January 16, 2018

At the Old Dog Cafe...


... you can loll around all you want.

And please remember to use the Althouse Portal when you're shopping at Amazon.


Once written, twice... said...

Don’t worry boys, she’ll be around tomorrow morning to throw some more red meat to y’all!

Nonapod said...

How old is Zeus? It seems like he's developing a more distinguished grey muzzle.

hawkeyedjb said...

Reminds me of my two lovely black Labs, brother and sister, who passed away and left a great void. They lived with a brown mutt who bossed them around all the time. But they were Labs, with that typical Lab attitude about life: Hey, Whatever. Labs don't want to be in charge of anything, they just want to love and be loved. And sleep between meals and walks.

rehajm said...

The Guam Kmart, by far the chain’s busiest store, is protected by an expanse of ocean from a consumer market that’s largely shunned such stores, prospering on a retail version of the Galapagos.

The company doesn’t disclose sales for individual stores, but a former executive said the two-decade-old Guam Kmart produces slightly more than $100 million in annual sales—about three times the revenue of the next-highest grossing store. The average Kmart store had sales of $9 million...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

hawkeyedjb said...
Reminds me of my two lovely black Labs, brother and sister, who passed away and left a great void. They lived with a brown mutt who bossed them around all the time. But they were Labs, with that typical Lab attitude about life: Hey, Whatever. Labs don't want to be in charge of anything, they just want to love and be loved. And sleep between meals and walks.

1/16/18, 1:50 PM

Ha! I took in my friend's pug when he went on vacation, and the pug immediately proceeded to show my Golden Retriever who the boss was. My Golden reacted the same way your Labs did. That Pug was darling but quite the little control freak. "I"M eating first! I'M sitting there!"

Bay Area Guy said...

Over the weekend, I saw "The Post". Probably, 90% of the movies I see at the theaters, I find to be total crap, but this was pretty good, I'd give it a B+.

Spielberg captures the early 70s well -- not the crazies (Weatherman, SDS, Manson family, Black Panthers, SLA), but the Georgetown social set and the newsroom.

Here's the problem that Spielberg falls into, as do most people, when discussing the famed Pentagon Papers. The narrative goes like this: (1) the heroic press published the Pentagon Papers, (2) fought and beat the DOJ, (3) exposed the US government as liars, (4) persuaded the public that the Vietnam War was unjust, and (5) helped end the war.

Here's the timeline:

1. June 1971: Pentagon Papers leak/NY Times
2. September 1971: Fielding break-in in Beverly Hills
3. November 1972: Nixon wins 49 States
4. January 1973: Nixon signs Paris Peace Accords, ending the Vietnam War

Do you see the problem? They almost always ignore No. 3 and ignore Nixon's role in getting the peace agreement in No. 4.

Indeed, I would argue that the publication of the Pentagon Papers (which excoriated past administrations(Eisenhower, JFK and LBJ, but not Nixon) HELPED Nixon win a massive re-election and helped him get the peace agreement HE wanted to end the war, because it gave him political leverage against the hard-liners.

All this is obscured, though, perhaps even sent down the memory hole, due to a little burglary in June of 1972......

Nonetheless, The Post was a good movie for amateur historians of that era, but probably boring to the Michael Bay and/or Marvel comic crowd.

Trumpit said...

If you clone him, I will pay $1,000 for a puppy. It's just a matter of time when this will become routine. Would I have cloned my two dead dogs? In a heartbeat. Of course, you're only getting a physical copy, not a copy of their personality. They may be similar in that aspect as well.

Hagar said...

The Hawaii missile alarm was a stand alone snafu by the State of Hawaii with no connection to the US military.

However, with all this hoopla about button, button, who has got the button? Is there a button? - has anyone commenting hereon given much thought to what the state of buttons and control of same may be in North Korea?

tim in vermont said...

When are they going to clone Secretariat?

StephenFearby said...

