of this corrupt regime and the opportunity to see true criminals and traitors brought to justice. It is probably too much to hope that pieces of shit like McCabe and Obama are hung like they deserve to be. But it will restore the rule of law and reinforce we are a Republic that values justice when they are sent to jail.
If you are still supporting the Russian "Collusion" investigation, Mueller, Obama or any of the other traitors at this point you deserve their fate.
Knowing the left I expect violence and gibbering howls of "RAAACCIISTT!"
Going to be a long hot summer.
"Release the memo and release all the DoJ/FBI material that it references- all of it. This issue needs transparency cubed- nothing less is called for, or likely to be effective."
Realistically not all the supporting documentation can be declassified. For example, last spring, or so, Nunes went to the SCIF at the EOB to read the last months of Obama PDBs, which apparently contained a lot of unmasked 702 information about the Trump team. The PDB distribution list had grown quite bit from when Kissinger was the only other recipient of it under Nixon to > 30 people under Obama, including political staff like Ben Rhodes. The use of PDBs got around the compartmentalized information issue that normally would have kept the political side from being able to see alleged national security information that included information about political opponents (US Persons in the US), by having the White House take ownership of the combined information product. PDBs though are highly classified and hard to declassify, because, by their very nature, they contain the latest intelligence about hot spots around the world. Their political weaponization appears to have been one of a number of coordinated small steps, none egregious enough on their own to get the attention of the FISC for violating FISA or the 4th Amdt, but together allowed the political weaponization by the Obama Administration of the NSA's vast 702 databases of much of the electronic communications from around the world, including of Anerican citizens. The downside though, is that if brought to light, this use of PDBs will likely implicate Obama himself, since PDBs are tailored to the needs of the President himself, and he is the ultimate consumer of such. That is their primary purpose, and, as such, a President cannot claim plausible deniability of their contents (despite Obama apparently skipping better than half of his daily briefings - something that neither President on either side of him in office ever skipped).
I think I need to spend some time at the range. In the meantime I think that the GOP needs to rescind Washington, DC, Home rule so Republican politicians can carry concealed handguns for self defense. Inga and anti-shitter strike me as crazy enough to go full Hopkinson.
One of the funniest parts of the desperate Dem party spin here is that after the vote to declassify the memo, the Democrats on the committee put their own memo up for a similar vote, which also lost on a party line vote. They then went directly to the MSM to complain about the political aspect of the release. Since the TV interviews were already setup, it was clearly a setup. But the key thing that they failed to disclose to the MSM interviewing them for TV was that they never showed the committee the actual memo that they were ostensibly trying to get declassified. Rather the Republicans were being asked to vote to declassify some document that Adam Schiff was waiving around, but not letting them see. Hilarious.
"I think I need to spend some time at the range."
Was heading there (here) yesterday (Monday), but got sidetracked. Tried to shoot Friday, but there was a 45 minute wait (because I didn't have reservations, but haven't needed them before). I am still shooting up the ammo that my stepson and daughter-in-law regifted me for Cristmas. Had left 5-600 rounds with them when driving through, a year or so ago, because we were going somewhere where you couldn't bring it. Trying to get the range twice a week, like I was doing back in CO, but am getting sidetracked a lot by my better half since the first of the year. Maybe today (Tuesday).
Gk1 said...
I have a good friend that continues to watch CNN and he is totally in the dark about most of what is being reported in the NYT much less Drudge. He's very much like the japanese public being told about glorious victories but noticing how after each "victory" the U.S got closer to Japan.
1/29/18, 11:30 PM
LMFAO! I see democrats as more akin to the populace of Nazi Germany. Democrats uber alles. Near deification of their political leaders. A party whose leaders are liars and sociopaths. A propaganda machine that demonizes political opponents and undesirables and advocates for their dissolution. A political party that employs dirlewangers to mob and assault opposition gatherings. A party that engages in election fixing and voter fraud. A political party that is adamantly atheist. All supported by party faithful, true believers, and the mesmerized who see nothing... Nothing!
"In the meantime I think that the GOP needs to rescind Washington, DC, Home rule so Republican politicians can carry concealed handguns for self defense. Inga and anti-shitter strike me as crazy enough to go full Hopkinson."
The better solution is national concealed carry reciprocity, which I still think has a decent chance at passage, esp this election year. Don't really need a permit here in AZ, but have one anyway. I think that is how I picked up NM, which I don't think has reciprocity with CO. And it helped me get one in MT without more classes, where you need a CCW permit, or to carry openly, inside cities and towns. That leaves WA of the states that I frequent. WA doesn't do much reciprocity, but does allow out of state permits, but requires a personal visit to the Sherriff's office (unlike AZ, which can be done by mail). Just didn't get it done last year whenever we were there. Which is why I want reciprocity. For one thing, lack of reciprocity keeps us out of CA and OR. Normally, this sort of thing would be hard to get through the Dems in the Senate, but they have maybe 25 seats up for reelection this time, and a bunch of those are from Red and/or Trump states with permissive concealed carry laws, and the last thing that they need this year is being downgraded by the NRA. IN MT, for example, you can pretty well guarantee that there will be campaign ads showing Jon Tester with a shotgun (as well as old pictures of him driving the family combine - old because he is probably too fat to get up there anymore). Which won't help him in the least if he votes against reciprocity. As I said, best chance in a long time of getting it passed. Name it after the Congressman who was shot by the Berniebot.
