I thing that front limb has to come down. Husbandry, husbandry. Although Ann and i are on opposite poles, I would like thank Ann for her entertaining blog and wish her and Mead Happy Holidays and a great New Year.
My backyard features a tree full of ripe Meyer lemons. I made two pies this year -- one from fresh lemons and one from fresh limes, but otherwise the same. May the best citrus win.
What I never want for Christmas is snow. We live at the top of a long, steep hill. Which is great about 362 days of the year, but not so good on the rare days when there’s a solid accumulation of frozen snow.
I was the first commenter on this thread, but Google has taken away my choice, taken away my voice. And my choice of voice and my voice of choice. Merry Christmas to all! Even the rat bastards at Blogger/Google.
"What I never want for Christmas is snow. We live at the top of a long, steep hill. Which is great about 362 days of the year, but not so good on the rare days when there’s a solid accumulation of frozen snow."
We live on top of a mountain in the snow belt. Received 4" of snow yesterday and it's still here. Our snowplow crews rarely work weekends unless it hits 8" or so.
Because there's nothing quite like celebrating the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, quite like re-Tweeting the image of Trump on a mobile phone in the back of a limousine with the image of a blood spot on his shoe replete with CNN logo.
Blessings to all. Peace on earth and good will toward men.
Merry Christmas to all. My son is not going to make it for Christmas Eve for the fifth year in a row but he should be home in the mornng when the kids open their presents.
What the heck is boxing day. Who celebrates this?
Common holiday in England and Australia. It is the day that churches open the poor box.
In Victorian England, servants were required to wait on their employer, his family, and guests on Xmas Day as if it were any other working day, but they did get December 26 off with pay and a box of gifts and remembrances, thus Boxing Day. Since there wouldn't be anything but cold meats to eat on Boxing Day or any servants about to cater to one's whims the aristocracy would usually devote Boxing Day to outdoor activities where the absence of servants wouldn't be missed. Traditionally the biggest fox hunt of the season, with plenty of invited guests and cappers in the field, is Boxing Day. Unfortunately, it's also a big day for Labourite thugs and Animal Rights crazies to try and disrupt the hunt. The latest trick is to pull a rider from her horse (they do this to the women because the men will kick their sorry sagging butts from John O' Grotts to Landsend) and kick her or smear her with mud. There's a vid I've seen but can't find at the moment showing a plucky young woman giving the sabs what for with her crop!
We all know what LLR Chuck wants for Xmas — an impeached, deposed, and guillotined Donald Trump, and an undisturbed continuance of Deep State Oligarchical Collectivism.
He also wants Quaestor's face strapped to the rat cage. But that's for next Xmas.
“Merry Christmas to my favorite blogger and commenters (even you libs)!”
Merry Christmas to all, even the Trumpists! It’s still snowing here in SE Wisconsin, then we go into the deep freeze, but that’s the way it is here in the great white north. Tonight we go to my Madison daughter’s home, then on Christmas Day dinner here at my home, then on Boxing Day to another daughter’s home nearby where everyone of my four children and grandchildren will be together under one roof. Three days of Christmas is enough for one year.
Thanks. He is actually pretty safe, being a supervisor most of the time, but it scared me that the one guy who was killed was also an engineer. They are not supposed to be on the front lines.
He is also the junior engineer in his station so he gets the holidays until another engineer gets certified and becomes junior.
The family get together is tonight but he will be home in the morning for the kids' presents.
The SJL thread slays me. Somehow I think Althouse, who rails against air travel almost as much as she does men in shorts, wouldn’t be calm and respectful if she bought a first class ticket but got booted from her seat by a congresscritter. In fact, I’m 100% certain there would be photos and several blog posts about the experience.
We did buy the youngest the most adorable pair of green shoes at Harrods, that she wore once, on a special occasion, and they really popped with her outfit. I don’t know if she ever wore them again, but they were ON SALE on Boxing Day! I don’t remember anything buy my own suffering from Black Friday at Macy’s.
Merry Christmas everyone from the soon to be deep freeze of Wisconsin. All our kids and the ten grandkids will be here tomorrow, then we ALL head up North to our cottage for New Years. Yikes- hope we survive it!
LOL. Northern Wisconsin- near Minocqua. High temps for the week expected to be zero or below. Thinking Grands and Grandma here will be escaping to the local bar.
Merry Christmas to all, even the Trumpists! It’s still snowing here in SE Wisconsin, then we go into the deep freeze, but that’s the way it is here in the great white north. Tonight we go to my Madison daughter’s home, then on Christmas Day dinner here at my home, then on Boxing Day to another daughter’s home nearby where everyone of my four children and grandchildren will be together under one roof. Three days of Christmas is enough for one year.
Be safe on the road and have fun with your darlings!
We celebrate our Christmas today, as my older kids go to their dad's the evening of Christmas Eve. We had wonderful presents and coffee this morning; best part was my 16 year old's delight in seeing her siblings, me and stepdad open the gifts she had carefully selected and spent her babysitting money on. She said that she enjoyed that more than her own presents; she is growing up. I made fried chicken cutlets and waffles for brunch, relaxed for a little in the early afternoon, and am now waiting on the prime rib and scalloped potatoes to finish up in the oven. About to make the brussels sprout salad and will pull the chocolate cheesecake out of the fridge to come up to temperature. Dinner, then our beautiful Episcopal evening service, then a little drive to see Christmas lights, then will drop the big kids at their dad's and go home to put the baby to bed, watch Love, Actually and have some eggnog with perhaps a tiny drop of rum in it.
