#TrumpShutdown is accurate. #SchumerShutdown isn’t. Maybe think of it as #TrumpShitdown!
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) January 20, 2018
ADDED: Is it a coincidence that #TrumpShitdown and "Shitty Media Men" are happening at the same time?
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
#TrumpShutdown is accurate. #SchumerShutdown isn’t. Maybe think of it as #TrumpShitdown!
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) January 20, 2018
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Wow, powerful argument.
It really is sad that a constitutional law professor at Harvard has outed himself not only as a Democrat partisan, but a loon with TDS.
His credibility on legal issues is now near zero.
This seems to happen to Trump's opponents frequently. They try to act like him, but can't pull it off. What works for Trump, whose persona has been in public for years, looks fake and looney in his opponents, because we have different perceptions of how they should behave.
Larry acts like a child. One with no creativity. Just stomping his feet and crying.
Larry was a great scholar and a great law professor. He was always generous with his time with students. It's really sad to see him losing it.
Oh, I get it. You start with "shut.." because it is the government that is "shut down" and then you change the inside letter to an "i", and then it sort of matches something that Trump is reported to have said that has been talked about a lot lately.
And then you twat it out there for all to see.
Seems to me that I heard some Democrat politicians this last week, bragging that they had enough votes to shut the government down.
So when a Republican minority refuses to cooperate with a Democratic majority....the Republicans are responsible for the shutdown.
When a Democratic minority refuses to cooperate with a Republican majority...the Republicans are responsible for the shutdown.
Got it.
This is why we have Trump.
Larry just doesn't understand alliteration appeal. #SchumerShutdown rolls off the tongue. #TrumpShutDown? #TrumpShitDown?!?? Awkward turtles all the way down.
#TribeTravesty. #TribeTrips. #LarryLoses. See how that works?
Wow...Trump has turned thousands of seemingly normal people into nutcases. I suspect they were always a bit nuts, just below the surface. Trump has scratched the surface to reveal what lies beneath. Not so impressive.
"Wow...Trump has turned thousands of seemingly normal people into nutcases."
Sen. Jeff Flake: Trump = Stalin.
"ADDED: Is it a coincidence that #TrumpShitdown and "Shitty Media Men" are happening at the same time?"
Nope. Vulgarity and the use of profanity at the top of any system tends to infect society and culture. It spreads downwind.
Leadership in any avenue of life -- be it a corporation, religious life, clubs, scouting, politics -- the example of vulgarity in leaders models acceptable public behaviour for all.
Some have always confused men's vices with men's honours.
Is the silly little man a member of the Cherokee Tribe too? Maybe he can get Pochahontus to cook him up some Pow Wow Chow from her plagerized Indian Tribal recipe book.
wwww said: "Nope. Vulgarity and the use of profanity at the top of any system tends to infect society and culture. It spreads downwind."
I agree. Glad to see your coming around. Why then, have Christians been vilified for years for advocating the avoidance of such behavior? Why are we mocked as prudes for wanting the public airwaves cleaned up?
"When a Democratic minority refuses to cooperate with a Republican majority...the Republicans are responsible for the shutdown."
Four R. senators did not vote for the CR last night. McConnell did not have 50 votes. Make of that what you will, but math says Rs did not have a simple majority for it to pass.
Now, I find the blame game absolutely tedious so will be sitting it out. My take is that they had a lotta time to figure this out. Maybe working from Tuesday to Thursday ain't enough time to do their job. They're getting paid a great salary and life-long pension. Maybe don't fly out of town every weekend, huh?
Maybe don't wait until last night to talk to your colleagues to hash something out? Do your job!
It's gonna be a bunch-a boring talking points manufactured for cable talking heads.
I will say this. McConnell would not have allowed this to happen if he did not think it was in his interest.
Man up and control your woman. She's getting hysterical.
How can an Ivy League law professor say Trump is responsible for the shutdown? Has Tribe not read the Constitution?
To answer Althouse's question, if Tribe is trying to "talk like Trump," he failed. There was no wit, no humor, no good communication happening. When Trump talks, he communicates something usually.
Just to illustrate how we are being patronized by our inferiors.
wwww: "I will say this. McConnell would not have allowed this to happen if he did not think it was in his interest. "
You are 100% incorrect. How do think the media will treat the R's regarding the shutdown?
What of bunch of projection by Tribe. So lazy, unclever, and Trump never uses profanity in his tweets.
