Criticizing Baldwin were Patricia Arquette...
8 women went to lawyers who basically told them they didn't have a hope in hell in court against a multi millionaire. That's why they settled... and Asia Argento
Alec Baldwin mansplaining 'the cause' for women everywhere....Baldwin meekly defended himself...
It was never my intention, in my public statements, to “blame the victim” in the many sexual assault cases that have emerged recently/I simply posited that the settlement of such cases certainly delayed justice, though I am fully aware that those settlements were entered into w the understanding that settlement is wise, intimidated into believing so.... and signed of with a projection of empathy. ...
My heart goes out to all such victims. My goal is to do better in all things related to gender equality. Au revoir.Argento kicked him on the way out — "We won’t miss you, bully boy." And Baldwin could not let her have the last word. He said she'd "run out of paint or men" if she painted all men the same way. Then Argento's boyfriend Anthony Bourdain defended her, and Baldwin — with a man to smack at last — tweeted: "You should stick to eating worms and keep your mouth shut."
Here, watch the original interview that set off this back-and-forth:
.@AlecBaldwin on a culture of complicity in Hollywood after allegations of sexual harassment and assault by fmr movie mogul #HarveyWeinstein— PBS NewsHour (@NewsHour) November 3, 2017
I don't think Baldwin has anything to be ashamed of there, but I can see why the women are sensitive. He's gently (but clearly) accusing them of wanting to further their careers. I'll paraphrase and avoid the subtlety: These women put their career first, and accepting money and silence may have been better for them, but it protected Harvey and meant that many other women would be victimized as they had been, that the system, within which they sought favor, would continue, and that they willingly became part of that system.
I'm sure it hurts to hear that. If you've had a painful experience, you may feel justified in doing what will work out best for you personally. But look at the evil that rolls on and on when each victim does that. It would take some unselfishness and courage to do otherwise, and Baldwin was gently and intelligently observing that the dismal story of Harvey Weinstein — like so many Hollywood scripts — lacked a strong heroine.
By the way, Alec Baldwin, despite his difficult morning, went on to perform in last night's "Saturday Night Live." He played Donald Trump in the cold open (which fell flat with the audience)...
... and then stooped to playing Tony Bennett singing about — I'm not kidding — diarrhea and constipation:
What victim. The women took what was best for them. Take the deal or don't.
Maybe women don't understand deals. It's guys' rules. You stick to the deal even if you don't like the guy. That's how deals can exist.
With women, feelings at the moment come first, deal or no deal. You can't count on women.
"I'm sure it hurts to hear that." So women want to further their career and take settlements and keep quiet about their own "harassment" and not bring charges and whine years later and vilify men who accurately describe what they did--because "equality"?
It would be nice to live in an Althousian world. This ain't the one.
So the mob of women has feelings. Do they want in on future deals or not. If they show they can't understand the rules of deals, they won't be able to make any.
That's a career buster.
The thing about crimes (title IX and similar excepted) is that you know what's a crime. With woman-feel you don't know. It depends on the mood ring and the mob.
Althouse gave a great summary of the reality of these women and Harvey. I would only add that in addition to his power and wealth, his status as a liberal gave him an extra layer of protection. The district attorneys in NYC and LA are all elected Democrats. Unlikely they would jail a big donor.
How did Hillary's "Bimbo Eruption Squad" and her attacks on accusers, and the complicity of the press and other democrats in dragging them through the mud "set back the cause"?
Not at all whatsoever!! You can't believe trailer trash!
I can't wait for rhardin's rhapsodic defenses of bribes and kickbacks as "finding the true price."
One-to-one things work out. You part enemies or friends. Grudges, posturings, jealosies. Just human stuff that moves in to settle differences. No mob.
Bribes ought to be okay dealing in countries where that's the system. It's a crime in the US, so that's simple.
This has changed the way I view movies. I try to stick to the old ones where everybody keeps their clothes on. A little décolletage here and there, I just don't want to be a part of this mess.
Bribery in Candide
My movie viewing in unchanged. I don't care about their "real" lives. The most important thing would be that they're rich and not very smart anyway, and we all knew that.
Does the mob worry about the lives of lottery winners? The ideal rich but not smart category.
Why would pretty matter.
A completely awful factor in all of this is that, for some, being violated by Weinstein and others was seen as part of the cost of doing business. This was absolutely wrong and completely immoral.
Sexual abuse is never justified for career advancement.
Unlikely they would jail a big donor.
Not even a leak. The NYPD kept mum, too.
I've heard the words "casting couch" forever. I had no doubt that this was going on with women who wanted an acting job. Without any proof, I shall proffer this: the vast majority of women didn't complain about it, because they got the acting job.
Sexual abuse is never justified for career advancement
Why not? Both sides come out ahead.