Tomorrow will be putting the house back in order, a pot of soup for lunch and my favorite spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner, and planning the babymoon vacation we're going to take before the little one arrives in early March.
I couldn't possibly be more blessed or content, and I wish you all the same, or at least peace, hope and forbearance if this is a difficult season of life for you. Love to all.
"We all know what LLR Chuck wants for Xmas — an impeached, deposed, and guillotined Donald Trump, and an undisturbed continuance of Deep State Oligarchical Collectivism."
Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate.
OK, just saw the replay of the call at Buffalo. What BS! That’s three that the Patriots have gotten this year, there was also one in their favor against the Jets that made me root for the Jets the rest of the game.
I think the one against the Jets was when the Jets player “fumbled” six inches in front of the goal line, and “recovered” six inches after the goal line. By that I mean he juggled the ball as he crossed the line, and while it was a “football touchdown,” it was called a touchback, and the Patriots got the ball on the 20. Add that to the recent one, and the one today, which was a “football catch,” like the last one, and it looks like the league thinks it’s the WWF, and they are setting up the Patriots as the villain.
At the bar there are several guys of a type: we will call them the Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking. He is pleasant; maybe a little ragged, maybe nicely dressed: there isn't a specific type for this type. Other than the fact that, if you engage him in a pleasantry he will now begin talking with you. And he won't stop talking.
Like I said, he is a Nice Enough Guy: he is not like some of the Ragged Crazies outside who don't stop talking because the Voices In Their Head don't stop talking. And they are not pretending it is conversation: it is decidedly a monologue, if not a particularly coherent one.
The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking, though: he thinks you are now having a conversation. Of which your part is to nod in agreement and occasionally say 'Yeah' or 'That sucks.' Depending on what he is going on about.
It could be a particular sports player he is talking about -- a guy who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, say. Or a co-worker. Who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is. Sometimes an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, who isn't as good as everyone thinks she is, because she's really a snake and a bitch. Maybe even a cheating whore.
The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking never gets the hint that you are wanting to disengage from this dialogue. If you turn your head, he will keep talking. If you begin to talk to someone else, he will keep talking. If you go to the bathroom, when you return, he will still be talking.
I will be polite for a few minutes, to see if the guy will run out of steam. On rare occasions The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking does. At which point you never, under any circumstances, say a word to him: because it will start again, and you will be kicking yourself for your unforced error.
If the guy doesn't run out of steam I will politely but firmly say 'Thank you, but I've had enough of this particular conversation.' Some will actually stop talking -- probably because some of these guys don't have another conversation subject ready to start. The idea to switch from the sports player who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, to the co-worker who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, hasn't occurred to him yet.
They will now look hurt and stare at their drink, sulking. Do not apologize. You did nothing wrong. If you apologize he will start another story, because -- oh, yeah -- he does have another conversation ready: this one is about how people don't understand him. Again: polite. Firm. Do not apologize.
This doesn't always work. Sometimes you just have to say 'will you please shut the fuck up.' And, again: polite. Firm. Well, maybe not polite. But, again: do not apologize. And there is no need to bring his mother into this: when it is time to break out the epithet Motherfucker you will know it. And you won't feel like apologizing, so no worries there. Unless you are the kind of guy who feels sorry for saying that after a few more drinks, If you are that guy, and you go to him to apologize, well: you brought it on yourself.
Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate.
Well, unfortunately for you there is this thing called a Constitution which says that if Trump leaves office for any reason -- he's impeached and convicted (your dream, with essentially zero percent probability of success), he feels like quitting and does so, he dies in office -- Pence takes over. So in your shoes I'd consider leaving Trump alone, because what's coming if he leaves is worse by your lights.
And it would be good if stupid lefties like you would cease and desist with speculating about the murder of Donald Trump; it has been less than a year since someone actively set out to murder Republican senators and congressmen, and people are just a bit on edge right now. Repeat after me: It. Is. Not. Funny. Because it isn't.
@Meade, how come I don't see a path worn across your lawn by Zeus? The dogs next door have worn a path from the back yard to the front gate where they can bark at us when we get home from wherever. (Dumb dogs -- 18 months and it hasn't dawned on them that we own this house and aren't leaving no matter how much they bark.)
Big Mike, C'mon..barking at you is the highlight of their day. My daily jog has a couple barkers as well..racing back and forth along their fence. I just embrace my role and wave hello.
There is a guy at Starbucks like that James James. I forgot why I started a conversation with him, my first clue should have been that he would look perfectly comfortable operating a slide rule. Anyway, it started out pleasant enough, at least sticking for a minute or two to the subject I introduced, but I began to notice that I couldn’t influence the conversation from that point, and eventually he got to his pet subject, which was something like some plan he had that was going to dwarf the investments of the likes of Bank of America and Deutsche Bank, and these guys had just overlooked this one little thing! He had discovered it and it was going to be big! Huge!
I asked him what it was about, but it was like I never spoke. He went on an on about how he couldn’t believe “the big guys” had overlooked this little flaw in their math! Well, I learned not to speak to him, and I think by now, so has everybody else, because he sits at a corner table now, computer to one side, and hand drawn diagrams of various kinds spread out on the table. Nobody talks to him. But who knows? It could be like the old joke about Karl Marx.
