“He’s true to himself,” said Dai Xiang, a resident of the eastern province of Jiangsu who belongs to an online group of more than 23,000 people that exchanges news and commentary about Mr. Trump. “He’s real, unlike other politicians.”...
They refer to him as “Uncle Trump,” “Grand Commander” and “Donald the Strong.” After Mr. Trump’s visit to the Forbidden City on Wednesday with President Xi Jinping, one fan wrote on social media, “Long live Emperor Trump!”
Mr. Trump’s Chinese fans praise his irrepressible style, his skill as an entertainer and his willingness to say what he thinks. Many also like the fact that he seems less inhibited than previous American presidents about recognizing China as a superpower and as an equal on the global stage....
They say Mr. Trump has changed the tone of America’s conversation with China. “People are sort of tired of listening to that criticism [of China],” said Xu Qinduo, a political commentator for China Radio International in Beijing. “Now we can talk to each other.”...
“I’m not interested in the Russian investigation or his North Korea strategy,” said Zhang Changjiang, 43, an instructor at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. “His purpose is clear. He knows how to whet people’s appetite, how to make a scene and how to leverage his abilities.”...
Many Chinese “have a strong revulsion and hostility toward ‘political correctness’ in Western society,” Chen Jibing, a political commentator in Shanghai, wrote in a blog post this week. “They see themselves in Trump.”
९ नोव्हेंबर, २०१७
"They call him 'Donald the Strong.' They heap praise on his family. They fawn over his rapid-fire tweets...."
According to the NYT.
९५ टिप्पण्या:
The Deplorables in China
As someone married to East Asian, Westerners don't realize how brainwashed they are. They've lost Christianity and have adopted some weird Leftist/liberal PC cult - as a substitute.
These reports are just anecdotes, but that Adams fellow might be on to something about persuasion.
The Chinese lost their taste for the Mandarin class a while ago.
The Left finally finds a candidate country for a travel ban.
For twenty years Thomas Friedman has been fantasizing in the New York Times that America needs a strong-man leader just like in China. And now that we finally have one, is Friedman happy?
"I felt a great disturbance in the Resistance, as if millions of heads suddenly exploded in rage. I feel something wonderful has happened."
How comforting.
The Chinese called Obama "Bumblefuck." They had recently seen the word and were fascinated by the sound--the mouthfeel of it. People on internet boards in China attached the word to Barack Obama. Chinese commenters on American boards used to tell that story often, yet the American media never reported it.
This is such a thrill, "Uncle trump!" I love it.
And that robe-like coat Melania wore was so perfectly structured, so excellent, but we won't see that on NYT. Their loss.
<<[ So much winning! ]>>
How many electoral votes does China have?
Seriously; this is the NYT doing what is essentially a send-up of Trumpism, and the Trumpists love it.
This is the Don Rickles Presidency.
Many Chinese “have a strong revulsion and hostility toward ‘political correctness’ in Western society”
Us too, comrade Chen. Us too.
So much for wining the popular vote Hillary. The 1.38 Billion people have spoken!
Yo chinaman it is: God Emperor Trump!
It's a little bit disappointing that the Times didn't find anyone to supply the quote, "Uncle Trump and Invaka have created so many jobs in China!"
Osama Bin Laden yapped about the masses preferring the strong horse to the weak horse.
Trump is the Strong Horse.
Lefties and their LLR allies take a well deserved time out from 8+ years of praising the "magnificent" Obama being adored by foreigners to complain and gripe about Trump being adored by some foreigners.
Ince again, our "accidental leftist" Chuck just happens to line up with the lefty narrative of the day.
Darn it! It's not fair that keeps "accidentally" happening.
Seems that your average Chinese rice farmer, is more in the know than Chuck is.
That can't be Allen.
Chuck is a big fan of the New Yorker and Maddow so no one is more in the know than he.
Btw, looks like the lefty/LLR lie about the attack on Rand Paul will go the way of about another 100 ES-MSNBC-PN folks.
Not just a neighborly dispute after all. As we already knew.
ARM and Chuck hardest hit.
ARM because he likes spreading the narrative lies. Chuck because he gets upset when lefties get called out or caught.
The Don Rickles presidency? Yes I recall Rickles telling Koreans to be proud, how great they were. I recall the Chinese swooning over his praise for them. That's why he was called the compliment comedian.
"This is the Don Rickles Presidency."
Chuck is now the China expert. What a treasure he is !
Chuck what will the price of gold be next November ?
