January 6, 2018

Let's catch up on the twitterings of our genius president, Donald J. Trump.

3 tweets. Read them in this order:

1. "Now that Russian collusion, after one year of intense study, has proven to be a total hoax on the American public, the Democrats and their lapdogs, the Fake News Mainstream Media, are taking out the old Ronald Reagan playbook and screaming mental stability and intelligence....."

2. "....Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. Crooked Hillary Clinton also played these cards very hard and, as everyone knows, went down in flames. I went from VERY successful businessman, to top T.V. Star....."

3. "....to President of the United States (on my first try). I think that would qualify as not smart, but genius....and a very stable genius at that!"

Well played, those cards.

I like the mix of joviality and lightweight cruelty.

ADDED: The NYT, reporting on the tweets, quotes Yale School of Medicine forensic psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee. She's the editor of “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President,” and she's met with "about a dozen" congressional Democrats to discuss the Trump-is-nuts crisis:
“The level of concern by the public is now enormous.... They’re telling us to speak more loudly and clearly and not to stop until something is done because they are terrified.” 
AND: I just listened to Scott Adams's Periscope on the subject of these tweets. Adams, justly claiming expertise as a writer of short, effective sentences, declares these particular Trump tweets "absolute genius." Adams is especially impressed by Trump's use of a word — "genius" — that his enemies won't be able to resist repeating over and over and doing Trump's work of linking his name to the idea of "genius" (and not just genius, but "very stable genius"). Adams also makes fun of the people who are going to be saying his use of "like, really smart" is inherently self-refuting, on the theory that only a Valley-Girl-type person litters her speech with "like." Here's an example of that kind of anti-Trump tweet:

That guy is not only missing the humor and the "folksiness" (to use Adams's word), he is himself using a word — one word — that makes him sound like a pedantic elitist.


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Michael K said...

Peanut, try not to pester the adults.

David Frum is a Republican neoconservative political writer

Frum is an odd duck. I used to read his blog and we exchanged some emails.

He was outraged that he was not invited on the NRO cruise that I went on in 2008. He has sort of gone off the reservation since, cozying up to the left and has really gone NeverTrump since last year. BIll Kristol and George Will have had similar meltdowns and I don't know if it is their social circle or just annoyance at not being asked for their advice.

le Douanier said...

OTOH, there was a time when these threads had more goin’ on.


Michael K said...

"they mean to see what kind of reaction they can get out of what they say. "

The Marxist trolls have copied that, if true. Most of us adults are trying to have a conversation.

le Douanier said...

Yes doc mike,

Tell us about not being immature, snarky folks online. Then, tell us about DJT’s brilliant immature online snark.

Carry on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He was outraged that he was not invited on the NRO cruise that I went on in 2008.

What a surprise it must be to you to find out that people don't tend to like selfish assholes. Wasn't it NRO that took Frum's appreciation for Obama personally by dis-inviting him? Well, groupthink's a bitch.

He has sort of gone off the reservation since, cozying up to the left and has really gone NeverTrump since last year.

Most people who are actually conservative in any way don't tend to care much for Trump. I think Ben Shapiro put it best: right-wing European ethno-nationalism is not conservatism. But what should a couple of Jews like those two care about Trump's right-wing European ethno-nationalism for? What's that sort of thing got to do with them!

Aren't there some torch-wielding uneducated young white men marching through the streets and chanting somewhere in the night right now that you could join?

Jack Klompus said...

"I'm sensing a theme here. "

That you're a dickless dope that everyone hates? Spot on!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

anti-de Sitter space @6:07 PM FTW.

Humperdink said...

Freder excerpted me: "Obama was in office for eight (8) years and not once, as in never, did GDP exceed 3%."

Fredor elaborated: "Depending on what you mean by this, you are either lying or being deceptive. It is true that annual GDP growth during Obama years did not get over 3%, but Trump has not had a full year to gauge his annual growth. If you are talking about quarterly growth, you are simply lying."

My full quote: "Obama was in office for eight (8) years and not once, as in never, did GDP exceed 3%. According Nobel Economic Prize winning Inga, Obama saved it all for Trump. You streak of beclowning yourself remains uninterrupted."

