I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to pose a Kennedy in front of a car in a place called Fall River?
I know it's a vocational high school where the students work on cars, but the hood up on a car is a roadside signal of distress, and the words "fall" and "river" had us thinking about Mary Jo Kopechne.
As for the "drool," I think it's obvious that Kennedy overlubricated his mouth, perhaps out of fear that he'd make the devastating Rubio mistake and experience an overwhelming need for water as he gave the response to the SOTU. To me the "drool" is a symbol for what's bad about partisan politics. One party has its problem — too dry!! — and then the other party comes in and instead of correcting to a moderate position goes too far the other way — too wet!!!
And speaking of too wet... if you drive your car badly in Fall River and fall in the river, you'll get too wet and you might drown. And no matter how much the Democratic Party thinks we might love another Kennedy — another Clinton not good enough for you? we got another Kennedy! — the Kennedy brand is badly tainted by Chappaquiddick. And Chappaquiddick is due for further examination in this time of #MeToo and The Reckoning. Let's go through all of the story of the Kennedy dynasty from the point of view of enlightened women today.
Democratic Party, you need to process your Kennedy material into the present day, where we do not accept the subordination of women anymore. And when you're done with all that, you can roll out your new Kennedy. The Kennedy brand, right now, is a broken down car with its hood open, signaling distress.
ADDED: The first time the NYT ever noticed this blog was on October 13, 2004, when I was liveblogging the presidential debate:
"Just after 10 p.m., the Democratic Web blogger Ann Althouse wrote . . . : 'A glob of foam forms on the right side of [George Bush's] mouth! Yikes! That's really going to lose the women's vote.' "I was all:
Oh, I'm blogging as a Democrat? Well, I read it in the New York Times, so it's probably true. Did Rutenberg read enough of my blog to see that I'm voting for Bush, or is he just concluding from the fact that I don't mind saying that I observed spittle in the corner of Bush's mouth that I must be opposed to him? Maybe Rutenberg is assuming that these bloggers are all so partisan that if they say one thing against a candidate, they must say everything against that candidate.
२२२ टिप्पण्या:
222 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"I know it's a vocational high school where the students work on cars, but the hood up on a car is a roadside signal of distress, and the words "fall" and "river" had us thinking about Mary Jo Kopechne."
You missed a chance to plug your portal with a link to this.
Lifehammer Brand Safety Hammer, the Original Emergency Escape and Rescue Tool with Seatbelt Cutter, Made in the Netherlands, Orange Available at Amazon, of course!
Watch the video with the sound off. It's bad optics. He looks very sad and apologetic.
I think Teddy Kennedy has Harvey Weinstein beat. Also, speaking of #MeTOO, another round of journalistic investigation into John Kerry and his relationships with women is needed.
Not a partisan of Kennedy.
Same old lies and bullshit from you, Ann.
American women were never subordinated. You're just lying.
You never experienced anything remotely like subordination.
My father and mother were non-union factory workers. What were yours, you poor little rich girl? You're a regular Martina Luther Vanderbilt.
When are you going to stop lying? You're really too decent a person to continue this despicable lying. You've never experienced anything except wealth and privilege. Stop lying.
I think we experienced 'Peak Kennedy' many years ago at Chappaquidic bridge. Now it's just looks like inbreeding.
Agree that having a Kennedy speak at a North east auto shop is poor optics, given the scandal at Chappaquoddick. In New London, Connecticut, there is a US Submarine base that might have..., wait, never mind.
As I noted earlier in the 600+ comment waterfall on the SOTU, it was a real contrast between the grandeur of the Capitol building and a cable access channel level set for the Democrat response. Trump's speech was a home run; the Democrat response was a weak groundout to shortstop. The whole thing was not-ready-for-primetime. In this year of the Reckoning, they should have had a woman do it, preferably one who isn't already past retirement age.
Between the optics of their SOTU performance and the upcoming release of the Nunes memo, the Democrats are having a really, really bad week.
Strange choice for the Democrats.
Trump basically ran against two political dynasties, and destroyed them.
The Kennedy brand, right now, is a broken down car with its hood open, signaling distress.
You can twist the knife pretty well yourself, ma'am.
”Watch the video with the sound off. It's bad optics. He looks very sad and apologetic.”
It was worse with the sound on. America is a shithole.
I thought he was foaming at the mouth. Like most Dems these days.
The Kennedy brand, right now, is a broken down car with its hood open, signaling distress.
To be fair, so is the Democratic Party.
Oh, and I'll reprise this one, too, since I know it got at least one laugh earlier:
Republicans rule, Democrats drool! :-)
In this year of the Reckoning, they should have had a woman do it, preferably one who isn't already past retirement age.
Maybe the Gabbard woman from Hawaii?
As bad as this Democrat response is, (it is getting almost zero play on the MSM/DNC) the other 6 Democrat responses have been victims of complete media blackout.
Once again, real life experience, shows that President Trump is still breaking his enemies.
Fall River is the home of Lizzie Borden, so there's that.
Fall River used to be an important mill city and transportation hub. Now, it's not.
In this year of the Reckoning, they should have had a woman do it, preferably one who isn't already past retirement age.
Hey! I know someone who could have given it. Woman. Former fighter pilot who's seen combat. Tough enough to face down Donald Rumsfeld when the Defense Department tried to force her to wear a hijab when she was assigned to a combat role in Saudi Arabia. Perfect! Except, of course, that Martha McSally is a Republican.
Vaxxer #1. Are the democrats the party of science denial?
"I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to pose a Kennedy in front of a car in a place called Fall River?"
Well, for one our resident dullard #IngaKnew. He was fresh! And new!
"And speaking of too wet... "
Millionaire John Rockefeller sold a lot of oil.
Millionaire Henry Ford sold a lot of cars
Millionaire Andrew Carnegie sold a lot of steel
Millionaire Joe Kennedy sold a lot of .........
"I know it's a vocational high school where the students work on cars, but the hood up on a car is a roadside signal of distress, and the words "fall" and "river" had us thinking about Mary Jo Kopechne."
The car-in-distress, and the name "Fall River," made me think of Richard Russo's novel "Empire Falls."
Empire Falls is a fictional New England town in the novel, a once-prosperous mill town long past its glory days, a "no hope here" sort of place for which there will be no renaissance.
It's a good read, anyway (I don't know about the miniseries made from it). And perhaps a fitting metaphor for some of those past-their-glory-days funereal Democrats appearing at the SOTU.
