January 21, 2018

"One year into the Donald Trump administration, Oklahomans generally seem happy with the results, even if they don’t always appreciate the president’s style."

"'I thought he would really be good for the economy, and I feel like he’s got that off to a good start,' said Sage Smith of Claremore, who was interviewed near downtown Tulsa last week. 'A lot of people feel like his antics on Twitter go a little too far,' Smith said. 'It doesn’t bother me that much. But, being president, he probably shouldn’t do some of that.'"

The view from Oklahoma, recounted in "'He's done some amazing things': One year into his presidency, Trump remains a favorite in Oklahoma" (Tulsa World).

Why is Althouse reading Tulsa World? Is she traveling? No, I stumbled into Oklahoma as a result of the images searches done for the previous post, which got me to "Table Talk: Tulsa's 'Rosie the Riveter' to speak at VFW brunch" ("The 94-year-old [Marina] Metevelis was 16 when Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941. She applied for a job at the Wichita (Kansas) aircraft plant where B-17 Flying Fortresses were manufactured, and she became a riveter her senior year in high school").

That's from October 2016, back when TV news-talk-show people were telling us the election was over, and Hillary had won...

Confession: I rewatch videos like that frequently.

AND: Michael Moore's "5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win" was the most prescient thing anyone had to say before the election. I think people thought he was just kidding and trying to be provocative to get attention.


Danno said...

Donald Trump will not be President. You can take that to the bank!

Prescient wisdom from Nancy Pelosi, NOT!

Danno said...

I tried watching it all, but they were too smug and sanctimonious for me.

Curious George said...

Hey, is that #IngaKnew in the video? Nope, my mistake. It was Harry Reid.

Jaq said...

That video at the end is Hllarious. No wonder they can’t accept the election. Makes one wonder how they continue to trust their judgement so utterly and completely, though.

rhhardin said...

Trump's style is the best thing about him. He's killing media idiot-targeted coverage, coverage that's been widely hated for years.

Rusty said...

Gets old.
Heads exploding like "Mars Attacks".

traditionalguy said...

Those filled with a smug certainty they knew the outcome had one thing in common. They knew the system was professionally RIGGED.

Oso Negro said...

Tulsa World is probably a more wholesome read than the New York Times.

Heartless Aztec said...

Schadenfruede deluxe on steriods. I love this stuff. My personal fave? John Oliver.
My vite for most prescient is for Scott Adams though prescient might not be quite the right word. "Reasoned" might work better.

Jaq said...

It’s the same reason why all the initial news and eyewitness reports on 9/11 said “a small plane accidentally flew into the World Trade Center. - Michael Moore

Who famously carped that the terrorists were attacking their friends in NYC who voted Democrat! Why didn’t they attack Oklahoma? He deleted the post soon after, before getting into a long conspiracy theory thing. Probably because he figured that Bush was the one behind the targeting of Democrats. Or worse ... <--- elipsis pronounced Dum Dum Dummm ♩ ♩ ♭ ♩) the invisible puppet masters behind the drooling idiot!

But seriosly, MM, a lot of people believed that voting for the buffoon was in their interests! Not everybody thinks that being sheared like sheep every payday to pay people to vote for the sheep shearers is really in their, you know, "best interest.”

Jaq said...

Hillary Clinton believed the John Oliver thing and encouraged her friends in the press to write about him daily, we know this from Wikileaks. So you all can blame her, Democrats.

Leland said...

I never listened to an Obama speech. I may have heard a few words here or there, but not like when I was a kid and tuned into Reagan. I have to say I quit listening to Presidents from time to time, sometime during the W Administration. So far, I haven't listened to a Trump speech, at least not while he's been President.

I don't know about Oklahomans, but I really don't care about style. I don't observe it. I judge on substance.

Curious George said...

This video is better.

David Begley said...

I was against Ronald Reagan because of his style. I thought he was just an actor. I paid no attention to the substance. Many, many young people are making the same mistake about Trump.

Paco Wové said...

I confess I prefer the Edvard Grieg version of that video.

Tommy Duncan said...

Obama and Trump are the bookends of American politics.

Obama's smarmy elitist attitude, sharp pants crease, and socialist agenda agitated everyday conservative leaning Americans.

Trump's crude, effective and results oriented populism is driving the liberal elites over the edge.

The pendulum swung hard after 8 years of Obama.

As I've said before: I don't like Trump's style, but I'd vote for him again in a heartbeat. Trump has changed American politics. Results now matter more than popularity, which should scare the Democrat Party.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump's relationship with the truth helps him with the shutdown.

Because Trump is not known for his honesty, it compels a higher standard of honesty from those who are least likely to be honest about him.

