By the way, Obama looks fabulous in the pictures. Relaxed, happy — as he usually looks, but amped up a couple notches now.
ADDED: Is Obama all things to all people? And, by the way, where does that phrase come from? It comes from the Apostle Paul:
Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law), so as to win those under the law. To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
१२४ टिप्पण्या:
Except he isn't smart, no he's not smart.
Bill Clinton -- The First Black President
Barack Obama -- The First Jewish President
Everyone wants to be first at something.
Finally, by his own admission, he is not a moderate.
Yeah, a liberal Jew. A liberal Jew who gave Iran billions and permission to build nukes.
Please go away Barack.
He convinced billions he's African-American so "basically a liberal Jew" should be a piece of cake.
That seems about right, including a fairly moralistic view of politics
Tough crowd.
The mystery is why anybody listens to Obama.
Well, that is a brand new definition of "liberal Jew"!
And not something a "liberal Jew" would say, I think.
The Judaism of many liberal Jews is indistinguishable from the Democrat platform
Liberal Jew, no. Liberal loser, hell yeah!
"Caitlyn" Jenner is a dude.
So is "Chelsea" Manning, who by the way is a patriot.
A kid illegally brought into this country is a "Dreamer."
And now Barack "Hussein" Obama is a Jew.
-Napoleon Bonaparte (Power Forward, NY Knicks)
Muslim Christian or Jew. So hard to choose these days. Obama’s been all three. Is Buddhist next?
Good that he’s through the conservative Muslim stage. That’s always the most difficult for parents.
Before the presidency, Obama was a handsome lightweight, who gave a good speech, but said nothing of substance. During his presidency, ditto. After his presidency, ditto.
"Liberal Jew" fits him pretty well.
An impressive politician, who played the game, but not a deep man.
He definitely has something in common with Liberal Jews. He hates Israel.
Waiting for the Fatwa - a Muslim declaring himself to be a Jew.
Obama would like to see himself as a liberal Jew but unfortunately he has an extremely gentile brain, if you get my drift.
Barry is an empty suit.
Hope they all joined hands after the service (do liberal Jews still have services?) and sang "Camptown Races". Doo dah, Doo dah. That would've been the culturally appropriate thing to do.
Hoping Barack the Magnificent did not utter these words within earshot of The Most Reverend Jeremiah Wright or Monsignor Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson.
A "liberal Jew" is someone who:
1) Rarely goes to temple services except when somebody cool is going to show up.
2) Has no idea why a Muslim might dislike him.
3) Does not know the when the next Passover starts except when a more orthodox relative invites him to Seder.
4) Has buried in a drawer somewhere, along with about fifty old and stained ties, a yarmulke with an embroidered peace symbol on the crown.
5) Thinks that Israel and being Jewish is like the Mafia and being Italian — an embarrassing aspect of one's ethnic heritage.
He's a legend in his own mind.
My eldest daughter had him pegged when he burst onto the national scene: "He talks a lot, but he doesn't say anything."
“Relaxed, happy.”
Why shouldn’t he be? He has pulled off one of the greatest frauds in our history, that he had the experience and qualifications to hold the highest office in the land, thanks to stamps of approval from academia, Hollywood, and our legacy media.
He's a liberal NEW YORK Jew, alright.
Embarrassed by Israel,
Worried about nonexistent Nazi's,
Not worried about Moslems who want to kill Jews (and other Non0Moslems),
Always apologizing for the White race,
Loves radical chic groups(like BLM and BDS) that want to rob and kill Jews.
What was his appearance fee, I wonder.
His eyes have a haunted look, IMO. Perceptions may vary.
Tough crowd. Actually a funny comment, which would have been seen that way by his audience.
Consistency - at least he hasn't become honest.
Weinstein is a liberal Jew. Just sayin’
Obama looks fabulous in the pictures. Relaxed, happy." Why wouldn't he? He no longer has to fake that he's working.
The presidency was about burnishing the CV, is all.
Actually a funny comment, which would have been seen that way by his audience.
