I'm not big on the "imagine if.." approach, but if Obama had done this, it would have been on a Fox News 24 hour video loop. https://t.co/xnIAUINrio
— Jeff Greenfield (@greenfield64) January 9, 2018
Here is a video of Trump 'singing' the #NationalAnthem.. He clearly doesn't know the words, yet he thinks Colin Kaeprnick is "a son of a bitch" for kneeling during that very anthem.#NationalChampionship pic.twitter.com/s0K8ZJCJdB
— Remove Trump Now (@KaniJJackson) January 9, 2018
Another thing you could do is just display sanity. Set a good example. Like this:
For those grousing about Trump seemingly not knowing the words to the national anthem: 1) He's hard of hearing and 2) down on the field, the sound bounces around a lot and it's hard to decipher the music. Singing along wouldn't be easy for him.
— Anthony Zurcher (@awzurcher) January 9, 2018
८७ टिप्पण्या:
Sanity is soooo 1983
How about treating Democrats the way you treat Trump, You know, do your job!
Imagine if Trump had taken 145 million from Putin! That's why he is not a big fan of the game. Too perilous to the narrative.
Perhaps it is more insane to support and cheer for people that hate you and want you dead than it is to stick by your team, your team at least not wanting to behead you before raping your dog is the assumption.
Obama's ten finger scrotal salute.
Imagine if Trump had used the NSA to spy on a Democrat campaign on a pretext so thin "You could birdwatch through it."
After years of covering for the various shenanigans of characters like the Clintons and Obama, and generally always giving anybody with a (D) in front of their name all the benefit of the doubt, while at the same time ceaselessly assaulting anyone with an (R) in front of their name, the entire liberal media lost the right to such switch-a-roo-ism with me.
He clearly doesn't know the words, yet he thinks Colin Kaeprnick is "a son of a bitch" for kneeling during that very anthem.
Can't watch the clip right now. But unless the claim is that Trump is intentionally screwing up the national anthem, then there is no comparison. Ignorance is not the same as actual, intentional disrespect.
Of course, what Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome does to you, is that when Jeff Greenfield wisely and accurately asks readers to (simply) imagine what FNC would do, to a video of Obama mouthing incomprehensible syllables to the Star Spangled Banner, you come up with a headline that totally misconstrues Greenfield and turns it into an activated exhortation: "Just go after Trump to the extent that you imagine that Fox News would have gone after Obama."
The reverse counter-hypothetical is usually pretty weak, I'd say.
This blog has a funny way of having unrelated posts turn out to be related:
Rosanne Barr sings the National Anthem
Did you fidget when they went after James rosen, when they went after the entire ap switchboard to cover up brennans leak, how they supboened two reporters risen and Shane on other matters, how they locked another reporter in a closet during a fundraiser.
Trump will get a pass on this from me. It’s entirely possible that it was difficult hearing the music clearly where he stood and if indeed he is hard of hearing. There are other issues far more concerning.
Jesus, what next?
To those with TDS, the man can literally do nothing right.
“This blog has a funny way of having unrelated posts turn out to be related:
Rosanne Barr sings the National Anthem“
Roseanne Barr is an idiot, I don’t know why so many of you folks like her.
I love when they expose themselves like this.
And Greenfield who is supposedly a man with much gravitas wonders why the majority of the electorate holds the media in contempt.
Singing along wouldn't be easy for him.
Why let the truth or a plausible reason get in the way of a good narrative.
Can't watch the clip right now. But unless the claim is that Trump is intentionally screwing up the national anthem, then there is no comparison. Ignorance is not the same as actual, intentional disrespect.
This. Don't worry, the left won't let any sort of reality intrude on their world-view cause it is all "But, but, but I DON'T LIKE TRUMP SO ANY STICK WILL DO!"
And let's be as clear and as simple as possible.
The game of "How would the _____ media treat this situation if it had been one of their own?" is a game that is played almost daily on the pages of the Althouse blog. Played, of course, in mostly just one direction.
I am not necessarily criticizing that game! I am a lot more like many of you, and less like Jeff Greenfield. Jeff says he is not big on the "what if" game. I often like to play the "what if" game. So, obviously, do many of you. The difference is that I like to play it in both directions. Because lately, it has become almost hysterically easy to parody somebody like a Sean Hannity.
