Sen. Jeff Flake(y), who is unelectable in the Great State of Arizona (quit race, anemic polls) was caught (purposely) on “mike” saying bad things about your favorite President. He’ll be a NO on tax cuts because his political career anyway is “toast.”The funniest thing about it to me is Trump calling himself "your favorite President." It's absolutely accurate, because he is our only President. I mean, you might try to write a screwball comedy — in the manner of "My Favorite Wife" — where some strange occurrence causes there to be 2 Presidents, but even if you think Hillary was cheated out of the presidency, there's no way she is the President. And if you try to say, but my favorite President is Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Roosevelt, I'm going to say it depends on what the meaning of the word "is" is.
There's also some rock solid content. Flake has decided not to expose himself to an actual election process in Arizona, where a GOP incumbent should be able to win, and instead — with no judgment of the electorate to worry about — he's just speaking out against Trump. Flake's speaking has struck me as vain and attention-seeking, and the love he's getting from liberals would never translate into support in an actual political contest.
The "(purposely)" is funny, because who doesn't believe that Flake meant for his remark to be heard? Making it seem secret was a way to amplify it. That was my opinion and my favorite President agreed. Good. I also like that he used the "mike" spelling and not "mic." (Maybe Laurence Tribe will apply his massive brain to the question whether "mike" is a "distinctly Jewish" spelling.)
"Toast" is funny because "toast" popped up in Flake's open mike remark "If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast." So Trump is just flipping the insult back. Reminds me of "Puppet? No Puppet. You’re the Puppet" at that debate with Hillary:
It is childish, but Trump doesn't have time for longer statements.
And on a deeper, emotional level, "toast" is a warm, delicious word. Toast! We're toast! I love toast! Mmmm, toast! A toast to toast!
But what I really came here to opine about is the name-calling: Flake(y). Should a President be sticking names on everyone? I don't know but Trump doesn't do it to everyone. Only to those who hit him with a low blow. It is undignified, and I prefer the idea of going high when they go low, but that's not Trump. That's not what our favorite President does. (That's the name he's gotten me to start using for him. It's sticky.)
So let's move on to the question whether Flake(y) is a good name for Jeff Flake. "Flake" was already a funny name — already connoting flakiness — and Flake has lived and achieved with it. How can you make it more of an insult by adding "y"? Is it worse to be "flaky" than to be a "flake"? I think it's worse to be a flake, since it suggests it's the entirety of what you are as opposed to merely one of your attributes. (Reading the definition of "flaky/flakey" in the OED, I see that President Reagan called Qaddafi "flaky.")
But when I think about "Flakey," my first association is Flakey Foont!
Do you know what I'm talking about? Are you not up on Mr. Natural comics?
Mr. Natural has strange, magical powers and possesses cosmic insight; but he is also moody, cynical, self-pitying, and suffers from various strange sexual obsessions. He is endlessly being accosted by would-be disciples seeking the truth (among them such long-running Crumb characters as Flakey Foont and Shuman the Human). He typically regards them with amused condescension and a certain grudging affection, although his patience often wears thin and he takes sadistic pleasure in making them feel like idiots. While he is typically very cool and in control, he sometimes ends up in humiliating predicaments like languishing for years in a mental institution.The really weird thing is thinking of Trump as Mr. Natural!
२३४ टिप्पण्या:
234 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"Mr Natural ! What does it all mean ?"
"Don't mean sheeit."
Jeff Flake is turning into the guy that nobody likes as the libtards only "use" him and his constituents aren't benfitting from his behavior. Kind of reminds me of a certain LLR.
The candid-comment-into-an-open-mic(mike) ploy means somebody's watched too many reruns of President Bartlet on The West Wing
Why burn it down on the way out the door? Though I didn't really know who Flake was before he started the bratty fits. Perhaps asked and answered.
While we've been talking about things Semitic these couple of days, let's pull up a wonderfully useful Yiddish word -- shtick.
All these insulting nicknames, the Twitter wars, the comedy, the boasting -- it's all about Trump's shtick. It's branding. It's how a business makes their message break through the background noise.
Remember, for a business' message to get through there have to be two functional components -- the message & the message "pipeline" that allows the message to reach its intended audience. Sometimes, you have to send out branding messages of dubious quality just to maintain the pipeline.
Somehow, the great unwashed masses, with all their collective years of being marketed to, know about Trump & his shtick. Trump is like Bugs Bunny -- he's a NYC wise guy. He's a known kind of product.
I'll bet Chuckles has a Jeff Flake bobblehead on his desk.
Keep on Trumpin'!
Wonder what it is that cases AZ Senators to go off the deep end. The water? Hope not, because we are there now.
Ah, Zap Comix, Mr. Natural, Flakey Foont, Angelfood, etc. Flakey Foont was always a Barney Fife type of character.
What has happened to Larry Tribe? Is it his attachment to Obama?
Should a President be sticking names on everyone?
Yes, and when they bring the turkey to the White House for the annual pardon, I want Trump to open his suit coat and grab his tomahawk from his belt and chop the turkeys neck off. Let's eat!
All part of Trump's plan to flip the Senate.
What has happened to Larry Tribe?
He's the same as he ever was. Perception has changed.
john: "All part of Trump's plan to flip the Senate."
You mean McConnells/McCains/Flakes/Corkers/Collins/Kristols plan to flip the Senate.
And they are right on schedule.
Gotta get back to that highly coveted "minority status but if you just sent us a little more cash we could really get a "conservative" majority and "pass conservative stuff"'!!
Talk about how the cultural aesthetics of the Left have changed! The Underground Comics of the 60s & 70s are simply unimaginable today.
Drug-addled, racist, sexist, violent, obscene. And no "well, maybe, kinda, sorta" about any of those categories. Full bore rudeness incarnate. They are simply an amazing reminder of how cultural tastes have changed over the years.
Don't be a cynic, Drago -- you know that no conservative legislation can be passed without a supermajority in each house, plus a five percent allowance for defectors.
Flakey no doubt reminds Jeff of grade school, middle school and high school days. Has to annoy him biggly.
Seems to me Trump's greatest feat here was to force Flake to vote Yes on tax reform. He's put him in a corner, framed him before Flake's committed.
Clever move. The whole tweet was, imho, brilliant.
Althouse said ...
Flake's speaking has struck me as vain and attention-seeking,
And Trump's speaking has struck you as ... ???
Do youngsters today even know who R.Crumb is? Go google him. He was Laslo the cartoonist during hippie era. Today, he would be absolutely crucified by the feminists.
Flake greatly miscalculated. All he had to do was vote his conservative principles, accept that Trump had taken over the GOP (at least for now), and then shut the fuck up.
Two days ago I emailed Senator Flake with the following message re the quote:
“If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast,” Flake was caught saying by ABC affiliate KNXV."
The GOP was 'toast' before last year's election, Senator Flake. It was Trump who invigorated the party and enlarged the tent. Glad you are planning to retire.
Fabi: "Don't be a cynic, Drago -- you know that no conservative legislation can be passed without a supermajority in each house, plus a five percent allowance for defectors"
I was told there would be no math prior to the cocktail hour.
What MockTurtle said.
I say this as someone who did not vote for Trump in the primary, but did vote for him in the General.