That may explain why the shutdown coverage (with the exception of CNN) is not uniform throughout the main stream press. At least, that's my impression.

Fabi said...

I'm also a big fan of those compilations and have enjoyed them weekly since Trump's historic victory over Felonia Milhaus Von Pantsuit. I'd also like to see a mash-up of talking heads braying "no path to 270".

Tank said...

Leland said...

I never listened to an Obama speech. I may have heard a few words here or there, but not like when I was a kid and tuned into Reagan. I have to say I quit listening to Presidents from time to time, sometime during the W Administration. So far, I haven't listened to a Trump speech, at least not while he's been President.

I don't know about Oklahomans, but I really don't care about style. I don't observe it. I judge on substance.

Generally, I too do not listen to Presidents (or candidates) speak, but Trump is FUNNY. It is great fun to watch him perform (yes, I picked that word deliberately). He is the fun candidate and the fun President and the fun warrior. He is having fun and invites you to have fun too.

Ann Althouse said...

"I confess I prefer the Edvard Grieg version of that video."

That's brilliantly concocted. When it starts going wild... very very funny.

Bruce Hayden said...

What I can't really figure out is whether the Schumer Shutdown was a forced or unforced error by the Democrats. I think that, at a minimum, it guaranteed a Republican pickup in the Senate. There were some 5 or 6 Trump or Red state Democratic Senators up for reelection this November who voted to shut the govt down for the benefit of illegal aliens, putting their welfare above that of our military forces fighting around the world, or our border patrol agents fighting drug and human smuggling gangs on our borders. They have to keep fighting, even if they, or their families back home aren't getting paid. All so that the Dems can build their permanent electoral majority through granting permanent status, and maybe even citizenship, through DACA reform, combined with chain migration, it isn't just 800k Dreamers who are at stake here, but another maybe 10 million extended family members, including the parents who illegally crossed the border themselves with their Dreamers. Sneak your kid into the country so that you too can get permanent status, if not citizenship.

The point is that Schumer and the Dems let their crazies push them into his shutdown. Republicans aren't going to look see any votes over the shutdown. Trump ran on immigration, and won. Besides, he showed himself willing to work with the Democrats. They just won't give an inch. They are holding out to the bitter end for the 10 million, not content with the 800k that the Republicans have offered. So, the Democrats are very likely to lose Senate seats as a result of the Shutdown.

Bruce Hayden said...

"Generally, I too do not listen to Presidents (or candidates) speak, but Trump is FUNNY. It is great fun to watch him perform (yes, I picked that word deliberately). He is the fun candidate and the fun President and the fun warrior. He is having fun and invites you to have fun too."

Which is why he can get his message through the filter of the MSM (Dem operatives with press passes).

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

I cannot imagine a lifestyle where I would regularly rewatch political pundits getting things wrong.

It sounds both luxurious, in the amount of free time one must have, and sad, in that you cannot find something better to do.

Jaq said...

would regularly rewatch political pundits getting things wrong.

Best to put it out of one’s head and continue under the delusion that they are always right!

Jaq said...

Besides, it’s a healthy reminder, ARM, when they fill the airwaves with whatever the latest “Truth” they have all settled on. How is the Russian collusion thing going, anyway, speaking of groupthink.

mockturtle said...

ARM bleats: I cannot imagine a lifestyle where I would regularly rewatch political pundits getting things wrong.

It sounds both luxurious, in the amount of free time one must have, and sad, in that you cannot find something better to do.

There's an inconvenient truth in there, isn't there, ARM?

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger AReasonableMan said...

"I cannot imagine a lifestyle where I would regularly rewatch political pundits getting things wrong.

It sounds both luxurious, in the amount of free time one must have, and sad, in that you cannot find something better to do."

For those of us who despise the outspoken, judgemental, smarmy and elitist leftists in the media, watching these videos is a treat.

I can understand why, as an outspoken, judgemental, smarmy and elitist leftist, you don't share that enjoyment.

dbp said...

The Obama clips were the best: Obama, so smooth and certain in his predictions, so elegant and slim in his perfectly fitted suits.

He would be a god, if only he was ever right about anything.

robother said...

Hillary Koan: What is the opposite of inevitable?


Amadeus 48 said...

"I cannot imagine a lifestyle where I would regularly rewatch political pundits getting things wrong."

Part of it is the contrast with turning on the television and watching political pundits get things wrong in real time. Remember, Althouse watches the Sunday morning yap fests. These compilation tapes (most of which are 3 to 5 minutes long) provide a healthy antidote to the erroneous, sanctimonious blather served up by ABCNBCCBSCNNFOX every week. The talking heads don't know more about the future than you and I do, and you and I are each clearer about our agendas than any of them are.

MaxedOutMama said...