Supposedly, Marx went to this library every day in England to work on Das Kapital, Spent years there. Once it became big, a guy went to the librarian there and asked him what Marx was like. The librarian said, well, he came in every day, was writing or reading every day, nice enough chap, always asking for this book or that, but one day he just stopped coming, and nobody has heard of him since!
Gifts, gifts and more gifts tonight. A quart of Korbel Brandy is my favorite so far. I will need it as our hosts have another 10 guests over for dinner tomorrow, most of whom I do not know but whose flaws I have been hearing about for years.
The Golden and I may have to go into another room and share our feelings. She understands me.
It is not currently snowing in Phoenix (Scottsdale), nor is any in the forecast. It has snowed before, five times I think, since I moved here in 1997. We have had a cold wave recently with lows in the 30s one night, and highs in the 50s. But that is done and winter is probably over. Today was perfect for biking, and tomorrow will be around 70, so we can resume all outdoor activities. I do miss Wisconsin and its beautiful winter season, but as I get older I cannot abide the cold. I spent last week in Minnesota and was never warm during my entire visit.
This is a wonderful time of year, whether you enjoy a white Christmas or a warm one. Best of the season to our hostess, and all the commenters, whom I find interesting regardless of their political orientation. Merry Christmas to all.
My favorite Christmas memory is from several decades ago when my brother and I were altar boys. He held the censer and I drew incense boat duty.
He waggled the censer constantly during the service and when the priest made his aisle blessing we had it well-stoked. I remember putting three scoops of incense on the charcoal, and I think a few of the old people later passed out.
To this day I'll throw a few twigs of rosemary on the grill before I cook anything -- just to enjoy that smell.
It's a white Christmas in Seattle. The second one I've experienced a white Christmas in Seattle, and I've been here for a long time.
Yes! No white Christmas here in southern AZ but both my daughters in WA texted me photos of their snow. It's unusual for Western WA to have snow in December. Seem to recall snow usually comes in November and February. My sister on the other side of the Cascades has about two feet on the ground [either way you look at it, heh!].
“Business!“ cried the ghost, wringing his hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business.”
The West Wing was a guilty pleasure of mine.(Alan freaking Alda as the Republican candidate for president? Ed Asner wasn't available?)
I loved the repartee. It was best in the early years before it started to take itself too seriously. Lots of very good actors performing superbly in small roles. Emily Proctor as Ainsley Hayes was probably my favorite.
Instead of going off the air, I wanted them to hire a new writing staff, have a republican win the presidency, and then do the series from that point of view. Oh well...it probably would have ended up as House of Cards.
No more like. scandal, even though the figurehead is more of an establishment type like Rooney. This last arc on blindspot has an unscrupulous FBI executive who is operating for some mysterious entity, played by David Morse so he has to be evil.
I'm going to Palo Alto tomorrow for Xmas dinner. Ever been there? It's a college town (Stanford) with gorgeous, expensive houses, about 45 mins south of San Francisco.
On Page Mill Road, there's a buncha big law firms and famous technology companies.
Extreme wealth, extreme capitalism, but culturally liberal. If the Marxists ever invaded, all these pleasant venture capitalists would be shot as greedy parasites of society.
Tyoical Lunatic Lefty: "Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate."
Lets all be sure to give the gun control fevered dreams of these idiots due consideration.......lol!
So this is what I did on Christmas Eve. I made an apple strudel before noon. It's for the dinner I will have on Christmas Day with two lovely sisters. At noon I drove to a friend's house to watch football. I don't like football. It seems pointless. But the conversation is fun. Because I have no interest in the game, or even know the rules, I comment on the players' uniforms, the goofy people in the crowd and the way the coaches look. After that I went home & played World of warcraft for a few hours. Then I went to a candle light service at my church. When I got home I make fettucini alfredo. I froze most of it, but later I will have a little with some grilled italian sausage I made a few days ago. And now I am watching a Christmas movie, "Fred Claus," with Vince Vaughan, Paul Giamatti, and Kevin Spacey. It's not very good, but I've already watched all the good Christmas movies. The Muppet version of A Christmas Carol is pretty good. I'll be glad when the season is over. My wife passed away a few months ago after a short illness. People are very nice about it, but Christmas is a trial. So many people are inviting me to various things, and I can't just show up empty handed or turn them down. If I do, they will think that I am morbidly grieving.
@Lewis, you have my sympathy on the loss of your wife.
It’s 3:30 AM out here in the Shenandoah Valley and I’ve either been awakened by the prancing and pawing of reindeer hooves on my roof or by something blown against the house by a fierce windstorm raging outside. I will look for damage when the sun’s up.
Big Mike- I appreciate your sympathy. Iam grieved beyond words. We met in 1997,qnd were married in 2002. She was the first and only woman I had married. We were planning on retiring back to the mainland in 2019. Now I don't know what to do. I could retire, now, and live comfortably, but what would I do? Watch TV all day? So I will contnue to work for another year or so, at least.
Memeorandum alerted me to the existence of the Althouse blog, eight or ten years ago. For some eighteen months now, Memeorandum has served me a daily dish of Trump Derangement Syndrom (top act: the WaPo).
