He said the check out lady at Barnes and Noble was curious about the book that so many people were buying. Barnes and Noble. Once a bookstore hired people who read books and knew the names of authors and where to find their works. Without a doubt I know the contents of my local B&N much better than their average employee. I think they often shelve books on the same premise that some mailmen toss the mail in the ditch. Easier that way.
Urgent care is like airline pricing with which I assume you are familiar. If you want a heart transplant, need one, you can have it for $5,000 in December. Oh, you need it now? $50,000. And so we business travelers pay $2,000 for a ride to the west coast and sit next to the big lady whose ticket cost $200. Alas.
"My son just called to inform me that he went to Barnes and Noble to get the new Jordan Peterson book. He asked and the guy said, yeah they had it. In the back."
BTW, he was just on Joe Rogan (and then Crowder was on, they both taped the same day, i.e. yestyerday).
Anywho, I 100% agree that the SJWs jabbering about snowflakerism is totally dumb and it's the highest level of naval gazing. Even so, beyond the sentence I just wrote I'm not really into wallowing and extrapolating and perpetually self congratulating re my conservativeness. Still I listened to all of the Peterson and Crowder stuff (and I pay for the Crowder podcast, soon restarting for 2018 (CRTV)).
At one point on the Rogan thing, Peterson says that it's men who are in jail for violent crime, hence this proves the genders are different. Then Rogan says that it can't be only men. So Peterson starts w/ well it's 95% or 90% or a lot more men than women.
The dude's claim to fame is that he's all dialed in w/ data and logic.
I'm not saying his big points aren't right. I'm certainly not saying that he can't carve up any lib jabberer who's on TV as an interviewer (as if that's a high bar).
But, come on. Don't throw out BS numbers. The facts prove the point.
Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of General Mike Flynn Sentencing…
Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original FISA judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents;…
…Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing
If you do a lot of first class travel w/ an entourage but aren't in the have your own jet club, it's not too bad to get one of the training wheels versions of flying private. The things where you join a thing-y. I think it's around five to seven grand per hour, depends on range and type o jet (plus the base fees). Do the math.
During the last year of the Obama Administration (2016), there were 1485 "Traditional FISA Surveillance Order" applications submitted, out of which 310 required modification and 34 were denied.
Both these numbers were significantly greater than the total number of modifications (231) and denials (7) for the entire prior seven years of the Obama Administration.
The only logical reason for this huge spike in denials is that there was something fishy going on with FISA applications in a presidential election year.
Two days ago, Julian Sanchez, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute wrote a piece strongly criticizing the premise behind the Nunes memo:
On “Releasing the Memo”
"...It makes somewhat more sense, however, if it is viewed primarily as a public relations campaign with the aim of impugning the integrity of the FBI and, by association, the Mueller investigation."
Do you also remember the evening when Inga went on a posting rampage after highjacking a number of blogger handles including my own? Complaining about livermoron after that stunt takes a lot of gall.
ARM, Your "hear hear" is noted. I was one of Inga's defenders on this blog. Inga forfeited most of that respect with the stunt noted above for which she has never apologized.
In the style of anti-de sitter space, it's hilarious to listen to you Rubes ooing and aahing over the Pressed tin ceilings. Williamsburg Brooklyn is lousy with that stuff. Come and take it away!
BTW space, you owe me a buck every time you write "jabber" here. I know it's a great word but you're milking it.
I golfed in LV at the Bali Hai course. I had the same caddy that Bill Clinton had the previous week. He told me a few stories; 20' gimmies, unlimited mulligans, that stuff. When it came to fill out the scorecard the SS agent told the caddy to put in 83. "The president always shoots 83." His real score would have been at least 20 more strokes, per my caddy.
BTW, Playing by strict USGA rules, first time on the course, I shot an...........83.
From the Daily Mail, written by Piers Morgan (of all people):
The State of the Union stats don’t lie: Americans are turning against Trump-hating celebrities and buying into the President’s American dream - THAT’S a nightmare for Democrats
My hometown store was Bell Hardware. They had a two-foot tall bronze bell out front, and aisles full of things like huge bin-carousels full of nails. Then later I was introduced to (the original, I believe) Orchard Supply, in San Jose. I went there to get blocks of pig-lead, and some very large galvanized pipe fittings, not obtainable at Bell. A few years later I went into the first chain Ace Hardware in my area. I remember staring in disbelief at a shelf of galvanized pipe fittings, each individually wrapped in heat-shrink plastic. Later, a trip to a (chain) OSH store to get some 6-inch ducting. They had plenty of the rarely used 7-inch, but were out of the common 6. I collared a floorwalker to ask, and was informed that company policy was that they could not re-order until every store in the region was out. Decline of the West, in 20 years.
rehajm: "Nice store but it’s no Dan & Whits. Bill Clinton was a huge golf cheat."
Uh oh.
Now you've done it. You attacked a democrat.
Its highly likely LLR Chuck is going to quickly and decisively deliver a rhetorical blow to your intellect and ego that you have never before experienced and from which you may never recover.
You have been warned my friend. Try and stay safe. God speed.
Michael, but you knew exactly how much you were going to pay for that seat when you hit the purchase button. Just as the neighbor lady did.
Had a great conversation with the owner of said urgent care re my experience. He agreed that the "system" is a mess and in exchange for my promise to give him a favorable google review he agreed to discount my charge by ~20%.
I showed up after Thanksgiving to get a flu test(+). I told the reception nurse I was not close to meeting my deductible so I would pay cash. She says, ok $150. Then my wife says put it through insurance so that it goes towards the deductible. In my diminished state I say sure and produce my insurance card. Long story short I get a bill for 258. So after running through insurance the bill nearly doubles. The system is designed to charge you according to your ability to pay. Thats effed up in my book.
Yes, you know the price of the ticket but you miss the point. The point is that you have to go on the business trip tomorrow just as in Urgent Care you have to go and now. That is why they are priced in the same way. You sick with the flu on Friday night? Fine. Urgent Care for $500 or Monday morning (if possible) for $50.
*But if the nail was bad why would that affect the hammer? Ain't the faith of the hammer's strength what keep the hammerer hammerin' in the hard times too?
"Top FBI officials were aware for at least a month before alerting Congress that emails potentially related to an investigation of Hillary Clinton had emerged during a key stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to text messages reviewed by The Wall Street Journal."
My son just called to inform me that he went to Barnes and Noble to get the new Jordan Peterson book. He asked and the guy said, yeah they had it. In the back.
1/31/18, 6:16 PM
I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from Amazon instead.
'I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from the Althouse portal to Amazon instead.
There should be a ranking for the Mikes in these threads. Perhaps they could change their names to reflect their standing. E.g. #1Mike,..........,#LastMike.
But what would the criteria be?
If it's unintended funniness, we all know who wins. The surgeon.
But what if it's the POTUS standard, i.e. who do ya wanna have a beer (or soda for DJT/W) w/?
I'm gonna go w/:
OM BigM Michael Doc Mike
The first three are essentially a tie. Splitting hairs.
Re forth place, on paper it seems like Doc Mike should be able to bring more to the proverbial table. But he's an odd duck. Imagine if everyone here announced their bedtime? And all sorts of similar minutia that Doc M thinks is noteworthy? Such a weirdo.
Michael, I would agree to your point if it were possible that buying a ticket using say your debit card you agree to the price, but if you want to use your amex card then the price will be something else and you won't find out how much until you get the bill. When you buy a ticket last minute you can still compare it with other fares or make a determination if there are alternatives that might be more cost effective.
The owner never disputed my assertion that just paying cash at the time of service would have resulted in the minimum charge. And of course, if I had known it would result in less oop for me. Thats what I would have done. My point is that our insurance system makes it impossible to compare prices between providers because as you see here, you can't even know the cost of one provider.
"I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from the Althouse portal to Amazon instead."
The cold water reservoir of my Mr. Coffee coffee pot leaks. Usable, but leaking. Spouse wanted to buy a new one at Wally World. I ordered it through our hostess's portal instead. Will be delivered Sat AM.
No, Francisco, you give her too much credit. She is a retiree with way too much time on her hands, she doesn't have an original political thought in her head, and she likes to come here and stir shit up. I know I should ignore her but hey, it's low-hanging fruit. Like Humperdink, I don't see why she is worthy of respect.
Real Americans know that the key to the future is coal and fighting M&Ms (Mus/Mex). F this research and tech flim flam, let the Chinese go fer that. MMGA. Make 'Murica Great Again!
Rest assured. Inga has demonstrated a level of stupidity and obsequiousness to leftist talking points that I have zero respect for her reasoning abilities. In general, the left is increasingly showing itself to be deranged and insistent on its delusions.
Sometimes that is a sign of mental illness. I do not have a single psychiatric patient who is not a leftist. They get incredibly upset about anything MSNBC tells them to think.
I find this saddening. In the past, it made me angry.
So, this is going to save me a lot of time. I no longer will read any Inga or Chuck postings on Althouse. Man did this thread get hijacked. Y’all need to all go get a room together somewhere.
The most interesting thing about that FBI statement is that it did NOT say that there was any harm to national security by releasing the memo. Only that "material omissions of fact . . . fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy." That seems like a green light to release the memo. Factual omissions can be corrected as warranted.
Stocking stuffers for libs who don't believe in the DJT revolution (that's the DJT rEVOLution, for libertarians who don't get coal for JesusChristmas).
There are growing calls on Wednesday for Neil Portnow to resign as president of the Recording Academy after saying that women artists needed to ‘step up’ in order to win more Grammy awards.
Vanessa Carlton, the singer-songwriter, initiated an online petition on Tuesday calling for Portnow’s ouster.
This seems an interesting development in the Reckoning so naturally I thought of Althouse's interest.
Stage one: assault and employment extortion Stage two: harassment Stage three: thus far untitled - but very inclusive
I'm referring to your exuberance re the publication of info, sans any underlying proof, that according to the DJT-FBI, which is run by a dude who ditched McCabe a day ago, is full of shit.
You may wanna open wide and take your chances w/ an escherichia sandwich. But, that means yur crazy. That's not good.
Jesus. Still talking about me? 5 hours later. What is wrong with you people? There are momentous things happening tonight regarding the Memo and the FBI.
The same lefties who totally believed the bullshit in the unsourced dossier -- without any supporting documentation -- are now trying to diminish an FBI-sourced memo because they need the underlying documents. Lulz
I suggest that the American NKVD/KGB (of which the FBI is just a part) should not be tolerated if there is even a hint of political meddling.
This sort of thing truly is the fast lane to tyranny. They are very dangerous tools. I recall some quote of Lenin's about Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka (predecessor of the KGB) upon his death - that such an organization could only be run by a saint or a scoundrel, and that they had lost their last saint. Lenins idea of saints was, perhaps, eccentric, but be it as it may.
The history of the FBI shows a very large number of cases where they meddled to enormous political effect - Watergate may not even have been the worst case. Without painfully scrupulous governance, by saints, then one must assume, out of prudence, that they are scoundrels. And therefore much too dangerous to tolerate.
They may have not used the word 'bullshit,' but they used the gov euphemism for the same. [Using post-DJT terms they shoulda called it a shithouse memo.]
BTW, who cares about that.
Are you going on record as being a believer of the memo that the FBI says (in euphemistic gov talk) says is shit?
Good for you. Many here are not as foolish as you cause their spidey sense tells them somethin' ain't right here, w/ the DJT-FBI protesting the memo.
It seems to me the FBI as currently structured is mostly unnecessary.
You could use a counterintelligence agency, like Britains MI-5, with the limited task of catching spies and traitors. But thats a very small part of what the FBI does, and overlaps with other agencies as it is.
As for terrorists, you have a superfluity of terrorist-chasers already.
Bruce Gee: believe it or not, that has been my policy for a long tim,e. But wotzername came at me a couple days ago, so killswitch engage.
She has been a cancer here for a long time. Mary E. Glynn gets banned (no, I do not know the decisive event, nor am I advocating a change to her status) but the stuff of hers that does get through is presented much more intellectually honestly and contains actual honesty than wotzername.
In the past couple days wotzername has:
)countered arguments here with selective and mendacious 'citations' which she has selectively edited to say the opposite of its real meaning. Then abused those of us who brought it to her attention by calling us names and denying her very words as we quoted verbatim and in complete context- her own comments she only had to scroll up a little bit to see. She couldn't even do that.
) cited a comment of mine, deceptively editing it to completely alter it's meaning so as to make it seem I am saying the opposite of its original meaning.