Give the kid a break. He courageously wants to become a New England idealist pol like his family did it. And if he becomes popular, then he just moved himself up to the top of the CIA assassination list. The CIA forces that got JFK , then got RFK for running for Pres, and then got JFK,Jr. to open up the New York Senate seat for their picked candidate to become President.
Joe Kennedy is my congressman. Woo hoo!
I moved to southern Mass from Pawtucket, RI where Patrick Kennedy was my congressman. So much celebrity.
It's nice to wake up this morning and see others saw the same thing I did. For a little while I thought he was sweating and the lights were only catching and reflecting off the lines near his mouth.
But between that and his over-emphatic short statements and "on the verge of crying" eyes about the distress we are all under.....well, it was a pretty terrible speech and setup.
The sad thing was he was clearly being setup as a potential candidate for President or at least future party leader. And THAT was the best they could set it up.
No one remembers how to spell Chappaquiddick.
I was cutting and pasting the word as I wrote the post.
But I just decided to memorize the spelling once and for all. Will you join me? Maybe part of the reason we have so much trouble processing it is that we still, after all these years, cannot type the word.
Chappaquiddick. Chappaquiddick. Chappaquiddick.
Double P and double D.
Ends in "dick."
4 words that stand individually:
Chap — a callow man
Pa — each Kennedy has a Pa behind him, without which we would not have known about him.
Quid — some unit of money I would understand if I were more Anglophilic
Dick — too obvious to define.
It's good not to have to make any choices, as long as all those choices are made by Democrats in DC.
So here is the answer that Democrats offer tonight: We choose both.
We fight — we fight for both. Because the greatest, strongest, richest nation in the world shouldn’t have to leave anyone behind.
We choose — we choose a better deal for all who call our country home. We choose a living wage, and paid leave, and affordable child care your family needs to survive. We choose pensions that are solvent, trade pacts that are fair, roads and bridges that won’t rust away, a good education that you can afford.
Isn't he really saying ALL instead of "both".
This is a great post, thanks Althouse.
He might be a nice enough guy, but there is nothing that he or modern medicine can do about his lack of a soul.
I heard on MSNBC that it wasn't drool, but rather "lip gloss". Yea, that's a lot better.
Free stuff for everyone!
-Democrat party
How does a Kennedy learn about the Drool of Law?
He takes a crash course.
Never let it be said that Ted Kennedy wasn't a man of belief.
"Every man must believe in something. As for me, I believe I'll have another drink."
To be fair, Trump had a lesser problem like this, and his physician took the blame stating that he had over-prescribed medication for a sore throat or something.
If you are going to talk to the workers you have to stop ignoring the lost factories and the lost manufacturing jobs. You have to explain how you are going to get factories back and the jobs back. If you don't do that you just seem like another Kennedy running away from a disaster. Ted left Mary Jo Kopechne to suffocate slowly underwater in a car he drove off a bridge and Joe would leave the workers to suffocate slowly in an economy which the elite ruined by selling our manufacturing to Mexico and China. That elite included many of his relatives. So he can't just get up and act as if the ruined towns in heartland have nothing to do with him.
I don't think of Mary Jo.
I think of all those rape allegations that were 'swept away' by the Kennedys over the years. Of Ted making a 'man sandwich' with a woman in a bar.
They are louts and sexual predators.
It amazes me that in the era of #metoo, the Dems pick a frigging Kennedy to be their rebuttal.
Breathtaking in its stupidity. Really.
Screw the optics, why would you pick a Kennedy to deliver your reply in 2018. The Dems do realize that it’s been 55 fucking years since JFK was president, don’t they?
I almost feel sorry for this poor schlub. He’s not a rising young politician, he’s a Boomer nostalgia fetish.
“Quid” is for “Quid pro quo” as in, if I support abortion rights, you will overlook the little incident after the party.
As Gillibrand says, “The lens was different then.” You know, killing your date was considered kind of a bad boy thing that just made a guy seem kinda hot.
I saw Joe Kennedy at my Starbucks a few times. There was significant cooing from the young women in line.
I thought he was Conan O’Brien.
Honestly, I couldn't watch the speech - I felt really bad for him due to the drool and knew he'd be humiliated for it.
But, yes, Kennedy + Car = begging us to talk about Chappaquiddick and "Kennedy privilege" .
I recently saw a trailer for a movie called...wait for it...Chappaquiddick.
Here it is:
I think Team Trump missed a chance to surround Joe Kennedy III with ads for the film.
Big Mike
Five or six times McSally has been brought up in conversations at work. Most only new her from her campaign photos in flight suits and fighter jets. The consensus is that she is bright, intelligent, articulate and cleans up really nice in civilian clothing. Evidently she was on cable news talking U.S. immigration policy this week.
As for Joe Kennedy, the poor bastard got the sainted Rose Kennedy's nose. His speech sucked and that drool was a distraction. The Democrats and the media just can't help dry humping the Kennedys.
It was worse with the sound on. America is a shithole
Yes, I'm sure -- but persuasion is more than half visual. Nothing about Kennedy's visual presentation was persuasive.
Scott Adams told me so (I liked his book, although he's a little too look how smart I am in it)
A Carmex addiction is a difficult one to overcome, although less expensive than other ones.
In my opinion Joe Kennedy (dissecting the Republican message) does not even possess the technical knowledge of a butcher or horse slaughterer.
Democratic Party, you need to process your Kennedy material into the present day, where we do not accept the subordination of women anymore.
Angry Althouse tag.
It's not a good "we." Subordination was more complex than the slogan, in the direction of being a woman following her interests without being represented by harpies.
Scott Adams's periscopes are too long to finish but the beginnings are good.
He doesn't do #MeToo for a reason. Some things are too expensive to argue.
In the Democrat response to the SOTU speech Democrat Kennedy actually spoke Spanish.
"We shall pander to the end, we shall pander in every barrio, we shall pander on the seas and oceans, we shall pander with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall pander anywhere and everywhere, whatever the cost may be, we shall pander on the beaches, we shall pander on the landing grounds, we shall pander in the fields and in the streets, we shall pander in the hills; we shall never surrender our pathetic pandering so long as we can use public money to do it."
Five or six times McSally has been brought up in conversations at work. Most only new her from her campaign photos in flight suits and fighter jets. The consensus is that she is bright, intelligent, articulate and cleans up really nice in civilian clothing. Evidently she was on cable news talking U.S. immigration policy this week.
Prior to her Senate run, McSally's views were more like Jeff Flake's. She refused to endorse Trump for President and was against the border wall. She is a latecomer to the MAGA party but is now trying to get Trump voters' support. Dr. Kelli Ward, the other candidate for the Senate from AZ, has been on the right side of the immigration issue all along.