Seems to me Trump's greatest feat here was to force Flake to vote Yes on tax reform. He's put him in a corner, framed him before Flake's committed.
That is a great insight.
And it turns out that Hillary was the Russian puppet
Flake(y)...I'm envisioning pie, pumpkin pie, maybe plain apple, need some spice, pumpkin spice, that's it. Warm finish to the turkey dinner, much nicer than last year because no one talked politics. It's Thanksgiving! Thank you, Mr. President, and Scott Adams thanks you, too, for another Master Persuasion example.
I'm already having a cocktail, Drago. :-)
"If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."
Jeff is already toast.
And since he read Trump's tweet he's a frosted Flake.
Flake is from a very wealthy globalist family. So Trump treats him the way Steve Bannon would treat him to get more good coverage from Breitbart.
Not my favorite President by a long stretch. Of course he was addressing his followers, the 33%. Who could be more vain and attention seeking than your favorite President? Not Flake.
Inga: "Who could be more vain and attention seeking than your favorite President? Not Flake."
Yeah, she just wrote that.
Just now.
Again, history begins anew each day for the left and you are not supposed to remember anything that happened before this morning.
I wonder how long some of Trump’s admirers will still expect him to act in a Presidential manner?
John Tuffnell: "And it turns out that Hillary was the Russian puppet"
You're likely to trigger LLR Chuck into #FullHillaryDefenseMode
I've dubbed him fixeloflake because he used every opportunity to curry favor with the Castro regime
Allen S wrote:
"Yes, and when they bring the turkey to the White House for the annual pardon, I want Trump to open his suit coat and grab his tomahawk from his belt and chop the turkeys neck off."
Uh oh- you are now on Vicki From Pasadena's shit list!
Unknown: not a Trump admirer, but I do like his knack for angering the "liberal" Hive, aka The Worst People in the World, aka the Gang That's Wrong About Everything. These are the last people I'd let define what's "presidential" and what isn't. They should stick to what they do best: being ignorant about economics, and waging war on the syllogism.
I wonder how long some of Trump’s admirers will still expect him to act in a Presidential manner?
Depends on what you mean or define as "Presidential" manner. If you mean like a Romney clone with a stick up his ass? Or perhaps Bill Clinton who can 'feel our pain' while fucking interns in the Oval Office? Does it mean following a pre-scripted kabuki theater dance of the swamp creature elites?
Frankly, I voted for Trump because he DOESN'T act or speak in the traditional "Presidential manner". I don't expect him to act that way. I would be really disappointed IF he did.
DBQ: "Depends on what you mean or define as "Presidential" manner."
For the lefties and their LLR allies it means acting in a completely deferential and obsequious manner to the lefty elites and their desires.
Anything short of that equates to being a Nazi.
Maybe Mr. Natural Trump is more aptly described as Mr. Kindergartener Trump, hence his childish tweets.
“McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.
Over a July dinner with Oracle CEO Safra Catz — who has been mentioned as a candidate for several potential administration jobs — McMaster bluntly trashed his boss, said the sources, four of whom told BuzzFeed News they heard about the exchange directly from Catz. The top national security official dismissed the president variously as an “idiot” and a “dope” with the intelligence of a “kindergartner,” the sources said.
A sixth source who was not familiar with the details of the dinner told BuzzFeed News that McMaster had made similarly derogatory comments about Trump’s intelligence to him in private, including that the president lacked the necessary brainpower to understand the matters before the National Security Council.“
AR you have noticed how Trump supporters seem, like Trump, to project their flaws unto others. It makes for a tweetier than thou world view. Yes
And just in time, lefty Inga shows up with a lefty report in a lefty publication quoting unnamed lefty sources which insult Trump!
Sounds authoritative.
I would recommend you immediately crowd-source an ad campaign with reports just like that as the basis.
LLR Chuck would not doubt contribute heavily!
R/V: "AR you have noticed how Trump supporters seem, like Trump, to project their flaws unto others"
Yeah, R/V just wrote that. Just now. And it wasn't a joke!
Jeff Flake: The Brave Brave Brave Sir Robin of the United States Senate.
while fucking interns in the Oval Office
That seemed most unpresidential to me. Then I learned of JFK assisting in the distribution of blowjobs in one of The White House swimming pools.
but mean tweets are really really bad.
"If we become the party of Roy Moore and Donald Trump, we are toast."
All joking about flakes and toast aside, this is true.
On the other hand, if "we" don't become that party, "we" are also toast.
In the meantime, let's enjoy the Trumpian entertainment.
Maybe Mr. Natural Trump is more aptly described as Mr. Kindergartener Trump, hence his childish tweets.
“McMaster Mocked Trump’s Intelligence At A Private Dinner
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.
And yet, here he is , President of the most powerful nation in history.What a dummy, right?
McMaster dissing Trump in front of five witnesses, and he thinks Trump is the fool? Doesn't say much for McMasters smarts, imo.
roesch/voltaire said...
AR you have noticed how Trump supporters seem, like Trump, to project their flaws unto others.
I am finding Atlhouse's 24/7 implicit defense of Trump very odd. Her defense seems to rest entirely on a hatred of his opponents rather than any rational analysis of the man himself or his actions. I find this stance particularly odd on the issue of sexual abuse of women. Andrew Sullivan had this to say the other day:
"There is a moment here. No party is immune from evil; no tribe has a monopoly of good. If these bipartisan sex-abuse revelations can begin to undermine the tribalism that so poisons our public life, to reveal that beneath the tribes, we are all flawed and human, they may not only be a long-overdue turning point for women. They may be a watershed for all of us."
Any woman concerned with women's status in the world should seize this moment to advance a long stalled discussion of sexual harassment and how much it impinges on the lives of women as they move through the world. But Althouse seems stuck in her own ideological cage, fruitlessly fighting yesterday's battles.
Blogger roesch/voltaire said...
AR you have noticed how Trump supporters seem, like Trump, to project their flaws unto others. It makes for a tweetier than thou world view. Yes
11/20/17, 12:37 PM
Stupidity from and educated fool.
Trump "supporters" are defending themselves more than defending Trump. Aholes like you , ARM, Inga, and Chick attack Trump voters as often, or more, than you attack Trump himself. And everyone of you guys are college educated, right?
I am finding Atlhouse's 24/7 implicit defense of Trump very odd. Her defense seems to rest entirely on a hatred of his opponents rather than any rational analysis of the man himself or his actions.
More stupidity. AA examines the attacks for their unfairness, bias and spin. During pussygate AA went nuts attacking Trump because she was genuinely upset. Other claims don't upset her because they are all lies.
AR, I find her position to be that of an intelligent person. She refuses to assume the answer before examining the evidence. I may not agree with her result some times. But I am confident that she has thought out the issue. If she finds the accusations of Trump's opponents to be questionable, I would be inclined to see her position as important, and not as an implicit defense.
Fullmoon: "More stupidity. AA examines the attacks for their unfairness, bias and spin"
That is exactly what ARM finds so odd.
He is entirely unprepared for any discussion wherein all lefty assumptions are not already considered sacrosanct.
This is often a dizzying and disorienting time for those on the left and their LLR allies.
Of course he was addressing his followers, the 33%.
That's 304 to 227 to you, genius. The only numbers that matter.
