In Skopek’s telling, Singer dangled the lure of a minor role in an X-Men movie, but the promised audition never happened. Disillusioned and exhausted by Singer’s sexual demands over the course of their year-long relationship, the young man eventually moved to Fort Worth, Texas, to live with his father....It should be noted that the "teen" was 18. Was he not free to make his own choices about what kind of relationships to have? Even if he is, that doesn't absolve the older man of responsibility for predatory behavior and lies, and the young man is also free to tell his story and to frame the older man in whatever negative light fits within the bounds of libel law and whatever nondisclosure agreements the old man may have used to try to protect himself.
“In Hollywood, the question you get asked a million times is, ‘What wouldn’t you do to succeed?’ And your hunger is part of the deal with the devil,” [London-based director Duncan Roy said] in an interview with Deadline. “The horrible thing is that there’s an unwritten rule, an unspoken agreement, between anybody who arrives. Every single high school king and queen that arrives in L.A. knows what to expect. You do anything to get on because the riches, when they’re delivered to you, are profound.”Everyone knows what to expect? Teens arriving from the hinterlands — they all already know everything? And they all have already decided to do anything. That's a convenient thing for the director to believe, but I don't believe he really believes it. I'm surprised — whether he believes it or not — that he's naive enough to say it. But that shows how out-of-touch people inside the movie business are.* He doesn't see how we the public will feel about assertions like that, and he doesn't know how young people really feel or — if his statement is somehow true about young people and I'm wrong — have any empathy for the human beings who are making poor decisions about what to do with their beautiful young bodies.
Here's the photograph young Bret Tyler Skopek took of himself with Bryan Singer:
That's the face of a boy-man whose conscious thought may well have been I'm so lucky to have this high-level access, but it's easy to see that even then — even while he still had access — he was silently crying.**
* And yet so many of us go to the movies and consume their vision of what human beings are really like. We let these false images shape our psychology and our culture.
** You can see why this boy will be replaced by a new boy from the "never-ending supply of cute young men." He's worn out and drained. The old man needs a new mirror. He looks too ugly reflected in this boy's face.
६९ टिप्पण्या:
Was he not free to make his own choices about what kind of relationships to have?
The poor little guy decided to be a homosexual prostitute who wasn't smart enough to get paid in advance.
Older gay men are very attracted to young men., They deny this and go on and on about gay marriage but anybody who is in a community with lots of gays knows this. I spent years practicing in a hospital run by gay administrators. There were always nice looking young men working in menial jobs like mowing the lawn. We all knew why they were there.
Ms. Althouse,
Did you once equivocate about personal responsibility of the woman who are coming forward?
I mean, frankly I am much more sympathetic to an 18 year old boy, who is unused to being a sex object, than an Ashley Judd, who has been a veteran in the lists of love (and lust) since her boobs started poking out.
And yes, I actually buy into the idea that a lot of these kids KNOW they will face these propositions. The 'casting couch' is a century old concept. Older even. Women historically have known that 'giving out the goodies' was a path to advancement...even if draped in the legal protections of marriage. Everyone knows the story of Anne Boleyn!
Now 'knowledge of' does not automatically mean 'acquiescence to' as you properly note.
That's the face of a boy-man whose conscious thought may well have been I'm so lucky to have this high-level access, but it's easy to see that even then — even while he still had access — he was silently crying.
That's the face of someone who's at a party and is wasted. (Drunk, stoned, or both.) I bet Singer thought it was a clever joke to go to the party dressed as a priest.
The world's oldest profession.
From an internet blog linked to by one of the many articles:
"Bryan films a group of eastern european ‘barely legal’ porn performers ejaculating over him… then shows the video to who ever wants to see. Many do..."
Evidently he likes his boys spunky.
- james james
"Did you once equivocate about personal responsibility of the woman who are coming forward?"
Go back and read my posts. I am maximizing holding adults responsible.
The tag "sexual harassment" will probably get you to all the posts. Read them carefully and come back and talk to me.