I thought it was the Rodney Dangerfield presidency.Makes more sense.
Darrell, hope you don't mind that I shared your comment to my Twitter. Hahaha!!! Obama will forever be known as President Bumblefuck in this household! I laughed bigly. Thanks.
I recently had a conversation with a young woman at a conservative think tank in DC who really doesn't like Trump. I had to remind her that while Europe may have liked Obama, much of the rest of the world (e.g. the Mideast) most certainly did not.
There's also what I'd call an "imperious" type of American that doesn't do well among his fellow Americans but is often a big hit in another part of the world. Gen. Douglas MacArthur springs to mind as an example. His American counterparts in the military & government often wanted to take him out & have him shot if there was a legal way to do it. The Japanese people, however, grew to love him in the course of the occupation, & openly wept in the streets as his motorcade passed to take him permanently back to the States after Truman sacked him.
"I recently had a conversation with a young woman at a conservative think tank in DC who really doesn't like Trump."
Remember who funds those "think tanks" and NR.
It's the donor class who have done very well with crony capitalism, also know as Fascism.
Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbM6WbUw7Bs
Actually Gen. Douglas MacArthur was incredibly popular in the USA with about 1/2 of the USA. His "Old soldiers never die" speech in 1951 had congressmen crying in the audience.
The problem is that 1/2 of the country was "yellow dog Democrat". And a lot of the remainder wanted the USA to get out of Korea, not expand the war. Plus, a lot of Americans were more comfortable with Ike's phony "common man" persona than MacArthur's 'aristocratic' vibe.
But anyway, never forget that in 1952, 40% of America was so fucking stupid they'd have elected Joe Stalin if he had (D) after his name.
Hari: The Left finally finds a candidate country for a travel ban.
Earnest Prole: For twenty years Thomas Friedman has been fantasizing in the New York Times that America needs a strong-man leader just like in China. And now that we finally have one, is Friedman happy?
Trump is nowhere near being a "strong man" in the sense that Chinese leaders are, but lefties think he is, and that's what makes this so funny. First Trump drives the left to go full-McCarthy on the Russkies. Next he'll have them drooling and gibbering in a corner about the Yellow Peril. If this keeps up they'll be screaming treason because he's hasn't gotten ban-y enough with visa-seekers from Muslim countries.
Looking forward to the Salon and Vox articles: "There's an unsettling lack of xenophobia in this country toward foreigners who don't hate Trump. Here's why that's a problem"; "How alt-right cosmopolitanism is destroying American values."
Why is the NYTs running this story?
The Chinese were the first civilized people in the world. Their intelligence is off the charts. So it is no wonder that they respect Trump for his intelligence, his energy and his charming ways of dealing respectfully with them. The best tend to see the best in others.
My Chinese friends are all Medical Doctors. And they have all made much money in Atlanta by fair business dealings with other intelligent men based on mutual trust.They believe in hard work and private property. After Mao's death his Communist Party started a Capitalism
system in China, and the results have been staggering.
John Steinbeck wrote his tribute to the Chinese people in the character Lee in his masterpiece East of Eden.
But they have had 200 years of recent invasion troubles following the 700 years ago one from Mongolia ( hence the Great Wall). Add to that invasions from Korea into Manchuria, and from Queen Victoria's British Empire into all port cities, followed by The Empire of the Sun's barbaric invasion that began WWII which we ended.
You know this attack on Rand Paul got me thinking... this happened before, while not to Rand Paul, but the attack was the same, taking someone out from the back so the person could not see the attack coming. Who was the attacker you ask? Well, it was Al Franken!
Al had to be helped up. He obviously has no cardio.
The NYT is the paper of record in the Empire State that has flourished since the Erie Canal in 1825 started to make NYC into our #1 port for world commerce.
Ergo NYC respects the Chinese Empire and world trade. And the boy from NYC named Trump does too.
Bumblefuck? I think twatwaffle is more descriptive of THE WON.
Michael K said...
"I recently had a conversation with a young woman at a conservative think tank in DC who really doesn't like Trump."
Remember who funds those "think tanks" and NR.
It's the donor class who have done very well with crony capitalism, also know as Fascism.
I'm sensing a double standard here. When I call the Republicans a bunch of national socialists I get all kinds of grief. When MK calls them Fascists no one blinks an eyelid.
The Chinese worked hard on this relationship from their side. The ceremony on Youtube is worth watching. The Chinese band plays the Star Spangled Banner in Trump's honor as the 2 men arrive, and after the Chinese National Anthem, it plays John Phillip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever March as they walk into the great Hall.