And at the rate people like you are going? It's going to be a lot worse in 2020.
Enjoy your misery. I certainly am.
Any woman concerned with women's status in the world should seize this moment to advance a long stalled discussion of sexual harassment and how much it impinges on the lives of women as they move through the world
Is this what you see happening here? Really?
I see much anger, much rush to judgement, but not a lot of moral reasoning of any sort. For example, I see no evidence that an incredibly important moral question has been broached -- "Well, yes, sexual harassment is an evil. The question is, do our attempts to impose the law on such intimate relations to fix this evil not create a greater evil?"
My questions for the feminists is what's the endgame here? Do they think that the sharper edges of the Sexual Revolution as evinced by men will be dulled, but yet the sharper edges that feminism requires will be left untouched? Sadly, they probably do.
I think that we're on the cusp of a return to stricter standards of sexual morality. Standards driven, as always, by women. Years from now, the granddaughters of these present feminists will strive mightily to undo what their grandmothers are now doing so that they will be able to lead their sex lives as they see fit, including using their sexuality to glomm onto the attentions of powerful men.
rehajm: "Then I learned of JFK assisting in the distribution of blowjobs in one of The White House swimming pools."
Yes, but Kennedy did this with Presidential aplomb!
So it's all good.
The drug taking/addiction was another of those kennedy "Presidential" characteristics that this darn President won't emulate!!
"Your favorite President" -- tweeting a wink is quite hard to accomplish.
Kate: ""Your favorite President" -- tweeting a wink is quite hard to accomplish."
Apparently not.....
I just can't let this go.
I wonder how long some of Trump’s admirers will still expect him to act in a Presidential manner?
I don't admire Trump. I don't admire any politician. Heck, I didn't vote for the guy and wrote in a name instead. That certainly won't happen in 2020.
But here's the thing. I don't WANT him to act in a 'presidential manner' whatever the fuck that means. I want him to be Trump.
And I want him to piss off people like you. That's what I want most of all.
Because if he's doing that? He's doing it right.
"My questions for the feminists is what's the endgame here?"
ARM concludes:
"But Althouse seems stuck in her own ideological cage, fruitlessly fighting yesterday's battles."
You are incorrect, Sir. You are reversing cause and effect.
Yesterday's "battles" were resolved by the Democratic establishment closing ranks to protect and re-elect Dem Senator Ted Kennedy (who killed a young woman by drunk driving into the drink) and Dem President Bill Clinton (who exposed his dick to Paula Jones; groped Kathleen Willey; took sexual advantage of 21-year old intern, Monica Lewinsky. and lied about it, and likely raped Juanita Broaderick.)
You might recall that the Kennedys put enormous pressure on Mary Jo Kopechne's family to quietly settle the wrongful death case, without publicity.
You might recall that Betsy Wright, Co-Chair of the Bill Clinton campaign 1992, lead the Dem "fixit" team to deem Clinton accusers as "bimbos" and their claims as "Bimbo Eruptions."
So, the Left should pick one firm standard: Do we investigate claims of sexual misconduct or do we cover them up?
Althouse, to her enormous credit, sees how the Dems have operated in the past -- switching from outrage to quiet complicity, depending on whether one of their teammates is or is not the groper accused.
What is a "Presidential Manner"?
It is an interesting thing, this idea of the "dignity" of the office.
In some ways it is a derivative of the dignity of monarchs, which in European tradition is a borrowing from the unapproachable divinity assumed by most Byzantine Emperors. That was quite a model. Even the Turkish Sultans assumed the role.
It influenced everyone, including, not least, all those jumped-up German tribal chieftains that called themselves kings.
Louis XIV was the other big role model. Made quite a change in aristocratic manners, wherein Versailles was a college of conduct for all of Europe.
Trump as Mr. Natural, brilliant!
Bay Area Guy: "You might recall that the Kennedys put enormous pressure on Mary Jo Kopechne's family to quietly settle the wrongful death case, without publicity."
It was worse than that. Much much much worse.
The Kennedy's got the local schmuck ME to forgo an autopsy. The Kennedy's had the body "helpfully" flown out of town quickly then quickly interred. The Kennedy's then, after another relevant jurisdiction body said "hey wait a minute, an autopsy is called for", "helpfully again" flew in a Cardinal (an old Kennedy family friend) to convince the Kopechnes that exhuming the body for an autopsy was against Catholic teaching (a lie...but in service to the Kennedy's, so it's all good).
Behold, the lefties and LLR's beloved "Lion Of The Senate".
So, the Left should pick one firm standard: Do we investigate claims of sexual misconduct or do we cover them up?
@Bay Area Guy, they do have one firm standard: whatever it takes to elect Democrats and keep them in office, the more hard core lefty they are the better. ARM is merely complying with this standard.
buwaya: "It is an interesting thing, this idea of the "dignity" of the office."
We moved quickly past all of that Lefty/LLR Clinton era "private stuff" right to our newfound Lefty/LLR Victorian age, didn't we?
BM: "ARM is merely complying with this standard"
Complying with the standard?
Oh no. ARM helps set the standard. He was full on blaming midwest republican users of the Amazon portal for enabling the Hollywood lefties sexual assault culture, after having directly skipped over any actual comment on, you know, the actual perpetrators of the sexual assaults.
Because, as we all know, that is the "reasonable" course of action in cases like that.
Similarly, the more we learned about these lefty Hollywood predators, the guiltier that every Trump voting state became.
That's the kind of lefty "reasonableness" that will always find a happy home with certain LLR's.
YoungHegelian said...
I see much anger, much rush to judgement, but not a lot of moral reasoning of any sort. For example, I see no evidence that an incredibly important moral question has been broached -- "Well, yes, sexual harassment is an evil. The question is, do our attempts to impose the law on such intimate relations to fix this evil not create a greater evil?"
My questions for the feminists is what's the endgame here? Do they think that the sharper edges of the Sexual Revolution as evinced by men will be dulled, but yet the sharper edges that feminism requires will be left untouched? Sadly, they probably do.
I think that we're on the cusp of a return to stricter standards of sexual morality. Standards driven, as always, by women. Years from now, the granddaughters of these present feminists will strive mightily to undo what their grandmothers are now doing so that they will be able to lead their sex lives as they see fit, including using their sexuality to glomm onto the attentions of powerful men.
You raise a lot of questions for which I don't have a lot of answers. It is easy to fixate on particulars, Weinstein bad, much harder to define the borderline cases and, I would guess, impossible to come up with a coherent set of ethics that is fair to everyone and which adequately accommodates the irrational biological urges that drive much of the interactions between the sexes.
Nonetheless, I agree with Sullivan, who has had his own issues with women, that we are having a moment here and we should seize that moment. As a father of a young daughter starting to venture out into the world I would like to see a lot fewer Weinsteins than there are now. I doubt this is very controversial. Because of biology I doubt women will ever escape the male gaze so my daughter will just have to suck it up in this respect, becoming a little hardened towards all men in the process. Even my wife still has issues with the male gaze when she goes to the gym. There is, however, a large area between Weinstein and the male gaze, some of it grey and some not so grey. These issues should be discussed free from partisan concerns in order to reach some general consensus on a baseline of acceptable behavior, because they cause endless problems for at least half the population.