These are not new 'tics' from wotzername. We are reminded in this very thread of a past incident where she hijacked commenters' handles and commented under their names.
How is such a person allowed on this blog?
And need I mention the countless threads she has hijacked? It seems the Great Comments Shutdown was predicated, at least to some part, by her behavior and the reactions to her outright lies, attempts to misrepresent other commenters, etc.
I feel bad beating up on a batty old lady with some form of dementia setting in. And I understand the very human sympathy she creates in some. She even creates it in me. A deep, angry sadness for her. I've seen people close to me slide into dementia. It's very sad and I wish it on no one. No one.
People change as that happens.
I loved my grandpa. But once he started shitting himself and going on expletive-filled tirades in social situations we knew that we couldn't put off the hard decision any longer.
And those here that egg her on. It feels cruel to me that they do so.
Yes, she has gumption. But is a complete lack of honesty burnished by having an aggressive attitude? This place could be a salon where we have intelligent discussions, argue back and forth and even get mad at one another. But to continue to allow rank dishonesty is to destroy it.
Maybe someone with a heart should ask themselves why we are being subjected to her, and why is she being subjected to us? What is actually the kind thing to do?
@anti-de shitter, the FBI is saying that "certain facts are omitted" and the committee is saying "you stonewalled us for months so if there are any facts that are omitted you should have given them to us when we asked."
Sounds to me that the committee has the better argument. Moreover, whatever those facts that are alleged to be omitted might be, without seeing them there's no way to know that they have any bearing. Whether the FBI likes it or not, like any other agency they ultimately answer to the Congress; that's one of the checks and balances.
Just because you appoint someone doesn't mean they are loyal. Not to Trump. To the Constitution.
FBI executives are notorious for being snakes. Mark Felt springs to mind.
Look anti-Shiiter I will bet on FBI courrption and malfeasance every time. J Edgar ignoring the Mob because they had a photo of him sucking Clydes dick. Slandering and spying on Martin Luther King. Saying he colluded with the Russians and was a commie. Greg Scarpa. Steve Flemmi. Whitey Bulger. Waco. Ruby Ridge.
They have been a courrpt and dangerous out of control disaster since the days of Walter Burns.
We should disband them and start over.
Ask any beat cop or county Sherrif about the Feebs and you will get the real story.
The mighty warrior trying to rally the troops! If my presence here is such an affront to your sensibilities and threat to your manliness, you need to get some advice from my two grandsons I babysat for tonight, ages one and three on how to be a brave boy.
The American "permanent government" is a thing of enormous size (counting private contractors, joined-at-the-hip ngos and qangos), an economy and social environment to itself, its own mostly-isolated world, or, at least, isolated from external feedback. Its got plenty of effect on the real society and economy of course.
Thats true of all such government structures. And all have the same dangers, where they start to create their own internal incentives that trump their ostensible mission. Happens to over-comfortable private companies hiding behind economies of scale or regulatory barriers. But governments are a very special case.
A big enough government is its own interest group.
The way I learned it, it was called "Tarleton's quarter." The term comes from the Waxhaw Massacre, also sometimes called the Buford Massacre. Colonel Buford was a colonel in the Continental Army with a small force of roughly 400 men confronted by an even smaller force of Loyalists and British Dragoons led by Banastre Tarleton. Tarleton demanded that Buford surrender, Buford responded in the negative, and the battle was on. It was pretty much over in the first charge by Tarleton's more disciplined men, and the Americans tried to surrender. As the white flag was being sent forward and the Americans threw down their arms someone managed to shoot Tarleton's horse, trapping Tarleton underneath, and the British and Loyalists went nuts, slashing and bayoneting men who had dropped their guns and had their hands in the air. Hence "Tarleton's quarter," for killing men who were already surrendered.
In the movie "The Patriot" the massacre is depicted off screen but is included in the plot, and the leader of the massacre is a man named "Tavington" who is late middle age. In real life Banastre Tarleton was a young man, and his portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds depicts a young man so effeminate-looking that at first glace he seems to have breasts.
@anti-de Sitter space, well pardon me dear sir. I made the natural assumption that when you serve up a slow, soft pitch over the center of the plate you mean for it to be knocked out of the park. I apologize for my misinterpretation.
“In the movie "The Patriot" the massacre is depicted off screen but is included in the plot, and the leader of the massacre is a man named "Tavington" who is late middle age. In real life Banastre Tarleton was a young man, and his portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds depicts a young man so effeminate-looking that at first glace he seems to have breasts.”
Oh hahahahaha! Brucey the effeminate leader of the massacre. What size man boobs, I wonder?
Its interesting that the government itself (the masses of employees and officials) was not anticipated as a possible problem by the founders of the American Republic. Standing armies were a known danger, and that, at any rate, was considered a potential source of trouble. But not government as government.
This is probably because there was extremely little of this in Britain in those days. The US states back then probably had more government structure than Britain did. The rest of Europe had rather more - I recommend Hyppolite Taine's France under the Old Regime for a guide to that country, and comparisons to some others at the time. But Europe, and America, did not seem to be in danger from their own predatory governments.
As a source of trouble however governments as discrete entities had historical form, even at the time. China is the ancient example. The American founders knew little of it or its history. But these days America does indeed have its Mandarins. And they are at odds with the Emperor.
The libs are terrible, the Rs and DJT have all the 'Murica Great Making Again answers.
Come on, Big M,
You gotta see that this is shit.
Sure libs have their BS, but the POV that the Rs don't dump? Really?
So, who dumps worse?
The Ds (until BHO) seemed to care (i.e. re passed policy (i.e. not just talk)) about the income v expenditures for gov. At some point that deficit will bite. But, it could be a long way off (e.g. Japan borrowing (though they have lots of domestic savings)). So, until then the choice is how to tilt the benefits. I feel like the top ain't doin' too bad. And, they (we) sure as hell ain't gonna be doin' bad if/when the shit hits.
That is because at the tine the colonies were rather compact entities, states when they reach a certain density to devolve from republic which was franklins aspiration to democracy, there was no ongoing intelligence establishment, really until the civil war, the talmadge network having been disbanded, there was only a rudamentary navy and militias held the continental front, one might say things when awry around the time of the Louisiana purchase much as with Athens deluan leagues and Rome's post carthiginian adventures.
I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before.
Little beings afraid of their kid's shadow are how other countries got to be not America, so it is correct to worry about not being able to correct worrying so much you convince yourself everybody else is as worried-silly as you are and ergo we ought not enjoy the grandest timeframe Earth has seen, human-wise.
Consider what if Polk had lost in 1844, because the third party liberty candidate takes a powder, and we hasn't expanded west and northwest for a generation. Likely Santa ana would still have find a way to get our ghost. Without the new territories, the pressures on the republic would have found some release, perhaps confrontation with the former Latin states south of us.
Sure. Whatever you do, DON”T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!
There is already so much obvious evidence of Clinton lawbreaking, I mean real lawbreaking, not just theoretical stuff. Destruction of records, records under subpoena. Never mind the emoluments stuff with Bill taking payoffs from Putin while she was SoS, and the little matter of the 145 million that Putin cronies gave her, some of which she spent on her campaign, and 17 million dollars that Bill paid himself as “chancellor” of Clinton Foundation U.
And deliberate looking the other way.
So lay the fucking cards on the table. Since it seems to be all hands on deck in the troll department, I am guessing this is stuff the Democrats really really really do not want America to see.
What are you afraid that America is going to see Inga?
The Deep State is the enemy of the American People. They tried to overturn an American election when their existence was threatened. Just as they did when they killed Kennedy.
As I said. Read about the Church committee. Learn about what happened to Momo and Jimmy the Weasel.
They are deadly when they are cornered.
J Edgar Hoover. Mark Felt. Marti Luther King. Greg Scarpa. Steve Flemmi. Whitey Bulger. Waco. Ruby Ridge.
"I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before."
All signs point to the Nones memo being a none event.
Midday Tuesday the official WH was saying it wouldn't be released (of course the Orange God said otherwise). And the DOJ, FBI has consistently been on the record re this memo being BS.
So, w/ all of these red flags, are some cons still gonna be for the Nones memo?
My guess is that most will go full Thelma and Louise. Like Scott Adams says: facts and reality don't matter, just manipulation (euphemistically refereed to as persuasion murder shots).
I wish some of you fucks were around when Buckley was writing God and Man at Yale, you coulda let him know he was all mistaken and it was Conservative Inc GOP Glory time in America, as opposed to us poor wee wee downed lil' young American's of 2018, all but destined for that special ashheap way, way worse than all those other asheaps.
Cuase some fuck told us he knew and we shoulda just been not so fat and ugly and stupid and arrogant and evil and just duh duh duh listened, ya know?
Yes the church committee was about handicapping our intelligence systems, it probably blinded us for a decade, do I think minaret and shamrock got out of hand, probably its in the nature of bureaucracy. Do I weapon for lumumba (certainly not) although tsombe was a better choice than mobutu.
Liberals used to care about political wiretapping. They were outraged when it was revealed that FBI surveilled Martin Luther King. To discredit him by claiming he was colluding with the Russians.
But they hate President Trump so much this illegal spying is just fine.
If it weren't for double standards they would have no standards at all.
Sadly, Buckley was spitting in the wind, mostly. Certainly so with "God and Man at Yale". His warnings had no effect at all. See where you are now. There certainly is no longer a trace of God at Yale. Possibly also, and consequently, no more men. And for that matter, a much more thorough book, Blooms "Closing of the American Mind" was utterly futile.
If you want to actually be useful, Guild, arrange to remove your state credentialling requirements for schoolteachers.
Sadly, I have no way with words. The estimable Tocqueville had talents that passed me by. That is a common observation though, when comparing the superior humanity of long ago with the weak specimens of today. Still, even in these degraded times, one must try.
Your modern weakness is exactly as Buckley anticipated. As all sorts of futile prophets did.
Point taken, the Ga)up through the institutions probably happened everywhere In the west, between profumo and the Cambridge spies. Even if salan had been in charge in France in 1968, insteadcof degaulle.
Mccarthy had some excesses certainly, but once you remove the imperative there isn't a continius anticommunist resistance. We discovered that with Kennedy whose betrayal in April 61, prefigured a greater debacle in south east Asia.
Americans know others fuck shit up, always, every time, and know Daddy Sam will fuck up the people that can enrich our leaders at the time the most, ergo nobody knows nothing.
Like I told you and like we like it as Americans.
So get out of the way, don't degrade yourself anymore by self-refuting doomsaying.
You have so very much to offer other than the America envy, as I have said before, so, even though you can never be, act American, let your inner beauty guide you, your kin, and our world.
If this is all bullshit by the Republicans and Trump, I want to know that too.
Funny how the 18 point lead the Democrats had on the congressional vote has disappeared. Completely. No large lead, no pickups in Congress, that’s how it works, Republicans have always overperformed against that poll.
So maybe instead of trying to remove Trump from office, Democrats should sit down and think about why they are losing a fight where they think they should be “fifty points ahead,”
Truth be told, a conservative Democrat would probably kill it nationally, but they could never get the nomination. Well Trump did, but he had to run as a Republican.
Yesterday lefties: Don't release the memo!! It exposes sources and methods!!eleventy!11!!1!
Today lefties: Don't release the memo!! Okay okay! It doesn't expose sources and methods but it does have "material omissions!!11!1!eleventy!
Tomorrow lefties: Don't release the memo!! Okay okay, it doesn't expose sources and methods AND the "material omissions" were really just a couple of small changes requested by the FBI AND the dems so that changes things but but BUT....er... Our FBI and DOJ are beyond approach and should never be answerable to Congress....even though the Constitutional duty of Congress is oversight!...er......
I'm not American. Whatever else, I imagine this gives me a certain objectivity. As a long term matter, I would try hedge against you. In fact, I have, or tried anyway. But the way the world is, it is quite difficult and uncertain to hedge against the US. It is one world, much more than it was in 1929. When something very bad happens here, it most certainly will create tsunami waves that could reach any spot on the globe. So we are all in this together, like it or not.
If you had been listening, people were saying that before the election. It was a big argument against him as the nominee. Chuck. really is an old-line Republican.
I will say though that the party welcomes him.
It gives me a warm feeling to drive down Southern Boulevard and see Air Force One parked there, or a huge transport plane bringing whatever accoutrement a POTUS needs.
Is Bernie Sanders a Democrat? These were insurgent candidates.