I'm sure you heard the tape of Baldwin attacking his own daughter a few years back. Set that next to the fairly recent picture of him having lunch with Roman Polanski and what more do you need to know about this arrogant prick.
"I don't think Baldwin has anything to be ashamed of there, but I can see why the women are sensitive. He's gently (but clearly) accusing them of wanting to further their careers. I'll paraphrase and avoid the subtlety: These women put their career first, and accepting money and silence may have been better for them, but it protected Harvey and meant that many other women would be victimized as they had been, that the system, within which they sought favor, would continue, and that they willingly became part of that system."
Bullshit. He had heard for decades...DECADES...that Harvey Weinstein had raped Rose McGowan and admitted he only recently found out that she had settled with him for money. That is a clear admission of staying silent for reasons that only can be selfish. That fat fuck can't shut his mouth about anything..well except that. He is good friends with James Toback, but claims that he never knew anything.
"Baldwin said he looks back fondly on times he spent working with Toback and when their families would vacation together, and that he’s spoken to him since the Times story broke: “I spoke with him a couple of times. He’s obviously crushed by all of this. I did call him, and I think he understands how people are. There’s not much people can do for him now.”
Outrage? Disgust? Nope. Poor John, we can't help him now. Sad!
But who's to blame for all this? Donald Trump!
“Where we are now … there is some veneer to it of complexity because they can’t get the guy they really want to get. [Donald] Trump is a sexual predator,” Baldwin said. “On the record, there’s all kinds of evidence that Trump has behaved this way, and he’s the president of the United States and that being just one of the things that is horrifying people about Trump, his opinions, his behavior, his methodology and there’s nothing you can do about that. You cannot touch him.”
So for Harvey Weinstein, you stay silent, and for John Tovack, you're sorry you can't HELP HIM NOW. But for Donald Trump, who does not have decades and decades of abuse, assault, and rape it's we CAN GET HIM NOW.
Fuck Alec Baldwin. He's a piece of human garbage who deserves all the shit that's coming.
Women have come forward and claimed they were assaulted by BJ Clinton. Wouldn't be surprised that the number was a lot more. 2 or 3 times more.
Can we all agree that SNL is no longer funny and certainly not relevant? Kate McKinnon excepted.
Baldwin might wanna look out. Bourdain ain’t Kim Basinger, his daughter, or any other of the women he’s slapped around over the years.
He’s cut and kinda crazy. He’d basically curb stomp that bitch.
Clinton was nice to Monica. The press ruined the moment, is all.
The guy can be a charmer. The problem is only when the lady doesn't go along, or wants a better deal perhaps, if that's not the same thing.
Would this be a problem in France, as a thought experiment.
Crimes excepted. Crimes are a different matter from hurt feelz.
Couldn’t tell ya, stopped being funny over 20 years ago.
In the meantime, go into math or physics if you want to avoid dealing with women. You can go for weeks without ever talking to one except for a cafeteria lady or two.
The Internet is all abuzz over Larry David's opening monologue, where he made jokes about the number of Jewish surnames among the accused and the difficulties in picking up women at concentration camps. I'm a huge LD fan, but I thought the material wouldn't go down well with SNL's newly "woke" audience.
My movie viewing in unchanged. I don't care about their "real" lives.
There is a recent Netflix or Amazon movie out, I am not sure which, with Dustin Hoffman, Adam Sandler, some other guy and a beautiful young actress. She goes to film school in which she and two other beautiful young actresses make pornos that she sends back to their dad to watch as film projects. Not sure how multiple pretty darn explicit porto clips advanced the plot. I liked Sandler better when he would just use a fleeting image of the cover of "Drunk Sluts Monthly" but of course you gotta keep cranking the crank higher.
Questions arise about the metooers. Like, which girl has the natural curl and which girl has the Toni? Also, have they summoned the courage to finally tell the truth or are there elements of attention seeking, avarice, ..., vindictiveness, virtue signalling?
Why isn't Julianna Margulies naming the women who set her up? Why aren't others seeking this information? The women who led her to these meetings are far more culpable than Alec Baldwin or other men (Matt Damon, etc) who have been shamed for not acting on rumors.
Are we seeking to redress an injustice or are we just attacking men to satisfy those women who think they're in a gender war?
I apologize for the Breitbart link but I didn't realize the location until I decided to post and since it's not an opinion I don't think it should matter.
Clinton was nice to Monica. The press ruined the moment, is all.
Was he nice to Juanita?
It’s a superficially appealing argument with little actual merit. To whom would these young actresses had gone? Harvey’s boss? He was the boss. Harvey’s assistants or partners? They were complicit. The law? The law declined to prosecute. The press? Ronan Farrow could hardly get a story published in 2017 with a boatload of evidence. A wolf doesn’t worry that rabbits will rise up against him. They’re small, weak and usually alone. In the natural order they just do their best to survive, and the wolf eats well regardless.