Today, in Newsweek: “How Trump and the Nazis stole Christmas to promote white nationalism”
I remember when my mother passed, younger than would be expected. People invited my father to various events, but he was not much of a social person, unless he could see my mother, even from across the room.
I love how the AntiFa guy says: “They have a flag with a cross on it! That’s a known White Nationalist symbol, they are trying to HURT people!” before he runs in front of a pickup truck that is innocently driving in traffic.
I guess if he thinks a cross is a white nationalist symbol, he doesn’t actually know any black people. The one downer is that the guy driving the pickup truck hits the brakes when the AntiFa guy, who just dashed into traffic, runs into his lane.
Very sorry to hear that Lewis. Mrs. Tank is also seriously not well this Christmas and it does take the gloss off. Very hard to be "normal," but we try.
Tons of snow on the ground here in Big Sky country this Christmas morning, though it's warmed up considerably, 6 degrees F with more more snow due today. Picture perfect, but I'll likely be out in the storm on my tractor again today. Merry Christmas to all of you.
I am one of the silent readers who enjoy the engagement of opinions, thoughts and personal stories. Wishing all a lovely day with those you love, whether in person or in memory. Special thoughts to anyone dealing with loss of a loved one as the holidays do not seem very merry. Let’s all wish the country a politically healthier New Year!
Allow me to wish everyone all the health and happiness they can have, and in their absence, the courage to go on. Human frailty is a bear, one we all must face. I see my parents on the downswing and it's just rotten.
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११९ टिप्पण्या:
On the South Side of Chicago, I have over 3" of snow, so far, and it is still snowing hard.
I like watching your back yard go through the seasons. That picture needs Zeus in it.
Merry Christmas Ann and Meade.
Merry Christmas, Rusty, and to every Althouse reader.
Merry Christmas guys!
Christmas family viewing if you go out on Boxing Day:
Middled aged, cynical, not religious, not spiritual: Finally saw "Coco" and cried like a baby...
Merry Christmas to the host and all the commenters.
It's the day of days celebrating the incarnation of God into the second Adam. God wins Bigly.
I've been reading the blog since I was in law school (Class of 2010) and have never commented. I want to say two things:
(1) I've already got everything I could ever expect or want.
(2) Thanks so much for the work you do here. I really enjoy the content and your perspective.
Thought you might enjoy hearing from a long time silent observer.
Merry Christmas!
So "Coco" turns Unknown into a Deadhead? Or was he already one? Only Unknown knows for sure.
I thing that front limb has to come down. Husbandry, husbandry. Although Ann and i are on opposite poles, I would like thank Ann for her entertaining blog and wish her and Mead Happy Holidays and a great New Year.
Not yet enough snow to ski laps around the yard. Is there more forecast?
Merry Christmas to Meadehouse and fellow readers.
Merry Christmas Althousians!
My backyard features a tree full of ripe Meyer lemons. I made two pies this year -- one from fresh lemons and one from fresh limes, but otherwise the same. May the best citrus win.
Remember the real story of Christmas
Merry Christmas to all!!
Good to leave those leaves around. Makes for more lightening bugs come the Fourth.
When I was a kid in NJ, Christmas Eve was in the evening, not all day; and stores stayed open until 5pm or so, instead of shutting down all day.
Ohio was of the all-day opinion on both counts in the 70s, but I expected that because they also pronounce suite as suit and are generally backwards.
Merry Christmas to our hostess and her household.
Having the entire 'dink family over for dinner later today.
Merry Christmas everyone!
What I never want for Christmas is snow. We live at the top of a long, steep hill. Which is great about 362 days of the year, but not so good on the rare days when there’s a solid accumulation of frozen snow.
I was the first commenter on this thread, but Google has taken away my choice, taken away my voice. And my choice of voice and my voice of choice. Merry Christmas to all! Even the rat bastards at Blogger/Google.
Merry Christmas you all: hostess and host, commenters and lurkers alike. It's a gift to read all of you.
Similar snow here in central Iowa.
May you be able to give all you can.
"What I never want for Christmas is snow. We live at the top of a long, steep hill. Which is great about 362 days of the year, but not so good on the rare days when there’s a solid accumulation of frozen snow."
We live on top of a mountain in the snow belt. Received 4" of snow yesterday and it's still here. Our snowplow crews rarely work weekends unless it hits 8" or so.
Christmas family viewing if you go out on Boxing Day:
What the heck is boxing day. Who celebrates this?
Warm wishes for a Merry Christmas to all from President Trump:
Because there's nothing quite like celebrating the miraculous birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, quite like re-Tweeting the image of Trump on a mobile phone in the back of a limousine with the image of a blood spot on his shoe replete with CNN logo.
Blessings to all. Peace on earth and good will toward men.
Don in Ohio and Rick in Georgia are discussing in morse code their grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Ham radio isn't what it used to be.
Thanks, Kane. And thanks to all the silent readers on the silent night.
Thanks to the noisy readers to.
I hope Santa beats Chuck tonight with a bag of coal. For five minutes.
Check your Spam exclusions. Or let Zeus do it.
Googled "titty twister" suggestions include Althouse commenter Chuck. Hilarious !
Twister shows up without evidence to dispute results.
Winning !
Merry Christmas!
Paco recommended this Christmas album, and it's great.
Merry Christmas to my favorite blogger and commenters (even you libs)!
Merry Christmas to all. My son is not going to make it for Christmas Eve for the fifth year in a row but he should be home in the mornng when the kids open their presents.
