The NYT reports.
The main story that begins the article has 2 women accepting an invitation to hang out in his hotel room and then being "asked if he could take out his penis." He asked, and they just laughed, as they tell the story. He got completely naked and masturbated.
The stories told by the women raise sharp questions about the anecdotes that Louis C.K. tells in his own comedy. He rose to fame in part by appearing to be candid about his flaws and sexual hang-ups, discussing and miming masturbation extensively in his act — an exaggerated riff that some of the women feel may have served as a cover for real misconduct.That's stand-up comedy, in essence. Standing in front of people naked (metaphorically) and masturbating (metaphorically). It's not surprising that this would be the man's sexual fetish. Why is he getting thrown in with the other men who are getting ruined these days? It sounds to me as though he asked for permission. What is the story here, that people have decided his sexuality is loathsome? Am I missing something? I would give this man his privacy. We're getting into Pee-Wee Herman territory now. Masturbation is not a big deal. These women were not forced to watch him masturbate:
During Ms. Goodman and Ms. Wolov’s surreal visit to Louis C.K.’s Aspen hotel room, they said they were holding onto each other, screaming and laughing in shock, as Louis C.K. masturbated in a chair. “We were paralyzed,” Ms. Goodman said. After he ejaculated on his stomach, they said, they fled. He called after them: “He was like, ‘Which one is Dana and which one is Julia?’” Ms. Goodman recalled.If they were "screaming and laughing in shock," they were acting like the audience at a stand-up show. They should have just left. Before "he ejaculated on his stomach." Which I don't need to know. I'm sure it was aggravating that he didn't know Dana from Julia, but that's not a reason to destroy the man.
ADDED: "I mean, everybody's a pervert. I'm a pervert. We're perverts. Who cares?" That's the last line of the trailer for Louis C.K.'s new movie:
And the answer to that question is: Everybody cares now. It's everybody's business. And that movie you worked so hard on is, instantly, trash. The evocation of Woody Allen's "Manhattan" isn't art now. It's ick.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Funny, I had heard about his masturbation episodes well before I heard any of his comedy.
Is there a remedial masturbation school for folks like Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K.? They seem to be going about it all wrong. Maybe, Scientology has some insights on this growing problem.
Yeah, but he'd never ejaculate.
He's only 1/2 Jewish.
Althouse is really messing with my Moral Compass on this one.
I am Laslo.
If you're a star, they let you masturbate in front of them.
It's a cultural thing. Men are considered disgusting, and their sexuality loathsome. The nonexistent outrage over the possibility of a woman doing the same thing demonstrates the fact of a natural and insurmountable double-standard better than any other example.
Louis CK has a movie premiere, "I Love you Daddy." It's about a successful Hollywood director's 17-year old daughter who is romanced by an even more successful Hollywood director.
I'm getting the impression that the folks in Hollywood are kinda icky.
The movie is shot in black and white, and it kinda reminds me of "Manhattan" by Woody Allen in 1980, also shot in black and white, also where a 42-year old schlub (Woody) dates a 17-year old gal.
If I may paraphrase the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld: No more 17-year old gals for you!
What is with these people?!
Trying to imagine the women I know, laughing themselves into hysteria while a man strokes his Dick in front of them. No, it does not compute. But humor is subjective.
Reminds of the old HR Cliche:
-Powerful man takes off his pants = Not sexual harassment.
-Poor schlep says hello = Sexual harassment.
which will be revised to:
Rich Comedian masturbates in front of women = Comedy Gold
Daniel Patrick Moynihan called and said you're defining deviancy downward.
I know this sounds counter-revolutionary in this day and age of sophistication, but the men in Hollywood should re-learn (1) how to ask women out on dates and (2) stick to women their own age.
I swear, if you do these 2 simple things, goodness and joy will abound, and all these problems go bye-bye.
I guess even the "shocked" appreciate a happy ending.
Bay guy,
Dudes engaging in these activities are more than a few err..deviations from your Norman Rockwell ideations.
How long will it be before we hear the allegations (20 or 30 years old) where a group of guys claim a famous woman just out of the blue pulled up her skirt and starting Jilling herself in front of them?
And were they horrified or did they join in?
but that's not a reason to destroy the man.
Oh, that canoe has paddled away. See, if they started making exceptions, then they couldn't vilify a Republican who did this kind of thing.
It's disgusting of course, because there are some things that really ought to be private.
