"The Ohr revelation comes not long after word that top FBI agent Peter Strzok was removed from the Mueller investigation for anti-Trump text messages he exchanged with a top FBI lawyer who had also worked for the Mueller probe. Now, with news of Ohr’s contacts with Steele and Simpson, Republicans on Capitol Hill — and perhaps some Democrats, too — will wonder just how far the Obama Justice Department officials went in the effort to stop Trump."
Instapundit, quoting Byron York.
It's especially disturbing to read about this right after the reading about the Wisconsin DOJ report on John Doe investigation. Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals.
१६५ टिप्पण्या:
It's just possible that Trump is not a complete idiot, and he has his own people doing a little opposition research against Mueller. Or he is the luckiest son of a bitch alive.
Maybe just telling the truth is more powerful than going along to get along, hoping for scraps.
Jeff Sessions has a lot of housecleaning to do. The Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee had best get ready to do some serious work approving DoJ nominees.
What Nixon did in watergate coverup was this: he tried to manipulate the FBI investigation, and he tried to get the CIA to tell the FBI that they should stop investigating because of national security concerns; and the investigation was into an illegal effort to spy on political rivals. The accusations here against the Obama administration seem to me to be possibly worse. Those accusations include: the IRS scandal aimed at political opponents; the use of the Democratically funded Trump dossier to justify FISA warrants; the use of "unmasking" and (am I right here?) leaking of FISA targets and data collected; political influence to tamp down an investigation of a friendly politician.
And does anyone share my annoyance at how weak and ineffectual the Republicans were at questioning the FBI director in yesterday's house committee hearing?
Not surprising the team that jailed a man after lying about his video, illegally wiretapped Congress and the press and allowed his staff to routinely lie to Congress extended their dictator like tendencies this far.
Was there another shred of evidence, aside from the Steele "dossier," that indicated collusion between Putin and Trump? Maybe some of our intrepid believers in Russian collusion here can tell me that.
The funniest thing is that Clinton claims she didn't use the "dossier" in the campaign, and yet we all knew about it the fabricated confection served up for the delectation of the most loyal Kool-Aide drinkers of the left. By that I mean the press, BTW.
New Benghazi stuff is coming out too. Such as orders to not refer to it as a terror attack, against overwhelming evidence that it was.
When this investigation started I was skeptical and let it ride. For awhile I argued against a pardon for Manafort or Flynn. Now? With these new revelations? Pardon them. America isn't a banana republic where prosecutors can chase after their political opponents while letting their side skate.
The Fusion financial records must now be public. We must know if any money went to or from them from our politicians. This is actual dark money.
"If only the Tsar knew!" If only Obama knew about the things going on in his administration! It's possible he didn't. It's possible that he ran his presidency the same way he "led" the Harvard Law Review. Sort of a hands off approach. It would explain how he could have lectured us yesterday about the "fragile garden of democracy" with a straight face.
I think it is way too early for a pardon. The press will make that what they need to make of it. "Facts Matter" you know, certain "Facts" anyway. I think some pleas should be withdrawn though.
Is there any real doubt that the Obama Justice Dept was corrupt to the core? First Strzok and now Ohr. Clinton's meeting with Lynch on the tarmac to talk about grandkids. The Uranium One investigation that suddenly went away. The whitwashed email server report. The blind eye towards the Clinton Foundation and it's collusion with the DNC. The list goes on and on.
All this surrounded by a prolonged and wilfull failure to provide subpoenaed information to House committees and FOI requests.
No wonder the Democrats are in such a panic to get rid of Trump.
They may be guilty. But the investigation is tainted. The evidence collected under bad faith, and possibly due to criminal acts. We will never know whether the investigation was honest or used illegal or unethical means to get them. I may be over reacting, but I don't see how the investigation stands.
The Hillary campaign, DNC, FBI, CIA, NSA and DOJ used the fake Steele dossier to dupe a Federal judge to issue warrants to spy on the Trump campaign. And the newspapers, they all went along.
It doesn’t get any worse than that.
The way we knew Obama knew what was going on is that he was so overtly nice to Trump. And now he's in foreign countries basically calling him Hitler. The Obama that had two opponent's divorce records unsealed was at it again.
I have believed for a long time that the Clinton's influence in government agencies was pervasive and deep. It was also well hidden and made good use of "plausible deniability". The Clinton machine has the same sort of influence and support in the mainstream media.
The reason things are now unraveling is tied to arrogance and overconfidence. The media was always able to bail them out in the past. Inquires were suppressed. New corruption discoveries were labeled "old news". Governmental investigations languished. The FBI turned a blind eye.
Democrats were emboldened by their seeming imperviousness to scrutiny. Further, they were confident Hillary had a lock on the election and the control of government agencies. They saw no downside to their corrupt activities. Their operatives in the FBI and Justice acted accordingly. But then the ultimate outsider won the election. The media and the Democrats began vigorous spin control immediately after the election (Russia, Russsia, Russia). Their spin continues, but Trump's people are slowly peeling back the layers of the onion. This will take some time, but eventually the truth will be known.
Possibly worse??? Oh, Molly, take it from those of us who lived through the 1960s and 1970s that what the Democrats embedded by Barack Obama in the Deep State have done and are doing is worse than anything Dick Nixon and his cronies Haldeman and Ehrlichman and Mitchell ever dreamed of doing.
I am seriously considering retiring abroad. Maybe a seacoast town in France or Spain, or somewhere in England or Ireland. This is too painful to see.
Remember though that 17 intelligence agencies were able to determine that the Russians were behind the DNC hack without even examining the computers! No way they would lie to us!
A team like Woodward and Bernstein seriously interested in looking into this for the Washington Post would be fired sooner than quicker.
In 1996, the New York Daily News fired reporter David Eisenstadt after he wrote an unfavorable story about McAuliffe potentially having connections to notorious fundraiser John Huang, who in 1999 pleaded guilty to felony charges for arranging more than $150,000 in illegal campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. McAuliffe later gloated to the Washington Post about having called paper owner Mort Zuckerman to get Eisenstadt canned.. - Mother Jones.
The Uranium One investigation that suddenly went away.
Peter "Zelig" Strzok, again.
The name Strzok keeps making me think of Werner Herzog's "Stroszek".
For the FBI the chicken keeps dancing.
- james james
To those sick of hearing about the Clintons, I give you the famous Faulkner quote: "The past isn't over, it isn't even past."
Of course, Peter Strzok was not fired for merely writing snide e-mails about Trump to his extra-marital lover.