Sandler is a little tinged with annoying mannerisms reliance in comedy. 50 first dates was okay.
Clinton doesn't know about the deal exactly. The other side has to come out ahead too. He overestimates his charm sometimes. Tastes vary.
I wonder if SNL/NBC even appreciate how absurd it looks to go all-in on the "Resistance," yet they have given the odious Alec Baldwin a platform for 20+ years. Quadruple standards anyone?
So for Harvey Weinstein, you stay silent, and for John Tovack, you're sorry you can't HELP HIM NOW. But for Donald Trump, who does not have decades and decades of abuse, assault, and rape it's we CAN GET HIM NOW.
Default Democrat position is "Shut up about all of the stuff on our side that we ignored for decades! We do care about it! Honest Injun!"
Metooers are shooting stars.
It’s a superficially appealing argument with little actual merit. To whom would these young Democrat volunteers have gone? Clinton’s boss? He was the boss. Clinton’s assistants or partners? They were complicit. The law? The law declined to prosecute. The press? Nobody could get a story published with a boatload of evidence. Even when Slate published the evidence, they declined to draw the obvious conclusion. A wolf doesn’t worry that rabbits will rise up against him. They’re small, weak and usually alone. In the natural order they just do their best to survive, and the wolf eats well regardless.
Fixed it for you Snark!
Personally, the one bit of new knowledge I have gleaned from the ongoing train wreck is that there actually is something that interests rhhardin more than ham radio and dobermans.
But remember, the Democrats never sold out for Bill and Hillary on this issue because reasons!
I wonder if I could get away with rape by claiming to have overestimated my charm. It seems like that excuse would work for any of these guys. Of course, I like having sex with women who want to have sex with me, and who enjoy it. Male orgasms are a dime a dozen and not worth much, it's the intimacy and interaction that matters most, to me, anyway. I get a feeling that to a lot of men, it's the power and intimidation that matters most.
I can't stand the jerk but I liked him in the Capital One commercials.
Men marrying their secretaries used to work out OK. But that's before feminism turned women into the equivalent of disposable Kleenex.
"the dismal story of Harvey Weinstein — like so many Hollywood scripts — lacked a strong heroine." I love this line.
We’re in a witchunt culture Alec helped create. That guy is a puke.
Bullshit. He had heard for decades...DECADES...that Harvey Weinstein had raped Rose McGowan and admitted he only recently found out that she had settled with him for money. That is a clear admission of staying silent for reasons that only can be selfish.
Rose McGowan chose not to make an issue of it and we conclude others are responsible to act simply because they "heard" about it? Absurd.
"Some degree of sadness" vs. "Sad!" With Twitter, we see that brevity is the soul of wit.
I apologize for the Breitbart link
Hey, we're all white nationalists here.
You should apologize for not making it clickable.
"It’s a superficially appealing argument with little actual merit. To whom would these young actresses had gone?" Hmm. When they were giving their speeches, receiving their Oscars, with Harvey Weinstein standing nearby, do you think maybe someone would have listened?
An old standard for rape was, Did she scream at the first opportunity? They have had opportunities later. But you get in the habit of keeping quiet.
I kind of wish Mr. Baldwin had written "I will suspend positing..."
Posting / Positing. I like that play on words.
Some posts posit.
The best posts posit?
Rose McGowan took a payment of $100,000
lawyers who basically told them they didn't have a hope in hell in court against a multi millionaire.
Looks like the lawyers were wrong.
ALTHOUSE says: "...These women ... accepting money and silence may have been better for them, but it ... meant many other women would be victimized as they had been, that the system.... would continue, and that they willingly became part of that system."
Oh, please, this strikes me as a bit of shark jumping if not outright cheap sermonizing - first, the woman is a "victim" but secondly we should expect her to be a "heroine" for some greater cause of "others"? Right, sure, she should sacrifice any remaining normality in her own Life by being the Donna Quixote who takes on the criminal justice/legal/Hollywood system w/ a classically difficult accusation to prove?!....Even Baldwin - undoubtedly screamed at by his spouse - realizes what a piously pretentious position he mouthed and now he's scampering back down his hole. Temporarily, I'm sure, since he is incapable of ever shutting up on a permanent basis. That's what he gets for reading the NYT, ha!
He won't be able to keep his mouth shut for long.
There are seven self-setting clocks in the house that are exactly an hour off, and five that are correct.
Don't count on clocks for a day or so.
Mind your own business, that's usually good advice.
“Hmm. When they were giving their speeches, receiving their Oscars, with Harvey Weinstein standing nearby, do you think maybe someone would have listened?
