It looks like the western states are going into the marijuana business big time lured by the prospect of high taxes on the stuff. This is going to be a rather large drag on smaller incomes, isn't it? Even more deplorable than pretending state lotteries are run to build schools "for the children." Honest people do not encourage other people to gamble, and certainly not poor people!
Just recently, there was a DC area story about 6 schools in Baltimore -- 5 high schools, 1 middle school, where not one student worked at grade level. Not one. The cost to MD & Baltimore taxpayers? $16K per student per year.
AReasonableMan said... Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country. I want what they are having
Today ARM was taught basic civics and rejected obvious truths so he could continue in his ignorance and ignore the humiliation of being completely and loudly wrong.
Ann - Long long time reader / lurker. Just wanted to poke my head out to say your writing---which has always been great---has only gotten more phenomenal since you retired. I read four websites everyday, and this is one of them. Thanks for doing what you do.
I love that Trumpists now want to emulate European countries like Denmark! They have the highest happiness quotient in the entire world. Could this new love for European countries be an unintended consequence of the Trump presidency? Winning!
That girl looks like the sort of child whose parents sell their food stamps for dimes on the dollar to buy booze or heroin. Not that ARM or Inga believe such parents exist, however some of us live in a real world.
Cranberries lead singer Delores O'Riordan died today. No word yet on cause, but she was 46 and had been fighting the inner demons. Such a unique talent. Just listened to several versions of Dreams. One of the most compelling songs of the 90's. Linger and Zombie are also instantly recognizable.
"Melinda Byerley, MBA and founder of Timeshare CMO, a Silicon Valley-based tech start-up, tweeted out Saturday afternoon describing what middle America could do to “get more jobs in their area.”
Byerley says that the first thing those in middle America need to realize is that “no educated person wants to live in a shithole with stupid people.” Particularly, in a “shithole” filled with people who are “violent, racist, and/or misogynistic.” In Byerley’s opinion, “big corporations,” do not consider moving to the heart of America because “those towns have nothing going for them.”
The towns have “no infrastructure, just a few bars and a terrible school system.”
The MBA claims that “we,” the educated people, like herself, “would like to live a more rural lifestyle,” but they “won’t sacrifice tolerance or diversity to do so.” Especially, these folks do not want to live in “states where the majority of residents are voting for things against their own interests,” solely, because these voters “don’t want brown people to thrive.” '
This argument is remarkably similar to "health care" reform advocates that conflate health and medical care, and affordability and financing. A political congruence with benefits.
Just got back from a camping trip with four intrepid young men. When we hit the trail early Saturday, it was 18 below. It got up to near zero by the afternoon, and fell to 23 below overnight. Sunday was much warmer, 10 degrees at bedtime, hovered near zero overnight. We were one of 3 scouts troops to take the trip. One of them quit on the second day. The other spent much of the time whining. My guys did great. Very proud.
Mommy, those evil greedy Republicans are giving us tax cut "crumbs." I hope you have the courage of your convictions, Mommy, and send those crumbs back at the end of the year by writing a larger check to the government on your 2018 tax return. Show those evil greedy Republicans who's boss!
I didn’t see this mentioned in the several posts or the many comments concerning Trump’s reported/disputed use of the phrase “shithole countries”...
Senator Jeff Flake met with a group of his colleagues immediately after the now-infamous Oval Office meeting. And in that meeting, before the “shithole countries” story broke, the meeting participants were commenting about Trump’s use of that terminology.
Maybe it was Flake who gave the story to the press; I really don’t know. It’d be nice if it had been Flake.
I still want more reporting; more hard questions; more pressure for specific and unequivocal answers from especially the Republicans in the room.
Two new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters, highlighting his political gains from pushing employers to hire Americans instead of lower-wage migrants. The growing support from blacks — despite furious Democratic claims of racism — could become a shocking political validation in November when Trump will face millions of upper-income Democratic voters who are angry at his “Buy American, Hire American” policies.
Just got back from a camping trip with four intrepid young men. When we hit the trail early Saturday, it was 18 below. It got up to near zero by the afternoon, and fell to 23 below overnight. Sunday was much warmer, 10 degrees at bedtime, hovered near zero overnight. We were one of 3 scouts troops to take the trip. One of them quit on the second day. The other spent much of the time whining. My guys did great. Very proud.
1/15/18, 9:27 PM
Think that's rough?
Had to go to 7-11 first thing this morning for sugar for my coffee. I was not happy.
"I still want more reporting; more hard questions; more pressure for specific and unequivocal answers from especially the Republicans in the room."
We have an impending government shutdown and a struggle over immigration policies and you want even more reporting on whether the President said a naughty word.
Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, is expected to rebuke President Trump on the Senate floor Wednesday, in a speech that draws a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. In an excerpt of the speech obtained by CBS News' Alan He, Flake plans to call out Mr. Trump's repeated attacks on the news media, saying it's an "assault as unprecedented as it is unwarranted."
"Mr. President, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own President uses words infamously spoken by Josef Stalin to describe his enemies," reads the excerpt. "It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase 'enemy of the people,' that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of 'annihilating such individuals' who disagreed with the supreme leader."
“That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Maybe even criminals and mentally ill, like Castro did during Carter administration..
Good documentery about it with Al Pacino , "Scarface"
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, is expected to rebuke President Trump on the Senate floor Wednesday, in a speech that draws a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
Looks as though Jeff Flake is going to be replaced by Martha McSally, an ex-Air Force colonel and formerly a combat pilot. Now that's what a woman with accomplishments looks like. Not a corruption and booze-soaked hag who got where she was on her husband's coattails.
Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
I share your excitement. What time is it? I would like to record it and play it on poker night with the fellas.
It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase 'enemy of the people,' that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of 'annihilating such individuals' who disagreed with the supreme leader."
The phrase "enemy of the people" was not introduced by goes back at least as far as the Roman Empire. Over the last 300 years it has usually been used by Leftwing revolutionaries. Notably the French, Russian and Chinese revolutions, and the Black panthers and SDS here in the U.S..
FullMoon said... “That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
Amy McGrath Henderson[1] is a retired combat aviator in the United States Marines who was the first female marine to fly in an F/A-18 on a combat mission.[2][3] She served for 20 years in Marine Corps during which she flew 89 combat missions bombing al Qaeda and the Taliban.[4] In 2016, she was inducted into the Aviation Museum of Kentucky's Hall of Fame and her military story is described in Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq.[5] In 2017, she announced her intention to run for the United States House of Representatives.
William saffures, we focus on a Russian dezinforma conducted through steels company through fusion gps, laundered into official documents. It was loretta lynch who allowed veselnitskaya a visa into the country, akhmetchin was a sketchy character who had worked with Mccain iri in Kazakhstan supporting the pro Russian anti kazakh opposition ( what else comes for that country, no not borat)
"If Durbin is lying, it wouldn’t be the first time.