Yes a lot of this is plates parable of the cave, remember gepharts boast he was going to make advances in 2002, when the tech bubble collapsed and there were done symptoms of corporate malfeasance. If course sarbanes oxley was the answer to the wrong question. The subprime bubble that had started to inflate would be deflated by greenspans exuberant agita.
IIRC, quite a lot of Republicans denied Trump was a Republican, back in 2015-16, and there are still a few of that sort about. Very interesting, all that.
Tim in Vermont: "Is Bernie Sanders a Democrat? These were insurgent candidates."
Bernie, in a real contest, would have been the nominee in a year when the population, right, left and center, wanted outsiders.
But Hillary and her DNC and Deep State pals hacked their own primary and then the general election.
Naturally, the democrat primary voters were ignored (as they should be I guess) and simply did what they were told and accepted Hillary as the nominee.
Yur outa the loop. It's the DJT appointed FBI that is saying the memo is shit.
So, you'll need to restate your 11:52. I'm eager to hear how you adjust antagonist and protagonist (both Rs), then I'll know which side of the R v R spat ends up as the Racists!
Sarbanes Oxley was an enormous generator of consulting gigs. Created a nice little industry in compliance. On all sorts of very expensive things completely unrelated to the ostensible purpose of the thing. One of the neater, if minor, examples of regulatory money-making by the "swamp".
I'll get right on that......as quickly as the FBI and DOJ responded to proper requests for materials for the oversight committee's.....
Oh. That's right. It took the FBI/DOJ 6 months to respond, and then only did so after being threatened with contempt of congress.
And then the FBI/DOJ responded in......just 2 hours.
2 hours!
So, sure, I'll rewrite my previous post...in about 6 months.
In the meanwhile, I think I'll brew up a pot of tea and sit down and read the memo's that you and your pals seem scared crapless about and take in all the wonderful obama/Hillary/FBI/DOJ corruption.
But again, I do promise to rewrite that posting. In 6 months.
I wouldn't want to be accused of being unresponsive....
Hes mire of one than Nixon, Hes. Been able to accomplish UN some ways more than Reagan, the left despises Russia like they did Argentina or the phillipines, if it was communist they would have a full rooting chorus.
Re covert action, the ones after the bay of pigs resembled those that went on in eastern Europe, Hungary particularly but also the caucasus. The escambray front lasted almost as long as the last example.
TIV: "Nobody is saying that what’s in it isn’t true, BTW. Nobody"
Why are bothering to respond to these guys?
The memo will be out soon...and we will begin to see why, all of sudden, out of the blue, that little sentencing hearing Mueller's team of hired dem hack guns backed off....
I wonder if it had anything to do with these little likely factoids:
"Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original Flynn plea judge (Contrereas) was also the approving FISA judge; and that judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing IG Horowitz evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents; and understanding those falsified 302’s were used in the Mueller/Flynn charging document…
…Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing:"
But the answer then isn't to solve the problem, the problem with the tech bubble is the products were not substantial enough also huckstess like Mary meeker and Henry blodgett who moved on to another fraudulent product
If we had fought Al queda exckusively in Afghanistan would that hand solved the problem, no because it was only avenue as we know the team that took out massoud included a Belgian Moroccan.
Sarbanes Oxley was an enormous generator of consulting gigs. Created a nice little industry in compliance. On all sorts of very expensive things completely unrelated to the ostensible purpose of the thing.
I feel like some conservative outlet ought to run ads aimed at Millennials explaining to them that a huge part of their student load debt goes to administrators that are required for regulatory compliance.
Every time a new higher education regulation is written, jobs are “created” on campuses across the country, and student debt climbs. It would be interesting to know, for example, how much Title IV is costing each student in real dollars and cents of student debt.
BTW, did you happen to catch the transcript (yes, the actual transcript) of Monday nights House Intelligence Committee meeting?
That was the meeting after which Schiff-ty walked out and made a bee-line right to the cameras to give her version of reality.
When compared with the actual meeting transcript...well, you know....Schiff-ty lied thru his teeth!
Well played Nunes. Well played.
Of course, Schiff-ty is in no danger of being asked follow-ups by our intrepid pressies, so his lies will simply be recorded in the Democrat Big Book of Lies in order that he may be properly rewarded for his efforts by the "Party".
But that's later.
First, we will be reading a likely very interesting memo.
I wonder if Rod Rosenstein is getting much sleep tonight. I certainly hope......not.
Which denudesthe meaning of the word, can we deny there wee a pervasive state supported system of discrimation for nearly 75 years no one cannot . is that anywhere near what is happening now, of course not.
As in western Europe, when respectible parties done listen to the people, less respectable ones will.
Yes its arguable that a security service that has mussed some 14 plots in the last decade is really on the ball, but one must know the enemy and under Mueller and then comeys, we have had progressively larger blindfolds.
And we haven't even begun to plumb the hilarious depths of how 2 clinton/DNC hoax dossiers full of zero, yes zero, "corroborated" BS were used by the FBI to secure the surveillance authority.
BTW, have ANY of the dems who laughed at Trump and called him a liar for claiming he was wiretapped ever apologized?
The best part about the 2 hoax dossiers? They were produced by the Mutt and Jeff/Shaggy & Scooby Doo duo of Cody Shearer (yes, that Sydney Bluementhal/Hillary hack!) and moron Laundered 702 data guy Steele.
Byron York just posted this: Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy. House Intel GOP statement:
And Democrats are all pro-law enforcement, as long as it doesn’t involve either immigration, or the Clintons. Then its a heinous abuse of power.
A lot of mouths have written a lot of checks, I want to see the cards now. The FBI let Hillary skate when she clearly violated multiple laws. I would go through them, but you would refuse to read them, I am sure. So fuck the FBI. Wha were they involved in politics in the first place?
Livermoron: "Byron York just posted this: Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy. House Intel GOP statement:"
Precisely what I posted earlier.
Looks like Li'l Adam And the Schiff-ty-ites are just about down to the bottom of their bag of tricks!
"BTW, have ANY of the dems who laughed at Trump and called him a liar for claiming he was wiretapped ever apologized?"
He wasn't wire tapped.
Presumably you'd recommend that the DJT WH should fully embrace and declare allegiance w/ and close ties to the DJT related folks who ended up w/ intelligence surveillance. That way you could say that folks very close to DJT were tapped.
What's most rewarding about all this, in addition to the exposure of the Watergate x 1000 reality of what the dems did, is the fact that those idiots really thought they could keep this much corruption, galaxy-sized corruption, hidden until past the 2018 elections when they would take over the House and Senate and shut down all investigations forevah!
The best laid plans indeed.
Thank you Nunes, Goodlatte, Grassley and Horowitz.
So much interesting reading ahead.
BTW, did you hear the rumor that on Monday when McCabe was informed that perhaps it would be best if he didn't come into the office and that perhaps his retirement was in jeapordy McCabe decided that would be a good time to threaten: "I'll torch this place".
I wonder precisely what sort of information McCabe might have that would constitute a potential "torching" of "this" place?
As with most senior personnel at executive agencies, one must not assume that partisan alignment is actually partisan.
The nature of senior executives in insulated large organizations is that their allegiances do not map to external entities (even fuzzy things like corporate performance), but to internal ones. Like their careers. And the last thing any of them want is any outsider getting near the closets full of skeletons, the accumulated stuff hidden away, even by their past leaders and current colleagues.
BTW, did you hear the rumor that on Monday when McCabe was informed that perhaps it would be best if he didn't come into the office and that perhaps his retirement was in jeapordy McCabe decided that would be a good time to threaten: "I'll torch this place".
What I find most agreeable about this is that it is clear that the Inga's and adSs's and Hillary's of the world have learned absolutely nothing over the last 15 months.
Absolutely nothing.
It bodes very, very well for the republicans.
Perhaps that explains the absolute "tulip bulb as currency"-like collapse of that magical/mystical/all-powerful Democrat Generic Ballot lead from 15% to ....2% (aka "statistically negligible").
And that happened quick!
I mean, that collapse of the dems who refused to applaud our troops or our police or even the parents of American's who were murdered by the dems beloved MS-13ers escalated quickly!
Trump is not a Republican. He is just using the party to get things done.
Paul Ryan is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Yertle the turtle Mc Connell is a Republican.
You know. Losers. The Washington Generals.
Trump is using the party as a means to an end.
That's just fine.
At heart Trump is a Conservative Democrat like John Rooney or Scoop Jackson or dare I say it Harry Truman. Worried about Americans. Not Mexicans. Worried about jobs for the working class people be they were white or black. Honors God, a country and the Flag.
There is no room in the Democratic Party for straight white male patriots. So he became a Republican. To tavern them to win. Bigly.
Can you imagine what the meetings of the treasonous dems in the DOJ/FBI/NSA/CIA were like on November 9th, 2018?
Like the Grinch, those dems thought they were so sly and so slick, they thought up a lie and they thought it up quick.
But haste makes waste.
And there were little tidbits of waste left all over the joint...and now those little tidbits have been picked up and reassembled and that picture, ladies and gentlemen, "ain't" very pretty.
But then, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the idea of the treasonous Putin-collaborating dems getting their comeuppance will be a beautiful thing indeed.
"What I find most agreeable about this is that it is clear that the Inga's and adSs's and Hillary's of the world have learned absolutely nothing over the last 15 months."
You dirty rotten liar.
I was fairly sure before, but I definitely learned now that tits can be too big.
Sorry for the typos. It is not optimal to comment on an iPhone.
Obviously it was to "teach them to win."
Which he is doing.
The memo will be another big win. It will prove the collusion between the Clinton campaign,partisan elements of the Deep State and Barack Obama to spy on the Trump campaign and later to deligitimize his election.
Open the books. Put out all the facts. Screw the sources and methods. Burn them all. Let the American people get the truth.
Yancey Ward: "Did Chuck and Inga take a shit early on in the thread?"
No. We are just marveling at: 1) How much information related to the dems treasonous activities over the past 2 years has already been exposed... 2)..at just the same moment that the public is giving Trump majority positive approval marks for the economy... 3)... at just the moment when more of the dems treasonous activities are about to be revealed... 4)...at just the moment when the dems decided to showcase to the world that they hate America and love MS-13 "dreamers and completely want to bring our system of government crashing down as all the lefty hollywood idiots screamed at the top of their lungs one of their 14,001,987 alternate Soviet/Maoist gatherings.
I wonder if Trent Gowdy may have been picked by President Donald Trump to lead the prosecution of whoever is charged coming out of this affair, thus his announcement not to run.
Officials, including the POTUS can be impeached even when they are out of office, I seem to recall. Its a way to deny them pensions.
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if the dems had some of their antifa blackshirts follow those parents of the murdered girls home to "finish the job", if you know what I mean.
"He wasn't wire tapped." Then you should have no problem with telling Mueller to pack up his kit & go home, right? What evidence do you think would lead to impeachment other than a Nixon's office recordings thing? Testimony from from the indicted? Hearsay? Or do you take the absurd position that if Trump is recorded because an associate was wiretapped it is different from Trump being wiretapped?
"During the last year of the Obama Administration (2016), there were 1485 "Traditional FISA Surveillance Order" applications submitted, out of which 310 required modification and 34 were denied.
Both these numbers were significantly greater than the total number of modifications (231) and denials (7) for the entire prior seven years of the Obama Administration.
Yes, the modifications and the denials are extraordinary spikes of activity. The thing is this- what was forced into modification and outright denied is a matter of record. Those application exist somewhere- is the spike due to surveillance of Trump and his campaign? It is certainly plausible to the point of being more likely than not.
IG Horowitz's massive, comprehensive year-long investigation report will come out THIS MONTH!
By now, even you sad sack lefties ought to be familiar with IG Horowitz's stellar work since every single major release of information from his team to the congressional committee's has yielded astonishing insights, included the texts, FISA warrant info, etc. (too much to list here).
Apparently, when the treasonous dems were doing their dirty work they "forgot" to get Horowitz out of there early enough.
To the treasonous dems credit, once they found out he was not screwing around, the dems did try to get him fired. Just like the li'l dem cabal attempted with Adm Rogers.
But then again, when the dems were operating in Full Panic Mode, they missed alot of obvious things.
So Rogers visits Trump and tells him some "interesting" things and Horowitz starts sharing some "interesting" things.
Voila! Rosenstein panic and McCabe threatening to Torch the joint!
I can't wait until the dems attempt to explain that Trump was never really wiretapped, its just that every single communication thru every single device of his and everyone in his family and everyone on his campaign and everyone he ever met was intercepted, logged, put into reports, distributed broadly to obama admin folks, provided to the Clinton campaign, and then leaked to the media.