Lying or deceptive? I hardly think so. Obama never achieved 3% growth annually. That is a fact. Think Trump will Freder?

Mary said...

I wish all of you could step back and see how hilarious this truly is, I think David Frum summed it up best in a tweet “The president actually had a press conference to deny being stupid?” Honestly, smart people don’t go around boasting about how smart they are, that’s what insecure people do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What were you searching around my dick for, Jim Daniels? Aren't Republicans like you just a bunch of pedophiles anyway?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Honestly, smart people don’t go around boasting about how smart they are, that’s what insecure people do.

But Trump can't be expected to know that... much less his even more insecure, even stupider followers.

That's something only the non-Trump voting majority of the country is intact enough to understand.

Humperdink said...

Proud Mary said: "I wish all of you could step back and see how hilarious this truly is, I think David Frum summed it up best in a tweet “The president actually had a press conference to deny being stupid?” Honestly, smart people don’t go around boasting about how smart they are, that’s what insecure people do."

I'm confused. Are you talking about Obama or Trump? “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Mr. Obama told Patrick Gaspard, his political director, at the start of the 2008 campaign, according to The New Yorker. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m going to think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

Help me here Mary.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Help me here Mary.

I'll help you, 'dink. Notwithstanding that all you're going is one account, not withstanding the fact that Obama has a much better sense of humor than Trump and was probably joking, being a good speech writer or knowledgeable about policy is a much narrower and less arrogant, all-encompassing claim than just claiming oneself to be "smart", let alone a "genius."

Trump's skin is thinner than a mole rat's. And he's known to basically lack any humor at all.

Michael K said...

"Honestly, smart people don’t go around boasting about how smart they are, that’s what insecure people do."

Some would never carry it off anyway.

I guess that's the end of that thread. Lefty troll meeting.

Humperdink said...

TTR, thanks for responding for Mary. Good night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The number of people - especially those in his inner circle - who found Trump to be breathtakingly stupid in person is sort of a problem.

Sam Nunberg was tasked with teaching the little orange dictator the constitution. Constitution 101.

Trump thought it was boring, fell asleep and asked for a cheeseburger or something.

Only an idiotic pulls someone aside while president and asks the FBI director to swear personal loyalty to him over the constitution. Even a kid knows this. Trump thought the AG should be his personal attorney. He's seriously dumber than a second coat of paint. Urged to go into politics by tricky Dick Nixon and never bothered over the decades to learn a single one of the lessons about avoiding all the same breaches that brought Dick down.

Incredible. We thought Hillary was stupid. Trump's at least twice as dumb, the stupid shit he tries to pull. And to think it won't get out there. He really is as dumb as they come. On what basis could a regular person demand that kind of personal loyalty while playing that recklessly with an office that important -- let alone someone as uncharismatic and dysfunctional as Trump?

His cabinet is driven by fewer intra-personal loyalties than a bunch of guys at a poker game. Only with the press involved.

The only casino owner to go bankrupt. Dumb dumb dumb. How does a casino owner go bankrupt?

Anonymous said...

"If the good doctor hasn't enough information that she could ethically write President Trump a prescription, she shouldn't be offering us her opinion on his medical fitness. "

If Soviet Union-style tactics ever came to the USA, we know which professionals would run the weaponized psychiatric facilities. Just look at the list of names willing to sign that statement.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I guess that's the end of that thread. Lefty troll meeting.

Lol! What're you saying, Little Big Mike? That these threads are only meant to be run by right-wing trolls? (Such as yourself?)

Thanks for that admission!

Jack Klompus said...

"The only casino owner to go bankrupt. Dumb dumb dumb. How does a casino owner go bankrupt?"

You've never been laid in your entire life, have you?

wwww said...

I grew up around people with PhDs in nuclear physics and statistics.

The only time I saw people boast about their intelligence was a comp sci class as a undergrad. The class wasn't asking for anything more complicated then linear algebra. a bunch of 19 year old insecure boys.

