North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 3, 2018
७० टिप्पण्या:
The South Koreans and the Japanese needed for Trump to say that. The game going is chess moves dividing those two countries from us. If Trump appears irresolute to fight nuclear blackmail, then we lose them. Simple as that. Keeping our alliance strong is called winning, and it is a defeat of the cunning blackmailer and his many enablers.
Let's settle this World Wrestling Federation style. Best 3 of 5 falls.
There will be no 'button gap' on Trump's watch! No bowing and no apologies, either. And he has the tweets to prove it. MAGA!
Trump is just rattling Rocket Man's cage and the little runt just does not know how to take what Trump says. I am sure it confuses the hell out of him. Never ever have they had any 'diplomat' say such a thing to them.
And at same time Iran is gonna have their revolution with Trump's help!
Gonna be a GREAT 2018!!!!
Sometimes, I wonder if Trump enjoys trolling Rocket Man or his Lefty opponents at home more.
I'm that after this tweet the Union of Concerned Scientists will move the Doomsday Clock a second closer to midnight.
Little Short Round, aka Whoa Fat hardly knows what to do confronted with The Donald. OTOH Donald has never had a political associate executed by an anti-aircraft gun, so if these two are comparing "crazies" Whoa Fat is still in the lead.
Kim Jong Un's fingers are shorter than Trump's. That's gotta hurt his pride.
Kim Jong Un received the button labeled "reset", which when pressed initiates a sequences of of events including a social justice adventure (e.g. elective war), immigration reform (e.g. refugee crises), and at least four trimesters of fleecing and disenfranchising Americans, Europeans, Canadians, Australians, etc. A weapon of mass destruction with a progressive (generational) outcome.
If you are some 3rd world dictator type, one thing that the Iraq wars showed you is that the US military can aim a cruise missile from a ship somewhere off the coast right down the stove pipe of your house if they want to.
So, far the US has only done so with a conventional payload. There is absolutely no reason why they can't do so with a nuclear payload.
Such a thought cannot be comforting for anyone who might be on the receiving end of that cruise missile. It means that if the US knows where you & your family are, even the general area where you are, they can kill you for certain.
Trump is certainly unique ...
"Speak bigly and carry a bigly stick."
Lil Kim's best-loved button says (in Korean) More Cheese!
The same idiots who lost their libtard minds when Reagan challenged Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall are losing their libtard minds all over again.
Now I have to imagine the respective sizes of the buttons of these two very overweight individuals? Reminds me of the showers after gym in 7th grade. I would rather focus my mind elsewhere.
Almost makes you remember the less crazy days of 2017.
How big a tweeting circle do these guys have? It may be newsworthy if more leaders joined in....
Xi: hey, guys! Who exactly made that button for ya?
Putin: we dont need buttons in mother Russia. We use (pause) british dossiers.
Abe: you all know we developed a secret robot army that we cant wait to use, right?
Merkel: (in penalty box until april 2045)
Trudeau: everybody cool it! The, ah, juniors are on, and, ah, i made a promise to, ah, have Pot legalized by, ah, July 1.
But yet you went there..sounds like unresolved issues.
I'm feeling very small. None of the buttons on my desk will destroy the world.
Trump's opponents and enemies end up defeated. Ask all the democrats wailing in the darkness. May Kim be defeated too. I pray it's with words and political actions only.
'Kernel memory leaking' Intel processor design flaw forces Linux, Windows redesign
Kim Jong Un should check if his button has "Intel Inside" printed on it.
Steve Uhr: "Now I have to imagine the respective sizes of the buttons of these two very overweight individuals?"
That's all you got?
Not enough people are calling Kim Jong Un and his North Korean cronies a buncha fucking Communists.
These fucking Communists of North Korea are what Stalin and Mao wanted the rest of Europe and Asia to become.
We lost 35,000 Americans fighting these fucking North Korean Communists to save 50 Million South Koreans from becoming a similar oppressive hell-hole on earth.
I dunno if we have any Korean War vets in the Commentariat here, but if we do, God Bless you and thank you for your service.
If you're a leftist who doesn't understand the origins of the split between North and South Korea 70 years ago or the problems of Venenzuela today, well, you don't understand the fucking Communists.
I thought it was a football.
I thought it was hilarious. But I see that Very Important People on Twitter think this is beyond the pale. I don't see it.
It's a simple truth that is worthy of Rocket Man's consideration.
He could have also said "never bring a knife to a gunfight" or "A man's gotta know his limitations."
What if DJT actually wants to rattle his cage until he fires another H-Bomb capable ICBM? Use your button first. Then a button with the full panoply modern war weapons pointed at the NORK Regime all go off at once.
Just as half the reason for using the new weapon called Fat Boy in August, 1945 was to scare the rest of the world powers, half the reason for pulverizing the NORKS to cinders is to display our newest weapons.
Jackson = Polk= Truman=Trump. That is how the USA became great in a world of evil hostile powers.
I’m a Trump fan and absolutely despise the blue checkmark Mafia on Twitter, but I don’t see the advantage in tweeting this. Maybe this is some Art of War stuff - “if your enemy is angry, make him angrier” or something. But I don’t get it.
