From the CBC News piece:
In actuality, the documentary offers a rare and factual perspective on the politicization of gender therapy by featuring interviews with Dr. Kenneth Zucker, a psychologist and international research expert on gender dysphoria in children....
What was so controversial about Zucker's approach? In short, he did not blindly follow the current popular dogma of affirming young children who say they want to transition to the opposite sex. Instead, Zucker's therapy was informed by research that shows that the majority of gender dysphoric children desist by puberty.
Indeed, across all 11 studies conducted on this topic, including research published in the last five years, about 60 to 90 per cent of gender dysphoric children grow up to be gay in adulthood, not transgender....
६२ टिप्पण्या:
It's for the children.
That means it's aimed at women, if we could identify them.
Good grief. Because they are children we
- don't let them have sex with everyone
- don't let them smoke, drink, drive, make legal decisions
But we should let them decide to permanently mutilate themselves.
If there is maybe one thing that illustrates that these folks are literally out of their minds this may be it.
Canadian here. CBC is long lost. So is the country. Sadly, after having fought the state for 40 years, I no longer give a shit. Trudeau, for Pete’s sake. So the US now has all my attention.
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and its suffers should be treated for that illness. Mutilation is not treatment. It is mutilation, and it is a crime.
This "activism" is pure evil.
Duh it's the activists that are harmful and like with black on black violence nobody cares because the goal is political power not a more decent, Christian world respectful of individual dignity and potential Godliness.
We need a "Janie Got a Gun" putting some fear into the deviant predators, as opposed to the current encouragement their beastliness is garnering. Or maybe mil!stones artfully depicting deep sea drowning deaths will help to keep Satan's enforcers from misleading the little one's away from God?
There really seems to be no one trustworthy on this issue. Every researcher/activist/whatever on any side has an agenda with no ability at all to consider any potentially contradictory evidence. If I had the time and interest, I'd like to think that I could parse through the actual science and have a strong idea of what to do, but I get the impression that one would have to dig very deeply indeed to wade into anything near objective on it.
"Suicide of the West."
I forget, who are the science people again.
I wonder if you can sue your own parents twenty years down the line for allowing you to mutilate yourself at say ... under eighteen years old.
If there is maybe one thing that illustrates that these folks are literally out of their minds this may be it.
The lunatics are running the asylum. There are people claiming to be "lesbians with penises" and if anyone points out the absurdity of that they are shouted down and called "phobes" of some sort or another.
I remember seeing a comment online in regards to some gay couple who were encouraging their prepubescent son to identify as female, were putting make-up on him and dressing him in feminine clothes, and planning on him transitioning, "we are going to have some interesting serial killers in 20 to 30 years."
I just realized, the movie Silence of the Lambs is transphobic.
Blogger Michael K said...
"Suicide of the West."
“Suicide” implies intentional self-death, rather than accidental. Douglas Murray’s book gave the word a lot of momentum this year it shouldn’t have earned. I’d weight it 5% suicidal, 95% accidental. That’s the balance IMO in Canada.
The Greek EU guy who heads migration wrote a piece last week. It was plainly suicidal, and he knew it. There was a certain tragic quality to the writing.
Child Protective Services Take 80 Million Children Into Custody After Discovering No One In Country Fit To Be Parent
So these "enlightened" ones should be okay with female genital mutilation, I mean it's for the Childs own good,
Isn't it? Insanity is strong in these ones.
Some flesh on the above
Most lesbians are fully aware that a guy who dresses up as a woman and is into lesbians is, in fact, a heterosexual guy who is into lesbians and is willing to dress up as a woman in order to sleep with them.
"Well, why not make sure that we're also reimbursing the care that prevents the amputation. Right? That will save us money," - Barack Obama
80 million. Damn that's ridiculous.
It's going to be awkward for "that side of history" a/k/a the "reality based community" when cognitive dissonance descends on the different branches of Progressivism -- again. The transmania they engage in has no tether to reality or science. They have managed to take screwed up teenagers and hold them out as experts on something that doesn't even exist and are unwittingly setting so many up for further psychological damage and suicide, just to placate people who might be batshit crazy.
This is activism gone off the rails and REAL health professionals better start asserting the truth or many more will be physically mangled and dead.
It's going to be awkward for "that side of history" a/k/a the "reality based community" when cognitive dissonance descends on the different branches of Progressivism -- again.
Be serious. They'll blame it on homophobia, present themselves as brave defenders of the helpless, and both academia and media will completely support their framing. Five years afterward the truth will be considered a right wing conspiracy theory.
The lunatics are running the asylum.
Actual asylums were partly run by the inmates, in a social accommodation with the people nominally in charge of them.
