These New Years Hawaii trips are getting weird - Saget, forgive me!— Bill Maher (@billmaher) January 4, 2018
According to The Daily Mail, the internet is saying that's not funny.
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blogging every day since January 14, 2004
These New Years Hawaii trips are getting weird - Saget, forgive me!— Bill Maher (@billmaher) January 4, 2018
१०७ टिप्पण्या:
Its funny despite being Bill Maher.
Damn, Maher just gets uglier and uglier. That picture makes him look like an ugly Jimmy Durante.
Nice plane. Unaffordable to the masses.
It's funny because Al Franken.
I don't generally find Bill Maher amusing, but that's funny.
Not bust your gut laughing funny, but funny.
It would have been better if he was doing it to Al Franken.
The "reckoning" is serious political theater that is periodically produced by the DNC in collusion with female chauvinists pursuing political progress and leverage.
For the last dozen years, I can't see Saget without thinking of his joke telling in the movie "The Aristocrats". I barely remember any other person who told that joke during he movie.
You want to see ugly, look at the Raiders owner. He looks like somebody took the head of a bloated corpse, put it on a pike, and is moving it around like a scarecrow under some stuffed clothes. <<-- Not an exaggeration.
The women in the background seem to be finding it amusing so I figured it was safe for me to laugh. Not a laugh laugh though. Just a heh.
Is that really Bob Saget?
I picked option 2. It would have been funnier, though, if Maher had been aiming at the crotch since Saget is a guy by all reliable reports.
I don't normally find Maher very funny. This was mildly funny, and I grudgingly give props to Maher for doing it.
Fritz is right, though. Had that been Franken instead of Saget, it would have been much better.
As you were, gentlemen. The Reckoning is over.
Just plain not funny. I mean, it's a little funny, but that wasn't a choice. It's a low form of humor ... mimicry of a well-known image without putting any kind of new spin or cleverness into it. You're just supposed to recognize the pose, and that's it.
So, neither problematic nor particularly funny.
If it were only making fun of Franken it would be funny. But since we know the woman that the joke is to reference and the circumstances surrounding it, it is not funny. Laughing at it is rude to her all over again.
I don't think it's funny, and I don't think it would have been funny if it had been performed by someone else (say Mike Pence), but it would really be funny if the fem/SJW mob condemns it.
PS Who or what is a Saget?
And, oh yeah, also, Seeing Red is right: Nice Plane.
I voted “not funny” for pretty much the reasons fivewheels outlined. In terms of humor, it’s right down there with sticking your tongue out at the camera or flipping the bird.
What's with the private jet ? What about climate change ?
File this away until Maher next discusses Global Warming™.
@Mary Beth
Me too.
The women in the background seem to be finding it amusing so I figured it was safe for me to laugh.
Did you look around cautiously first?
I think Saget is a transsexual, so this is bad. Very bad.
It’s not as funny as “bomb cyclone.”
It's funny because it mocks the Witchfinder Generals. And that's never a bad thing. Good for him. This once, anyway.
Eddie Willers:
Key & Peele made that very funny.
Funny. Not as funny as mocking Ron Nelson's small penis though.
Not funny, and it wasn't funny when Al Franken did it either. Stupid, juvenile, borderline retarded, and not funny.
Not offensive either, just dumb and not funny.
The only way it's funny is because Maher is known as hetero...implausible for him to want "sags".
I hope we're not subjecting our troops to these two.
You aren't safe. You can't hide behind the women's skirts. Even your "heh" is an outrageous outrage.
From the article: "Two women can be seen smiling in the background, from an angle to (sic) seems like their view of Maher was obstructed, and a third man appears to be sleeping with an eye mask on."
Funny. Not as funny as Ron Nelson's ED, but worth a chuckle.
I find Maher to be more tedious than funny.
And that's when I'm bored enough to remember he even exists.
Cracker has it precisely: it mocks Witchfinder Generals.
Actually..I'm warming to it..given how annoying "sags" is as a comedian.
It tries to trivialize Franken's stupidity.
As a Democrat, he was stupid to show his behavior on camera. Otherwise, he would be running for POTUS in 2020.
Or should it be Witchfinders General?
I remain mystified that Maher has any following at all. His talent escapes me.
I agree about Franken, but this is a *different* joke, and it's none of those things. This is a *point being made*.
Just to show how much times have changed...
A woman's health charity used Bob Saget's humor for a pledge drive.
Nothing is funny anymore, well, except Hillary when she chortles or coughs relentlessly; now that is funny to some and really horrible to others. Me? I'm kinda in the middle yet leaning towards apathy towards wanta-be Princess Hillary.
