At the top of Memeorandum right now (click to enlarge):
If you listened to me and shared my expectations, you saved a lot of time reading utterly predictable stuff.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
If you listened to me and shared my expectations, you saved a lot of time reading utterly predictable stuff.
२६२ टिप्पण्या:
262 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I read the interview in it's entirety and Trump was quite good. Surprisingly, the interview was tape recorded, to which Trump agreed. No notes, no aides, speaking off the cuff. In this venue, Schmidt was deferential as he knew Trump could end the interview in an instant.
The reaction was, as you say, predictable. I did not see any reaction to Trump laying the Nork problem squarely at the feet of his predecessors, which was spot on.
I am loving Trump. This guy is a difference maker.
Great. Now there's going to be a hundred comments by The Abusive Jerk.
I didn't read the interview, but did they discuss Tillerson, whom the Times predicted to great ballyhoo was being forced out in several weeks? The prediction that was made a month ago?
I have no reason to believe anything the Times writes.
The "Get Trump" Squad was slightly perturbed by the NYT interview? Gee, what a surprise......
They are coming down heavily on "he's crazy as hell" because of his support of the Iran protests. I'm waiting for video of the woman waving her hijab on a stick to show up on leftist sites.
I think the reason Trump granted the interview is that he is extremely confidant in his positions. Recall the deluge of criticism when Trump said "Obama tapped my wires". He was spot on. The Commie-Pinko libs will rue the day they brought up Russia.
Maybe one of Trump's important historical roles is to be the national proctologist - removing the stick up America's ass, one hysterical drone at a time.
Have we abandoned the wisdom that Trump takes on the opinion of whomever he last talked to? That was an "everybody knows" at one time, that never seemed true, and I don't hear it anymore. Must be the PR team that wanted that to happen no longer finds it viable.
"Headache" "Delusions" "Falsehoods" "Frustrated" "Authoritarian" "Incoherent" "Misleading"
These are just some of the descriptions of today's media. Oh wait, those are the media's descriptions of Trump and his interview. Interesting how these words are interchangeable, depending on who's talking.
These are the same people who used to swoon over anything that dribbled out of Obama's mouth. I mean SWOON. Tenth grade speeches about rainbows and rising above it all gave them goosebumps and unleashed Nobel Peace Prizes. (though those words flat against the reality of Russia, Libya, Iran, and actual economics). Interesting that the brave people of Iran waited once again for a new American leader to see if now is the time we would help them. The last guy ignored them and instead sent pallets of cash to their oppressors. Still waiting for John Harwood and Ezra Klein to explain that one.
Midsummer's Night Dream: Groucho Marx meets Margaret Dumont, who wanders about under the delusion that she is Gary Cooper.
MSM is now lying about 28 "Lies" in Trump's talk. As usual, all their "fact checks" turn on (a) deliberately misinterpreting what Trump said or (2) treating a difference in opinion as a "Fact".
But lots of low information dummies won't read the article or do any analysis. They'll just see "Trump lies 25 times" - and believe ti.
People pretend to forget that you can lie about lying.
Linda Qui: Trump made at least 10 false or misleading claims...
Glenn Kessler: Ha! This reporter counted exactly 24 false or misleading claims made by Trump in that 30-minute interview. The inability of Ms. Qui to accurately count that raging torrent of deviations from Absolute Truth is a portrait of a journalist in cognitive decline. The New York Times can only be shocked and dismayed at the erratic performance of its star reporters. By contrast, the venerable Grey Lady's rival in the "save the country by killing Trump" campaign is staffed by young and intellectually vibrant clones of the August Former President Himself.
Linda Qui: I wrote at least because modesty demanded restrained reportage. If I were a follower of Trumpism I would have gleefully tweeted my exact count in hope of reaping immediate adulation from the poorly-served readers of the upstart Washington Post. But my hand is forced. The exact number of Trump's falsehoods and misleading claims is 57.
Glenn Kessler: 57? Balderdash. The new leadership at the New York Times is obviously in the business of propping up the tottering, ineffectual, and senile Trump White House. 24 false and misleading statements were personally counted by this reporter using the printed transcript and my trusty Atomic Tangerine Crayola to circle the KGB Puppet President's most obvious satanic lies. However, the Post's super-secret voice-stress analysis software detected a further 5,034 conspiracy-inspired whoppers in Trump's replies, beamed, no doubt, into his remotely-control brain by arch-villain Snidley Whip... I mean, Vladimir Putin from his hideout in the depths of the Kremlin's dungeon.
Linda Qui: The ridiculously inept and technologically antiquated Washington Post can neither afford or even intellectually grasp the subtleties of our Digital Audio Workstation software which has revealed 2, 723, 403 false or misleading peaks in the waveform of Trump's mendacious phonemes.
Glenn Kessler: I have in my pocket a list of 123 known and documented Trump collaborators on the editorial staff of the New York Times...
A cavalcade of cavillers.
rcocean said...
MSM is now lying about 28 "Lies" in Trump's talk. As usual, all their "fact checks" turn on (a) deliberately misinterpreting what Trump said or (2) treating a difference in opinion as a "Fact".
But lots of low information dummies won't read the article or do any analysis. They'll just see "Trump lies 25 times" - and believe ti.
"I love the poorly educated!"
Seriously; Althouse doesn't have the guts, or the interest, to figure out if Trump ever uttered a falsehood, or lied in an interview. Somebody name the number of times in 2017 when Althouse ever did that in a blog post.
The Times has an article up today; "10 Falsehoods From Trump's Interview with the Times." Althouse could have examined that. She didn't. She never does that. She went after "Trump haters." Suggesting that they would "cry out in horror."
What bullshit, Althouse. A lot of writers who have real concerns about Trump, and took to print, to analyze Trump's comments in a way that you a) found uninteresting; b) were too lazy to engage in or c) feared that it would be counter-productive in your cultivation of your readership base of middle-aged male Trump supporters. They weren't "crying out in horror." I'm not "crying out in horror."
Recall the deluge of criticism when Trump said "Obama tapped my wires". He was spot on.
No he wasn't. That was a lie.
Chuck has in his pocket a list...
My prediction ... Trump wins second term, brings about peace in middle East, will not get Nobel award because what is the big deal about that, anyhoo.
“That was a lie.”
Please explain.
Quaester, nice twist on the ending.
It’s utterly predictable because it’s utterly true, at least to the non sycophants. There are many people out there away from here that are not Trump sycophants.
Now ISTHMUS is Best Friend
Chuck: The Times has an article up today; "10 Falsehoods From Trump's Interview with the Times." Althouse could have examined that. She didn't. She never does that. She went after "Trump haters." Suggesting that they would "cry out in horror."
What bullshit, Althouse. A lot of writers who have real concerns about Trump, and took to print, to analyze Trump's comments in a way that you a) found uninteresting; b) were too lazy to engage in or c) feared that it would be counter-productive in your cultivation of your readership base of middle-aged male Trump supporters.
You're either stamping your feet that Althouse won't write about what you think she should write about, or smooching butt. Bit infra dig, either way.
They weren't "crying out in horror." I'm not "crying out in horror."
Oh, is that what you weren't doing.
(On the internet, everyone can hear your endless primal screams over trivial shit.)
“That was a lie.”
Please explain.
Easy. The Obama Administration did not physically go to Trump Tower and cut and splice the wires to intercept communications of the opposition party. That's Third-World bullshit.
Obama lied to a docile judiciary to get a warrant. The Administration used large, unaccountable mutli-national corporations (who give large political contributions to the Democrats in exchange for favorable regulations) to intercept the communications of a political rival during the campaign and the transition phase.