Chuck got it.
Althouse's title re this post is not logically describing actions re the tweet she's highlighted.
If you need to makeup a situation to be fussy about, maybe there's no sane reason to fuss.
Sure, there are ways to question the tweet. E.g., it's obviously an exaggeration re a non-stop loop. But, presumably noting that a tweet includes exaggeration isn't blog worthy. Cause, earnestly policing that venue for exaggeration would be insane.
Is messing up the words of the National Anthem valid grounds for impeachment? Inquiring liberal minds want to know!
So, don't discriminate by age, and respect the context.
Simply Google® "All this for a damned flag" +Michelle
Snopes says "it’s not possible to definitively determine what she said from that observation alone." Yeah, right. Watch the video; watch it again. Knowing her character, you decide.
And she got a huge pass from everyone.
I rest my case.
I'm getting really tired of the crap.
cubanbob said...
And Greenfield who is supposedly a man with much gravitas wonders why the majority of the electorate holds the media in contempt.
This is sort of the issue.
Does the electorate hold the media in contempt because the electorate is center-right and "the media" is hard left? Because in a world that includes FNC, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Twitchy, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Breitbart, etc., etc., etc., "the media" can't possibly be categorized like that.
There's right-wing media along with left-wing media. An lefties hate right-wing media, and righties hate left-wing media. It's a free country.
Maybe it's like Congress. "Congress" as in institution is despised. But everybody is so in love with THEIR OWN Congressperson, that incumbents get re-elected almost all the time. At least better than 90% of the time.
Implication: an ex post facto tenth, twentieth trimester abortion of Obama/Clinton/DNC spying on Republicans, colluding with foreign interests, and denying the vote to the Jew. They are note viable. Obama/Clinton/DNC axis, not the Jew.
To be honest, the national anthem is hard to sing and hard to remember the words. I have never expected anyone to sing along, though it is appreciated. The basic expectation is to stand, take off any hat, and show due respect.
I am always thought that the French national anthem was genius because it is easy to hum.
Rob McLean said...
what Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome does to you
You sound like a complete idiot complete idiot when you talk like this talk like this.
I'll define it. "Trump Derangement Syhndrome Derangement Syndrome": (Noun) A mental dysfunction causing those supporters of Donald Trump to regard all critics of Trump as having a mental disturbance, with hateful thoughts and feelings about Donald Trump, even when certain Trump critics have perfectly valid criticisms of the 45th president. See, e.g., Althouse, Ann.
"When you allow taste to trump policy — and I’m addressing Bill Kristol directly here — you’ve elevated mere snobbery to a governing philosophy.
And you should expect the deplorables to respond accordingly."
From Instapundit in case Chuck missed it.
The truly funny thing is, we don't really have to imagine. We know how Fox treated Obama, and we know how the rest of the press (including Greenfield) treated Obama. The press, on the whole, adored Obama. They put pictures of him en-haloed all over their front pages and websites. They forgave his scandals. They accepted his criticism. They did not call him a liar, even when he lied.
Now they are, on the whole, treating Trump the way they imagine Fox treated Obama. But let's play that game. Imagine if networks had insinuated Obama colluded with Putin (even though he was caught on a hot mic sending him a friendly message, that never became the narrative!). Imagine CNN doing their snarky chyrons with Obama. It all would have been so racist. But more than that--- it didn't happen. They had the chance to treat Obama the way they treat Trump, and they did no t do it. We don't need to play the what if game.
Sorry for the "Syhndrome" typo above.
Covfefe to you all!
Actually it was the fact that Obama clearly hated the military and used the federal government to spy on and persecute his political opponents that upset me.
People screw up songs all the time. But it is the inferred reasons that get you into trouble.
Does the electorate hold the media in contempt because the electorate is center-right and "the media" is hard left?
No, they hold them in contempt because it's abundantly clear that they do not report the news, as much as feed the national storylines they would like to promote.
If they said, "this is the news, but I don't like it," that would be fine. But they say, "oh, that isn't the news at all, you ridiculous peasants, let us more educated people tell you what you should be thinking today."
We don't have to imagine how the media would cover Obama doing something like not properly singing the national anthem, because we've lived through it. We know.