The telling comment I read was how would you feel if an eighteen year old woman had been subject to such treatment......There's no reason to believe that eighteen year old men are savvier or shrewder or more equipped to handle the drugs and machinations of rich, important people than a young woman.
The same Hollywood who has presented us with an endless series of cuddly, loveable, boy-next-door homosexuals. The kind who would never seduce your 15 year old nephew or masturbate in public at Up Your Alley.
"We let these false images shape our psychology and our culture" We? Our?
@MK: "Older gay men are very attracted to young men., They deny this and go on and on about gay marriage but anybody who is in a community with lots of gays knows this." Now don't you go Reckoning too much. Some taboos must be preserved. Some Reckonings are out of bounds.
I would say the same thing about a woman: If she is 18, then, within our culture, we have been conveying the message that she gets to choose her own relationships. There's a lot of bad sex out there and a lot of painful sexual relationships. We would have to become very repressive and puritanical to rein all that in. But even where the young person is free and plunges into sexual activities that we may think are a bad idea but won't do anything to stop, we can still form judgments about what the other person did.
BTW, there is another accuser of Bryan Singer (find the link within the article I linked to) whose allegations amount to rape.
I'm not saying anything about whether older, more powerful men are more likely to behave in a predatory way if they are gay. I have no idea. I think predation is evil, and I don't care about the underlying sexual orientation (other than the orientation to predation).
Women of any age have a right to do what they wish with their bodies. They can choose to have sexual relations. They can decide to have children. They can choose to have abortions. We've been told not to judge them, not to shame them, not to second-guess their choices. They have autonomy and are entitled to exercise it.
Suddenly these strong women are somehow transformed into helpless girls, who need to be protected from manipulation.
And now we have adult men like Skopek, old enough to fight for their country, old enough to vote, who made their choices but now want the ultimate status in 21st century America: victim.
Count me out. I'll save my sympathy for people who are victims of actual sexual and non-sexual assault. As for the others, the willing participants, I hope they learned something from the choices they've come to regret and that they'll make better choices in the future.
Good thing you removed that, because I was in the middle of writing a response that began "Oh, bullshit..."
This is why the Romans considered such people (in showbiz) infames.
That line 'he is 18 and this is a consensual adult' is a line that I really never saw applied to an Ashley Judd.
To wit, when it was a Weinstein/woman post, you focused on Weinstein, with a grudging discussion of ' they have ANY culpability? A critic would say yes' while this young boy is 'going into a consensual relationship which immunizes Singer...sort of'.
Well...which is it?
If Ashley Judd is forced to give a massage for a role consensually, how is that different from an 18 year old boy earning his knee pads for the same?
Except one is a boy and one is a girl and aren't gay people usually delightful?
There is a diffidence in THIS article which did not pop the same way with Weinstein.
(Prior comment removed in case there was a response to it. )
The Hollywood Predators keep bringing Dylan's 'Ballad of a Thin Man' to mind.
A lot of Mr. Jones' are finding out exactly what something is.
- james james
This is (on the part of Singer) an infamous way of life, decadent and depraved. The problem is that it seems universal in that industry.
Do they get into those professions in the pursuit of the opportunity to sin on such a scale?
Or does the profession require a twisted personality ab initio?
Or does the nature of the business present such temptations that few escape corruption?
"There's a lot of bad sex out there and a lot of painful sexual relationships. We would have to become very repressive and puritanical to rein all that in."
But we no longer have a coherent consensus on what constitutes good and bad sex. Even the thought of "reining all that in" immediately triggers concern about becoming "very repressive and puritanical." The common-denominator default standards for acceptable (not "good") sex have been autonomy and consent, but the Reckoning has made those suspect: many women have not exercised their supposed autonomy, and in many cases consent cannot be given.
A real Reckoning would deal with real sex.
I don't care about the underlying sexual orientation (other than the orientation to predation).
Older men like young women, too , but the promiscuity of gay life is much more of a factor.