What the heck is boxing day. Who celebrates this?
Common holiday in England and Australia. It is the day that churches open the poor box.
In Australia, it is the start of the Sydney-Hobart Race.
That is one of the great ocean racing events in the world. I always wanted to do one but never got the chance.
It would appear the NE Patriots are continuing to receive gifts from the NFL officiating/replay crews.
"Ham radio isn't what it used to be."
It sure isn't. But Merry Christmas to all anyway.
What the heck is boxing day.
In Victorian England, servants were required to wait on their employer, his family, and guests on Xmas Day as if it were any other working day, but they did get December 26 off with pay and a box of gifts and remembrances, thus Boxing Day. Since there wouldn't be anything but cold meats to eat on Boxing Day or any servants about to cater to one's whims the aristocracy would usually devote Boxing Day to outdoor activities where the absence of servants wouldn't be missed. Traditionally the biggest fox hunt of the season, with plenty of invited guests and cappers in the field, is Boxing Day. Unfortunately, it's also a big day for Labourite thugs and Animal Rights crazies to try and disrupt the hunt. The latest trick is to pull a rider from her horse (they do this to the women because the men will kick their sorry sagging butts from John O' Grotts to Landsend) and kick her or smear her with mud. There's a vid I've seen but can't find at the moment showing a plucky young woman giving the sabs what for with her crop!
Michael K.
We argue all the time but I want to sincerely wish your son’s safety. Some of these fires we are seeing on the news scare the hell out of me .
It’s a hell of a thing he does for a living and these folks don’t get the appreciation they deserve.
We all know what LLR Chuck wants for Xmas — an impeached, deposed, and guillotined Donald Trump, and an undisturbed continuance of Deep State Oligarchical Collectivism.
He also wants Quaestor's face strapped to the rat cage. But that's for next Xmas.
“Merry Christmas to my favorite blogger and commenters (even you libs)!”
Merry Christmas to all, even the Trumpists! It’s still snowing here in SE Wisconsin, then we go into the deep freeze, but that’s the way it is here in the great white north. Tonight we go to my Madison daughter’s home, then on Christmas Day dinner here at my home, then on Boxing Day to another daughter’s home nearby where everyone of my four children and grandchildren will be together under one roof. Three days of Christmas is enough for one year.
Poor LLR. He will go the way of all Kristols - in so deep as a Never Trumper he will never be able to escape.
I want to sincerely wish your son’s safety.
Thanks. He is actually pretty safe, being a supervisor most of the time, but it scared me that the one guy who was killed was also an engineer. They are not supposed to be on the front lines.
He is also the junior engineer in his station so he gets the holidays until another engineer gets certified and becomes junior.
The family get together is tonight but he will be home in the morning for the kids' presents.
Nothing like Christmas eve with yet another "But Truuuuummmmpppp!"
Lots of egg nog, buddy..heavy on the nog.
The SJL thread slays me. Somehow I think Althouse, who rails against air travel almost as much as she does men in shorts, wouldn’t be calm and respectful if she bought a first class ticket but got booted from her seat by a congresscritter. In fact, I’m 100% certain there would be photos and several blog posts about the experience.
I was once, in the same Christmas season in Macy’s NYC on Black Friday, and in Harrods, London on Boxing Day. The things you do for girl children!
We did buy the youngest the most adorable pair of green shoes at Harrods, that she wore once, on a special occasion, and they really popped with her outfit. I don’t know if she ever wore them again, but they were ON SALE on Boxing Day! I don’t remember anything buy my own suffering from Black Friday at Macy’s.
Merry Christmas to Althouse and Meade and all the commentators.
A Merry Kwaanza to all!
Merry Christmas everyone from the soon to be deep freeze of Wisconsin. All our kids and the ten grandkids will be here tomorrow, then we ALL head up North to our cottage for New Years. Yikes- hope we survive it!
North of Wisconsin? Where? Frostbite Falls?
Maybe I will head over to Mar a Lago and sing Christmas carols.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
LOL. Northern Wisconsin- near Minocqua. High temps for the week expected to be zero or below. Thinking Grands and Grandma here will be escaping to the local bar.
I mean Gramps and Grandma - jeez
God bless us, every one.
Christmas blessings to everyone here!
Merry Christmas to all, even the Trumpists! It’s still snowing here in SE Wisconsin, then we go into the deep freeze, but that’s the way it is here in the great white north. Tonight we go to my Madison daughter’s home, then on Christmas Day dinner here at my home, then on Boxing Day to another daughter’s home nearby where everyone of my four children and grandchildren will be together under one roof. Three days of Christmas is enough for one year.
Be safe on the road and have fun with your darlings!
We celebrate our Christmas today, as my older kids go to their dad's the evening of Christmas Eve. We had wonderful presents and coffee this morning; best part was my 16 year old's delight in seeing her siblings, me and stepdad open the gifts she had carefully selected and spent her babysitting money on. She said that she enjoyed that more than her own presents; she is growing up. I made fried chicken cutlets and waffles for brunch, relaxed for a little in the early afternoon, and am now waiting on the prime rib and scalloped potatoes to finish up in the oven. About to make the brussels sprout salad and will pull the chocolate cheesecake out of the fridge to come up to temperature. Dinner, then our beautiful Episcopal evening service, then a little drive to see Christmas lights, then will drop the big kids at their dad's and go home to put the baby to bed, watch Love, Actually and have some eggnog with perhaps a tiny drop of rum in it.