Fox News would point it out, but not call him unpatriotic. Many other blogs and commenters would wonder why he didn't know the words. And the national media would call out the "racists" for not knowing how the sound echoes in the middle of the stadium.
Then Inga and others would get the media's thread and begin bashing all the "racists" on this blog for trying to figure it out on their own.
Trump Derangement Syhndrome Derangement Syndrome
Is what you get when you type Trump Derangement Syndrome into the echo chamber of left-leaning blogs.
After a while, you just start typing it everywhere.
Chuck, I do appreciate that we have partisan media these days. The problem was and remains that the what is supposed to be the non-partisan press - ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Associated Press - are very partisan to the left and yet claim to be non-partisan and are treated as non-partisan by a good portion of the population. Fortunately, more and more people do realize the truth, but even so far too many people treat their stories as if their reporting is fair even when they know the truth.
Oddly, Fox News is probably a lot closer to non-partisan than any other source these days. (That's regarding their news reporting. Their talking heads are another matter entirely.)
Maybe he just couldn’t wait to get to the part about “hireling and slave”...
Chuck said...
cubanbob said...
And Greenfield who is supposedly a man with much gravitas wonders why the majority of the electorate holds the media in contempt.
This is sort of the issue.
Does the electorate hold the media in contempt because the electorate is center-right and "the media" is hard left? Because in a world that includes FNC, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Twitchy, Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter, Breitbart, etc., etc., etc., "the media" can't possibly be categorized like that.
There's right-wing media along with left-wing media. An lefties hate right-wing media, and righties hate left-wing media. It's a free country."
Yes Chuck it still is a free country notwithstanding the efforts of the Left. However where is the Right's PBS and NPR? And can you seriously compare one cable outlet and a few talk-show hosts with the totality of the left leaning media? The electorate obviously didn't buy the Left's billion dollar in cash plus billion more in-kind non-stop propaganda. Think about it, all that money and effort and nothing to show for it. All the hysteria is getting them what? Even you voted for Trump and presumably will vote for him again when the Democrats offer you yet another even worse choice than Trump. The Left wing media in their ridiculous over the top hysteria predicated on lies is almost guaranteed to hand the Republicans another victory in November.
Covfefe to you all!
Covfefe back at you!
Maybe we Althouse commenters could choose to embrace that as a non-partisan salute of our shared humanity and inability to be right at all times.
We could use it to end long threads of intense debate with a kind wink and nod to what binds us as Americans.
Covfefe out!
Their talking heads are another matter entirely
Yeah, calling Sean Hannity a Trump supporter is like saying Ann Althouse kinda likes Bob Dylan.
Roseanne Barr is an idiot, I don’t know why so many of you folks like her.
As far as we are concerned, she’s likable enough. She is an entertainer. Why take any of them seriously? Entertain us Roseanne!
Does the left think any of this bullshit works against Trump?
It’s almost as if light and sound travel at different speeds, syncing audio and video in large sporting events is tricky,what you hear on the field is different from what comes through the audio feed, and stadiums are big enogh for the difference to be noticeable.
Who knew?
The question re: Barr, in light of she's a social liberal, did she know?
Did she know about transgendered men preying on boys?
Did she know about liberal women preying on boys?
Did she know about friendship with "benefits", including "casting couch" relationships?
We know the liberal elite and limousine crowd did know, and yesterday, not only did they mourn at the tomb of the unknown baby, but they were contrite when female chauvinism was exposed to have sacrificed women, men, children, and babies, too, for political, financial, and social progress.
Did she know?
There's never been anything like the media hatred of Trump. Not even Nixon.
Bet Trump knows how to say “corpsman,” though.
I dunno; Trump is hard of hearing (so am I); it's difficult for me to hear any specific thing in a noisy background environment. So maybe The Donald lost the plot & the lyrics and was out of step. Don'know and don't care--he hung in there and gave it what he had.
OTOH he did not go the Roseanne Barr route; the fat little chubster was singing the national anthem at a San Diego Padres game (the featured singer, on the field, and with a microphone). She forgot the lyrics midway through the first verse and--wait for it---grabbed her pussy in front of some 25,000 people.
It would have been better if she had simply put a sack over her head.
Any of those types ever been on the field in a dome? Between the echo and the muffling, anything coming from the PA system sounds like Charlie Brown's teacher.
See, e.g., Althouse, Ann.
Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome Derangement Syndrome.
To be honest, the national anthem is hard to sing and hard to remember the words. I have never expected anyone to sing along, though it is appreciated.
It is especially difficult to sing along when you get some singing Diva who changes the tempo of the song randomly through the performance and decides to show off his/her vocal gymnastics with a bunch of loop de loop glissando tricks.
Just sing the song so other, normal, people can follow along and sing. It is the National Anthem, not your personal interpretation to show off..
What's the over/under on how many months before Chuckles is up on a clock tower with a rifle?
Yes Chuck it still is a free country notwithstanding the efforts of the Left. However where is the Right's PBS and NPR?
That is a great question and one that I have asked many times. There's no good answer, yet. The status quo is wrong.
But PBS and NPR cannot and should not be turned into Fox. PBS and NPR need sane conservatives. Many, many more sane conservatives.
But PBS and NPR cannot and should not be turned into Fox. PBS and NPR need sane conservatives. Many, many more sane conservatives.
Sane of course meaning those that kiss the ass of the Democrats and the GOP Establishment.
I hate to say this, but look at Trump's hand. Doesn't it look small there?
Maybe it's just because it's over such a big heart.
The left is now admitting the non-Fox media are the mirror image of Fox, er, Faux News. When they tell us Fox is in the tank for Trump, they are admitting they were in the tank for Obama. This is similar to them now claiming Rasmussen polling is Republican-biased. By implication, they are admitting the others are anti-R biased. Same with the Oprah fetish; they are implicitly admitting no one can beat Trump except for a celebrity on their side.
Trump has won the world. He amazes daily. And his enemies confirm his sovereignty.
These media "gotcha" moments don't work with politicians who have already accomplished things (i.e., tax cuts, destroying ISIS).
The "potatoe" moment worked against VP Dan Quayle, because Quayle didn't accomplish anything as VP, and there was no internet to undo the narrative (that Quayle was a moron).
So, once Trump passed the tax cuts, nobody cares if he botches the National Anthem.
Does Kaepernick know the words.
I can't recite the whole thing and neither can 99% of Americans.
I can respect something and what it symbolizes without that ability.
Anybody here that can recite the Constitution or the Bible?
I would stand and respect another country's anthem without knowing it, as would the kneelers. Which shows the stupidity if this form of protest.
Now the economics pointy heads are talking about 4% economic growth. Of such numbers, opposition wave elections are not made.
Let’s play more “Imagine if”
“In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.”
Imagine if these were people who had re-written FBI findings to get Trump off the hook for destroying evidence of collusion with the Russians after he had taken dozens of millions of dollars from them and done them “yoooge” favors, “enormous” favors.
By the way “Clinton fixer” is not spelled “counterintelligence” but it’s close enough to blame spell-check.
It’s pretty clear why the media doesn’t like playing “imagine if” It’s is one of the samizdat right’s favorite games.
“In one exchange, FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and bureau lawyer Lisa Page engaged in a series of texts shortly before Election Day 2016 suggesting they knew in advance about an article in The Wall Street Journal and would need to feign stumbling onto the story so it could be shared with colleagues.”
It would be illuminating to know which article they planted.
I can sing the first verse, but not on key. Can't sing any of the other verses though. My husband has a wonderful singing voice, but he always screws up the lyrics to EVERYTHING.
Bob Boyd said...
I hate to say this, but look at Trump's hand. Doesn't it look small there?
Maybe it's just because it's over such a big heart.
1/9/18, 11:13 AM
That right there is just about the wittiest thing I have read in a long time. [pigeon clap]
@Professional lady, my long-suffering wife informs me I cannot sing anything on key. So I might as well sing the national anthem because hardly anyone else can sing it on key either. 😉
I have it on good authority that not only does Trump know the words to the Star Spangled Banner, he has actually sung it in all 57 states.
Tim at large's "imagine if" above is really illuminating of the left's intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy. It's incredible in it's clarity of that hypocrisy and how our system is rigged in one direction despite the fact that a vast majority of the American people would be much more even-handed.
Really, just imagine if..., and the left would be correct and patriotic to go apeshit over it, just as the right is about the corruption as it actually is without any imagining.
Now the economics pointy heads are talking about 4% economic growth
Pointy? We prefer the term inflection.