In 2013 Durbin claimed that an unnamed Republican, in a closed door meeting with Obama and Speaker John Boehner, said “I cannot even stand to look at you.” Both the White House and Boehner denied that statement was made."
Come on guys this is genuine artistry, you don't often see work of this quality on the internet these days:
Chuck said... FullMoon said... “That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
Wake me up when Trump force-requisitions food from New York state & California farmers & then prevents any food from coming in, leading to a famine that kills millions of them.
Do we also get to look forward to Trump's purge of the Republican & Democratic legislators, their lifeless bodies found floating in the Potomac, or the fortunate ones exiled to potato farms in Idaho, their wives & children left to wander the streets of Georgetown, McLean, & Potomac with nary a scrap of food because to aid them would invite their same fate to befall the Good Samaritan who did it? We can then start a contest: which state gets to have their population be Crimean Tatars, so that we can move them en mass to some desolate part of Montana, killing a sizable fraction of them in the process.
That'll learn the bastards what it means to to vote Democrat when El Trumpo is the motherfucker-in-charge.
Seriously, I know that people like Flake think that they're making Trump look bad, but to those of us who know Soviet history, such equivalences are moral abominations of the highest order, & only serve to make Flake look like a moral imbecile. He can't be out of power fast enough for me.
Inga said... Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
It will be awesome watching the supporters of the Stalinist Russia "Collusion" investigation cry when Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe and Weissman are indicted for covering up Uranium One. They should cheer really loud when Flake compares Trump to Stalin. Really loud.
Funny how the same people running this Stailinist Collusion investigation, which still hasn't found a crime against their chosen target, are the same people who covered for Hillary on at least 2 different corruption scandals from inside the DoJ. What an amazing coincidence they found a way for Rosenstein to appoint a special prosecutor investigation and just happened to pick Mueller to run it. What an amazing coincidence that Weissman is on the investigative team. What an amazing coincidence that the(soon retired/jailed) McCabe was the officer in charge of all of these investigations.
And remember those 33,000 emails about yoga and weddings paid for by Haiti relief funds? They aren't lost anymore. Just letting you all know ahead of time.
"The negotiations were not going Durbin’s way. Trump was taking a much harder line than expected. So Durbin went for the Hail Mary pass, to make it into a racism issue. The “s–thole” press strategy was just part of it, as was the “chain migration” terminology.
Durbin wasn’t going to get his way on DACA, so he blew it up, figuring it will be better as a campaign issue."
I've been wondering about the warning: "Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound to Hawaii".
Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target?
If the answer is no, then it very strongly suggests that the warning given was deliberately falsified.
Suppose someone launched a ballistic missile that was heading east, across the Pacific. The first thing we could tell was that there was a ballistic missile (or maybe more than one) headed in our general direction. In that case, a nationwide warning would likely be given. Then, after some minutes, we might be able to say one was headed in the general direction of Hawaii, not the mainland, it might be possible to give a Hawaii-specific warning.
But none of that happened.
Of course, I could be wrong, in that we might be able to predict where a ballistic missile is heading very early in its flight. If anyone out there knows that such is the case, please let me know.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
Together with the porn star thing, your girl Hillary somehow takes over ! Keep hope alive :-)
Might someone do me the favor of explaining what Jeff Flake has ever accomplished for the good of the nation during his time in Congress? Particularly that period before Trump was elected? To put it another way, did America become better off after Flake entered Congress or did this country and the quality of life become harder, more expensive, meaner, more oppressive and less free?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked."
On a different note, I'm not buying this shithouse angle. No one calls them "third world shithouses." Everyone calls them "third world shitholes." Because they are shitholes, as anyone (like me) who's ever been to them knows.
"Shithouses" are exclusively brick and have an entirely different meaning.
Mighty mighty, just letting it all hang out - IYKWIMAITYD.
The "ballistic" in "ballistic missle" indicates that after the initial boost, the missle follows an unpowered trajectory similar to what a standard artillery shell would do.
There will always be some deviations due to atmospheric effects, but the general place a missle will come down is well understood mathematics.
"January 27, 2010, President Barack Obama —not for the first or last time—falsely described his signature domestic policy: “Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan.”
But readers may not remember other portions of the speech that also proved to be untrue, such as when he claimed: “We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August.”
@Inga, thank you for the link. At one point McGrath says that we each have to make a choice: do we stand with the President or do we stand with the country. Except that by standing with THIS president I do stand with the country.
The country is not just New York City or Wasington, DC, or the shooting gallery known as Chicago, and it surely is not the urban centers of the West Coast. It has to include the sort of little towns such as the one I grew up in, it has to include places like the one I live in now, surrounded by farms and the small city of Winchester. McGrath may be personally courageous, and it takes skill to fly a modern fighter. But she really doesn't get it. Not a bit.
Blogger Inga said... Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet. -- The butthurt is strong there. Civil servants just HATE getting a rude haircut while their benefactors get scalped.
Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target?
After tracking the first sixty seconds of a launch, modern early warning systems can give a good idea of trajectory (Look at SBIRS and Defense Support Program at Wikipedia). There is a somewhat unique brightness and movement profile for each type of ballistic missile so they can also "type" the kind of launch and determine (Space launches seem to sit on the pad for about 20 seconds and are very bright). The missile uses up the first stage after about 60 seconds from launch leaving a bright trail to be tracked. The second stage can do little maneuvering when going at 6-7km/s. The launch angles for Hawaii, Guam, Seattle, and Los Angeles (from Seoul) are different. Hawaii is 81 degrees east, Guam is 141 degrees SE, Seattle is 41 degrees NE, Los Angeles is 49 degrees NE. San Francisco is 48 degrees NE so they might have to alert the whole California coast but that would be better defined after a couple of more minutes. Sixty seconds after launch, we obviously have enough info to give a general warning.
Radar tracking takes over and, if we had been seriously developing our ABM systems in the last 20 years, we would be launching a interceptor to take it out as it came down.
"It looks like the western states are going into the marijuana business big time lured by the prospect of high taxes on the stuff. This is going to be a rather large drag on smaller incomes, isn't it? Even more deplorable than pretending state lotteries are run to build schools "for the children." Honest people do not encourage other people to gamble, and certainly not poor people!"
I voted for it, when recreational pot was legalized in CO. Don't regret my vote, despite the problems. I suspect that it's legalization there went better than it is going to go in the insane asylum formerly known as California. Better grade of politicians, for one thing.
CO also has an interesting state lottery. It was enacted with half the proceeds going to parks and open spaces. The legislature quickly reappropriated the money to other causes. The voters were not amused. Went back on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. This way the legislature couldn't squander it elsewhere. The results have been positive, from my white privileged point of view - cities have nice rec centers, and there is probably more permanent open space than almost anywhere else around those cities.