Hmmm . . . Maybe we should let foreigners vote in our elections after all . . . .
"They refer to him as “Uncle Trump,”
He's that uncle who won't stop talking about how Obama is a Kenyan over thanksgiving dinner.
I missed the story. How deep did Trump have to bow to get this reaction from the Chinese?
Many Chinese “have a strong revulsion and hostility toward ‘political correctness’ in Western society,”
Translated: They don't like hypocrites.
I'm sensing a double standard here. When I call the Republicans a bunch of national socialists I get all kinds of grief. When MK calls them Fascists no one blinks an eyelid.
What you and the other lefties don't understand is that I want ALL of them gone. Read "The Ruling Class." again
When this majority discovered that virtually no one in a position of power in either party or with a national voice would take their objections seriously, that decisions about their money were being made in bipartisan backroom deals with interested parties, and that the laws on these matters were being voted by people who had not read them, the term “political class” came into use. Then, after those in power changed their plans from buying toxic assets to buying up equity in banks and major industries but refused to explain why, when they reasserted their right to decide ad hoc on these and so many other matters, supposing them to be beyond the general public’s understanding, the American people started referring to those in and around government as the “ruling class.” And in fact Republican and Democratic office holders and their retinues show a similar presumption to dominate and fewer differences in tastes, habits, opinions, and sources of income among one another than between both and the rest of the country. They think, look, and act as a class.
You just don't understand. Democrats are feeding at the government trough but Republicans are almost as bad.
The Swamp is made up of both parties.
God, this comments page is so fantastic.
During the campaign, the inscrutable Chinese were ripping us off, stealing our jobs and dumping steel in U.S. markets. Trump told us so.
Now, a NYT reporter finds a handful of Chinese people to say some laughably supportive things about Donald Trump, and suddenly the Trump-loving "conservatives" are fans and apologists for the People's Republic of China.
Calling this phenomenon a "cult of the personality" has become an understatement.
I'm sensing a double standard here. When I call the Republicans a bunch of national socialists I get all kinds of grief. When MK calls them Fascists no one blinks an eyelid.
What you are sensing is your own cognitive dissonance.
The democrats get most of the corporate donations and feed subsidies back to their donors while dumping massive regulations on the competition of their cronies. For example the insurance industry is making record profits and the consumers have fewer choices. This is by design.
The republicans are just a bunch of democrats who say one thing to get elected and help the national socialists get what they want. McCain Flake Ryan etc.
He had to bow deep while kissing the ass of China that unfair trade partner while chastising the Japanese for building 24 auto plants in America and complaining about their trade with us.Obviously The tweeter in chief speaks out of both sides of his cheeks.
"...apologists for the People's Republic of China."
When Trump and China work out some sort of diplomatic action I expect the NYT to find out about the political prisoners in China that had organs harvested and the cities full of people who were infected with HIV during blood harvesting operations during the obama administration and blame it on Trump.
I don't think they will be worried about the lack of freedom of speech though.
Gee. If I wanted to forge a new relationship with China, I'd establish a new relationship with them when I was in a position to do something about it, and work out all the issues I have with their policy. It doesn't make what I said in the past a lie. Anyone with half a brain can understand that--especially someone that claims to be a lawyer. Chuck believes he is making a point with people of lesser intelligence on this blog. Too bad there is no one beneath him.
The NYT is always operating in bad faith. I doubt this is more than anecdotal garbage.
I have a family of inlaws in China and this is not the sentiment that is proffered. They think Obama was a tool for sure. But they think Trump is the enemy. They might respect what he is doing but they don't like him. The Chinese don't like people from other countries. It is not how they work.
R/V confused Obama with Trump. The Lefty press was making a big deal about Trump not bowing the other day--as if that was going to cause an international incident. Putting us all in danger. So which is it?
This is the Don Rickles Presidency.
Sure. But a vast improvement over what we just suffered for two terms: The Don Knotts bow and scrape presidency.
"Accidental Leftist" Chuck: "Now, a NYT reporter finds a handful of Chinese people to say some laughably supportive things about Donald Trump, and suddenly the Trump-loving "conservatives" are fans and apologists for the People's Republic of China."
LLR and "accidental leftist" Chuck, once again, accidentally, over and over again, is completely, utterly, perfectly in tune with the leftist talking points of the day.
Darn it! Can you believe it? What are the odds? Poor LLR Chuck. He so wants to oppose the dems but gosh darn it, he keeps accidentally stepping into the leftist matrix.