Most people of wicked intelligence don't boast. One undergrad friend who went to Cal Tech, got a PhD in com sci, and is now $$ after working for Amazon and Yahoo was asked by another undergrad about his SATs. I thought it was classy when he gracefully re-directed the convo. I'm sure he scored in the top 1 percent.

Gary Kirk said...

What I'm ecstatic about is that my certification papers don't mean a whit. Thank you Donald. And thank you Scott. Keep winning. Geniuses. And so am I. It takes one to know one.

le Douanier said...


Yup, it’s all win-win to say you went to school in Massachusetts. And, do it w/ a blase vibe. Hoping nobody notes.

Almost everyone just rolls on in convo. The ones who don’t let it go at that tend to be in the club. IMHO.

Inga...Allie Oop said...

He’s a stable genius!

pacwest said...

"annual GDP growth during Obama years did not get over 3%, but Trump has not had a full year to gauge his annual growth."

While the current trend looks positive I agree that the economy doesn't fully belong to Trump until 4 quarters into his Presidency. (Unless it slumps. Then it is all his fault. /sarc)

Dr Weevil said...

"The only casino owner to go bankrupt. Dumb dumb dumb. How does a casino owner go bankrupt?"

Anyone who can be bothered to Google "bankrupt casino" will quickly learn that this is utterly false. Just the first page of links includes stories on "The Shuttered Casinos of Atlantic City" (5 of them, some Trump's, some not), "Fontainebleu casino in Las Vegas Goes Bankrupt", and (dated 2 days before Trump's election) "Deadwood Casino Goes Bankrupt Two Months After Kevin Costner Closes Midnight Star".

As so often, we're left with the question: liar or fool? Being too lazy to spend 10 seconds on a Google search before saying something false qualifies you as one or the other.

Dr Weevil said...

Oops! Misread the date on that last story: just 2 days before the first anniversary of Trump's election. Apparently South Dakota casinos are one thing that hasn't boomed in his administration. Must be harder to make money with a casino than some commenters think.

Humperdink said...

wwww said: "I grew up around people with PhDs in nuclear physics and statistics."

I grew up around junkyard people, welders, roofers and laborers.

Michael K said...

"Must be harder to make money with a casino than some commenters think."

Probably harder to make money at anything than most lefty commenters think.

None have ever signed the front of a paycheck.

Drago said...

"I mean in a way Obama's standing above the country, above above the world, he's sort of God."

Drago said...

wwww: "Most people of wicked intelligence don't boast."

Hanging around a couple of mensa types will disabuse you of that notion in about 5 seconds.

Or 5.278 seconds to be exact.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

None have ever signed the front of a paycheck.

Says the guy who couldn't manage the budget of a medical practice.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hanging around a couple of mensa types will disabuse you of that notion in about 5 seconds.

I don't think mensa people are really all that brilliant.

Maybe they confuse themselves with people in menses.

Drago said...

TTR: "The only casino owner to go bankrupt. Dumb dumb dumb. How does a casino owner go bankrupt?"

It's impossible for casino owners to go broke because "they didn't build that". Some earth-bound "God" said that, so it must be true, racist.

A casino going broke is nothing like galaxy-sized political failure in multiple runs for the Presidency by Sack Of Potatoes girl.

Drago said...

TTR: "I don't think mensa people are really all that brilliant.

Maybe they confuse themselves with people in menses"

I might just steal that one.

Without attribution, naturally. Wouldn't want anyone to get the idea I wasn't clever enough to come up with on my own.

Michael K said...

"Says the guy who couldn't manage the budget of a medical practice."

What an expert we have here !

You "know" this how ? Good grief ! All these lefties who read minds as well as balance sheets.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is about to explain to us how to run a medical practice.

McDonalds doesn't run medical practices as far as I know.

Bated breath waiting to learn something.

John Lawton said...

He may be a genius, but is he a Super Genius?

pacwest said...

""Hanging around a couple of mensa types will disabuse you of that notion in about 5 seconds.""

"I don't think mensa people are really all that brilliant."

That took more than 5 seconds. More like 4 minutes.