See my 7:28
Okay, just for the record, I'm basically a wild ass nigger.
To prove it, of course, he needs to whip out his schlong, prove he’s been circumcised, and tell us who the mohel was who performed the bris.
He looks good in the pictures with Louis Farrakhan, too. The ones taken before his presidential run that were suppressed by the Media until now.
I thought that’s what “Oso Negro” meant.
In the span of his presidency, Europe has become a not-safe space for Jews. He was complicit with all of the libtarded wunderkind heads of state in Europe to trash their nation states and open their borders to an incompatible group* of people from the Middle East.
* The term civilization is not appropriate here.
It's just cultural appropriation, but everyone should be OK with it. Maybe tomorrow I will identify as a lesbian.
Obama's real goal was to be a former president. He isn't very smart and is basically a lazy man though he did seem to work hard at being an anti-American. He's gone through life and even became president on an affirmative action scholarship. America, you were easy.
@Big Mike - You may think of it as "Oh, so negro".
Oso Negro said...
Okay, just for the record, I'm basically a wild ass nigger.
I remember my dad buying Oso Negro in Mexico and IIRC it came with a "wild ass nigger" keychain around the bottle's neck. It was like slavery.
Wilbur Ross said it perfectly. The poor Democrat/Soros failures, and their owned Media, have run out of facts and turned to fiction to attack the President that we elected. And their fiction is at a level like the Professor noticed in Hollywood Trailers: it is sick, evil and corrupting the soul.
Oh my god Fernandistein - you said "slavery". I'm triggered.
The "composite" president.
David Begley said...
Yeah, a liberal Jew. A liberal Jew who gave Iran billions and permission to build nukes.
Yeah..did they chat about that?
I suppose the politics of that setting didn't allow it.
A lot of the top democrats are liberal Jews. Rahul Emanual is the first one that comes to mind.
It’s amazing how anti Jewish the Democratic Party has become.
This smells of damage control. Not sure for whom.
In the background are:
Trumps recognizing of Jerusalem.
Plus his threats on PLO / Palestinian funding.
No negotiations, no funding.
Disrespect for Pence by PLO.
Kerry’s advice Abbas.
Yeah. But liberal Jews no longer stand for anything except for leftist politics.
Daniel Jackson @ 7:40: what you said.
Bullshit. Pure, unadulterated, FDA-approved. The first fruits of the harvest, picked by virgins under the full moon, blessed by the officiants, pressed by hand and lovingly dispensed. Bullshit.
All he ever was.
Obama says he's "basically a liberal Jew."
Well, maybe in so far as his 'shtick' is always to pose as whatever he thinks will work for him at the time...
He's a better Jew than all the other Jews on his staff.
And in Germany he would announce, Ich bin ein Berliner.
"He looks good in the pictures with Louis Farrakhan, too. The ones taken before his presidential run that were suppressed by the Media until now."
Yeah, I just saw those. Why are those long-suppressed pictures with Louis Farrakhan being shown now? There is a reason.
Obama would like to see himself as a liberal Jew but unfortunately he has an extremely gentile brain, if you get my drift.
Goyishe kopf? Dunno, he did win a Nobel Prize, don't forget. :(
all things to all people?
In other words a Chameleon. Changing colors at will.
A flim flam man putting on a false face to get what he wants from the rubes.
Someone who has no center that you can discern because the all things to all people is like layer upon layer of stage make up and rehearsed words hiding their true (and perhaps hideous) self.
A whisp of smoke. An illusion.
No thanks to the "all things to all people". Whether I like that person or not, I'd rather take that centered, grounded and real person who you can know who they are and where they stand.
West Texas Intermediate Crude said...
And now Barack "Hussein" Obama is a Jew.
Jews spell it "Hussien", like "Al Frankenstien".
I doubt he used that joke around honorary WH resident Al Sharpton.
mockturtle said...
And in Germany he would announce, Ich bin ein Berliner.
In Austrian it is "איך בין אַ בערלינער".
who gives American tax payer dollars to the jew-hating Mullahs of Iran, on pallets.