Dang it!
So did Trump have to deal with an issue of what stairs he would use to exit Air Force One or is that something the Chinese used just to fuck with Obama? I suspect I can guess the answer but I'd just be guessing.
In the 1800s Chinese Art was discovered in Europe and after that became extremely popular for decorating. My wife's favorite piece is a large Chinese Red Chest. And their restaurants are the best. And what would we do without Feng Shue teachings and Chinese Astrology added to our culture? Is it the year of the Dragon again yet?
So let's enjoy Abe Lincoln's saying ," if I make my enemy into my friend, haven't I eliminated my enemy?
I call him "Donald the Ronald."
Sometimes I try and get ahead of Chuck, so I go an peruse MSNBC and the DNC sites.
You know, to see what will "accidentally" appear under the "Chuck" byline later that day.
Blogger Lucien said...
"So did Trump have to deal with an issue of what stairs he would use to exit Air Force One or is that something the Chinese used just to fuck with Obama? I suspect I can guess the answer but I'd just be guessing."
They knew obama was a twat that thought he was smarter than he was that wanted to make the US look bad.
I don't think donald trump should be the president of us.
It's a good article.
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"I don't think donald trump should be the president of us."
President of the United States, yes.
President of "us", no.
I got an e-mail recently saying "all of your bases are belong to us." I think Rahbar Khan may have sent it.
By the way, Rahbar, I'm still waiting for that Nigerian prince to contact me. I'm ready with my bank account details as requested.
The Japanese people, however, grew to love him [MacArthur] in the course of the occupation
I worked for JVC and was having a conversation with our branch manager, Taki Takahara. He said the Japanese that come over to the States are shocked that there isn't a statue of MacArthur on every street corner.
Heck, that famous photo of him towering above Hirohito made them stop and rethink their worldview.
And they have all made much money in Atlanta by fair business dealings with other intelligent men based on mutual trust.They believe in hard work and private property.
In the 80's, I read James Clavell's "Asian Saga". His Tai-Pan dealt with the founding of Hong Kong and the novel Noble House was a 'sequel' set in 1963 HK.
I learned that the Chinese were the world's greatest capitalists when free to pursue their dream.
I was shocked and horrified when I found out that when the 100 year lease was over, that Great Britain was going to give Hong Kong back to the Mainland Government. But I also held out hope that it would be a case of the mouse swallowing the elephant and capitalism will (eventually) win out. It has made it's mark on the economy and (hopefully) will make inroads into governing too.
Not really a strongman, believes in the wrong things:
The trade deals of the Nineties were based on the idea that China would be Mexico but with more people whereas China was the Meiji Restoration but with more people. Before we knew it China had bought and carried off our manufacturing base and become a super power while we were a hollow power. Trump recognizes the problem while the US establishment - the Bushes - is too ashamed to admit its miscalculation. Or like another President, thinks pretending it didn't happen will work. Or is happy to take the money, the bribes the Chinese and others are ready to hand out - like the Clinton crowd. The way the Chinese are - they work with what is there.
The Chinese have simply realized that Donald Trump will work with them toward his own goals, toward American goals. They want to work with him toward their own goals. So they pour on the flattery hoping that this will give them an edge in the resulting deals. I'm pretty sure Trump has seen this move before. Making deals with foreign powers instead of wars is a good thing and it's how the Chinese work.
Hey, I did not send any mail to anyone. Please don't blame me.
“His purpose is clear. He knows how to whet people’s appetite, how to make a scene and how to leverage his abilities.”...
Well. OK, then.
I guess they don't get CNN. Or read the NYT. Or WaPo. Sounds like a nice place to live.
This should make our resident leftists happy.
The world isn't laughing at us.
The world respects us.
DT is a strong leader and the world respects strong leaders.
The world was laughing at BO.
Blogger Nyamujal said...
He's that uncle who won't stop talking about how Obama is a Kenyan over thanksgiving dinner.
I've never had anyone on the Left explain to how Obama could be so sure that he was not born in Kenya (or somewhere else). Did he see the birth certificate? Take the word of his mother and parents?
"This is the Don Rickles Presidency."
In all fairness your our Don Rickles commenter. But without his keen insight.
Chuck: During the campaign, the inscrutable Chinese were ripping us off, stealing our jobs and dumping steel in U.S. markets. Trump told us so.