The Administration then illegally unmasked American citizens and (again illegally) leaked their conversations to friendly media outlets. This was all done to thwart the results of a free and fair election.
See. Trump lied.
"People pretend to forget that you can lie about lying."
"All Cretans are liars," said the Cretan.
Field Marshall Freder has the goods on Trump.
Chuck, I suggest you can title your own Blog "Things Ann Althouse Should Have Posted....but Didn't!"
You'll be amazed at #12 on the list!!
Did anyone read the NYT article. The "falsehoods" are just difference of opinions. It really is an embarrassing article.
If you're going to accuse someone of lying, you should have some actual lies to point to.
Trump is a handy target for an MSM campaign against the "deplorables". Trump is just a figurehead for the prosecution of a tribal war.
Reason and facts have nothing to do with this, this is wartime propaganda, that relies on volume and saturation.
And there are no - not one - "writers" on that side with an independent thought. This is a machine, centrally directed.
@ buwaya:
"Centrally directed" by whom? Serious question. I have marveled at the near-universality of the various stories about/against Trump and who/what was coordinating them. What's your theory?
I will break the suspense.
Trump has, at least once, uttered a falsehood.
Fopdoodles may now rest easier.
Hmmmm...Chuck has his knickers in a twist today because Althouse thought that Trump's NYT interview was funny and that the pearl clutching responses from Trump's enemies were tiresomely predictable.
Two points to consider:
1. Althouse can take any view she wants of any thing on her own blog. She doesn't have to conform to Chuck's or anyone else's view of anything she writes, and she generously provides a forum to discuss the points she raises.
2. Hectoring lectures about what Althouse should do are not very persuasive.
The bottom line is that if you think Trump is entertaining, you are not going to change your mind because some guy you don't even know finds him infuriating. In fact, you probably find that fact entertaining, too.
2017 ends where it began. Trump has the Dems running in circles.
"If you listened to me and shared my expectations, you saved a lot of time reading utterly predictable stuff."
But then your expectations on this and closely related topics are themselves utterly predictable. "The only winning move is not to play. How about a nice game of chess?"
"Whats your theory?"
I suggest follow the money - that is the ownership.
What we have here is a cabal of billionaires.
Bloomberg is one. Carlos Slim is another.
Jeff Bewkes of Time Warner is a hired hand for someone/someones, and CNN is no doubt a playing piece.
It would be quite a journalistic coup to tease out the organization of all this. It does not operate in public.
“But then your expectations on this and closely related topics are themselves utterly predictable.”
Thread winner.
Speaking of banal and predictable, your Trump defense posts are becoming as banal and predictable as him and his stupid tweets.
What is it about this ridiculous man that speaks so deeply to you?
Michael Crichton Wrote: "Like a bearded nut in robes on the sidewalk proclaiming the end of the world is near, the media is just doing what makes it feel good, not reporting hard facts. We need to start seeing the media as a bearded nut on the sidewalk, shouting out false fears. It's not sensible to listen to it."
The same can be said of Chuck.
There are many people out there away from here that are not Trump sycophants.
They wouldn't know it. They're too busy hating America, as well as those more numerous real Americans.
The anger always seems to be directed at any person discussing Trump as if he is a real person with strengths and flaws. That is kryptonite to the Narrative that Trump is a non human evil force that captured the White House thanks to totally evil Vlad the Impaler Putin.
MadisonMan said...
Chuck, I suggest you can title your own Blog "Things Ann Althouse Should Have Posted....but Didn't!"
Althouse can blog whatever she wants. And she can utilize her day-to-day editorial judgment any way she wants.
I was making two entirely different points.
The first is that there is now no accident to the way that Althouse blogs, insofar as she has basically never posted on Trump's various lies, misstatements, falsehoods. And it is a target-rich environment. Yet Althouse has not once done it in 2017. I'm open to suggestions if I'm wrong. The effort to prove me wrong, will be so entertaining to me.
The second point is that Althouse can post on whatever stories she wants, and she can ignore whatever she might wish, but I'm damn sure going to call her out on what she chooses to publish. And her demeaning and disparaging reference to "Trump haters... crying out in horror" is what I wanted to call out. Althouse wants to categorize "Trump haters" as cryers. And she wants to label their complaints about Trump as a kind of fictionalized "horror."
I'm just calling Althouse out on that bullshit.
What is it about this ridiculous man that speaks so deeply to you?
Your mission should you decide to accept it: consider this question seriously and try to perceive what it is that you have not been perceiving about Trump and about people's take on Trump. Get outside your own box.
I have marveled at the near-universality of the various stories about/against Trump and who/what was coordinating them. What's your theory?
I have wondered at this, too. I am not conspiracy minded enough to attribute everything to one individual but I do believe there is a hive mind at work.
"Everyone " in DC goes to the same cocktail parties, at least if they have enough "pull."
Two friends of mine were orthopedic surgeons in DC for years and lived in Chevy Chase. They also went to the cocktail parties, which seem to be the principle off-duty hour entertainment. These people are all government employees or are employees of those dependent on government largess, such as lobbyists and lawyers.
I'm not sure they get marching orders from the DNC but I doubt they need them.
The Administrative State has been building, really since the McCain Finegold Law put staffs in charge of legislation and made Congress persons responsible solely for fund raising.
I am convinced that ill-fated bill, written by do-gooder Finegold and Keating 5 alumnus McCain, wrecked the Article I part of the government.
Now, the "members" spend all their time "Dialing for Dollars" and the bills are written by 25 year old lawyers with the aid of lobbyists and then turned over to federal employees who used to be Congressional staffers to write the regulations.
That is how we get 2,000 page bills with 30,000 pages of regs,.
The result is "Three Felonies a Day" government.
And lots of money flowing to DC.
“They're too busy hating America, as well as those more numerous real Americans.”
They love the idea of an “American Carnage”.That’s how millions of non sycophants see the Trump Presidency.
“Althouse wants to categorize "Trump haters" as cryers.”
2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous.
Chuck said...
rcocean said...
MSM is now lying about 28 "Lies" in Trump's talk. As usual, all their "fact checks" turn on (a) deliberately misinterpreting what Trump said or (2) treating a difference in opinion as a "Fact".
But lots of low information dummies won't read the article or do any analysis. They'll just see "Trump lies 25 times" - and believe ti.
"I love the poorly educated!"
Seriously; Althouse doesn't have the guts, or the interest, to figure out if Trump ever uttered a falsehood, or lied in an interview. Somebody name the number of times in 2017 when Althouse ever did that in a blog post.
The Times has an article up today; "10 Falsehoods From Trump's Interview with the Times." Althouse could have examined that. She didn't. She never does that. She went after "Trump haters." Suggesting that they would "cry out in horror."
What bullshit, Althouse. A lot of writers who have real concerns about Trump, and took to print, to analyze Trump's comments in a way that you a) found uninteresting; b) were too lazy to engage in or c) feared that it would be counter-productive in your cultivation of your readership base of middle-aged male Trump supporters. They weren't "crying out in horror." I'm not "crying out in horror.""
I know what Althouse should blog...who is a bigger douchebag, our titty twisting LLR Chuck, or the author of the article he posted?
It's funny in a sad and pathetic way that no matter what Chuck does...praising Althouse, chastising Althouse, emailing Althouse...she ignores him. Sad!
Both employment and unemployment are at respective positive positions, as compared to recent benchmarks. Economic sentiment is quite high, right now. GDP growth is much higher these last three quarters than the previous forty.
The Carnage is delievered, daily, to the fopdoodles and Leftist Collectivists who hung their respective hats on stupidity, disorganization, chaos, and whatever other memes have been centrally directed.