Oh, my goodness, now I feel better about my habit of dealing with bad news by watching a few 2016 election clip compendiums. It always cheers me up. Before this, it was my guilty secret.

robother said...

I cannot imagine a world in which the Left now dismisses Obama, Reid and Pelosi as mere "political pundits getting things wrong."
But that appears to be the very world Reasonable Men now inhabit.

Paco Wové said...

On this gloomy wet morning, I pick up my lantern yet again, resuming my search for a reasonable man, but only ever finding a butthurt man instead, bitterly scraping sand out of his vagina.

Martha said...

My personal favorite is Matthew Dowd’s assured smug prediction on ABC’s Sunday morning show the Sunday before the election. He was so convinced there was no way Hillary! could lose....and SO SO WRONG

MATTHEW DOWD, ABC: I think she's got about a 95 chance to win this election, and I think she's going to have a higher margin than Barack Obama did in 2012. Higher margin. She's going to win by more than 5 million votes. She's going to win a higher percentage. And itnerestingly she's going to have amore diverse coalition than Barack Obama even did when you take the final vote into consideration. Every piece of data points in that direction.


Big Mike said...

Michael Moore's "5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win" was the most prescient thing anyone had to say before the election. I think people thought he was just kidding and trying to be provocative to get attention.

Telling inner city black people that they’re effectively “refugees in their own country” except that Democrats care more about real refugees was both great politics and highly accurate.

Here’s a thought experiment. What would happen to the Democrats if black people became as economically successful as, say, Asian immigrants or even Latinos? And if you read it the way I do, do the Democrats have any motive to make black people prosperous? Or are they motivated to keep black people poor and undereducated?

Charlie said...

Oklahoma is the worst state in the union. Just thought I'd mention that.

Kathryn51 said...

Paco Wové - the "Hall of the Mountain King" mash-up is my favorite as well. If I was a nnnnaaaaassssssty woman, I would post it on FB to taunt my pink-hatted friends but surprisingly, most of them didn't bother to march this year and very few posted anything yesterday. And yet one year ago, they were so certain they were going to stop the Big Cheeto. All hope is now resting on Mueller.

William said...

They're all good. What I would like is a compilation of Mark Halperin, Matt Lauer, and Charley Rose explaining why Trump can't possibly win. That would be edifying as well as entertaining.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

I love the vague formulaic complaints about Trump’s Twitter use. People that largely or even totally agree with his governance use it to soften the blow when they speak to LLR’s and smug progs. No sane person really gives a shit about what anyone puts on Twitter.

Luke Lea said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luke Lea said...

In retrospect, to me at least, Obama seems more like a preacher than a leader. A very good preacher, I might add. The content of his sermons was unexceptionally good. But it was the falling cadences, the resonance of his voice box, and of course the color of his skin, that really got us. He could do very well on Sunday morning tv.

Big Mike said...

Oklahoma is the worst state in the union. Just thought I'd mention that.

@Charlie, not as long as Arkansas hasn't yet seceded.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Amadeus 48 said...
Remember, Althouse watches the Sunday morning yap fests. These compilation tapes (most of which are 3 to 5 minutes long) provide a healthy antidote to the erroneous, sanctimonious blather served up by ABCNBCCBSCNNFOX every week. The talking heads don't know more about the future than you and I do

Which is why most people don't watch them. The only exception I make is that I sometimes click on a link at RCP to see some newsworthy clip. I can't understand people watching MSNBC or FOX on a regular basis. You know you are being fed a line of bullshit.

There are commentators who do genuinely struggle to understand what is going on and express that struggle, Douthat and Frum come to mind but there are others. But most commentators are not really thinking about reality but simply trying to frame it in a partisan way.

mockturtle said...

Their public embarrassment from being so very, very WRONG probably accounts for their continued anger.

PackerBronco said...

The only part that makes me angry in that video is the White House Correspondents Dinner scene. At one time, this dinner was an opportunity for the President to make fun of himself and the press to make fun of the President. It was a way of taking down the President a peg in a usually polite an fun way.

However, under Obama all of that changed: the humor was refocused to Obama's political opponents, specifically conservatives and Republicans. So instead of an exercise in making fun of power, it became an exercise in supporting power and suppressing dissent.

Trump was a guest at that dinner. He was not given a platform. He was not allowed to speak. And they decided to make fun of him and he had to just sit there and take it. What a bunch of jerks.

All I can say is: "F' yeah! Good for you Donald

William said...

Are there any tapes where Matt Lauer says that he doesn't want Trump to have his finger on the button? That would be schadenfreude with an extra scoop and chocolate sprinkles.

Big Mike said...