The Chinese are our competitors. Are you saying that if your competitors are dumping steel and ripping you off in myriad ways, that there's some sort of contradiction in both objecting to that, and yet agreeing with (or at least finding interesting) something some of them say, or recognizing and appreciating the civilization of a great people?
The French pull shit on us from time to time, too. At the same time I can accurately call myself a francophile. Please tell me what "cult of personality" this puts me in.
There is no contradiction here. But I know it's pointless to ask you to think outside your GOPe padded cell, so I won't.
Now, a NYT reporter finds a handful of Chinese people to say some laughably supportive things about Donald Trump, and suddenly the Trump-loving "conservatives" are fans and apologists for the People's Republic of China.
I found that, both at university and when working overseas, that I tended to like and get along well with a lot of Chinese. Aside from sharing intellectual and artistic interests, I did, as a matter of fact, find their lack of political correctness refreshing. (One could have lively, free-ranging conversations that would be impossible to have with good-thinking American liberals and conservatives(tm).) This did not lead to approval of steel-dumping or myriad other negative aspects of Chinese culture and politics.
It's hard to imagine what depth of intellectual deficiency it would require for someone to see the necessary logical connection that you are alleging is here. Some kind of daft philistine whose intellect and spirit have been hopelessly deformed by a lifetime reduced to party politics, I guess.
So they pour on the flattery hoping that this will give them an edge in the resulting deals. I'm pretty sure Trump has seen this move before. Making deals with foreign powers instead of wars is a good thing and it's how the Chinese work.
And this is how Trump built his business. Dopes think Kerry and Obama were smart as they gave away the store,
He and Tillerson have been dealing with other countries and foreign businessmen, who are usually smarter than their politicians like here, and made a lot of money. Have you ever read about how Tillerson dealt with Venezuela when Chavez took away their property ?
I don;t link to the lying WaPo but here is a summary of what he did.
The Washington Post tells a story that sheds considerable light on Rex Tillerson, former CEO of ExxonMobil. The story begins in Venezuela, where ExxonMobil and other oil companies had long done business.
Socialist ruler Hugo Chavez needed cash to shore up his failing economy, so he demanded that all foreign oil companies give his government a bigger cut of their revenues. All the companies went along, except ExxonMobil, where Tillerson had recently become CEO. He refused Chavez’s demand.
Chavez responded by nationalizing ExxonMobil’s considerable assets in the country, which the company valued at $10 billion. The losses were a big blow to Tillerson, who reportedly took the seizure as a personal affront.
Only Tillerson didn’t get mad, at least in public. He got even.
Guyana, one of the poorest countries in South America, adjoins Venezuela to the East. ExxonMobil got rights to explore for oil off Guyana’s coast, and in May 2015, the company made a stunning announcement:
In the deep blue waters 120 miles off Guyana’s coast, the company scored a major oil discovery: as much as 1.4 billion barrels of high-quality crude. Tillerson told company shareholders the well, Liza-1, was the largest oil find anywhere in the world that year.
Maybe China knows that story, too.
Trump’s Trade Policies Keep Backfiring
You must be really good at yoga!
God, this comments page is so fantastic.
Yes it is and it is why I keep reading here.
Chuck illustrates the dim wattage of only being able to think about things on one level. In only one dimension. The ability to be able to see multiple concepts at one time is crucial in making decisions as opposed to being a blinkered ideologue.
During the campaign, the inscrutable Chinese were ripping us off, stealing our jobs and dumping steel in U.S. markets. Trump told us so.
Yes. This is true. Trump also told the Chinese the same thing. HOWEVER, and here is where the ability to think multi dimensionally comes in:
[paraphrasing] Trump also told the Chinese that he didn't blame them for doing this as ANY sane nation would do the same. WE would have done the same and that the reason they were able to get away with it was because our seriously lame leaders are a steaming pile of shit. We respect China's moxie but we aren't going to let them get away with it anymore. Respectfully of course :-)
Now, a NYT reporter finds a handful of Chinese people to say some laughably supportive things about Donald Trump, and suddenly the Trump-loving "conservatives" are fans and apologists for the People's Republic of China.
Once again failure to be able to think enough to be able to separate the people of a country from the actions of their rulers. Proles recognize the Proles of other countries. World wide the Proles have the same problems, the same life goals, and the same elite class to try to fight against. The difference is that in today's connected world, we recognize and sympathize with each other. The Deplorable Proletariat of the United States recognize and appreciate the qualities of Trump the same way the Proles in other parts of the world are beginning to appreciate.
Calling this phenomenon a "cult of the personality" has become an understatement.