Re: pdb ... Is there content provided by FBI also?
In fact, all this started in 2008 when the original deals were cut and the fiefs divided up.
Justice under Holder? What a joke.
Foreign Policy under Hillary? A disaster.
Governance and openness under Obama?
Welcome to 1984 where the Ministry of Information was under the control of Weinstein and company.
How lucky we are in this season of our lives.
and if the repubs have NOT simply built a narrative? if there are FACTS and DATA?
if the memo were like G Rivera and Al Capones vault, then the Dems should stand aside and let the repubs destroy themselves.
“Re: pdb ... Is there content provided by FBI also?”
Got to be some. Maybe even some of the unmasked 702 info on the Trump team. But I expect that most of it is DoD, CIA, NSA, and State depts.
"Inga said...
Oh yes, how could I forget Curious George the dumb monkey?! Sorry George."
This is my first post in the thread dullard. You probably were confused by exiledonmainstreet using the term "resident dullard," or maybe just by some shiny thing.
Your posts are telling....nothing really to say but parroting Althouse.
Two thoughts:
It's not going to end well for you again, so start thinking of your next "name" as you once again try to bury your past.
It's become clear how Trump is going to build the wall. He's going to use the bricks that Democrats are shitting over The Memo.
Sorry, misspoke about the Dem memo. Will apparently be available to the entire House in their SCIF. This is going to be interesting to see how it plays out. Schiff has claimed all along that there is evidence that Trump worked with the Russians. He has seen it, but no one else has. All classified, etc. Probably that Trump is a child molester too. At least that he isn’t properly Woke. And gets extra scoops of ice cream n his Big Macs. We can’t see his evidence though because it is all classified. Should be fun.
Headlines on the CNN Web page:
Trump's war on Russia probe reaches new peak
CNN never fails to disappoint.
Doing the ritual morning flip through the newsfeeds, I'm surprised that I can still be surprised by how cack-handed the propaganda is. Bottom-of-the-barrel Soviet propaganda from the '30s had more finesse than this stuff. And it's getting dumber and crazier by the day.
C'mon guys, we know you're shameless lackeys, but that's no excuse for not taking any pride in your work. Putting out propaganda of any quality is not a noble calling, but good propaganda is, in its way, an art. It's painful to see the press tools of a nation that once put a man on the moon put out propaganda that wouldn't make the grade in Shitholistan.
Oh yes, how could I forget Curious George the dumb monkey?!
Curious George was a clever monkey.
"Angel-Dyne said...
Oh yes, how could I forget Curious George the dumb monkey?!
Curious George was a clever monkey."
Not was. Is.
No he’s a dumb monkey, very very dumb, a dullard.
Corruption excusing democrats see nothing wrong with corrupt democrats.
...If we’d seen a Hillary Clinton victory in November 2016, which was supposed to be a sure thing, there would now be no scandals at all.
That is, the current players probably broke laws and committed ethical violations not just because they were assured there would be no consequences but also because they thought they’d be rewarded for their laxity. . . .
If we consider the mentality of government elite careerists, we see that the election-cycle machinations and later indiscretions of Strzok and Page were not liabilities at all. They were good investments. They signaled their loyalty to the incoming administration and that they were worthy of commendation and reward.
Hillary Clinton’s sure victory certainly also explains the likely warping of the FISA courts by FBI careerists seeking to use a suspect dossier to surveille Trump associates — and the apparent requests by Samantha Power, Susan Rice, and others to read surveilled transcripts of Trump associates, unmask names, and leak them to pet reporters. Again, all these insiders were playing the careerist odds. What we view as reprehensible behavior, they at the time considered wise investments that would earn rewards with an ascendant President Hillary Clinton.
Media are in bed with the democrat party. Their reaction and breathless panic prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Media panic on behalf of their party
"Inga said...
No he’s a dumb monkey, very very dumb, a dullard."
That's just so pathetically weak it's sad.
If one wishes to argue the FBI worked against Hillary, you'd need to explain why they raided Manafort's house while he was cooperating while giving immunity to anybody they could in the Hillary case.
And why would Trump winning the nomination have any bearing on the email investigation?
Don't the House Republicans know that it is the job of the New York Times to publish classified material? Who are these people to think they have this authority?
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