I aways wondered who the "Doo-dah Man' in the Grateful Dead lyrics was: Mr. Natural. All of life's big questions get answered if you live long enough.
I think I know why Trump added the (y). The words "flaky" and "spacy" are synonyms, and "flaky" is to "spacy" as "Flakey" is to "Spacey".
In the context of my assessment of the Ted Kennedy drunk driving manslaughter case, Drago writes:
"It was worse than that. Much much much worse."
You are trolling me today! Good thing we are pals:) But, Yes, you are largely correct. It was much much worse, I was just simplifying. The Chappaquiddick incident has largely been forgotten, and might be worthy of a separate thread.
The first sexual harassment massive cover-up -- killing a young gal (not his wife) through gross negligence - and surviving politically via Democratic enablers.
"These issues should be discussed free from partisan concerns "
This is impossible.
All you say has been the way of the world since humanity invented civilization.
Maybe that was the mistake.
As we are stuck with being civilized, so any issue useful for politics will be used.
And we will never be satisfied, perhaps even less so through attempts to be more satisfied. There is no resolution to some problems.
Technology hurts, not helps. It used to be that problems were restricted to hearing range, and families/communities were close because they had to be. Now you get bombarded with every petty dissatisfaction out of a population of hundreds of millions, if not billions. The weight of the world embitters everyone. Every evil habit also is advertised, giving ideas and bad habits to those who would once have been innocent. The result is social chaos and demoralization.
ARM: " Because of biology I doubt women will ever escape the male gaze so my daughter will just have to suck it up in this respect..."
This statement, regardless of merit, is now utterly unacceptable in any venue where the left holds power.
One of the best ever from Althouse.
Drago said...
This statement, regardless of merit, is now utterly unacceptable in any venue where the left holds power.
According to you I am a leftist and, since I hold power in my living room, at least while my wife is at work, this statement is self-refuting.
Trump as Mr. Natural
Just passin' thru.
... And in the end, this sort of "negotiating" by Your Favorite Negotiator is likely to end up pissing off enough Republicans that Trump may lose the tax bill vote in the Senate.
I regard it as a personal loss for Trump, because he wants it to be a personal win for himself if he can finagle the "biggest tax cut in history." We all know that with a President Rubio or President Kasich, Senator Flake would be a yes vote for conservative, balanced-budget tax reform.
So Trump is setting himself up as a perfect loser. Loser. L-O-S-E-R.
impossible to come up with a coherent set of ethics that is fair to everyone
"'No' means No" seems a good place to start.
Followed by "Don't bang subordinates".
When Senator Flake gets hit, he hits back ten times harder. He has to. He has to hit back. Get that Trump guy outta here. Get 'im outta here. Get 'im out. And don't be gentle. When they're putting him in the car, don't do that thing with the hands where they protect his head. You know that thing? They don't need to do that.
Every Republican that agrees with Chuck should be kicked out of the House and Senate. Heck, kick them off the planet.
ARM: "According to you I am a leftist and, since I hold power in my living room, at least while my wife is at work, this statement is self-refuting."
On the contrary.
You know and I know, and I know you know, your wife is still the boss of the applesauce while she is away.
As a fellow married male, I understand and empathize with your plight.
But come now. We, Sir, are men of action (sort of). Lies do not become us.
Chuck: "When Senator Flake gets hit, he hits back ten times harder."
LLR and "Accidental Leftist" Chuck is literally describing the guy who is running away from his re-election opportunity!
Bravely though! So incredibly bravely running away.
Again, the Brave Brave Brave Sir Robin of the Senate.
A republican who runs away. No wonder LLR Chuck loves him so.
The only thing that could make Chuck like him more would be to switch parties and lie about his military service!
LLR Chuck: "I regard it as a personal loss for Trump..."
"is likely to end up pissing off enough Republicans "
Its all about immigration Chuck. That's all there is here, the one big issue.
If Trump concedes on that, all will be happy unity again.
These guys all do as they are told by the guys who will take care of them out of office and guarantee them riches through government service.
Nothing personal. Just money.
Chuck said...
...We all know that with a President Rubio or President Kasich, Senator Flake would be a yes vote for conservative, balanced-budget tax reform."
The GOP has no intention of passing a conservative, balanced-budget tax reform bill. Or a healthcare bill.
furious_a said...
"Don't bang subordinates"
I don't think anyone would think of Tina Brown as a victim. I refer you to this interview.
Interviewer: When you met your husband, Harry [Evans], you were a 20-something writer at the London Times and he was the paper's editor, 25 years your senior. I've always admired your relationship. But by current standards, wouldn't your affair be viewed with suspicion?
Tina Brown: No, I don't think we should ever brand consensual sexual relationships and love affairs as harassment. We have to separate those things or we'll be in real trouble. When Harry and I met, nobody was harassing anybody. Our work life had nothing to do with it. We just fell in love.
Even this simple precept is complicated in real life. A lot of relationships start at work. It would seem to be preferable to its main competition, dating apps, as a way to get to know people.
LLR: "We all know that with a President Rubio or President Kasich,..."
Rotary Club President?
In Kasich's case, "Organizing for America" Ohio Branch President?
Local School Board President?
What a magical realm you inhabit!
ARM: "It would seem to be preferable to its main competition, dating apps, as a way to get to know people."
I believe you are seriously discounting the possibilities of the Frozen Food or Vegetables aisle.
If the tax vote loses in the Senate, good. Just means we can get an even better tax bill passed in 2018.
Everything that passes between now and having 58+ votes after 2018 is a worse bill than could've passed if we simply waited a year. We are currently lame-duck-in-reverse.
CG: "The GOP has no intention of passing a conservative, balanced-budget tax reform bill. Or a healthcare bill."
No one is buying the already tired and worn out "we want to be conservatives but Trump won't let us" schtick. That lie has been so thoroughly exposed it's been dried to a husk and set on the front stoop for disposal.
LLR Chuck, just like his leftist operational allies, have proven themselves completely incapable of adaptive behavior.
All they can do now is continue screaming at the moon.
Er, you can change all my references to better bills passing in 2018 to 2019, when our 6-10 new Republican Senators will actually be seated.
Qwinn: "If the tax vote loses in the Senate, good. Just means we can get an even better tax bill passed in 2018."
I put the odds of the republicans passing any tax bill out of the Democrat controlled Senate (oh, right, McConnell is in charge....(wink wink)), at about "5%.
And if it does pass, the republicans will, inexplicably, delay the enactment of the cuts AS WELL AS sunset them.
That way, after this "unfortunate" Trump business is over, the legislation will automatically return to the dems/left/LLR preferred lefty status.
"I believe you are seriously discounting the possibilities of the Frozen Food or Vegetables aisle."
Famously, the Marina Safeway, San Francisco.
See Armistead Maupin, "Tales of the City"
Qwinn said...
Everything that passes between now and having 58+ votes after 2018 is a worse bill than could've passed if we simply waited a year. We are currently lame-duck-in-reverse.
As a general principle, optimism a positive quality. Still, even for such an admirable quality, some moderation might be advisable.
Blogger Darrell said...
Every Republican that agrees with Chuck should be kicked out of the House and Senate. Heck, kick them off the planet.
Should be, "Every Republican who agrees with Chuck..."