Erving Goffman's _Asylums_ is wonderful on the topic and the more general one that it's aimed at, life in a totalarian institution, which in turn says something about life itself.
The simplest sociological view of the individual and his self is that he is to himself what his place in an organization defines him to be. When pressed, a sociologist modifies this model by granting certain complications : the self may be not yet formed or may exhibit conflicting dedications. Perhaps we should further complicate the construct by elevating these qualifications to a central place, initially defining the individual, for sociological purposes, as a stance-taking entity, a something that takes up a position somewhere between identificaiton with an organization and opposition to it, and is ready at the slightest pressure to regain its balance by shifting its involvement to either direction. It is thus _against something_ that the self can emerge. This has been appreciated by students of totalitarianism ...
I have argued the same case in regard to total institutions. May this not be the situation, however, in free society, too?
Without something to belong to, we have no stable self, and yet total commitment and attachment to any social unit implies a kind of selflessness. Our sense of being a person can come from being drawn into a wider social unit ; our sense of selfhood can arise through the little ways in which we resist the pull. Our status is backed by the solid buildings of the world, while our sense of personality identity often resides in the cracks.
Goffman _Asylums_ ``The Underlife of a Public Institution'' p.320
Ideology is now taking precedence over science
As always.
so this is 'conversion therapy' but instead of making gays straight, you make them transgendered?
"Ideology is now taking the place of science"???? Ha ha ha! These people would put Galileo's inquisitioners to shame for dogma.
Said it before and I’ll say it again, when my son was 4 he spent all day running around the house with a blanket tied around his shoulders like a cape and claiming to be Superman. Didn’t make him faster than a speeding bullet and he wasn’t able to leap tall buildings with a single bound.
Dressing like Superman, acting like Superman, hell even really really feeling like he WAS Superman didn’t make him Superman. And, he grew out of it (though he claimed to be Batman for a while too).
Boys dressing like girls, acting like girls even really really feeling like girls doesn’t make them girls.
I’m in my fifties, but today I identify as a 25 year old. Don’t judge me, bigots!
How timely. A biology professor from San Jose State University recently argued in several tweets that “chromosomes don’t determine sex.” Maybe Progressivism itself simply leads to mental illness or in fact is mental illness.
Chromosomes DON’T determine sex, you Bigot. Stop pretending they do.
I know this, because “science”.
I wonder if you can sue your own parents twenty years down the line for allowing you to mutilate yourself at say ... under eighteen years old.
12/29/17, 8:11 AM
I'm not normally one to make predictions, but I predict many, many lawsuits will be filed by these confused kids 10 or 15 years down the line.
I recall that a while back, Inga cut and pasted a story here that she thought was heart-warming: how a little boy decided he was really a girl when he was 3 or 4 and how accepting his parents and teachers and all his little friends were of his decision and his desire to wear dresses. How wonderful! How tolerant!
Of course, if that kid ends up committing suicide 10 years from now, the Ingas of the world will blame it on bigotry, not on the fecklessness and foolishness of the addled adults in his life. They encouraged a toddler's delusions because virtue signaling was more important to them than providing guidance and wisdom. This is another example of the heartlessness at the root of liberal "compassion."
Blogger sykes.1 said...
Gender dysphoria is a mental illness, and its suffers should be treated for that illness. Mutilation is not treatment. It is mutilation, and it is a crime.
Unless we are talking circumcision, and then it is not mutilation because YAHWEH said so. Yahweh, plus every study of the topic by every Jewish medical researcher ever, who was never influenced in the least by emotional connection to the long-standing cultural practice.
This is really scary - as I've mentioned I have two transgendered people in my extended family. They are adults and are good people. I have no idea why they are so confused. I've read that a cause can be depression and/or obsessive compulsive disorder. Sometimes medication for these conditions work. I doubt these possibilities have been explored by the "professionals" involved in their counseling. The environments they have lived in encourage their delusion or whatever it is. I'm old enough to remember when people went to jail because of "recovered memory" of abuse (now thoroughly debunked). I am truly frightened for them. Their parents would never have done this to them.
I think essential design elements in the US have kept structural flaws within Western, post-Enlightenment thinking from doing as much damage here (if stability, not being corrupt, rule of law, and conserving liberty animate you)
There are plenty of people who want some vision of society to be true where there’s one big happy radio program, and one big happy society, as in the CBC and the BBC. Sooner or later these entities become monoliths, however, enforceable by Law, money and technology resistant quasi-governmental agencies with a lot of loud crazies incentivized to drive change within them.