This subject reminds me of an argument/discussion I had during that time with my dearly departed mother. At the time, she was the Legislative Chair (and head lobbyist) for the CO League of (Communist) Women Voters. As such, she spent quite a bit of time at the state legislature, and her sympathizes were for them. And she was constantly complaining about all the stuff that CO voters had loaded into the constitution, that didn't belong there. I pointed out that the misallocation of lottery money is a good example of why that happens. No doubt, they would love to raise taxes too. And it's a pain when mill levies to fund bond issues for building schools have to go n the ballot (where they often lose). Boo hoo. Now days, I would probably assert that, as a lobbyist, she and her organization were part of the problem, and not part of the solution. They are supposed to be for good government, but instead have sold out for the joy of being political insiders.
Inga: "Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President"
If Trump is Stalin, why hasn't Flake been arrested, tortured and murdered?
Oh, right.
Trump doesn't do the leftist dictator thing that lefties here so admire.
Cool video's of Jess Jackson praising Donald Trump's long commitment to the black community.
The republicans should just run this on a loop.
LLR Chuck hardest hit.
"A big hand for Donald Trump!"...
"I now want to bring forth a friend who, uh, well he is deceptive in that his social style is of such, one can miss his seriousness and his commitment for his success is beyond argument...."
And Israel is naming a bus station near the Western Wall for Trump.
I gotta tell you, that is the strangest white supremacist I have ever seen!...
Leftwing dickheads. All these same poster people would love a Clinton Crime Family presidency - or a BErnie tax you til' you die Socialist dictator. Never mind Bernie's many homes.
Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country.
How weird. Pity you're such a slow learner. For years, I and others on this blog have been telling you about the Scandinavian turn to market economics, how Bernie was wrong (for many reasons) to constantly cite those countries; and I know I've personally written here about how Sweden PRIVATIZED medical care in the early 2000s, making them inapt for comparisons to "single payer." I' and others here have related personal stories of working and traveling in Sweden during these changes.
So I guess I don't believe you learnt today. Because if you ain't up to speed on Sweden yesterday why would you be today? Learnting is hard.
Be clear, man. You want more people to violate the PRIVACY of a closed meeting so you can hate on Trump. You've sunk very low dude. Very low. Even a president you hate has the right to open and honest PRIVATE discussion, freer from the fear some asshat will run to the press and make unproveable assertions.
Young Hegelian: Seriously, I know that people like Flake think that they're making Trump look bad, but to those of us who know Soviet history, such equivalences are moral abominations of the highest order, & only serve to make Flake look like a moral imbecile. He can't be out of power fast enough for me.
What's the difference between "shithole" and Flake? The former is a vulgar word, the latter is an obscenity.
Wake me up when Trump force-requisitions food from New York state & California farmers & then prevents any food from coming in, leading to a famine that kills millions of them.
Do we also get to look forward to Trump's purge of the Republican & Democratic legislators, their lifeless bodies found floating in the Potomac, or the fortunate ones exiled to potato farms in Idaho, their wives & children left to wander the streets of Georgetown, McLean, & Potomac with nary a scrap of food because to aid them would invite their same fate to befall the Good Samaritan who did it? We can then start a contest: which state gets to have their population be Crimean Tatars, so that we can move them en mass to some desolate part of Montana, killing a sizable fraction of them in the process.
Pushing aside the "a girl can dream" jokes that write themselves, I sincerely hope that the the Flakes, Chucks, and Ingas among us go to peaceful graves after long happy lives, never having had to face events that will apprise them of their ignorance and force them to confront their moral imbecility. Leave them and their thick skulls to heaven. (And spare the rest of us from having to live through such educational history.)
Not that I wouldn't enjoy seeing that slithering POS Flake get some condign, if less enlightening, temporal comeuppance.
Inga wrote: Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet.
Dog bites man. It would be news if Wisconsin's Mecca of fascism did penitentially embrace their long-suffering chief executive and his supporters who have been subjected to Gestapo tactics, bogus prosecutions, vandalism, libel, and general harassment. What's truly shameful is that some persons who have commented here were also among the foam-flecked, howling mob who egged on that disgusting display.
Be clear, man. You want more people to violate the PRIVACY of a closed meeting so you can hate on Trump. You've sunk very low dude. Very low. Even a president you hate has the right to open and honest PRIVATE discussion, freer from the fear some asshat will run to the press and make unproveable assertions.
It's not healthy for you or the Republic.
So is that the new position? Today’s TrumpWorld talking point? That, yeah, Trump really did say “shithole countries” but it was said in a private and it is a breach of decorum to reveal it?
Have I got that right? Any word from Trump himself on that? Where are we getting this newest iteration of the story from?
I just wish people like Chuckles (the GOP Establishment?) had been half as anti-Democrat as they are anti-Trump. If they had, Trump would have never been elected.
@Bad LT, I know that there are folks trying to tar McSally as GOPe, but based on what I got from this article in PJ Media and this article in Hot Air, McSally very much votes with Donald Trump (as in 97% of the time).
Things to like about her include: (1) She has co-sponsored, along with Bob Goodlatte (R-Va), Michael McCaul (R-Tx), and Raul Labrador (R-Id), a DACA replacement bill that gives Trump everything he has asked for, including an funding for the border wall, an end to chain migration, and an end to the green card lottery. In announcing her bill McSally told Democrats “There’s no such thing as doing a clean Dream Act. The Democrats need to get over it. It’s not happening.” About time someone explained the facts of life to them.
(2) In 2001, stationed in Saudi Arabia, she successfully sued the Department of Defense (McSally v. Rumsfeld) over regulations that required her to wear the abaya and not drive a car when off-post. As she put it, "I can fly a single-seat aircraft in enemy territory, but [in Saudi Arabia] I can't drive a vehicle." The back story is that she had been thought to be on a fast track to make general, so she sacrificed a lot to stand up the the Defense Department when and how she did.
Meanwhile, I look (from afar) at Kelli Ward and "Sheriff Joe", and I can't help but see Roy Moore, and Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock, and Sharon Angle. I think of myself as a conservative (in 1984, in my thirties, I was a county vice-chairman for the Reagan-Bush reelection committee), but there's conservative and there's unelectable. Any Republican needs to know which side of the line their candidate is on.
That, yeah, Trump really did say “shithole countries” but it was said in a private and it is a breach of decorum to reveal it?
Actually, yes. It's very unseemly and no true Republican could support that. Especially since the countries in question really are shitholes. Or shithouses, or something.
@Bad LT, I forgot to add that Goodlatte's district is just south of the one I'm in, and he enjoys a great reputation as a staunch conservative. I treat his co-sponsorship with McSally as a thumbs up, of sorts, to other conservatives.
We almost agree. It isn't clear that Durbin is not lying, but I think I speak for about eighty to ninety percent of the population who think that only dorks care whether Trump used a mild vulgarity and whether the vulgarity was specifically the word "shithole" and precisely which countries the vulgar epithet was applied to, and I think that a very large majority of the population agrees that there is reason why private meetings are called "private."
If you were a real Republican you would take what Durbin says with a grain or two of salt.