Larry was the guy that said that Obama was the most brilliant research assistant he ever had.
I don't believe him. Maybe he had Obama write that tweet.
Alternatively, maybe Tribe was drinking.
"I agree. Glad to see your coming around. Why then, have Christians been vilified for years for advocating the avoidance of such behavior? Why are we mocked as prudes for wanting the public airwaves cleaned up?"
huh? "coming around?"
I can't answer why others may think obscenity and vice is no big deal. We teach our kids that others mocking them as "prudes" is not significant. When kids are instilled with enough personal strength, being told they are "prudes" will loose its power. Bottom line - it's not about a popularity contest. Don't be concerned with those who mock. Having a good family and institutional support system, church groups, other groups, in place helps children navigate these issues.
I choose a spouse who agreed with my view of the world, and have been blessed in my family life. I support good behaviours but I don't give jeremiads to other adults who don't have my same view of divorce or marriage or family life. But I have fairly strict views, for this era and time, about marriage, divorce, profanity, sex outside of marriage, alcohol, and other behaviours.
"You are 100% incorrect. How do think the media will treat the R's regarding the shutdown?"
They'll treat it like the OJ Simpson white bronco escape. Countdown clock, lots of blah blah blah, lots of this talking point vs. that talking point. Big flashing notices on screen when negotiations happen. It'll look like a video game. News Porn! Lots of Senators and Reps on cable all blaming each other.
I won't be watching.
"What of bunch of projection by Tribe. So lazy, unclever, and Trump never uses profanity in his tweets."
He may (and almost surely does) use dirty words in private, but we don't see "shit" coming out of his mouth. It's the person who has "shit" coming out of his mouth who is making the bad impression. People went to a lot of trouble to try to create that picture for us, of "shit" coming out of Trump's mouth. But every time they did, "shit" came out of their mouth. What is the image that remains in our head?
If McConnell (R-KY) convinces all (as in 100%) of the five (5) recalcitrant R senators to for the CR, does it pass? Ah, no.
If Scheemer (D- Slimeball) convinces a mere 20+ percent of the wayward D senators to vote for the CR, does it pass? Yes, of course it does.
That's why it's called the beady-eyed, eyeglasses on the nose tip, Scheemer shutdown.
Acosta, Larry Tribe. Everybody wants to take on the fastest shitslinger in the West.
Trump's Presidency continues to expose the lunacy, incivility and vulgarity of the left and its icons. The gloves are off, Larry. Show us what you are made of.
The big difference is that Trump said it privately. The Demos are all doing it in public
Does Professor Tribe know that someone with a twitter account is using his name to say things in a way that would attribute a . . constipated train of thought to the good professor?
wwww said
"Four R. senators did not vote for the CR last night. McConnell did not have 50 votes. Make of that what you will, but math says Rs did not have a simple majority for it to pass."
It takes 60 votes to pass a CR, not a simple majority.
The democrats obstructed a CR that had every thing they wanted for two reasons to embarrass President Trump and because they value illegal immigrants more than the general welfare of American citizens.
Does Donald Trump get a vote in the Senate?
PS As for Jeff Flake, I've admired him for a long time and voted for him in 2012. He's been very disappointing lately. This is not a good way for him to go out.
We do in Arizona have a high likelihood of electing our first woman Senator, be she Martha McSally or Kirsten Sinema. (Sorry Joe, not gonna happen)
"It takes 60 votes to pass a CR, not a simple majority."
Man, people do not think McConnell is as smart as he is. McConnell ain't no dummy. He didn't hold 50 R votes for a reason. He didn't try to get 60 for a reason. It's not a bad political play, and it might work. Shutting down the government for amnesty is gonna look good in R. commercials.
Anyways, I'm out, except to talk about profanity. it's not the thread topic, after all.
The adult Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz basically says Congress is behaving like children when it comes to "shut downs". He is calling for a Constitutional Amendment to abolish "shut downs", the next years funding would just continue at last year's rates till a new budget was passed.
The simple truth is that this is siege play, and Trump's side can wait this out far longer than the Dem's side. Calling it Trump's shutdown, or whatever silly words you want to say, doesn't work out too well when Trump wasn't calling for a shutdown.
Oh and this: "Ds shut down the government to vote for amnesty."
Neither side of the aisle understands why Trump's wall resonated with voters. It is simple. When Reagan signed in amnesty, the American people were promised border security would come later. It's been 30 years, and now the American people want border security first. Trump was the first to acknowledge this, and that's how you got Trump.