An old standard for rape was, Did she scream at the first opportunity? They have had opportunities later. But you get in the habit of keeping quiet.”
It’s not Baldwin’s argument that women should have used their power differently once they had acquired it. He’s suggesting they declined to use their power meaningfully or selflessly - before they actually had any meaningful power. It’s illogical on its face.
J. Farmer said...
Larry David ...made jokes about the number of Jewish surnames among the accused
Reading what he said, I didn't recognize his statements as jokes because they were, you know, not funny at all.
Who runs Hollywood? C'mon
"As a proud Jew, I want America to know about our accomplishment. Yes, we control Hollywood. Without us, you'd be flipping between "The 700 Club" and "Davey and Goliath" on TV all day."
Notice how Baldwin as Trump in the Manafort shower scene says Weinstein is an idiot because Weinstein could have gotten away with it if he he had been elected president like me, Trump.
Isn't the truth more like Weinstein could have gotten away with it had HILLARY been elected president?
Will we see a change in the traditional shower scene now.
It's traditionally a way to get tits in for an R rating.
It sounds like he is saying one of the women needed to be a whistleblower.
I am Laslo.
An old standard for rape was, Did she scream at the first opportunity? They have had opportunities later. But you get in the habit of keeping quiet.
That's what I don't get about the accusation against Trump in the first class section of that commercial airliner. Did she make a fuss, or did she "let him grab her pussy"? I don't think it would have taken total recall to remember that time the famous billionaire you were flying with was groping an unwilling woman in public.
There are two accusations that I could find in the list that seem credible. The one I have not doubt about was the one where he grabbed that girl's ass in the kitchen at Mar a Lago, she told her friend immediately that "Donald Trump just grabbed my ass!" and we have a name and his testimony.
I tend to believe his wife that he was rough with her that time she brings up in the divorce, but ultimately it's a "he said, she said" She has clearly forgiven him, having been married for 30+ years, stuff is complicated in a marriage, and both sides had financial incentives.
It looks like he skated closer to the line than I would have, though. But sexual predator? Naah!
Larry David does an excellent Bernie Sanders. SNL could have had some fun with the Brazile disclosures. I'm just guessing they didn't.
Reading what he said, I didn't recognize his statements as jokes because they were, you know, not funny at all.
"I don’t like it when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons. I want, ‘Einstein Discovers the Theory of Relativity.’ ‘Salk Cures Polio.’ What I don’t want? ‘Weinstein Took It Out.’”
I thought that was a pretty funny line and actually captures a feeling that many members of minority communities have. That is, it bugs them when members of their community act in foolish or nefarious ways, because they know inevitably it will bring judgments on themselves. Hell, I used to fell the same way when I lived in Asia and would see local news item about some random American tourist doing something stupid. Or if I was at socializing and would see American or Western tourists acting in a boorish manner. And, of course, "took it out" is a phrase that should be known to any Seinfeld buff.
Remember Baldwin leaving his 11 year old daughter a voice mail calling her a rude little pig because she didn’t call him when expected during a custody battle? He is a bully, and in that an expert on the Weinstein side of the power dynamic here. This bully’s view of the bullied is what is self serving. If you’re a star and they just let you, well it’s not all your fault then, is it.
Don’t listen to Alec Baldwin.
I'd like to know how many of these women were really traumatized at the time and how many just have "drunken college sex" regret that they put up with any of it.
What sensible young woman hangs out alone with a powerful stranger without being on guard--or at all?
It's the fault of the false empowerment feelings they've been forced-fed by feminism.
Baldwin gets jumped on for assuming McGowan has the ability to act for herself.
Sounds to me like the SNL audience loved the cold open, contrary to what Althouse wrote.
Incidentally , I though both of David's jokes mentioned here were funny. The Producers was funny "Springtime, for Hitler, in Germany!...." Hogan's Heroes was funny.
“Metooers are shooting stars.“
That’s a nice triple entendre. Well played.
I saw the skit. It was closer to agitprop than a skit. The point was to make you hate Trump and his minions. SNL doesn't go for cheap laughs. It's s where you go to luxuriate in your hatred for Donald J. Trump.
It's prostitution. Price negotiated after the sex.
Regarding SNL:
1. Alec Baldwin - not funny
2. Larry David - funny!
"I don't like when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons. I want 'Einstein discovers the theory of relativity,' 'Salk cures polio.' What I don't want? 'Weinstein took it out.' "
J. Farmer said...
I thought that was a pretty funny line and actually captures a feeling that many members of minority communities have.
There was some truth to it, but that didn't make it funny, IMO, but I was thinking more about the attempts at the concentration camp jokes(*).