@Luke Lea, if Obama was a preacher he’d be the sort who cheats on his wife with members of the congregation and sexually abuses his daughters while speaking out against lax morals and fornication. If one looks at his rhetoric, he was a fine man and outstanding leader. If one ignores what he said and focuses on what he did and the effects of his policies, then he was a terrible human being and the worst president since Buchanan.

Mary Beth said...

Who was that guy who said Trump "doesn't do the work, he's lazy"?

Of all the things I could think of to call Trump, lazy has never been one of them.

southcentralpa said...

If you get a really bad there and you don't feel like going on an interesting walk (right from your front door), Professor, check out the PBS election night coverage. Trump's election so stunned them, it was almost like a kind of truth serum.

Che Dolf said...

Lady who theatrically dismissed Trump's significance for half the election season enjoys mockery of others who derided his candidacy. Would be more interesting if you seriously explored your own ignorance, but that looks like it will never happen.

You don't understand the country you live in. You don't understand the political culture. Incredibly, you cling to the belief you can adequately learn about these things by reading the NY Times and watching Sunday talk shows. It's like the proverbial drunk looking for her car keys under the street lamp because "that's where the light is."

If all or most of what you read is produced by Twitter blue checks, you shouldn't bother.

Lucien said...

Mark Cuban said Trump doesn't do the work, he's lazy on someone's talk show. I'm guessing he'll regret it for the rest of his life, because Trump got elected and Cuban never will.

With that said, can I mention how ARM makes me laugh? Because ARM makes me laugh.

Rick said...

this younger generation would never have to be told by the Barbara Bushes of the world that they should just shut up and go bake some cookies.

WTF is Michael Moore talking about? Is it possible for the left to say anything without revealing themselves complete and utter aholes?

PackerBronco said...

Blogger Big Mike said...
@Luke Lea, if Obama was a preacher he’d be the sort who cheats on his wife with members of the congregation and sexually abuses his daughters while speaking out against lax morals and fornication

I don't think so. I think he would be a very successful preacher. I think he would have been successful senator. He would be successful in any field that requires someone to talk and talk without necessarily having to listen to anyone else.

Lord how that man loves to hear himself talk.

wwww said...

Two of our friends live in Tulsa and they love it.

I can't watch Oliver. His political monologues are boring to me. Years ago, I think he did one on soccer that I could watch.

Leland said...

I agree that Trump is having fun, and I'm all for it on the personal level. I thought W tried to have fun as well.

My reason for tuning them out goes to my own believe of limited government. It begins by not letting government leaders live rent free on my TV and radio. I'm no purist. And I fully support Trump's tweeting. The point of the USPS was to allow government to communicate with the governed. Twitter is simply faster.

AZ Bob said...

Why should I let Trump's style bother me? Do the nasty things that Democrats say about conservatives bother them? Can you get on board with Dick Durbin saying that Republicans using the phrase "chain migration" offends blacks? That is crazy.

Amadeus 48 said...

Dick Durbin lives in his own little rat’s nest of lies, smears and cheap shots.

The Godfather said...

I was surprised that Michael Moore (of all people -- of all gross, fat, obnoxious people) got it right. And three of his five reasons Trump would win were also right. He was wrong to attribute Trump's (predicted by him) victory to white male anger. It was working class/lower middle class anger, those forgotten during the Obama adminsitration, i.e., Hillary's deplorables. They weren't all male, there were a lot of women, too, but working/middle class women had less of a tendency, like all women, to vote Republican. The Black working class/lower middle class is still trapped in the Democrats' party, but that may change; Trump is trying to reach them. And the idea that people might vote for Trump just to cause chaos (you've heard it: Why does a dog lick his balls? Because he can) doesn't describe any significant part of the American electorate, but it must make Moore feel good to think otherwise.

wbfjrr2 said...

On the anniversary of Trump being sworn in, I watched the election night coverage of each of the networks--guaranteed to fill you with joy at seeing smugness, self righteousness, total cockiness, dissolve into horror and tears. Good for the soul if you're a patriot.

One thing that didn't change throughout the night was complete groupthink by these fools.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when Joe Scarborough gave Trump all sorts of positive publicity?

Yeah - that was because he knew Trump would never win.

Gahrie said...

And the idea that people might vote for Trump just to cause chaos

If I had ended up voting for Trump, this would have been my reason.

Pianoman said...

I enjoy re-watching the pre-Election videos. I'm usually looking for substantive reasons WHY Trump would lose, but generally you just get disbelief. The classic example is the reaction to Ann Coulter, when she said Trump had the best chance of beating Clinton. The reaction was just laughter and condescension. But nobody explained the reasons why Trump was a bad candidate.

It was just Generally Known that Trump Was Bad, and there was No Way Trump Could Win. All the Top Men (TM) told me so.

Top. MEN.

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