Victor Hansen Davis (NRO):

President (animalistic energy) Nobama

"...Yet for the most part, since 1989, we’ve had lots of rhetoric but otherwise no serious effort to prune back the autonomous bureaucracy that grew ever larger. Few Republicans in the executive branch sought to reduce government employment, deregulate, sanction radical expansion of fossil-fuel production, question the economic effects of globalization on Americans between the coasts, address deindustrialization, recalibrate the tax code, rein in the EPA, secure the border, reduce illegal immigration, or question transnational organizations. To do all that would require a president to be largely hated by the Left, demonized by the media, and caricatured in popular culture — and few were willing to endure the commensurate ostracism.

Trump has done all that in a manner perhaps more Reaganesque than Reagan himself. In part, he has been able to make such moves because of the Republican majority (though thin) in Congress and also because of, not despite, his politically incorrect bluntness, his in-your-face talk, innate cunning, reality-TV celebrity status, animalistic energy, and his cynical appraisal that tangible success wins more support than ideology.


Etienne said...

That dog is overly concerned about #metoo...

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

I don't understand why someone would want to clone a dog. I remember the dogs my family owned fondly because of their little personality quirks. One taught herself to ring the front doorbell to be let in; another cried when he heard babies cry on TV. It's sad that dogs live such short lives, but I would rather have a whole new dog with a different personality than a clone of the old one.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Besides, Zeus is not Ann's dog to clone.

Herb said...

Totally off topic: Just noticed that the latest winter storm is named Inga...

And when did "we" start naming winter storms? Seems to be another part of the progressive plan to sissify our society.

rhhardin said...


I have no dial tone on the landline, and DSL is in and out.

DSL is radio frequency so probably is common mode down the wires, which makes it somewhat impervious to short circuits between the wires.

Mice chew all the insulation off the wires at the junction box by the back fence and that's that, when they nest in there. It happens every 3 years.

Century link, the phone company, will have a repairman out in a week and a day.

The priority on uninterrupted service has disappeared, in case it's in an ad somewhere.

tcrosse said...

I don't understand why someone would want to clone a dog.

Well, for one thing there's not much meat on them once you clean them.

hawkeyedjb said...

Agree with Victor Davis Hanson. I haven't been an admirer of Trump, but I must say that I admire a lot of what he has done. His presidency is going to be four years of a great big middle finger to a lot of what the American establishment considers sacred. As such, when his term(s) is/are up, the seething fury of the Left (and their lapdogs on the Right) will be unleashed in a tornado of hatred and destruction. It will be ugly to watch, and horrifying for the nation. But it is coming. Religious fanatics do not accept the kind of blasphemy and heresy that Trump has put forth.

rehajm said...

WH press corps is grilling the doctor about Trump's physical. WH press corps is probing, digging...begging for any finding of cognitive dysfunction. Failing, they've now turned to probing, digging...begging for anything they can spin into a finding of cognitive dysfunction.

AllenS said...

Are there a lot of buttons to push in the underground complex in Hawaii? Hell yes, there is. The board that holds all of the buttons, is complex. Somewhere near the top are buttons for global warming, global cooling, climate change...

Because of time constraints, in the middle of the complex assembly of buttons we see --

Jimmy Johns - Incoming missiles - Pizza Hut

So, it's easy to see why a mistake was made. But, don't worry, the person who pushed the wrong button has been reassigned.

Big Mike said...

Sorry Bay Area Guy, but I was around then, living in the Washington metro area after ETSing from the Army in early 1971. My own take is that McGovern was running on a single issue: end the war in Vietnam. I'm sure he had policy papers on other topics, but there was essentially just one string on his violin. Nixon wanted the war over and done with, and when, in 1972, Le Duc Tho and Xuan Thuy threatened to stage one of their patented "we're taking our marbles and going home" walkouts, Nixon responded by carpet-bombing Hanoi with B-52s and mining Haiphong harbor. At that point Le Duc Tho and Kissinger, who had been negotiating in secret, miraculously reached an agreement that they were able to force down South Vietnam's throat. So come Election Day in 1972 Nixon was able to run as the peace-bringer and McGovern had no strings left to play on his violin.

