Chuck of course wants to restrict Trump appearances to paid ingrates from Soros, NYT, et. al. And make Trump go in without protection, naturally. So he can be all "Shocked, Shocked" when Trump is assassinated, and then blame Trump for not having protection.
That's about it, right Chuck? Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
Just think of all the leftist propaganda you could push: gun control, "salvation of the nation" and whether or not the shooter should be on the ten dollar bill.
The City Employee With The Weird Grin came into the bar a few days ago. He is not a bad guy, or at least I don't know enough about him to say much one way or another. His default facial expression is a weird grin, but that doesn't always indicate a child molester. As far as him being a child molester: I don't know enough about him to say much one way or another.
The problem when he comes in is that he is always talking politics. Always. He uses a standard template: people who agree with him are the Good Guys, and people he doesn't like are the Bad Guys. And Stupid: they are Stupid Bad Guys. Who are also Evil. That is, if one were to actually believe in the Concept of Evil, which is really just a laughable relic of superstitious religious folk who are afraid of Science. And those superstitious religious folk are obviously Bad and Stupid. And don't believe in Science: it is all connected.
A lot of people can be like this, but they can generally mix it up with talk about, say, sports. Where our team is the Good Guys, and the other teams are the Bad Guys. Similar, but with sports it doesn't seem so passive-aggressive.
So he goes on and on about the latest outrage. And it is Seattle: the majority of the bar is comprised of people who agree with him. But even these people don't engage. Because he is boring. He is unbuttered toast. He doesn't listen to what another person is saying -- he is just impatiently waiting to say his next thing. And what he said yesterday is what he will say today, which will be what he says tomorrow.
Things people in the bar don't mind hearing over and over? That funny story about the guy who gets hit in the nuts with the golf club. You know, that one on YouTube. Or talking about which chick is hotter. Or breaking the balls of the stupid shit people in the bar have done when they were drunk. Like leaving their phone at the one-night-stand they never wanted to see again. Or accidentally dating a transsexual. Who now has your phone. Shit like that.
I think it is easy to understand. Trump is on their side.
The other candidate called them irredeemable. The pop culture allows only one group to be the hate fetish: lower class whites. Hicks, rubes,hillbillies, fly-over, white bread, Muricans, all kinds of insults and expressions of contempt. And one politician, precisely one, stands up for them. Why is it unfathomable that they should feel a bond?
There is no such thing as nonbraggadocious. Any way you say it, you're bragging.
These are also verbal hashtags! If you talk about nonbraggadocius, then you have to mention of what he was bragging. This is what Scott Adams was talking about in an earlier post.
Trump's a fucking genius.....or maybe a magnificent bastard. I'm really struggling with that.
Why is it now not politically correct to call dumbass ignorant rubes just that?
They are dumbass rubes looking for their own little Hitler who will tell them that it’s Muslims and Mexicans who are out to get them and that their every resentment is correct.
Simple as that.
Wait until someone on the far left figures out that that anger can be turned on the rich. Trump has normalized crazy populist smash mouth politics and the next Trump will be from the hard left.
"They are dumbass rubes looking for their own little Hitler who will tell them that it’s Muslims and Mexicans who are out to get them and that their every resentment is correct." Nice. Got the Godwin stuff in there as well.
Unknown said... Chuck of course wants to restrict Trump appearances to paid ingrates from Soros, NYT, et. al. And make Trump go in without protection, naturally. So he can be all "Shocked, Shocked" when Trump is assassinated, and then blame Trump for not having protection.
That's about it, right Chuck? Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
Just think of all the leftist propaganda you could push: gun control, "salvation of the nation" and whether or not the shooter should be on the ten dollar bill.
I'll be darned if that isn't the newest, most fabulous twist on "Trump Derangement Syndrome."
A Trump supporter, fantasizing about a Trump's critic's supposed assassination fantasy. But it isn't even really about a supposed fantasy on my part. It's Vance's own extended fantasy about how he'd like/expect to see me react to a Trump assassination. Derangement indeed.