Look to Soros and the Leftist foundations for the centralized direction, btw.
"Trump" is the best-written drama-comedy production in US history. Its an ongoing miniseries produced by God, with a superb cast (especially Trump, of course) and the greatest writer in the universe.
No human writer would have come up with this, especially the character of Trump.
"Game of Thrones" - bah. No dragon or frozen wraith is as unique as this.
The triumph of Trump, against the fortresses of smug superiority of the US politico-cultural hegemony, is unprecedented, collossal, astounding. And that was just the first season.
Inga wrote: "2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous."
Yes, and the cheering from the Hillary White House, also predicted by Inga, will be deafening. LOL.
"2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous."
I hope you are psychologically prepared to be disappointed.
Think about Election Night. You are just as certain that the Dims will win big as you were that Hillary would be elected.
We'll see. For one thing, the election after the president's election is usually one with a loss by his party,
How big is the real factor but any Dim win will be blown out of all proportion.
I didn't expect Trump to win the election. Be prepared for a disappointment.
Althouse wrote: If you listened to me and shared my expectations, you saved a lot of time reading utterly predictable stuff.
Quaestor's time is valuable. I think I owe you a check...
What's your theory?
I don't know about buwaya, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was coordination going on between journalists and Democratic strategists. there certainly has been in the past.
The Leftist Collectivist foundations have grant money to universities, lobbyists to influence media and politicians, and they are untaxed.
They can coordinate without antitrust considerations. They sell no products so there are no SEC considerations. They have free speech rights. There are few of any ways to sue foundations because they have no shareholders.
The people who fund NPR are the place to look for buwaya's well considered theory of coordination. NPR provides a handy list of the principles.
And her demeaning and disparaging reference to "Trump haters... crying out in horror" is what I wanted to call out. Althouse wants to categorize "Trump haters" as cryers. And she wants to label their complaints about Trump as a kind of fictionalized "horror."
,he cried out in horror.
Gee, the same people predicting the Dem landslide in 2018 are the same people that predicted a Hillary landslide in 2016.
There’s another special election coming in March, it’s worth watching. After New Jersey, Virginia and Alabama...
2017 was a very good election year for Democrats, whetting the donkey’s appetite for next year’s midterm cycle, in which the party controlling the White House normally loses ground. But there is one more hors d’oeuvre on tap before the big political feast next February: a special congressional election in Pennsylvania on March 13.
As with all but one of the 2017 special congressional elections, this one was produced by a Republican resignation. But this time Donald Trump didn’t cause the vacancy by lifting someone from Congress into his cabinet or some other high office. Veteran GOP congressman Tim Murphy resigned in disgrace in October after the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported the staunchly right-to-life pol had encouraged an extramarital lover to obtain an abortion.
"Look to Soros and the Leftist foundations for the centralized direction, btw."
I think they are involved but I am still mystified about Soros motivation.
He makes money from chaos, as in the British Pound and the Thai Baht scandal in 1997,
Maybe that is all it is.
"Inga said...
It’s utterly predictable because it’s utterly true, at least to the non sycophants. There are many people out there away from here that are not Trump sycophants."
"Inga said...
They love the idea of an “American Carnage”.That’s how millions of non sycophants see the Trump Presidency."
"Inga said...
2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous."
Google "Trump" and "sycophant" for our resident dullard's browsing history.
Chuck and the lefties, rubes all, simply fail to understand that Trump has no commitment to being serious with, or telling the truth to, the New York Times.
Now THAT is both interesting and amusing. Certainly it is blogworthy.
Does anyone else notice Inga's sources ?
They are always lefty publications in the deep blue cities.
The map looks a little different.
Althouse is right. Reactions to Trump have grown predictable and tedious. The media has grown incapable of distinguishing between facts and their own opinions. Any statement not advancing the liberal narrative is, therefore, a lie. QED.
The collective left side with the Mullahs of Iran.
The Non-left side with the people of Iran.
Leftists and their liars in the D-party press MUST lose.
You are crying out in horror everyday. Does the pain and irritation in your vagina cause all this unseemly and pathetic rage?
“Does anyone else notice Inga's sources ?”
I linked to The Federalist yesterday. I’ve linked to The New Republic, Wall Street Journal, Red State, Washington Examiner and other non leftist sites many times.
The clown, the court jester, the ridiculous mascot of New York society - beats them all, the beautiful, the stylish, the brilliant; and moreover shows the whole pack to be, and have always been, an incompetent, hypocritical, arrogant gang of thieves.
And keeps beating them all.
Its not going to end well, of course, as it never was going to end well. The forces of entropy destroy all empires. The entropic Ingas grow powerful in the senescence of greatness.
Trump cant give you a better ruling class, that has to grow organically, from the soil of the culture. That culture has produced the current lot, a very poor show, which Trump exposed to ridicule. I think the soil is exhausted.
The subtitle to this post is "Ann trolls her commenters. Again."
tag #ftw
All the pollsters I can find say Pennsylvania special election "leans" or "likely" Republican.
Explain to me how 2018 will be a tidal wave for the Dems.
2017, the Dems lost the fiercely contested special elections
Except for Alabama where the Dems ran a very conservative (praised the Confederacy) longtime popular candidate against a nutjob who was creditably accused of being a pedophile or at minimum a pervert. Yet the Dem barely won the election.
How toxic are the Democrats.
“Reactions to Trump have grown predictable and tedious.”
Reactions to reactions about Trump have become predictable and tedious. We don’t expect anything less from sycophants. There is a real malady as Trump Derangement Syndrome Derangement.
Your mission should you decide to accept it: consider this question seriously and try to perceive what it is that you have not been perceiving about Trump and about people's take on Trump. Get outside your own box.
Too much knowledge, a lack of appreciation for hatred and xenophobia, a lack of faith in the electoral college and how playing their electoral map should be better than actually getting more votes, etc., etc., etc. How ironic that the box you want me to get outside of is so much bigger than the one your little country of little dictators inhabit.
“All the pollsters I can find say Pennsylvania special election "leans" or "likely" Republican.”
They said the same thing about Alabama.
Ritmo is seeking pain early today.
Masochists arise ! You have nothing to lose but your pain !
Inga (and to a smaller extent Chuck) has grown predictable and tedious. Entertaining gadflies on occasion, but mainly predictable and tedious.
“Reactions to Trump have grown predictable and tedious.”
How novel and interesting a reaction do you expect to a guy so fucking boring that he eats nothing but fast food and steaks well done and relegates architectural extravagance to something as outdated as gold gild?
A guy so boring that he doesn't even know how to experience others. A man that lives in his own ego, agitating to bust out of it - as if he could. But he can't.
A guy so fucking boring that he can't even figure out a different way to do his boring, phony, yellow hair after 70 years.
Trump is the personification of boring. But that speaks to you. Finally! At long last, a fellow bore won the office and you now have someone just as boring to relate to leading the nation.
And so that excites you.
The key will be if Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo can hold on, she can't blame the men in her life for her political problems this time, nor run against Adkins.
Damn Toothless. I must have hit a nerve. Hate to burst your ego, but pitching a hissy fit about Trump's personal characteristics is unoriginal. Some may say predictable and tedious.
Chuck email that end up in Althouse spam folder:
Dear Professor:
I'm sorry about my 12/30/17, 9:37 AM comment in your Trump/NY Times interview post. Thyings got a little out of hand. It's just this blog and that lying son of a bitch Trump! and…I would never hurt you. You know that.
PS Everyone is calling me a titty twister again!
Your continued admirer,
Literary analogues to Trump - the Monkey, in the first part of the Chinese Classic "Journey to the West", who defeats, mocks, and makes fools of the Gods.