Nuclear War is not something I’d joke about if I wanted my enemy to believe I’d use nukes.
Is the size of your button proportional to the size of your hands?
Woo! I laughed out loud at work as it came across CNN.
Bomb bomb bomb
Bomb bomb Iran!
That was hilarious!
And actually we have no way of knowing if our button works. I suspect there are still a lot of human elements in the after-push chain and at least some of them care *who* pushed the button.
Nuclear War is not something I’d joke about if I wanted my enemy to believe I’d use nukes
Unless you have the capability of shooting down their nukes and you need a provocation in order to take him out.
...If you're a leftist who doesn't understand the origins of the split between North and South Korea 70 years ago or the problems of Venenzuela today, well, you don't understand the fucking Communists....
Compare and contrast height and weight of Sorks v Norks from the 50s on.
If you have a mediocre to strong constitution, you can follow along on Rantburg. They know their stuff.
Snowflakes will melt.
Nuclear War is not something I’d joke about if I wanted my enemy to believe I’d use nukes.
The Soviets freaked out when President Reagan joked about bombing the USSR too. That turned out OK.
And supposedly the Chicoms told the Norks don’t worry we will still supply you. Our UN vote was for show.
One problem is They couldn’t feed the refugees.
Unknown: "And actually we have no way of knowing if our button works."
Unknown: "I suspect there are still a lot of human elements in the after-push chain and at least some of them care *who* pushed the button"
You are free to "suspect" whatever you'd like to in your ignorance and even project your own issues onto the military.
I "suspect" there are very few military members in combat roles who think like you do.
Strong horses are still measured in hands.
Re: North Korea
Trump is doing fine. He's probably listening to American bankers, traders, and aviation industry execs with decades of experience in East Asia rather than to the can kickers in the U.S. State Department or to the American hotshots in the computer software business who wasted a lot of money in the 1990s because they didn't know the difference between the Mandarin and Cantonese languages.
So do we know whether Donald Trump's hands are bigger than Kim Jong-Un's hands?
Remember when Marco Rubio said of Trump: "I'll admit .. he's taller than me, he's like 6' 2". Which is why I don't understand why his hands are the size of someone who's 5' 2".
"And you know what they say about men with small hands... you can't trust 'em!"
In fact Trump's hands are littler than many men's, measuring just 7.25 inches. Although we do not know Kim Jong-Un's hand size, we know he is 5'7" tall. Also, we are unsure of the two leader's penis sizes, but the most recent Penis Size survey carried out by condom giant Durex, Kim's Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea trailed the world - dead last - with an average erect penis size of just 3.8 inches.
The Penis Analyzer lists Kim's penis at 5.2 inches and Donald's as 5.8 inches. So next we will hear The Donald humming "My Dog's Bigger Than Your Dog."
Put a lot of thought into this, I see..
Two buttons are better than one.
Everybody is laughing at Kim. Trump uses that on everybody taking a swamp-dwelling posture of seriousness.
Expect panic among the swamp dwelling classes.
President Hillary could never have pulled that off. Everybody would be laughing at her instead.
"Wow, that water sure is cold..."
"Yeah, and it's deep, too"
The appeasement policy that began under Clinton, continued under George W., and reached its apogee under Obama is over. It couldn’t possibly last, and what can’t possibly last forever, has to end sooner or later. Better now than when missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons to cities on the West Coast have been perfected.
Maybe this is some Art of War stuff - “if your enemy is angry, make him angrier” or something. But I don’t get it.
Trump needs Kim acting as crazy as possible to get the Chinese to act, or allow the US to do so.
If they think he's becoming rational again, they're likely to slip back into their coma about his threat to the world. So Trump will take every opportunity to poke him and show how much of a threat he is.
"Steve Uhr said...
Now I have to imagine the respective sizes of the buttons of these two very overweight individuals? Reminds me of the showers after gym in 7th grade. I would rather focus my mind elsewhere."
Where? Hillary? Be thankful.
"Nuclear War is not something I’d joke about if I wanted my enemy to believe I’d use nukes"
We're not joking.
This is as much for the Chinese as it is for Lil'Kim. Lil'Kim must be made to understand that he is all alone in this. The Chinese won't be there to cover for him. If he doesn't know it already he soon will that he will have exactly one opportunity to launch anything. The more he bloviates the further he gets backed into his corner.
Melania's button was unavailable for comment.
Not enough people are calling Kim Jong Un and his North Korean cronies a buncha fucking Communists.
Because it's more like the People's Temple or an Aztec death cult than communism. There's no "committee" running NoKo. Kim the Sun God rules the land, and only he and his father and his grandfather before him have stood in the way of the Imperialist USA taking over the Korean peninsula. This is not some rational actor with whom we can really negotiate.
And the intelligence assessment of Kim's button, after he tweeted it over the weekend, immediately said that it's a fake. Their system for launching nukes doesn't allow for a desktop Nuke Button. But the delusional Sun God wants us all to believe they are technologically equal to us. It's funny to see Trump shoot that myth down so quickly and brutally.