Strzok and/or his lover must have been suspected of leaking to journalists without the permission of Robert "The FBI White-Washer" Mueller, who himself manages all the leaking.
The investigation of Strzok's e-mails must have revealed that he indeed was leaking without Mueller's permission. When Mueller found that out, he fired Strzok immediately for insubordination.
By any means necessary.
And does anyone share my annoyance at how weak and ineffectual the Republicans were at questioning the FBI director in yesterday's house committee hearing?
Me me me! Most disturbing is Wray refusing to answer because of an ongoing IG investigation, as if Congress was Fox News asking an inconvenient question.
On the plus side they did expose more of the FBI corruption iceberg. When the testimony retreats to vouching for character lke Wray did you know you're getting close.
The Conservative Treehouse recently ran a good series of articles about the recusal of Judge Rudolph Contreras from the sentencing of Michael Flynn. Although Contreras approved Flynn's plea-bargain, a few days later Contreras recused himself from the sentencing.
Apparently it came to the attention of Flynn's lawyers belatedly that Contreras was the judge who approved the FISA application (concocted by Peter Strzok from from the Steele dossier) to wiretap Trump's campaign staff.
I hope that Flynn's lawyers move to withdraw Flynn's plea-bargain on the basis that those lawyers were not informed about Contreras's and Strzok's prior involvement in the investigation of Flynn.
Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals.
Since when is "Dog Bites Man" newsworthy?
So let's start a pool for who we think was using Samantha Powers' name to unmask US citizens "inadvertently" swept up in NSA surveillance. Powers told Congress that the requests were in her name, but she didn't make them.
Strzok and Ohr seem like good candidates.
Hillary had a 95% chance of winning the election, supposedly. All of this stuff was supposed to go down the memory hole, and Trump was supposed to be living in disgrace at some private compound somewhere. that's why they were so fucking careless.
Keep in mind the Steele dossier was first put in motion by Republicans opposing Trump, probably Jeb Bush, and later picked up by the Dems, etc and became part of the focus because of the many contacts between Russia and Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Don Jr etc which so far has resulted in one felony charge and more to follow. And considering that Mueller removed Peter Strozk from the investigation speaks to his honesty.
roesch/voltaire at 8:03 AM
the Steele dossier was first put in motion by Republicans opposing Trump,
You are mistaken about that.
Steele began his project for Fusion after the Republican donors stopped paying Fusion.
Keep in mind the Steele dossier was first put in motion by Republicans opposing Trump, probably Jeb Bush,
No, it wasn't. This is all public record now. It was a conservative publication who contacted Fusion for opposition research on Trump. But they were out before Steele was even hired.
The Steele dossier was started after Fusion was paid by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign to create it. This is also public record.
Why are you so stubbornly ignorant of the facts of the case, which isn't so bad, in itself, but you just hurt your cause making such poorly informed comments. Why don't you stick to telling us how smart you are, and leave it at that?
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
Keep in mind the Steele dossier was first put in motion by Republicans opposing Trump
Always best to get your facts correct before commenting ...
R/V is a fucking liar. There were no contacts between Trump Jr and the Russians until the Obama people arranged for that single meeting with that Russian lawyer that was mysteriously in the US under Obama waivers. Flynn called the Russian ambassador after the election, with permission from Obama's DOJ. It was two calls according to reports--POST ELECTION.
And does anyone share my annoyance at how weak and ineffectual the Republicans were at questioning the FBI director in yesterday's house committee hearing?
I expect it because I think a lot of Republicans in government are complicit. Lois Lerner is enjoying her taxpayer funded retirement because the GOPe wanted Tea Party groups shutdown just as much as Democrat politicians. Perhaps even more than Democrat politicians.
"Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals."
Correct. This is who they are, this is what they do. Swamp creatures all. Next time you parse a speech by a Dem official, or look for a nice, calm O-like person to vote for, or have a passing thought that Dems promote "women's equality," remember.
Better listen now
Said it ain't no joke
Don't let your conscience fail ya'
Just do the stroke
Don't ya' take no chances
Keep your eye on top
Do your fancy dances
You can't stop you just
Strzok me, Strzok me.
- james james
The investigation of Strzok's e-mails must have revealed that he indeed was leaking without Mueller's permission. When Mueller found that out, he fired Strzok immediately for insubordination.
This would be news if true, and maybe even admirable on Mueller's part. But what he did was move Strzok to HR so he can continue to draw a gov't salary and laugh at us rubes who let it happen. So why doesn't Wray now fire Strzok from HR? THAT would be the right move!
Oh man, the pee tape is probably real isn't it...
In the Polish language, the letter combination rz has two pronunciations.
In a voiced position, it is pronounced like the consonant sound in the middle of our word pleasure -- transcribed as zh.
In an unvoiced position, it is pronounced like the first consonant in our word ship -- transcribed as sh.
In the name Strzok, the combination rz in unvoiced, because it follows the the unvoiced consonants st. (The voiced variant would be zd.)
So, the name Strzok can be analyzed as ST + SH + OK.
The T is difficult to pronounce, so it usually would be pronounced more like S + CH + OK -- rhyming with how our pronunciation of the word combination hiss choke.
Were Peter Strzok and Lois Lerner dating?
"Later that year, Steele embarked on a separate, sensitive new assignment that drew on his knowledge of covert Russian techniques – and of football. (In Moscow he had played at full-back.) The client was the English Football Association, the FA. England was bidding to host the 2018 soccer World Cup. Its main rival was Russia. There were joint bids, too, from Spain and Portugal, and the Netherlands and Belgium. His brief was to investigate the eight other bidding nations, with a particular focus on Russia. It was rumoured that the FSB had carried out a major influence operation, ahead of a vote in Zurich by the executive committee of Fifa, soccer’s international governing body.
Steele discovered that Fifa corruption was global. It was a stunning conspiracy. He took the unusual step of briefing an American contact in Rome, the head of the FBI’s Eurasian serious crime division. This “lit the fuse”, as one friend put it, and led to a probe by US federal prosecutors. And to the arrest in 2015 of seven Fifa officials, allegedly connected to $150m (£114m) in kickbacks, paid on TV deals stretching from Latin America to the Caribbean. The US indicted 14 individuals.
The episode burnished Steele’s reputation inside the US intelligence community and the FBI. Here was a pro, a well-connected Brit, who understood Russian espionage and its subterranean tricks. Steele was regarded as credible. Between 2014 and 2016, Steele authored more than 100 reports on Russia and Ukraine. These were written for a private client but shared widely within the US state department, and sent up to secretary of state John Kerry and assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland, who was in charge of the US response to Putin’s annexation of Crimea and covert invasion of eastern Ukraine. Many of Steele’s secret sources were the same people who would later supply information on Trump.