What's really terrible is that so many websites are loaded down with non-textual content that even the biggest pipe is clogged with images and graphics that pages seem to take forever to load. Folks, we're headed back to the days of bulletin-broads and yuptube (sic not!) videos; that'll suck.
Tell Maher his 'joke' is what is called a 'once stupid' joke (kind of like a 'once funny' joke but you are never a wit.)
Do it once and you are a little twit.
Do it twice and you are a nit-wit.
Do it thrice and you are a dip-shit.
Boobs are always funny.
Maher is hit and miss with me. This wasn't funny. It was as obvious as people pretending to hold up the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Now, if he caressed Saget's balls for the photo, that would be edgy, funny, and appropriate. Especially if it gave Saget an erection.
So Maher is inside a Gulfstream---or similar private jet--on a flight to Hawaii and he wants to play with a fellow passenger. Pardon me if I am not amused. OTOH if it were Anderson Cooper engaged in a little teabagging I might crack a smile.
Just guessing Al Franken doesn't think it's very fucking funny.
The correct answer is: It's funny if you get it. And if you don't, don't worry - it's not for you.
I believe two comedians are allowed to joke around for each other's (and their friends') benefit without having to worry about how a bunch of tightwad Republicrazies and their fellow travelers want to judge it. Leave the humor to them and to us. Y'all can get back to worrying about how the rich aren't rich enough, the cable monopolies lack sufficient control over the internet, and ways to increase the debt further and shift a greater proportion of the tax burden onto the working poor. Really funny! Ha ha hahaha. What a lark.
Not funny, and it wasn't funny when Al Franken did it either. Stupid, juvenile, borderline retarded, and not funny.
Not offensive either, just dumb and not funny.
And you would know this... how, exactly?
Some opinions are just worthless. If you've never made anyone laugh in your life, there's no point to telling people what's funny.
@Mary Beth
Bob Saget
The Aristocrats
Al Franken
Bill Maher
That's a good tangent.
tcrosse has pointed out another reason to approve and laugh!
"If you've never made anyone laugh in your life, there's no point to telling people what's funny."
You don't strike me as someone who's ever made anyone laugh. You consistently come across like an obnoxious asshole that nobody would rescue from a well-deserved beating about the face. You really are that much of a dickhead and it comes across in everything you post. You're a complete prick.
fivewheels said...
"Just plain not funny. I mean, it's a little funny, but that wasn't a choice. It's a low form of humor ... mimicry of a well-known image without putting any kind of new spin or cleverness into it. You're just supposed to recognize the pose, and that's it."
No, you miss the point. It's funny because no women are involved. It is a picture of the future -- Men, having fun, now that they got shut of the humorless bitches. NO GURLZ ALOUD!
Wow! A private jet to Hawaii. "We are the 99%"
It'd be funny if Ritmo were on the plane.
And it crashed.
It's always good to have to quote a left-wing/PC tabloid from an uptight monarchist land where libel laws burden the speaker over the plaintiff on what's funny vs. "offensive." Nice job how they quote random Twitter user responses as if that's news. These socialists didn't figure out that the most-liked Tweets will simply become their own news, anyway. Mustn't ignore the random brainfart of Portobello955016 or whatever. And Randomuser2959 also had a response that needs publication boosts in the MSM. It's not like being available to the whole internet already allowed his tweet the possibility of as much recognition as it deserved.
Made me smile, and I can’t stand Maher.
You don't strike me as someone who's ever made anyone laugh. You consistently come across like an obnoxious asshole that nobody would rescue from a well-deserved beating about the face. You really are that much of a dickhead and it comes across in everything you post. You're a complete prick.
You don't strike me as someone who strikes anyone with any reason to pay attention to anything you do whatsoever.
But nice job entertaining your violence fantasies as you sit there tight-bummed, bitchy and moaning. That's a real talent to have in life. It also fits the serial killer profile. "He was always a nice, quiet kid - doing the right thing. We never knew he was cannibalizing gay love interests in the basement."
As you were, Jefferey Dahmer.
"As you were, Jefferey Dahmer."
Fuck off, you sniveling little dipshit. More than a few regular commenters here have remarked about what a maladjusted turd you are and how your snotty little weasel posts infest an otherwise worthwhile comments section. You add nothing of value here bloviating like a ten year old in a tone you would never take with someone in person. You're a pathetic little shit bag.
But I thought Bob Saget was skinny.
Didn't make me laugh, chuckle, or smile - so it's not funny. But the original photo didn't either.
I laughed because I get Bill Maher’s humor, should we never laugh or make a joke about tragic things? I think we have to in order to stay sane in this world, lighten up a bit. but maybe it’s #metoosoon
Fuck off, you sniveling little dipshit.
Oh, that's clever.