Tomorrow will be putting the house back in order, a pot of soup for lunch and my favorite spaghetti with meat sauce for dinner, and planning the babymoon vacation we're going to take before the little one arrives in early March.
I couldn't possibly be more blessed or content, and I wish you all the same, or at least peace, hope and forbearance if this is a difficult season of life for you. Love to all.
"We all know what LLR Chuck wants for Xmas — an impeached, deposed, and guillotined Donald Trump, and an undisturbed continuance of Deep State Oligarchical Collectivism."
Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate.
OK, just saw the replay of the call at Buffalo. What BS! That’s three that the Patriots have gotten this year, there was also one in their favor against the Jets that made me root for the Jets the rest of the game.
I think the one against the Jets was when the Jets player “fumbled” six inches in front of the goal line, and “recovered” six inches after the goal line. By that I mean he juggled the ball as he crossed the line, and while it was a “football touchdown,” it was called a touchback, and the Patriots got the ball on the 20. Add that to the recent one, and the one today, which was a “football catch,” like the last one, and it looks like the league thinks it’s the WWF, and they are setting up the Patriots as the villain.
At the bar there are several guys of a type: we will call them the Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking. He is pleasant; maybe a little ragged, maybe nicely dressed: there isn't a specific type for this type. Other than the fact that, if you engage him in a pleasantry he will now begin talking with you. And he won't stop talking.
Like I said, he is a Nice Enough Guy: he is not like some of the Ragged Crazies outside who don't stop talking because the Voices In Their Head don't stop talking. And they are not pretending it is conversation: it is decidedly a monologue, if not a particularly coherent one.
The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking, though: he thinks you are now having a conversation. Of which your part is to nod in agreement and occasionally say 'Yeah' or 'That sucks.' Depending on what he is going on about.
It could be a particular sports player he is talking about -- a guy who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, say. Or a co-worker. Who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is. Sometimes an ex-wife or ex-girlfriend, who isn't as good as everyone thinks she is, because she's really a snake and a bitch. Maybe even a cheating whore.
The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking never gets the hint that you are wanting to disengage from this dialogue. If you turn your head, he will keep talking. If you begin to talk to someone else, he will keep talking. If you go to the bathroom, when you return, he will still be talking.
I will be polite for a few minutes, to see if the guy will run out of steam. On rare occasions The Nice Enough Guy Who Won't Stop Talking does. At which point you never, under any circumstances, say a word to him: because it will start again, and you will be kicking yourself for your unforced error.
If the guy doesn't run out of steam I will politely but firmly say 'Thank you, but I've had enough of this particular conversation.' Some will actually stop talking -- probably because some of these guys don't have another conversation subject ready to start. The idea to switch from the sports player who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, to the co-worker who isn't as good as everyone thinks he is, hasn't occurred to him yet.
They will now look hurt and stare at their drink, sulking. Do not apologize. You did nothing wrong. If you apologize he will start another story, because -- oh, yeah -- he does have another conversation ready: this one is about how people don't understand him. Again: polite. Firm. Do not apologize.
This doesn't always work. Sometimes you just have to say 'will you please shut the fuck up.' And, again: polite. Firm. Well, maybe not polite. But, again: do not apologize. And there is no need to bring his mother into this: when it is time to break out the epithet Motherfucker you will know it. And you won't feel like apologizing, so no worries there. Unless you are the kind of guy who feels sorry for saying that after a few more drinks, If you are that guy, and you go to him to apologize, well: you brought it on yourself.
- james james
Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate.
Well, unfortunately for you there is this thing called a Constitution which says that if Trump leaves office for any reason -- he's impeached and convicted (your dream, with essentially zero percent probability of success), he feels like quitting and does so, he dies in office -- Pence takes over. So in your shoes I'd consider leaving Trump alone, because what's coming if he leaves is worse by your lights.
And it would be good if stupid lefties like you would cease and desist with speculating about the murder of Donald Trump; it has been less than a year since someone actively set out to murder Republican senators and congressmen, and people are just a bit on edge right now. Repeat after me: It. Is. Not. Funny. Because it isn't.
Oh, and greetings of the season.
"God bless us, every one."
—Tiny Tim
"The only thing I pray for is the strength to go out without complaining."
—Tiny Tim
82nd day without measurable precipitation, so we will take some in any form whatever and say thank you, Lord!
Gledelig Jul og Godt Nyttår!
@Meade, how come I don't see a path worn across your lawn by Zeus? The dogs next door have worn a path from the back yard to the front gate where they can bark at us when we get home from wherever. (Dumb dogs -- 18 months and it hasn't dawned on them that we own this house and aren't leaving no matter how much they bark.)
One way to clear off the holiday schedule is for both parents to get sick. Thanks goodness for Christmas movies.
Big Mike,
C'mon..barking at you is the highlight of their day.
My daily jog has a couple barkers as well..racing back and forth along their fence.
I just embrace my role and wave hello.
And it would be good if stupid lefties like you would cease and desist with speculating about the murder of Donald Trump;
Lefties live in a fantasy world. I have some related to me. For a while it was "The West Wing."