One former state department envoy during the Obama administration said he read dozens of Steele’s reports. On Russia, the envoy said, Steele was “as good as the CIA or anyone”.
Steele’s professional reputation inside US agencies would prove important the next time he discovered alarming material."
It's especially disturbing to read about this right after the reading about the Wisconsin DOJ report on John Doe investigation. Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals"
Democrats using the power of the government to stomp all over people? No way!!
Here's my shocked face
It’s over, when you hold good cards, and have no idea how to play them. As a Canadian I will be eternally angry at you yanks who are letting this happen. You’re all talk, no action. In America, if all places. Fuck you for letting the rest of the world down.
Please, don't you dare call the FBI compromised and filled with partisan democrat hacks. and please, don't say the democrat party is corrupt.
"Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals."
That is who they are. That is what they do.
With Franken's sort-of resignation the Dems have seized the ethical high ground, from whose lofty heights they can look up and see whale shit.
As a Canadian, you're more fucked than we will ever be. You hoser.
I hope that Flynn's lawyers move to withdraw Flynn's plea-bargain on the basis that those lawyers were not informed about Contreras's and Strzok's prior involvement in the investigation of Flynn.
Yeah me too! They withheld the info that his main accuser is tainted.
In America, if all places. Fuck you for letting the rest of the world down.
At least you keener's know you're our bitch. Now go clean up your own little country's messes, hoser.
The Democratic Party might not always control the top tiers of Government, but they will always control the Bureaucracy.
All that deadwood and never a fire.
- james james
Just as there should be a special place in Hell for whomever it was that screwed up the Microsoft Office user interface, there should be a special place in jail for government employees who abuse the power of their position for personal or partisan gain.
Hey Laslo, Billy Squire's debut album was just good all the way through, wasn't it? Especially Lonely is the Night and Nobody Knows! Man. Good stuff. Then whoooooosh downhill fast with that second album and Everybody Wants Some. Maybe it was a sophomore jinx.
The Deep State is so deep that I'm beginning to suspect that the swamp can never be drained. We can't reach the bottom without removing everyone!
Even the Janitors are probably involved in the Deep State's treachery.
"Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals."
That is who they are. That is what they do.
Yes. Chicago has always been run that way as was Tammany Hall in NY. This type of corruption wasn't born yesterday.
The dots are starting to be connected. The only missing person from the otherwise excellent Byron York article is Deputy Director of the FBI, Andrew McCabe. He is a problem child, who gave cover and protection to Strzok to do all his political scheming.
Chris Wray needs to fire McCabe.
I think Flynn threw in his cards because he couldn't afford the legal fees and to get his son out of the searchlight. I can't see him withdrawing his plea until after Mueller has been defenestrated.
If Agent HissChoke did all that is now alleged then the corruption went right to the top but was narrowly focused. One man was enabled by the leadership. Sort of like the whole DNC being controlled by Clinton but the how-did-that-happen being the secret of a small circle so that even Donna Brazile and Bernie Sanders did not know just exactly what was going on. Outsiders, all the way out to me, and insiders like Brazile knew the consequences but not how it was all being managed. The same with this collusion "investigation". Soon you see it's fake. But how is it happening? Why doesn't it get exposed? "Democracy Dies in Darkness", as they say with satisfaction over at Swamp Wapo. It's all a badass secret until it isn't. Then it's the shoddy aftermath of a New Year's party - stale smells, spilled drink stains, vomit ground in carpets and voices raised in denial and recrimination.
Tim in Vermont. Andalusia in southern Spain is affordable and beautiful. And it's somewhat less painful to watch the political shenanigans from afar. Plus the corruption there goes back so far, it's so deep that people just go about their lives. Not saying that is a good thing but it makes for a more relaxing retirement. Buwaya probably has a more nuanced take on it than I but it's a nice place to hole up.
The best part of these revelations for me is it proves Trump has assembled war time consiglieres to go after his tormentors. Besides apparently having the truth on his side, he also has people investigating Mueller and the whole fetid swamp over at the DOJ. Trey Gowdy and Nunes have casually mentioned through interviews there is more to come on DOJ "collusion" with Fusion and the dodgy russian dossier. Good times!
When Trump said he wasn't going after Hillary. Big mistake.
When Sessions recused himself - big mistake.
Enough of this bullcrap. it's time to drain the swamp. Flush the FBI of all democrat hacks.
Go after Hillary and he Corrupt Clinton Foundation and all of her crimes while she was Sec of State.
Gk1: Right! Trump is not one to roll over and play dead, that's for sure! He's not only unintimidated by The Machine, he sees it as a challenge. And he has more energy than any President since TR.
The Trump populism has exposed the hidden government of the USA that operates within the CIA and the FBI. No one but Trump has had the courage to go after that cabal. Those are the secrecy first conspirators who slaughtered JFK when he threatened them in 1963. And our political class has accepted that easily, out of fear of them.
Apparently Trump has the Military intelligence guys on his side this time, and they determined to rescue us.
Schumer warned Trump about the soon to be 6 ways from Sunday coup d’etat. But old Hickoy redux keeps on keeping on with the Marine Corps Hymn playing in the background and 90 year old men
Singing “Remember Pearl Harbor”
McCabe's wife receives a $750K political donation from a former Clinton fundraiser who became fabulously wealthy as her croney, McAuliffe, and it's not an issue.
"When Trump said he wasn't going after Hillary. Big mistake.
When Sessions recused himself - big mistake.
Enough of this bullcrap. it's time to drain the swamp. Flush the FBI of all democrat hacks."
I agree. We need a good old fashioned purge and any future agents hired should be required to pledge fealty to Trump.
"So why doesn't Wray now fire Strzok from HR?"
-- Sleeping with a coworker you have oversight over/reports to your investigation seems like something HR would not like.
The Free Beacon said its research ended before Fusion GPS hired a former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, to produce a series of reports alleging links between Russia and those close to Trump. That occurred after the firm was retained by a lawyer for Hillary Clinton,--- thanks for keeping me factual, I stand corrected.
But speaking of facts I I can find no credible research linking Vesenllitskaya as a democratic plant other than the Gateway photo: The photo of McFaul and Veselnitskaya did not show the two "hanging out" with each other -- it's of a Congressional hearing, open to the public, at which McFaul testified. Veselnitskaya was sitting in the audience, in the row behind McFaul. McFaul told CNN this week that he had no control over who attended or where they were seated, that he had never met with Veselnitskaya and that he only learned her name this week.