The problem arrives when an older gay man approaches a young man who is NOT interested.
The same thing applies with women but gays often make assumptions based on the level of promiscuity in their community.
@FIDO: "Except one is a boy and one is a girl and aren't gay people usually delightful? There is a diffidence in THIS article which did not pop the same way with Weinstein." Apologies for the repetition, but in acknowledgment of the additional data point: there are limits to the Reckoning.
The new taboo could be manipulated, of course, when it was useful to destroy the Catholic Church. But in general, it is still untouchable.
Or does the nature of the business present such temptations that few escape corruption?
In the movie industry you have beautiful men and women in close proximity all the time.
A well known director once described it was "everyone fucking everyone else." That was mostly heterosexual but I suppose it applies to gays.
During the making of the movie "Red River" the direct Howard Hawks, who had his own designs on Joanne Dru, found that she had John Ireland got it on together and "used every level surface they could find," according to Hawks.
As Althouse begins to point out, it is persons of this sort, the infames, who have saturated the media with their product, who have created modern fashions (memetic ones), who have consciously or subconsciously changed the culture in their image.
This seems to require a suspicious evaluation of personal values. What is authentic, native, and what is implanted, and of that, where and from who does it come?
One begins to see the point of the Muslim system.
Temptation, for the powerful, can be very powerful.
It is one thing to require monogamy or chastity, but quite another to expect it. Western culture accomodated this by illicit means, mistresses and prostitutes.
One of the funnier bits in BBC's "Victoria" is when she figures out that all the eminent gentlemen she knows keep mistresses.
The Muslims regularize and make this natural inclination respectable in their culture through polygamy and moreso through concubinage, which is also historically typical.
It may be worse, I suppose, to make such sin banal.
"This is (on the part of Singer) an infamous way of life, decadent and depraved. The problem is that it seems universal in that industry."
It's not universal, but it's too common.
I looked-up the videos that Singer made, and for whatever reason I have seen none of them. I guess being a geezer has its benefits after all.
It looks like he mostly does comic book stuff, and I know there was (maybe still is) a cult following in that crap.
Cults are bad in my book. If you're able to waste your brain, then you're able to take it in the ass for membership rites.
P.S. This is my third pass through "conflicting edits". Blogger sucks.
My guess is that because of genetic predisposition, and requirements of evolutionary fitness, a boy or girl approached by a man or woman, respectively, would experience greater shock, and would thereby be less responsive, and at greater risk to exploitation.
That said, in the other realm, the sexualization of children, the closing of the man-girl, woman-boy, gap during the sexual liberation movement, well past the threshold of evolutionary advancements, as well as normalization of "friendship with benefits" (e.g. "casting couch" relationships), combined with low accountability (e.g. selective-child or Planned Parenthood), would put girls, first, at greater risk, and boys, second, especially through feminist machinations, at progressive risk.
It is one thing to require monogamy or chastity, but quite another to expect it. Western culture accomodated this by illicit means, mistresses and prostitutes.
Religious or moral principles engender but do not determine an outcome. For the divergent, and especially monotonically divergent, there are competing interests to check their ambitions and weirdness and mitigate the risk of them running amuck.
Skopek, the "aspiring songwriter", moved to LA where he used his youth and availability to try and exploit his connections with the famous people he met to break into show business. There's nothing in his article about how many songs he actually wrote or why he thought that doing lots of drugs and alcohol and having lots of sex with lots of people would lead to success as a songwriter. But he's making himself famous, or at least better known, writing about it now so maybe he has gotten what he was looking for after all.
On the "nature of the business:
Judy Lewis, the daughter of Loretta Young and Clark Gable died last week.
Now Judy Lewis - the secret love child of film stars Clark Gable and Loretta Young, who conceived her on the set of The Call of the Wild in the 1930s - has died of cancer aged 76.
Her parentage was concealed until recent years. She did not know Gable was her father until she was 23 and he had died. Loretta Young contrived to "adopt" her when she was an infant.