You're welcome.
Even this simple precept is complicated in real life.
Yes, it sets such a wonderful, easily repeatable, obtainable example for the rest of the newsroom, C-suite, classroom, battalion mess, etc.
If the tax vote loses in the Senate, good. Just means we can get an even better tax bill passed in 2018.
Kevin Brady is on record saying the2017 tax legislation is only the first of other proposals to come. Sure sounded to me like contingency planning for an improved post 2018 makeup.
ARM: My optimism IS moderate. Read my analysis of the electoral math again. My math assumes Repubs hold onto their 8 seats (6 of those are assured) and only win 6 out of the 25 seats that Dems are defending, 10 of which Trump won in 2016. Frankly, 58 seats is a pessimistic forecast for Republicans in 2018. We could easily do MUCH better.
There will never be a President Kasich. There will never be a President Rubio. Only losers like Flake cut and run. Is it any wonder that Chuck adores him?
"I think that we're on the cusp of a return to stricter standards of sexual morality. Standards driven, as always, by women."
This is an important point, because the feminists always make it sound like it was those mean old Christianist men oppressing them. But the harshest judges of "fallen women" were always other women; in particular the old village biddies, who were the enforcers. They were the ones who made sure nobody talked to or befriended the adulteress, the woman with an illegitimate child, the girl found rolling in the hay with the hired farmhand. What (sometimes) eased the harshness of the ostracism was Christian forgiveness. But progressives have progressed beyond that. They don't believe in forgiveness (not for conservatives, anyway.)
Today's enforcers might go even further. Any woman who says, "you know, I like heterosexual men" or "I'd really like to get married to a good man and have babies" will be judged to be insufficiently "woke" and shunned by all good feminists and their cats until she gets her consciousness raised by a Womyn's Studies major and repents. And even then - better keep an eye on her.
I actually was in the Marina Safeway quite often in the 80's.
My uncle had an apartment in the Marina and I stayed there when in town.
I saw some of the "Tales of the City" milieu.
There were indeed many "Mary Anne's" around.
I even dated a "Mona Ramsey", lesbian, but not quite.
“They don't believe in forgiveness (not for conservatives, anyway.)”
Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions.
"I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said.”
The hapless and helpless LLR Chuck is reduced to spell checking others postings.
That about sums it all up, doesn't it?
“Any woman who says, "you know, I like heterosexual men" or "I'd really like to get married to a good man and have babies" will be judged to be insufficiently "woke" and shunned by all good feminists and their cats until she gets her consciousness raised by a Womyn's Studies major and repents. And even then - better keep an eye on her.”
That’s exactly what I did. Got married to a good man and had babies, all the while being a feminist. Go figure!
"Got married to a good man and had babies,"
Academic feminism uniformly views this as treason.
"Married a good man and had babies"
That'd be a great campaign slogan. I like it!
“Academic feminism uniformly views this as treason.”
Really? Didn’t Althouse herself say she was pregnant and had a newborn while in Law School? I think Althouse sees herself as a feminist and an academic. I think all these exclamations of how feminists view things, written by rightists and feminist haters are a bit silly. I had children and was married when I went back to university.
"That'd be a great campaign slogan. I like it!"
Any male who made that a campaign slogan, or for that matter any republican woman, who made that a campaign slogan would be accused by Inga and her pals of being the republican Taliban.
Which is funny, since Inga and her pals never actually criticize the Taliban or any sharia spouting idiot.
Unknown: "Really?"
Maybe Inga really is this dumb, and not just playing dumb.
“Which is funny, since Inga and her pals never actually criticize the Taliban or any sharia spouting idiot.”
You’re really flailing today Drago. I smell your desperation and it smells bad.
Curious George said...
I'll bet Chuckles has a Jeff Flake bobblehead on his desk.
I so want a Ted Cruz bobblehead!
Drago: Well, they managed to get through 60 years of the Cold War unfailingly taking the Russian's side in every dispute, right up to them all cackling madly at Romney for considering Russia a threat in 2012. No apologies were ever issued to Mitt that I recall... not that I want one anymore, though, he's dead to me now.
"Chuck said...
Blogger Darrell said...
Every Republican that agrees with Chuck should be kicked out of the House and Senate. Heck, kick them off the planet.
Should be, "Every Republican who agrees with Chuck..."
You're welcome."
This is why even Chuck's dog hates him.
Drago are you feeling emasculated today? What’s wrong sweetie? You really seem out of sorts today. Need a cookie?🍪
Blogger Drago said...
The hapless and helpless LLR Chuck is reduced to spell checking others postings.
That about sums it all up, doesn't it?
I wasn't spell-checking. There weren't any misspelled words. I was correcting a grammatical error.
And now I am correcting your own stupid, presumptuous error.
And that about sums it up.
Did YOU laugh at Romney when Obama DESTROYED Romney in that 2012 debate about Russia, Unknown?
Or were you the single Democrat in the entire country stroking your chin and saying, "Well, maybe Romney has a point, Russians are bad!"
That must have been very lonely for you.
National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster mocked President Trump’s intelligence at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation.
Inga, do you know what McMaster calls Trump when they are alone?
Yes, it seems so. This is what all the university "womens studies" programs have in their required reading. If anyone is in a position to define feminism, intellectually, its got to be them. Who else is there?
Its not usual for even liberals to do a deep dive into what is actually being taught in the universities. That's a curious thing. It is, however, like going to the Vatican to ask what it means to be Catholic.
A very useful book, and cheap, and comprehensive as anything anyone else has done on the subject of the CONTENT of feminist ideology -
"Sex Trouble" R.S. McCain
I think all these exclamations of how feminists view things, written by rightists and feminist haters are a bit silly. I had children and was married when I went back to university.
Did you take any courses in Women's Studies while you were there? If not, then did you think you were picking up "Women's Consciousness" by osmosis?
It always amazes me how folks, especially women, who have never read any of the founding mothers of Second & later Wave feminism always think that what they hear quoted as extreme positions are inventions of febrile right-wing brains. Let me assure you, that while you might find your bourgeois liberal feminism morally comforting, what exists in the tradition a wee bit to your left is every bit as appalling as is presented here. If you doubt this, go look up a graduate reading list in Women's Studies off the web, & read what's on it.
And you know what else -- a lotta Marxists really did seek the liquidation of the bourgeoisie as a class. Funny how people actually believe what they write & write what they believe, izzn't?
Qwinn said...
Did YOU laugh at Romney when Obama DESTROYED Romney in that 2012 debate about Russia, Unknown?"
Oh, forget it. Inga says what is politically expedient at the time. 2012 is, like ancient history, man, because what matters is what The Party Line Is Today. History doesn't matter. Their own contradictions don't matter.
he's just speaking out against Trump. Flake's speaking has struck me as vain and attention-seeking, and the love he's getting from liberals would never translate into support in an actual political contest.
Is there something in the lack of water in Arizona?
Jeff Flake's great grandfather co-founded the town of "Snowflake AZ"
Enough said.
“Did YOU laugh at Romney when Obama DESTROYED Romney in that 2012 debate about Russia, Unknown?"
I will admit I thought it was an odd assertion. For that I am sorry. He was right. Now do you Trumpists think he was and IS right? Or do you continue to bash him as “cuck”?