I think I'd be horrified by a Trump assassination. Make him a martyr to some goddamned thing; what, I'm not sure. I'd like Trump-as-president to end with a whimper, like Jimmy Carter. Are there any Jimmy Carter statues anywhere? No fantasies for me.
To understand Trump's connection to his base you must start with the USMC basic cohesion motto of Semper Fidelis, and work backwards from there.The Marines are the Scots Irish branch of the Navy service, and it got its start serving as the loyal to the death riflemen under Captain John Paul Jones.
In that community fighting our enemies to the death, a trust in your fellow unit members is the absolute essential need.
Trump's base has tested Trump and found him to be loyal to them and an extremely intelligent tactician. That makes him unlike every other politician known since JFK was slaughtered by the CIA hit team. They see no need for a plan B with Trump as their leader. If he says it, that settles it.
The only way the Dems can defeat that bond among Trump and his Americans is to find a way to get Trump to be seen as betraying them. But after hundreds of attempts, the Propaganda Media has still not laid a finger on him.
Also take note that Trump has literally been kept in power the last 9 months by the Navy Admiral Rogers and retired USMC officers. The ones John Kelly calls a cult.
Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸 Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸 @NLintheUSA Replying to @JaydaBF and @realDonaldTrump .@realDonaldTrump Facts do matter. The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands. He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law. 1:26 PM · Nov 29, 2017
Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
I am very concerned about this what with the recent scandals by the USSS.
I just hope he has his own security with him all the time.
Why is it now not politically correct to call dumbass ignorant rubes just that?
I definitely think you have something there , once written. I'd suggest you and the Democrats run on that platform next year.
I can see a lot of success with that platform. That's why Roy Moore is going to win but ignore that and keep insulting your poiitical opponents/ That always works so well.
Note to NIK: A year after Hitler took office, Hitlers political enemies had either fled the country or were iin prison or hiding. What they were not doing: Publicly mocking Hitler and his followers. So, no , you aasshat Trump is not just like Hitler.
Read a few histories of the Third Reich before you call others ignorant, you dimwit.
Now he’s in a spat with Teresa May too? I guess he only likes autocrats.
Donald Trump has fired a Twitter broadside at Theresa May, opening an extraordinary diplomatic spat between the transatlantic allies.
“Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom,” the US president posted on Wednesday evening. “We are doing just fine!”
Trump’s message came in response to criticism from May’s spokesman over his retweeting of anti-Muslim videos posted by the deputy leader of a British far-right group.
Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen.
I get Trump and have since he started pounding the other 16 dwarves into the ground like tent pegs. Most of his tweets are loaded with humor. His most outrageous ones are the funniest. But the left takes him straight up and goes bonkers.
I said it before, I’ll say it again, Trump wins because he plays checkers while his enemies play chess. And it’s a checkers board on the global table, always has been, always will be.
Local news - a pack of democrats shouting option and baby-sitting the masses with helpful tips and .05% actual news content says that Trump re-tweeted anti-Muslim videos.
Nice we are scolded by the local "news" babysitters that Islamic supremacist a-holes caught on tape are off limits. When Islamic supremacists commit acts of violence, we should look away and suck our thumbs.
Good. Night and thanks for the entertainment today,Inga! you really outdid yourself;; actually made me really laugh aloud a few times. Not that that was your intent, which made it even more amusing.
I’m saying that it is not understood how Trump connects to people and positing that it cannot be understood.
But I find it easy to understand. People who despise Trump’s supporters, who cheered when Hillary Clinton called them a basket of deplorables, who think that their college degrees make them inherently superior to the carpenter who built my deck, these people are hate Trump with a blind passion. And Trump regularly abuses and humiliates them. That he is also improving the economy, making great appointments to the Judiciary, restoring our military, that’s all frosting on the cake.