Highly recommend "Monkey", Arthur Waley, a partial translation of "Journey to the West", available on Amazon Kindle.
It is funny to read Yuval Levin in National Review. Trump's comments on what he has planned for Obamacare are apparently incomprehensible, a word salad,the kind of thing that makes us relieved we haven't been destroyed (presumably in a nuclear holocaust) so far. Althouse has shown more than once that a Trump "word salad" is eminently comprehensible to anyone familiar with vernacular American English. He gets impatient, he tries to make two points almost simultaneously, he briefly anticipates or briefly refers back to one point while making another. None of this is incomprehensible. Is a word salad a bad thing? "Salad" implies some planning and preparation for attractiveness, flavour, maybe nutrition. Are the most dangerous leaders those who fail to speak clearly or articulately, whether or not Trump is an example? Are articulate and erudite people never dangerous? This would be a crazy fantasy on the part of intellectuals. Trump lies; Trump haters function as unthinking stenographers for liars, avoiding doing minimum fact checking, Google searches, etc., which one would think are involved in being things like journalists or professors.
Both employment and unemployment are at respective positive positions, as compared to recent benchmarks.
Bush was at the same place throughout much of his residency. And Bush did all the same things that Trump is doing. I'm sure you hope that their presidencies will both end up in the same place, too. If Trump continues on this course, it seems they will.
The definition of being a Republican seems to be an inability to learn. And a confusion of gimmicks with new and important changes.
A jerry-rigged economy.
It's funny in a sad and pathetic way that no matter what Chuck does...praising Althouse, chastising Althouse, emailing Althouse...she ignores him. Sad!
Guarantee you that Titty Twister Chuck has been emailing to AA suggestions for topics he wants to discuss again. Ignored again. That is what set him off. Again.
Inga and Pedro woke up feeling bad, as usual. Has less to do with Trump than with their low self esteem and lack of friends. Sad !
As for me, top of the world ! Life is great. Sun shining, no worries, good health, good looks and charming personality. I am lucky to be me.
“As for me, top of the world ! Life is great. Sun shining, no worries, good health and charming personality. I am lucky to be me.”
Until you start barking...
Chuck said...
"Seriously; Althouse doesn't have the guts, or the interest, to figure out if Trump ever uttered a falsehood, or lied in an interview."
Chuckles, what a pleasant surprise! Who could have imagined that you would turn up to complain about Trump, on a thread that's actually about -- Trump! You scamp you!
Since you ask, let's stipulate; Trump lies like a rug. Trump lies like a fine Persian rug. Trump lies like a six-color, virgin wool, hand-knotted Arkhabedjian flying carpet from the Souks of Salmein, on a low-level strafing run over the prostrate Gray Lady. Let's hope he doesn't grab her pussy, she doesn't seem inclined to resist.
Bush did not reduce, or even limit, regulatory growth.
Bush did nothing regarding labor competition for the US working class.
Bush did nothing to change the US competitive state re business investment.
Bush was still better than Obama, who actively suppressed the recovery from the 2008-09 recession.
As for me, top of the world ! Life is great. Sun shining, no worries, good health and charming personality. I am lucky to be me.
Medications were handed out early this morning in the lockdown lunatic ward.
Shame on you for insulting Germans with your petty racism.
Democrats are so perpetually racist.
British tabloids print nude photos. Why? Because it gets eyeballs.
Clearly CNN et al have learned the same lesson. Political titilation.
And the complementary, multiplier effect? Conservative media that gets to comment, laugh and ridicule the "lamestream media" and get an equal number of clicks.
I guess this is good for the economy.
(And besides, the Packers suck this year so what else do you Wisconsinites have to occupy yourselves.)
Hump said: "Recall the deluge of criticism when Trump said "Obama tapped my wires". He was spot on."
Freder responded: "No he wasn't. That was a lie."
There is no doubt the Trump campaign was surreptitiously surveilled by a sitting president of the opposing party. The only open questions are the methods and depth of the spying. Your narrow definition of "tapped my wires" makes you look foolish.
Bush was still better than Obama, who actively suppressed the recovery from the 2008-09 recession.
What a cunt you are. You deserve to die homeless in the streets. The Republicans here and elsewhere all admitted that they suppressed economic recovery specifically to hurt the Democrats in power.
Bush did not reduce, or even limit, regulatory growth.
Bush put all his faith in tax cuts for the same millionaire class that Trump also favors.
Fishing today. Already hooked two. Winning ! Small fry, too easy.
What is most entertaining is "LLR and 'Accidental Leftist'" Chuck's barely concealed and barely controlled rage at those who deviate from the standard, everyday, run of the mill lefty talking points.
Our gentle readers should feel free to draw the obvious conclusions.
Shame on you for insulting Germans with your petty racism.
So this is your tactic now?
No wonder white people are dying off.
Fishing today. Already hooked two.
Oh, I get it! You got people to actually respond to you as if you were worth reading. What an accomplishment for you!
Does that mean you get to have sex finally?
So you denounce the Leftist tactic of calling all criticism of Obama policy as racist?
If you weren't so casually petty and so thoroughly dishonest, you would be ashamed.
I point and laugh at your casual racism.
I pity you.
I hope Inga's 2018 Blowback Party is every bit as enjoyable as her Hillary Has It In The Bag Party was.
Inga, you should probably invite Tillerson as well, given how he is available....oh, wait, he wasnt fired was he?
TittyTwister Chuck said...
"Seriously; Althouse doesn't have the guts, or the interest, to figure out if Trump ever uttered a falsehood, or lied in an interview."
Twister ready to make a threat. Maybe fantasizing bruising up AA. Just like his repeated threats against diminutive Greta van Sustern. Some men just cannot tolerate a powerful woman. Some men are intimidated by intelligent women.
Bush did nothing regarding labor competition for the US working class.
Bush did nothing to change the US competitive state re business investment.
Neither is Trump but feel free to cheerlead your millionaires in these petty minor tweaks. I'm sure they're the smallest scraps you could manage to give the working poor after decades of doing nothing but hurting them but I'm sure they'll take it just as enthusiastically as any mistreated dog would.
"Explain to me how 2018 will be a tidal wave for the Dems."
If a "wave" happens, it will happen because the wave overtakes the "lean." So, if it's a + 10 D environment, but the district is generally +5, then there's a chance the D wins. Of course it depends who is running in that specific district. The contester has to be plausible to the district. All politics is local, until it isn't, which happens in wave years.
Why would a wave happen? If it happens, this would be why:
(1) Americans like divided government. They tend to vote for it. Presidential party in power tends to lose seats.
(2) Millennials are older and voting more then 4 years ago. Will they vote in a off year? I dunno. Depends how motivated they are. Trump is not popular with Millennial generation.
(3) Gerrymandering. It works until it doesn't. If a state is divided into a bunch of +4 R districts because of gerrymandering, the state is more vulnerable then a state w/ 1 less R representative but +8. In other words, there's a larger chance for a system-wide breakdown.
(4) Trump's tweets charge his base but turbo charge the other base.
(5) If younger (age 24-45) generation is not happy with salary freezes, student loans, housing prices, or other issues that fuel discontent not readily apparent to older (age 55-80) generation. I have a hypothesis that the Boomers and the Millennials are out of touch with each other.
Reasons why a wave wouldn't happen include very good fundraising for the Rs, a charged base, good economy, and a contented electorate. Off-years are generally better for Rs.
Who knows what will happen? Off years favour Rs. We'll see next November.
The journalist of which ezraklein was chief sorcerer, the rizzotto press, I quote from Maggie haberman, Ben rhodes echo chamber, there is obviously overlap.