There is a guy at Starbucks like that James James. I forgot why I started a conversation with him, my first clue should have been that he would look perfectly comfortable operating a slide rule. Anyway, it started out pleasant enough, at least sticking for a minute or two to the subject I introduced, but I began to notice that I couldn’t influence the conversation from that point, and eventually he got to his pet subject, which was something like some plan he had that was going to dwarf the investments of the likes of Bank of America and Deutsche Bank, and these guys had just overlooked this one little thing! He had discovered it and it was going to be big! Huge!
I asked him what it was about, but it was like I never spoke. He went on an on about how he couldn’t believe “the big guys” had overlooked this little flaw in their math! Well, I learned not to speak to him, and I think by now, so has everybody else, because he sits at a corner table now, computer to one side, and hand drawn diagrams of various kinds spread out on the table. Nobody talks to him. But who knows? It could be like the old joke about Karl Marx.
Supposedly, Marx went to this library every day in England to work on Das Kapital, Spent years there. Once it became big, a guy went to the librarian there and asked him what Marx was like. The librarian said, well, he came in every day, was writing or reading every day, nice enough chap, always asking for this book or that, but one day he just stopped coming, and nobody has heard of him since!
"If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate."
More proof of Trump triggering violence!
Speaking of which, hoping Scalise and Paul have a merry Christmas.
They barely survived the Trump violence.
How nice of autocorrect to change Thank to Thanks. "Thanks goodness," it is.
Sometimes you just have to say 'will you please shut the fuck up.'
That's what I used to say every time I heard John Gruden doing Monday Night Football.
Gifts, gifts and more gifts tonight. A quart of Korbel Brandy is my favorite so far. I will need it as our hosts have another 10 guests over for dinner tomorrow, most of whom I do not know but whose flaws I have been hearing about for years.
The Golden and I may have to go into another room and share our feelings. She understands me.
Great Scot!,
Seems like you'll have enough people there to slip out unnoticed.
"Oh hey..nice to meet you. I'll be right back.."
It is not currently snowing in Phoenix (Scottsdale), nor is any in the forecast. It has snowed before, five times I think, since I moved here in 1997. We have had a cold wave recently with lows in the 30s one night, and highs in the 50s. But that is done and winter is probably over. Today was perfect for biking, and tomorrow will be around 70, so we can resume all outdoor activities. I do miss Wisconsin and its beautiful winter season, but as I get older I cannot abide the cold. I spent last week in Minnesota and was never warm during my entire visit.
This is a wonderful time of year, whether you enjoy a white Christmas or a warm one. Best of the season to our hostess, and all the commenters, whom I find interesting regardless of their political orientation. Merry Christmas to all.
My favorite Christmas memory is from several decades ago when my brother and I were altar boys. He held the censer and I drew incense boat duty.
He waggled the censer constantly during the service and when the priest made his aisle blessing we had it well-stoked. I remember putting three scoops of incense on the charcoal, and I think a few of the old people later passed out.
To this day I'll throw a few twigs of rosemary on the grill before I cook anything -- just to enjoy that smell.
A joyous Christmas to Althousians big and small.
"But that is done and winter is probably over."
Not in Tucson. It was 29 Thursday night and January is usually colder.
It's 74 today but January is usually colder.
Aardvark (roasted) tastes like chicken.
Its OK I am already on the naughty list...
those three dots are mine..........
Merry Christmas, Althousekeepers and Althousepets.
Every Bounty and Blessing to Althouse, Meade and all who dip in here for a bit of r
Levity, rest and perspective. salud!
Henry Mayhew did real research into the nature of poverty in the UK unlike Marx, but he didn't have an obvious programmatic response.
Merry Christmas to all on this board.
It's a white Christmas in Seattle. The second one I've experienced a white Christmas in Seattle, and I've been here for a long time.
Hmmmm......I think I may have enjoyed (more like endured) a little too much Christmas cheer. My grammar has gone to hell.
The second white Christmas I've experienced in Seattle.
It's a white Christmas in Seattle. The second one I've experienced a white Christmas in Seattle, and I've been here for a long time.
Yes! No white Christmas here in southern AZ but both my daughters in WA texted me photos of their snow. It's unusual for Western WA to have snow in December. Seem to recall snow usually comes in November and February. My sister on the other side of the Cascades has about two feet on the ground [either way you look at it, heh!].
“Business!“ cried the ghost, wringing his hands again. “Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business.”
Merry Christmas to all and a Happy New Year.
Merry Christmas to all the Althousians. Hope the day brings you everything you hoped and desired.
The West Wing.
The West Wing was a guilty pleasure of mine.(Alan freaking Alda as the Republican candidate for president? Ed Asner wasn't available?)
I loved the repartee. It was best in the early years before it started to take itself too seriously. Lots of very good actors performing superbly in small roles. Emily Proctor as Ainsley Hayes was probably my favorite.
Instead of going off the air, I wanted them to hire a new writing staff, have a republican win the presidency, and then do the series from that point of view. Oh well...it probably would have ended up as House of Cards.
No more like. scandal, even though the figurehead is more of an establishment type like Rooney. This last arc on blindspot has an unscrupulous FBI executive who is operating for some mysterious entity, played by David Morse so he has to be evil.
Merry Christmas to all the denizens of my favorite spot of the interwebs!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
That part, was due to Peggy noonan being hired that year.
I'm going to Palo Alto tomorrow for Xmas dinner. Ever been there? It's a college town (Stanford) with gorgeous, expensive houses, about 45 mins south of San Francisco.