"But speaking of facts I I can find no credible research linking Vesenllitskaya as a democratic plant other than the Gateway photo:"
-- As a plant, maybe not. But she clearly isn't a nefarious Russian secret agent as she's been portrayed. The Obama administration approved her entry to the country and used her during Congressional hearings. If anything, the Democrat's vetting of her shows that she was on the up and up, and that there was even less odds of collusion than we initially told.
And, McFaul not knowing who would be working with him on his testimony is, quite frankly, a lie or incompetence on his part.
Another "Russian thread" in which Inga will be AWOL. I think we're going to be hearing less and less from her in the coming weeks.
Not a smidgen of corruption in the Obama regime!
Unless, he's arguing that despite the Obama administration bringing her in to work with him, her being positioned with him, and the administration relying on her expertise she actually DIDN'T work with him.
At which point... why did the Obama administration lie about why they let her in to the country?
Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016? The quid part we know, drop Russian sanctions, could this be the quo? Mueller is getting closer everyday.
Whatever and whoever was investigating Trump and his Russia connection, it was for very good reason.
The "encryption key"?
But speaking of facts I I can find no credible research linking Vesenllitskaya as a democratic plant...
I'm sure you tried really really hard, RV! Try reading The Hill report about Obama's DOJ intervening with Customs to get Vesenllitskaya into USA (from which she had been barred) just in time for the meeting that they set up for her in Trump Tower.
Fire or reassign everyone above the first two levels of employee in the FBI and start over.
Hi Inga! [waves]
You can't have a quid that was never delivered on. Did the Russian sanctions get removed and I miss it? Trump offering more flexibility after the election is in line with the norms of the Obama precedent.
The quid part we know, drop Russian sanctions, could this be the quo?
Ha ha ha ha. What sanctions were dropped, Inga? Name them. Show your work. You can't just spew your lefty lies here and not support your quid assertion with, you know, actual reversal of Obama sanctions on Russia.
Wildswan: "New Year's party" metaphor is brilliant. The rest of your analysis also resonates. Thanks.
At some point we tire of complexity and just direct "Kill them all. God will know his own."
I’m so old I remember when LBJ deployed government resources to derail the Goldwater campaign. When he didn’t have to..
Uranium One, on the other hand, actually happened. And Russians really did give the Clinton Foundatiom $140 million.
Inga has no interest in quid pro quos that obvious, though.
Is the quo the few thousand dollars of Russian-backed ads that spanned before and after the election, both pro and anti Trump? Because... I'm failing to see what Russia *gave* Trump, since they got no dirt on Clinton.
Did you guys miss what FBI Director Chris Wray said concerning the independent inspector general internal investigation now taking place concerning these partisan agents. "The Hillary Clinton investigation bell might need to be un-rung".
"Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016?"
What does this mean?
It's especially disturbing to read about this right after the reading about the Wisconsin DOJ report on John Doe investigation. Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals.
I agree. The fact that the same kind of behavior was occurring at a state and federal level to help Democrats means the DNC should be investigated for funding illegal activities. They need to be held accountable.
When the Russians were all Commies, Democrats like Inga, R/V. and Ted Kennedy were their biggest pals.
Name them. Show your work.
There's a rumor from a whistleblower about a text on inauguration day! No way that could have been a joke! Trumpists don't joke! They don't use irony, nor do they use sarcasm! Every word they say must be taken absolutely literally comrade! Their pitiful little brains are too weak to use irony!
It is interesting to listen to Trey Gowdy who still is willing to believe (even at this late hour) Mueller is still the best instrument to find out what went on with the Fusion Dossier and supposed russian "collusion" with trump. Even if we have cause to be skeptical this will happen, Gowdy also made the point there are good, honest, hard working agents in this swamp who are actively helping Congress uncover the tweets and malfeasance on the part of the DOJ. In fact a DOJ member have blown the whistle on Strzok and others at the DOJ involved with the russian dossier. This makes me believe there is more damaging things to come and that Mueller has no ability to keep any of this from coming out.
Dr. Althouse: It's especially disturbing to read about this right after the reading about the Wisconsin DOJ report on John Doe investigation. Both stories are about Democratic partisans using the machinery of government to go after their Republican rivals.
Gosh, what a fucking surprise.
Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016?
I am pretty sure it's been established that that was Assange, who hated the war-mongering Hillary almost as much as I do.
Former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty last week to lying to the FBI about his conversation with a Russian diplomat, told an American businessman that U.S. sanctions on Russia would be “ripped up” under the Trump administration, a whistleblower told a congressman.
Mr. Flynn sent a text message to a former colleague on Inauguration Day saying a nuclear-power project they were both once involved in was now “good to go,” according to the person who was described as a whistleblower in a letter Wednesday from Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D., Md.).
Ripping up sanctions, Mr. Flynn then told his former business associate Alex Copson, would allow “money to start flowing into the project,” according to Mr. Cummings’s account of the whistleblower’s claims, raising the question of whether Mr. Flynn sought to manipulate U.S. policy for the financial benefit of his former business associates.
“I am pretty sure it's been established that that was Assange, who hated the war-mongering Hillary almost as much as I do.”
Hacked emails, stolen by Russia, then given to Wikileaks to disseminate and then the encryption key to those stolen emails given to Trump and Jr. That is a crime.
Inga: "Hacked emails, stolen by Russia, then given to Wikileaks to disseminate and then the encryption key to those stolen emails given to Trump and Jr. That is a crime."
Inga apparently finds absolutely nothing wrong or interesting at all in the subject of Ann's post, and is willing to do whatever it takes to change the subject.
Everyday Mueller is getting closer.
“Trump Jr.’s attorney verified the existence of the email. It came from someone named “Mike Erickson.” It also offered access to hacked emails of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who saw those emails made public by a Russian front group 10 days afterwards.
The use of a website and decryption key as a means to provide information aligns with past WikiLeaks practices. The idea is that WikiLeaks posts a data file on the Internet, but it is encrypted and impossible to open without the key.
In 2010, for instance, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange posted a “poison pill” on the Internet in the form of a 1.4-gigabyte file that contained damaging information, possibly about the US government. The file was encrypted, but Assange said a few trusted associates had the key to unlock it in the event that he was imprisoned or WikiLeaks was destroyed.