Per gspencer: In the Democrat response to the SOTU speech Democrat Kennedy actually spoke Spanish.
Did anyone else see how patronizing this was? The Dreamers who have, we are told, spent their whole lives here in America, can't understand English?
"We shall pander to the end, we shall pander in every barrio, we shall pander on the seas and oceans, we shall pander with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall pander anywhere and everywhere, whatever the cost may be, we shall pander on the beaches, we shall pander on the landing grounds, we shall pander in the fields and in the streets, we shall pander in the hills; we shall never surrender our pathetic pandering so long as we can use public money to do it."
Nicely done!
Droolin' Joe Kennedy.
This time I think your analysis was brilliant and humorous.
Everybody in this thread is cracking me up.
Thanks for making the morning jolly.
I don't think of Mary Jo.
I think of all those rape allegations that were 'swept away' by the Kennedys over the years. Of Ted making a 'man sandwich' with a woman in a bar.
False choice. As Joe Kennedy reminded us, "choose both."
Althouse is absolutely in rare form this morning.
Everybody in this thread is cracking me up.
Me too, although I do feel a bit guilty laughing about Mary Jo.
He's the latest in a long line of Massholes.
Did anyone else see how patronizing this was? The Dreamers who have, we are told, spent their whole lives here in America, can't understand English?
Yes. The Dims want to have it both ways, all ways, even when the memes are 100% contradictory.
The (poor) Dreamers are just innocent victims of their parents and are upstanding students, workers and a great asset to the US. They have spent their entire lives here and deserve immediate an unconditional citizenship! Jump to the front of the line and ignore the laws. They are so special
Also and at the same time, even though they have been here all their lives and are as good as any other American, they haven't bothered to learn English (or perhaps aren't smart enough). So to show my solidarity with the ILLEGAL Aliens among us who refuse to assimilate into the country, I will speak in Spanish so I can get through to these dopes and hope they vote Democrat.
I only heard the speech as I was in a different room... Kennedy sounded so angry at times it came across as if he could be foaming at the mouth - so I wasn't surprised to later hear/read these 'drool' comments/reports.
I want a Mariachi band, playing ‘Love Is All You Need’ and ‘This Land Is Your Land’ endlessly, at the Kennedy Compound, with a recently arrived Brazilian transgender dwarf telling a tale of hope and ICE oppression.
I want Fair Wages and Equal Outcomes. No families, just individuals in eco-boxes and working for the State if that’s what people want I want Union guys making all the wealth that made America great without the filthy capitalist pig-dogs taking it away.
I want Bike Lanes in every ghetto, and corrupt big city machine pols getting a handout on every bike lane.
Come share your story of Self after 22 years and a degree in finance and/or puppetry.
Freedom is next. Equality is possible. Community is paramount.
***We’ll see who’s ruling us 10, 20, and 30 years out, or we won’t, because we’re dead!
He's got the Kennedy name,and he's very good looking, but I don't think politics is his game. I listened to him for a while on MSNBC. He recites inanities without wit or conviction......Remember Caroline Kennedy. There was talk of her running for the Senate in NY. Then she gave a few interviews and there was no more talk of her becoming the Senator from NY. A few more appearances, and he's the next Caroline......,,JFK Jr wanted to be an actor, but his mother disapproved of such a vocation. He was a dutiful son and became a magazine publisher. He had as great a knack for publishing as he did for aviation. Maybe acting was his true vocation.,, This Kennedy should also think about taking up acting. He's got the looks, and professional make up artists know how to apply lip gloss. I think he'd be better at playing an idealistic young Congressman than actually being one.
Joe Kennedy wishes that was drool. My money's on jizz.
I was all:
Oh, I'm blogging as a Democrat? Well, I read it in the New York Times, so it's probably true. Did Rutenberg read enough of my blog to see that I'm voting for Bush, or is he just concluding from the fact that I don't mind saying that I observed spittle in the corner of Bush's mouth that I must be opposed to him? Maybe Rutenberg is assuming that these bloggers are all so partisan that if they say one thing against a candidate, they must say everything against that candidate.
Oh, Althouse. I feel your pain. Imagine, please, how it feels for one of your commenters who has never once supported a Democrat for elective office and who is in fact a lifelong Republican and has been a Republican National Lawyers Association election day volunteer, who adored Justice Scalia and who was delighted by the nomination of Justice Gorsuch, to be accused on your webpages of being a leftist and a Soros-paid troll, simply for criticizing Donald Trump personally.
Chuck, how's the weather today in Dnipro?
Also, was the substance abuse Kennedy unavailable? It would have been great tv to have him sitting in the car.
***Maybe a Kennedy reality show in an eco-house, talking politics, government and all things Kennedy?
Old Joe’s sarcophagus overseeing pods of yet to be birthed Kennedys, spawning full-suited straight into New England legislatures?
I think he wiped his nose and then his mouth with his hand, Kennedys.
FYI, the Chappaquiddick movie is scheduled for release in April.....the trailer looks about right to me, having read the excellent book by Tedrows, "Death at Chappaquiddick".
And don't get me started on what kind of person Joe Kennedy I was....jeez!!
Totally clueless PR stunt by Dems, why didn't they throw Booker or Warren out there?
As a "liberal," Boy Kennedy is no doubt salivating at the idea of some liberty he intends to get rid of when he's in charge.
Psalms 51:3, "my sin is ever before me."
No one has suffered as much as you in bringing your message to The People. You are bringing them light they do not want. Verily, you are one of the few, the proud, the true-blue Republicans. Use Althouse to help deliver your message. She and you are but vessels for the message.
The message, Chuck.
simply for criticizing Donald Trump personally.
No, you defend Bill Clinton by dismissing the most serious charges against him, documented by federal investigators who can, you know, put people in prison for lying to them, by dismissing such documented charges as nut job conspiracy theories.
OMG! Spittle in the corner of Bush’s mouth, yet he went on to win two elections. Bush, from a well known elite family. Bush, who carried baggage as a hell raiser in his youth, Bush, who didn’t come across as particularly intelligent, still won two elections. What was it about Bush that was so attractive to those who voted for him back then, but now hate what he was and have cultish love for Trump?
You folks are strange.
So many Democrats are pessimistic scolds. The contrast with optimistic and upbeat Trump, in the SOTU speech, is yuge.
In the era of #metoo, how people can wax nostalgic of the Kennedy's is a paradox.
Has there been a prominent family filled with more rakes, rapes, assaults and seductions as the Kennedy clan? The Kennedy men use women as a means to an end (gratification, procreation), and little else.