Big Mike said... We almost agree. It isn't clear that Durbin is not lying, but I think I speak for about eighty to ninety percent of the population who think that only dorks care whether Trump used a mild vulgarity and whether the vulgarity was specifically the word "shithole" and precisely which countries the vulgar epithet was applied to, and I think that a very large majority of the population agrees that there is reason why private meetings are called "private."
If you were a real Republican you would take what Durbin says with a grain or two of salt.
I know exactly what sort of person Dick Durbin is. And I know exactly how many grains of salt to take, with any statement from Dick Durbin.
I also know how many grains of salt to take with Donald Trump. Actually, a truckload of salt won't do any good with Trump. Trump is a worse, and more inexplicable, liar than Dick Durbin.
You all can stop it, with your allegations that I am somehow a fan of Durbin. I'm not.
I have chosen to take Durbin's word for it, on the subject of whether Trump said, "shithole countries." And it actually sounds as though many of you agree with me on that. And that we further agree, that Trump is being less than honest, to whatever degree that Trump claims that he never said it.
I don't want to have to defend myself or the Republican Party on terms that get forced by Trump. I don't really understand why David Perdue or Tom Cotton would sell their reputations and credibility to protect Trump from his own language. I think it is disgusting. Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way. A most disgraceful episode in a remarkably honorable life.
I don't really understand why David Perdue or Tom Cotton would sell their reputations and credibility to protect Trump from his own language. I think it is disgusting. Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way. A most disgraceful episode in a remarkably honorable life.
Doctor. You have testified that the following symptoms exist in LLR Chuckles's behavior. Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn't there one psychiatric term for this illness?
Trump is a worse, and more inexplicable, liar than Dick Durbin.
As a statement of opinion, this is a matter of taste. As a statement of fact, it is absolutely false.
You all can stop it, with your allegations that I am somehow a fan of Durbin. I'm not.
Anyone who believes anything Durbin says at any time is a fan of Durbin. Anyone who believes Durbin over not just Trump but also Perdue and Cotton is a fan of Durbin. Full. Stop.
Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way.
Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn't there one psychiatric term for this illness?
LOL! Who does that sound like? Add to the list, his bizarre episodes as the fictional "John Miller" and/or "John Baron." His obsession with vaccines as a cause of autism. His self-proclaimed "germophobia." His thinking that "Obama (weird, sick guy!)... wire tapped Trump Tower..." His false and fraudulent claim that he had investigators in Hawaii, finding out things that "they can't believe" about Obama.
Lucien said... "Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target? If the answer is no, then it very strongly suggests that the warning given was deliberately falsified."
Well, with a MIRV'ed system it might not be, but the Norks haven't got MIRV. Clinton sold it to the Chi-Coms for pocket change, but the Norks aren't up to it.
But that's all beside the point. A button was pushed in error. I don't think anyone is claiming that there was actually a missile fired, or that the person who pushed the button thought a missile had been fired.
AReasonableMan said... "Sometimes I just have to admire Chuck's work here. "
Yes, Chuck is a piece of work. In your defense, I think Chuck works at this a lot harder than you do. Chuck has developed an elaborate fictional persona, with idiosyncratic verbal tics and emotional problems, and a fairly believable obsession with Donald Trump. You just kind of let your bad old self hang out.
Well I hope he’s Lincoln, because with Bannon’s self-immolation it is Trump’s party. People who don’t like it can leave at any time. That especially includes people who believe a hard core serial liar ikr Little Dick Durbin in preference to Tom Cotton and David Perdue.
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Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet.
It looks like the western states are going into the marijuana business big time lured by the prospect of high taxes on the stuff. This is going to be a rather large drag on smaller incomes, isn't it?
Even more deplorable than pretending state lotteries are run to build schools "for the children." Honest people do not encourage other people to gamble, and certainly not poor people!
It's a racket, and the states want in on it!
At least if we grow it ourselves, we are not exporting our depravity to Mexico.
"Walker Cuts Education Budget"
Just recently, there was a DC area story about 6 schools in Baltimore -- 5 high schools, 1 middle school, where not one student worked at grade level. Not one. The cost to MD & Baltimore taxpayers? $16K per student per year.
And let's not even get started on the massive clusterfuck that is Ballou High School in DC.
Throwing more money at such systemic incompetence & corruption is only going to feed it. Money isn't the problem here.
Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country. I want what they are having.
Today I learned that if you make enough stupid statements, you can even make an avatar of Aristotle look like a moron.
I can't help but see a prominent politician in this photograph.
AReasonableMan said...
Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country. I want what they are having
Today ARM was taught basic civics and rejected obvious truths so he could continue in his ignorance and ignore the humiliation of being completely and loudly wrong.
“Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country. I want what they are having.”
Whaaaat?! They now have embraced European style governance? Ok! Good news.
Ann - Long long time reader / lurker. Just wanted to poke my head out to say your writing---which has always been great---has only gotten more phenomenal since you retired. I read four websites everyday, and this is one of them. Thanks for doing what you do.
Inga said...
“Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country. I want what they are having.”
Whaaaat?! They now have embraced European style governance? Ok! Good news.
We merely pointed out that Sweden has a free market economy that feeds a robust safety net that is subsidized and protected by the US armed forces.
The reality is too complex/painful for leftists to accept.
Mommy says the productive citizens are tired of being forced to pay for our sorry asses.
I love that Trumpists now want to emulate European countries like Denmark! They have the highest happiness quotient in the entire world. Could this new love for European countries be an unintended consequence of the Trump presidency? Winning!
Oh? They love Sweden now too? Even more winning!
Thanks, Chanie.
That girl looks like the sort of child whose parents sell their food stamps for dimes on the dollar to buy booze or heroin. Not that ARM or Inga believe such parents exist, however some of us live in a real world.
And let us not forget Trump’s love for Norway!
“Not that ARM or Inga believe such parents exist, however some of us live in a real world.”
Who told you that? Dead people? I thought only Drago had the Six Sense.
Cranberries lead singer Delores O'Riordan died today. No word yet on cause, but she was 46 and had been fighting the inner demons. Such a unique talent. Just listened to several versions of Dreams. One of the most compelling songs of the 90's. Linger and Zombie are also instantly recognizable.
You did, Inga. You did.
I heard today that this big winter storm system is named Inga!
Typical :
"Melinda Byerley, MBA and founder of Timeshare CMO, a Silicon Valley-based tech start-up, tweeted out Saturday afternoon describing what middle America could do to “get more jobs in their area.”
Byerley says that the first thing those in middle America need to realize is that “no educated person wants to live in a shithole with stupid people.” Particularly, in a “shithole” filled with people who are “violent, racist, and/or misogynistic.” In Byerley’s opinion, “big corporations,” do not consider moving to the heart of America because “those towns have nothing going for them.”
The towns have “no infrastructure, just a few bars and a terrible school system.”
The MBA claims that “we,” the educated people, like herself, “would like to live a more rural lifestyle,” but they “won’t sacrifice tolerance or diversity to do so.” Especially, these folks do not want to live in “states where the majority of residents are voting for things against their own interests,” solely, because these voters “don’t want brown people to thrive.” '
CHOO CHOOOO lefties!