Last month, Trump Jr. released messages he exchanged on Twitter with WikiLeaks starting in September 2016, including about an anti-Trump PAC’s password and a request from Trump Jr. and his father to push out links about the WikiLeaks’ Podesta email release.
And we all know Trump loves WikiLeaks.
During his Wednesday hearing, Donald Trump Jr. referred to his exchanges with WikiLeaks as being the same as communicating with CNN or NBC.
And I can’t even begin to express how misguided and ignorant that is.”
So how. do we know they were stolen by Russia? The DNC wouldn't let law enforcement look at the servers. The whole time-line of a Russian hack has been blown apart by careful analysis, and even CrowdStrike has walked that back.
To the best of our knowledge, the emails were copied to a thumb drive and spirited out of the DNC via "sneakernet." Donna Brazilles book certainly contains a lot of reasons there may have been people in the DNC who were quite unhappy with the campaign. Hillary's emails were fished using well-known techniques that go back many years, and of which Podesta should have been well aware.
Bottom line - "liberals" have a significantly higher rate of political assholism than conservatives. Hard to say if that's inherent or if that's because the media has been covering for them for so long.
The problem with these institutions isnt that there are a few bad apples in their leadership. Its that they have been compromised long enough that the culture is corrupted beyond repair. You cannot simply slash the top off, and appoint new leaders from the ranks below, because you would get the same or nearly so from the ranks below.
Mueller is a case in point, he started in the DOJ ranks as a US District attorney. That was 40 years ago. He and his kind have hired and fostered two generations of employees in these agencies.
The only way out is to eliminate entirely, liquidate the whole thing, start over, a Chapter 7, keep the buildings and equipment and put in a whole new staff.
And I can’t even begin to express how misguided and ignorant that is.”
Can you cite any laws? Or just the opinion of never Trumpers?
Was it "wrong" to pay Putin's spies for dirt on Trump? Because, you know, that's all a matter of public records regarding the DNC and the Hillary campaign.
The judge that heard the Flynn plea has recused himself on the sentencing hearing. Any bets on this being the moronic judge who approved the illegal spying on the Trump Campaign based on the Steele docs. He was the appointed the FISA judge starting in May of 2016.
This just keeps getting better.
Blogger Inga said...
Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016? The quid part we know, drop Russian sanctions, could this be the quo? Mueller is getting closer everyday.
Are you related to Sean Hannity? (drip, drip, exclusive big news coming soon...)
Do you have a chart of the devious Trump associations with Russia you can share with us?
Inquiring minds what to know the details of these nefarious connections. Do we have to wait until later in the show?
The other problem going forward with a corrupted institution is that unless entirely remade it will eagerly return to its former habits if a future administration appoints corrupt leadership. Or even a weak leader. It will be a horse eager to have a familiar rider.
Was it "wrong" to pay Putin's spies for dirt on Trump? Because, you know, that's all a matter of public records regarding the DNC and the Hillary campaign.
It's also a felony for money to be paid to or received, to or from a foreigner by a federal campaign. I'm guessing it's a felony even if you use a law firm as a go between.
Desparate dead enders on the Russian hack of the DNC have been unable to come up with any plausible technique that could have gotten the files off of the server in the amount of time that it took to transmit them without a local piece of hardware.
I used to work in the business, and if you set up a special connection for high speed data transfer of that capacity, it would be extremely expensive, and leave a paper trail, because all of these companies that transmit data over international borders have licenses. They are known as Licensed Operators. Not to mention that CrowdSrikes DLP (Data Loss Prevention) software, I think they called it "OverLord" would have picked it up. Or else the. stuff. was completely worthless, and their word is even less worthless.
The whole "Russian hack of the DNC" narrative is in tatters due to it's incongruence with the facts of the matter. Occam's razor and Donna Brazille's book point to a much simpler explanation.
For the record too, I used to specify data lost prevention monitoring and its digital switch configuration aspect in a previous life, and I know what I am talking about. They should have insisted on resident agents installed on ever computer connected to the network.
The dullard now:
"Inga said...
Everyday Mueller is getting closer."
The dullard then:
"Inga said...
Everyday District Attorney John Chisholm and Schmitz are getting closer."
I'm guessing it's a felony even if you use a law firm as a go between.
No, if you have enough shell corporations, everything's cool! Even calling the expenses "legal" on your campaign filings.
I think that the best story that the Trump-deranged like Inga can go with is that the reason Trump hasn't appointed a special counsel to investigate the money that went to Fusion GPS is that the dossier is all true. Not sure that they are quite that done with the Clinton wing of their party though.
“The conversation about emails is possibly a critical piece of evidence, legal analysts said. That is because one charge that investigators might try to substantiate against those higher in the Trump campaign is a conspiracy to violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
If Mueller can find evidence that members of Trump's team conspired in Russia's hacking effort — by directing it or aiding in some other way — they might face criminal charges, legal analysts said. Papadopoulos' plea says that he discussed some of his efforts to broker a meeting with Russians with other, more senior Trump campaign officials — though some seemed to treat him warily.”
I hope the FBI's Inspector General's report is devastating. Then Sessions can just start firing Obama hold overs at the top. This is like a football game, follow the momentum. So far we got a guilty plea from Flynn on a process crime due to a bushwhack by the FBI. While the Mueller team has been rocked by their cover up of their Skeezy players. Congress is on to them.
Someone once said, "Don't piss off Trump, he will destroy you".
Since Inga is so desperate to change the subject any way she can... let's oblige her for a moment.
Beverly Young about to admit half of her signature is a forgery.
Remember when we all said that was incredibly blatantly obvious, and Inga responded by calling us apologists for pedophiles?
I think we know why Inga doesn't want to talk about the actual subject of this post. When it comes to dirty tricks and lying to destroy innocent people, Inga is as guilty as any of them.
f Mueller can find evidence that members of Trump's team conspired in Russia's hacking effort — by directing it or aiding in some other way — they might face criminal charges, legal analysts said.
Yeah, and if they can find evidence that I killed Jimmy Hoffa, I will spend the rest of my life in prison. Since I didn't, I am not too. worried about it, but the more I read about the FBI, the less secure I feel in the confidence of being innocent.
" though some seemed to treat him warily"
They said, FUCK NO!
"If Mueller can find evidence that members of Trump's team conspired in Russia's hacking effort — by directing it or aiding in some other way — they might face criminal charges"
-- Mueller has evidence that Clinton's team conspired with Russia to collect data on Trump.
Why hasn’t Sessions appointed a Special Council to investigate everything you think Clinton and Obama are guilty of? Maybe because he knows there is no there, there. He said as much in a hearing a month or so ago.