Oh come on now Chuck. No one has ever accused you of being understated.
"Chuck said...
How many electoral votes does China have?
Seriously; this is the NYT doing what is essentially a send-up of Trumpism, and the Trumpists love it.
This is the Don Rickles Presidency."
Chuck said...
Blogger Chuck said...
It's a little bit disappointing that the Times didn't find anyone to supply the quote, "Uncle Trump and Invaka have created so many jobs in China!"
"Chuck said...
God, this comments page is so fantastic.
During the campaign, the inscrutable Chinese were ripping us off, stealing our jobs and dumping steel in U.S. markets. Trump told us so.
Now, a NYT reporter finds a handful of Chinese people to say some laughably supportive things about Donald Trump, and suddenly the Trump-loving "conservatives" are fans and apologists for the People's Republic of China.
Calling this phenomenon a "cult of the personality" has become an understatement."
It's like watching a retard struggling to keep his head above water, but failing. And no one throws him a line. All we can do is watch.
A-D and DBQ provide two very cogent posts here but Chuck's original point, that the willingness of many here to turn on an ideological dime looks more like a cult of personality than a coherent political philosophy, is difficult to dismiss.
Trump is not an effective political leader. At the start of his presidency he needed to set some clear policy priorities and dare the GOPe to ignore them in order to pursue their own insanely out of touch agenda. He failed to do this and the GOPe got the upper hand. Trump spent the first weeks of his presidency obsessed with the crowd size not policy. A cynic would say this is because he understands rating and does not understand policy.
DBQ: Yes. This is true. Trump also told the Chinese the same thing. HOWEVER, and here is where the ability to think multi dimensionally comes in...
The "multi dimensionally" isn't necessary in that sentence. A straight-thinking individual of normal intelligence can figure out what's going on here. What takes tortured, conspiracy-nut, true-believer, "multi dimensional" spaghetti-junction thinking is arriving at the crazy shit Chuck comes up with to convince himself that all his neighbors are Satan-worshippers and he's the only sane guy on the block.
"Heck, that famous photo of him towering above Hirohito made them stop and rethink their worldview."
Was Hirohito trying to look like Charlie Chaplin?
We tend to discard all of our former heroes. Ask George Patton.
A-D and DBQ provide two very cogent posts here but Chuck's original point, that the willingness of many here to turn on an ideological dime looks more like a cult of personality than a coherent political philosophy, is difficult to dismiss.
No-one's ideology has changed at all. Intelligent people are still opposed to the sort of government over-reach that China practices to its citizens' detriment, and that American progressives endorse to the inevitable detriment of U.S. citizens. All anyone has done here is point out that there are people in China who perceive some positive elements to Trump's personality.
"Trump is not an effective political leader. At the start of his presidency he needed to set some clear policy priorities and dare the GOPe to ignore them in order to pursue their own insanely out of touch agenda. He failed to do this and the GOPe got the upper hand. Trump spent the first weeks of his presidency obsessed with the crowd size not policy. A cynic would say this is because he understands rating and does not understand policy. "
Let's use your metric.
The DOW is at record numbers and economic growth is 3%+.
So according to your own measurement of Obama's success Trump is an effective political leader.
He even made a favorable impression on your favorite foreign country.
Rusty said...
He even made a favorable impression on your favorite foreign country.
No, the New Zealanders think he's a putz.
New Zealand, white as snow. Figures.
Maoris motherfucker, Maoris. Undefeated by the British.
Where did the All Blacks play? Another island around there, I think.
The Maoris were defeated by the British-imposed peace.
Their social situation is akin to American Indians.
Film ref - " Once Were Warriors", Tamahori, 1994
All Blacks are the New Zealand national rugby team.
Australians think of New Zealand like New York City types think of Mississippi.
"No, the New Zealanders think he's a putz."
New Zealand?
And how big is their navy?
"Maoris motherfucker, Maoris. Undefeated by the British."
And yet they became British subjects.
"No, the New Zealanders think he's a putz."
The New Zealanders have gone back to Socialist not remembering the lesson they should have learned.
If Moore wants to prove his innocence he should sue the women claiming he molested them, not the Washington Post. The Post has a defense of good faith. The women don't. The allegations are per se libelous and the defense is truth. So that lawsuit would provide an excellent opportunity to determine the truth of the matter, perhaps the best opportunity available.
"The New Zealanders have gone back to Socialist not remembering the lesson they should have learned."
It's why ARM loves them so much. Because the state knows what's best for ARM.
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