The proper question to ask is "does there exist any footage of Obama singing 'Star Spangled Banner'"? For comparison purposes. If not, why not?
However where is the Right's PBS and NPR?
It wasn't long ago when the right's PBS was...PBS!
Milton Friedman's Free to Choose
Greenfield is making a tu quoque defense of Jackson's tweet, it seems to me. This seems to be Ms. Althouse's point, too. If you think it would have been wrong to do it to Obama, as Greenfield no doubt believes, then it is wrong to do it to Trump- what Fox News does or might have done is irrelevant.
Chuck, that covfefe comment was actually funny!
Recognize this:
And where is that band who so vuntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
Me either. But those are lyrics in the National Anthem.
To the numerous posts of poor acoustics in domed stadiums. The new Mercedes Benz stadium is notorious for that here.
Garth Brooks fans complained of audio issue during first concert at Mercedes-Benz Stadium
Plus the roof doesn't work right.
Lewis Wetzel said...
The proper question to ask is "does there exist any footage of Obama singing 'Star Spangled Banner'"? For comparison purposes. If not, why not?
I believe Obama sang the Star Spangled Banner at Rashid Khalidi's going away party. I'm sure if we could just check the tape it would put our minds to rest.
Every moment is a gotcha moment from the DNC-MSM.
And if Trump would've sang the Anthem knowing every word? These very, same assholes would be bitching about how Trump made it all about himself.
"And if Trump would've sang the Anthem knowing every word? These very, same assholes would be bitching about how Trump made it all about himself."
The "Get Trump" Squad is, of course, out to get Trump. Yes, they are insane and incompetent, but they persist.....
Has anybody else noticed that fopdoodles are pains in the ass.
Of course he's not singing along. I have it on good authority that the SSB is a song about slavery.
Every moment is a gotcha moment from the DNC-MSM.
Yep. Fox did not take that approach during the Obama years. CNN is the mirror image of what Chuck thinks Fox is.
We think our enemies would be mean to us in every conceivable situation, therefore, *we're* going to be mean to *our* enemies! So, there!
And if Trump would've sang the Anthem knowing every word?
It would have validated the song was about slavery and Trump was leading the white supremacists in a national sing-along.
Didn't Obama 'throw' a pitch at the World Series and bounced it off the ground like 'Lucy' in peanuts?
I was watching it live.
1) IIRC, he did at least mouth some correct lyrics prior to that 5 sec clip.
2) Oddly, it was precisely during those few seconds when he was not mouthing anything that I thought "People are gonna go full-on 'Gorilla Channel' apeshit over that."
3) They didn't show much of him at all, so hard to say what happened later in the song. Perhaps there is a more extended clip focused on him (this also relates to point #1).
4) I don't recall him being slightly out-of-sync with the word "gleaming." But as has been noted, not easy to sing in unison in a place like that (it didn't sound to me like the group who sang an intro started in unison, but got it together before those other people who are also not King Crimson started the actual song).
5) As someone who is both hard of hearing and fearful of having my singing heard by others, almost to the point of phobia, even in a yuge crowd, I would probably also have only intermittently moved my lips. On those rare occasions when I am at a church service and they tell everybody to "Turn to Hymn 43," I stand there with my mouth closed and listen, as I surely don't know any of the words (well, okay, I know the words to that one).
Did they never get to the bottom of that white truck? Surely there's something with more "there" there for them to cover.
I can actually speak with some authority on this one, having sung the national anthem (as part of a choir, nothing exciting) on the field for a Steelers game. I can tell you that it's the most difficult venue I've ever sung in, bar none. The echo in the stadium is so extended that you have to completely ignore about 90% of what you're hearing, which is difficult enough for a professional musician...
In 5th grade, we sang the national anthem every day. Now, admittedly many years later, I can get hazy on some of the lines.
Noise cancelling headphones don't look Presidential.
DBQ...”Just sing the song so other, normal, people can follow along and sing. It is the National Anthem, not your personal interpretation to show off..”
So much this. It is really off-putting. And actually just sounds tacky.
Regarding the words of the national anthem, I think that a lot of people believe they know all the words, so don’t bother to memorize it, but when it comes time to actually sing it, they find they have got most of the words but not all of them. We rely on cues (others singing, the tones) to trigger recollection.
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