“I think that the best story that the Trump-deranged like Inga can go with is that the reason Trump hasn't appointed a special counsel to investigate the money that went to Fusion GPS is that the dossier is all true.”
“The decision to appoint a special prosecutor rests with the attorney general (or acting attorney general), or, historically, with the president. ... (b) That under the circumstances, it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter.”
Just let me say. If they ever do find convincing evidence that Trump and one of Putin's spies conspired together in the campaign, he should get the exact same treatment that Hillary should get were she found to have done that.
Oh wait. She has been. It's so hard to do a hypothetical without hitting on one of the Democratic Party's standard bearer's crimes! No wonder they hate "whataboutism" so much.
Sources close to Mueller have confided to the NY Times that the Special Council's team is working on the theory that the Trump Campaign higher ups are running a automobile chop shop out of the White House.
"Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016?"
What does this mean?
I suspect the reason Garage Mahal has disappeared from here is because he has been busy looking for the encryption key - he is convinced it will be found under Gov. Scott Walker's "secret router".
So after Mueller issues his final report revealing collusion or no collusion and lots of other stuff, how will the Republican side, or Trump, or Trump's Justice Department respond? Or is it only how the House and Senate respond (possible impeachment) that counts?
Oh please. If Mueller had as much on Trump as we already have publically available on Clinton and Obama, the indictments would be raining from the heavens.
But Inga sez that it is improbable that the DOJ is corrupt because the DOJ is refusing to investigate corruption that the DOJ participated in. Duh!
(I still hold out hope that Sessions does plan on lowering the boom at some point, after the corruption is too obvious for all but the Ingas and Ritmos to deny)
TOTALLY NONPARTISAN AND UNBIASED INVESTIGATION, WE SWEAR, PART 1,000,007: Mueller’s ‘Right-Hand Man’ on Russia Probe Represented Clinton IT Aide Who Set Up Unsecure Server.
Stephen Green
"If Mueller had as much on Trump as we already have publically available on Clinton and Obama, the indictments would be raining from the heavens."
-- They can't. Much of Clinton's team was given immunity for nothing, or worse, immunity for testifying and admitting to crimes we already knew that they had done.
Can we get a list of people on Mueller's team who WEREN'T biased/tainted?
Decryption key is my favorite "squirrel" yet! It sounds so clandestine.
Just another "honest bureaucratic snafu".
Hey, it worked the first time...
Maybe because he knows there is no there, there. He said as much in a hearing a month or so ago.
You know of course, that further information came out from a whistleblower who has testified to Congress that Sessions was incorrect in his comments about the dates? So stay tuned on that one.
Still, you haven't answered the question about why it was OK for Hillary to pay one of Putin's spies (which is public knowledge) for dirt on Trump? The glee you guy take in the "Justice for me, but not for thee" approach that has come out over the past several weeks is unbelievable to me.
"I suspect the reason Garage Mahal has disappeared from here is because he has been busy looking for the encryption key - he is convinced it will be found under Gov. Scott Walker's "secret router"."
Garage had an epiphany. In a brief reappearance a couple of years ago he stated that he had come to hate his former fellow political travelers. He didn't elaborate.
Can you imagine a murder investigation like this?
The head investigator is the close friend and mentor of the guy who accused you of murder. They have people on staff sleeping together and writing about how terrible you are, and several of the investigators are lawyers that previously had lead cases against you or in support of the alleged victim.
Meanwhile, the fingerprints of half a dozen people associated to your accuser were found at the murder scene, but every one of them was given immunity for no discernible reason whatsoever.
One of the key pieces of evidence has no provable chain of custody. You know, like how no one knows who really ordered the Flynn unmasking. Or if it was even really ordered at all, or is just a made up excuse to cover up illegal leaking of documentation.
Frankly, Flynn should not have plead guilty because with Powers or whoever stating she didn't order the unmasking, the FBI only had anything on him through illegally obtained evidence. Combined with the other irregularities, it is clear that he should not only withdraw his plea, but sue the FBI for trampling on his civil rights. Maybe he's guilty, but even the guilty have rights.
Strzok was apparently involved in the Uranium One FBI investigation, BTW.
The crazy cat lady says: “If Mueller can find evidence that members of Trump's team conspired in Russia's hacking effort“, which of course assumes that the Russians hacked The DNC. Which there is no credible evidence that they ever did. Instead Inga of providing evidence that contradicts the transfer speed issue mentioned above, she just assumes it to be true, and then builds her conjecture about impeaching Trump on the foundation of sand. And, no doubt, her response to that point will involve my nose hair, or some other such inanity.
Let me repeat the obvious for her and her arguments - the Russians were not the source of the Wikileaks dump of DNC email. The copy of the email that was leaked very likely couldn’t have come from the Russians. Very, very, likely. Very, very, likely an inside job. On that side, you have Julian Assange, and the actual forensics. On the flip side, you have Guccifer 2.0, who seems very likely to be closely tied to the Obama White House (using “Russian language templates” that originated with VP Biden’s staff) and, according to Assange, who is the one guy who would know, had no connection to Wikileaks or the origin of these emails.
Let me remind everyone that this all was a result of an unfortunate joke on the part of Trump that maybe the Russians would have copies of the 30,000+ emails that Crooked Hillary’s people illegally deleted, because, by that time, in response to Congressional subpoenas, her people had (again illegally) beached her server and destroyed hard drives in order that the missing emails couldn’t be recovered. Keep in mind that there was no actual evidence that her server had actually ever been hacked, and it was never subjected to FBI forensic analysis to see if it ever happened (instead, Clinton’s people made sure that couldn’t be done by cleaning the server and destroying the hard drives). It has just been conjecture that her server was hacked due to its weak security, including failure to install security patches, and the assumption that foreign powers, including the Russians, would very likely have tried to hack it. But also important here is that the Wikileaks emails were from the DNC email server, and not from Crooked Hillary’s illegal server. Two different servers, located at different locations. Sure, her campaign was effectively running the DNC at the time, but still a different server.
So, let me summarize. We have two email servers: Server C and Server D. > 30,000 emails were illegally deleted from Server C. Russians and a bunch of other nation actors may or may not have hacked Server C. We will likely never know. Trump was joking about the Russians having a copy of the emails on Server C, which tied two things together - that Clinton’s people had illegally guaranteed that the missing emails couldn’t be recovered from it, and the security was so weak that the Russians could have hacked it (and acquired classified information). Meanwhile email from Server D ended up in a Wikileaks dump, most likely from an internal dump to flash drive. Guccifer 2.0 claimed that it was the Russians who hacked Server D. This was, of course, denied by the founder of Wikileaks. That is the source of the Russian email involvement meme - deliberately confusing Server C and Server D, Trump’s joke about Server C, and very likely deliberate misdirection by the Obama White House about the source of the Wikileaks dump of emails from Server D.
