Writes Donna Brazile in her book "Hacks: The Inside Story of the Break-ins and Breakdowns That Put Donald Trump in the White House." (Tom, in case you're wondering, is someone Brazile wanted to hire at the DNC, where she was interim chair and outraged to be controlled by the Clinton campaign (i.e., "Brooklyn").)
"Dolores" was murderous:
One night when I went home I called Charlie Baker to warn him that I was struggling to keep Dolores contained. “Charlie, I’m about to kill Robby,” I told him. “And it ain’t going to be pretty.”..."Dolores" had the biggest dick:
[Clinton campaign liaison Brandon Davis] looked at me sternly as if it was annoying him that I would try to take back control of the party as any chair would. Dolores was becoming furious. “You know, this does not feel like a negotiation to me,” I said. “This feels like power and control. Gentlemen, let’s just put our dicks out on the table and see who’s got the bigger one, because I know mine is bigger than all of yours.” The sound on the other end of the conference call was a rustle of confusion. “So what will it be, gentlemen? Because I am not waiting around anymore for permission. What do you say?” After some more deflecting and dissembling, their response was that they would have to get back to me. When the call was done, Brandon left the room, looking disgusted. This day was serious. This whole election was serious, and for a moment there I was concerned that I had taken it too far in the way I had confronted Brooklyn. I recovered from that quickly though. We could not lose this election to Donald Trump and I was not going to play nice or waste time. Dolores might be rude and feisty, but she usually got what she needed. Those boys in Brooklyn probably never wanted to speak to Dolores again.By the way, I'm getting bored reading Brazile's book. The main thing is that — as she tells it now — she wanted the interim chair position to give her an independent role, making decisions and spending money for the Clinton campaign, and the campaign exercised control. Her predecessor Debbie Wasserman Schultz had — as Brazile tells it — known her place and laid back and enjoyed her perks.
I think Debbie understood the rules of the game. She would not cause anyone any trouble. Now that I was replacing Debbie, it appeared Brandon’s job had expanded to include making sure that I played that game, too. Brandon was the first one in the door on Sunday, and he took a seat on the brown leather sofa across from me. Here was a young man without a boundary facing a woman who has walls built up and barbed wire around them, too. He was the kind of guy who would argue with you about the color of a wall. I said that this pink was too bright for my tastes, and he corrected me saying this was not a bright pink, it was a tropical pink.What kind of guy argues with a woman about the right name for a particular tone of pink? Is it a woman-with-the-biggest-dick move to make a guy talk about pinkness?
६८ टिप्पण्या:
Who writes this stuff ?
Talking about putting our dicks on the table creates a hostile workplace.
So this is what the "well-oiled" Clinton machine was like during the campaign, eh? Gosh, I'm glad it wasn't at all like the "chaotic" Trump campaign!
Who cares what Brazile, Hillary, & "Shattered" has to say about the election of 2016? The real story from all of these "books" is that the press lied to the American people every step of the way.
Are they seriously arguing about the pink color of the walls? Or was this some sort of lame analogy?
This seems like arguing about the arrangement of the deck chairs on the Titanic while it is sinking.
No, no, no. Everyone knows that the name "rhymes with a female body part."
I'm beginning to thing the Podesta stories might be true, after all. What a bunch!
What kind of guy argues with a woman about the right name for a particular tone of pink?
The kind of guy who is asked what kind of pink the pall is and is then stunned to later read his response characterized as an argument.
Did DB ever comment here, because she sure sounds like a lot of the commenters here back then.
Seems like Brandon Davis was more trying to calm her down about the need to put effort into repainting the office, which Brazile was wasting energy complaining about the color of.
She called it bright pink, and he said -- maybe nicely, soothingly, humorously — it's a tropical pink.
By the way, Davis is black, as I only learned — and Brazile talks about race a lot — when I got to this paragraph:
"I was boiling inside at the arrogance of this young man. Did he not understand that I had long-standing friendships with most of his superiors in Brooklyn, with the exception of Robby Mook? I had the cell phone numbers of people he was still calling “sir” and “madam.” This was me being nice, but it was not going to last for very long. “You know, Brandon, I want to have a black-on-black conversation with you.” He looked so startled it was as if I had slapped him in the face. “What are you here for? What is your purpose in life? Why do I need you? I have never needed a liaison or a translator in my life. I am the chair of the DNC and as far as I can see, you are nothing more than a clerk.""
Seems like Brandon Davis was more trying to calm her down about the need to put effort into repainting the office, which Brazile was wasting energy complaining about the color of.
So...the Titanic after all?
Of course they sent the black guy to deal with the black woman. It's the Dems
What kind of guy argues with a woman about the correct name for a particular shade of pink?