Ritmo is in full poop throwing mode. Time to water.
It does puzzle me why Ann tolerates his crap but maybe she likes 200 and 300 comment threads, even if half are by him.
Do you still check out memorandum? It appears to be direct feeds from the DNC.
So you denounce the Leftist tactic of calling all criticism of Obama policy as racist?
If you weren't so casually petty and so thoroughly dishonest, you would be ashamed.
I point and laugh at your casual racism.
I pity you.
You sound confused. Is this a question or a statement? Is it directed at you or at me? You laugh at and pity someone? I don't think that's how it works.
The right-wing is becoming increasingly emotionally dysregulated.
I may well die homeless in the street, fortune brings what it will. Still, everything considered I think it wouldnt bother me much.
The Obama administration went on a regulatory binge, it massively increased cost of employment (among them via Obamacare; I have after all showed you the BLS data on the subject), and it increased the risk premium of US business investment. Among other things.
What the Republicans had to do with all this I have no idea. All they could do was legislate. But when they did, they did so in connivance with the administration, for corrupt reasons. I have documented rather well the case where they snuck a provision in a transportation bill permitting a reduction in funding standards for pensions. If the press were doing its job I am sure they would find dozens more.
It does puzzle me why Ann tolerates his crap but maybe she likes 200 and 300 comment threads -
Don't be jealous of her or of me, Michael. I read through a page or two of your Children's History of Medicine book. Rambling, pointless, incapable of putting together a coherent theme or idea at all - let alone anything new or interesting. Like a hysterical Leprechaun on truth serum. Just nattering malarkey and each word following the next like a dominoes chain.
But hey, Big Mike will buy a copy so that's another 50 cents for you, right? And it didn't say anything mean about anyone! A very safe book for a very safe crowd. Perhaps you wore a helmet and kneepads when you wrote it, too - given how "special" you are and see yourself as.
Lord, it's hard to be humble
When I'm perfect in every way.
Can't wait to look in the mirror,
get better lookin' each day.
Life is good. 2018 will be best year ever.
Althouse periodically throws a bone (this post for example) to her rabid Trump-jock-supporters. I don't find Trump funny, rather he's sick, dangerous and, of course, stupid. Trump's acolytes (henchmen) remind me of Hitler's millions of supporters. Hitler had to be crushed in war to get rid of his evil, murderous regime. I hope that Trump is impeached, and removed from office. I don't generally favor bloodletting to eliminate his savage regime. But if the majority of the society has gone insane then we're in for it, and resistance to him and his brainwashed followers is patriotic.
"The sick individual finds himself at home with all other similarly sick individuals. The whole culture is geared to this kind of pathology. The result is that the average individual does not experience the separateness and isolation the fully schizophrenic person feels. He feels at ease among those who suffer from the same deformation; in fact, it is the fully sane person who feels isolated in the insane society - and he may suffer so much from the incapacity to communicate that it is he who may become psychotic." - Eric Fromm, Swiss Psychologist (The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness)
It is a shame that Hillary, though apparently she was "likeable enough", could never really connect on any real level with the American voters, whom she despised.
Trump has demonstrated that he does connect deeply with a large swath of voters. Yes TTR, I know that all of those voters are knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers who have no ability to fend for themselves and are stupid and lazy and nazi's and racists and only watch fishing shows on weekends and sleep with their cousins. I hope I didn't leave anything out.
You know, it really is a mystery why the dems aren't more appealing to people who live in the middle of the country.
It's absolutely inexplicable.
I mean, you would think that an ad campaign of nothing but TTR's/Chuck's/Inga's posts should be sufficient to convince any thinking person of the righteousness of the lefties cause, but alas.
Personally, I chalk it all up to Toxic Whiteness.
At least, that's what all the lefty smart folks are telling us as they tear down western civilization.
I just hope none of my pictures show chopsticks in the wrong position. That would be a real "yikes" moment and a certain trigger for the lefties!
Toothless: Indulging in leftist vulgarity while relentlessly pursuing lefty/media talking points and ignoring the 2009/10 Democrat Congress, the magic ARRA and auto bailouts and miscellaneous graft awarded by the Obots.
The poo flinging squirrel operates much the same way the journalist that pumped up the salami spring and made excuses for obamas failure to engage the green movement.
Trumpit says why wait to go full Godwin?
I hope you were wearing your p****-hat when you wrote it!
Is this why you think that you, the fully sane person, are becoming psychotic?
I recommend, and I mean this, a change of venue. Go abroad, learn another language, a different frame of reference.
Althouse periodically throws a bone (this post for example) to her rabid Trump-jock-supporters.
AA fishing, and hooked the minnows immediately. Meadhouse laughing right now.I guarantee it.
Remember how happy everyone was with grid-lock? it meant the government could do harm without bi-partisan agreement. We're now at people-lock. Maximum freedom for us plebes as independent actors able to integrate our own news from social media such as people dancing in the streets that seems to resemble parties and handing out candy to children in other parts of the world, now a hate crime worthy of prison in the EC. To say nothing of filmmakers responsible for Benghazi. Says Ms. C. as told to her by a general, Benghazi where's no such thing as the internet, much less a cell phone to watch a movie so much for free speech. Talk about projection. This drives the power brokers who know what is best for us and those that thought it was their god given right to use the steering wheel nuts.
I may well die homeless in the street, fortune brings what it will. Still, everything considered I think it wouldnt bother me much.
Well that explains why it doesn't bother you much when it happens to others.
The Obama administration went on a regulatory binge, it massively increased cost of employment (among them via Obamacare; I have after all showed you the BLS data on the subject), and it increased the risk premium of US business investment. Among other things.
Right. Small business owners are just clamoring for having to decide whether to bankrupt themselves from medical bills as a better investment than the business itself. Let's pretend that the only healthcare costs in the world are insurance premiums and not the costs of care. This is why you are unqualified to speak to policy.
What the Republicans had to do with all this I have no idea.
That's right. Extend that last part a bit.
All they could do was legislate. But when they did, they did so in connivance with the administration, for corrupt reasons.
Right. The administration and its party colluded with them to lose congressional representation, public sentiment, and economic momentum. That makes about as much sense as a 2-year old babbling.
I'm trying to figure out whether your brains would work better if they were replaced with scrambled eggs. At least scrambled eggs have nutritional value, after all.
You know, it really is a mystery why the dems aren't more appealing to people who live in the middle of the country.
It's not to me. But that's because I'm capable of seeing things in ways other than through partisan lenses.
“I recommend, and I mean this, a change of venue. Go abroad, learn another language, a different frame of reference.”
But don’t go to the Philippines. Some of the most dangerously stupid nurses and doctors I worked with were Filipino.
I loved this line from the article Chuck linked to,
"I was nevertheless surprised to be treated with such disdain by somebody whose salary is paid in part by my tuition."
A student felt surprised because they perceived disdain from a professor at a university they were attending. Now that's funny unless tuition now includes a "no disdain" fee.
Some of the most dangerously stupid nurses and doctors I worked with were Filipino.
True dat. The good ones are usually born here or second-generation rather than FOB.
Just try customer service these days. Yes, siiiiir! Thank you siiiir! I know I have no answer for you Siiiiir but don't you like my high-pitched melodic sing-song voice and how little substance is actually said with it, Siiiiir!
Chuck is like Bret Stephens Michael gerson Jennifer Rubin, David from, their bubble is the size of a dyson sphete
Scratch a little bit and what do we find?
Ah, racism!
Of course.
Jeez Ritmo. Awfully crass for a lovely Saturday. Mellow out a bit. Take a walk, drink some tea, enjoy life. Nothing bad has happened.