There is a train full of cognitive dissonance about to run the media/Obama administration over.
Looks like we are starting to find out what $145 million dollars bought Russia.
Now you may have heard of the uranium one indictment now the bad news:
And the problem is sourced from here:
Which leads here.
And let us not forget Trump’s love for Norway!
Not sure why the hate for Norway lately. Trolls come from there.
You mean kraus, I thought she was German:
The budget is not the goal, or is it?
This argument is remarkably similar to "health care" reform advocates that conflate health and medical care, and affordability and financing. A political congruence with benefits.
“Not sure why the hate for Norway lately.”
I love Norway. So did my mother who named me Inga.
Just got back from a camping trip with four intrepid young men. When we hit the trail early Saturday, it was 18 below. It got up to near zero by the afternoon, and fell to 23 below overnight. Sunday was much warmer, 10 degrees at bedtime, hovered near zero overnight. We were one of 3 scouts troops to take the trip. One of them quit on the second day. The other spent much of the time whining. My guys did great. Very proud.
Mommy, those evil greedy Republicans are giving us tax cut "crumbs." I hope you have the courage of your convictions, Mommy, and send those crumbs back at the end of the year by writing a larger check to the government on your 2018 tax return. Show those evil greedy Republicans who's boss!
I didn’t see this mentioned in the several posts or the many comments concerning Trump’s reported/disputed use of the phrase “shithole countries”...
Senator Jeff Flake met with a group of his colleagues immediately after the now-infamous Oval Office meeting. And in that meeting, before the “shithole countries” story broke, the meeting participants were commenting about Trump’s use of that terminology.
Maybe it was Flake who gave the story to the press; I really don’t know. It’d be nice if it had been Flake.
I still want more reporting; more hard questions; more pressure for specific and unequivocal answers from especially the Republicans in the room.
Two new polls show President Donald Trump’s rising support among black voters, highlighting his political gains from pushing employers to hire Americans instead of lower-wage migrants.
The growing support from blacks — despite furious Democratic claims of racism — could become a shocking political validation in November when Trump will face millions of upper-income Democratic voters who are angry at his “Buy American, Hire American” policies.
I didn’t see this mentioned in the several posts or the many comments concerning Trump’s reported/disputed use of the phrase “shithole countries”...
Thanks for that , almost forgot about the controversy.
Forgot the link to the Flake story:
Just got back from a camping trip with four intrepid young men. When we hit the trail early Saturday, it was 18 below. It got up to near zero by the afternoon, and fell to 23 below overnight. Sunday was much warmer, 10 degrees at bedtime, hovered near zero overnight. We were one of 3 scouts troops to take the trip. One of them quit on the second day. The other spent much of the time whining. My guys did great. Very proud.
1/15/18, 9:27 PM
Think that's rough?
Had to go to 7-11 first thing this morning for sugar for my coffee. I was not happy.
"I still want more reporting; more hard questions; more pressure for specific and unequivocal answers from especially the Republicans in the room."
We have an impending government shutdown and a struggle over immigration policies and you want even more reporting on whether the President said a naughty word.
Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, is expected to rebuke President Trump on the Senate floor Wednesday, in a speech that draws a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. In an excerpt of the speech obtained by CBS News' Alan He, Flake plans to call out Mr. Trump's repeated attacks on the news media, saying it's an "assault as unprecedented as it is unwarranted."
"Mr. President, it is a testament to the condition of our democracy that our own President uses words infamously spoken by Josef Stalin to describe his enemies," reads the excerpt. "It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase 'enemy of the people,' that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of 'annihilating such individuals' who disagreed with the supreme leader."
“That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Maybe even criminals and mentally ill, like Castro did during Carter administration..
Good documentery about it with Al Pacino , "Scarface"
Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, is expected to rebuke President Trump on the Senate floor Wednesday, in a speech that draws a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
So, what is Hitler now, chopped liver? "
Looks as though Jeff Flake is going to be replaced by Martha McSally, an ex-Air Force colonel and formerly a combat pilot. Now that's what a woman with accomplishments looks like. Not a corruption and booze-soaked hag who got where she was on her husband's coattails.
Flake plans to call out Mr. Trump's repeated attacks on the news media, saying it's an "assault as unprecedented as it is unwarranted."
Tell that to Rosen.
You know its funny about that:
Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
I share your excitement. What time is it? I would like to record it and play it on poker night with the fellas.
It bears noting that so fraught with malice was the phrase 'enemy of the people,' that even Nikita Khrushchev forbade its use, telling the Soviet Communist Party that the phrase had been introduced by Stalin for the purpose of 'annihilating such individuals' who disagreed with the supreme leader."
The phrase "enemy of the people" was not introduced by goes back at least as far as the Roman Empire. Over the last 300 years it has usually been used by Leftwing revolutionaries. Notably the French, Russian and Chinese revolutions, and the Black panthers and SDS here in the U.S..
FullMoon said...
“That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
I want what they are having.
We're having a great time watching Trump succeed despite the mongrels nipping at his heels.
Keep searching'll find the missing strawberries soon.
Sometimes I just have to admire Chuck's work here.
Sometimes I just have to admire Chuck's work here. He has gradually raised his game to another level.
1/15/18, 10:01 PM
Sure has. You two will meet in the middle anytime now. Savor the moment.
Nattering nabobd if negativusm was taken, that wee saffures line to Agnew, back in the 70s. But in what sense is it not true.
He has gradually raised his game to another level.
Yep...from deranged to dangerously obsessive.
Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Marine Corps (Ret) Amy McGrath.
Amy McGrath Henderson[1] is a retired combat aviator in the United States Marines who was the first female marine to fly in an F/A-18 on a combat mission.[2][3] She served for 20 years in Marine Corps during which she flew 89 combat missions bombing al Qaeda and the Taliban.[4] In 2016, she was inducted into the Aviation Museum of Kentucky's Hall of Fame and her military story is described in Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq.[5] In 2017, she announced her intention to run for the United States House of Representatives.
“We're having a great time watching Trump succeed despite the mongrels nipping at his heels.”
Tearing him a new shithole...
William saffures, we focus on a Russian dezinforma conducted through steels company through fusion gps, laundered into official documents. It was loretta lynch who allowed veselnitskaya a visa into the country, akhmetchin was a sketchy character who had worked with Mccain iri in Kazakhstan supporting the pro Russian anti kazakh opposition ( what else comes for that country, no not borat)
Durbin is habitual liar.
"If Durbin is lying, it wouldn’t be the first time.
In 2013 Durbin claimed that an unnamed Republican, in a closed door meeting with Obama and Speaker John Boehner, said “I cannot even stand to look at you.” Both the White House and Boehner denied that statement was made."
Come on guys this is genuine artistry, you don't often see work of this quality on the internet these days:
Chuck said...
FullMoon said...
“That’s when he used those sickening, heartbreaking remarks, saying, ‘Those shitholes send us the people that they don’t want.’ He repeated that. He didn’t just say it one time,” Durbin said.