Speaking of clever, did you take Boring Classes to come up with that avatar? I haven't seen avatars that uninspiring since commenters used to go by the name "Anonymous."
Other than that, thanks for vulgarity, the mob-like appeal to false popularity (this blog's commenters are part of a small minority opinion in America) and the contempt. Real value-added contributions, those.
Lame. Dad joke. Even worse than the first. But that's different than That's Not Funny.
Funny, but in a 'mooning the old biddies in the local DAR' sort of way.
Raise the plexi! He's here!
Jim Daniels: A guy who can't take a joke opining (violently and angrily) on a thread about humor.
Ironic? That's just how Republicrazies are. They are literally their own jokes.
Jim - put away the booze.
Well that was funny at least, walter.
You need to have a talk with your friend, Jim.
I find it funny that Maher makes fun of his fellow comedian/politician/pundit. But more funny still is that one can imagine Maher doing the same to a sleeping woman as he is exactly the type to find it hilarious. Still, funny.
Unlike at Thanksgiving when I squeezed a couple of butts during group family photos. That was funny.
For those who found it "not funny" -- "funny" is really the wrong word. It's not meant to be funny. It is meant to be irreverent. And really more of a slam at Franken than his victim.
You must never ever make a woman feel bad, or responsible for, anything.
It's funny. If he had been doing it to a woman, it would have been more controversial, but doing it to Saget - who's whole routine is based on what a degenerate pervert he (Saget) is - makes it pretty funny.
Also, just because Pervageddon is pretty serious doesn't mean we can't also laugh - we laughed at the Cold War nuclear standoff (remember Genesis' "Land of Confusion"?); Charlie Chaplin made fun of Hitler; and we laughed at Nixon and Watergate.
Also, although Maher annoys me in myriad ways, I still have to give him some grudging respect for being more clear-eyed on radical Islam than 99% of Hollywood.
It is not so much funny as it is George Costanza inappropriate. "Was that wrong? Should I not have done that?"
It is meant to be irreverent. And really more of a slam at Franken than his victim.
I'd say it was more of a slam against the humorless Left. I always thought the outrage against Franken was excessive, but was unwilling to say anything while the Left was savaging their own.
While I think it's OK for Maher to have done this.....I am halfway hoping the Left melts down over this.
Maher hasn't been informed by the SJWs that (as they informed Chris and Meg Griffin on FAMILY GUY) "we live in a post-joke society!"
I think Maher's biggest comical bit was when he used to call himself a libertarian. That's as much of a howler as the Toothless State-fellator recently trying to pass as the Apostle of Reason.
Regarding TTR,
Don't feed the trolls.
I tried to come up with a palatable story to explain why these individuals were on a private plane together headed to Hawaii. I failed. I know there are seat sharing arrangements like Wheels Up but they're mostly for short trips like NYC to Nantucket. This set up with this mix is too strange. Like a bad joke.
Two nuns Bob Saget and Bill Maher are on a Gulfstream headed to Maui...
he should of staged this with a blow up doll
This is News You Can Use. Its OK to paw manboobs. At least the SJW left one loophole in the MeToo Reign of Terror.
tcrosse said
“As you were, gentlemen. The Reckoning is over.”
It died when Roy Moore lost the Alabama election. A few diehards haven’t gotten the memo is all.
It could be the Embraer Executive Jet, which claims it has the only stand-up cabin.
For a stand-up guy.
And a stand-up comic.
Easy when you are only 5'8".
Jim Daniels said... [hush][hide comment]
"If you've never made anyone laugh in your life, there's no point to telling people what's funny."
You don't strike me as someone who's ever made anyone laugh. You consistently come across like an obnoxious asshole that nobody would rescue from a well-deserved beating about the face. You really are that much of a dickhead and it comes across in everything you post. You're a complete prick.
Haha!, Now, that's funny.
And Toothless' retort proves what JD says.
As for Maher, pic is not as funny as Virginia results today.
It would have been funnier if he staged it on a full Spirit Airlines flight from Minneapolis to Baltimore.
He's travelling for his winter break on a private jet. Since when did second tier comedians become so privileged and cosseted. He's lost touch with the masses, and his humor has suffered. When I was a kid, second tier comedians--the guys who would appear on Sullivan--counted themselves lucky if they could even take a winter break, much less travel to Hawaii on a private jet.......I think the time is ripe for a one time wealth tax on all rich comedians. The money raised could be earmarked for the education of AIDS orphans and puppies abandoned in Hurricane Harvey. I doubt very much if any of the comedians would object to giving their money for such worthy causes. There comes a time when you have enough money, and I'm sure that most comedians with their keen sense of the zeitgeist and their superior morality realize this. In fact, I'm surprised that there hasn't been a movement spearheaded by Lena Dunham or Chelsea Handler to make this happen. Make Bob Saget thin again,
Two nuns Bob Saget and Bill Maher are on a Gulfstream headed to Maui...