"It does puzzle me why Ann tolerates [Ritmo's] crap but maybe she likes 200 and 300 comment threads, even if half are by him."
She has a taste for knickknacks (Meade excepted, of course), including swamp lovers. As for the rest of us, it is important to be reminded why we voted for Trump. These loons might still be in charge.
"I was nevertheless surprised to be treated with such disdain by somebody whose salary is paid in part by my tuition."
"You work for me, you tenured peasant!!!"
Ah, racism!
Culturalism, actually.
If it was racism then they couldn't correct it by the next generation.
Now as for right-wingers and their thoughts on black Americans, however...
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"You know, it really is a mystery why the dems aren't more appealing to people who live in the middle of the country.
It's not to me. But that's because I'm capable of seeing things in ways other than through partisan lenses."
The very definition of irony.
Ritmo on Trump: What is it about this ridiculous man that speaks so deeply to you?
Probably the fact that he seems to make people like you go nuts and begin flinging poo, similar to irate monkeys in the zoo.
As for the rest of us, it is important to be reminded why we voted for Trump.
True! A year is a long time in the memory capacity of a Trump-voter or Republican. So to ask them how 2008 or 1929 happened is like asking a flea to master space travel. Forgetting helps them to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, which is crucial to their plan and political philosophy.
Probably the fact that he seems to make people like you go nuts and begin flinging poo, similar to irate monkeys in the zoo.
Translation: I am so unstable in my own psychological functioning that I have no choice but to make the most important decisions in life based on how the tragedies they always lead to irritate others. Negative attention is the only way to reinforce the fact that I exist and can impact others in important ways.
Why the chimp is flinging poo, besides it being a day ending in y
Ok, Annie C. I'll try.
But they make it soooo easy ;-).
He makes Joseph Davies seem like a savant:
I generally tune out Inga, Chuck and Toothless.If they want to live in their own bubble where perception is exalted and exists independent of reality then that's fine by me. Not to mention how derivative they are. They are known for their lack of creativity. No wonder they find reality so boring.
“Ah, racism!”
“Culturalism, actually.
If it was racism then they couldn't correct it by the next generation.”
Medical personnel coming from a Filipino education are the problem, not their race. In my 35 years of nursing I ran into countless Filipino educated nurses and doctors who were made to take remedial education after getting to the states. They were sadly very badly educated.
Its dead Jim:
Inga and TTR provide a helpful and instructive example of racist comments.
We all thank you very much.
Its called the business cycle.
The higher you rise, the harder you fall, and the more you do to prevent a fall, the worse it is when it comes. A bubble burst in 2000, and they inflated another bubble that burst in 2008. The US was due for another bubble to burst last year. Trump may have delayed it; there is plenty of real money coming in now.
The more important thing is what you do about it - Hoover AND Roosevelt failed, badly, until Hitler saved the US economy.
Obama and his administration did all they could to impede recovery.
Behold, 12:27! The plagiarist speaks!
If you liked the comment so much, douchebag, you could have given credit for it when you first read it. But failing that, it speaks volumes about how nasty your character is that you neglect to do it now.
“If they want to live in their own bubble...”
A bubble you say? So why are we here, out of our “bubble”?
Medical personnel coming from a Filipino education are the problem, not their race. In my 35 years of nursing I ran into countless Filipino educated nurses and doctors who were made to take remedial education after getting to the states. They were sadly very badly educated.
Clearly their cultural failings can be corrected. Honey bu buwaya puti is a good example of someone seeking instead to reinforce them, though. Sad!
"Clearly their cultural failings can be corrected."
You know, those islamists seen to have a thing for burning gays alive in cages or tossing them off roofs.
Another interesting thing islamists seem to enjoy is burying gays upto their necks and stoning them.
These are examples of a culture Inga wants to import by the millions.
Plus, even more sex slavery and FGM! Which will pair nicely with the lefties selling off baby parts for fun and profits!
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
'"You know, it really is a mystery why the dems aren't more appealing to people who live in the middle of the country."
It's not to me. But that's because I'm capable of seeing things in ways other than through partisan lenses.'
What does this even mean coming from a partisan Democrat after 2016?
Racism yet again (by another redefinition?)
Now, would that pass muster at Harvard?
It certainly wouldn't at Berkeley, or Sacramento.
Actually, on this one at least, I did not need your help. There is a dreary predictability to the anti Trump chorus. That does not mean that it's ineffective, just dreary and predictable.
The good news for engaging and potentially advancing positive changes in murderous islamic culture is Trumps immediate support given to this newest uprising in Iran against the mullahs.
Naturally, it goes without saying that obama sided quite explicitly with the mullahs against the iranian people who represent the best hope for reforming ingas beloved murderous islam.
And dont even get us started on obama letting Hezbollah get away with partnering with the Zetas in Mexico to smuggle drugs into our nation.
But hey, when you are obama and youvwant to help the iranian mullahs get their nukes, you cant let little things get in the way.
Toothless fantasized
Ignoring Full Moan and whiny censor Michael corny Kennedy is easier than I thought.
12/29/17, 7:07 PM
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
Racism yet again (by another redefinition?)
Now, would that pass muster at Harvard?
It certainly wouldn't at Berkeley, or Sacramento.”
Daily you speak of the poor education Americans get here in the states. If it’s so bad, why are people from around the world including your own home country clamoring to come here to be educated? Check your own “racism”. You hate this country, you’ve made that evident
Inga is an attention whore,rather like Ritmo. Totally doesn't give a shit what the truth even remotely is - just as long as it feels fun to her to say something.
The left is really on a tear of insulting everybody today.
One of my partners in practice went to the Philippines to medical school for the first two years, then transferred to UCLA and did fine.
The NHS, that bastion of left wing orthodoxy, is importing thousands of doctors from third world countries as the English doctors leave for freer countries like Canada and Australia.
I guess some are more tolerant of poo flinging lefties than I am and I will stop by from time to time to see if the atmosphere is toxic or not.
Idiot Ritmo alleges to have read one of my books but, as unlikely as that seems, still gets two of them mixed up.
The left is always trying to show how intelligent and educated they are but then gives the game away by trying to say something intelligent.
Better to keep quiet and let others think you stupid than to hit the keyboard and show how stupid you really are.
I laugh at TTR and Inga.
They are pitiful creatures.
Their casual Leftist racism is in accord with only the last 200 years of Leftist racism. But only the last 200.
Democrats just love casual racism.
"Ignoring Full Moan and whiny censor Michael corny Kennedy is easier than I thought."
If only he would.
Interesting study in psychology why someone would keep inflicting reluctant others with his obnoxious personality.
Blogger Inga said...
'“If they want to live in their own bubble...”
A bubble you say? So why are we here, out of our “bubble”? Idiot.'
Inga is the unknowing inhabitant of a transportable, immutable bubble. It is invisible to her and her ilk.
Inga lashes out reflexively when her clear and undiluted racism is exposed.
Its unfortunate that LLR Chuck is not here to deflect for her.
Perhaps Inga really isnt an unreconstructed racist, though as a democrat her party has a history on that count, dont they?
Inga should rethink how she communicates so that her obvious racism could be better shielded.
“Perhaps Inga really isnt an unreconstructed racist, though as a democrat her party has a history on that count, dont they?
Inga should rethink how she communicates so that her obvious racism could be better shielded.”
Sez the spittle flecked rantings from Islamaphobe Drago, lol.
dysin sphere, it really is that vast a bubble, and its hermetically sealed except for the express and the times of london
People come to the US for an education - or rather a university diploma - for several reasons.