That puts an entirely different light on things. Trump is saying the governments of those shithole countries select their worse citizens to allow exit.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
a comparison between Mr. Trump and Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin.
Wake me up when Trump force-requisitions food from New York state & California farmers & then prevents any food from coming in, leading to a famine that kills millions of them.
Do we also get to look forward to Trump's purge of the Republican & Democratic legislators, their lifeless bodies found floating in the Potomac, or the fortunate ones exiled to potato farms in Idaho, their wives & children left to wander the streets of Georgetown, McLean, & Potomac with nary a scrap of food because to aid them would invite their same fate to befall the Good Samaritan who did it? We can then start a contest: which state gets to have their population be Crimean Tatars, so that we can move them en mass to some desolate part of Montana, killing a sizable fraction of them in the process.
That'll learn the bastards what it means to to vote Democrat when El Trumpo is the motherfucker-in-charge.
Seriously, I know that people like Flake think that they're making Trump look bad, but to those of us who know Soviet history, such equivalences are moral abominations of the highest order, & only serve to make Flake look like a moral imbecile. He can't be out of power fast enough for me.
Inga said...
Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President.
It will be awesome watching the supporters of the Stalinist Russia "Collusion" investigation cry when Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe and Weissman are indicted for covering up Uranium One. They should cheer really loud when Flake compares Trump to Stalin. Really loud.
Funny how the same people running this Stailinist Collusion investigation, which still hasn't found a crime against their chosen target, are the same people who covered for Hillary on at least 2 different corruption scandals from inside the DoJ. What an amazing coincidence they found a way for Rosenstein to appoint a special prosecutor investigation and just happened to pick Mueller to run it. What an amazing coincidence that Weissman is on the investigative team. What an amazing coincidence that the(soon retired/jailed) McCabe was the officer in charge of all of these investigations.
And remember those 33,000 emails about yoga and weddings paid for by Haiti relief funds? They aren't lost anymore. Just letting you all know ahead of time.
Going to be an awesome summer.
"The negotiations were not going Durbin’s way. Trump was taking a much harder line than expected. So Durbin went for the Hail Mary pass, to make it into a racism issue. The “s–thole” press strategy was just part of it, as was the “chain migration” terminology.
Durbin wasn’t going to get his way on DACA, so he blew it up, figuring it will be better as a campaign issue."
I've been wondering about the warning: "Ballistic Missile Threat Inbound to Hawaii".
Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target?
If the answer is no, then it very strongly suggests that the warning given was deliberately falsified.
Suppose someone launched a ballistic missile that was heading east, across the Pacific. The first thing we could tell was that there was a ballistic missile (or maybe more than one) headed in our general direction. In that case, a nationwide warning would likely be given. Then, after some minutes, we might be able to say one was headed in the general direction of Hawaii, not the mainland, it might be possible to give a Hawaii-specific warning.
But none of that happened.
Of course, I could be wrong, in that we might be able to predict where a ballistic missile is heading very early in its flight. If anyone out there knows that such is the case, please let me know.
Wow, that really would put an entirely different light on things! If what you claim really is true, and I suppose it might be, it would erase any doubt about Trump’s lying about his having used the phrase “shithole countries.”
Together with the porn star thing, your girl Hillary somehow takes over !
Keep hope alive :-)
ARM and Inga in lockstep with lifelong Republican Chuck and fully supportive of him.
Huh. I didn't see that coming.
Flake look like a moral imbecile
Might someone do me the favor of explaining what Jeff Flake has ever accomplished for the good of the nation during his time in Congress? Particularly that period before Trump was elected? To put it another way, did America become better off after Flake entered Congress or did this country and the quality of life become harder, more expensive, meaner, more oppressive and less free?
Again, what has Jeff Flake ever done?
"Black unemployment rate falls to record low
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked."
Impeach Trump, return to mediocrity.
They never bother to explain:
I think they've confused themselves with the movie under siege
On a different note, I'm not buying this shithouse angle. No one calls them "third world shithouses." Everyone calls them "third world shitholes." Because they are shitholes, as anyone (like me) who's ever been to them knows.
"Shithouses" are exclusively brick and have an entirely different meaning.
Mighty mighty, just letting it all hang out - IYKWIMAITYD.
One focuses on one spot when the problems happen all around:
The "ballistic" in "ballistic missle" indicates that after the initial boost, the missle follows an unpowered trajectory similar to what a standard artillery shell would do.
There will always be some deviations due to atmospheric effects, but the general place a missle will come down is well understood mathematics.
"January 27, 2010, President Barack Obama —not for the first or last time—falsely described his signature domestic policy: “Our approach would preserve the right of Americans who have insurance to keep their doctor and their plan.”
But readers may not remember other portions of the speech that also proved to be untrue, such as when he claimed: “We will have all of our combat troops out of Iraq by the end of this August.”
@Inga, thank you for the link. At one point McGrath says that we each have to make a choice: do we stand with the President or do we stand with the country. Except that by standing with THIS president I do stand with the country.
The country is not just New York City or Wasington, DC, or the shooting gallery known as Chicago, and it surely is not the urban centers of the West Coast. It has to include the sort of little towns such as the one I grew up in, it has to include places like the one I live in now, surrounded by farms and the small city of Winchester. McGrath may be personally courageous, and it takes skill to fly a modern fighter. But she really doesn't get it. Not a bit.
Blogger Inga said...
Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet.
The butthurt is strong there.
Civil servants just HATE getting a rude haircut while their benefactors get scalped.
I wonder when we'll find out about the contents of Imran Awan's computer...
Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target?
After tracking the first sixty seconds of a launch, modern early warning systems can give a good idea of trajectory (Look at SBIRS and Defense Support Program at Wikipedia). There is a somewhat unique brightness and movement profile for each type of ballistic missile so they can also "type" the kind of launch and determine (Space launches seem to sit on the pad for about 20 seconds and are very bright). The missile uses up the first stage after about 60 seconds from launch leaving a bright trail to be tracked. The second stage can do little maneuvering when going at 6-7km/s. The launch angles for Hawaii, Guam, Seattle, and Los Angeles (from Seoul) are different. Hawaii is 81 degrees east, Guam is 141 degrees SE, Seattle is 41 degrees NE, Los Angeles is 49 degrees NE. San Francisco is 48 degrees NE so they might have to alert the whole California coast but that would be better defined after a couple of more minutes. Sixty seconds after launch, we obviously have enough info to give a general warning.
Radar tracking takes over and, if we had been seriously developing our ABM systems in the last 20 years, we would be launching a interceptor to take it out as it came down.
determine = determine azimuth and elevation for the launch.
"It looks like the western states are going into the marijuana business big time lured by the prospect of high taxes on the stuff. This is going to be a rather large drag on smaller incomes, isn't it?
Even more deplorable than pretending state lotteries are run to build schools "for the children." Honest people do not encourage other people to gamble, and certainly not poor people!"