David's the only media person I'm aware of who mentioned the Jewish names, of which Sailer said "Larry David in Trouble for Noticing".
One difference between Jews and the whiny (US) "minority" groups is: Jews - about 2% of the US population - actually accomplish lots of stuff, like running Hollywood.
*I think I made up the best concentration camp joke I've ever heard:
A Jew walks into a concentration camp and the Kommandant says "Why the long face?"
Alec Baldwin is absolutely right.
Women who want this problem to be fixed need to stop relying on men to fix it for them. That's what they are doing.
I am a woman, I want this problem to be fixed, and I recognize that when I come across a similar problem, it is going to be up to me to do something about it.
Alec Baldwin himself has a history of abuse. Maybe or maybe not sexual abuse, but certainly verbal, emotional and mental abuse of even his own family members.
If we are honest, we must also acknowledge that Baldwin has long been an arrogant, narcissistic ass, quick to project upon and attack others for things and traits that he is himself guilty of. It is no surprise that he would be complicit in all this and part of a cover-up conspiracy.
There's a documentary that shows Alex Baldwin and James Toback palling around in the south of France while seeking financing for a movie. They look like they're having a good time. I'd like to hang around the south of France and socialize with famous people. Kind of a bummer though, if you have to pal around with a fat, serial rapist. That takes a lot of the fun out of it, but there's a price to be paid for everything......At least Baldwin doesn't have to worry about his friends at SNL making fun of him. Or maybe not. SNL used to be pretty chummy with Trump. Maybe another shoe will drop on Baldwin, and they'll bring in Andy Dick to do a funny impersonation of him.
Also-- the choice to take money and be quiet makes absolute perfect sense on a personal level. If you can get ahead in your career and make a large sum of money, that is going to be much better personally than trying to prosecute and get someone put in jail. What good does that do you? So this choice is not a bad one, it is perfectly sensible. It only makes sense to try to prosecute if you just can't live with the thought of this person walking free on the earth and doing this to others.
I can't think of many crimes where I would rather have the person go to jail than get a lot of money in a settlement. For all but the most heinous, I'd rather have money.
Justice does have a price tag. Punishing the very rich requires huge public support, media coverage, monetary donors, and the willingness to be dragged through the mud for years.
Taking a monetary settlement offers a small feeling of justice, since it shows fault, and offers some closure.
Still, the swiftest justice leaves the perpetrator without a tallywacker, or dead, due to the swift retaliation of a well armed woman. Weinstein avoided this justice, but many probably wish they'd had more clarity at the time.
As far as Alec Baldwin, he is, was, and always will be a loose cannon. He'll be back, and continue his daily diatribe of ignorance.
What do you call a thirteen year old actor who can run faster than Keven Spacey?
A virgin!
Pay attention to how much it's process, not morality, to which the players pay obeisance.
"Rick said...
Rose McGowan chose not to make an issue of it and we conclude others are responsible to act simply because they "heard" about it? Absurd."
Act? I didn't say act.! He's a POS who really doesn't care unless it suits him.
BTW, Alec Baldwin made four films and millions of dollars with Miramax in those decades AFTER he heard the Weinstein McGowan rape story.
When women chose to settle these matters in civil court, is it the responsibility of everyone else who hears about it to make the matter public; and if so, how does that make the women appear? Also note that everyone accused of being silent about Weinstein is a male. Do female colleagues who are not victims have any responsibility?
Sexual abuse is never justified for career advancement.
Is it really "abuse" if there is consent (even if coerced it is still consent) and a deal struck where one person gives something in exchange for a value?
Rape is one thing...forcibly taking something unwilling to be given. Just giving in, in exchange for a role in a movie, a start to a career, is an entirely different thing. The second one sounds more like prostitution.
Own it ladies.
That happened again this morning on Fox News Sunday, the best Sunday-morning political show. Chris Wallace asked Karl Rove about Trump bloviating on the horrible Clinton scandals of 2016. Rove said something like it's unseemly.
One half of the country got commandeered by a crime campaign. Get a grip or grow a dick.
On several occasions, I have been the victim of violent crimes. They weren't sexual and I never got substantially hurt, but the crimes were very scary and difficult to process afterwards. You think of how you should have been smarter or braver or stronger and fantasize about stomping the face of your assailant, but all that just makes you realize how ineffectual you truly were. .......Its very hard to be the ideal victim. The priority, I guess, is to muddle through and get through the following days without wincing. I don't think it's helpful to preach to victims about the proper way to react to crimes against their person. It's hard to find the center of gravity when your world is turned upside down.
Chris Wallace asked Karl Rove about Trump bloviating on the horrible Clinton scandals of 2016. Rove said something like it's unseemly.
Turd Blossom strikes again.