But seriously, if he asked permission first, was there any crime, tort, or offense?
A true aristocrat who I presume had had success with this particular mating ritual in the past.
But seriously, if he asked permission first, was there any crime, tort, or offense?
Yes! It denied them plausible #MeToo-ism! Heads must roll.
Well, maybe they were drunk when he asked them, so they couldn't consent to watching.
Here's the Louis CK movie trailer
It looks like Manhattan by Woody Allen.
But my Norman Rockwell ideations got me laid as a young man! With nice girls! On dates! No potted plants or minors were injured in the process.
I disagree. That's not how the power dynamic works, especially when the offender can keep you out of work.
Are these women braggin' ,or complainin'?
I'm sure it was aggravating that he didn't know Dana from Julia, but that's not a reason to destroy the man.
Maybe so, but his rant about Palin makes it difficult to sympathize.
I remember a one panel cartoon from years ago. A man is watching TV and his thought bubble is "Someone I don't know is interviewing someone else I don't know" and the caption was "And so it begins: The long decoupling from pop culture."
I never heard of this guy..
The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"Yeah, I know: there's something wrong with me. I'm a sick fuck: I get it. I see a hot girl and I think: man, I need to take a shit in front of her. You all think I'm joking, right? That this is part of my act? I got to tell you: I only developed this act so that I'd have an EXCUSE to shit in front of girls...
Look -- you're all laughing. You are only encouraging me, you know? I mean, there's a part of me that wants to take a shit right now, in front of you, on this stage. The only thing that stops me is that I think it's illegal in public. And that there are guys in the audience: I can't take a shit in front of men. Really. If I'm in a stall in a public restroom I can't do anything until the rest of the place is empty. Like the only sound is water slowly dripping in the sink -- plink! -- that kind of empty. Lucky you, huh girls...?
People say to me, 'why do you like to shit in front of women?" Like I have a clear understanding of the sick dark recesses of my mind. Like that Chinese woman at the daycare really fucked with me when I was toilet-training, maybe. Yeah: that's not true. I'm not even sure why I made that imaginary daycare worker Chinese. I don't have a problem with Chinese women except I think they are always judging me. Is it racist to say I think it's the eyes...?
Seriously: when I DO take a shit in front of a girl they always act surprised. And it IS awkward, right after: I think they are thinking "are you gonna clean that up?" People: I'm a comic, I'm in hotels: they have people on staff to clean that up, right...?
Sure, I can take a shit in front of a girl, but I have to wait for her to leave before I can masturbate about it. Really. But that's usually not a problem: they all pretty much leave fast. And so I go into the bathroom and jack off, and when I come out there's my shit sitting there in the middle of the floor. And I just can't deal with that right now, so I just put a napkin over it and get the hell out of the room and go to a bar to get drunk...
And at the bar, there's usually someone who recognizes me. They'll yell to me, 'Hey! Take a shit in front of any girls lately?' And I'll laugh and say "Yeah! Just twenty minutes ago, back at the hotel." Everyone laughs -- they don't fucking believe me, they think I'm kidding. See? YOU'RE laughing: you think I'm kidding. And you know, it really IS easier this way. Because if you REALLY knew what I was like you would hate me, and that would just make me need your attention even more: I'm needy that way...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
I'm sure it was aggravating that he didn't know Dana from Julia, but that's not a reason to destroy the man.
@Althouse: Please tell me how your life has been enriched by this Louis C.K.
Crocodile tears.
Repented of our enthusiasm for Rose McGowanism I see.
This is the Andrea Dworkin wing of feminism, which we were solemnly assured was a tiny, unimportant fringe, ascendant.
Before I comment I want to hear Rhardin's take on this.
Laslo! Just think what pony-tail swish girl could do with this premise.
Shades of betamax
"Please tell me how your life has been enriched by this Louis C.K."
Doesn't matter.
The NYT is trying to atone for burring the Harvey Weinstein story. Too late. The Pulitzer is going to Ronan Farrow. <-- This. Yes!
Drago said...
"Shades of betamax"
I don't think betamax masturbated in front of women.
Or -- if he did -- he was really drunk at the time.
Just guessing, here.
I am Laslo.
The NYT is trying to atone for burying the Harvey Weinstein story. Too little (this story is pathetic) and too late. The Pulitzer is going to Ronan Farrow.
Laslo: "I don't think betamax masturbated in front of women."