To make it clear- the FISC was clearly pushing back on the FISA requests coming from the Obama DoJ during 2016- pushing back hard. It would be very, very enlightening to find out why the court was suddenly deeply questioning the applications in a way they had never done the previous 7 years. That the applications were related to the election seems almost an obvious explanation.
Yancey: "It would be very, very enlightening to find out why the court was suddenly deeply questioning the applications in a way they had never done the previous 7 years. "
We need to learn a great deal more about Mr Contrereas, the FISA approving Judge who then, "luckily" and completely innocently, became the Judge overseeing the Flynn sting run by McCabe/Strzok and who then, suddenly, oh so very suddenly, recused himself just recently from the Flynn case and was replaced.
Gee, I wonder what information might have been in the offing, about to go public, that might have made Mr Contrereas suddenly very "concerned" about an appearance of impropriety? An impropriety so great coming to light that Mr Contrereas decided to skedaddle right then and there?
Psssst, I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with "memo".
It was his line about families, but since his uncle was interior minister, it applies just as well. Belys Petersburg has a composite of trepov ignatiev and pobestedenev as the main character. Solzhenitsyn in the second volume of the red wheel, is scathing about the prerevolutionary deep state and how they perhaps unwittingly snuffed out the great hope stolypin.
Livermoron: "And you were telling me yesterday I was wrong that McCabe might be turning over, Drago"
I still am.
I see no indication yet (of course who knows what is happening behind the scenes now) that McCabe is rolling on anyone.
First of all, why would he need to? Do you think Rosenstein is going to prosecute? McCabe probably has stuff on Rosenstein.
Now, if the pressure becomes too great and Rosenstein is let go, then all bets are off on what McCabe would do once someone who wasn't compromised themselves got into the role.
But thats all conjecture and is probably a long way off.
Using the NSA intercepts is not an old fashioned black bag job like when the Feebs bugged Fat Tony Salerno's Caddy. Technology has moved foward since then and only frauds like the shitter insist on being literal when what is meant that it was illegal surveillance obtained under a fraudulent FISA warrant.
The Feebs had a policy that they had to stop listening on a wiretap when personal non criminal discussions were taking place. But the Feebs always violate that like when they heard Big Pulie Castellano was banging his Mexican maid. They publized that to humiliate him after he died.
The Feebs are horrible people and nothing that happens to them is bad enough for me.
It was interesting the anonymous FBI statement about the memo. There are two ways to read this statement, and I don't know which way is correct. It is on FBI account, so someone in the FBI definitely wrote it unless the account is secured by the same people responsible for doing the DNC's security. So, what to make of it? It is curious to me because it is a change in objections- we are no longer hearing about how it endangers FBI and DoJ operations and methods, but rather that it omits facts that would put the FBI into a better light than the memo does. However, this now means that there can really be no objection about putting sunlight on all the supporting materials the committee has in its possession. If you are going to defend the FBI against the memo, you now have to support declassification of the underlying material too. Nunes has made it clear that he hopes to do just that, and until today his opponents wanted nothing made public, but the FBI statement, and even Schiff in the last two days, are taking a different tactic, but it is one that destroys any chance of using the previous one. I think it entirely possible that the FBI statement was a ploy by someone who is now making it clear that more sunlight is coming, not less.
Maybe had they been paying more attention to John gooti, but bureaucracies dont have much of a vision or even a mission statement, anslinger, hoover and dulles were perhaps exceptions to the rule.
Yancey: " but it is one that destroys any chance of using the previous one. I think it entirely possible that the FBI statement was a ploy by someone who is now making it clear that more sunlight is coming, not less."
More sunlight is on the way.
This li'l ol "nothingburger memo" (which is receiving astonishing levels of attention for being such a "nothingburger) is such a small first wave for the tsunami that is coming with Horowitz.
And yet this little ripple has the entire establishment running for the hills and rending garments.
Inga said... I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before.
Don't tell me the democrats are thinking about starting another civil war. I would recommend keeping your dumb ass head down and letting the criminals in DC be put in jail peacefully.
On the one hand talking to traitors like Inga and asDS is pointless. They think it is OK to spy on political opponents. They were saying it was OK not even a year ago. I predicted they would be saying this Russian Collusion investigation is really nothing back then.
Here they are saying it is nothing. Unexpectedly.
On the other hand it must be made clear they are amoral stalinists and are greatly outnumbered. It would be the residents of the Cities who would benefit the most from their leaders getting what they deserve.
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४३२ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 432 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»Got the bill from my urgent care visit in Nov. They fixed me up real good. Too bad Health Care in the US is so F*&^%$ Up.
He said the check out lady at Barnes and Noble was curious about the book that so many people were buying. Barnes and Noble. Once a bookstore hired people who read books and knew the names of authors and where to find their works. Without a doubt I know the contents of my local B&N much better than their average employee. I think they often shelve books on the same premise that some mailmen toss the mail in the ditch. Easier that way.
Urgent care is like airline pricing with which I assume you are familiar. If you want a heart transplant, need one, you can have it for $5,000 in December. Oh, you need it now? $50,000. And so we business travelers pay $2,000 for a ride to the west coast and sit next to the big lady whose ticket cost $200. Alas.
"My son just called to inform me that he went to Barnes and Noble to get the new Jordan Peterson book. He asked and the guy said, yeah they had it. In the back."
BTW, he was just on Joe Rogan (and then Crowder was on, they both taped the same day, i.e. yestyerday).
Anywho, I 100% agree that the SJWs jabbering about snowflakerism is totally dumb and it's the highest level of naval gazing. Even so, beyond the sentence I just wrote I'm not really into wallowing and extrapolating and perpetually self congratulating re my conservativeness. Still I listened to all of the Peterson and Crowder stuff (and I pay for the Crowder podcast, soon restarting for 2018 (CRTV)).
At one point on the Rogan thing, Peterson says that it's men who are in jail for violent crime, hence this proves the genders are different. Then Rogan says that it can't be only men. So Peterson starts w/ well it's 95% or 90% or a lot more men than women.
The dude's claim to fame is that he's all dialed in w/ data and logic.
I'm not saying his big points aren't right. I'm certainly not saying that he can't carve up any lib jabberer who's on TV as an interviewer (as if that's a high bar).
But, come on. Don't throw out BS numbers. The facts prove the point.
Robert Mueller Requests Postponement of General Mike Flynn Sentencing…
Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original FISA judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents;…
…Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing
link: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/
"He asked and the guy said, yeah they had it. In the back."
Reminds me of when I bought my first Dylan bootleg in 1969. Back when Von's Book Shop was in Von's house, down off South Chauncey Ave.
Jeez Louise, can't people drop the back and forth with Inga? It's making these comments unreadable.
Males incarcerated. 93.6
Federal prison stat
"It's making these comments unreadable."
Why, it's almost as if that's the point.
If you do a lot of first class travel w/ an entourage but aren't in the have your own jet club, it's not too bad to get one of the training wheels versions of flying private. The things where you join a thing-y. I think it's around five to seven grand per hour, depends on range and type o jet (plus the base fees). Do the math.
Here is the link to the PDF of Mueller's request:
Sometimes you need to break things to fix them.
"Males incarcerated. 93.6"
The remaining 6.4% are transgendered females.
I think Inga has superpowers. She's an enchantress. Certain characters just can't help themselves when it comes to her.
"Certain characters just can't help themselves when it comes to her."
Looking at the volume of comments, I'd say it was death by a thousand cuts.
The Electronic Privacy Information Center has compiled a record of:
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court Orders 1979-2016
During the last year of the Obama Administration (2016), there were 1485 "Traditional FISA Surveillance Order" applications submitted, out of which 310 required modification and 34 were denied.
Both these numbers were significantly greater than the total number of modifications (231) and denials (7) for the entire prior seven years of the Obama Administration.
The only logical reason for this huge spike in denials is that there was something fishy going on with FISA applications in a presidential election year.
Two days ago, Julian Sanchez, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute wrote a piece strongly criticizing the premise behind the Nunes memo:
On “Releasing the Memo”
"...It makes somewhat more sense, however, if it is viewed primarily as a public relations campaign with the aim of impugning the integrity of the FBI and, by association, the Mueller investigation."
Today, he appears to have some second thoughts after reviewing the startling EPIC data above.
"That’s pretty extraordinary, and it seems hard to believe it’s a statistical fluke."
Do you also remember the evening when Inga went on a posting rampage after highjacking a number of blogger handles including my own? Complaining about livermoron after that stunt takes a lot of gall.
ARM, Your "hear hear" is noted. I was one of Inga's defenders on this blog. Inga forfeited most of that respect with the stunt noted above for which she has never apologized.
I've seen all the shit she's done over the years. Time to dish it out back at her.
Tarleton's Quarter!!
Nice store but it’s no Dan & Whits.
Bill Clinton was a huge golf cheat.
I flew in row 1 on JetBlue today and the rest of the row was empty. One person in row 2. Where is everybody?
In the style of anti-de sitter space, it's hilarious to listen to you Rubes ooing and aahing over the Pressed tin ceilings. Williamsburg Brooklyn is lousy with that stuff. Come and take it away!
BTW space, you owe me a buck every time you write "jabber" here. I know it's a great word but you're milking it.
I golfed in LV at the Bali Hai course. I had the same caddy that Bill Clinton had the previous week. He told me a few stories; 20' gimmies, unlimited mulligans, that stuff. When it came to fill out the scorecard the SS agent told the caddy to put in 83. "The president always shoots 83." His real score would have been at least 20 more strokes, per my caddy.
BTW, Playing by strict USGA rules, first time on the course, I shot an...........83.
From the Daily Mail, written by Piers Morgan (of all people):
The State of the Union stats don’t lie: Americans are turning against Trump-hating celebrities and buying into the President’s American dream - THAT’S a nightmare for Democrats
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5334815/American-people-turning-against-Trump-hating-celebrities.html#ixzz55ohKeU8g
My hometown store was Bell Hardware. They had a two-foot tall bronze bell out front, and aisles full of things like huge bin-carousels full of nails.
Then later I was introduced to (the original, I believe) Orchard Supply, in San Jose. I went there to get blocks of pig-lead, and some very large galvanized pipe fittings, not obtainable at Bell.
A few years later I went into the first chain Ace Hardware in my area. I remember staring in disbelief at a shelf of galvanized pipe fittings, each individually wrapped in heat-shrink plastic.
Later, a trip to a (chain) OSH store to get some 6-inch ducting. They had plenty of the rarely used 7-inch, but were out of the common 6. I collared a floorwalker to ask, and was informed that company policy was that they could not re-order until every store in the region was out.
Decline of the West, in 20 years.
rehajm: "Nice store but it’s no Dan & Whits.
Bill Clinton was a huge golf cheat."
Uh oh.
Now you've done it. You attacked a democrat.
Its highly likely LLR Chuck is going to quickly and decisively deliver a rhetorical blow to your intellect and ego that you have never before experienced and from which you may never recover.
You have been warned my friend. Try and stay safe. God speed.
Michael, but you knew exactly how much you were going to pay for that seat when you hit the purchase button. Just as the neighbor lady did.
Had a great conversation with the owner of said urgent care re my experience.
He agreed that the "system" is a mess and in exchange for my promise to give him a favorable google review he agreed to discount my charge by ~20%.
I showed up after Thanksgiving to get a flu test(+). I told the reception nurse I was not close to meeting my deductible so I would pay cash. She says, ok $150. Then my wife says put it through insurance so that it goes towards the deductible. In my diminished state I say sure and produce my insurance card. Long story short I get a bill for 258. So after running through insurance the bill nearly doubles. The system is designed to charge you according to your ability to pay. Thats effed up in my book.
Bad L,
Funny you wrote that. I've been thinkin' I'm gettin' stale writin' that, too.
Likewise, dropin' 'g's' must have an expiration date. Long expired. Re me.
At least I still can add line breaks and break the rules*.
*Meade recently confirmed that's still a rule.
Yes, you know the price of the ticket but you miss the point. The point is that you have to go on the business trip tomorrow just as in Urgent Care you have to go and now. That is why they are priced in the same way. You sick with the flu on Friday night? Fine. Urgent Care for $500 or Monday morning (if possible) for $50.
Gypsey living, ain't easy to do cool n' shit.
The things some dead fucks wanted,
you'll all fucked up find the cunt Stones
brought that shit to you.
Fuck that shit.