Much as I hate to side with Baldwin, he's right on this issue. Let's grab the popcorn and sit back to watch Hollywood destroy itself.
"It would take some unselfishness and courage to do otherwise, and Baldwin was gently and intelligently observing that the dismal story of Harvey Weinstein — like so many Hollywood scripts — lacked a strong heroine."
Check out Reese Witherspoon and Keifer Sutherland in "Freeway."
If Little Red Riding Hood were alive today, she would find that the wolves are bigger and badder, and she'd need to be a lot more resourceful to stay alive. That is the lesson (if it has a lesson) of "Freeway,'' a dark comic excursion into deranged pathology. The movie retells the Grimm fairy tale in a world of poor white trash, sexual abuse, drug addiction and the "I-5 Killer,'' who prowls the freeways in search of victims
Written and directed by Matthew Bright, who wrote the teenagers-in-trouble saga "Gun Crazy,'' it plays like a cross between the deadpan docudrama of "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer" and the berserk revenge fantasy of "Switchblade Sisters." It seems aimed at people who loved "Pulp Fiction" and have strong stomachs. Like it or hate it (or both), you have to admire its skill, and the over-the-top virtuosity of Reese Witherspoon and Kiefer Sutherland as the girl and the wolf." -
tim in vermont said...
What do you call a thirteen year old actor who can run faster than Keven Spacey?
A virgin!
Now THAT was funny.
I watched the first episode, and maybe the second, of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and it brought to mind the old "I Love Lucy" show, but with the sexes reversed: he tells a convoluted series of lies to keep his wife from getting mad at him.
"Larry, you got some 'splainin' to do!"
Channeling my inner rhharding one could say these woman (who took settlements from Weinstein or got the gigs) are welshing on the deal. They could have kicked him in the nuts instead and walked out and on to a different career path. But they didn't.
Every day in every way Alec Baldwin confirms he is the asshole we all thought he was.
Bravo Alec Baldwin. Normally I don't much care for the guy. But credit where credit is due.
Reese's character shoots Keifer's character after he goes from respectable nice guy to crazy pervy killer. She justifies it by saying she knew if she didn't kill him (or attempt to...) he would go on to hurt/rape/kill others and she couldn't let that happen.
The character is very trashy yet strong in her ways of contending with all sorts of nastiness.
Let's beat that dead horse. I want new names. Not this list of hasbeens or barely theres. AND, maybe a couple of women who pandered for Weinstein should be named. They weren't victims. They were victimizers.
No, Alec Baldwin had nothing to apologize for in that part of the interview. Everything he said is absolutely true.
Baldwin seems to be as polarizing as Trump is -- at least in this thread.
Truth is often insensitive by its very nature. If you want to criticize Baldwin here, stick to the fact that he admitted to continuing to work with Weinstein long after he heard this rumor. This probably true for a lot of actors, writers, and directors.
He internalized Trump’s behavior a long time ago, that’s why he does such a good job playing him.
“Much as I hate to side with Baldwin, he's right on this issue. Let's grab the popcorn and sit back to watch Hollywood destroy itself.”
They’re draining their swamp, now can DC do the same? So far doesn’t seem so.
If we women are to be truly equal, we need to be able to hear when we are wrong. Or at least when other people think we are wrong.
It really is amazing to see the contortions of so many in this now. So many working so hard to explain why they deserve a break and absolution. I do not think any of them get to the heart of the contradictions unraveling in it all. For decades all these people have pushed very hard to ridicule or worse any defense of traditional constraints on the libertine culture they all celebrated uncritically. Now that culture has produce an outcome EXACTLY along the lines of what many traditionalists said it would. Predatory males intermingled with complicit and weak male accomplices, women unable to defend the very traditions that worked on their own behalf, all the while bemoaning the inadequacy of the law suits and court cases they rely on, if they rely on anything. Meanwhile, way down in the underclass, we have family breakdown of monumental proportions, with truly dire consequences, and when people like Glenn Lowry and John McWhorter try to focus on it, as in the program Ann provided earlier, we get from all these people what? Either crickets or overt contempt
Ah Alec Baldwin--a fellow who is usually lower than whale feces on the bottom of the Marianas Trench. Tough to feel sorry for the jerk.
I don't think it's helpful to preach to victims about the proper way to react to crimes against their person
We should give the Dreyfus son a pass for not acting after a pass when acting.
But actresses meeting a known bullying creep alone? Isn't that like walking down a dark alley in the bad part of town in high heels? Wouldn't be prudent.
I made a separate post for the Larry David monologue bit about Jewish sexual harassers.
"Women have come forward and claimed they were assaulted by BJ Clinton. Wouldn't be surprised that the number was a lot more. 2 or 3 times more."