This Kennedy should also think about taking up acting
He does have a cousin acting -- or rather, was acting for a while. Christopher Lawford. Maybe he still is. I watched him on All My Children, playing opposite Kelly Ripa. He wasn't horrible.
Chuck: "Oh, Althouse. I feel your pain. Imagine, please, how it feels for one of your commenters who has never once supported a Democrat for elective office and who is in fact a lifelong Republican ..."
I have never been a LLR as I supported McGovern when I was young stooopid. Voted for Carter when I was a bit older, but still ignorant. Shortly thereafter I was exposed to government regs and watched what the swamp dwellers were doing to line their pockets at the expense of economic growth. From that point forward I became a conservative. You, OTOH, remain wallowing in knee-deep saw grass, cattails, parasites, and gators.
"the Kennedy brand is badly tainted by Chappaquiddick. And Chappaquiddick is due for further examination in this time of #MeToo and The Reckoning."
Kennedy is not ready for prime time, and people are wary of dynasties.
That said, be wary of viewing the world from a baby-boomer perspective. The Millennials are the largest voting block. Young now, but getting older every year. The Boomers are leaving us, and as the years pass, this leaving accelerates.
Many Millennials have never heard of Chappaquiddick.
Millennials were not yet born. Although you might have strong opinions of that Kennedy, and have a history with him -- Millennials have not. That Kennedy is dead. Nor do many of them have an opinion of that Kennedy. You would need to give a summary history and show his picture to many of them.
You might remember that Kennedy as someone who ran for President against Carter. Millennials do not have this experience. To them, he's some dead Senator they never heard of. Many people, even political junkies, do not know anything about dead Senators.
For me, I'd never heard of Chappaquiddick until I read the comments on this blog. My first response was, "what is that?" I needed to read about it on wikipedia. Even now, I can't remember the year in which it happened.
One thing I've noticed on this blog, is the generational perspective is overwhelmingly older Boomers.
You cannot expect the younger generations to care about the same things you lived through. If you are going to "get" what will come next, you need to understand something of what the younger generations have experienced.
If they weren't born before Chappaquiddick, don't expect them to know or care about it. For them, if it's not in their lived experience, it's not relevant to them. It's something for the history books.
Mary Jo Kopechne was the first casualty in the War on Women.
Mary Jo was "expendable".
Hopefully "Drooling Joe" will stick to Kennedy like potato stuck to Quayle. It couldn't happen to nicer dynasty.
Tim in Vermont said...
simply for criticizing Donald Trump personally.
No, you defend Bill Clinton by dismissing the most serious charges against him, documented by federal investigators who can, you know, put people in prison for lying to them, by dismissing such documented charges as nut job conspiracy theories.
I did no such thing. I take the allegations made against Clinton as basically serious albeit unproven charges. And I regard the Clintons as habitual, serial, skilled, liars. They are proven liars; at least to my satisfaction they are proven liars.
Similarly, I take the allegations made against Donald Trump as basically serious albeit unproven charges. And I regard Trump as a habitual, serial, often unskilled, liar. And again, I regard Trump as a proven liar; at least to my satisfaction he is a proven liar.
Mary Jo Kopechne was the first casualty in the War on Women.
No. Rose Marie Kennedy. Then Marilyn Monroe.
And again, I regard Trump as a proven liar
As I do you.
What was it about Bush that was so attractive to those who voted for him back then, but now hate what he was and have cultish love for Trump?
He wasn't Al Gore or John Kerry.
So we are supposed to judge Joseph kennedy III based on the conduct of his uncle 50 years ago and 11 years before III was born? Sounds fair.
to be accused on your webpages of being a leftist and a Soros-paid troll, simply for criticizing Donald Trump personally.
You left out "for defending every Lefty and attacking every Righty".
"Inga said...
OMG! Spittle in the corner of Bush’s mouth, yet he went on to win two elections. Bush, from a well known elite family. Bush, who carried baggage as a hell raiser in his youth, Bush, who didn’t come across as particularly intelligent, still won two elections. What was it about Bush that was so attractive to those who voted for him back then, but now hate what he was and have cultish love for Trump?
You folks are strange."
Well, dullard, he won more than two elections. He was twice elected as Texas' Governor. He was also the president of the Texas Rangers Baseball Club.
So we are supposed to judge Joseph kennedy III based on the conduct of his uncle 50 years ago and 11 years before III was born? Sounds fair.
You want to judge me for the actions of White people hundreds of years ago that I'm not even related to.
I would love to know how the Kennedy's manage to avoid the estate tax. All these generations later and none of them seem to earn real money from work but they all live very well.
So we are supposed to judge Joseph kennedy III based on the conduct of his uncle 50 years ago and 11 years before III was born? Sounds fair.
He is only in the position he is in because of his family. If he were born into Southie or something, he would have to join a boy band to become famous.
Not to mention, Steve, a good way to get past it would be to actually acknowledge the crimes of his uncle. Something the Democratic Party as a whole steadfastly refuses to do. This whole argument is just a proxy war over that issue.
Millennials were not yet born. Although you might have strong opinions of that Kennedy, and have a history with him -- Millennials have not. That Kennedy is dead.
Having raised a couple of millennials, I can tell you that the story horrifies them. Good luck keeping it under the rug if you are planning to run this shiny pony.
You folks are strange
Before starting yet another ad hominem barrage, Inga ought to think through her thesis just a wee bit. Every candidate standing for every office is always compared to his competitor and not to some fanciful ideal, at least not by people who are sane.
Bush, from a well known elite family.
Al Gore is formally Albert Arnold Gore, Junior, the son of Albert Arnold Gore, Senior, a man with a very long political career and very influential in Tennessee.
Bush... Bush... Bush... yadda, yadda
On every point, Inga raised Gore was similarly weak or weaker still. However, Bush was not Bill Clinton's legacy, and that's what gave Bush the victory.
Four years later Bush was opposed by John Kerry, therefore the voters made their comparisons of merit between the Senator from Massachusetts and the sitting President. Kerry blew it the instant he chose to use his military record in the campaign, stupid man.
“hell raiser” is the same as “killed the girl he was, as a married man, bringing back to his pad after a party.”
I hope John Kerry, the tax dodging owner of the 7 million dollar yacht, “The Botched Joke” as Howie Carr calls it. We can rehash his lies about his days in the Swift Boats.
Inga comparing Dubya to Kennedys:
Bush, who carried baggage as a hell raiser in his youth...You folks are strange
Dubya stopped. Ted didn't.
Inga can't tell the difference.