Bywaya observes: One of the funnier bits in BBC's "Victoria" is when she figures out that all the eminent gentlemen she knows keep mistresses.
The Muslims regularize and make this natural inclination respectable in their culture through polygamy and moreso through concubinage, which is also historically typical.
What was good for the gander was good for the goose. Women of the European aristocracy typically had lovers although somewhat more discreetly than their husband's kept women. Marriages were base upon political connections and heir production, not affection, so most found themselves tied to spouses they found unattractive.
...secret love child
That was a rather quaint term back then. Truth be told, they did the nasty like rabbits.
What was good for the gander was good for the goose. Women of the European aristocracy typically had lovers although somewhat more discreetly than their husband's kept women. Marriages were base upon political connections and heir production, not affection, so most found themselves tied to spouses they found unattractive.
Wince. Well...
First, one would do well to not conflate how the nobility lived their lives with the attitudes and mores of the common people. Saving perhaps France, a wife who 'discreetly found a lover' would not be treated particularly well by their spouse. The legal, social, religious and fiscal immunity held by the nobility in no way carried over to the people themselves.
Second, BECAUSE of the 'fiscal' nature of the dynastic marriages, this hypocrisy was the price paid to virtue: You don't get to marry whom you want or are even attracted to...but you get a nice title, wealth and (ahem) whisper whisper 'stable boy' whisper.
So yes, the 'heir and the spare' existed as a general rule, but recall that Catherine the Great was wildly mocked for her rather understandable lifestyle, up to and including those scurrilous rumors about dying under a horse.
It wasn't that equal.
As noted by the book 'The Red Queen', the singular aspect of polygamous societies is that they are either dictatorial or highly oligarchical.
Because the first thing men allowed to vote generally want is the ability to have a wife of their own.* When Genghis Khan has 10,000 women of his own, there are 9,999 very unhappy (or dead) men hanging around.
*And it seems that the first thing that women seem to want the ability to vote for is to stop being wives. Hmm.
Who are the Deplorables again?
Howie Carr reports on how the "younger man" can "get his" from the Massachusetts state senate president -- actually the taxpayer -- even when the younger man is caught exploiting "his power" over other men with less power.
Go to the link, the photo of "Pee Wee" is priceless.
Carr: Bryon 'Hands' Hefner could net $2M from sugar daddy’s benefits
Almost two million dollars, maybe even more.
That’s the answer to today’s big question: how much does the 30-year-old Pee Wee Herman look-alike spouse of the 68-year-old state Senate president stand to collect from the taxpayers over the next half-century or so in so-called “survivors benefits” from his sugar daddy’s state pension?
And that doesn’t even include the health insurance that Bryon “Hands” Hefner will get for life for only 20 percent of the cost of the premium.
This highway robbery, by the way, goes a long way to explaining the unseemly haste of the Legislature’s pay heist earlier this year.
The disgraced Rosenberg, who in the wake of the scandal has now taken what will most likely turn out to be a permanent leave of absence, wanted to make sure his husband was taken care of in perpetuity.
So Rosenberg and his House counterpart, the unindicted coconspirator Robert DeLeo, gave themselves 60 percent pay raises and then made them repeal-proof by attaching them to equally monstrous pay raises for the state’s very ethical judiciary.
A state pension is based on your three highest-earning years. In 2015 and 2016, Rosenberg collected a little more than $100,000 (although, with his legal residence more than 50 miles from the State House, he’s always been able to write tens of thousands off his federal income tax, making his real income much higher).
This year, with his ill-gotten gains, Rosenberg is on pace to grab more than $142,000. This is why the hacks attached an “emergency preamble” to their theft, so they could start collecting — and also setting up their eventual kisses in the mail — immediately.
These numbers are all rough estimates, but they should be pretty close. Rosenberg, with his lifetime of gainful unemployment on Beacon Hill, is looking at the maximum 80 percent pension whenever he calls it quits. Let’s plug in his top three years at 100, 100 and 140 — 340 divided by 3 is 113, times 0.80. That works out to about $90,000 a year, for life.