True. As I recall he spent inordinate amounts of time recounting strange basement scenes with an uncle.
And something about "missed opportunities" "haunting" him.
Hari: "The NYT is trying to atone for burying the Harvey Weinstein story."
What we know now is the the ENTIRE dem establishment (political figures, MSM, Dem legal firms, etc) created an intricate mafia-like organization to empower its members to do whatever they wanted and then lowered the boom on their victims.
And the dem base LOOOOOOOVES them for doing it.
Laslo! I'm sure you can find an open mike at a comedy club in the U District.....cuz that is comedy gold!! I'd buy a ticket.
This is called getting out ahead of the coming accusations. He found, probably paid, these two women to talk to the NYT and tell us it was all fun and games. When his real victims come forward you'll think you've already read the story. Maybe David Blaine got the "Just suck it for a few seconds" from him.
The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"So: you all know I like to shit in front of hot girls, right? And you're still here, thank you, thank you. So I'm gonna tell you a story. You all will probably think I'm kidding, but I swear, this is true...
I was in a comedy club in Wisconsin -- fuck it gets cold there -- and I get this chick after the show to come back to my hotel room. See -- you're already starting to laugh. Wait: it gets better...
We get back to my room, and -- me being me -- I take a shit in front of her, right there -- it's what I do, right? But here's the thing: she doesn't look scared. Or surprised. Or angry. No, it's worse: she tells me that she LOVES me...
She loves me? I just took a shit in front of you and you love me? What the fuck? And she says she understands that I have needs, and I should be with someone who understands those needs, who doesn't judge me for my needs, who will be there for me, for ALL of me, good and bad...
Oh God! She's perfect for me! She's a fucking Angel! Except, by meeting the person who is perfect for me, I realize what a fucking loser I am. She deserves better than me! If I were to be with this girl I would fall asleep next to her, her head on her pillow, and the only sound would be that of her dreams gently dying...
And here's the thing: I don't think I could shit in front of the same girl every night. Sex? Hell yes, I could be monogamous. But shitting in front of girls: I need variety, you know...?
So basically I broke this poor girl's heart. She offers me nothing but love and understanding, and in return she is rejected by the guy who just fucking shit on the floor in front of her. And you all are laughing. For all I know she took a bath the next day with candles and shit and slit her wrists, and we're all laughing...
So I gotta say: Honey -- wherever you are? It wasn't you -- it was me. Really...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
I don't get all this gherkin jerking in front of women. Did they think their captives would swoon with lust?
When Barbara Walters met Louie C.K.
Not a Laslo post, but it should be.
I saw one of his 'comedy' specials on cable.
I immediately had him pegged as a jack-off.
This is the world these Wannabe Commisars created. Fuck 'em. It's fun watching this revolution devour itself.
"A group of female lawyers is suing one of the country’s biggest jail operators in federal court over years of sexual harassment by inmates, alleging that in many cases their clients masturbated during one-on-one meetings."
This is the Andrea Dworkin wing of feminism, which we were solemnly assured was a tiny, unimportant fringe, ascendant.
I've seen photos of Andrea Dworkin. Frankly, a potted plant would indeed be preferable.
"It sounds to me as though he asked for permission."
What a nice young man!
It's a sad world when you can't just whip out your erect penis whenever you wish.
G.G. Alin would shit in front of a crowd and smear his face with it. He also sang about fucking the dog.
So..we can be happy Hollyweird has not reported any bestiality..yet.
It's the way none of them wants to have a relationship connected with sex. I used to think you had to be the director's mistress - and have diamonds and beautiful dresses and live in an ultra-modern house in a canyon and go to parties and it was all ashes because already he was eyeing another women and slipping her diamond bracelets. Or else they invited you to a wild party and after strange music and wild people and coke or LSD you spent the night with this snaky director who had weird positions in mind. No, when they invite you up to see their etchings - one drugs you, another just grabs for awhile, another masturbates in front of you, none of them know your name even. Does it matter if you are beautiful or talented? - no, except that they might want to boast about how ugly they were with you. But if you are basic Hollywood good-looking then just stand still for fifteen seconds and they're on you and fifteen seconds later they're through with some self-involved activity. Honestly, I think that recent movies are being wrecked - you get vivid pictures of atrocities being perpetrated on every nice-looking woman in the movie. As for Hollywood and causes ...