One is because it offers possibilities to bypass the immigration system, thats the purpose behind a lot of foreign enrollment in second-rate schools. This is very important.
The others include schools that carry cachet due to remnants of US cultural capital - perceived prestige carried over from memories of US grandeur. That is fading. Thats one big reason many MBA programs are in trouble.
The last is the continuing US predominance in the elite parts of STEM, which is based on, ultimately, funding. The US gets many of the worlds best in scientific and technical fields because it pays them well, and these create institutional reputations that attract students.
The rest of US K-12 and university education is poor quality and withal extremely expensive by international standards.
Sez the spittle flecked rantings from Islamaphobe Drago, lol.
Earth to Inga. Islam is not a race,
I know the left has adopted Islam as they are supposed to be "brown people."
We don't need to get into the topics of female genital mutilation or burkhas or throwing gays off roof tops or welfare dependency or lack of innovation. Those are all "whiteness" topics.
Inga, you are endearingly silly.
"Sez the spittle flecked rantings from Islamaphobe Drago,"
Im speaking of islamic culture which you and TTR explicitly said was perfectly acceptable in this very thread!
But then, you've already forgotten you did that, didnt you?
Apparently Inga is not too keen on confronting the realities of what islamists routinely believe and do in islamist controlled nations. This is understandable given the indefensible things that occur there.
The thing is we have to wade through a Sargasso sea of disinformation to get to the truth. Hans Christian Anderson couldnt conceive of such a coverup
Inga has no problem trashing the philipines but dont you dare criticize her beloved islamist supremacists who apparently, Inga thinks are a race.
Good job TTR. Your by any means tactics are working (on me anyway). I'm far less interested in this blog when you show up "flinging poo". I'm assuming there are a lot of lurkers that avoid AA due to your tactics. You may be winning.
“2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous.”
Mid-term success for the out-party is, historically, the rule. It’s also how incumbent Presidents get re-elected two years later. As WJC and Obama could tell you. Trump would be absolutely delighted to have a Democrat Congress for a foil. It would be a slaughterhouse.
Killfile FTW!
“Inga has no problem trashing the philipines but dont you dare criticize her beloved islamist supremacists who apparently, Inga thinks are a race.”
Reading comprehension troubles Drago? I didn’t say they were a race, or that they are beloved by me. Is it possible for you to make a comment that doesn’t engage in lying and exaggeration? No, I don’t think so.
Drago most hurt.
Former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos has been projected as a relatively unimportant member of the campaign team, but according to a New York Times report, he "stayed influential throughout the campaign."
Why it matters: Per the NYT, the reason behind the FBI opening an investigation into Trump's Russia ties was what Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat about Russia's dirt on Hillary Clinton. The Australian government passed along that information, which spurred the FBI investigation. Trump and others close to him have previously blamed a private intelligence dossier for sparking the inquiry.
Inga propositions
The blowback will be joyous.”
Do you charge extra to swallow?
Asking for a Toothless friend
I'm glad that Inga is a fat old li
ly white woman, and Bitchmo is a palefaced honky, so no one can accuse me of racism when I call for the government to throw them to their deaths from helicopters.
It would be terrible to be called a racist.
An interesting case in point as to why foreign students come, re prestige, are UCLA and UC Berkeley.
They rate very highly in international rankings, say on the (UK) Times higher, based on surveys, that do not correspond to the difficulty of US undergrad students getting into them (SAT/ACT, grades). They are nowhere near US elite standards for entrance, objectively.
"Daily you speak of the poor education Americans get here in the states. If it's so bad ..."
So you must be in disagreement with the lefts' constant calls for more funding for schools, and the teachers' unions' cries for higher salaries.
Interesting ...
Blogger Jon Ericson said...
Killfile FTW!
Here ya go
"The intention of this script is to hide the comments of commentors you, the reader, do not wish to hear from. In that respect, it's like an old usenet killfile. It does not affect what other visitors to the site will see, nor does it affect what you see before the page finishes loading"
Are the countless problematic medicos from the Philippines you have encountered stupid or poorly educated?
And both UCLA and UCB do horribly vis-a-vis Liberal Arts/Humanities. Do NOT go there, for that.
Inga gets very very upset when you point out that her islamic supremacist pals have "sort of thing" for torturing gays to death.
That is, when they aren't sexually enslaving girls.
Perhaps Inga is irritated that she didn't get her cut of the obama approved Hezbollah cocaine and meth that obama allowed into the US.
Inga thinks that trashing filipino nurses is totally cool but pointing out that islamists like burning gays alive in cages is "islamophobia".
Which is strange, since the obama approved mullahs in Iran claim there are NO gays in Iran.
They must be importing them for the torture and murder.
But in a "good way", eh Inga?
" They are nowhere near US elite standards for entrance, objectively."
California is recruiting these foreign students for the tuition. In fact, resident students are now being passed over in favor of foreign students.
Berkeley probably still has good STEM courses but I don;t know a US university with a c]decent Humanities program aside from Hillsdale and a few others.
I was an English major for a while at USC. I had been an engineer and went back to do premed. I applied for a loan and was told premed was not a major that could get loans, English Literature was OK, though. So I was an English major while I did pre-med.
I enjoyed the classes and had no idea of the politics of the professors.
That was before the Vietnam war filled the grad schools with leftist antiwar students hiding from the draft,
Hey Inga, did you hear? New York City will be employing stringent security measures during New Years Eve celebrations.
Probably due to the terrorist threat from Filipino nurses, not islamists. Right?
"So you must be in disagreement with the lefts' constant calls for more funding for schools, and the teachers' unions' cries for higher salaries. "
I always get a kick out of this argument. If higher salaries caused an improvement in public education, the US would be graduating millions of merit scholars annually. Instead, we normalize the SAT scores.
Since Inga likes links, I would suggest this one for her perusal.
It quotes a Michel Barone column about Trump and you could go to the original column if you preferred.
Or you could stay in your bubble.
What does this even mean coming from a partisan Democrat after 2016?
If you lack the mental function to not call "a partisan Democrat" someone who has no regular voting or financial tie to the Democratic party, just because they don't toe your ideological authoritarian conservative attitudes, then maybe the partisan is you.
Yeah, maybe. LOL.
Incredible to me how unhappy, mad actually, are our progressive commenters. Life is good. Our problems are first world problems. A bit of travel to the third world would do wonders to illuminate our good fortune,
I swear Trump is Lucy and they’re Charlie Brown.
Wow, what a massive display of leftist bigotry and idiocy in this thread. I can't imagine anyone reading this thread and thinking "Gosh, the leftists are clearly the people we should put in charge here!"
Somewhat sane leftists like wwww have wisely stayed out.
Lets see: We've had gratuitious racist attacks on the Philippines (it's allegedly a "cultural attack") but calling any attacks on Islam's sexual torture of girls "Racist" (how can any attack on Islam be racist? It's like calling attacks on Christianity racist).
We've had everyone who didn't vote for Herr Hillary called racist sexist Nazi monster who should be summarily executed. Gosh, what a way to win some of those voters to your side: "Dude, when you voted for Trump you were and are a Nazi bigot! Now vote for us , bigoted person, or else!"
I wonder: Exactly what do you leftists plan to do to all of us "Deplorable racist bigoted Nazis!" if you get in power? From the venom, bile, and sheer hatred spewed forth by Inga, TTR, and the rest in this thread, it's pretty easy to imagine them in a SS uniform at the camps, pointing out the direction to the "Showers" for all those evil subhuman Deplorables. After all, judging by their comments they would view mass murder of "Deplorables" as a good thing. Certainly if you substitute the word "Jew" or "Jews" for "conservetives" or "racists" in their speech, it reads like one of Herr Himmler's rants back in the 1930's.