" If you doubt this, go look up a graduate reading list in Women's Studies off the web, & read what's on it."
Well, Inga, didn't believe there are lots of leftists who are teaching kids to hate America, because in her own (red) county, she sees no evidence of such things.
For someone who loves to do searches and copies and pastes when it comes to what leftist publications say about Trump, she is remarkably lacking in curiosity when it comes to the excesses on her own side. It's very easy to find evidence of feminist professors who hate men and despise wives and mothers. They'll tell you in their own words.
Most dogs chew up slippers because they are dogs. Chuck's dog chews up slippers because he is Chuck.
I think all these exclamations of how feminists view things, written by rightists and feminist haters are a bit silly.
"Yes yes yes. All of these stuff about "rape culture," when properly understood within feminist discourse, and in the context of society at large, are never to be used against Democrats! We lay these rules for your behavior out, but we never expect you to understand them, just to accept our judgement when we claim you have violated them!
Most of all, we will never be held to our own standards!" - Inga (I paraphrase)
That's why Unknown made such a big deal about Monica giving her true consent and loving Bill, but we were in no way expected to draw any conclusion from that! You know why? Because we hate Bill, so only the opinion of people who understand Bill's peccadillos count. Of course it looks like four more teenagers at the time are coming out against the Bill that we are all wrong to hate!
I had children and was married when I went back to university.
LOL, do you have a British accent like Madonna?
"at a private dinner with a powerful tech CEO, according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation."
Oh, yeah, of course. More "unnamed sources."
Five sources told me Bernie Sanders picked his nose at a private dinner with Elizabeth Warren. They had knowledge of it.
Four teenagers. Bill Clinton. Post presidency. Jesus. I am sure they are lying sluts, right Inga?
“It's very easy to find evidence of feminist professors who hate men and despise wives and mothers. They'll tell you in their own words.”
Has it dawned on you that there are feminists that don’t think the same way feminist professors who hate men (as you say) think? I’m pretty sure Althouse considers herself a feminist, as do I, as do many other feminists who would not and do not agree with all feminism being synonymous with misandry, anti marriage and childlessness. Not all feminists take such extremist positions.
Remember that if our press will cover for these kinds of things, they will cover up lots of other things. In fact, when it comes to "news coverage" it's like Iowahawk says, they "cover the important stories with a pillow, 'til they stop breathing."
Unknown said...
“They don't believe in forgiveness (not for conservatives, anyway.)”
Moderator Frank Luntz asked Trump whether he has ever asked God for forgiveness for his actions.
"I am not sure I have. I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said.”
My comment referred to forgiveness from other humans, not God. Of course Trump needs to ask God for forgiveness. We all do. But whether he does or not is between Trump and God, not Trump and the rest of us.
LLR and "Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "I wasn't spell-checking. There weren't any misspelled words. I was correcting a grammatical error."
Inga and Chuck are doing their best for their team. We should all applaud the didication to their duty.
according to five sources with knowledge of the conversation
Note that knowledge is unqualified. The Editor struck the word incomplete from the text.
"Has it dawned on you that there are feminists that don’t think the same way feminist professors who hate men (as you say) think?"
"Not all feminists take such extremist positions."
But the high priesthood of feminism do, that is, the people who make a living at being feminists. The priestesses of the feminist religion, and moreso the masters of the seminaries that form them.
Its like defending the Catholic Church by citing the laxness of the parishoners, and ignoring what the hierarchy says.
Mrs. Clinton said over the weekend at an Arkansas event honoring Bill that President Trump has ´disgraced the office´ because several women...
I couldn't read any further because of the tears of laughter!
“We should all applaud the didication to their duty.”
🍪 for you poor Drago and a nice pat on the head.
TIV: "I couldn't read any further because of the tears of laughter!"
Careful with that. You are likely to trigger LLR Chuck.
I am sure that the DNC is contemplating a ball gag for Hillary and a straightjacket for Franken. Don't these guys understand the narrative? It's just like "the Force' in the Star Wars move! "May the Narrative be with you!", "It is now time Hillary, to introduce you to the dark side of the narrative!"
Also, Inga, you and Althouse got married and had children quite a while ago. Sure, there were man-hating feminists in the '70's too, but they hadn't yet managed to capture academia. Like I said, the man-hating, marriage-hating, kid-hating stuff is out there.
I remember feminists who denigrated Palin because she didn't abort Trig. Because feminism is all about choices.
“But the high priesthood of feminism do, that is, the people who make a living at being feminists.”
That’s nice, but I don’t give a shit about them. I’m a feminist and I don’t care what the high priestesses ( your term) say, means nothing to me and other feminists who live in the real world.
What is Unknown going to do if the strong economy continues through the next election? With Keystone XL being built now, putting downward pressure on the price of energy, it's like a tax cut. Working class people paying less for gas! What's not to like?
With Keystone XL leaking....
“Keystone pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota. ... The Keystone pipeline is part of a 2,687-mile system that also is to include the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which has faced persistent opposition from environmental groups, American Indian tribes and some landowners.”
That’s nice, but I don’t give a shit about them. I’m a feminist and I don’t care what the high priestesses ( your term) say, means nothing to me and other feminists who live in the real world.
Sorry, but the feminists we're talking about inhabit endowed chairs at major universities throughout the Western world. They are not "marginal" figures. They, too, are in "the real world", & unlike you, they are training the cadres of up & coming academics, & working very hard to change Western culture.
Take our challenge --- read some of these people. They are appalling. It's like having a full bore anti-Semite or racist holding an endowed chair at e.g. a Catholic university.
”Keystone pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota. ... The Keystone pipeline is part of a 2,687-mile system that also is to include the proposed Keystone XL pipeline, which has faced persistent opposition from environmental groups”
But did it leak or was it sabotaged?
So which politician understands the electorate better: Jeff Flake(y) or Donald Trump? Hmmm. Here’s a hint — one of them is so unpopular that he was forced to end his reelection campaign rather than face a genuine space cadet in the primary.
"That’s nice, but I don’t give a shit about them."
But the rest of the academic world does. This sort of thing is the cultural high ground. What they write, and whom they teach, matters in the next academic stage below. Such as, for instance, teacher training. And then K-12.
And, also, law professors, and then judges.
And, also, regulators, legal activists (that write many of your laws).
What you, personally, think, is just so in your own limited scope. But the world is much bigger than that.
The result of this academic extremism is easily visible, if one cares to look.
For instance (and this is typical, not some weird exception), this is the UCLA Dept of Education Two Year Grad Program - (basically, the California Teaching Credential, which is a Grad. Degree) -
Note what they emphasize - not effectiveness in teaching, as such, but the "religious" values of academia - as the Soviet educational system would stress communism, or Catholic schools would stress religious formation - but in the case of both those systems, they had LESS stress on ideological/religious dogma than they do in modern American teacher training.
The Catholics and the Soviets cared that the kids in their charge learned useful things besides the beliefs that the system would like them to have. In the US, not so much.
Note their goals -
"The TEP curriculum emphasizes
the structural dimensions of inequity
the need for social and political activism
the centrality of multiculturalism
the vital importance of understanding competing notions of race, culture, and identity."
Not a word about education, qua knowledge.