Non Jewish people [like Obama, Pelosi, Durbin, Kamala Harris, most big city mayors, etc] who think like liberal Jews are killing this country.
How many anti-Semites can a person hang around with before it's obvious that the person is himself an anti-Semite?
And in Germany, he would announce, Ich bin ein Berliner.
That one Quaestor would believe. If anyone is jelly-filled it's Obama.
Who exactly is Obama supposed to have saved?
If Obama is short enough, maybe Trump will hire him to count his money.
all things to all people
I have principles, and if you don't like them...well I have others
In Austrian it is "איך בין אַ בערלינער".
Nope. In Austrian, it's "אני דונאט"
Barack, by me you're a Jew, and by you you're a Jew, but by a Jew are you a Jew ?
@mead That was exactly my reaction when I saw that picture . IMHO it is the liberal elite buying insurance against a big Obama scandal . I think that scandal is Obama texting sensitive material with hillary over unsecure devices, lying about it and having the FBI redact his mane from the records. That insurance is that he is really anti-Semitic.
What he’s really saying is that liberal Jews want to believe they’re basically Obama-like people. Urbane, immune to accusations of racism and wrongthink, citizens of the world. From an early age he recognized and exploited this desire in others and he’s been wildly successful at it. Utterly useless otherwise, but brilliant at managing his own PR.
Obama is a liar in slick packaging. Obama is a white boy proggie from Hawaii who succeeded in turning America into banana republic.
Obama took our hard earned dollars and funneled them into the top mega insurance corporations and other corporations like GE. All while he got his hive-mind collective to whine about CEO pay.
How The Obama Administration Raided The Treasury To Pay Off Insurers
How Obama raided the Treasury to pay off insurers
Obama administration may use obscure fund to pay billions to ACA insurers
Obama Paid Insurers Funds Meant for Treasury, Auditors Say
(mealy mouthed headline at NYT that hides Obama’s lawlessness)
ACA- funding the big guys at your expense
How Obamacare Execs Broke the Law and Cost Taxpayers Billions
After 8 years, what promise did Obama deliver on?
If you imagine him promising the opposite of what he accomplished he did very well:
I lost my doctor.
I lost my plan.
My health insurance has doubled with far less benefits.
The slowest recovery in half a century.
The most un-transparent administration in my life.
Bills passed in the dead of night with no exposure to the public in advance.
Partisanship infecting everything.
Turning back decades of advances in racial relations.
Democrats wiped out electorially across the nation.
Americans have lost what respect they had for government.
The oceans did not cease their rise.
But do you have a Jewish lawyer like Roy Moore?
Farrakhan is the lowest Jew-hating scumbag going. A Farrakhan photo with Obama grinning wide.
uh oh. Quick - Obama, lie. The Clooney clones will buy it, wholesale.
Snap your fingers, Obama, and get your hack press and the hivemind collective to stand at attention and swallow your snake-oil.
First, Paul was sincere, and became what he did to reach people and use his own story to illustrate redemption. He was a "Jew's Jew" to the extent he hunted down and persecuted Christians before his conversion on the road to Damascus. In contrast, Obama is an insincere cypher who benefited from people projecting upon him what they wanted to see and hear, and who appears to have no real center, no "beliefs" clearly expressed by which we could judge his motives.
The photog has been quoted as saying he knows the release would have had impact.
That's as far as any discussion goes in the articles I've seen.
Guess it was understood it wasn't helpful to his composite.
Paul was able to become a Jew to the Jews because he was a Jew. A Pharisee learned in the law. He was able to be gentile to the gentiles because he was also educated on Greek philosophy. Nobody was projecting their hopes and aspirations onto Paul. He was able to reach people because he understood where they were coming from.
If Obama is a Jew, he's a J-Street anti-Zionist self hating Jew
I was looking for anti-semetic bits on the family-esque $20k donation accepting Rev. Wright and saw he accused whites of inventing AIDS.
I was working in Chicago last weekend with an African-American director and DP on a documentary. Of course, TDS bubbling up between setups.