I wonder why.
steve uhr:So we are supposed to judge Joseph kennedy III based on the conduct of his uncle 50 years ago and 11 years before III was born? Sounds fair.
Consider Joseph Kennedy II's father, the honorable Joseph Kennedy II, who ran the Chavez-subsidized Citizen's Energy while he and his wife pulled down hefty salaries, IIRC $400k per year for Joe II. Doing well by doing good, indeed!
As a childhood friend who worked one summer at the Hyannisport compound told me, the Kennedys like to present themselves as rich people with a conscience, whereas they are merely rich people.
Given the conduct of Kennedy clan politicians, it is indeed a fitting response to Joseph III to say, "Won't get fooled again."
Chuck hasn't been the same since Corey Lewandowski ripped off Michelle Field's arm and started beating her with it. As he detailed and told us the video proved. FBI profilers call that a "trigger."
Swift boats? Illustrates average age of commenters here. He served 50 years ago. Imagine talking about a politician's WW1 service in 1970.
I remember that incident. I've been reading this blog since at least 2004. How is that possible!
keep whistling readering. You ain't afraid of no ghosts!
because you are right...in 1970 the military career of a presidential candidate would never be brought up.
? OK
readering, I bet the millennial dims will just jump at the chance to vote for a white septuagenarian with a military record from 55 years ago.
You sure have your fingers on the pulse of America
Heavens forfend Kerry runs again.
Or Biden.
Or Sanders.
Or Clinton.
Fortunately no one talks about Gore.
Gahrie said...
to be accused on your webpages of being a leftist and a Soros-paid troll, simply for criticizing Donald Trump personally.
You left out "for defending every Lefty and attacking every Righty".
What mendacious bullshit. Find us all a "lefty" whom I "defended." And find a "righty" whom I "attacked." Donald Trump doesn't count. Not as any sort of serious conservative. Trump is a television-caricature of a right-wing tycoon.
I'll help you.
~I took Sen. Dick Durbin's side on exactly one thing, and stated my distaste for him on everything else. That one thing was his credibly saying that Trump used the phrase "shithole countries." Otherwise, I have called Durbin a skilled, evil, partisan henchman.
~I similarly took Sen. Richard Blumenthal's side on his recounting of his meeting with then-Judge Gorsuch before his SCOTUS confirmation hearing. Blumenthal said that he asked Gorsuch about Trump's comments concerning federal judges, and that Gorsuch called them demoralizing and disheartening. Trump took to Twitter to attack Blumenthal personally and claim that Gorsuch had been misrepresented. Then a couple of weeks later on national TV and under oath, Gorsuch confirmed that his description was 'disheartening and demoralizing.'
~I called exactly one Rachel Maddow interview "brilliant" the week it aired. It was a hard but very respectful interview with Kellyanne Conway, in which Maddow basically cornered her on a variety of things that Trump had said or Tweeted. Almost a year later, Maddow won an Emmy for that very interview. I have called her show (and her personally) mostly unwatchable otherwise.
Here's a good key for you; when Trump lies, I will be willing to take the side of anyone who credibly makes the case that Trump is lying. Democrat, Republican, Independent, other. Otherwise, I will usually be taking the side of Congressional Republican leadership and the editorial boards of the Wall Street Journal, the National Review and the Weekly Standard, to the extent that they speak with one voice (which they don't always do).
Basically I don't want to see anyone accepting the nomination while on Medicare.
www said: You cannot expect the younger generations to care about the same things you lived through. If you are going to "get" what will come next, you need to understand something of what the younger generations have experienced.
If they weren't born before Chappaquiddick, don't expect them to know or care about it. For them, if it's not in their lived experience, it's not relevant to them. It's something for the history books.
This is actually a very relevant point. What we oldsters have lived through and experienced IS history and seems like ancient history to the young who have zero life memories of our experiences.
The biggest failing today is that WE and the educational system is not even trying to teach history. In fact, most of the educators who are left and far left, are actively trying to NOT teach and to hide historical events.
Just because it is in the past, like Kennedy doesn't mean that it isn't also releveant to events happening today.
2www......If you don't KNOW about the past you may be doomed to repeat it. If we know what happened in the past and are sending out warnings of what is coming in the future, it might just behoove you to pay some attention and investigate on your own.
Either that or just live with the world as YOU have made it because the clarion warnings are falling on deaf, youthful and prideful ears.
It has been ever thus with generations. The only way to break the cycle is to KNOW history.
If you don't want to "get" the messages from the past.....well....I don't care. I'm going to be dead at some point and you get to live through it.
Have a nice time :-)
Excludes Warren and Oprah I think.
Darrell said...
Chuck hasn't been the same since Corey Lewandowski ripped off Michelle Field's arm and started beating her with it. As he detailed and told us the video proved. FBI profilers call that a "trigger."
Lewandowski -- that nasty little lying prick -- said that he had never met Michelle Fields. (Haw haw.)
And Trump -- defending the little prick -- said that he believed Lewandowski and that Lewandoskis couldn't have assaulted anybody because Secret Service was all around him.
Lewandowski and Trump were both proven by the video to be full of shit. The Palm Beach County Prosecutor just didn't think it rose to the level of an assault. Which is fine. Makes me want to do it to Lewandowski and Trump in that same county, just for the fun of it.
“Basically I don't want to see anyone accepting the nomination while on Medicare.”
I agree, we need fresh young faces and vibrant people with a good grasp of what public service means.
"Chuck said...
Here's a good key for you; when Trump lies, I will be willing to take the side of anyone who credibly makes the case that Trump is lying. Democrat, Republican, Independent, other. Otherwise, I will usually be taking the side of Congressional Republican leadership and the editorial boards of the Wall Street Journal, the National Review and the Weekly Standard, to the extent that they speak with one voice (which they don't always do)."
Shorter Version: You can't spell Chuck without Cuck.
I know it's a vocational high school where the students work on cars, but the hood up on a car is a roadside signal of distress, and the words "fall" and "river" had us thinking about Mary Jo Kopechne.
While I agree the Kennedy "brand" is well past its sell-by, not all of us are that old.
The people the Democrat response was selling to are either Team Blue already or don't care about Ted Kennedy's actions in the first place, both because Joe isn't Ted, and because they weren't even alive when it happened.
"Chuck said...
Lewandowski and Trump were both proven by the video to be full of shit. The Palm Beach County Prosecutor just didn't think it rose to the level of an assault. Which is fine. Makes me want to do it to Lewandowski and Trump in that same county, just for the fun of it."
Better stick to twisting titties Chuckles. Because either one of those guys would kick your little cuck bitch ass.