Finally Dems, you are welcome to believe your polls. We will simply remind you how well that worked out for you in 2016. :)
The Democrats really think being the party of other countries peoples is the winning move?
So the government gets shut down, only people living of the government are affected. The rest of us, the overwhelming majority, won't notice it at all. As WWW said the Democrats are making the Republican talking points.
wwww; "Anyways, I'm out, except to talk about profanity. it's not the thread topic, after all."
When Trump allegedly uttered the word "S***hole" in a private meeting, with honorable (gag me) democrats, it should have stayed in the room. Did you hear him say it? No. Nor did I. Knowing his demeanor, he probably said it, but that's not the point. He said it private.
Subsequent to the private utterance, CNN has publicly used the word over 200 times. Gleefully.
Ann Althouse said...
"What of bunch of projection by Tribe. So lazy, unclever, and Trump never uses profanity in his tweets."
He may (and almost surely does) use dirty words in private, but we don't see "shit" coming out of his mouth. It's the person who has "shit" coming out of his mouth who is making the bad impression. People went to a lot of trouble to try to create that picture for us, of "shit" coming out of Trump's mouth. But every time they did, "shit" came out of their mouth. What is the image that remains in our head?
1/20/18, 8:18 AM
Looking back: There's one big difference between a #Shitdown during the Obama and Trump presidencies.
Obama wanted the "shutdown" to be as painful and disruptive as possible to everyone, aiming to harm his opponents politically.
Trump wants the "shutdown" to be as inconsequential as possible for everyone save, perhaps, his opponents.
South Park shit episode come to life.
Aside from paying our military, most conservatives would be happy to see the government shut down for a very long time. I don't see how this is going to hurt Trump more than Dems. I doubt Trump is going to pull an Obama and put up fences around monuments to make a point.
I think Tribe could use an intervention. He's gone from respected legal scholar to internet bufffoon very quickly.
Did you hear him say it? No. Nor did I. Knowing his demeanor, he probably said it, but that's not the point. He said it private.
Yes. Very true. However, he did call people that night to hear how the language was playing with his base after they were angered by the "compromise" meeting the day before. Trump is, as Althouse has shown, deliberate and strategic in his use of language. He is deliberate and strategic in sharing words, phrases, and information with the press. I do not think he is hapless and confused or naive about the implications of using that sort of language in a large group.
The Howard Stern show is profane and vulgar. Curse words do not need to be spoken for the subject to be vulgar and profane. The Howard Stern show is public.
Vulgarity includes, but it not limited, to curse words. Vulgarity in positions of leadership infects others in society. I do not think this is a controversial position.
Some may confuse men's vices with men's honours.
What I want is Federal tax holiday while shutdown is going on.
If they can't spend it why should they be able to tax?
How will politics play out then?
Fuck yes "Shutting down the government for amnesty is gonna look good in R. commercials."
But, McConnell didn't put a gun to Schummer's head to sit on the amnesty bench.
wwww: "Some may confuse men's vices with men's honours."
Again I agree you. When Bill Clinton, former Commander-in-Heat, used a cigar on Ms. Lewinsky, was there an outcry from the Dems? Of course, not. Not only was there no outcry, one Nina Burleigh publicly stated, PUBLICLY STATED, she would perform a sex act on Clinton because of his policy position on sucking the brains out of babies.
Confusing men's (and women's) vices with honours? Yessir!
Trying to think about how the shutdown effects me. Only thing I can think of is that I have some applications pending with the ATF, but since those take around a year to process, thanks to the Unconditional NFA, an extra week or two doesn’t matter.
#TrumpShutDown, #TrumpShitDown? Really? Tribe needs to up his game, and he's Harvard faculty. Sad!
So this is a lawyer speaking? It reinforces all of the bad stereotypes of lying lawyers, it's painfully obvious this is the Schumer Shutdown, even the NYTimes admits it.
" Blogger WisRich said...
What of bunch of projection by Tribe. So lazy, unclever, and Trump never uses profanity in his tweets.
1/20/18, 8:05 AM"
Interesting isn't it. Trump is damned for vulgarity but what he really is is openly honest and crude. Trump is damned for destroying the country but what he really is doing is making it hum right along. Trump is damned for being lawless, when in actuality he has been the MOST law-abiding POTUS in my lifetime.
The cognitive dissonance must be staggering within these people. But I expect mainly it's wanting to be with the IN crowd that keeps it coming.