I voted for it, when recreational pot was legalized in CO. Don't regret my vote, despite the problems. I suspect that it's legalization there went better than it is going to go in the insane asylum formerly known as California. Better grade of politicians, for one thing.
CO also has an interesting state lottery. It was enacted with half the proceeds going to parks and open spaces. The legislature quickly reappropriated the money to other causes. The voters were not amused. Went back on the ballot as a constitutional amendment. This way the legislature couldn't squander it elsewhere. The results have been positive, from my white privileged point of view - cities have nice rec centers, and there is probably more permanent open space than almost anywhere else around those cities.
This subject reminds me of an argument/discussion I had during that time with my dearly departed mother. At the time, she was the Legislative Chair (and head lobbyist) for the CO League of (Communist) Women Voters. As such, she spent quite a bit of time at the state legislature, and her sympathizes were for them. And she was constantly complaining about all the stuff that CO voters had loaded into the constitution, that didn't belong there. I pointed out that the misallocation of lottery money is a good example of why that happens. No doubt, they would love to raise taxes too. And it's a pain when mill levies to fund bond issues for building schools have to go n the ballot (where they often lose). Boo hoo. Now days, I would probably assert that, as a lobbyist, she and her organization were part of the problem, and not part of the solution. They are supposed to be for good government, but instead have sold out for the joy of being political insiders.
Inga: "Chuck, it would be awesome it it were to be Flake who was the one who reported it. I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin. He really should run for President"
If Trump is Stalin, why hasn't Flake been arrested, tortured and murdered?
Oh, right.
Trump doesn't do the leftist dictator thing that lefties here so admire.
Cool video's of Jess Jackson praising Donald Trump's long commitment to the black community.
The republicans should just run this on a loop.
LLR Chuck hardest hit.
"A big hand for Donald Trump!"...
"I now want to bring forth a friend who, uh, well he is deceptive in that his social style is of such, one can miss his seriousness and his commitment for his success is beyond argument...."
And Israel is naming a bus station near the Western Wall for Trump.
I gotta tell you, that is the strangest white supremacist I have ever seen!...
LLR Chuck, as always, hardest hit.
Why is that these ‘signs’ are short on facts and only appeal to emotion? /rhetorical
It’s a pretty safe bet that when people - ugly nasty people - use the ‘for the children’ argument, they are lying.
Big Mike said...
Looks as though Jeff Flake is going to be replaced by Martha McSally, an ex-Air Force colonel and formerly a combat pilot.
May be one GOPester for another. Anyone got background on her? McCain was a pilot too.
At least her mamma could wash her face. I guess the rich man took all the soap.
AReasonableMan said...
"Sometimes I just have to admire Chuck's work here."
Bless your heart.
Full Moon said,
Durbin wasn’t going to get his way on DACA, so he blew it up, figuring it will be better as a campaign issue."
Working to get him out of there as we speak.
When great minds like Chuck, ARM and Inga admire him you know you're on the right track opposing him.
Leftwing dickheads. All these same poster people would love a Clinton Crime Family presidency - or a BErnie tax you til' you die Socialist dictator. Never mind Bernie's many homes.
Today I learnt that right wingers no longer believe that Sweden is a socialist country.
How weird. Pity you're such a slow learner. For years, I and others on this blog have been telling you about the Scandinavian turn to market economics, how Bernie was wrong (for many reasons) to constantly cite those countries; and I know I've personally written here about how Sweden PRIVATIZED medical care in the early 2000s, making them inapt for comparisons to "single payer." I' and others here have related personal stories of working and traveling in Sweden during these changes.
So I guess I don't believe you learnt today. Because if you ain't up to speed on Sweden yesterday why would you be today? Learnting is hard.
I still want more reporting
Be clear, man. You want more people to violate the PRIVACY of a closed meeting so you can hate on Trump. You've sunk very low dude. Very low. Even a president you hate has the right to open and honest PRIVATE discussion, freer from the fear some asshat will run to the press and make unproveable assertions.
It's not healthy for you or the Republic.
Young Hegelian: Seriously, I know that people like Flake think that they're making Trump look bad, but to those of us who know Soviet history, such equivalences are moral abominations of the highest order, & only serve to make Flake look like a moral imbecile. He can't be out of power fast enough for me.
What's the difference between "shithole" and Flake? The former is a vulgar word, the latter is an obscenity.
Wake me up when Trump force-requisitions food from New York state & California farmers & then prevents any food from coming in, leading to a famine that kills millions of them.
Do we also get to look forward to Trump's purge of the Republican & Democratic legislators, their lifeless bodies found floating in the Potomac, or the fortunate ones exiled to potato farms in Idaho, their wives & children left to wander the streets of Georgetown, McLean, & Potomac with nary a scrap of food because to aid them would invite their same fate to befall the Good Samaritan who did it? We can then start a contest: which state gets to have their population be Crimean Tatars, so that we can move them en mass to some desolate part of Montana, killing a sizable fraction of them in the process.
Pushing aside the "a girl can dream" jokes that write themselves, I sincerely hope that the the Flakes, Chucks, and Ingas among us go to peaceful graves after long happy lives, never having had to face events that will apprise them of their ignorance and force them to confront their moral imbecility. Leave them and their thick skulls to heaven. (And spare the rest of us from having to live through such educational history.)
Not that I wouldn't enjoy seeing that slithering POS Flake get some condign, if less enlightening, temporal comeuppance.
"We merely pointed out that Sweden has a free market economy that feeds a robust safety net that is subsidized and protected by the US armed forces."
Inga and ARM aren't bright enough to grasp. Or rather, ARM doesn't want to admit he was shown to be ignorant. Inga's just dumb as a weed.
Inga said
Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet."
Pigs get and stay angry when you pull the trough away.
Inga wrote: Looks like Madison hasn’t embraced Walker yet.
Dog bites man. It would be news if Wisconsin's Mecca of fascism did penitentially embrace their long-suffering chief executive and his supporters who have been subjected to Gestapo tactics, bogus prosecutions, vandalism, libel, and general harassment. What's truly shameful is that some persons who have commented here were also among the foam-flecked, howling mob who egged on that disgusting display.
Inga wrote: Tearing him a new shithole...
A snagged sock is not an anus. However, Inga's anatomy may be exceptional.
Blogger Mike said...
I still want more reporting
Be clear, man. You want more people to violate the PRIVACY of a closed meeting so you can hate on Trump. You've sunk very low dude. Very low. Even a president you hate has the right to open and honest PRIVATE discussion, freer from the fear some asshat will run to the press and make unproveable assertions.
It's not healthy for you or the Republic.
So is that the new position? Today’s TrumpWorld talking point? That, yeah, Trump really did say “shithole countries” but it was said in a private and it is a breach of decorum to reveal it?
Have I got that right? Any word from Trump himself on that? Where are we getting this newest iteration of the story from?
I just wish people like Chuckles (the GOP Establishment?) had been half as anti-Democrat as they are anti-Trump. If they had, Trump would have never been elected.