The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"So I gotta tell you: if you want to shit in front of hot girls you really need to be careful what you eat. Like, REALLY careful, right...?
I'm a comic, I'm on the road, I drink a lot: a fancy dinner for me is going to Denny's or iHop. I eat a lot of fast food, and -- you probably already know this, right? -- fast food and alcohol, they really can wreak havoc on your bowels...
You're laughing, you're laughing: you know it's true. And when you're taking a shit in front of a hot girl you don't want to be loose. Or runny. Or wet. Definitely not wet...
Yeah, yeah: you know where this is going. It's after a show, I've had some Taco Bell, and I've been drinking crazy-ass college-bar mixed drinks, and this chick comes back to the hotel with me...
So I go to take a shit in front of her but I can't get my pants down fast enough: I'm shitting a hurricane, there's corn from 1992 in there, and it. keeps. coming....
So the rooms smells like backstage at a Tijuana Donkey Show, there's shit on my pants, shit on my shoes, and she says 'That doesn't look good...'
Yeah: she said that. Of course it doesn't look good, it looks like fucking Apocalypse Now Viet Nam all over the carpet, the only thing that can save this room is napalm, but she says 'I think there's blood in there..."
Oh fuck. Now I'm thinking it's my liver. It's gotta be my liver, right? I drink like a fish night after night after fucking night and now my liver is exploding. You shit blood when your liver explodes, right? Any doctors in the audience? No...?
Anyway, she leaves the room, saying "You might want to check that out." Good advice, thank you, yeah: check out why I'm shitting blood -- got it. And I'm terrified, terrified -- you're all laughing, but I'm fucking SCARED...
But here's the thing. The next day I watch what I eat, I don't drink, and at night when I shit there's no blood! No blood in my shit! So there's nothing to worry about -- I'm cured! This is fucking fantastic! So I guess the point of my story is -- if you are a heavy drinker and eat terrible food, it's okay if you shit a little blood: it happens. Relax. You know: it isn't the shitting blood, it's the WORRY that kills you...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
I have to tell you, skimming, I read Louis C.K. as C.S. Lewis and my reaction was WHAAAAT?! I am relieved to find that it hasn't come to that - yet.
old HR Cliche:
-Powerful man takes off his pants = Not sexual harassment.
-Poor schlep says hello = Sexual harassment.
which will be revised to:
Rich Comedian masturbates in front of women = Comedy Gold
It used to be about a powerful, rich man being able to get away with something. Now it's about the power and riches a woman can get from the man.
I blame Clarice Starling.
Women coming forward, a new development in the war between men and women gone public.
Pedophiles vs louses. I wonder who will be outed tomorrow.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"It's a cultural thing. Men are considered disgusting, and their sexuality loathsome. The nonexistent outrage over the possibility of a woman doing the same thing demonstrates the fact of a natural and insurmountable double-standard better than any other example."
I'd say it's more a question of supply and demand.
It's perhaps not so surprising that men who put on exhibitions for a living would put on exhibitions for a fetish. Sort of like pederasts becoming camp counsellors.......I'm still unable to come up with any reasonable explanation for the furry phenomenon, however.......I've read that there are men with a thing for fat women. If you have to get stuck with a fetish that's the one to have. Those guys probably get more action than rock stars.
Safe sex.
Most civilized people believe that artists, who do so much to enrich our lives, should not be taxed at the same rate as other people. The idea that someone like Harvey Weinstein who has made so many Academy Award winning movies should be taxed at the same rate as some real estate developer or oil executive is far more obscene than anything he has yet been charged with. I fully support Senator Feinstein efforts to cap the income tax rate at 20% for anyone in the performing arts and at 25% for anyone who produces their efforts. We owe them much more than they owe us....In like way, the penal code should be adjusted to take into account the greater libidinal urges of these talented people. Creativity is intimately tied up with the libido. Who knows what great works of art will be voided if those men have to keep it n their pants. I don't think they should be given carte blanche but where's the harm in a few child rapes or occasionally rubbing one out during a business meteting.
I think that these men who seem to enjoy polishing the toy soldier in front of unwilling young ladies need to have some quick witted ladies give them a bracing dose of Small Penis Humiliation (google it yersselves!).
You would think that female comics could improv in a situation like that, but seemingly not. I'll bet Gracie Allen could have done it!