Not that that is surprising. For all the leftist's broadsides and accusations of "They are Nazis!" it's pretty hard to find a policy of Hitler's that the left isn't fully supportive of. Maybe Invading France. But blaming all economic woes on a despised group of people? You bet! It's all those Deplorables or the ever so elusive 1%! All world problems are either the fault of the Jews or Trump's America. Inga in this thread defended, once again, the Iranian government which is well known for chanting "Death to America" and "Death to all Jews." Positions Inga clearly is comfortable with.
I always thought that the left would be hard pressed to replicate Hitler's burning of the gays in the camps--they are, after all, the LGBT side. But their open embrace of Islam will show the way. After all, Ernest Rohm, head of the brownshirts, was openly gay and tolerated--until the night of long knives, which suddenly changed that. It's coming for the gays on the left too. Got to please those Islamic masters!
Hitler despised Christianity and prized Paganism. Just like the left.Hitler's government was married to corporations, just like Obama's government. Anyone know where the US government ended and Google began? Still today even?
And as far as propaganda goes: Goebbels would have had kittens if he had as cooperative a press as the US media is to the party of government. Just look at TTR and Inga here: they totally are into the idea that the media should be nothing more than a puppet of the Democrat party, and they don't care if the media lies to them to promote the left. Pravda would be ashamed, but Inga, TTR and the rest cheer.
Honestly, is there a policy that Herr Hitler had that the left actually disagrees with? Old Obama sure had zero problems with using the military to topple other countries. And today's left still hates Poland with a passion--they, after all, remember what it's like to be under the communist boot, and the Islamic boot.
Their casual Leftist racism is in accord with only the last 200 years of Leftist racism. But only the last 200.
What was "leftist" in the last 200 years?
Was it the politics of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and admirer or the French Revolution?
Was it the politics of progressive Republican Theodore Roosevelt, who busted the corporate monopoly trusts, signed into law the Pure Food and Drug Act and protected more lands by preserving them for the public by the federal government than ever before?
Was it lifelong Democrat Donald Trump, who broke the Republican taboo against standing up for workers on the campaign trail and in principle, even if he does little for them in practice?
There are a lot of people on this blog who are too dumb to realize that political parties change positions over time to remain relevant, just like any organization.
I swear Trump is Lucy and they’re Charlie Brown.
Trump is Bart Simpson.
Incredible to me how unhappy, mad actually, are our progressive commenters. Life is good. Our problems are first world problems. A bit of travel to the third world would do wonders to illuminate our good fortune,
Translation: Why not just the progress of our first-world nation by third-world standards? After all, Republicans have been dominating our politics so isn't that only the proper and fair standard by which to judge their performance?
Even Trump admits that our infrastructure is a joke.
It’s utterly predictable because it’s utterly true, at least to the non sycophants. There are many people out there away from here that are not Trump sycophants.
Yes. Just as there are many people out there away from here who aren't miserable, snarling, leftist assholes.
Gee Vance, that's one heck of a Godwining of the thread. Where did you learn so much about Hitler and Geobbels, anyway? Your parents?
Trump is as phony as his supporters and we see right through him and his fake interest in working class issues and a country for anyone other than his cronies. How that becomes Hitlerian I guess depends on how little the accuser knows about anything other than, you know, Hitler. And Nazis. Which I take it in your case Vance is not much.
TTR: "Was it the politics of Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence and admirer or the French Revolution?"
Hmmmmmmm. It's difficult isn't it, to speak of individuals who lived hundreds of years ago but attempt to use labels and frameworks of today to try and categorize them.
Not to mention that it is now de rigueur on the left that one would also have to mention that Jefferson was a slave owner as well.
What do we call leftists and liberals who provide succor to totalitarian regimes across the globe? Are they really "liberals" when they do that? Leftists?
Perhaps I'll go full LLR Chuck and demand that Althouse create a blog posting to address this interesting topic!
The sperg report is in.
I just sent it to VRC.althouse.
You want collusion that is whAT all the news bureaus are doing with the sepah, the rulers of Iran.
2018 is coming, Democrats and non Trump sycophants won’t be crying. The blowback will be joyous.
It’ll be like back in the late 80s? When a Gandhi won and India’s stock market crashed. The winner stepped down and was replaced.
So Inga’s hoping for a stock market crash and/or a dead stop to the US economy.
Or just once again making US unattractive to do business in.
But I expect nothing else from her.
We have friends also born in Europe, and no matter how long they’ve been here or mouth the platitudes, they can’t quite seem to grasp the obvious or connect Points A and B.
TTR: "Trump is as phony as his supporters and we see right through him and his fake interest in working class issues and a country for anyone other than his cronies. How that becomes Hitlerian I guess depends on how little the accuser knows about anything other than, you know, Hitler. And Nazis."
I personally am trying to recreate Weimar, knowing as I do that it was a necessary pre-cursor to the inevitable clash of socialists: national socialists vs international socialists where only 1 can win dibs on the future leadership.
I've already purchased the lederhosen and changed my surname to "Von Blimp"!
I hope to create a "Thousand Minute Reich!" which should have me back in time for the National Championship game on Monday, 8Jan 2018!
Jefferson and both Roosevelts were terrible racists.
So was Woodrow Wilson.
So were the eugenicists of the Progressive movement.
So was Margaret Sanger.
Did you plan to make a point?
Hmmmmmmm. It's difficult isn't it, to speak of individuals who lived hundreds of years ago but attempt to use labels and frameworks of today to try and categorize them.
That was the entire point. Birkel's just another one of many on this forum who insist that the parties/politics then are the same as the parties/politics now. Which always prompts me to ask them why it was that Republican president and Mount Rushmore icon Teddy Roosevelt called himself a "progressive."
What do we call leftists and liberals who provide succor to totalitarian regimes across the globe? Are they really "liberals" when they do that? Leftists?
I dunno. Idiots? Wackos?
I guess we should say it's in a different league but what the heck was Trump's House of Saud Royal Outreach and Friendship tour all about? A realist can debate the wisdom of using Iran to crack the Sunni/Wahhabi stranglehold on the Middle East. But is a Friendship Tour really necessary? With their creepy hands on that crystal ball in the dark room and everything?
And you guys thought Obama genuflected to Riyadh too much.
Hah, TTR. I actually paid attention in history class, is all. And since my American grandfather fought people in WWII who expressed your political views, it's a subject close to my heart.
I also lived in Germany for a few years as a kid. So I have a natural interest. And an ability to recognize that your politics and policies are practically identical to Mussolini's and ol' Adolf's. Let's not forget that Hitler was a hero of the left.... at least until he invaded the Soviet Union. Only then was he a monster.
I note that you did not refute anything about how your preferred policies are close to the same as the National Socialists. Or Mussolini's Fascism.
As for "Godwinning the thread" that was already done by your side, TTR. Somehow, though, you didn't mind that one, because it was your side calling every Trump supporter a Nazi. Your response? Crickets. You and yours went Godwin first, so it's only natural to respond with facts that show that it's your side that wants to reenact the Third Reich. After all, we were told that with Obama, America would always be run by Democrats again... forever. The new Democrat Reich.
The fact your new Reich was cut short is one of the real reasons for the screaming hate filled bile your side goes through right now. By the way, are you going to continue to endorse political violence against Republicans like you did after that Bernie Bro tried to murder Republicans?
I fondly remember a comment on the French Revolution made at Rantburg:
The had their Revolution and all they got was the reign of terror.
Overheard in the break room at a Manila clinic, "Whatever you do. Stay the hell out of Wisconsin."
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