You end up conserving a lot of the wrong things and the wrong people with such bad design, and this isn’t a particularly stable model for radio programs nor societies. It stifles innovation, independent thinking, and dulls reaction to genuine threats and new input.
@Professor Lady - the desire for the sanctity of victimhood is strong in this century. I am guessing that these people in your family are progressives.
Gender reassignment does raise the bar for Womens' Sports, so there's that.
Oso Negro, equating male circumcision to female circumcision or to what trannies undergo always annoys me. Women who undergo female circumcision have their clitorises and sometimes their labia cut off. That is expressly done for the purpose of killing their ability to enjoy sex, so they will not be tempted to be "impure."
Removing the foreskin of the penis might result in diminished sexual pleasure (there is no way for a circumcised man to know how much more he would have enjoyed sex if he were intact. A lot? A little?), but obviously men who have been snipped are still able to have erections and enjoy sex.
If parents elect not to circumcise their sons, that is certainly understandable, since there is no real medical need for it ( hygiene is another story. My medical friends have informed me that some men, especially older men, are not real good about washing under the foreskin.) but those who do are not castrating their boys.
I wonder why men who decry male circumcision always denounce the Jewish (and American) custom of circumcising infants, rather than the much more brutal and risky Muslim custom of circumcising adolescents. Well, actually I don't wonder.
These activists, physicians, and parents should all be rounded up and shot.
Only if they're white. Then it would be good. At least according to former professor George Ciccariello-Maher.
tcrosse said...
Gender reassignment does raise the bar for Womens' Sports, so there's that.
Beach Volleyball is the only women's sport that I enjoy watching. If it is taken over by transgenders, it would no longer raise my bar.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Dear Exiled - I am against the sexual mutilation of infants in ANY FORM, whether it is boys or girls. As a 60-year-old man, I resent anyone have made choices on my behalf that reduce my fading sexual response. And I can also affirm that there are other body parts that can get pretty cheesy in the absence of routine soap and water.
“If parents elect not to circumcise their sons, that is certainly understandable, since there is no real medical need for it ( hygiene is another story. My medical friends have informed me that some men, especially older men, are not real good about washing under the foreskin.) but those who do are not castrating their boys.”
Each to their own, but the Ob/Gyn who delivered my kid was adamant on this issue. She ran an informal poll with her patients, and most of a number of things, including genital warts,that they had, were with women whose sexual partners were uncircumcised. She was frustrated with the genital warts because urologists, nternists, looking at male patients couldn’t see them, but kept reinfecting her patients. She considered lack of male circumcision to be a serious female health issue.
Transgenderism is a spectrum disorder including mental and/or physical deviations form the male and female gender norms, that includes: homosexual, bisexual, transvestite, crossover, and fluid orientations. Some classes of TSD are more stable than others.
That said, targeting prepubescent and adolescent children for transgender conversion therapy, including indoctrination, is probably a bad choice. It may be even worse than the sexualization of children with sexual liberation.
Castration involves removing part of the penis, which renders it dysfunctional or nonfunctional. Removing the foreskin is not equivalent or equal to castration. It may be congruent, with a carefully selected modulus (bias), but it is not equal.
Not only do most "transgendered" eventually change their minds, but the surgery accomplished nothing. The hospital that invented transgender surgery refuses to perform it anymore.
Blogger Bruce Hayden said...
Each to their own, but the Ob/Gyn who delivered my kid was adamant on this issue. She ran an informal poll with her patients, and most of a number of things, including genital warts,that they had, were with women whose sexual partners were uncircumcised. She was frustrated with the genital warts because urologists, nternists, looking at male patients couldn’t see them, but kept reinfecting her patients. She considered lack of male circumcision to be a serious female health issue.
Statistically speaking, have sex with African-American men is a real female health issue also. Is she against that, too?
but the Ob/Gyn who delivered my kid was adamant on this issue... She considered lack of male circumcision to be a serious female health issue.
But I bet she supports abortion as a woman's right to choose.
Oso Nego, I don't think Progressivism causes transgenderism. I think certain aspects of that mindset reinforce it, but it is not the cause. One relative told me he felt he was female since the age of 4. Most children outgrow this. He did not. He grew up with wonderful parents and his brothers are normal.
One relative told me he felt he was female since the age of 4. Most children outgrow this. He did not. He grew up with wonderful parents and his brothers are normal. have committed at least two sins of which could get you thrown in jail in some places.
First of all, you referred to the person as "he". Secondly you implied that being transgendered wasn't "normal".
Be careful out there.....
@Professional Lady - I do not think it is causal either. But I think it provides the soil in which the fruit grows. Is the storied relative gay as an adult? I am not sure homosexuality is a choice in all cases, but I suspect it of transgenderism.