But wait, you have to provide for your spouse. When you file for survivors benefits, the rule is that you take a hit. For most filers, with say a three-, five- or seven-year age difference with their spouses, it’s 5 to 7 percent.
But remember, Stanley is old enough to be Bryon’s grandfather. This is a May-December romance on steroids. So Rosenberg’s $90,000 pension is going to be reduced off the top between 15 percent and 17 percent — let’s round off the cut to $13,500.
Now we’re down to $76,500 a year, which is not much more than a third of what Billy Bulger gets, but it’s still approximately $76,500 more than anyone Rosenberg’s age in the Dreaded Private Sector is ever going to get from his pension. After Stanley assumes room temperature, his widower files for the survivors benefits.
Mr. Pee Wee Rosenberg will be able to collect around two-thirds of Mr. Rosenberg’s $76,500.
In other words, around $51,000 a year.
These days, American males live on average into their 80s, so let’s say Rosenberg has another maybe 17 years before he reaches the checkout counter. That would set Hands Hefner up to start collecting at age 47 or thereabouts — and if he lasts to age 85, that means he grabs just under $2 million as his cut of disgraced Sen. Rosenberg’s state pension.
If the dynamics of gay June-December relationships are different or more wretched than those between straight people (and/or if they're more frequent), we wouldn't know it, because the attempt to research this area would be denounced as homophobic.
Althouse conflate 18 year old women with younger ones on the Moore threads. She puffed Rose McGowan.
I agree it is pretty lame. re: this prudish move to shame people for dating 18 year olds because they're 'teens'. It also goes in reverse. When I was 18 I was much more interested in 30 something women... the idea the young person is a always a victim is silly.
A very close young gay male friend of mine from the 1970's cultivated many relationships with those whom he called 'old trolls' who were generous with their money as my friend was generous with his sexual favors. This seemed a common situations at the time. The murderer of Gianni Versace was very much like my friend and when he reached the age of 30 he was losing ground and became panicky. While I'd like to think otherwise, the life of a gay man of any age is often an insecure and unhappy one. The movie, The Boys in the Band captured the angst very well, I thought.
"It should be noted that the "teen" was 18. Was he not free to make his own choices about what kind of relationships to have?"
And illegally supplying him with alcohol( you have be 21 in California) and illicit drugs that was his choice to?
FIDO argues: First, one would do well to not conflate how the nobility lived their lives with the attitudes and mores of the common people. Saving perhaps France, a wife who 'discreetly found a lover' would not be treated particularly well by their spouse. The legal, social, religious and fiscal immunity held by the nobility in no way carried over to the people themselves.
I didn't mean to imply that it did. But it was the aristocracy we were discussing. And I don't for a minute defend their behavior.
Having read a number of books about Catherine the Great, I can only conclude that she was a probably a nymphomaniac. A Russian friend of mine said a popular joke in Russia was about a diplomat attempting to gain the favor of the Queen and was successful. Asked how it was accomplished, he answered while pointing upward, "I just used my head".
"That's the face of a boy-man whose conscious thought may well have been I'm so lucky to have this high-level access, but it's easy to see that even then — even while he still had access — he was silently crying"
Oh really? Maybe.. maybe just on drugs.
"First, one would do well to not conflate how the nobility lived their lives with the attitudes and mores of the common people."
Well, first, you're going to have to define "common people" Marriages were arranged by fathers down to at least the lower tradesman level / freeholder level. Did he have enough income to support her? How much dowry did she bring? A tanner and a shoemaker, a blacksmith and the trader who brought iron, etc.: marriages were considered for family benefit, and fathers had final say at least up until the industrial revolution was well underway.