I believe it's come time for a large new upright wooden file titled 'Post-Ejaculation Protestations'.
btw, ALTHOUSE, am I getting sick in the head, or is this post LOADED with sexual puns - including the very last paragraph???
I'm shocked, Rick!
The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"So I'm at a bar in Florida before a show when this guy sits down next to me, all excited...
"You're that guy that likes to shit in front of girls, right?"
I tell him, yes, I am That Guy. That is what I am known for now -- no one gives a fuck about my charity work that I might do, someday, in the future, if I get rich...
Then he says "I like to shit on girls, too!"
I think he thinks we're bonding -- we're going to be Best Friends, I can tell -- but I explain to him that I like to shit in FRONT of girls, not shit ON girls...
"Sure," he says, then he repeats that he sure does like to shit on girls...
Look, people: I'm a sick man, I know, but get it fucking right, okay? So now this guy thinks I'm as fucked up as he is, and I'm offended. Dude: we are worlds apart, you and I. But he offers to buy me a drink and I'm cheap, so I accept the offer...
"So how many girls have you shit on?" I ask him. Because: George Clooney -- I bet he can get girls to let him shit on them. Brad Pitt, sure. Maybe even Matt Damon if he tosses in a little money. But this guy? This guy ain't them...
"One or two," he says, and -- who knows? -- maybe he is telling the truth. There are a LOT of fucked-up guys out there, but there ARE some fucked-up girls, too: sometimes the paths might cross...
So I ask him: "What did these one or two girls think about getting shit on?"
And he says: "I don't know, they were passed-out drunk."
And then it hits me, it hits me hard: I am Famous to this guy. He likes me. And I am NEVER going to get a voice-role in any fucking Disney animated movie, ever...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
The Edgy Comic with Behavior Issues...
"I was at a gig in Tacoma a few weeks ago, and I was trying out new material, keeping it fresh -- you're welcome. It's because I care, I'm a professional...
Anyway, I tried an experiment. I mean, it's fucking Tacoma, right? So I go through my act, and I don't bring up shitting on girls once. I mean, it's good when people recognize you for a riff, but I can't let it define me, you understand? Sometimes you need to grow as an artist...
So I'm doing my act, and I can sense people getting restless. It happens: people aren't used to the new material, it's gonna take a little time to settle in...
Then some guy in the audience yells out "Talk about shitting in front of girls, man! Talk about shitting in front of girls!"
I nod, then explain that those jokes are in the past, I'm somewhere new now...
So the guy shouts "Fuck you! Talk about shitting in front of girls, asshole...!"
And the crowd applauds. The crowd fucking applauds. They don't want the new stuff, they don't care about what I think is funny now, they just want to hear me talk about shitting in front of girls: that is evidently all I have to offer. So I sucked it up and told the one about the girl I picked up who worked at Taco Bell -- the one with the refried beans joke, I'm sure you remember. And then they loved me again...
Thank you, you've been great..."
I am Laslo.
Maybe I should follow all of that up with a 'having anal sex with Scarlett Johansson' joke.
Make it REALLY meta.
I am Laslo.
I'm much more creeped out by this than our esteemed blog host seems to be.
Extraordinary, but increasingly common, claims of #MeToo, require extraordinary evidence.
Althouse imagines mastur-bition is a common preference.
Laslo of course puts it all into perspective. And back to you Walter. And that's the way it is..
As for me.
Y'know, like CK cuntface and most young men, I dreamed of the day I could become rich/famous and could fuck beautiful young women - sorry, I mean masturbate in front of young women - because I couldn't masturbate anywhere else.
Wait. Let me rephrase that.
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with these Hollywood weirdos? On 2nd thought, don't answer that.
Kinda old news. The Garfunkel and Oates gals talked about a guy doing this to them and people on the internet figured out it was Loius CK pretty quickly. Laura Silverman talked about him doing that and exposing himself a lot, too.
Anyway the problem is really that CK was happy to take praise for "calling out" sexism and Republican hypocrisy, etc. He was pretty vile towards Sarah Palin as I recall, but that's standards stuff I guess.
I guess the err.."gag"..was that they went up to his room for a threesome and ended up witnessing a solo.
See what he did there?
Why didn't they pull out their phones and make a video or at least some nice photos?
They must have been expecting cash after the money shot.
Contrast the sympathy here with the contempt for the standard splooge stooge. It's a pretty amazing difference!