The pilot says "is this some kind of joke?"
This is a know your room moment right?
Not funny.
I don't hate Maher or Saget. Like most people, I'm at odds with Maher's political views about half the time, and agree with him the other half. I admire him for taking principled, controversial positions, even if it seems sometimes he's just trying to provoke people, and even when I disagree with him. He doesn't seem well-versed enough on some subjects to have any opinion at all, but that doesn't usually stop him.
Maher is a decent comedian. He makes me laugh now and again, although he's definitely not my favorite comic.
I greatly admire Al Franken's comedic talent, although I don't share his political views. My hat is off to Franken for entertaining our troops overseas, venturing into areas dangerous enough to need a helmet and a flak jacket.
I don't believe Franken sexually harassed or assaulted that woman, or even touched her or her clothing. I believe the woman was simply piling on the #MeToo bandwagon, and for partisan reasons wanted to harm Al. Liberals believed the woman, or pretended to, and were willing to sacrifice Al if it meant bringing down Roy Moore and getting a Dem woman to replace Franken, a little like being willing to sacrifice a bishop to capture a knight and some center-of-the-board territory.
The Maher/Saget pic was an okay gag, I guess, but I simply didn't laugh. I can't explain it.
For the last dozen years, I can't see Saget without thinking of his joke telling in the movie "The Aristocrats".
No, no, no! Saget's rendition pales to insignificance when compared to the Parker and Stone version.
It was mildly amusing. But
Darrell's comment of 5:45 was WAY funnier.
It's pretty funny. Kind-of takes the piss out of all the pearl-clutchers.
Someone upthread mentioned Key and Peele. I highly recommend their comedy sketches. Some favs: Black Ice, Substitute Teacher (both the original and 2), Slave Auction, Power Falcons, and McCringleberry's excessive celebrations. All available on YouTube.
Yes, funny.
As Chris Rock once said, context is everything. Here, the context is safe, without threats, without fear, without humiliation and without titties.
Now, it's not rip-roaring funny, like, say, Blazing Saddles, but it's a moderately un-PC attempt at mirth, and I buy it.
I usually find Maher to be a smug, smarmy jerk, but that was funny.
I didn't see a choice for stupid, so I withheld my vote.
I for one am not amused, so NOT FUNNY.
I laughed.
May have been better if one of the women had done it.
It did remind me of something actually funny.
Bill Maher is ugly with or without makeup. I generally find him amusing. The other less ugly guy in the sunglasses is the "straight" man in the photo. I thought it was mildly funny because it is so stupid. Franken lost his job over this stunt. That's more tragic than funny. Franken got caught in a delayed sting - the series of high profile sexual harassment incidents. He may have been the fall guy for going after Moore in Alabama full throttle to defeat him. Comic timing is all important even months/years down the line, so it seems. Franken was out of sync.
RE: Trumpit:
Say again.
Transmission garbled.
Had Saget awoke at that moment, and realized Maher was making a joke at his expense, then jumped up and kicked the shit out of Maher, that would have been funny. Bigly funny.
Meade said...
The women in the background seem to be finding it amusing so I figured it was safe for me to laugh. Not a laugh laugh though. Just a heh.
You are from the wrong political tribe. Nothing you do is safe.
Normally it was mildly amusing at best.
The only reason it would be entertaining is if the SJW Fun Nazi's melt down over it. At this point anything that causes the SJW Fun Nazi's any kind of pain just makes me happy as in the world is a better place sort of way rather than the laughing sort of way.
"Mark said...
For those who found it "not funny" -- "funny" is really the wrong word. It's not meant to be funny. It is meant to be irreverent. And really more of a slam at Franken than his victim."
Wouldn't that apply to people who also thought it "Funny".
Slam on Franken? Now THAT is funny. In an idiotic delusional sort of way.
Noteable the two ladies in the back find it amusing. They must be Republicans.
I found it funny because it’s so politically incorrect, which wasn’t that the name of Maher’s late night show?
I don't believe Franken sexually harassed or assaulted that woman, or even touched her or her clothing. I believe the woman was simply piling on the #MeToo bandwagon, and for partisan reasons wanted to harm Al.
I won’t profess to understand her motives – or that of the several other women who also came forward and said that Franken assaulted or harassed them –but as Franken was a contributor to creating the legal climate where other men, including those enrolled in college, could see their lives destroyed by the mere accusation, I think he deserved to suffer the same fate. He's an awful person who was more than willing to see the lives of innocent people ruined to advance his party's power. Good riddance.
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