I assure you the content of this program is quite good about mirroring that set of goals.
My three daughters managed to go to public school, college and one to Law School, without buying the feminist mantra you claim is being pounded in the heads of young women. All three married, two have children and two have careers. You continue to assert that these dasterdly women’s studies will cause many young women to reject marriage and children, and hate men. It’s not happening to the degree you think it is. Not by a long shot, lol. The sky hasn’t fallen, nor will it.
"It’s not happening to the degree you think it is. Not by a long shot, lol. The sky hasn’t fallen, nor will it."
Flake, an admitted liar, is sometime my favorite Senator. I have a difficult time choosing between my two Senators.
It is amazing to me how little Democrats care about regressively exacting the cost for their pipe dreams from the working classes, who pay a significant part of their paychecks for gas. When did the Democrats become the enemy of working people?
Not to mention heating oil, that's a big expense too, for. working families. By "working families" I mean families that actually work, BTW.
Birth Dearth: countries with the lowest birth rates
How many of these countries attribute their low birth rate on women’s studies programs?
"“Keystone pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota. ..."
OMG! 210,000 GALLONS?!?!
Saddam Hussein intentionally spilled 500 million gallons of oil to destroy Saudi Arabia's coast. By comparison, the BP oil spill was 210 million gallons.
The worst number you can come up with for a pipeline spill is literaly 1/1000 th - that's one / one thousandth - of the worst *unintentional* spill ever.
The Exxon Valdez, a single ship, spilled 11 million gallons.
And you're crying about 210,000 gallons.
"You've only increased efficiency and reduced environmental damage by a thousandfold! Stop what you're doing immediately!!!!"
"TransCanada says on its website that the company has safely transported more than 1.5 billion barrels of oil, or about 63 billion gallons, through the system since operations began in 2010."
You can do your own division for once. Try it. It'll be good for you.
And remember, Saddam, 500 million gallons. Saddam leaked more oil intentionally than Capitalism. Lefties didn't care. AT ALL. They acknowledged NO justification in removing him at all, and learning that Saddam was by far the worst environmental terrorist imaginable never bothered or changed the mind or even elicited a single nod of approval for what Bush did in taking him out from a single Leftist or Green I ever met.
Inga is pulling her 'gee, I have no idea what you are talking about' routine.
This is standard practice on the left.
And, of course, they are all lying.
Think of it as Lefty/LLR taqqiya.
Oh, and yeah, even that 210,000 was as likely leftist sabotage as not.
Uh oh. Inga and math.
That will not end well.
Again, Inga, there is a world outside of your personal experiences. The man-hating feminists teaching at Ivy League universities have more of an impact on future generations than your daughters do. You don't want to consider that because that would force you to concede that Third Wave feminist is largely whiny and hateful cow (not bull) shit.
So that’s where the “Keep on truckin’ “ guy came from.
Women's Studies programs is where Unknown learned that Monica consented to sex with Bill Clinton because she "loved him" but Lois C.K. didn't have consent because the women didn't love him. Bill was a mind reader. They teach you about those kinds of people in "women's studies" programs. Those are the kinds of people who can tell that they are not abusing the women they are pressuring into sex with the power differential because they can read their minds. Another word for these kinds of men is "powerful Democrats" Just ask Gloria Steinem!
BTW, Inga changed her mind on this a couple days ago, right about the time the order went out that the Clintons were to be sacrificed, so now anybody who brings up Inga's words from last week is a "liar" because reasons.
You continue to assert that these dasterdly women’s studies will cause many young women to reject marriage and children, and hate men. It’s not happening to the degree you think it is. Not by a long shot, lol. The sky hasn’t fallen, nor will it.
And in the very same breath that that thought will be expressed will come the thought that older women just don't understand why younger women don't consider themselves feminists. And what's the leading reason given? "Feminists are too extreme".
Well, yeah, I can understand why some college girl with an interest in feminism would bolt for the door as fast as her little feets can carry her after hearing gems like "The true woman-centered woman is lesbian" or "All penis in vagina sex is rape".
Once again, you somehow think that your comfortable suburban Betty Friedan style feminism is what constitutes the structural core of modern feminism. Your defense of that position is that you really don't care what the rest of feminism is about. I hope that you grant your ideological opponents that sort of indulgence: "Well, yeah, I know that Big Cheese Conservative X is a virulent racist, but that's not what I'm about".
But you don't grant them that indulgence, do you? But, you want us to grant that indulgence to you & your side....
"BTW, Inga changed her mind on this a couple days ago, right about the time the order went out that the Clintons were to be sacrificed, so now anybody who brings up Inga's words from last week is a "liar" because reasons"
All lefty cannon fodder footsoldiers know to obey whatever talking point orders emerge from the journolist swamp without question.
Inga is simply the modern equivalent of yesteryears Stalinists who ditched their "Stay out of European Wars" placards for their "Second Front Now" signs...overnight....
Btw, now with Charlie Rose taking incoming fire, it's likely LLR Chuck is going to lose ANOTHER of his beloved insightful, brilliant liberal elitists who are always in the know, unlike those of us in "Trumpland".
So many of the feminists writing about sex are lesbians. Of course they get it all wrong.
“...simply the modern equivalent of yesteryears Stalinists who ditched their "Stay out of European Wars" placards for their "Second Front Now" signs...overnight....
When did you become a hysterical ninny? Maybe you always were one, but you sound especially strident today. Have a 🍪 and a glass of 🥛It will be ok.
BTW, isn't it amazing that Saddam did in fact spill 500 million gallons of oil into the Gulf - that's 500,000,000 gallons... and there wasn't a single report of any *damage* from that anywhere in the news, ever? Could it be that 500 million gallons of oil in the ocean is literally a drop in the bucket, and millions of gallons of oil seep naturally from the ocean floor just off the coast of California into the ocean yearly?
BTW, I know, you won't *actually* do the division I suggested. Pipeline transported 65,000,000,000 gallons, and spilled 210,000 of it.
Congratulations! You've successfully smeared the pipeline for having an efficiency rating of only 99.99999677%!
Seriously - EVERYTHING the Greens have done or argued for since the Clean Air Act of 1972 has made the environment worse. That was the first and only good idea they had. Oh, wait, actually, it was a Republican that did that one. Nixon.
And yes - EVERYTHING. Go ahead. Anyone tell me anything after 1972 you think Greens or the Left or the EPA deserves credit for improving. Anything. In every single instance, they actually harmed the environment, but what they never failed to do *consistently* was create endless opportunities for graft for themselves.
I guess "Flakey-McFlakeFlake" took up too many of the very limited characters.
At any rate, the people of Arizona are now subliminally thinking Flakey every time they encounter him.
But when we look at the "rape culture" in the main stream media, from magazines to television to the theater to movies, peopled by powerful Democrats, from Hollywood to Manhattan, I can see where the feminists are getting it.
What all of these industries have in common are new crops of graduating women every year desperate to work there. I don't think that petroleum engineering majors, no matter how hot, have the same issue of desperation.
On the Grope Scale, CBS News anchor, Charlie Rose, age 75, is somewhere between Al Franken and George HW Bush, without the wheelchair.
Will this groping madness ever cease?!?!