I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to pose a Kennedy in front of a car in a place called Fall River?
MAJOR spew alert for those of a certain age.
That was hilarious!
Now I'll go back and read the rest of the post.
I think Kennedy did pretty well considering that he was up after his bedtime.
Without google who can name person who gave response for last SOSTt (2016)?
I bet the media will never hang the sins of the Kennedies around this Kennedy like they will for every Bush forever and ever.
Sins of Kennedy politicians not hung on last Republican governor of California.
readering: "Sins of Kennedy politicians not hung on last Republican governor of California."
A new standard in dumb with that one.
I'm surprised LLR and #StrongDurbinDefender Chuck even had the energy to post today given the beating his operational dem allies took last night.
I figured our #StrongBlumenthalDefender would marshall his energy for another day or so before sallying forth to offer continued rhetorical and narrative support to his pals.
"Someone had grabbed me tightly by the arm and yanked me down," she wrote. "I almost fell to the ground, but was able to maintain my balance. Nonetheless, I was shaken." --Michelle Fields to Daily Beast
How many people here say that this describes what they saw on the videos?
Inga: "I agree, we need fresh young faces and vibrant people with a good grasp of what public service means"
You'll get Hillary.
Because you and your thoughts are irrelevant on the dem side.
You will do what you are told...and like it.
Fuck all of you nasty lowlifes with your "titty twister" epithets. I didn't originate that phrase. "Full Moon" made it up about me, and ultimately admitted that it didn't start with me. "Titty twisty" was not something I wrote and in no way did it start with me. It was somebody else, fantasizing about my writing. I never wrote the words until I had seen it used against me a dozen times or so. I didn't think it, and didn't write it. "Full Moon" made it up. Didn't you, "Full Moon"?
You're making these comments pages so much more cluttered, in addition to being profoundly more stupid, with your baseless personal attacks on me.
It's not my blog; I don't care too much. I'd presume that Althouse might care.
Don't get your titties in a twist, Chuck!
"Bowe Bergdahl Republican" Chuck: "You're making these comments pages so much more cluttered, in addition to being profoundly more stupid, with your baseless personal attacks on me"
I know nothing about you other than what you post on these pages. Things like rumor mongering about a child, cheering the doxxing of a 15 year old for daring to make your beloved CNN look silly with a funny video, your complete narrative and operational alignment with the left.
That's all anyone needs to make reasoned judgements.
And Chuck, you really might want to reconsider your out of control vulgarity on these pages.
Some young person might come across it and believe that is appropriate banter between adults.
Up-chuck: I think your pearl necklace broke when you clutched it just now.
Quite frankly, the entire point of this posting by Althouse could be rendered moot simply by having Young Master Kennedy wear a bib while speaking in public...and when eating peas.
This morning's local news reports that a DACA recipient was arrested Monday in the Yuma area for smuggling more Mexicans across the border.
How many years do you think its been since Young Master Kennedy began wearing long pants?
That language, Up-chuck! You gave my wife the vapors when she read it.
Have you no shame? Think of the women and children.
mockturtle: "This morning's local news reports that a DACA recipient was arrested Monday in the Yuma area for smuggling more Mexicans across the border"
His "dream" was to get more "dreamers" across the border so they could vote in more allies of LLR Chuck to make "dreamers" permanent residents and turn the US into Aztlan.
Drago, are you sure he wasn't in short pants last night. Is there proof?
And do not use any source Inga has or may use...those are HERS young man!
Republican baseball practices. Rand Paul. Betsy DeVos visiting Schools. Ajit Pai's home and children. Crozet, VA train "accident".
It might be time for republicans to "up" their security measures.
"Drago, are you sure he wasn't in short pants last night. Is there proof?"
We won't know for sure until Inga provides to us ALL THE UNDERLYING DOCUMENTS! (lots of puns there. Go for it!)
FullMoon said...
"Titty twisty" was not something I wrote and in no way did it start with me.
Prove it.
I told you to find where I had written it. You tried, apparently. You couldn't, obviously. And then you admitted that it must have been something that you mistakenly thought that I had written.
You have admitted it a number of times. Most recently here:
Here's the transcript of audio tape that Michelle Fields recorded HERSELF (She said so to the Jupiter prosecutors--even though she released it through her friend, Hadas Gold, at the time.)
Terris is Ben Terris--the hipster wanker from the Washington Post that you can see circling Fields in the checked shirt on the tapes beforehand--like he expected something to happen. He even had a photographer from WaPo present to capture what he expected to happen. He coincidentally was set to publish a piece about violence surrounding the Trump campaign. Terris must be psychic.
Terris: “You OK?”
Fields: “Holy sh*t.”
Terris: “Yea he just threw you down.”
Fields: “I can’t believe he just did that that was so hard. Was that Corey [Lewandowski]?”
Terris: “Yeah, like, what threat were you?”
Fields: “That was insane. You should have felt how hard he grabbed me. That’s insane. I’ve never had anyone do that to me from a campaign.”
Terris: “Can I put that in my story?”
Fields: “Yeah, go for it — that was really awful. That’s so unprofessional.”
Terris: “He really just almost threw you down on the ground.”
Fields: “He literally went like this and was grabbing me down. “I don’t even want to do what he just did to me. Oh my God, that really spooked me that someone would do that.”
Read the whole thing. It shows the veracity of the people that Chuck supports.
I wonder if Durbin's handshake with Trump prior to the SOTU caused LLR Chuck to cry a little bit?
On the inside.
You cannot expect the younger generations to care about the same things you lived through. If you are going to "get" what will come next, you need to understand something of what the younger generations have experienced.
Outside of 9/11, economic wise, it seems a 30 year cycle. I told my lib niece who's saving for retirement because she thinks there won't be social security --which is what we boomers were told during the 1986 tax reform and hubby and I and some of our friends saved that way-- that Trump us their Reagan. If he can do even 1/4-1/3 what Ronnie did they'll be ok.
It was time for the 80s market to return.
I heard that years ago, as I said a 30 year cycle. While I forgot, I've been waiting for this. For over a decade. Obama's policies delayed this.
What's different is the compete globally, we didn't have to. But it can be managed.
@Chuck. Look on the bright side, better than getting a wedgie from Trump or Lewandowski when decide to trek to West Palm Beach.
LLR Chuck is still quite upset that John Daly put the lie to LLR Chuck's claims to know that Trump is not a good golfer.
So many things about Trump have exposed LLR Chuck's shortcomings that it's no wonder our #CNNStrongDefender lashes out so.