RH nailed it with his Boyle link.
No roadside nail was that.*
*But if the nail was bad why would that affect the hammer? Ain't the faith of the hammer's strength what keep the hammerer hammerin' in the hard times too?
WSJ just now
"Top FBI officials were aware for at least a month before alerting Congress that emails potentially related to an investigation of Hillary Clinton had emerged during a key stretch of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to text messages reviewed by The Wall Street Journal."
McCabe should go to jail
Michael said...
My son just called to inform me that he went to Barnes and Noble to get the new Jordan Peterson book. He asked and the guy said, yeah they had it. In the back.
1/31/18, 6:16 PM
I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from Amazon instead.
Let me fix this for ya exile,
'I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from the Althouse portal to Amazon instead.
Yur welcome.
Ah, you are correct, PB. But it is a moot point coming from you, isn't it, because you don't read books :)
Indeed. I bought my copy via the Althouse portal. My son believes Peterson will be better rewarded by the purchase of a hard cover.
Inga the idiot has hijacked this seemingly innocuous thread.
Is there any doubt that she is an employed troll?
There should be a ranking for the Mikes in these threads. Perhaps they could change their names to reflect their standing. E.g. #1Mike,..........,#LastMike.
But what would the criteria be?
If it's unintended funniness, we all know who wins. The surgeon.
But what if it's the POTUS standard, i.e. who do ya wanna have a beer (or soda for DJT/W) w/?
I'm gonna go w/:
Doc Mike
The first three are essentially a tie. Splitting hairs.
Re forth place, on paper it seems like Doc Mike should be able to bring more to the proverbial table. But he's an odd duck. Imagine if everyone here announced their bedtime? And all sorts of similar minutia that Doc M thinks is noteworthy? Such a weirdo.
Michael, I would agree to your point if it were possible that buying a ticket using say your debit card you agree to the price, but if you want to use your amex card then the price will be something else and you won't find out how much until you get the bill. When you buy a ticket last minute you can still compare it with other fares or make a determination if there are alternatives that might be more cost effective.
The owner never disputed my assertion that just paying cash at the time of service would have resulted in the minimum charge. And of course, if I had known it would result in less oop for me. Thats what I would have done. My point is that our insurance system makes it impossible to compare prices between providers because as you see here, you can't even know the cost of one provider.
"I would have informed the Barnes and Noble clerk that the next time I wanted to buy a Jordan Peterson book, I'd save myself a few steps and order it from the Althouse portal to Amazon instead."
The cold water reservoir of my Mr. Coffee coffee pot leaks. Usable, but leaking. Spouse wanted to buy a new one at Wally World. I ordered it through our hostess's portal instead. Will be delivered Sat AM.
No, Francisco, you give her too much credit. She is a retiree with way too much time on her hands, she doesn't have an original political thought in her head, and she likes to come here and stir shit up. I know I should ignore her but hey, it's low-hanging fruit. Like Humperdink, I don't see why she is worthy of respect.
"Indeed. I bought my copy via the Althouse portal. My son believes Peterson will be better rewarded by the purchase of a hard cover."
Peterson does the same.
But, presumably, you'd wanna keep dough away from the owner of the WaPo who DJT often rails against. E.g.:
Real Americans know that the key to the future is coal and fighting M&Ms (Mus/Mex). F this research and tech flim flam, let the Chinese go fer that. MMGA. Make 'Murica Great Again!
Or I should say, I agree with Humperdink that she is unworthy of respect.
Poker taught Feynman the foolish thing he didn't do, but only because he was Dick.
Anybody but Feynman woulda been wrong about everybody else around him always.
Rest assured. Inga has demonstrated a level of stupidity and obsequiousness to leftist talking points that I have zero respect for her reasoning abilities. In general, the left is increasingly showing itself to be deranged and insistent on its delusions.
Sometimes that is a sign of mental illness. I do not have a single psychiatric patient who is not a leftist. They get incredibly upset about anything MSNBC tells them to think.
I find this saddening. In the past, it made me angry.
"I am, have been, and will be only one thing--an American."
Freeman Hunt said...
I think Inga has superpowers. She's an enchantress. Certain characters just can't help themselves when it comes to her.
She certainly gets them all riled up.
So, this is going to save me a lot of time. I no longer will read any Inga or Chuck postings on Althouse. Man did this thread get hijacked. Y’all need to all go get a room together somewhere.
This is a link and YOU OUGHT BE HAPPY.
"Real Americans know that the key to the future is coal "
What is coal used for besides heat?
The most interesting thing about that FBI statement is that it did NOT say that there was any harm to national security by releasing the memo. Only that "material omissions of fact . . . fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy." That seems like a green light to release the memo. Factual omissions can be corrected as warranted.
Christmas stockings and old arc lights
"What is coal used for besides heat?"
Stocking stuffers for libs who don't believe in the DJT revolution (that's the DJT rEVOLution, for libertarians who don't get coal for JesusChristmas).
Carry on.
That's right James K,
shove a plate full of shit down the throats of all of America.
We'll sort out the e coli infections later.
There are growing calls on Wednesday for Neil Portnow to resign as president of the Recording Academy after saying that women artists needed to ‘step up’ in order to win more Grammy awards.
Vanessa Carlton, the singer-songwriter, initiated an online petition on Tuesday calling for Portnow’s ouster.
This seems an interesting development in the Reckoning so naturally I thought of Althouse's interest.
Stage one: assault and employment extortion
Stage two: harassment
Stage three: thus far untitled - but very inclusive
shove a plate full of shit down the throats of all of America.
You're referring to all the claims that Trump colluded with the Russians to swing the election. Good point.
But in this case my guess is they've got nothing to counter the memo. That's why they're so scared of it.
I'm referring to your exuberance re the publication of info, sans any underlying proof, that according to the DJT-FBI, which is run by a dude who ditched McCabe a day ago, is full of shit.
You may wanna open wide and take your chances w/ an escherichia sandwich. But, that means yur crazy. That's not good.
I'm referring to your exuberance re the publication of info, sans any underlying proof
It's revealing people claim the memo can't be believed because there is no proof even as they cite the FBI statement as proof.
It's almost like some people evaluate credibility solely based on what helps Team Blue. Weird.
Ingapalooza came early this year.
I haven't been to one in while.
Still really boring. Like a Gratefol Dead concert without the second hand smoke.
The DJT-FBI is saying the memo is BS.
Are the people DJT put in charge of the FBI considered Team Blue, from your POV?
Quite a cog-dis experiment we have here.
Must think for yourselves. Pick a side of the R v R conundrum.
Or, be safe, wait for an update from FNC, Drudge, Rush, or whoever it is that controls you.
Jesus. Still talking about me? 5 hours later. What is wrong with you people? There are momentous things happening tonight regarding the Memo and the FBI.
You people are strange.
The same lefties who totally believed the bullshit in the unsourced dossier -- without any supporting documentation -- are now trying to diminish an FBI-sourced memo because they need the underlying documents. Lulz
It should be illegal to put the word "Café" in the title of a blogpost.
They are not saying that the memo is bs.
They are saying that certain facts were omitted.
But they can't tell the American people those facts themselves because.....secrets.
As usual these losers were coopted by the institution.
The Deep State infects you like Derek Jeter's Super Herpes.
Yur talkingpoint would be cool, except that the DJT-FBI run by DJT appointees is saying that the memo is BS.
You need to wait for marching orders from FNC/Rush/Drudge to figure out which side of this DJT v DJT spat is the right side for the right.
Hint: I'd bet on the side w/ actual responsibility. I leave it to you to figure who that may be.
I suggest that the American NKVD/KGB (of which the FBI is just a part) should not be tolerated if there is even a hint of political meddling.
This sort of thing truly is the fast lane to tyranny.
They are very dangerous tools.
I recall some quote of Lenin's about Felix Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka (predecessor of the KGB) upon his death - that such an organization could only be run by a saint or a scoundrel, and that they had lost their last saint. Lenins idea of saints was, perhaps, eccentric, but be it as it may.
The history of the FBI shows a very large number of cases where they meddled to enormous political effect - Watergate may not even have been the worst case. Without painfully scrupulous governance, by saints, then one must assume, out of prudence, that they are scoundrels. And therefore much too dangerous to tolerate.
They may have not used the word 'bullshit,' but they used the gov euphemism for the same. [Using post-DJT terms they shoulda called it a shithouse memo.]
BTW, who cares about that.
Are you going on record as being a believer of the memo that the FBI says (in euphemistic gov talk) says is shit?
Good for you. Many here are not as foolish as you cause their spidey sense tells them somethin' ain't right here, w/ the DJT-FBI protesting the memo.
[BTW, "Good for you" ain't so good. Sorry.]
Time to lay the cards on the table FBI.
It seems to me the FBI as currently structured is mostly unnecessary.
You could use a counterintelligence agency, like Britains MI-5, with the limited task of catching spies and traitors. But thats a very small part of what the FBI does, and overlaps with other agencies as it is.
As for terrorists, you have a superfluity of terrorist-chasers already.
"I suggest that the American NKVD/KGB (of which the FBI is just a part) should not be tolerated if there is even a hint of political meddling."
So, it's bad of the Chief of Staff spends over several days during one week calling and railing against the folks in the Justice Department?
Ha Ha. I know you love it.
Bruce Gee: believe it or not, that has been my policy for a long tim,e. But wotzername came at me a couple days ago, so killswitch engage.
She has been a cancer here for a long time. Mary E. Glynn gets banned (no, I do not know the decisive event, nor am I advocating a change to her status) but the stuff of hers that does get through is presented much more intellectually honestly and contains actual honesty than wotzername.
In the past couple days wotzername has:
)countered arguments here with selective and mendacious 'citations' which she has selectively edited to say the opposite of its real meaning. Then abused those of us who brought it to her attention by calling us names and denying her very words as we quoted verbatim and in complete context- her own comments she only had to scroll up a little bit to see. She couldn't even do that.
) cited a comment of mine, deceptively editing it to completely alter it's meaning so as to make it seem I am saying the opposite of its original meaning.
These are not new 'tics' from wotzername. We are reminded in this very thread of a past incident where she hijacked commenters' handles and commented under their names.
How is such a person allowed on this blog?
And need I mention the countless threads she has hijacked? It seems the Great Comments Shutdown was predicated, at least to some part, by her behavior and the reactions to her outright lies, attempts to misrepresent other commenters, etc.
I feel bad beating up on a batty old lady with some form of dementia setting in. And I understand the very human sympathy she creates in some. She even creates it in me. A deep, angry sadness for her.
I've seen people close to me slide into dementia. It's very sad and I wish it on no one. No one.
People change as that happens.
I loved my grandpa. But once he started shitting himself and going on expletive-filled tirades in social situations we knew that we couldn't put off the hard decision any longer.
And those here that egg her on. It feels cruel to me that they do so.
Yes, she has gumption. But is a complete lack of honesty burnished by having an aggressive attitude? This place could be a salon where we have intelligent discussions, argue back and forth and even get mad at one another. But to continue to allow rank dishonesty is to destroy it.
Maybe someone with a heart should ask themselves why we are being subjected to her, and why is she being subjected to us? What is actually the kind thing to do?
May she live long and peacefully. Somewhere else.
Buford's Quarter it shall be.
@anti-de shitter, the FBI is saying that "certain facts are omitted" and the committee is saying "you stonewalled us for months so if there are any facts that are omitted you should have given them to us when we asked."
Sounds to me that the committee has the better argument. Moreover, whatever those facts that are alleged to be omitted might be, without seeing them there's no way to know that they have any bearing. Whether the FBI likes it or not, like any other agency they ultimately answer to the Congress; that's one of the checks and balances.
Is anyone here gonna take odds on Buw's dick?
I'm gonna take the under on 4.5" erect.
Sad, but true.
The "permanent government" is quite often at odds with the "politicals". In most countries.
I recommend "Yes, Minister" as an introduction to this situation. Its reached a truly extreme degree in the US, but not unprecedented elsewhere.
"But, presumably, you'd wanna keep dough away..."
Big M,
It is ballsy of you to take a stand w/ Devin in this R v R dispute.
But, my gut tells me to not nunes w/ the folks that like to set their hair on fire for the audience.
Time will tell.
Rusty knew when, dingo-wise, he cracked that shit-crust.
Seems our lil' Sadisst ANdi-desitter dadism is gonna need more than one lesson though.
Just because you appoint someone doesn't mean they are loyal. Not to Trump. To the Constitution.