To be fair to Clinton, there is some evidence that, in his older age, he has moved from sexually assaulting women he worked with, to under aged younger women. Apparently, his trip with Jeffrey Epstein on his "Lolita Express" wasn't a one time thing, but rather, apparently, a frequent occurrence. And, on a number of those trips, he managed to dump his SS detail. Whenever this comes up, I am reminded of a picture of the two of them together, with a pair of young women, probably young enough to be his granddaughters, with his had appearing to almost cup one of their asses several inches away. In Clinton's defense, now that he has a decent sized fortune, he doesn't seem to be sexually assaulting unwilling victims, but, rather, acquiring the goods through transactions that are probably close to commercial. There is apparentl a federal crime of leaving the country to engage in underaged sex trafficking, or some such (they used it in an L&O SVU episode), but if the Feds won't go after his wife for her email server felonies, or for selling 1/5 of our uranium to the Russians, they very likely are going to turn a blind eye to him boinking under aged prostitutes outside this country.
I wonder if rhhardin thinks that sexual harassment is transactional. I'm still a little unclear on his views on the subject. I hope he'll come by and drop off some new and fresh commentary on the matter.
My daughter with borderline autism and social communication disorder is waiting for Althouse to get on a tear about either airplanes or Iron Maiden. Her day will come, and rrhardin will have to step aside.
Bill Clinton's Crimes thru the ages. All waved away by hillary and her corrupt media(D).
• Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;
• In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol Hill Bluelast week, confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it further and would not give permission to use her name;
• In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students;
• Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;
• From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor were aware of at least seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was "who's next?". One former state trooper said other troopers would often escort women to the governor's hotel room after political events, often more than one an evening;
• Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met then-governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and shortly thereafter received an invitation to meet the governor in his hotel room. "I was escorted there by a state trooper. When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn't even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room."
• Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her.
• Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.
• Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton's hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.
• Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton's leased campaign plane in 1992, says Presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself to her, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. A video shot on board the plane by ABC News shows an obviously inebriated Clinton with his hand between another young flight attendant's legs. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.
• Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.
SNL: Bill. Clinton. Is. Bulletproof.
Because - his politics is correct.
Wm. Kerrigan:
"We are men and women. It almost always matters which we are. Men and women are aggressive. Their regard for each other is clouded by grudges, suspicions, fears, needs, desires, and nacrissistic postures. There's no scrubbing them out. The best you can hope for is domestication, as in football, rock, humor, happy marriage, and a good prose style. Jokes trade on offensiveness; PC is not a funny dialect. The unconscious is a joker, a sexist and aggressive creature. Our sexuality has always been scandalous."
What you work out individually is domestication. Rules can't do it. The exception being crimes, where a bright line is agreed.
By the way, there are a couple of telegraph montages in Howards End. Of course the telegram gets there too late to prevent the plot from unfolding.
They’re draining their swamp, now can DC do the same? So far doesn’t seem so.
I agree. As long as Democrats are about covering up the rot in their party, progress will not be made.
SNL: Bill. Clinton. Is. Bulletproof.
Because - his politics is correct.
He has been all along and it is leftist permission he has had all along.
The left ridicules people like Mike Pence and send donations to Planned Parenthood in his name to harass him.
It's leftist politics and the culture war on religion and people who take it seriously.
Trump has been so effective as he simulates their cultural stance while acting more like a conservative in politics.
They have gone insane because the two are not supposed to be connected.
There is a scandal in France arising from the allegation in book published last month that Pierre Bergé, who died in September and whose money kept Le Monde in business during some difficult years and who was rather an éminence grise at the side of Mitterand's governments, participated (along with his lover Yves Saint Laurent) in sex crimes against children [who knows what 'pedophilia' means, specifically, age-wise; am not reading the book] at their house in Morocco. Bergé was well-known for his public advocacy of the 'gay cause'. Imagine if poor Mr Sulzberger were to have committed such acts! the contortions the 'journalists' would have to undergo, and in public.
There was a plot in Howards End? I just remember plodding.
Sounds to me like the SNL audience loved the cold open, contrary to what Althouse wrote
Laughter was not sustained at all. When something new was introduced: Laughter. Then nothing.
My intuition is that much of the laughter was crowd laughter: I must laugh now to prove I am cool and get the joke.
here was a plot in Howards End? I just remember plodding.
You had to care about the moral authority of the unsigned, undated will written in pencil.
You had to care about the moral authority of the unsigned, undated will written in pencil.
Obviously, I didn't care. Trollope's Orley Farm had a more interesting take on that plot device, which I sort of remember.
I tried watching the SNL cold open and just cringed. And this is from someone who enjoys Alec Baldwin from 30 Rock and his other appearances on SNL. Its becoming so routine that the trump sketches are becoming gratuitous. A sort of grim sameness as they try pounding the same point over and over again. I'm not even sure they enjoy doing them anymore. Larry's monologue was edgy and funny although the crowd seemed uncertain when to laugh.
tim in vermont said...