I sent a steel breastplate to Greta Van Susteren, just in case.
You can't be too careful with all the nuts running around out there.
"Chuck said...
Fuck all of you nasty lowlifes with your "titty twister" epithets."
Googling "Chuck + Althouse + Titty Twister" produces 40 hits. Nuff said.
LLR Chuck is certainly no gentleman.
The CBS Snap Poll after the speech last night showed 97% of republicans supported and approved of Trump's speech.
Can you imagine how many times CBS had to call Chuck to get that other 3%?
From Chucks link:
NOT CRAZY CHUCK calmly explains why it is ok to threaten Greta the Whore:
More bullshit from you. I never fantasized "about attacking a woman for agreeing with Trump." I made the carefully-measured proposal to do precisely the same to Greta van Susteren, as the Trump manager Corey Lewandowski did to Michelle Fields. (After which both Trump and Lewandowski lied about it.) Greta said on-air that the action by Lewandowski was clearly not criminal. My notion was fine; it's clearly not criminal in Greta's opinion so why not see how she likes it being done to her?
It got better, when Greta started whoring herself to MSNBC
What was it about Bush that was so attractive to those who voted for him back then...
He wasn't Al Gore and he wasn't John Kerry.
Next question.
Jim at: "He wasn't Al Gore and he wasn't John Kerry.
Next question."
It ain't complicated.
It's something for the history books. - www
And those who refuse to learn from said history are doomed to repeat it.
GOP Congresspersons and their families being transferred to buses to continue their journey to their strategy retreat.
I put the odds of "trees accidentally falling across the highway in front of them" at around 45%.
Gahrie beat me to it re: Gore/Kerry.
That's one thing - out of many - the left refuses to understand about conservatives.
Our politicians aren't heroes and we don't belong to a cult.
There are two choices. If your nominee sucks, I'm choosing the other one.
I grew up when people like Scoop Jackson were Democrats. He'd be run out of the party today.
Re: The train crash:
"Bernie Sanders surrogate and CNN “talking head,” Johnathan Tasini couldn’t hide his excitement about GOP lawmakers being involved in a train crash on the same day Rep. Trey Gowdy announced his retirement from Congress.
"“Wow, btwn train full of Goopers hitting truck and this, God is working hard today to clean up the stink. Thank her. #TreyGowdy #goptrainwreck,” tweeted Tasini."
Curious George said...
"Chuck said...
Fuck all of you nasty lowlifes with your "titty twister" epithets."
Googling "Chuck + Althouse + Titty Twister" produces 40 hits. Nuff said.
Virtually all of those hits are links to writings of you lowlifes, calling me a "titty twister." You hateful trolls.
Humperdink, that doesn't surprise me. We know who the violent haters are in this country. And if they regain power they will, as someone suggested earlier, try to kill us. Oprah said some years ago that old white people 'need to die'.
LLR Chuck is particularly angry today.
So are the democrats.
You should feel free to draw obvious conclusions.
Bush apparently also wasn't John McCain, Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes, Orin Hatch or Gary Bauer either.
Chuck, you wouldn't be teased so mercilessly if your responses weren't so damned funny.
The favorability ratings are in for the SOTU, which could be the reason our resident LLR is not amused today.
readering: "Bush apparently also wasn't John McCain, Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes, Orin Hatch or Gary Bauer either."
Bush apparently also wasn't an Arctic Puffin either.
What was your point again?
Chuck said...
This is a link to the time Chuck accused Sarah Sanders of lying about baking a pie. He angrily emailed AA about it !
@ Humperdink: Bernie Sanders surrogate and CNN “talking head,” Johnathan Tasini couldn’t hide his excitement about GOP lawmakers being involved in a train crash on the same day Rep. Trey Gowdy announced his retirement from Congress.
And at the scene there were GOP lawmakers with medical backgrounds who disregarded the advice of security to stay on the train and insisted on getting off to attend to the 3 garbage men on the truck. That is winning!
Hoping Trumps tweets the upstart Joe Kennedy III: "Don't give me any of your lip, Joe".
And those who refuse to learn from said history are doomed to repeat it.
Sure, just don't expect Millennials who weren't born yet to make the same associations.
Chappaquidick is a Boomer thing. That's fine. It's a shared cultural memory of your generation. Just don't expect those who weren't born yet to make the same associative leap.
Here's a great article on what Trump is doing for Republicans:
"Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight"
And that's precisely why Chuck and his lefty allies hate Trump. Trump dares to fight back against Chuck lefty betters.
The only thing Trump could do at this point to anger Chuck and his lefty pals more is to promise "A Pecan Pie In Every Oven"....baked with a Sarah Sanders family recipe.
That alone, right there, might finally be enough to send Chuck right over the edge.
Bush apparently also wasn't John McCain, Steve Forbes, Alan Keyes, Orin Hatch or Gary Bauer either.
OK. And?
Are you saying if one of those candidates won the Republican nomination, I would've voted for Gore or Kerry instead?
I'm not a Boomer. I was five when it happened.
Not everybody lives their lives 24 hours at a time. Some of us try to learn from things that happened in the past.
Your mileage may vary.
Sure, just don't expect Millennials who weren't born yet to make the same associations.
Since the poor dears have been deprived of History in the classroom and show little proclivity for reading it on their own. WWII was before my time but I sure as hell know quite a bit about it. Mostly from my own reading. It's more important to keep up with the Kardashians, of course.
Poor Chuck.
It is very stressful to live a lie in the public eye.
To pretend to be something you so obviously are not.
Sort of how Cory Booker pretends to be a heterosexual and Elizabeth Warren pretends to ba redskin.
Good luck with that. Somebody might believe you. Someday.
Setback for Millennials from California appellate court--they can no longer pay less for using Tinder.
Is there a Kennedy factory out there manufacturing these to spec for the Democratic Party?
"Drago said...
Here's a great article on what Trump is doing for Republicans:
"Donald Trump is teaching Republicans how to fight"
And that's precisely why Chuck and his lefty allies hate Trump. Trump dares to fight back against Chuck lefty betters."
Nope, not why. It's because Trump exposes Chuck and the GOPe as the euniches they are. They're cowards. As much as Chuck might hate the Democrats for kicking sand in his and his girlfriends, the GOPe, face, he hates Trump even more for doing something about it.
You set yourself up with your vulgarity and inconsistency.
You inappropriately challenge our lovely hostess, like a dinner guest berating the hostess for smudged silverware.
A lot more self-awareness is needed if you want to dialogue in a respectful manner here.
"Chuck said...
Curious George said...