@Bay Area Guy,
On the Grope Scale, CBS News anchor, Charlie Rose, age 75, is somewhere between Al Franken and George HW Bush, without the wheelchair.,
Didja hear the one about the retired lingerie salesman who just wanted to keep a hand in the business?
Oh. Well that's creative, I guess.
Do you ever reach a point where you admit to yourself that, just because Trump said it, that doesn't mean it was necessarily interesting? Because I think a hit that point almost a year ago.
Your reactions to Trump are almost as reflexive and predictable as the news media's.
Unknown: "When did you become a hysterical ninny?"
Oh, so now you are going to pretend that the switching of sides, back and forth, by Hollywood and the CPUSA, based on Stalins needs never happened, eh?
I'm not surprised in the least. You are simply a modern version of Walter Duranty, though you are likely to claim he never existed as well.
Just as none of your pals on the left seem to spend that much time in Venezuela anymore. I wonder why that is?
TTR: "Your reactions to Trump are almost as reflexive and predictable as the news media's."
Lots of reactions to Trump are reflexive and predictable.
Lots and lots of them.
Petroleum pipelines criss-cross the country and have for a long long time.
It's the safest way to transport oil, gas, gasoline and diesel. Pipelines do leak. It happens all the time. It's really no big deal because land spills of petroleum, by and large, do not pose a significant threat to water resources because biodegradation:
Where's The Benzene
The 210,000 gallon leak, however, is a big spill, it was a subsurface spill and not caused by lefty terrorists. Based on reports, I would estimate that approximately 45,000- to 75,000-tons of soil have been impacted requiring remediation. Assuming a cleanup cost of +/- $100/ton, indicates a cost of cleanup to be on the order of $5M to $10M.
You know Grope-Fest 2017 is getting bad, when former Dem Congressman, Anthony Weiner, a convicted felon who "only" sexted with a teenage girl, might be the LEAST offensive of this sorry lot.
Memo To Hollywood and CBS and Democrat politicians: Stop grabbing women's butts and breasts!
(Roy Moore was a Democrat at the time of his particular shopping mall endeavors)
How many fucking photos and arm-in-arm poses does a senator take? Is it really fucking all THAT inconceivable that his arm either accidentally slid down or after that many fucking sheeple to squeeze he lost track of what body parts were where? JESUS!
How perfectly boring and sterile and meaningless and regulated of all that is tactile do a goddamn politician's interactions have to be? FFS.
“Memo To Hollywood and CBS and Democrat politicians: Stop grabbing women's butts and breasts!”
Let’s not mention Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert. Oh right, they we’re grabbing boys’ stuff.
Remember, TTR that Sanctimony never goes out of style.
Franken's excuse is easy.
He should say, "After a long day at the seventh of many state fairs in Minnesota, I was about to fall asleep. My hand dragged down my constituent's backside, as she was no less boring than any other fat farm-raised fan of my very Minnesota style of politics. So as I noticed myself (and my arm) dozing off, I reached onto something and squeezed in order to pull my numb appendage back up."
Just enough with all this bullshit of "HE MADE ME FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE." In what other aspect of life does the sole criterion for scurrilousness, let alone mere rudeness, revolve around one, possibly flaky, woman's reaction to things? Only this one.
(Roy Moore was a Democrat at the time of his particular shopping mall endeavors)
Lee Atwater can explain the process of his particular political conversion.
He was a pro at making that sort of thing happen, after all.
Tsk tsk tsk...
“Disgraced Ohio state Rep. Wes Goodman — a Republican — in the wake of the lawmaker's recently revealed sex scandal and resignation is being accused by dozens of people of sexual misconduct. IJR has obtained testimonies from over 30 individuals who have had inappropriate and never-before-shared experiences with Goodman.
Goodman, who always campaigned on “family values,” recently made headlines for all the wrong reasons — he was caught on Tuesday having consensual sex with another man in his office.”
Ya gotta really look out for those “family values” guys. Repressed sexually in public makes them really hot in private.
Resignation key word.
Franken was a wrestler. They grab each other's asses all the time. As well as other things. Anything they can hold onto, actually.
If you're looking for a guy who was made to perfect his performance of wishbones and and pumphandle drops to be exquisitely sensitive about your personal space, you're looking for the wrong person.
Robert Mitchum was notorious in Hollywood for clutch-butt. They nicknamed him The Goose, and not because he laid golden eggs.
“Resignation key word.“
Yes indeed. Trump and Moore should be using it.
Blogger Bay Area Guy said...
(Roy Moore was a Democrat at the time of his particular shopping mall endeavors)
It may just be a coincidence, but I think Donald Trump was a pro-choice, pro- gun control Democrat when he raped Ivana. Or maybe it was just when he was a Clinton donor, I dunno.
Yeah, Hastert was pretty disgusting. Foley just "texted" bad things, didn't do anything wrong.
You know, Unknown, the elephant in the room was, ahem, a certain 2-term President of the Democrat Party, I mean, United States of America, who not only was a serial adulterer, but a groper and a rapist and had his wife and staff smear women making complaints against him as "Bimbo Eruptions".
Any thoughts on this fellow?
I think Donald Trump was a pro-choice, pro- gun control Democrat when he raped Ivana.
If you knew Ivana, even slightly, you would know that NO ONE ever raped her.
More likely the other way around.
Show of hands... (or whatever body part is acceptable for indicating affirmation these days):
How many of you have ever hugged or gotten close to hundreds of people and never ONCE found a body part where another body part should not have been, on either your part or the part of the other person's?
This is redic. Nonsense. Americans have a touch phobia.
If you knew Ivana, even slightly, you would know that NO ONE ever raped her.
More likely the other way around.
My name is Michael K and I'm here to say that I'm one of the many men who were raped by Ivana Trump.
"Hello, Michael!"
Bay Area Guy
Check out the WaPo article on the pompous fool Charlie Rose. He is more Harvey than Al. He is gone gone gone.
Any thoughts on this fellow?
Were they underage?
Were they proven in a court of law? Or even involving pay-out bribes?
These things kind of matter.
Not a word about education, qua knowledge.
I assure you the content of this program is quite good about mirroring that set of goals.
It's much worse than that.
Alarm bells sounded when the 2017 standardized test results in California were announced. They revealed that about 50 percent of schoolchildren can’t read at grade level. The news was especially dismal for black schoolchildren—almost 70 percent failed to read at grade level. When all the data were crunched, the outcomes revealed that, because of the poor test results, many school districts were deep in the red zone. But instead of acknowledging those schools’ failure, the State Board of Education simply decided to move a bunch of schools out of the lowest category. The board brushed aside criticism, referring to the lowering of standards as “a technical matter,” and the change was approved unanimously.
This brazen ploy is the latest in a series of similar efforts by the Golden State education establishment. Just last month, we officially said goodbye to the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE), which the state legislature eliminated in 2015 because too many kids couldn’t pass it. The English–language component of the test addressed state content standards through tenth grade, and the math part of the exam covered state standards only as far as grades six and seven and Algebra I. Worse, the legislators chose to give diplomas retroactively, going back to 2006, to students who had passed their coursework but failed the test.
Private school or home school.
My grand kids are in charter schools but I wish I could still afford to send them to private schools. As California public schools collapsed, private school tuition has gone out of sight, It is as much as college tuition now.
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