They started talking about the newish crazy-making street drug Flaka. DP says "Flaka didn't exist before Trump. Just saying.."
Walter - Trump is an idiot, up until the point where he becomes an evil genius in the lab.
The same was true of Reagan. Reagan was a total idiot, until he invented AIDS and gave it to everyone. The leftwing hivemind knows how to spread troof.
Obama, a Rabbi and Louis Farrakhan walk into a bar. Bartender says, what is this, some kind of joke?
Well..I'm sure they think he's an evil idiot hiring lab wranglers.
It is interesting that Obama's handlers thought a photo of their boy gladhanding with Louis Farrakhan would "have an impact" (i.e. disconcert those whose approval they sought) and a photo of their boy gladhanding with Hugo Chavez would not.
He might have added "And you know..if I had a rabbi, he might look like you."
Yes, it's cultural appropriation, but libs won't mind because he's their secular cosmopolitan messiah. Obama is all things to all people.
Did he adjust or drop his $400k fee for this?
Oh my fuck, I was Bar Mitzvahed at Temple Emanu-El! What have they done!!!
He's not the President anymore, may I wish him dead now?
As one who comes from a family of them, I can say that liberal Jews are an embarrassment. They've completely substituted soft fuzzy lefty ideas for anything resembling actual Judaism, and for anything resembling sanity. Obama fits right in.
Is Obama all things to all people?
A politician is all things to all people, at least tries to be.
Hillary talked "black talks" in black churches. Bill feels your pains and much more if you were a chick. Obama is a Jew who undercut the real Jews in the Jewish homeland.
(With Jewish wry shrug) "Look who thinks he's a Jew."
Well he's got the shmuck part right.
"They've completely substituted soft fuzzy lefty ideas for anything resembling actual Judaism, and for anything resembling sanity."
Too bad you didn't convert to a mainstream Christian sect, where the traditions....Oh, never mind.
"...basically a liberal Jew...."
That would be a socialist/communist who believes Israel should is not a legitimate country. No surprise there, for a guy who spent his formative years in a 87% Moslem country.
There is Jew and liberal Jew of progressive degrees. Outside of one, perhaps two, standard deviations, the liberal Jew is in name only. The principles do not change.
If Barry can be a Jew, suretly nobody will mind if my kids start checking the "African-American" box when it comes to college admissions and scholarships? I mean, I am American, and I was born in Africa, so it's technically true (if not what the words really mean) - it's a much stronger claim than the one that Barry has to being a member of the Tribe.
Couldn't he just stick with being the First Gay President? First Muslim President? Both?
Is that cultural appropriation? It seems fine to me. I'm just asking because I've been following the culture of sensitivity to "cultural appropriation," and I need to put this post up, with the tag, because this is how I keep my notes these days.
I don't think it's "cultural appropriation" as such, because (1) he's not presenting himself as actually Jewish, and (2) he's not remixing -- so to speak -- or making personal use of the superficial cultural markers of American Judaism: skullcaps or menorahs or bagels or whatever.
The famous picture of Obama dressed up in a turban -- that is a lot closer to cultural appropriation. Obama escapes that, both because he's a hero to the sort of progressives who bang on about "cultural appropriation" so they'll forgive him anything, but also because he has dark skin and Muslim blood, and in the complicated etiquette that has been invented around "cultural appropriation," blood and descent are the most important factor in laying a metaphysical claim to a particular cultural heritage.
As a Reform Jew in a very liberal congregation (located across the street from Obama's Chicago house, in fact), I can say he IS like many liberal Jews--Judaism is only a cultural artifice, not religious or theological, and his religious beliefs adhere to the national Democratic Party and the liberal/progressivism for which it stands.
And, he is a Jew who values his leftism more than his co-religionists (if his rel;igion is taken to be Judaism, that is). Which makes him one of the crowd.
Amusingly enough, Trump is more of a nuevo riche Jew. Ostentatious, braggadocio, abrasive, confident, successful.
The fact that he has Jewish grand kids just adds to it.