Dictators can’t stand being mocked. And Trump is making a joke out of Rocketman.
Instead of, omg, we need to treat NK serious because of nukes. We have this.
And the Chinese, SK, and Japanese leaders are all laughing.
Ray: "Dictators can’t stand being mocked."
And western lefties can't stand seeing them mocked.
Birds of a feather kind of a thing. We won't know for sure until LLR Chuck's hero Thomas Friedman checks in.
@Unknown: “And actually we have no way of knowing if our button works. I suspect there are still a lot of human elements in the after-push chain and at least some of them care *who* pushed the button.”
Well, at least Trump’s button is connected up. Kim’s is just a plastic button sitting on a desk, no wires, no nothing.
Just today NK called South Korea on the hot line. South Korea hails it as a breakthrough (and this comes from CNN.)
Looks like Trump rattled rocket man's cage expertly.
"Reminds me of the showers after gym in 7th grade."
Are there a lot of things that remind you of that?
Because it’s more like the People's Temple or an Aztec death cult than communism.
Yeah, it would be like calling death “late state bubonic plague.” The two are tightly connected, but it’s a process and they aren’t the exact same thing.
Just as half the reason for using the new weapon called Fat Boy in August, 1945 was to scare the rest of the world powers,
No, that was just a bonus. He would have done it anyway. Do a little reading on the island fighting against the Japanese.
I was assured in the ‘60s that the “Eve of Destruction” came and went.
Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?
Can't you feel the fear that I'm feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there's no running away
There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave
Take a look around you, boy, it’s bound to scare you, boy
But I told you, over and over and over again my friend, that you were wrong, it wasn’t the eve of destruction, that I didn’t believe it was the eve of destruction. I still don’t.
The NORKs have been playing a game, Trump changed the rules. The NORKs never planned on launching, just threatening, and Trump doesn’t plan on launching either. But as long as we were forking over the Dane Geld to the NORKs for their trouble, the game was going to continue.
Paul beat me to it:
“North Korean leader Kim Jong Un gave the order to open the [hotline to South Korea] at 3:00 p.m local time (1:30 a.m. ET), according to an announcement on state media in the hours before the two phone calls to the South took place.”
This is not total victory over North Korea, but it does mark yet another win for Trump versus his critics. Maybe he knows things that people caught up in the DC echo chamber don’t.
Trump has called Kim Jong Un's bluff. Unless the North Koreans dream of abortion, it's time to deal.
"Do a little reading on the island fighting against the Japanese."
The best is "With the Old Breed. "
Sledge was a college kid who enlisted in the Marines, survived the war and went back to become a professor.
The book is harrowing,
Just today NK called South Korea on the hot line. South Korea hails it as a breakthrough (and this comes from CNN.)
What would you say right before starting negotiations other than "I'm very dangerous and you need to give me what I want"?
If he launched another missile, it might blow up or be shot down, weakening his position.
If he detonated another bomb, it might be the last straw for China or the US, ending any possibility of negotiation.
But "hey everything works and I can launch at any time" is what you'd say right before picking up the phone.
And if you're Trump how do you want to start negotiations?
By saying nothing and letting Lil Kim think his button threat caused you to rethink your position?
Or by saying, your threat does nothing to scare me but I'm open to talks anyway?
For those who don't understand, Trump needed to send that Tweet.
This poem immediately came to mind:
It was six men of Indostan,
To learning much inclined,
Who went to see the Elephant
(Though all of them were blind),
That each by observation
Might satisfy his mind.
The First approach'd the Elephant,
And happening to fall
Against his broad and sturdy side,
At once began to bawl:
"God bless me! but the Elephant
Is very like a wall!"
The Second, feeling of the tusk,
Cried, -"Ho! what have we here
So very round and smooth and sharp?
To me 'tis mighty clear,
This wonder of an Elephant
Is very like a spear!"
The Third approach'd the animal,
And happening to take
The squirming trunk within his hands,
Thus boldly up and spake:
"I see," -quoth he- "the Elephant
Is very like a snake!"
The Fourth reached out an eager hand,
And felt about the knee:
"What most this wondrous beast is like
Is mighty plain," -quoth he,-
"'Tis clear enough the Elephant
Is very like a tree!"
The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,
Said- "E'en the blindest man
Can tell what this resembles most;
Deny the fact who can,
This marvel of an Elephant
Is very like a fan!"
The Sixth no sooner had begun
About the beast to grope,
Then, seizing on the swinging tail
That fell within his scope,
"I see," -quoth he,- "the Elephant
Is very like a rope!"
And so these men of Indostan
Disputed loud and long,
Each in his own opinion
Exceeding stiff and strong,
Though each was partly in the right,
And all were in the wrong!
So, oft in theologic wars
The disputants, I ween,
Rail on in utter ignorance
Of what each other mean;
And prate about an Elephant
Not one of them has seen!
-- John Godfrey Saxe (1816-1887)
an alternative benjamin button
Gonna shoot'cha right down.
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