"Removing the foreskin of the penis might result in diminished sexual pleasure (there is no way for a circumcised man to know how much more he would have enjoyed sex if he were intact. A lot? A little?)"
Given how 'plasticity' works, it's entirely probable that the body simply compensates for lost nerves by replacing them. IF the circumcision happens in infancy.
This is different from trans surgery because circumcision offers real health benefits, as well as this being something that people seek to do because multiple religious traditions value it (no doubt because it is a real product of evolution and evolved because it helped the group survive real environmental threats, which may or may not still be relevant).
Trans surgery does not have health benefits. Circumcision does.
Circumcision does not have any meaningful cost or sacrifice. Trans surgery does.
What they have in common: proponents of both argue (with seeming justification) that doing it in childhood carries significant advantages over doing it in adulthood, and that if the person ends up believing that the procedure should be done, that person is going to wish it were done in childhood.
Why do these activists get to decide?
Why do these activists get to decide?
Because the "leaders" at the CBC are scared of them.
One relative told me he felt he was female since the age of 4
He is not female, he was not female, but he exhibited some feminine (gendered) traits, likely behavioral. That's normal. The masculine and feminine gender distributions intersect, but are resolvable in normal males and females. It seems the best choice would be to observe and guide (e.g. bias, threshold) but not force an outcome. Especially early in human evolution, where it is normal for a human life to explore his new world.
Ignorance is Bliss said...Beach Volleyball is the only women's sport that I enjoy watching. If it is taken over by transgenders, it would no longer raise my bar.
I've recently heard reported the theory that after a woman has her first male offspring, that triggers an immune system change that somehow makes the next male offspring more likely to be gay.
I knew a guy who claimed when he was in high school he was into males and females..later to become solely attracted to men. Antibodies kicked in?
Yes..I have the utmost confidence that all the gender and sexual dysphoria, orientation, nurture vs nature pieces have been thoroughly examined and understood.
instead of making gays straight, you make them transgendered
I suspect many transsexuals want to be attractive to and have sex with straight men, not gay ones--not realizing that a man who would do so is far from straight. A straight-acting gay isn't good enough for them.
I could write a lengthy pamphlet about cut v. uncut, but it would be TMI for most people and mostly preferences anyway.
We do not let 8 year olds vote, drink, drive, get tattoos, get horns implanted on their head, or cut off a limb because they say they want it. It is illegal for them to have sex, so how do they know for sure they are the wrong "gender"? Many disphoric kids turn out simply to be gay. And yet we are going to dose them with chemicals, prevent puberty, and then give surgery based on a kids whim? Heck I have heard kids say when they grow up they want to be a firetruck. Kids have no idea what is up.
I have some stake in this question, as my niece-by-marriage, who is now my nephew-by-marriage, "transitioned" pre-puberty. To me, this is simple child abuse. But my husband and his brother obviously don't agree with me. Anyway, little Allison is now grown-up Joshua, and I don't think xe is interested in transitioning back. At least, not yet.
Walter said: “I've recently heard reported the theory that after a woman has her first male offspring, that triggers an immune system change that somehow makes the next male offspring more likely to be gay.”
I’ve heard that too, but bear in mind that only 3% of the population is gay (the oft-cited 10% figure is bullshit, but I imagine many millennials would consider 25% to be about right.) So the chances that sons 2 and 3 will be gay are still pretty small.
I must have been queer as hell between the ages of, say, 7 to 11 because I sure did not like girls. Also, whoever has my foreskin is welcome to it.
Homosexual orientation (e.g. "gay") is a transgender (i.e. significant deviation from the masculine and feminine gender correlated with the male and female sex, respectively) class. The experts do a disservice to individual evolution and community understanding of TSD, when they contort language, science, and logic to appease special and peculiar interests (e.g. political congruence or "=").
The most interesting point, to me, on all this is how new it is. There is no history here at all. You can read all sorts of stuff about the past, even scurrilous things like the Satyricon, de Sade, Casanova, "Mysteres de Paris", and etc., and out of all the common perversions and sins and forms of madness, this one alone is new.
My theory is that its a fashion, among mad people, who are infuenced by the zeigeist as to the form or subject of their delusions.
the desire for the sanctity of victimhood is strong in this century. I am guessing that these people in your family are progressives.
I'm convinced that this is part of it. It is also part of the "crybully" phenomenon.
We who examine military volunteers will have to deal with "activists" soon. I'm sure they will be the only ones trying to get into the military.
The staff dreads it but the political generals seem to collapse when any one pushes. Trump tried to take the heat off them.
What? Be informed by research?
Only when it agrees with what I already believe.
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