The other problem going forward with a corrupted institution is that unless entirely remade it will eagerly return to its former habits if a future administration appoints corrupt leadership. Or even a weak leader. It will be a horse eager to have a familiar rider.
Well and aptly put, buwaya. I'm afraid this is the case and the swamp draining will be partial at best. Maybe a revolution is in order. I'm currently reading [my first Heinlein] The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. The wisdom to be extracted is that, when implementing a revolution, the replacement government must be well planned and ready to take over.
So apparently this one guy, Strzok, who no one ever heard of before, is becoming the single guilty individual responsible for all the obvious malfeasance that's been going on for years. Everyone else is squeaky clean, apparently.
The Left appears to think that a single scapegoat for a dozen separate coverups is plausible and sufficient.
I ain't buying it.
Beverly Young about to admit half of her signature is a forgery.
Inga, you understand this means the Moore hit job is over? I don't care anymore (more to the point, nor will the good people of Alabama) if she says he Polanski'd her, this is a frame-up.
Mueller's "right hand man" Zebley was the lawyer for the guy that set up Hillary's illegal servers and bashed her Blackberries.
Jeannie Rhee, who was hired by Mueller last summer to work on the probe, was the personal of Ben Rhodes and also represented the Clinton Foundation.
Andrew Weissmann, an unscrupulous prosecutor who told outgoing acting Attorney General Sally Yates in an email that he was "proud" of her for defying President Trump's travel ban.attorney of Ben Rhodes and also represented the Clinton Foundation.
The skeezy list is endless.
roesch/voltaire at 9:19 AM
I can find no credible research linking Vesenllitskaya as a democratic plant
Veselnitskaya worked indirectly for Fusion GPS.
Inga at 9:33 AM
Who gave Trump and Jr, the encryption key to Wikileaks in September 2016? The quid part we know, drop Russian sanctions, could this be the quo?
President Obama imposed the sanctions on the false premise that Russia had meddled in our 2016 election.
Because Russia did not in fact meddle in our elections, the Trump Administration's intention to remove the sanctions is proper.
The Obama Administration presented its evidence for Russian meddling in the preposterous report issued on January 6, 2017.
That was the report that made a big deal about RT television shows that criticized fracking.
We discussed that preposterous report here on this blog.
"American intelligence officials have concluded that Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, 'ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election'..."
Bad Lieutenant
We still had the 14 year old delinquent who Moore met outside the court room while a judge was giving her back to the father in 12 days. The 14 year old girl who got the call from Moore to hook up. She said she met him twice around the corner from her mother's house, but the intersection she gave in her interview was a mile from her mother's house, across a major highway.
So the first meeting in this 12 day span consisted of Moore taking her to his rural home and kissing her. She became so afraid and terrorized she asked Moore to take her home, he did.
The second meeting, when Moore call she again walked a mile to the street corner for him to pick her up. Evidently she had overcome her fear and terror from the first meeting. Moore took her to his rural home. Striped her down to her underwear, kissed her and they did some heavy petting for a couple of minutes in their underwear. Once again she became afraid and terrorized and asked to be taken home, he did. I for got, he gave her Meatus wine not sold in his dry county which indicates a lot of gasoline was burnt on this seduction.
All this took place in about a week's time interval.
It's not just the transfer speed. If CrowdStrike had installed the software they claimed that they did, it would have detected internet file transfer, since every network card would have software installed to present every packet for inspection to CrowdStrike software. The hardware ports on a connected computer would be the only way out since CrowdStrike claimed that they installed the software in an amazingly short time, no way they locked down everybody's laptop.
Combined with Brazille's book, what happened is obvious. Three lines of evidence says Assange was telling the truth.
If you were against fracking, you voted Hillary.
Plus the CrowdStrike software would likely have slowed the internet connection by some amount.
I am still amazed how incurious the media was about the DNC "hack" explanations from the DNC that never made any sense. The DNC wouldn't allow the FBI to inspect the hardware or get involved and then solely relied on a 3rd part vendor suchas CrowdStrike to investigate then pronounce who did it, while the FBI stood by like a potted plant and simply accepted the verdict. That whole thing needs to be reopened by someone not running interference for the obama administration.
Hah, another democratic operative has been outed on Mueller's all star "investigative team"
"Aaron Zebley served previously as Mueller’s chief of staff at the FBI and as a senior counselor in the National Security Division at the Department of Justice. He also served as an assistant U.S. attorney in the National Security and Terrorism Unit in Alexandria, Virginia.
He is often referred to in the media as Mueller's "right-hand man."
Also, in 2015 when he was a lawyer, he represented Justin Cooper, the IT staffer who personally set up Hillary Clinton's unsecure server in her Chappaqua home, Fox News' Tucker Carlson revealed on his show Thursday."
Inga at 10:19 AM
Trump Jr.’s attorney verified the existence of the email. It came from someone named “Mike Erickson"
I sometimes use the pseudonym Mike Erickson, and I admit that I myself sent that e-mail.
I did it as a prank.
Strkoz MUST be prosecuted.
Bad Lieutenant: "Beverly Young about to admit half of her signature is a forgery. Inga, you understand this means the Moore hit job is over?"
Won't matter to the lefties.
They still think Dan Rather and Mary Mapes were truth tellers....it just so happens some "truths" require a little help to, you know, become the truth.
And if those "truths" that need help to become the truth require a few "fake but accurate" lies to be told, well, that just fine with them.
Peter Strzok thinks he is Michael Clayton.
Peter Strzok is actually Keyser Söze
Inga: the media lied to you again. The encryption key they received came after it was already released. It was useless.
Once again she became afraid and terrorized and asked to be taken home, he did.
So he engaged in consensual behavior until she stopped consenting, at which point he stopped and took her safely home.
So at most we are left with the ick factor about the difference in ages.
Christ, was Mueller able to stock his team with anyone who wasn't a Hillary cheerleader or DNC operative? The hits keep coming:
On top of the @JudicialWatch find that Mueller deputy Andrew Weissman is an anti-Trump partisan, the @WSJ reports today he attended Hillary Clinton's election night party. @RealDonaldTrump DOJ needs to shut the Mueller farce down. Mr. Rosenstein should step up or step out.