Why is it so difficult for people to recognize? The people who want the shutdown are the ones who made it happen.
Who wanted a shutdown? The people who voted "no". Schumer voted no. Trump had no vote.
The old, "I did it because you made me do it" only works on the weak-minded. Like MSNBC anchors and Lawrence Tribe.
As for Tweeting, there was radio, then TV, now Twitter. Any politician who wants to influence had to master the technology of the time or be thought of as out of touch.
Not that everyone sounded good on radio, looked good on TV, or writes well on Twitter.
But them's the rules. Any Dem in 2020 who thinks they don't have to be at the top of their Twitter game has already lost.
Who's better, wacky, left wing Harvard Professor Laurence Tribe or wacky left wing Harvard Professor Lawrence "3-step" Lessig?
You decide.
A Democrat ass in the Democrat shitshow.
Most excellent! The "Schumer Shutdown" phrase is in like Flynn. If they are trying to spin a different name for it you know where the baseline is. When this goes down the power of the President’s tweets will be in full force.
wwww said...
"Vulgarity and the use of profanity at the top of any system tends to infect society and culture. It spreads downwind."
I don't agree. Lyndon Johnson had a mouth on him, but the media didn't report the things he said, because they were not "fit to print". Our society has gone from one in which polite people did not mention pornography to one in which "porn" is used as a slightly ironic reference to any strong stimulus. I am not sure that a decrease in pious hypocrisy is a bad thing.
The traditional subjects on which it is impolite to speak publicly are sex and excretion, which should not be mentioned at all, and religion, which must only be mentioned in certain respectful ways. It is especially impolite to discuss sex and excretion using words derived from Anglo-Saxon, rather than the Latinate terms imported to England by the French conquest. This suggests that the prohibition of profanity is simply one more way the elite tell the rest of us that they are our betters.
CNN has a shutdown clock on screen. It can’t get much funnier but no doubt it will. The banner says”government shut down; anti trump rallies nationwide”. Must have learned this trick from Drudge
"Four R. senators did not vote for the CR last night. McConnell did not have 50 votes. Make of that what you will, but math says Rs did not have a simple majority for it to pass."
This is incorrect. The vote was 50-49 in favor with McConnell voting nay for procedural reasons and McCain absent.
"Is Larry Tribe trying to talk like Trump?" Trump corrupts everyone, especially his enemies.
Terminal TDS
"Vulgarity in positions of leadership infects others in society. I do not think this is a controversial position."
If you think Trump's vulgarity is going to corrupt the culture, you have things backwards. Trump was able to become president because our culture is already base and vulgar. Trump is a symptom, not a cause.
Now if you want to talk about a president who did visibly corrupt the office of the presidency and had a debasing effect on our culture look no further than Bill Clinton. He added the term "blowjob" to our lexicon when discussing Oval Office activities, and gave young people the idea that "blowjobs" are not sex. Bill Clinton, and his corrupt wife, are why we have Donald Trump as president.
The irony is that it may take a short-fingered vulgarian like Trump to change things for the better. If not, well, at least he's entertaining. Enjoy the decline.
Trump, in all his vulgar glory, is holding up a mirror to the left. And they don't like what they see. The problem is they don't yet realize they're looking at themselves.
I just got back from moving to my new office. My diesel mechanic hardcore Democrat Unionist nephew showed up to help. He seems to have come around to President Trump, he says a lot of his co-workers have to. He says it's about immigration and the economy. He told me that there is a saying at work,
"DACA means Democrats Against Citizens of America".
Larry, the Lost Tribe.
Tell me, Althouse, is Tribe really the best and brightest of you Con Law professors? 'Cause I don't think his elevator goes all the way to the top floor.
Is it a Haitian shitdown or a Norway shitdown?
Because one is racist.
And then you twat it out there for all to see.
Well played.
Four R. senators did not vote for the CR last night. McConnell did not have 50 votes. Make of that what you will, but math says Rs did not have a simple majority for it to pass.
Sure. However - as one who's worked inside of this crap before - once it's known the measure will not pass, people can come up with a variety of reasons to hold out for something down the line.
I strongly suspect none of the Rs votes would've gone to the 'nay' if the required number of D votes were there for passage.
Tribe obviously not talking like Trump 'cause Trump is so sunny.
Tribe is another casualty of Trump Derangement. Used to be intelligent.
Man, Larry Tribe really turned into a fucking kook. How embarrassing.
I wonder if the benign brain tumors are causing it.
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