This is a huge subculture within the gay community, including a specific lexicon (e.g. chicken hawks, twinks, etc.). Organizations like NAMBLA are at the extreme end of the spectrum. Primarily it is older gay men seeking out sexual partners who are in their late teens (i.e. 16-19 most frequently). Numerous dating and hookup sites and apps facilitate the meetings, and money is usually the fuel. Southeast Asia is ground zero for this dynamic. It is easy to have a detached, libertarian attitude towards prostitution (which, I suppose, on a level I do), but for anyone who has spent anytime on the frontlines would have to be blind (or willfully ignorant) to miss the horrendous drug addictions and traumatic personal histories that are usually littered about.
Althouse says that she believes predation is evil. Fair enough. Question: Is it ALWAYS the younger, less powerful person who is the predator? What do you think about a 20-something Anna Nicole Smith marrying an 87 year old man, never having sex with him, and claiming the inheritance when he dies. Older men are not the only predators in the sexual marketplace. I've been sexually harassed by women in the school and the workplace, and also by gay & bi-sexual men. I was sexually assaulted at work as recently as 3 years ago by a woman in my workplace.
And what do you call it when women make false claims of harassment? Isn't that a form of sexual assault, in and of itself.
From what we've seen prior as well as what you allude to to in your own life, it's clear that these terms are being bandied about a bit recklessly.
"Older gay men are very attracted to young men."
A major indicator that homosexuality is a perversion of normal sexuality. And no, homosexuals shouldn't be killed or ostracized but nor should they be celebrated.
Men are hardwired to lust after young women for at least two reasons. One, in the main younger women are more likely to be healthier and thus more likely to produce healthier children (this is also why prepubescent pedophilia is considered a major perversion in most cultures). Two, younger women are less likely to have been 'claimed' by other men so mating conflicts are less likely.
Given that it's impossible for homosexuals to have children, the age of a partner should have no direct linkage to desirability if homosexual behavior wasn't a spin off of normal sexuality.
Why does homosexuality exist? I've no idea. It appears to be a quirk of genetics and culture. A sexual behavior that makes it much, much less likely to procreate doesn't have any obvious advantages.
james james said...From an internet blog linked to by one of the many articles:
"Bryan films a group of eastern european ‘barely legal’ porn performers ejaculating over him… then shows the video to who ever wants to see. Many do..."
-- know. "Boys will be boys" and all that. Artfully backlit no doubt.
Taste the rainbow.
The vast majority of these sexual accusations seem to be he/she promised me a part/a job or something else I wanted and I was too stupid to make it contractual. Is prostitution wrong? Why should anyone be a gentleman anymore when all the cool, hip Marxists and feminists think that is all just patriarchal oppression. Just look how Mike Pence is derided for making sure no women can possibly misinterpret his behavior. If prostitution is just fine and the concept of being a gentleman or a lady is archaic garbage then these are just contract disputes. If we prefer to be a polite society that values virtue and decency then we have to forcibly repudiate the forces of the left that are actively seeking to destroy good manners and virtue and move ALL human behavior under the control of the state. As Mussolini stated "everything in the state, nothing outside the state". Nowadays that seems to include dating and prostitution.
Exactly as portrayed in the great LA Confidential: "So what if some homo actor is dead? Boys, girls, ten of them step off the bus to L.A. every day."
"This is a huge subculture within the gay community." Will the Reckoning reckon with this?
"It should be noted that the "teen" was 18. Was he not free to make his own choices about what kind of relationships to have?"
Was the relationship the young man got, the relationship he thought he was choosing? Was the older man quite well aware of the difference between what was sought and what was going to happen? That's what I call being predatory - knowing through greater age and experience that what will actually happen is not what the other wants and deceiving the other into "agreeing" on the basis of unrealistic expectations It's my opinion that no 18 year-old can imagine how cold-hearted and predatory an older, more experienced person can be and this is a weakness being exploited out there in Hollywood. The rest of us are targets, too, in one way or another but at least we know what might happen and watch for it. Laws? First, there must be a basis in moral agreement and Hollywood with its acolytes by now is completely immoral.