The "encryption key"?
It's next to the secret routers.
I suspect the reason Garage Mahal has disappeared from here is because he has been busy looking for the encryption key - he is convinced it will be found under Gov. Scott Walker's "secret router".
Damn. You beat me to it. :)
Once again, ONCE AGAIN, another "major lefty scoop" is exposed as a lie within hours.
And once again the lie was put forth as a major scoop by the MSM with their "layers of fact checkers" and once again, it spools up all the voice-actuated automatons like Inga who get hold of a couple cool sounding words like "encryption key" (sounds so cloak and dagger-y, doesn't it).
Remember when it was "Kompromat" during the heady early days of the fake russian dossier lie?
However, I can guarantee that 90% of the voice-actuated lefties like Inga will keep running with this fake story all the way into next year, just as R/V was still peddling the Repubicans Funded the Steele Dossier lie just today, even though it had been debunked long ago.
So, in that sense, mission accomplished.
"Everyday Mueller is getting closer.
“Trump Jr.’s attorney verified the existence of the email. It came from someone named “Mike Erickson.” It also offered access to hacked emails of former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who saw those emails made public by a Russian front group 10 days afterwards.
The use of a website and decryption key as a means to provide information aligns with past WikiLeaks practices. The idea is that WikiLeaks posts a data file on the Internet, but it is encrypted and impossible to open without the key."
Professional journalist with high paid fact checkers, well they hysterically got it wrong, when Trump Jr. got the never opened email all the Wikileaks uploads had been in the public domain for at least a day or two. Half the world had read them without the Holy Encryption Key by the time the email was sent as a joke.
Mac, this story was obviously slapped together at the last minute using stuff that has already been out there for months in order to avoid discussing the exposure of Muellers paid democrat operatives occupying ALL the key roles in all the key "investigations" in the last year at the FBI and DOJ.
It would have been easier for Mueller to simply hire Hillary's staff directly.
Drago, I thought he did. The rest of them are at FBI HQ.
"Drago, I thought he did. The rest of them are at FBI HQ."
I stand corrected.
Trump should get the press corps a calendar for 2018, considering how often they can't even bother to check WHAT DAY THINGS HAPPENED.
What do we know so far after Mueller spending $50 million.
The Trump Campaign hacked the Hillary Campaign, not her computers, her Presidency.
The Russians spent $100,00 on really inept Facebook ads, so inept one couldn't really determine who they supported.
They got Flynn and the Greek Geek on process crimes for lying about legal political things. Convictions that might not hold up, because of the FBI political spying.
Anybody got anything else?
Oh! I forgot we know the Dems on the Intelligence Committee leak to the press and that Adam Shiff is a pile of smoldering dog shit.
Oh! I also forgot, many states elections systems were attempted to be hacked, not by Russia, but Obama's DHS.
Email pointed Trump campaign to WikiLeaks documents that were already public - Washington Post
Inga Inga Inga! That's three fuckups this week by the Get Trump brigade! It's almost as if CNN wanted to find collusion so badly, they are seeing it when it isn't there!
Yep. CNN rushes out there and says the e-mail containing a web site and Secret Decoder Ring Encryption Key! was sent on the 4th of September ... 10 days before it all became public.
Certain, stupid people hijack a thread with this bullshit story as evidence that ANY DAY NOW, Mueller will have his man.
Now, just a few, short hours later we find out CNN lied. Again.
The email in question was sent on the 14th of September ... or 12 hours or so after all of the documents were made public.
I feel ashamed. So ashamed.
Shame for pointing out more lies from CNN.
You'd think the people who repeat these lies would feel shame.
But no.
I feel the shame.
The 14 year old girl who got the call from Moore to hook up.
Got the call? On the phone in her room she didn't have? Or on the phone her mother answered and said, Honey, the DA wants to talk to you, take it in your room!
The trouble is there is no punishment for these lies.
The next shoe to drop on Mueller will be the judge in the FISA courts has suddenly recused himself from the Flynn case, which is about to blow up in the Democrats' faces.
More DoJ swamp dwellers on Mueller's "Team."
Patience, my children. Christmas is coming. Maybe the best Christmas ever.
1. Trump knows, understands and hates corruption. He was a developer in New York City which is one of the most corrupt places in the USA. The Democratic Party machine, corrupt unions and organized crime run the place.
2. Trump came to drain the swamp but if you're up to your ass in alligators it's impossible. Solution: kill the alligators.
3. The American people will not stand for that kind of carnage if they believe it's partisan politics. Neither Trump nor people in his administration can be seen be driving the effort, thus the Sessions recusal. Instead, on Jan 12 of 2017, the Inspector General of the DOJ (an Obama administration official) announced a wide ranging investigation of the whole sordid mess.
4. Subsequently we have seen new revelations on a weekly basis: unmaskings, DNC financing of Fusion GPS, wiretapping, the setup of Donald Trump Jr., etc., etc.
5. Then a couple of two bit indictments by Mueller signalling that things were getting jail time serious.
6. Which brings us to the latest: the outing of Strzok and Mohr, the recusal of the judge in the Flynn case, the Wray testimony, the announcement by Sarah Sanders that the IG report is about to drop and may involve 20 or 30 people.
There's a huge pressure cooker coming to a boil. I'll bet every criminal lawyer in DC is drowning in business with all the people who are anywhere near this looking for a life preserver.
We don't know who is wearing the black hats and who the white. I'm reserving judgement on a lot of folks, including Comey, Mueller and Sessions, until the smoke clears. There's going to be a lot of smoke.
Happy New Year.
Very interesting, once burned twice shy. What should a young naive non-socialist or libertarian, naïve else they would not be, do to protect themselves in the upcoming era? Where their opposition will want to compromise them early because they know he Party, as in Communist Party will need the leverage, when the party’s assumption of deity like power is threatened. Which they truly in heart is necessary to save humans from themselves. Consider what lingual gymnastics were offered after Mr.C.'s abuse, to say nothing of his courage of being Ms. C's Beard. And the MSM blindness to JFK's three in a Bed, mixed sexes, including Ms. Monroe were never made into an election. Oh well, all is fair. T being the long overdue enema. Sadly, it won’t last. Never has. The human condition, our feet of clay is a constant. But we may be nearing a technical solution. An invisible crown that records all, sound and all movement in three dimensions automagically uploaded. “Raped you I did 20 years ago? “here’s my record, where’s yours?” “Jury, what say you given the he accusers willful refusal to disclose on privacy or fifth amendment grounds?
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