FBI executives are notorious for being snakes. Mark Felt springs to mind.
Look anti-Shiiter I will bet on FBI courrption and malfeasance every time. J Edgar ignoring the Mob because they had a photo of him sucking Clydes dick. Slandering and spying on Martin Luther King. Saying he colluded with the Russians and was a commie. Greg Scarpa. Steve Flemmi. Whitey Bulger. Waco. Ruby Ridge.
They have been a courrpt and dangerous out of control disaster since the days of Walter Burns.
We should disband them and start over.
Ask any beat cop or county Sherrif about the Feebs and you will get the real story.
18.34 Billion is the cost of wings, dollars yet Americasn, to fly above the Satan-shit.
Best hope you all paid.
BTW, Big M,
I, going back to forever, have gone outa my way to not use BM for ya, where that is obviously the acronym to use.
So, it is cool that yur using 'shitter' for me.
Of course, I do smile when any of ya use that. But, I do wonder if, in your case, you know I like it.
Ironically if there was a reciprocity I'd be less satisfied.
Troll gotta troll.
Trump would be doing a great service if he destroys the deep state root and branch and salts the earth.
Both the FBI and the CIA.
Look up Frank Church.
You might learn something Mr. Shitter.
The mighty warrior trying to rally the troops! If my presence here is such an affront to your sensibilities and threat to your manliness, you need to get some advice from my two grandsons I babysat for tonight, ages one and three on how to be a brave boy.
The American "permanent government" is a thing of enormous size (counting private contractors, joined-at-the-hip ngos and qangos), an economy and social environment to itself, its own mostly-isolated world, or, at least, isolated from external feedback. Its got plenty of effect on the real society and economy of course.
Thats true of all such government structures. And all have the same dangers, where they start to create their own internal incentives that trump their ostensible mission. Happens to over-comfortable private companies hiding behind economies of scale or regulatory barriers. But governments are a very special case.
A big enough government is its own interest group.
I don't lookup stuff. Reading is for nerds. Nerds=losers. DJT era.
Buford's Quarter it shall be.
The way I learned it, it was called "Tarleton's quarter." The term comes from the Waxhaw Massacre, also sometimes called the Buford Massacre. Colonel Buford was a colonel in the Continental Army with a small force of roughly 400 men confronted by an even smaller force of Loyalists and British Dragoons led by Banastre Tarleton. Tarleton demanded that Buford surrender, Buford responded in the negative, and the battle was on. It was pretty much over in the first charge by Tarleton's more disciplined men, and the Americans tried to surrender. As the white flag was being sent forward and the Americans threw down their arms someone managed to shoot Tarleton's horse, trapping Tarleton underneath, and the British and Loyalists went nuts, slashing and bayoneting men who had dropped their guns and had their hands in the air. Hence "Tarleton's quarter," for killing men who were already surrendered.
In the movie "The Patriot" the massacre is depicted off screen but is included in the plot, and the leader of the massacre is a man named "Tavington" who is late middle age. In real life Banastre Tarleton was a young man, and his portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds depicts a young man so effeminate-looking that at first glace he seems to have breasts.
@anti-de Sitter space, well pardon me dear sir. I made the natural assumption that when you serve up a slow, soft pitch over the center of the plate you mean for it to be knocked out of the park. I apologize for my misinterpretation.
“In the movie "The Patriot" the massacre is depicted off screen but is included in the plot, and the leader of the massacre is a man named "Tavington" who is late middle age. In real life Banastre Tarleton was a young man, and his portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds depicts a young man so effeminate-looking that at first glace he seems to have breasts.”
Oh hahahahaha! Brucey the effeminate leader of the massacre. What size man boobs, I wonder?
Hopeful, even w/ sitting, you saw that you had Traditional Guy, ARM and Freeman Hunt declare appreciation re you.
Thank you.
Its interesting that the government itself (the masses of employees and officials) was not anticipated as a possible problem by the founders of the American Republic. Standing armies were a known danger, and that, at any rate, was considered a potential source of trouble. But not government as government.
This is probably because there was extremely little of this in Britain in those days. The US states back then probably had more government structure than Britain did. The rest of Europe had rather more - I recommend Hyppolite Taine's France under the Old Regime for a guide to that country, and comparisons to some others at the time. But Europe, and America, did not seem to be in danger from their own predatory governments.
As a source of trouble however governments as discrete entities had historical form, even at the time. China is the ancient example. The American founders knew little of it or its history. But these days America does indeed have its Mandarins. And they are at odds with the Emperor.
Hopeful, even w/ sitting, you saw that you had Traditional Guy, ARM and Freeman Hunt declare appreciation re you.
Thank you”
Yes, I did see that and you folks are the best of this blog, I’m grateful for your support.
That's cute, spitter -- try harder than talking points or bs. Lulz
No problem Mr Shiiter.
Liberal Trolls never read or learn anything.
But your condescending cuck routine will definitely win friends and influence people.
You can be the new Chuck.
Big M,
Sure, I serve em' soft and slow. But, I know you are one of those who can see through the bait.
Consider, sometimes, playing the meta in these threads.
It's fun.
More fun than self-delusion.
That's 'right' Fabi/Lang,
The libs are terrible, the Rs and DJT have all the 'Murica Great Making Again answers.
Come on, Big M,
You gotta see that this is shit.
Sure libs have their BS, but the POV that the Rs don't dump? Really?
So, who dumps worse?
The Ds (until BHO) seemed to care (i.e. re passed policy (i.e. not just talk)) about the income v expenditures for gov. At some point that deficit will bite. But, it could be a long way off (e.g. Japan borrowing (though they have lots of domestic savings)). So, until then the choice is how to tilt the benefits. I feel like the top ain't doin' too bad. And, they (we) sure as hell ain't gonna be doin' bad if/when the shit hits.
That is because at the tine the colonies were rather compact entities, states when they reach a certain density to devolve from republic which was franklins aspiration to democracy, there was no ongoing intelligence establishment, really until the civil war, the talmadge network having been disbanded, there was only a rudamentary navy and militias held the continental front, one might say things when awry around the time of the Louisiana purchase much as with Athens deluan leagues and Rome's post carthiginian adventures.
It sure is tricky when our con commenters need to pick sides re a R v R squabble.
Please cons learn from this.
This forces you to think. For yourself.
Don't be scared.
I did it.
Oops...er....you won't turn out like me. So, think.
"This sort of thing truly is the fast lane to tyranny."
Louder and more and yeah yeah yeah just louder and more actually, we all know it works.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
(it works)
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
Louder and more.
(it works)
Louder and more.
Now, shut the fuck up about tomorrow's evil unless you intend fully to be liable for it now.
Don't make me motherfucker.
I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before.
Little beings afraid of their kid's shadow are how other countries got to be not America, so it is correct to worry about not being able to correct worrying so much you convince yourself everybody else is as worried-silly as you are and ergo we ought not enjoy the grandest timeframe Earth has seen, human-wise.
Never mind. Funny how too many comments can kill a discussion.
Consider what if Polk had lost in 1844, because the third party liberty candidate takes a powder, and we hasn't expanded west and northwest for a generation. Likely Santa ana would still have find a way to get our ghost. Without the new territories, the pressures on the republic would have found some release, perhaps confrontation with the former Latin states south of us.
"This sort of thing truly is the fast lane to tyranny."
Honestly honey bu bu isn't that exactly what the Devil would, has, and will again say, to convince us sinners to give up?
You best make sure you ain't, ever, leading the little ones away from Jesus.
You know.
OK, Inga.
Sure. Whatever you do, DON”T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!
There is already so much obvious evidence of Clinton lawbreaking, I mean real lawbreaking, not just theoretical stuff. Destruction of records, records under subpoena. Never mind the emoluments stuff with Bill taking payoffs from Putin while she was SoS, and the little matter of the 145 million that Putin cronies gave her, some of which she spent on her campaign, and 17 million dollars that Bill paid himself as “chancellor” of Clinton Foundation U.
And deliberate looking the other way.
So lay the fucking cards on the table. Since it seems to be all hands on deck in the troll department, I am guessing this is stuff the Democrats really really really do not want America to see.
What are you afraid that America is going to see Inga?
@Inga: The last White House "went to war" using the FBI and the DoJ against half of the US.
It's high time we heard the rumors out. If the report has a high level of bogacity, we'll know soon enough.
It is never a mistake to attack your enemy.
The Deep State is the enemy of the American People. They tried to overturn an American election when their existence was threatened. Just as they did when they killed Kennedy.
As I said. Read about the Church committee. Learn about what happened to Momo and Jimmy the Weasel.
They are deadly when they are cornered.
J Edgar Hoover. Mark Felt. Marti Luther King. Greg Scarpa. Steve Flemmi. Whitey Bulger. Waco. Ruby Ridge.
Tim, release the Memo, but don’t release it without a Memo from the FBI and another Memo from the Democrats, if need be.
"I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before."
All signs point to the Nones memo being a none event.
Midday Tuesday the official WH was saying it wouldn't be released (of course the Orange God said otherwise). And the DOJ, FBI has consistently been on the record re this memo being BS.
So, w/ all of these red flags, are some cons still gonna be for the Nones memo?
My guess is that most will go full Thelma and Louise. Like Scott Adams says: facts and reality don't matter, just manipulation (euphemistically refereed to as persuasion murder shots).
People are weird.
I wish some of you fucks were around when Buckley was writing God and Man at Yale, you coulda let him know he was all mistaken and it was Conservative Inc GOP Glory time in America, as opposed to us poor wee wee downed lil' young American's of 2018, all but destined for that special ashheap way, way worse than all those other asheaps.
Cuase some fuck told us he knew and we shoulda just been not so fat and ugly and stupid and arrogant and evil and just duh duh duh listened, ya know?
Yes the church committee was about handicapping our intelligence systems, it probably blinded us for a decade, do I think minaret and shamrock got out of hand, probably its in the nature of bureaucracy. Do I weapon for lumumba (certainly not) although tsombe was a better choice than mobutu.
Liberals used to care about political wiretapping. They were outraged when it was revealed that FBI surveilled Martin Luther King. To discredit him by claiming he was colluding with the Russians.
But they hate President Trump so much this illegal spying is just fine.
If it weren't for double standards they would have no standards at all.
Inga: "Tim, release the Memo, but don’t release it without a Memo from the FBI and another Memo from the Democrats, if need be."
Never mind. Funny how too many comments can kill a discussion."
That's, if you do the math on time per comment, a two hour hangout session w/ a group of folks.
One person's homicide is normal people's living/thriving.
sure the FNC (et. al.) talking points can be efficiently summarized w/in ten minutes. Why not venture further?
How can you handicap our worthless intelligence agencies?
The already operate at full retard.
I let Mad Dog clock me one for $100 to charity.
If you ain't American you ain't got a fucking clue.
Few have, and you ain't no Frenchman in the founding days subsequent eons democracy-wise, no matter how much you read and wished it so.
They can't get more handicapped than that.
Sadly, Buckley was spitting in the wind, mostly.
Certainly so with "God and Man at Yale".
His warnings had no effect at all. See where you are now.
There certainly is no longer a trace of God at Yale.
Possibly also, and consequently, no more men.
And for that matter, a much more thorough book, Blooms "Closing of the American Mind" was utterly futile.
If you want to actually be useful, Guild, arrange to remove your state credentialling requirements for schoolteachers.
Only in my mind have I been clocked for charity.
us meant that too but mostly beforemost.
Sadly, I have no way with words. The estimable Tocqueville had talents that passed me by. That is a common observation though, when comparing the superior humanity of long ago with the weak specimens of today. Still, even in these degraded times, one must try.
Your modern weakness is exactly as Buckley anticipated. As all sorts of futile prophets did.
We don't need an intelligence agency. The always get it wrong anyway. We know who our enemies are. We just have to have the bales to kill them.
Mad Dog seems to be doing ok with that.
Next he should concentrate on our real enemy.
Point taken, the Ga)up through the institutions probably happened everywhere
In the west, between profumo and the Cambridge spies. Even if salan had been in charge in France in 1968, insteadcof degaulle.
Mccarthy had some excesses certainly, but once you remove the imperative there isn't a continius anticommunist resistance. We discovered that with Kennedy whose betrayal in April 61, prefigured a greater debacle in south east Asia.
Americans know others fuck shit up, always, every time, and know Daddy Sam will fuck up the people that can enrich our leaders at the time the most, ergo nobody knows nothing.
Like I told you and like we like it as Americans.