What has always irritated me is that Daniel Ellsberg helped provide the pretext for escalating the war before turning against the war and becoming a hero to gullible lefties. Some of the Pentagon Papers that he released, demonstrating that the Kennedy and Johnson administrations were duping the American public, had been written by he himself.

Drago said...

rehajm: "WH press corps is grilling the doctor about Trump's physical. WH press corps is probing, digging...begging for any finding of cognitive dysfunction. Failing, they've now turned to probing, digging...begging for anything they can spin into a finding of cognitive dysfunction."

Oh, they've already moved on to please, please tell us something that will indicate Trump will die soon!

Now they are drilling in to see if Trump is angry about his physical!


They can't help themselves.

Just think of how many Trump kewpie dolls with pins stuck in it will be found in the trash cans around the White House after the Press Conference!

Big Mike said...

Zeus makes me think of this great song.

rhhardin said...

Klavan on women


Big Mike said...

I fear you are right, hawkeyedjb.

Drago said...

Now the pressies are going on about that dreamy obama's exercise routine!


Trump has Melania. He doesn't need to try and impress some guy...er....Michelle..like obama did.

rehajm said...

please, please, please, let there be something wrong with him!!!

rehajm said...

Is he as fit as fit chain smoker President Obama, the most fit chain smoking President in history?

Drago said...

They keep coming back to the psychological angle.

As Glenn Reynolds says, just think of the press as Democrat Operatives and it all makes sense.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Acosta asked Trump's doctor, " What medical information, if any, are you keeping from us?"

Did anybody ask that when Hillary went curb diving? Did anybody ever ask if Obama had finally given up the smokes?

Drago said...

Now the lefty pressies who insist on asking the same questions over and over are now asking whether or not the Dr answering all questions asked is indicative of Trump wanting all questions asked!


So easily predictable.

I can already see the headline: Trump Doctor Concerned About Trump Health/Answers Questions!!

Dick Durbin is likely to come out and claim that he has had "private" meetings with Trump's doctors and they are concerned.

LLR Chuck will then emerge to defend Durbin.



Francisco D said...

"Don’t worry boys, she’ll be around tomorrow morning to throw some more red meat to y’all!"

If lefties did not have condescension in their tool kit, it would only contain lying, selective amnesia and hysteria.

You folks need to up your game. Dr. Pinker was right.

rhhardin said...

Some comedian on with Klavan, on late the night comedy shows

Comedy makes people laugh; propaganda makes people clap.

eddie willers said...

If lefties did not have condescension in their tool kit, it would only contain lying, selective amnesia and hysteria.

And Scott Adams pointed out they have no humor so they resort to sarcasm...which they think is humor.

Bay Area Guy said...

@Big Mike,

Good observations! I was too young to vote in '72, but I woulda voted for Nixon. I don't think we disagree too much.

Nixon had a 2 pronged-strategy: (1) bomb the North and (2) have Kissinger negotiate a peace treaty (similar to the Korean War, splitting the North and South).

It worked. Nixon won a huge re-election, because no sane person trusted McGovern, and got the peace deal he coveted (Peace with Honor). My only point is that the Pentagon Papers didn't have the great effect the Left wanted. Indeed, I think Nixon's opening of China, had the greater tactical effect in getting the peace agreement for Vietnam.

rhhardin said...

Sarcasm is non-communication in a lazy form.

"Something is wrong but I'm not going to figure out what it is; you have to do it."

Kids and women do it.

Bay Area Guy said...


Shorter press conference:

"We know the sonovabitch has some health problems you're hiding from us! We need them for the 25th Amendment, dammit!"

Anonymous said...

rh: Comedy makes people laugh; propaganda makes people clap.

Nice aphorism. (Even if not literally exact. Goodthinking types will laugh at any old stale propaganda packaged as a joke, no matter how many times they've heard it already, but in that case the laugh is more like an apparatchik's clap than it is a real laugh.)

rhhardin said...

BC had a sarcasm strip

X: Meet Smiley, master of sarcastic wit.

Y: Oh yeah? Say something sarcastic.

Smiley: Pleased to meet you.

The only thing was was that that wasn't sarcasm. It's self-referential irony.