Obama looks like a man who is watching his underlings get caught in misdeeds and wondering which of them will turn states evidence and rat him out.
He will need those speaker's fees to pay for his legal team soon.
Perhaps this is what Obama was hoping to distract from with his appearance?
National Review's Andrew C. McCarthy analyzed the latest Friday document dump. Looks like Obama was doing the same thing Hillary was doing, on handling classified email over an unsecured system. As seen by his emails to Hillary. And since Obama did it, therefore Hillary actions could not be prosecuted.
Obama’s Conflict Tanked the Clinton E-mail Investigation — As Predicted
In the span of his presidency, Europe has become a not-safe space for Jews. He was complicit with all of the libtarded wunderkind heads of state in Europe to trash their nation states and open their borders to an incompatible group* of people from the Middle East.
* The term civilization is not appropriate here.
This. I don't think Obama really believes in the nation state. He certainly showed no sign that he thought our own nation state was anything special.
So Obama claims to be a "rootless cosmopolitan"?
This is what his political enemies have been saying about him since 2008.
Is that cultural appropriation?
The simplest way that you can tell if something is "cultural appropriation" is if it makes a lib/prog mad. It's always different when they do it. Always.
In other words, it's just more of the same horseshit. But I think you already knew that.
If it is "cultural appropriation" in this case, I am quite sure it is appropriation going the other way- Jews taking Obama from his people.
No one owns a culture- you show me the legal ownership, and then we can talk.
Look at how & where Obama was raised. Hawaii does not promote a strong sense of identity -- unless you are a native Hawaiian (10%-20% of the population self identifies as Hawaiian). The number of Hawaiians with pure Hawaiian ancestry may be a few thousand. I have lived here for over a quarter century & I still consider myself a Midwesterner.
There have been a few complaints about non-Hawaiians appropriating Hawaiian culture, but a lot of what we might think of as Hawaiian is a pop-culture construct. Hawaiians didn't wear coconut brasierres. Sugar & pinapples are imports & arenn't grown much anymore.
He attended Columbia and Harvard, taught at Chicago and sent his daughters to Sidwell Friends. Of course he's a liberal Jew.
President Obama can make all the self-serving statements he wants; his actions demonstrate a clear animus toward Jews. His mask was drawn back once again with publication of a 2005 picture of him with Louis Farrakhan, the one who called Judaism a "gutter religion." By itself, the picture doesn't prove much, but in context of his long relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright is probative on the issue of Obama's Jew-hating. Someone who regularly attended Klan meetings would at the very least be credibly accused of having some of the vile bigotry of the Klan. A similar complaint applies to Obama as it concerns Wright's open bigotry against Jews. To the 2/3 to 3/4 of my willfully blind fellow Jews who voted for him (twice) I say, you will appreciate the Second Amendment even though you don't now when the hobnail boots come for us again.
Geoff Matthews said...
Amusingly enough, Trump is more of a nuevo riche Jew. Ostentatious, braggadocio, abrasive, confident, successful.
The fact that he has Jewish grand kids just adds to it.
1/26/18, 11:58 AM
A joke making the rounds around the time of the election was:
What is the difference between Trump and a liberal Jew?
Trump has Jewish grandchildren.
He truly is a blank screen on which people of vastly different political stripes project their own views.
I'll take a loudmouth braggart like Trump over a two-bit poseur like Obama any day.
I will never, ever understand what people saw in that guy. He's a sneering, condescending priss who should've gotten his ass kicked in grade school.
A liberal Jew, eh Obama? In other words, an athiest.
In a just world Obama would be in prison for crimes against the United States of America.
I challenge anyone to come up with ONE good decision this con artist/America hater made as president.
For a man of his time, Jesus was a liberal Jew.
I saw plenty of pictures of Obama with a halo so I'm thinking that's the comparison he was looking for.
The problem with Judaica is that Jewishness only works if a small minority are Jewish. If there are too many it just does not turn a profit anymore.
I must say also that if Sammy Davis Jr. can be a Jew I don't know why Barrack can't join the club.