What do you call a thirteen year old actor who can run faster than Keven Spacey?
I got no problem with Baldwin being right AND destroyed. He’s a trrrible Guy.
The big thing that is setting apart Harvey Weinstein from many (certainly not all) of the innumerable recently-publicized harassment cases, are the claims of outright criminality. Sexual assault; criminal indecency; rape.
Those victims should always go to the police. I'm just not impressed that sexual assault victims -- ones who are in college, college- (and not just college but Ivy League college-) graduates, women in business, industry, the media, etc., with access to personal attorneys and all manner of support services -- cannot be protected if they go to police to complain of a rape or a sexual assault.
The absolute worst place to litigate these things are in university board rooms, corporate conference rooms, and in the media. The accused should be given due process rights; if the accused are found guilty they should not lose a part in their next film project or lose their spot as a panelist on CNN or Fox; they should go to jail.
I suppose somebody can do it, but can anyone think of a good example of a high-profile woman who was the victim of a sexual assault, who went to police, and as a result of complaining was subjected to particularized abuse, harm, career damage, counter-litigation or other injury for having made the complaint? I cannot.
I do think that among the social elites, there is a desire to avoid the police and criminal courts because they take so long to process and are so unruly. (But so is civil litigation.) Easier to resolve things through negotiation and settlement. But if that is the elitist route you take, then you are stuck with it, and you shouldn't e heard to complain afterward.
SNL was never very good, even during the several salad days. In the best years, maybe a couple skits a month were really funny. Truly not ready for prime time
The only Baldwin who's any good is Adam, and he's no relation to the four Baldwin Bros.
Its amazing that I agree with a dummy like Baldwin.
If a man rapes you, and you care so little about it, you're willing to settle for a measly $100,000 to keep your mouth shut, then why should i care?
Just one more example of why giving women the vote was a Big mistake. Nobody would have the slightest respect for a man who behaved that way.
Chuck@12:09 -- please offer more comments on this plane. Your prose in this regard is both enjoyable and enlightening.
Fabi said...
Chuck@12:09 -- please offer more comments on this plane. Your prose in this regard is both enjoyable and enlightening.
Are you saying that what I wrote was something that you found to be generally agreeable? That I wasn't offering up some leftwing defense of Obama or Clinton, as I am routinely accused here?
What a concept; that my writing actually agrees with what I have repeatedly maintained in the face of continued attacks. That I am a mainstream conservative Republican who happens to hate Trump personally.
Are you saying that what I wrote was something that you found to be generally agreeable?
Sometimes, Chuck, you do actually write a good post when your aversion to Trump doesn't overcome your judgment.
That I am a mainstream conservative Republican who happens to hate Trump personally.
Redundant and the "happens to" sort of clinks.
I loved the part where Baldwin was sitting on the John--as Trump--dumping little Chucks into the bowl.
He's gently (but clearly) accusing them of wanting to further their careers. I'll paraphrase and avoid the subtlety:
But there is a subtlety. How do we switch between those who sought advantage, and those who acted merely to avoid harm, of either the sexual or career thriving variety? One may not be morally entitled to seek Advantage, but one may be morally justified in seeking to avoid harm to self or others. Discuss.
" That I am a mainstream conservative Republican who happens to hate Trump personally."
What a fucking liar. You're not "conservative" at all. Why would any "Conservative" "hate Trump"?
You mean you hate the fact he defeated LIBERAL DEMOCRAT Hillary? That he kept the SCOTUS conservative? That he wants to enforce the immigration laws? That he wants to cut taxes? That he wants to work with Republicans in congress to get rid of Obamacare?
Yeah, any "Conservative" would HATE That.
What a lying joke and a clown.
I appreciated your comment because I hadn't previously considered an element of that issue as you argued it, Chuck. My reply had nothing to do with your credentials or affiliations -- I considered your argument on its own merit.
Baldwin would be happier as a wingnut. I know I am. I used to be him. It's thankless.
We spend a lot of time avoiding the truth; not just this but whenever there is no parity, either real or perceived. And then spend exhibiting amounts of energy justifying and reasoning that others are to blame. A lot of these people’s livelihoods depend on how things look and not how they are.
"Sexual abuse is never justified for career advancement.
11/5/17, 7:28 AM"
How about sexual harassment accusations?
Based on what we know about these things, Rose McGowan was raped more than once, at the same time. Raped by Weinstein, by the women who set her up and by the lawyers who worked out the settlement. Hollywood isn't the only place this happens and you can bet many of these deals are no longer worth the paper they're written on.
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