@Bad LT, I know that there are folks trying to tar McSally as GOPe, but based on what I got from this article in PJ Media and this article in Hot Air, McSally very much votes with Donald Trump (as in 97% of the time).
Things to like about her include:
(1) She has co-sponsored, along with Bob Goodlatte (R-Va), Michael McCaul (R-Tx), and Raul Labrador (R-Id), a DACA replacement bill that gives Trump everything he has asked for, including an funding for the border wall, an end to chain migration, and an end to the green card lottery. In announcing her bill McSally told Democrats “There’s no such thing as doing a clean Dream Act. The Democrats need to get over it. It’s not happening.” About time someone explained the facts of life to them.
(2) In 2001, stationed in Saudi Arabia, she successfully sued the Department of Defense (McSally v. Rumsfeld) over regulations that required her to wear the abaya and not drive a car when off-post. As she put it, "I can fly a single-seat aircraft in enemy territory, but [in Saudi Arabia] I can't drive a vehicle." The back story is that she had been thought to be on a fast track to make general, so she sacrificed a lot to stand up the the Defense Department when and how she did.
Meanwhile, I look (from afar) at Kelli Ward and "Sheriff Joe", and I can't help but see Roy Moore, and Todd Akin, and Richard Mourdock, and Sharon Angle. I think of myself as a conservative (in 1984, in my thirties, I was a county vice-chairman for the Reagan-Bush reelection committee), but there's conservative and there's unelectable. Any Republican needs to know which side of the line their candidate is on.
That, yeah, Trump really did say “shithole countries” but it was said in a private and it is a breach of decorum to reveal it?
Actually, yes. It's very unseemly and no true Republican could support that. Especially since the countries in question really are shitholes. Or shithouses, or something.
@Bad LT, I forgot to add that Goodlatte's district is just south of the one I'm in, and he enjoys a great reputation as a staunch conservative. I treat his co-sponsorship with McSally as a thumbs up, of sorts, to other conservatives.
Big Mike, we agree! Yay!
You think that Trump really did say, “shithole countries,” and so do I!
What does the White House say?
Doesn’t Norway frack?
Let’s see what continually low oil prices do to their healthcare system.
We almost agree. It isn't clear that Durbin is not lying, but I think I speak for about eighty to ninety percent of the population who think that only dorks care whether Trump used a mild vulgarity and whether the vulgarity was specifically the word "shithole" and precisely which countries the vulgar epithet was applied to, and I think that a very large majority of the population agrees that there is reason why private meetings are called "private."
If you were a real Republican you would take what Durbin says with a grain or two of salt.
It’s not that Sweden is more free market. It’s WHY Sweden felt it had no choice to move towards a more free market.
Big Mike said...
We almost agree. It isn't clear that Durbin is not lying, but I think I speak for about eighty to ninety percent of the population who think that only dorks care whether Trump used a mild vulgarity and whether the vulgarity was specifically the word "shithole" and precisely which countries the vulgar epithet was applied to, and I think that a very large majority of the population agrees that there is reason why private meetings are called "private."
If you were a real Republican you would take what Durbin says with a grain or two of salt.
I know exactly what sort of person Dick Durbin is. And I know exactly how many grains of salt to take, with any statement from Dick Durbin.
I also know how many grains of salt to take with Donald Trump. Actually, a truckload of salt won't do any good with Trump. Trump is a worse, and more inexplicable, liar than Dick Durbin.
You all can stop it, with your allegations that I am somehow a fan of Durbin. I'm not.
I have chosen to take Durbin's word for it, on the subject of whether Trump said, "shithole countries." And it actually sounds as though many of you agree with me on that. And that we further agree, that Trump is being less than honest, to whatever degree that Trump claims that he never said it.
I don't want to have to defend myself or the Republican Party on terms that get forced by Trump. I don't really understand why David Perdue or Tom Cotton would sell their reputations and credibility to protect Trump from his own language. I think it is disgusting. Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way. A most disgraceful episode in a remarkably honorable life.
I don't really understand why David Perdue or Tom Cotton would sell their reputations and credibility to protect Trump from his own language. I think it is disgusting. Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way. A most disgraceful episode in a remarkably honorable life.
Doctor. You have testified that the following symptoms exist in LLR Chuckles's behavior. Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn't there one psychiatric term for this illness?
Trump is a worse, and more inexplicable, liar than Dick Durbin.
As a statement of opinion, this is a matter of taste. As a statement of fact, it is absolutely false.
You all can stop it, with your allegations that I am somehow a fan of Durbin. I'm not.
Anyone who believes anything Durbin says at any time is a fan of Durbin. Anyone who believes Durbin over not just Trump but also Perdue and Cotton is a fan of Durbin. Full. Stop.
Tom Cotton has fallen off my list in a very bad way.
I hope he can stay off the suicide watch list.
Rigidity of personality, feelings of persecution, unreasonable suspicion, a mania for perfection, and a neurotic certainty that he is always in the right. Doctor isn't there one psychiatric term for this illness?
LOL! Who does that sound like? Add to the list, his bizarre episodes as the fictional "John Miller" and/or "John Baron." His obsession with vaccines as a cause of autism. His self-proclaimed "germophobia." His thinking that "Obama (weird, sick guy!)... wire tapped Trump Tower..." His false and fraudulent claim that he had investigators in Hawaii, finding out things that "they can't believe" about Obama.
Chuck. Honestly. Quit digging. You're a parody of a thinking human being. You're making a fool of yourself.
Lets get Socialism vs free markets a different spin.
Which one generates more prosperity for more people?
LOL! Who does that sound like?
Lucien said...
"Is it even possible to know where a ballistic missile is heading until it is very close to the target? If the answer is no, then it very strongly suggests that the warning given was deliberately falsified."
Well, with a MIRV'ed system it might not be, but the Norks haven't got MIRV. Clinton sold it to the Chi-Coms for pocket change, but the Norks aren't up to it.
But that's all beside the point. A button was pushed in error. I don't think anyone is claiming that there was actually a missile fired, or that the person who pushed the button thought a missile had been fired.
AReasonableMan said...
"Sometimes I just have to admire Chuck's work here. "
Yes, Chuck is a piece of work. In your defense, I think Chuck works at this a lot harder than you do. Chuck has developed an elaborate fictional persona, with idiosyncratic verbal tics and emotional problems, and a fairly believable obsession with Donald Trump. You just kind of let your bad old self hang out.
I can’t wait to hear Flake give his speech in the Senate on Wednesday, comparing Trump to Stalin.
I wish you shitholes would make up your minds.
Is Trump Hitler? Or is he Stalin?
Chuck really needs to do something about that persecution complex. Actually, it seems to me more likely that it's a sign of narcissism.
Well I hope he’s Lincoln, because with Bannon’s self-immolation it is Trump’s party. People who don’t like it can leave at any time. That especially includes people who believe a hard core serial liar ikr Little Dick Durbin in preference to Tom Cotton and David Perdue.
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