Oh, this is what they mean by self hating Jew ;-)
Obama might just as well be a liberal Caucasian.
My understanding is that one's Jewishness is inherited from the mother. Obama certainly came to his whiteness that way.
What the hell is wrong with cultural appropriation? Without it we’d all still be eating grass.
Because, Josephblau, Mr. Davis liked Jews, so much that he became one. There doesn't seem to be much to suggest Mr. Davis was a Jew hater, unlike Mr. Obama. "I know youse coudldnt do nuttin about bein' colored, but what made ya toin Jew?" 45 years later that still cracks me up.
Mr. Fagin I yield to your interpretation.
Is that cultural appropriation?
I guess. But Christianity itself is one gargantuan effort at culturally appropriating Judaism.
Albeit, in a distorted and idolatrous way, but effectively appropriative.
And then Islam came along and did away with any pretense of even being concerned with the ethical imperatives and appropriated the hell out of Judaism's tribal characteristics and put them on steroids.
BTW, this is the longest it's ever taken me to log into Google. A full five minutes waiting on the portal screen.
It looks the giant tele-cable-coms are going after Blogger-relevant sites, first.
Thanks, Republican speech and commerce throttlers!
I saw plenty of pictures of Obama with a halo so I'm thinking that's the comparison he was looking for.
Mostly by rabid right-wing Republicans who find ethical interests to be suspect and prefer being led by emotionally challenged 71-year olds.
"Ethical interests." Heh. Phony compassion (exercised at other people's expense); appeals to envy and resentment; and statism justified with snake-oil economics and Dumb Guy Logic. Those are the Toothless State Fellator's "ethical interests."
Phony compassion (exercised at other people's expense);
All state decisions are trade-offs, so the question here is why you feel that millionaires and billionaires are more deserving of the government's "compassion" than the working poor.
...appeals to envy and resentment...
Sorry, not seeing that. Just seeing the normal, usual consideration that emotionally unchallenged people think should go toward the poor and working poor over the billionaires. That's not envy and resentment. That's just being normal and healthy enough to not feel that you owe billionaires more government consideration than normal people.
Of course, the grand master bullshitter would appear in THIS location to announce he's a liberal Jew. Most liberal Jews are passers--they'd just as soon not be taken for a Jew and certainly would NEVER want someone "regulating" what goes on in the bedroom. The reason that there is very little "Jewish" content in the Liberal Jew's cultural lexicon is for that very reason: to PASS for being a Non-Jew (never ever say the word GOY in these circles).
Anything that has a wiff of Tradition is to be met with scorn (of course, anything that smacks of ANY religion is met with the same). In the post war 2 era, when people they NEEDED a religious affiliation, there was always the Jewnitarians and being active in the Civil Rights movement (a bit of a disconnect since many of those black Southern Baptist types had this theological issue with Jews as Christ killers and their regular preaching of the Wandering Jew. Hey no matter for US, we're Unitarians, Passers, or LIBERAL Jews.
So, here comes The Passer's Passer coming to the center of the Passers and saying "Hey, I'm a Passer, too."
Years ago, when I was applying to rabbinical schools, I was turned down by HUC, but accepted by Yeshiva University. I wrote to my former mentor in gradual school, Rodney Stark, now some sort of Grand Professor of Religion at Baylor University. I lamented why, to which he responded, "Shit, Dan, they don't believe in SIN!"
It's not that they don't believe in SIN, it's they have no SHAME. Indeed, this is the root of our current cultural malaise--there is no shame.
The chutzpah of this Passer's Passer coming to a New York Temple to say he is [basically] a liberal Jew (i.e., a Passer) is completely SHAMELESS.
Total Bullshit.
readering said...
He attended Columbia and Harvard, taught at Chicago and sent his daughters to Sidwell Friends. Of course he's a liberal Jew.
1/26/18, 1:22 PM
Bullshit. He got into those schools because he was "black." If he was Jewish, he wouldn't have had affirmative action working for him, and his grades weren't good enough. He's not smart enough to be a Jew.
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