In the splooge stooge story a woman tricks a man into impregnating her (fishing a used condom from the trash). The Professor has no sympathy for that guy--he got the sex he wanted and he should have been more careful; he engaged in dangerous behavior at his own risk and just because someone else took advantage of him (unfairly) we as a society should still blame him for the bad outcome and should mock him (using him as a example to be avoided, etc.) OK.
CK knowingly engages in risky behavior (crankin' it in front of strangers, relying on his star power to let him get away with otherwise-unacceptable actions) and is now paying a price for that. But the Professor does not think he should face social scorn for his actions even though he too "got what he wanted" out of his sexual actions and despite the fact that he was not tricked into his bad outcome (it has never been OK to act in the way he is alleged to have acted).
What could explain the difference? It is the result of a feeling/emotion, certainly, bit why do the FEELINGS differ so sharply in these two cases?
Damn I hope the Flight of the Conchords dudes aren't perverts.
I could probably survive learning the Aqua Teen/Squidbillies/Adult Swim people were if H Jon Benjamin gets accused I don't know what I'll do.
South Park: Jackin It
Dunno..they probably thought he was "warming up"..explaining why they stayed.
When they realized he spent it on his stomach, time to go.
This wasn't in an elevator. THEY went to his hotel room.
They have no high ground here...and I think they are too stupid to realize that. But that's why he figured he was protected.
Saying "the let you do it" and "they let you get away" with grabbin' pussies is evidence of sexual assault, then should not these reports (of a guy exposing himself and masturbating in front of others when one is a celebrity/in a position powerful enough to "get away with it") also be understood as evidence of same? If not why not?
Flight of Concords: I Told You I Was Freaky
If the objection is that it's wrong to retroactively condemn people or people's past actions using the now-current moral/ethical rules/standards...well bio fucking hoo! A little late to object to that shit.
If Jefferson can be spat upon for not being up to current standards then everyone else has to suffer through that shit too.
Slippery slopes, right?
Given where they were, seeing his dick in some fashion was to be expected.
Turned out it was exposed in a peculiar/"common" fashion.
Don't worry, commenters. The slope does not look so steep once we slide all the way down.
Just funny that they're essentially saying "So we go to his hotel room..and instead of ___ and ___ and ___ us, he jerks of!"
The outrage should be directed at that.
"WTF, Louis?
Why didn't you ___ and ___ and ___ them?
Jim S. said...
I'm much more creeped out by this than our esteemed blog host seems to be.
11/9/17, 8:43 PM
Oh, that's because Althouse finds him phuckable. That's the difference.
He talks a lot about white male privilege in his act. He goes well out of his way to make known to people who may not buy into that notion how wrong, stupid and amoral they are. Maybe he just assumed everyone feels as entitled as he does and so should feel as guilty. I'm sympathetic to Althouse's point of view on this regarding privacy, but I'm having a hard time gathering sympathy for the man himself. I'm quite certain he wouldn't mind seeing a right leaning libertarian, white, privileged male such as myself meet some sort of comeuppance.
This obsession these men have with masturbating in front of women is incredibly sad. It's as if they are incapable of having even the most superficial relationship.
I employed of course a rhetorical fallacy above, the argument by assertion. It is only a probability or hypothesis. I certainly don't want Althouse parsing
The Code of Honor at little old me. People can be picky.
Anyhoo, while googling up the list of rhetorical fallacies, I was reminded of this doozy, the Gish Gallop. Enjoy!
It's mastur-bition, folks...
Blogger Sydney said...
This obsession these men have with masturbating in front of women is incredibly sad. It's as if they are incapable of having even the most superficial relationship.
11/9/17, 10:28 PM
It would seem to be boom times for psychologists to deal with this kind of thing. There is definitely something wrong with such people. This certainly is no time for Doctor Francisco to retire.
We're really going to have to be perfect, aren't we? Especially the men, or at least the men, I should say. It will be interesting if and when any punches land on females.
You know, RH, I understand and sympathize with you in the sense that this could get tedious if it goes on for long, but it probably won't, and meanwhile some dirt will get cleaned up. I wish I could find on YouTube the speech from Mad Men by Jimmy Barrett apologizing to the pretzel family. Here, I from s2e3, I The Benefactor :
And Mrs.
Schilling, Jimmy has something that he'd like to say to you.
Honestly, I'd rather eat your chips than anything in this dump.
They have snails here, you know.
That's nice to hear.