So get out of the way, don't degrade yourself anymore by self-refuting doomsaying.
You have so very much to offer other than the America envy, as I have said before, so, even though you can never be, act American, let your inner beauty guide you, your kin, and our world.
If this is all bullshit by the Republicans and Trump, I want to know that too.
Funny how the 18 point lead the Democrats had on the congressional vote has disappeared. Completely. No large lead, no pickups in Congress, that’s how it works, Republicans have always overperformed against that poll.
So maybe instead of trying to remove Trump from office, Democrats should sit down and think about why they are losing a fight where they think they should be “fifty points ahead,”
Truth be told, a conservative Democrat would probably kill it nationally, but they could never get the nomination. Well Trump did, but he had to run as a Republican.
Cnn is only the most necrotic stage, now that's MSNBC, but the traditional 3 are also wrought with category error, lets forget pubs for now.
Trump is a conservative democrat.
He is just wearing his Republican Skin like Buffalo Bill in "Silence of the Lambs."
One year in and some of y'all are already claiming DJT isn't an R.
The FBI declined to say if Director Christopher Wray, who viewed the memo during the weekend, approved the [grave concern] statement
Shoulda stayed out of politics FBI. If you guys had indicted Hillary, we probably wouldn’t even have President Trump.
Y'all got at least three more to carry water.
Yesterday lefties: Don't release the memo!! It exposes sources and methods!!eleventy!11!!1!
Today lefties: Don't release the memo!! Okay okay! It doesn't expose sources and methods but it does have "material omissions!!11!1!eleventy!
Tomorrow lefties: Don't release the memo!! Okay okay, it doesn't expose sources and methods AND the "material omissions" were really just a couple of small changes requested by the FBI AND the dems so that changes things but but BUT....er... Our FBI and DOJ are beyond approach and should never be answerable to Congress....even though the Constitutional duty of Congress is oversight!...er......
I'm not American. Whatever else, I imagine this gives me a certain objectivity.
As a long term matter, I would try hedge against you.
In fact, I have, or tried anyway.
But the way the world is, it is quite difficult and uncertain to hedge against the US. It is one world, much more than it was in 1929. When something very bad happens here, it most certainly will create tsunami waves that could reach any spot on the globe.
So we are all in this together, like it or not.
If you had been listening, people were saying that before the election. It was a big argument against him as the nominee. Chuck. really is an old-line Republican.
I will say though that the party welcomes him.
It gives me a warm feeling to drive down Southern Boulevard and see Air Force One parked there, or a huge transport plane bringing whatever accoutrement a POTUS needs.
Is Bernie Sanders a Democrat? These were insurgent candidates.
Yes a lot of this is plates parable of the cave, remember gepharts boast he was going to make advances in 2002, when the tech bubble collapsed and there were done symptoms of corporate malfeasance. If course sarbanes oxley was the answer to the wrong question. The subprime bubble that had started to inflate would be deflated by greenspans exuberant agita.
Can't wait to read the memo.
Can. Not. Wait.
All the little obama leftovers seem to be quite upset about something.
The hapless moron Clapper has "suddenly" remembered something about the FISA court warrants that in months ago he claimed he knew nothing about!
Now, I wonder how that could be?
Maybe we should ask him under oath!
And he "accidentally" referred to the hoax dossier as the "Clinton-Steele Dossier"!!
On TV!
IIRC, quite a lot of Republicans denied Trump was a Republican, back in 2015-16, and there are still a few of that sort about. Very interesting, all that.
Tim in Vermont: "Is Bernie Sanders a Democrat? These were insurgent candidates."
Bernie, in a real contest, would have been the nominee in a year when the population, right, left and center, wanted outsiders.
But Hillary and her DNC and Deep State pals hacked their own primary and then the general election.
Naturally, the democrat primary voters were ignored (as they should be I guess) and simply did what they were told and accepted Hillary as the nominee.
The lefties are good at taking orders.
Yur outa the loop. It's the DJT appointed FBI that is saying the memo is shit.
So, you'll need to restate your 11:52. I'm eager to hear how you adjust antagonist and protagonist (both Rs), then I'll know which side of the R v R spat ends up as the Racists!
Sarbanes Oxley was an enormous generator of consulting gigs. Created a nice little industry in compliance.
On all sorts of very expensive things completely unrelated to the ostensible purpose of the thing.
One of the neater, if minor, examples of regulatory money-making by the "swamp".
adSs: "So, you'll need to restate your 11:52."
Sure sure.
I'll get right on that......as quickly as the FBI and DOJ responded to proper requests for materials for the oversight committee's.....
Oh. That's right. It took the FBI/DOJ 6 months to respond, and then only did so after being threatened with contempt of congress.
And then the FBI/DOJ responded in......just 2 hours.
2 hours!
So, sure, I'll rewrite my previous post...in about 6 months.
In the meanwhile, I think I'll brew up a pot of tea and sit down and read the memo's that you and your pals seem scared crapless about and take in all the wonderful obama/Hillary/FBI/DOJ corruption.
But again, I do promise to rewrite that posting. In 6 months.
I wouldn't want to be accused of being unresponsive....
Hes mire of one than Nixon, Hes. Been able to accomplish UN some ways more than Reagan, the left despises Russia like they did Argentina or the phillipines, if it was communist they would have a full rooting chorus.
Re covert action, the ones after the bay of pigs resembled those that went on in eastern Europe, Hungary particularly but also the caucasus. The escambray front lasted almost as long as the last example.
. It's the DJT appointed FBI that is saying the memo is shit.
The FBI declined to say if Director Christopher Wray, who viewed the memo during the weekend, approved the statement
Nobody is saying that what’s in it isn’t true, BTW. Nobody.
We are all racists now.
Also, we are all fascists now.
Really, think about it.
I can see that adSs is still reeling from the shellacking he took at the hands of ARM last evening.
That ARM was not buying into the "its still obama's economy" tripe adSs was attempting to spread around.
For obvious reasons.
TIV: "Nobody is saying that what’s in it isn’t true, BTW. Nobody"
Why are bothering to respond to these guys?
The memo will be out soon...and we will begin to see why, all of sudden, out of the blue, that little sentencing hearing Mueller's team of hired dem hack guns backed off....
I wonder if it had anything to do with these little likely factoids:
"Against a newly discovered likelihood the Robert Mueller investigation began under false pretenses; and against the backdrop that FBI surveillance and wiretaps were obtained through materially (intentionally) false representations to the FISA court; and against the backdrop the original Flynn plea judge (Contrereas) was also the approving FISA judge; and that judge ‘was summarily recused’ from the case; and against increasing evidence that Mike Flynn was set up by a terminal animus, and politically-motivated investigative rogue unit, operating within the FBI; and against surfacing IG Horowitz evidence that FBI investigators manipulated (lied on) their FD-302 interrogation documents; and understanding those falsified 302’s were used in the Mueller/Flynn charging document…
…Special Counsel Robert Mueller now asks for postponement of sentencing:"
But the answer then isn't to solve the problem, the problem with the tech bubble is the products were not substantial enough also huckstess like Mary meeker and Henry blodgett who moved on to another fraudulent product
If we had fought Al queda exckusively in Afghanistan would that hand solved the problem, no because it was only avenue as we know the team that took out massoud included a Belgian Moroccan.
Sarbanes Oxley was an enormous generator of consulting gigs. Created a nice little industry in compliance.
On all sorts of very expensive things completely unrelated to the ostensible purpose of the thing.
I feel like some conservative outlet ought to run ads aimed at Millennials explaining to them that a huge part of their student load debt goes to administrators that are required for regulatory compliance.
Every time a new higher education regulation is written, jobs are “created” on campuses across the country, and student debt climbs. It would be interesting to know, for example, how much Title IV is costing each student in real dollars and cents of student debt.
Shorter Drago: 'The Donald J Trump appointed FBI and DOJ officials are Racist!, but Nunes is a trustworthy patriot.'
Got it.
Anyone else wanna go On The Van Susteren re Nunes love?
Title IX
BTW, did you happen to catch the transcript (yes, the actual transcript) of Monday nights House Intelligence Committee meeting?
That was the meeting after which Schiff-ty walked out and made a bee-line right to the cameras to give her version of reality.
When compared with the actual meeting transcript...well, you know....Schiff-ty lied thru his teeth!
Well played Nunes. Well played.
Of course, Schiff-ty is in no danger of being asked follow-ups by our intrepid pressies, so his lies will simply be recorded in the Democrat Big Book of Lies in order that he may be properly rewarded for his efforts by the "Party".
But that's later.
First, we will be reading a likely very interesting memo.
I wonder if Rod Rosenstein is getting much sleep tonight. I certainly hope......not.
You know what that sounds like Drago? The politically motivated (As documented by the prosecutors’ own documents) prosecution of Scott Walker.
Remember Inga cheering that one on too?
Its actually not clear at all who is in charge at the FBI.
I gather there is some confusion, regardless of titles.
One of those times where the entire Republic, probably, would like to be a fly on certain walks.
Which denudesthe meaning of the word, can we deny there wee a pervasive state supported system of discrimation for nearly 75 years no one cannot . is that anywhere near what is happening now, of course not.
As in western Europe, when respectible parties done listen to the people, less respectable ones will.
tsk tsk
adSs's spinning is so very 8 hours ago. Lots of info already coming out rendering all previous talking points moot.
But then, there's always 10% who don't get the memo....
See what I did there? "memo"
Anyway, tomorrow is a brand new day! Lots of interesting reading ahead.
Never, in the course of human history, have so many labored for so long to keep so much super secret!
TinV, is On the Greta as pro-memo. A Nunes man who wants to clean house at the deep state DJT run FBI/DOJ.
Looks like the Althouse cons are anti law enforcement, but only cause DJT put deep state BHO people in charge of the DOJ and FBI.
Any contrarian cons? Think DJT appointed law enforcement aren't DJT stooges?
Yes its arguable that a security service that has mussed some 14 plots in the last decade is really on the ball, but one must know the enemy and under Mueller and then comeys, we have had progressively larger blindfolds.
And we haven't even begun to plumb the hilarious depths of how 2 clinton/DNC hoax dossiers full of zero, yes zero, "corroborated" BS were used by the FBI to secure the surveillance authority.
BTW, have ANY of the dems who laughed at Trump and called him a liar for claiming he was wiretapped ever apologized?
The best part about the 2 hoax dossiers? They were produced by the Mutt and Jeff/Shaggy & Scooby Doo duo of Cody Shearer (yes, that Sydney Bluementhal/Hillary hack!) and moron Laundered 702 data guy Steele.
So much interesting reading ahead.
So very much.
adSs: "Looks like the Althouse cons are anti law enforcement,..."
Finally! You've finally caught up with the latest talking points!
And it only took you 137 tries.
Very good.
Byron York just posted this:
Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy. House Intel GOP statement:
And Democrats are all pro-law enforcement, as long as it doesn’t involve either immigration, or the Clintons. Then its a heinous abuse of power.
A lot of mouths have written a lot of checks, I want to see the cards now. The FBI let Hillary skate when she clearly violated multiple laws. I would go through them, but you would refuse to read them, I am sure. So fuck the FBI. Wha were they involved in politics in the first place?
Wait shearer goes back 30 years to the slander against quayle, who compared to Joe Biden is Calvin Coolidge.
Livermoron: "Byron York just posted this:
Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy. House Intel GOP statement:"
Precisely what I posted earlier.
Looks like Li'l Adam And the Schiff-ty-ites are just about down to the bottom of their bag of tricks!
"BTW, have ANY of the dems who laughed at Trump and called him a liar for claiming he was wiretapped ever apologized?"
He wasn't wire tapped.
Presumably you'd recommend that the DJT WH should fully embrace and declare allegiance w/ and close ties to the DJT related folks who ended up w/ intelligence surveillance. That way you could say that folks very close to DJT were tapped.
Yur a smart thinkr'.
Anyone think the Obama appointed law enforcement aren't BHO stooges?
I guess we'll see pretty soon, one way or t'other.
Carry on
What's most rewarding about all this, in addition to the exposure of the Watergate x 1000 reality of what the dems did, is the fact that those idiots really thought they could keep this much corruption, galaxy-sized corruption, hidden until past the 2018 elections when they would take over the House and Senate and shut down all investigations forevah!
The best laid plans indeed.
Thank you Nunes, Goodlatte, Grassley and Horowitz.
So much interesting reading ahead.
BTW, did you hear the rumor that on Monday when McCabe was informed that perhaps it would be best if he didn't come into the office and that perhaps his retirement was in jeapordy McCabe decided that would be a good time to threaten: "I'll torch this place".