PJ57 said...

Wow, Professor, you are really clearing the ranks of your blogroll. Powerline gone overnight. Scott Adams kaput. No more Puparazzo to make me smile, although it made me sad when Meade stopped posting new materials. (But pleased to see a picture of Zeus today.) Even your own son unceremoniously deleted. Do you have no decency Ma'am?

Ken B said...

Seal criticized Oprah, and suddenly there are accusations against him. Just so everyone knows the rules.

Clyde said...

In other news, New California is declaring its independence from the State of California. Should the new state manage to break away, it would include everything except the coastal counties from the Bay Area down to Los Angeles, and Sacramento. New California would include both Orange and San Diego counties. Don't expect Democrats to support the idea, since the newly formed state would be very red, and the rump California would be almost exclusively blue.

JackWayne said...

BM and BAG, one big contribution to Nixon’s win was ending the draft and beginning the move to the volunteer army. Took the gas right out of the anti-war movement.

Ann Althouse said...

Re the blogroll

I remove things that don’t regularly update, including Meade’s long-over blog.

I took Volokh off because the link didn’t work.

I wish I had more blogs that I really could read and enjoy. That’s what a blogroll should be: links I actually want to click on.

I write the blog I want to read. I wish I could find more things that would be suitable reading for me, and that means as blogs, places to check in on every day and find interesting, surprising stuff. I mostly read the mainstream news and magazines.

Fritz said...

Clyde said...
In other news, New California is declaring its independence from the State of California. Should the new state manage to break away, it would include everything except the coastal counties from the Bay Area down to Los Angeles, and Sacramento. New California would include both Orange and San Diego counties. Don't expect Democrats to support the idea, since the newly formed state would be very red, and the rump California would be almost exclusively blue.

Not to mention that all the water would have to come from Red California.

Big Mike said...

@Bay Area Guy, thanks. I know I'm old when people treat events I lived through as ancient history, but old age beats dying young.

As a draftee during the winding down of the Johnson administration, I had been eager to vote for Nixon because I was hoping that he really did have a plan for ending the war. I know that in '72 I felt that there was nothing Nixon had done with Operation Linebacker and the mining of Haiphong harbor that he couldn't have done in 1969 (and let me out of the army early), but things I've read relatively recently suggest to me that Nixon's efforts at detente with the Russians and Chinese made him aware that the supposed danger of mining Haiphong -- that it would anger the Russians and Chinese -- was not a real risk after all. I suppose when another fifty years have passed we'll know more but right now too many old geezers have axes to grind.

MountainJohn said...

Is he as fit as fit chain smoker President Obama, the most fit chain smoking President in history?

Don't say "chain!" It makes Corey Booker cry.

tcrosse said...

In 1972 the Democrats had to take Thomas Eagleton off the ticket because of mental health issues. At the time Mort Sahl said it was that they found out he was depressed before he met McGovern.

rehajm said...

Not to mention that all the water would have to come from Red California

You think Rump California knows that or can they be conned with it comes from the faucet?

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Churchy LaFemme: said...

If lefties did not have condescension in their tool kit, it would only contain lying, selective amnesia and hysteria.

And an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!

Wait, I'll come in again..

southcentralpa said...

Since it depends on block chains, does that make crypto-currencies raaaaacist ... ?

n.n said...

Ken B:

Deneuve also took a shot at "conservatives, racists and traditionalists of all kinds who have found it strategic to support me": "I am not fooled... They will have neither my gratitude nor my friendship — on the contrary.”

And just like Deneuve, he knows people's true colors, or is merely painting with broad, sweeping, unprincipled strokes. That doesn't mean she is wrong about #MeToo or that he is wrong about #SheKnew #SheSacrificed #SheProgressed.

Drago said...

Conservative CA would simply build desalination plants tied to new nuke plants and commie California could have all the power and fresh water they want...for a price.

Jupiter said...

Hagar said...
"has anyone commenting hereon given much thought to what the state of buttons and control of same may be in North Korea?"