Googling "Chuck + Althouse + Titty Twister" produces 40 hits. Nuff said.
Virtually all of those hits are links to writings of you lowlifes, calling me a "titty twister." You hateful trolls."
Virtually all? Gotcha you titty twisting sunuvabitch you!
"Since the poor dears have been deprived of History in the classroom and show little proclivity for reading it on their own. WWII was before my time but I sure as hell know quite a bit about it. Mostly from my own reading. It's more important to keep up with the Kardashians, of course."
Now, let's be fair to Millennials. WWII and the Holocaust is not equivalent to the importance of a dead senator's scandal. He was not a President, he was not a Vice-President.
There are very few Senators who are given significant space in general history survey texts. Maybe Calhoun? Who else?
WWII changed the world, and ushered in the American Century. Europe and Japan were destroyed. Millions of people were killed in the Holocaust. How is the significance of WWII and the Holocaust equivalent to Chappaquidick?
It was a scandal, about an individual. Not a world-changing World War. How many scandals about dead Senators not-from-your-state were you taught in school? The drinking scandals of Grant, perhaps? But that had to do with scandals in the Grant administration. He was a President, not a senator.
As an aside, other things have changed,
I think Millennials are more educated about drinking and driving then the Boomer generation in the 60s. They'll belt their babies into car seats, and use seatbelts. Less smoking in cars. Parents are more attentive to warning teenagers not to get into cars with drunk people. Less hitchhiking. People are more attentive to driving and safety.
There's a hilarious blog post pretending to be a parent boomer in the 70s. "If 70 moms had blogs."
"Matt had been down at the lake fishing with all the other four year olds and he came back yelling that he had a fishhook caught in his lip so I had to get the pliers and cut it out for him. I gave him some ice, told him to stop crying and sent him back to the lake to fish some more.
Around noon the kids all came back from wherever they were and I made them fried baloney sandwiches on Wonder Bread with some tasty-kakes for dessert. After that we had to go grocery shopping so I put the three older ones in the back of the station wagon and set the baby on the front seat and off we went."
When I was in residency, during morning rounds one day a colleague presented one of his patients and mentioned that her past history included chronic back pain. The initial injury occurred while riding in a car with one of the Kennedy cousins. When he finished presenting the case, the attending said, "First lesson. Never get in a car with a Kennedy."
Curious George said...
"Chuck said...
Curious George said...
Googling "Chuck + Althouse + Titty Twister" produces 40 hits. Nuff said.
Virtually all of those hits are links to writings of you lowlifes, calling me a "titty twister." You hateful trolls."
Virtually all? Gotcha you titty twisting sunuvabitch you!
Yes. "Virtually all" of the 'titty twister' hits are by the lowlifes like you. A very tiny number of them were interchanges between me an "Full Moon," where I was explaining the falsity of any attribution to me whatsoever, and challenging "Full Moon" to show readers where I had ever written it. And "Full Moon" couldn't do it, and ultimately agreed that it was not attributable to me at all.
The only time I ever wrote "titty twister" was in the process of explaining how "titty twister" never originated with me, and I never, ever, not once, threatened/proposed/planned to 'titty twist' anyone.
It was, all along, one of "Full Moon's" weird obsessions.
"I'm not a Boomer. I was five when it happened.
Not everybody lives their lives 24 hours at a time. Some of us try to learn from things that happened in the past.
Your mileage may vary."
Boomers, wikipedia:
"There are no precise dates for when this cohort starts or ends; demographers and researchers typically use starting birth years ranging from the early-to-mid 1940s and ending birth years ranging from 1960 to 1964."
If born in '64, you're a Boomer according to some.
If you want, you can argue I'm not an educated person for not hearing about that scandal until I read this blog. However, I have read quite a bit about WWII. I strongly recommend the French Village if people are looking for a good TV program about WWII.
My argument is not just about me. It's that you cannot assume the younger generation to make the same associations, or have the same cultural memory.
A bunch of 18 year old new voters, born in the year 2000, will not even have heard of the non-President Kennedy.
Francisco D said...
You set yourself up with your vulgarity and inconsistency.
You inappropriately challenge our lovely hostess, like a dinner guest berating the hostess for smudged silverware.
A lot more self-awareness is needed if you want to dialogue in a respectful manner here.
I don't respect you. I don't want any "respectful dialogue" with you, or Drago, or Full Moon, or Curious George or several others. I want you to quit writing to me or about me. Stop mentioning me. Most of all, stop defaming me.
I don't respect you, and I don't like you.
And again, I was a commenter on this blog for years without any massive campaign of personal attacks from other commenters. Only in the era of Trump -- wherein I criticized Trump and called out his lies and his stupidity -- did I become a hate-object on the comments pages. It's not me; it's the fanatical personality cult that Trump has inspired among a few.
I care so little about what any of you think, or do professionally. I might, if any of you were able to engage on matters of substance without constantly libeling me. But many of you can't. And won't.
Now now....to be fair to Chuck, he never mentioned twisting. Grabbing and other molestation...but not twisting.
I hate you and don't care what you say.
To the tune of fifty comments a day.
Very believable.
Almost as believable as your assertion that you are a Republican.
Keep on Keeping on Amigo.
LLR Chuck: "I don't respect you, and I don't like you."
Well, don't expect me to become a lying POS weasel democrat just to get you to like me.
wwww said: My argument is not just about me. It's that you cannot assume the younger generation to make the same associations, or have the same cultural memory.
You are right. We cannot assume that anyone, even of our own age but especially the very young will be able to make the same mental linkage or have similar cultural memories.
There are many things that happened in the 60's and 70's that I either didn't pay any attention to, didn't care about or otherwise missed out on for various reasons. Cultural references of "popular" movies often go whoosh over my head and I have to look up what people are talking about. Names of politicians that I should have known about AT that time are like....Who??? So it isn't just generational. It is situational and even a class issue.
Absent being taught recent history we cannot expect that an historical reference will be understood by someone who wasn't even alive. Instead of assuming the association, we need to carefully and even forcefully 'splain it. Connect the dots. Draw a effing picture.
We also should not just stand by and let younger generations wallow in ignorance of historical incidents. Perhaps a version of Mansplaining is in order. Or...gasp....start teaching history again.
Overheard at the Dem strategy session pre-SOTU:
"Who is going to give the rebuttal? We need someone to appeal to the white working class. We've been getting creamed with them. They feel like we've abandoned them like Ted Kennedy abandons a date in a submerged car. I know, let's get this Kennedy kid."
Hey, Kennedy, wipe that drool from your mouth. What are you tryin' to do? Make me sick?
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