On Page Mill Road, there's a buncha big law firms and famous technology companies.
Extreme wealth, extreme capitalism, but culturally liberal. If the Marxists ever invaded, all these pleasant venture capitalists would be shot as greedy parasites of society.
Merry Christmas!
A fun story about the Charlie Brown Christmas Special!
" If the Marxists ever invaded, all these pleasant venture capitalists would be shot as greedy parasites of society."
Have you ever read "White Fang?" That's the way it was,
Good morning. Merry Christmas!
Tyoical Lunatic Lefty: "Yes, I want Strumpet deposed, but we don't want Pence to take his place. Any suggestions? I would rather Trump be imprisoned than to see his head role. If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate."
Lets all be sure to give the gun control fevered dreams of these idiots due consideration.......lol!
Merry Christmas!
So this is what I did on Christmas Eve.
I made an apple strudel before noon. It's for the dinner I will have on Christmas Day with two lovely sisters.
At noon I drove to a friend's house to watch football. I don't like football. It seems pointless. But the conversation is fun. Because I have no interest in the game, or even know the rules, I comment on the players' uniforms, the goofy people in the crowd and the way the coaches look.
After that I went home & played World of warcraft for a few hours.
Then I went to a candle light service at my church.
When I got home I make fettucini alfredo. I froze most of it, but later I will have a little with some grilled italian sausage I made a few days ago.
And now I am watching a Christmas movie, "Fred Claus," with Vince Vaughan, Paul Giamatti, and Kevin Spacey. It's not very good, but I've already watched all the good Christmas movies. The Muppet version of A Christmas Carol is pretty good.
I'll be glad when the season is over. My wife passed away a few months ago after a short illness. People are very nice about it, but Christmas is a trial. So many people are inviting me to various things, and I can't just show up empty handed or turn them down. If I do, they will think that I am morbidly grieving.
@Lewis, you have my sympathy on the loss of your wife.
It’s 3:30 AM out here in the Shenandoah Valley and I’ve either been awakened by the prancing and pawing of reindeer hooves on my roof or by something blown against the house by a fierce windstorm raging outside. I will look for damage when the sun’s up.
Big Mike-
I appreciate your sympathy. Iam grieved beyond words. We met in 1997,qnd were married in 2002. She was the first and only woman I had married. We were planning on retiring back to the mainland in 2019. Now I don't know what to do. I could retire, now, and live comfortably, but what would I do? Watch TV all day? So I will contnue to work for another year or so, at least.
Memeorandum alerted me to the existence of the Althouse blog, eight or ten years ago. For some eighteen months now, Memeorandum has served me a daily dish of Trump Derangement Syndrom (top act: the WaPo).
Today, in Newsweek: “How Trump and the Nazis stole Christmas to promote white nationalism”
A new TDS low?
@ Lewis Wetzel
My sympathies, Lewis. That is a terrible loss.
I remember when my mother passed, younger than would be expected. People invited my father to various events, but he was not much of a social person, unless he could see my mother, even from across the room.
I hope this day is a good one to you.
- james james
It wasn’t a bolt of lightening, but still it’s a feel good YouTube
I love how the AntiFa guy says: “They have a flag with a cross on it! That’s a known White Nationalist symbol, they are trying to HURT people!” before he runs in front of a pickup truck that is innocently driving in traffic.
I guess if he thinks a cross is a white nationalist symbol, he doesn’t actually know any black people. The one downer is that the guy driving the pickup truck hits the brakes when the AntiFa guy, who just dashed into traffic, runs into his lane.
Nothing says Christmas like: If he gets raped and knifed in prison by a Latino or Muslim immigrant that would be unfortunate
What kind of sick fuck would say that?
@Lewis Wetzel My deepest sympathy to you.
My stepson and family live in Sequim, WA and they are snow covered. It never snows in Sequim. Pronounced Squim, I know not why.
Several inches of snow here in Seattle.
Listening to Christmas music, drinking coffee.
I'm not waiting on Althouse.
No, I'm not.
- james james
Very sorry to hear that Lewis. Mrs. Tank is also seriously not well this Christmas and it does take the gloss off. Very hard to be "normal," but we try.
Tons of snow on the ground here in Big Sky country this Christmas morning, though it's warmed up considerably, 6 degrees F with more more snow due today. Picture perfect, but I'll likely be out in the storm on my tractor again today. Merry Christmas to all of you.
I am one of the silent readers who enjoy the engagement of opinions, thoughts and personal stories. Wishing all a lovely day with those you love, whether in person or in memory. Special thoughts to anyone dealing with loss of a loved one as the holidays do not seem very merry. Let’s all wish the country a politically healthier New Year!
Condolences on your loss, Lewis.
I'm also sorry to hear of your loss, Lewis. BTW, there's nothing wrong with grieving. It's part of life.
Allow me to wish everyone all the health and happiness they can have, and in their absence, the courage to go on. Human frailty is a bear, one we all must face. I see my parents on the downswing and it's just rotten.
Sorry to hear of you loss, Lewis. I am back married to my wife who I married in 1979 and then divorced.
We hope we will have a few years together.
Long story but we should never have gotten divorced.
I cannot imagine how I would feel if we had never gotten back together.
Well, thank god that's over,
Let the games begin!
Heh heh. Yeah — bring on the next Al Franken fiasco!
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