North Korea has not reached the stage of having permanently deployed nuclear missiles requiring a control structure. They build 'em and they test 'em. But they do have a huge conventional deterrent, in the form of a vast amount of artillery, sited so as to be able to utterly destroy Seoul in a matter of hours. This is the deterrent they have relied upon for decades, and is the main, or perhaps the only reason Whoa Fat! is still in power. And it is interesting to speculate on the control structure of that deterrent, and whether it would really be used in the event of a decapitating strike at Pyongyang.

Yancey Ward said...

"Release the BACON!"

Milwaukie guy said...

Re the Seattle soda tax:

As an ecotopian resident I am following this. It starts with the Save the Trees ordinances....

Firstly, of course, this is about improving the people's health, especially low-income people who seem to drink a lot of sugary beverages which is bad for them and all of us, as well. This is somewhat reasonable because obesity is higher with the poor folks in America, unlike most countries in the world, and do burden the government with health costs. Good intentions all around.

Second, certain other beverages with "excess sugar," like some servings at Starbuck's, were exempted. It's another case of sticking it to the working people, whose tastes are not refined enough for the urban progressive gentry.

The City Council opined that this would not cause any problems with the retail sector, in spite of many city's experience with the opposite. The Seattle city council is Socialist [although the cap "S" may not apply to every single member]. Not very reality-based.

Third, Costco is selling their pallet drinks with signs showing their price and the Seattle tax markup of around two-thirds. Next to it is another sign informing consumers of their two nearby suburban locations where there's no soda tax. Anecdotal data says people may drive a couple of miles for their next Costco trip. Unexpected. Resistance!

The $15 million Seattle plans to raise through the soda tax will spent on "health initiatives," which will require new unionized government jobs, political appointee overseers and more contracts for their consultant buddies.

Our government at work.

etbass said...

I'm really tired of all the esoteric articles on feminism in all its shades, shapes and s**t.

traditionalguy said...

TO LOLL: To laugh at loud loudly.Lolling is good medicine.

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

The Clinton Crime & Theft Syndicate has tentacles down under

Aussie Complaints Headed to FBI on Clinton Foundation’s Dealings Down Under
Retired Australian police detective Michael Smith has accumulated startling evidence of millions of dollars mishandled

Michael in ArchDen said...

Step 1: Bad medical exam leads to 25th Amendment removal of Trump (and probably Pence; it may be contagious!!)

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Hilary is President!

Jersey Fled said...

In Philadelphia, the revenue from the soda tax (if there is any) is earmarked for universal pre-school ( which every study has shown to be totally ineffective).

So it all works out.

n.n said...

earmarked for universal pre-school

It's a good way to get mom and dad out of the house, and engaged in productive, taxable activities.

Jupiter said...

Blogger n.n said...

"It's a good way to get mom and dad out of the house, and engaged in productive, taxable activities."

Not in Philly it isn't.

FullMoon said...

"Dwayne Dixon, a University of North Carolina anthropology professor and leader of the armed Antifa group Redneck Revolt, has admitted to chasing James Alex Fields Jr. with a rifle just before he drove into a group of protesters — killing Heather Heyer."

Bad Lieutenant said...

So in other words Fields is going home.

Bad Lieutenant said...

Uh, cite?

FullMoon said...

Rifle Guy

Drago said...

"If only everyone [in the Middle East] could be like Scandinavians, [achieving peace] would all be easy."
--@BarackObama, 2016

Drago said...

Obama to world: Be more like the Nordics
By The Associated Press
May 13, 2016 1:27 pm

Christy said...

Wasn't saying that Trump had good genes racist?

Etienne said...

Volokh moved to http://reason.com/volokh


Bad Lieutenant said...



Rusty said...

Hagar said...
"has anyone commenting hereon given much thought to what the state of buttons and control of same may be in North Korea?"

At this stage they just stripped back two wires and touch them together.

FullMoon said...

Blogger Rusty said...

Hagar said...
"has anyone commenting hereon given much thought to what the state of buttons and control of same may be in North Korea?"

At this stage they just stripped back two wires and touch them together.

1/17/18, 1:06 PM

To a 9 volt kirkland