Why weren't "Ronin" Farrow and Juanita Broaddrick on the cover of Time? Why isn't everyone talking about how "Ronin" will get the Pulitzer prize? Who deserves it more? Who is more likely to be praised - Woody Allen or Ronan Farrow? Who deserves our thanks more?
TBlakely asserts: Men are hardwired to lust after young women for at least two reasons. One, in the main younger women are more likely to be healthier and thus more likely to produce healthier children (this is also why prepubescent pedophilia is considered a major perversion in most cultures). Two, younger women are less likely to have been 'claimed' by other men so mating conflicts are less likely.
It is also scientific fact that younger mens' sperm is healthier than that of older men. For optimum offspring, both male and female should be young.
I suspect that Singer is the start of the gay equivalent of the shake-out affecting straight male "predators". He was, no pun intended, one of the low hanging fruit among the "open secret" gay abusers.
While I would never suspect my fellow straight men of being angels in these matters, I bet dollars to donuts that whatever awful shit happens on the straight side of the house, as bad or worse is happening on the gay side.
It'll be interesting to see who gets outed as a gay predator before this all chills out.
Harris said...
Althouse says that she believes predation is evil. Fair enough. Question: Is it ALWAYS the younger, less powerful person who is the predator? What do you think about a 20-something Anna Nicole Smith marrying an 87 year old man, never having sex with him, and claiming the inheritance when he dies. Older men are not the only predators in the sexual marketplace.
Or that dreadful mannequin, "V. Stiviano," who vilely abused and betrayed Donald Sterling?
YH said...
I bet dollars to donuts that whatever awful shit happens on the straight side of the house, as bad or worse is happening on the gay side.
That goes without saying.
It'll be interesting to see who gets outed as a gay predator before this all chills out.
So far I think we have Singer, Spacey and a couple of congressmen, but the gay community is a tight knit clan and is good at defending itself and suppressing truth.
"It is one thing to require monogamy or chastity, but quite another to expect it. Western culture accomodated this by illicit means, mistresses and prostitutes."
In the Western system of morality, both men and women are held to the same standard-- monogamy-- inside of marriage or a serious relationship. The Muslim system still pivots on the chastity of the female, and, once she is married she may have to share her husband's sexual energy with up to three other wives. The Muslim woman's absolute obedience of chastity outside of marriage and sexual restraint in marriage is both expected and required by all of her relatives, and the history of Islam is littered with the corpses of women who failed to meet those standard.
"once she is married she may have to share her husband's sexual energy with up to three other wives."
And those screaming in the barracks that US military in Afghanistan had to ignore.
I think one of the things we as a society need to decide, is whether we are going to treat people as adults when they reach the traditional age of majority (18), or as pathetic adolescents until 39-35.
In Steve Martin's movie "Bowfinger" Heather Graham plays exactly the character described by Duncan Roy. She literally gets off the bus from the hinterlands in the heart of Hollywood and immediately begins to sleep her way to the top. Evidently Martin thought it was either a common enough thing to joke about or he was joking about the fact everyone believes it is a common situation.
* And yet so many of us go to the movies and consume their vision of what human beings are really like. We let these false images shape our psychology and our culture.
do what I do. Stop consuming what Hillarywood pushes- bad drugs. Just say no.
Why were people like Weinstein and Singer accepted in polite society? Pathetic.
Just say no to cultural garbage like "Manchester by the Sea"
Here is an article from 2014 on Bryan Singer. He's one the worst characters in Hollywood.
When it is all done, he and Geffen will finally no longer be able to hide their true characters.
When it is all done, he and Geffen will finally no longer be able to hide their true characters.
Yes, Geffen! A Democratic kingmaker to boot. Unexpectedly!
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. Second perhaps was deflecting revelatory evidence of the (DC chapter at least) Order of Pedophiles into the mockery of "pizzagate." Kinda like how the Ds foo-foo'd the Benghazi disaster.
That's why I want this muckraking to roll on and on and on. Sorry Franks, sorry Farenthold, you are acceptable losses, hopefully your sacrifices are not in vain.
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