Mensa 98%tile = 5sec
TTR X%tile = 240sec

Maybe we could have them there nuclear physicists and rocket science guys do the math for us.

bagoh20 said...

If Trump has truely exceptional success at things, a wide variety of very competitive things that millions of others would love to succeed at, including many very intelligent people, what does that show?

If he's an idiot, I say let's find some more of them and get them running more things. Or we could elect someone like Hillary or Obama who never succeeded at anything exceptional other than riding the political gravy train at the expense of millions of others. Then we get what they accomplish: failure, mediocrity, disappointment.

bagoh20 said...

Trump has even lifted his enemies higher than they ever expected they could rise. Ask the media. They get paid to talk about stuff, and they won't talk about anything else but some uncouth idiot on twitter. He could tweet "Good Morning", and they would spend a week discussing it, scratching their beards, and using strange words they just learned the night before, but never heard before. It's like he's some kind of genius delivering geniusy stuff.

wwww said...

Mensa types are massively insecure.

Not everyone can comprehend advanced writing or theoretical maths. It is what it is. People get different gifts. Succeeding as a good parent is, with some small exceptions, more valuable and more impressive then a natural intelligence. Excellent parenting takes a morality and a patience that I deeply respect.

Movie reference: Mozart doesn't boast. Insecure Salieri types boast.

Salieri's fatal flaw was his inability to recognize his limitations.

wwww said...

Trump's flaw is not a lack of intelligence, so much as an overabundance of hubris.

gg6 said...

"Ann Althouse said...
"It's simply not believable that he's stupid.
I see that assertion again and again, but given his achievements, it makes no sense. Why do people keep saying that? Is it all they have? That's quite a concession."
Anne, I think you answered your own question 'why?' here with you earlier comment re "pedantic elitists"....they are virtually everywhere, I'm afraid

Paul said...

Trump says he is a genius... didn't Obama say he was the 'smartest person in the room' and 'I can do every one of your jobs better than you can'?

So what's the big deal about what Trump says?

exhelodrvr1 said...

"If he's an idiot, I say let's find some more of them and get them running more things. "

Find out what whiskey he drinks and send all of my generals a case, if it will get the same results. - Lincoln's reply to comments about General Grant's drinking problems.

narciso said...

In the early days of the Obama presidency, frum had a blog ostensibly weeding out those unworthy of conservatism that was called ostentatiously the new majority, that soon became the frum forum, the comment section like Joyner was swarming with trolls.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's impossible for casino owners to go broke because "they didn't build that".

What's the percentage of morons who never figured out that the house always wins?

What are the percentage odds of the house winning vs. losing?

Whatever they are, Trump was apparently dumb enough to find a way to break them.

I'm sure that pretty soon all the joints on the Vegas strip will go broke, too.

How long will it take for you suckers to realize how badly Trump suckered you, and how much of a dumb-ass he really is in life apart from that one "skill" he has, how deceptive he is - as much as you applaud him for it?

Probably forever. Conservatives apparently need to find ridiculous things to believe in. And this time, it happens to be Trump's success in anything other than duping people. Ironic, given how badly he's duped and swindled them.

Jack Klompus said...

"Conservatives apparently need to find ridiculous things to believe in."

It's not ridiculous to believe that you have more sand in your vagina than the Sahara. Do you prance around and bitch slap the air while you shriek your little rants?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

One of the great questions in life: Which is greater: Jim Daniels' anger or his loneliness?


Unknown said...

Trump's greatest accomplishment is exposing the left, the media, and the entrenched political body for what it is. That is no small feat for a caveman using stone tools against a cabal of nuclear armed enemies. Call him an idiot, a psychopath, or mentally unstable if you will, but he's kicking the snot out of you every day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just like Hitler used to do, Rt1 Rabel.

Dr Weevil said...

What's the percentage of morons who keep asserting that casinos never go bankrupt even after I demonstrated (7:14pm) that many non-Trump casinos have done exactly that?

Kyzer SoSay said...

God I love watching the resident leftists flail in the wind like drying laundry.

Shame that they still smell unwashed.

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