Schilling Edith I was out of line the other day.
I shouldn't have said it to you, and not just 'cause you're married to him.
I shouldn't have said it to anybody, not in that environment.
Sweetheart, look at me.
You, too, Hunt.
Can I call you Hunt? There's the guy under the lights, and there's me.
He's made me rich, but he hasn't made me very nice.
I hope we can put it behind us.
I know that's what you do.
I guess I just don't have the stomach for it.
Well, I'm famished.
Excuse me.
Bets, you all right? Yes.
What's wrong? Nothing.
Nothing's wrong.
I'm just so happy.
When I said I wanted to be a part of your life this is what I meant.
We make a great team.
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Masturbation is a symptom of rejection. Either she won't do him, or he won't do her.
Bad Lieutenant said...It will be interesting if and when any punches land on females.
Seems a bit inevitable in the times of SJW's co-existing with raging popularity of 50 shades
My No. 1 choice for Senator who masturbates in front of women?
Al Franken.
That Adonis of Minnesota.
Take the weirdness of Al Franken. Toss in the weirdness of Minnesota chicks (90% of them are Left wing freaks) and you got an ugly, but show biz dude, banging his Dick off in front of blond chicks. Who love it. Its sorta like Minnesota in a nutshell.
What's great about Minnesota, is they're such clowns, you can't insult them - they're so dumb.
So far no sheep have come forward, or horses.
The literal farm animals are quiet.
You know, RH, I understand and sympathize with you in the sense that this could get tedious if it goes on for long
It's entertaining to the mob, is why it's going on.
The question is what should you be entertaining yourself with. Take it as being analogous to masturbating in front of a lady, to like this stuff.
In matters that are not crimes, civil indifference is the traditional rule.
People's lives are much more various than nonce moral crusaders would allow.
A sort of federalism idea. People are laboratories to find what works.
I don't see why there's any presumption of privacy when someone invites other people to watch the performance of a lurid act. (And the commenter who contrasted Althouse's reaction to this to her "splooge stooge" opinion was on target, IMO- why should a man have no right to prevent the use of his sperm - for creation of a child he must then support!-after ejaculation but have a right to protection of his reputation after ejaculating in an unseemly manner?)
Also, of course, there should have been no presumption on the part of the women that they were going to his hotel room for something other than lurid acts. As others have pointed out, perhaps they were surprised that it wasn't the acts they were expecting.
These acts were gross but not any kind of sexual assault or harassment if the women were there voluntarily. They're all perverts IMO but part of the problem is that per CK, they believe this is the normal human state.
Louis CK is done - nymag
SJWs are the new church ladies. Who really likes their hectoring?
walter said...
"They have no high ground here...and I think they are too stupid to realize that. But that's why he figured he was protected."
Walter, the reason women are protected is precisely that they are too stupid to realize they don't have the high ground. Rule #1 - Women get to have it both ways.
walter said...
"They have no high ground here...and I think they are too stupid to realize that. But that's why he figured he was protected."
Walter, the reason women are protected is precisely that they are too stupid to realize they don't have the high ground. Rule #1 - Women get to have it both ways.
Thanks, Bad Lieutenant, for bringing the term "Gish Gallop" to my attention. I have had encounters with it, from both the Dumb Trumpkins and the Stupid Left (especially where the Stupid Left blends into the Deranged Left); but didn't know it was an actual thing with an actual name. It's like when I learned about the Argument from Pity fallacy (the most prominent example of which, recently, was Jimmy Kimmel's on-air shilling for taxpayer-funded healthcare). I certainly had encountered it; you really can't listen to or read any "liberal" pronuciamentoes without encountering it. But knowing the name for it seems to make it easier to understand the con.
there's consent movement at US universities requiring getting explicit permission each time before one moves from one base to the next.
I had suspicion this could get rather unbearably creepy and what has been published recently about Louis CK is a great example of that. Somehow, asking others 'would you go to my room and watch me masturbate' doesn't work in the real life even if it checks all the consent-based approach boxes.
Salesmen welcome the chance to do product demos.
Laslo’s comedian has a bright future. He could be the next Lyndon Johnson.
The behavior as described is only a problem if you believe women are mental defectives without agency and/or you are weirdly concerned with what people do consensually in private.
Who gives a shit what turns his crank? If he doesn't force someone, who cares? You can't say no? What adult hasn't had someone suggest something they weren't interested in?
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