I wonder precisely what sort of information McCabe might have that would constitute a potential "torching" of "this" place?
I do wonder.
Yes I do.
Oh Drago, you know I never read your stuff!
As with most senior personnel at executive agencies, one must not assume that partisan alignment is actually partisan.
The nature of senior executives in insulated large organizations is that their allegiances do not map to external entities (even fuzzy things like corporate performance), but to internal ones. Like their careers. And the last thing any of them want is any outsider getting near the closets full of skeletons, the accumulated stuff hidden away, even by their past leaders and current colleagues.
BTW, did you hear the rumor that on Monday when McCabe was informed that perhaps it would be best if he didn't come into the office and that perhaps his retirement was in jeapordy McCabe decided that would be a good time to threaten: "I'll torch this place".
Yeah, Drago I posted that earlier.
What I find most agreeable about this is that it is clear that the Inga's and adSs's and Hillary's of the world have learned absolutely nothing over the last 15 months.
Absolutely nothing.
It bodes very, very well for the republicans.
Perhaps that explains the absolute "tulip bulb as currency"-like collapse of that magical/mystical/all-powerful Democrat Generic Ballot lead from 15% to ....2% (aka "statistically negligible").
And that happened quick!
I mean, that collapse of the dems who refused to applaud our troops or our police or even the parents of American's who were murdered by the dems beloved MS-13ers escalated quickly!
Trump is not a Republican. He is just using the party to get things done.
Paul Ryan is a Republican. Mitt Romney is a Republican. Yertle the turtle Mc Connell is a Republican.
You know. Losers. The Washington Generals.
Trump is using the party as a means to an end.
That's just fine.
At heart Trump is a Conservative Democrat like John Rooney or Scoop Jackson or dare I say it Harry Truman. Worried about Americans. Not Mexicans. Worried about jobs for the working class people be they were white or black. Honors God, a country and the Flag.
There is no room in the Democratic Party for straight white male patriots. So he became a Republican. To tavern them to win. Bigly.
America first.
Can you imagine what the meetings of the treasonous dems in the DOJ/FBI/NSA/CIA were like on November 9th, 2018?
Like the Grinch, those dems thought they were so sly and so slick, they thought up a lie and they thought it up quick.
But haste makes waste.
And there were little tidbits of waste left all over the joint...and now those little tidbits have been picked up and reassembled and that picture, ladies and gentlemen, "ain't" very pretty.
But then, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and the idea of the treasonous Putin-collaborating dems getting their comeuppance will be a beautiful thing indeed.
BTW folks, Buw roams con corridors. That's his wheelhouse. Hence his 12:27 [I can't think of a corny metaphor for this sentence].
Put that in yur pipe.
Hard to believe Fans, heaters, and tarps induce such passion as 370 comments would indicate. Did Chuck and Inga take a shit early on in the thread?
"What I find most agreeable about this is that it is clear that the Inga's and adSs's and Hillary's of the world have learned absolutely nothing over the last 15 months."
You dirty rotten liar.
I was fairly sure before, but I definitely learned now that tits can be too big.
Thank you Stromy.
Sorry for the typos. It is not optimal to comment on an iPhone.
Obviously it was to "teach them to win."
Which he is doing.
The memo will be another big win. It will prove the collusion between the Clinton campaign,partisan elements of the Deep State and Barack Obama to spy on the Trump campaign and later to deligitimize his election.
Open the books. Put out all the facts. Screw the sources and methods. Burn them all. Let the American people get the truth.
Nothing is more important than that.
Yancey Ward: "Did Chuck and Inga take a shit early on in the thread?"
No. We are just marveling at:
1) How much information related to the dems treasonous activities over the past 2 years has already been exposed...
2)..at just the same moment that the public is giving Trump majority positive approval marks for the economy...
3)... at just the moment when more of the dems treasonous activities are about to be revealed...
4)...at just the moment when the dems decided to showcase to the world that they hate America and love MS-13 "dreamers and completely want to bring our system of government crashing down as all the lefty hollywood idiots screamed at the top of their lungs one of their 14,001,987 alternate Soviet/Maoist gatherings.
It is all an amazing wonder to behold.
langford peel:
I couldn't agree more.
I wonder if Trent Gowdy may have been picked by President Donald Trump to lead the prosecution of whoever is charged coming out of this affair, thus his announcement not to run.
Officials, including the POTUS can be impeached even when they are out of office, I seem to recall. Its a way to deny them pensions.
Bureaucracies as Tolstoy night have said, are unhappy in their own ways.
You know, I wouldn't be surprised if the dems had some of their antifa blackshirts follow those parents of the murdered girls home to "finish the job", if you know what I mean.
"He wasn't wire tapped."
Then you should have no problem with telling Mueller to pack up his kit & go home, right?
What evidence do you think would lead to impeachment other than a Nixon's office recordings thing? Testimony from from the indicted? Hearsay?
Or do you take the absurd position that if Trump is recorded because an associate was wiretapped it is different from Trump being wiretapped?
Stephen Fearby wrote:
"During the last year of the Obama Administration (2016), there were 1485 "Traditional FISA Surveillance Order" applications submitted, out of which 310 required modification and 34 were denied.
Both these numbers were significantly greater than the total number of modifications (231) and denials (7) for the entire prior seven years of the Obama Administration.
Yes, the modifications and the denials are extraordinary spikes of activity. The thing is this- what was forced into modification and outright denied is a matter of record. Those application exist somewhere- is the spike due to surveillance of Trump and his campaign? It is certainly plausible to the point of being more likely than not.
Were there 12 beta MS's before the thirteenth?
That Gates/Allen thing-y is only up to 10 (like the iPhone), how did these Southerners get a bigger number? Coal?
And I forgot the biggest one of them all:
IG Horowitz's massive, comprehensive year-long investigation report will come out THIS MONTH!
By now, even you sad sack lefties ought to be familiar with IG Horowitz's stellar work since every single major release of information from his team to the congressional committee's has yielded astonishing insights, included the texts, FISA warrant info, etc. (too much to list here).
Apparently, when the treasonous dems were doing their dirty work they "forgot" to get Horowitz out of there early enough.
To the treasonous dems credit, once they found out he was not screwing around, the dems did try to get him fired. Just like the li'l dem cabal attempted with Adm Rogers.
But then again, when the dems were operating in Full Panic Mode, they missed alot of obvious things.
So Rogers visits Trump and tells him some "interesting" things and Horowitz starts sharing some "interesting" things.
Voila! Rosenstein panic and McCabe threatening to Torch the joint!
I can't believe adss hasn't made fun of the crippled Nork defector yet.
He's such an easy target.
carry on
I can't wait until the dems attempt to explain that Trump was never really wiretapped, its just that every single communication thru every single device of his and everyone in his family and everyone on his campaign and everyone he ever met was intercepted, logged, put into reports, distributed broadly to obama admin folks, provided to the Clinton campaign, and then leaked to the media.
But he was never "wiretapped".
To make it clear- the FISC was clearly pushing back on the FISA requests coming from the Obama DoJ during 2016- pushing back hard. It would be very, very enlightening to find out why the court was suddenly deeply questioning the applications in a way they had never done the previous 7 years. That the applications were related to the election seems almost an obvious explanation.
I'm not sure we've read the same Tolstoy. I see more of a human condition thing-y goin' on, when ya really look/think.
OTOH, I don't read cause reading is for nerds. Nerds=losers. DJT era.
And you were telling me yesterday I was wrong that McCabe might be turning over, Drago.
Why, I oughta....
Yancey: "It would be very, very enlightening to find out why the court was suddenly deeply questioning the applications in a way they had never done the previous 7 years. "
We need to learn a great deal more about Mr Contrereas, the FISA approving Judge who then, "luckily" and completely innocently, became the Judge overseeing the Flynn sting run by McCabe/Strzok and who then, suddenly, oh so very suddenly, recused himself just recently from the Flynn case and was replaced.
Gee, I wonder what information might have been in the offing, about to go public, that might have made Mr Contrereas suddenly very "concerned" about an appearance of impropriety? An impropriety so great coming to light that Mr Contrereas decided to skedaddle right then and there?
Psssst, I'll give you a hint: It rhymes with "memo".
It was his line about families, but since his uncle was interior minister, it applies just as well. Belys Petersburg has a composite of trepov ignatiev and pobestedenev as the main character. Solzhenitsyn in the second volume of the red wheel, is scathing about the prerevolutionary deep state and how they perhaps unwittingly snuffed out the great hope stolypin.
Livermoron: "And you were telling me yesterday I was wrong that McCabe might be turning over, Drago"
I still am.
I see no indication yet (of course who knows what is happening behind the scenes now) that McCabe is rolling on anyone.
First of all, why would he need to? Do you think Rosenstein is going to prosecute? McCabe probably has stuff on Rosenstein.
Now, if the pressure becomes too great and Rosenstein is let go, then all bets are off on what McCabe would do once someone who wasn't compromised themselves got into the role.
But thats all conjecture and is probably a long way off.
Unless it isn't....
That is the typical dodge of the lying shitters.
Using the NSA intercepts is not an old fashioned black bag job like when the Feebs bugged Fat Tony Salerno's Caddy. Technology has moved foward since then and only frauds like the shitter insist on being literal when what is meant that it was illegal surveillance obtained under a fraudulent FISA warrant.
The Feebs had a policy that they had to stop listening on a wiretap when personal non criminal discussions were taking place. But the Feebs always violate that like when they heard Big Pulie Castellano was banging his Mexican maid. They publized that to humiliate him after he died.
The Feebs are horrible people and nothing that happens to them is bad enough for me.
It was interesting the anonymous FBI statement about the memo. There are two ways to read this statement, and I don't know which way is correct. It is on FBI account, so someone in the FBI definitely wrote it unless the account is secured by the same people responsible for doing the DNC's security. So, what to make of it? It is curious to me because it is a change in objections- we are no longer hearing about how it endangers FBI and DoJ operations and methods, but rather that it omits facts that would put the FBI into a better light than the memo does. However, this now means that there can really be no objection about putting sunlight on all the supporting materials the committee has in its possession. If you are going to defend the FBI against the memo, you now have to support declassification of the underlying material too. Nunes has made it clear that he hopes to do just that, and until today his opponents wanted nothing made public, but the FBI statement, and even Schiff in the last two days, are taking a different tactic, but it is one that destroys any chance of using the previous one. I think it entirely possible that the FBI statement was a ploy by someone who is now making it clear that more sunlight is coming, not less.
Yancey: those records must've been destroyed. What good is a deep state if they can't do that for you.
Of course, there could be someone who keeps a copy or two for insurance purposes.
Raw conjecture.
BTW, for 2018 one of my folks told me there's now a level above so-called Platinum, it's so-called Limited.
Plus he showed me pics, the headlights look cooler.
F me.
Maybe had they been paying more attention to John gooti, but bureaucracies dont have much of a vision or even a mission statement, anslinger, hoover and dulles were perhaps exceptions to the rule.
Yancey: " but it is one that destroys any chance of using the previous one. I think it entirely possible that the FBI statement was a ploy by someone who is now making it clear that more sunlight is coming, not less."
More sunlight is on the way.
This li'l ol "nothingburger memo" (which is receiving astonishing levels of attention for being such a "nothingburger) is such a small first wave for the tsunami that is coming with Horowitz.
And yet this little ripple has the entire establishment running for the hills and rending garments.
And that tells us everything.
"no small dick, no small dick, you have a small dick."
that's an odd mantra, adss
carry on
"that's an odd mantra"
It' a no puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet thing-y.
Keep up.
Inga said...
I think if the White House doesn’t back down on this one and truly does go to war against the FBI, the DOJ, one half of the US, they will be making a massive error. More devastating than anything they’ve done before.
Don't tell me the democrats are thinking about starting another civil war. I would recommend keeping your dumb ass head down and letting the criminals in DC be put in jail peacefully.
On the one hand talking to traitors like Inga and asDS is pointless. They think it is OK to spy on political opponents. They were saying it was OK not even a year ago. I predicted they would be saying this Russian Collusion investigation is really nothing back then.
Here they are saying it is nothing. Unexpectedly.
On the other hand it must be made clear they are amoral stalinists and are greatly outnumbered. It would be the residents of the Cities who would benefit the most from their leaders getting what they deserve.
Keep up?
I left that stuff far behind. Puppets are for children. And people who like to stick hands up asses.
Carry on
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