Maybe he thought they were still talking about dicks.
The context is: how do the Democrats really treat blacks? They send a clerk to treat with the chair of the DNC because both are black rather than sending a person at her level because she is powerful.
Why is that a "black on black" conversation?
I can see the color pink being a problem though..given she wants to be the "big swinging dick", apparently.
She's not one to wear a pussy hat.
I think if someone asked me that I would have said I only take it out to use it so unless she's ready I'll stay zipped up.
True story: I was once in meeting with a low class business owner. We had told him the deal under consideration required x and y which he didn't want to do. While waiting for the other deal party he was ranting on in front of his lawyer and myself expecting his bombast to warn us off. The end of his rant was a question explaining how he was feeling: have you ever been F'd in A with a D this big (hands about a foot and a half apart)?
Without thinking I responded "Well, I've been trying to cut back". His lawyer actually laughed but he was so off guard he completely dropped his rant. It took him a few minutes to say anything and apparently he decided to move on.
So maybe I would have said it. Or maybe only if I was young and fearless.
"I am the chair of the DNC and as far as I can see, you are nothing more than a clerk."
Harsh but true. But its something she should have told Hillary. I get the impression she actually wasn't anymore independent then Blabbermouth Schultz, she just made a big show of it.
BTW, don't people feel odd calling themselves a "Chair"? Why not call herself the "Chairwoman" - it makes more sense and has gravitas.
The water's cold. Deep, too.
Like I wrote a couple of days back- if Brazile's book is an attempt to push Clinton off the stage, she will have to have some major back up support. I won't buy this book or read it, but I now suspect she has already revealed all she is going to about Clinton, and it isn't enough to stop Shelob from not only running in 2020, it isn't enough to stop her from getting the nomination again. If the Democrats really want to stop her, they will need to put her ass in jail.
These are the people that are running the country. Sad - they are fairly dumb, lack real world experience, lack common sense and only care about being in power.
I’m about to kill Robby
How about Seth?
"And Wendy has stormy eyes / that flash at the sound of lies." Good Lord, the woman's interior landscape is furnished with cheesy Sixties pop lyrics.
Or maybe she's Madea inside.
Complaining about the mean girls in your diary never gets old.
Her writing tells me that she's not very smart.
"Her writing tells me that she's not very smart."
Well, she's a step up from Blabbermouth Schultz.
"Bigger Dick" sounds like sexual harassment to me. Should Brazile be prosecuted for such crude and repulsive language? At least chastised?
Authority is the issue. Whether male or female , the longest authority dick gives the orders.
Donna knew how to use authority in a political campaign with 30 years of experience. But Hillary was stuck on using hired computer analysis to one up Bill and claim her prepaid Presidency without his help.
Donna knows politics. Hillary knows money and murder. Those are two are not the same.
Maybe it was Brazile who did in Seth Rich. The murderousness and all.
Btw, it looks like the anti-Clinton wave has been waved off, Elizabeth Warren has modified her previous statements.
WTF. The whole thing is weird and boring.
The DFC at the DNC.
Wow. And people complain that Trump has no class.
"Besides that, racial tensions were high that summer and I worried that he was murdered for being white on the wrong side of town.”
"Racial tensions were high that summer" is her cute little way of saying "My friends and I had been shouting "Kill Whitey" at the top of our lungs for months, and I was worried the "black community" might have taken it the wrong way, and killed one of my pet white boys. The "black community" is a zoo, but it's not a petting zoo.
Then I think Donna Brazile is tying in with other books on the election: Shattered. What Happened. Unprecedented. Now - Hack. Who hacked the hacks? It's like how much wood would a woodchuck chuck. How many hacks would a hack attack hack if the hack attack attacked the Hillary hacks. If the hack attack attacked the Hillary hacks the hack attack would attack Hillary's whole campaign.
Darrell said...
"The water's cold. Deep, too."
My boss and I used to do that when we would find ourselves in the bathroom at the same time. Of course, I appropriately took the "cold" line.
Dabbie Blabbrmouth had her hands full with the Pakistanis having to get all that data to ISI before the election.
How could anyone take her seriously when the first thing she did after taking over (in the midst of a crisis) from DWS was head off to Martha's Vineyard for vacation.
Hari asks a good question. She should have taken her job seriously enough to replan her vacation for Key West in the third week of November.
Didn't Brazile find a 2015 contract signed between DNC and Hillary campaign where the party handed a lot of control and power over to Clinton? Braizle just making a fuss to be difficult for some reason.
That passage about Dolores makes her sound kinda schizophrenic.
My mom used to tell my sister that she'd argue with a fencepost. I suspect this Brandon guy was like that. I'm no prude, ex-Marine and all. I can curse with the best of them. But in what level of society is that kind of language - talking about the size of someone's dick - acceptable? I retired from a very liberal, save-the-world-from-global-warming public utility company and I'm pretty sure you would be putting your career on the line if you used that kind of language in the office or at an office party. The culture was so different from the world of politics. Has anyone else had similar experiences or have I just led a sheltered life?
This just brings to mind Joan Crawford in the boardroom at Pepsi.
Mark said: No, no, no. Everyone knows that the name "rhymes with a female body part."
Seinfeld has forever ruined the name "Dolores" for me.
Best spin ever!
And maybe the worst necklace..
Book should be shortened to Hack! The Donna Brazille story
But hey..in her weird attempt at a defense, she mentions what she forwarded to Bernie and Marty...do tell.
Donna was a chair, and Barry was a lazy boy.
Biggest dick? Seems like most of these Democrat poohbahs--of whatever of the 32 or so "genders" that they recognize are simply dorks. Infighting among dorks is mildly entertaining, but not a whole book's worth.
Best spin ever!
And maybe the worst necklace..
Book should be shortened to Hack! The Donna Brazille story
LOL....my husband who is FAR from being a fashion critic said it looked like she was wearing last year's Christmas tree lights and he was expecting tinsel.
Calling it tropical pink doesn't argue against its brightness. It makes me think that she called it something else, hot pink, maybe, and he countered that it was really tropical pink. Either way, the importance of the wall color is so low that it shouldn't have come up at all before the election.
"What kind of guy argues with a woman about the correct name for a particular shade of pink?"
It's dangerous thing to do, especially if Donna was having a Dolores sort of day.
Bonnie White could tell him all about it:
"Eve White is sent to a hospital for observation after Eve Black tries to kill Eve White's daughter, Bonnie."
It looks like Brazile has only two personalities, not three, which is unfortunate. She really couldn't call her book "The Two Faces of Donna."
"Donna was a chair, and Barry was a lazy boy."
I'm no prude, ex-Marine and all. I can curse with the best of them. But in what level of society is that kind of language - talking about the size of someone's dick - acceptable?
48 years ago my drill sergeant used that very phrase. Army, not marines. I imagine the marine drill sergeants were at least as colorful. Haven’t heard the phrase since.
It's all pink on the inside!
Judging by the way Brazile's disclosures are getting walked back, Hillary must have the biggest dick of all.
"48 years ago my drill sergeant used that very phrase."
I understand basic training has changed a lot since we went through it.
Mine was 1959.
Dolores.. pains in Spanish
Or Lola ,if you prefer
Multiple personality disorder? That could explain some things. Although if she wants to "put her dick on the table," maybe she needs a male alternate personality for that, being as how women (and I'm talking about real women, not trannies) don't have that particular appendage.
Donna really needs to read Louis C.K.'s apology about pulling out his dick. It just isn't sufficient to ask permission first when you're in a position of power -- and Donna was THE CHAIR!
@Big Mike: I wonder if we were in Basic at the same time/place. I sure remember several Drill Sergeants at Fort Bliss in 1969 suggesting we compare dicks.
I never took them up on that, BTW.
I was at first nterested in reading her book but I noticed that all of the excerpts I've seen seem poorly written.
Now I'm starting to see that Brazile is just plain nuts. Pass.
@Ft. Bragg, home of the 82nd Jumping Junkies. I think they went to Drill Sergeants School to learn how to cuss us properly.
A few years later I met a WAC, a hospital orderly, who told me that on their first day of BCT her drill sergeant told the company "There are ten miles of cock on this post, and you ain't seeing one goddamned inch until you've completed training." It made an impression on her.
Really, If Louis CK had been in the room, he would have taken her comment as consent and started fapping...
" I sure remember several Drill Sergeants at Fort Bliss in 1969 suggesting we compare dicks."
When I was a fraternity pledge, during hazing, the actives would tell us to line up in the order of our dick size.
We pretty quickly figured out it was bullshit and lined up daring them to prove we weren't in that order.
In the fraternity I was in, hazing was more like "Animal House" than the crap some others did.
My experience is that most of what we heard of sever hazing was just rumors perpetrated by active members to strike fear in to pledges.
@Big Mike: The Wac trainees at Bliss were given the same line, I'm told. I have a feeling that at least 4 weeks of Drill Sergeant School were spent teaching these sayings.
Such appropriation..
I hope there is a tip line i can report this bully
> “You know, Brandon, I want to have a black-on-black conversation with you.”
and racist!
Between the book and the book tour, Brazille is revealing herself for what she is: a hack's hack. She would have been better off just continuing on with her hack career. Too late now.
Progressivism is a mental illness. Donna believes she has multiple personalites, and that's a sure sign of lunacy
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