Oh no! Somebody caught an asshole Islamic supremacist on tape and pointed out that sometimes radical Islamists are total assholes who deserve to be outed - just like Harvey Weinstein or Bill Clinton.
And CNN announced they're not going to the WH Christmas party, so there! Sarah Huckabee tweeted out "Christmas comes early this year.. finally some good news from CNN."
You know what that means, don't you? Trump is exactly like Hitler! CNN didn't go to his Christmas party either!
Trump is a wonder. I have an imaginary scenario in my head where Trump says something like this:
"...and I'll tell you this: Pocahontas Warren is as crooked as an Armenian rug merchant. Great people, the Armenians. They can sell you anything!"
Trump's all-in, completely natural commitment to hucksterism is in the great tradition of P. T. Barnum. He's talking to you, and he is going to show you something more fantastic than you have ever seen before, whether it is Jenny Lind, or General Tom Thumb, or Jumbo the elephant, or the Siamese twins. He cultivates that old gee-whiz feeling.
"Since there was no general admission, "Unfathomable rapport" was pretty much guaranteed.
Handpicked rapporteurs."
The Secret Service doesn't let non-vetted people in the same room with a President. Greeting at an airport, the people on the rope line are vetted and the rest are behind the fence.
Inga: "Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen."
Maybe, like Bill Clinton said, Prince Harry wants obama to serve them coffee.
"Clinton is quoted as telling Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), "A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would be getting us coffee."
I think this is such a perfect clip. Trump is saying three things at once, one to each of two audiences, and one spare.
The statement is literally true. No other presidency has accomplished exactly what he has. No presidency has ever accomplished exactly what another has, for better or worse. But, because of the setup and delivery, his supporters will hear "you have been part of something unprecedented" and his detractors will hear "I am better than everyone, ever". They will then attack their version of it, with hysterical shrillness, and his base will love him more than ever.
Once you see this in operation, it's impossible not to see it in so many of his other statements.
Even Trump’s pal, Piers Morgan, has a problem with those retweets: Good morning, Mr President @realDonaldTrump - what the hell are you doing retweeting a bunch of unverified videos by Britain First, a bunch of disgustingly racist far-right extremists? Please STOP this madness & undo your retweets.
Morgan who published phony photos of British soldiers, abusing prisoners in Basra, the same fellow who was hacking phones when he worked for news of the world, caught up in insider trading
"Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited."
I don't think either Obama or the Queen were invited to Ivanka's wedding, so I can see why they both would be bitter. They can go off in a corner together and gossip about how much Trump is really worth and how much more powerful he is than they are. Then Obama can ask to hear that ipod with his speeches that he gave to the Queen the last time he saw her. She better have an excuse ready for why she can't find it.
In the meantime, it will finally dawn on Harry that Meghan Markle is not Obama's daughter, and he'll begin to sulk. The Queen will finally realize that Obama is Frank Marshall Davis's son, and Obama will twig to the fact that Harry is not Charles's son, but rather the offspring of James Hewitt. Everyone will have a good laugh, while Trump jets by overhead on his way to Scotland with Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth, and Jack Nicklaus aboard.
They are on their way to play golf at Trump Turnberry. Trump and his guests will be met by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (William and Kate) and Prince Andrew and Elizabeth Hurley, who decided to skip Prince Harry's nuptuals ("Nothing to do with me," said Andrew. "Me either," said William. "I like a party," said Liz.)
Trump’s retweets sparked immediate outrage and criticism from all quarters, even from some media entities normally sympathetic to him, like Infowars, which is run by preposterous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones,
‘Yeah,’ tweeted its editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson, ‘someone may want to tell whoever is running Trump’s Twitter account this morning that retweeting Britain First is not great optics.’
Not great optics?
They’re absolutely appalling optics.
I don’t know what on earth possessed Donald Trump to offer such a stunning, shocking and repulsive endorsement of these racist Muslim-despising scumbags.
Either he had no idea who these people really are, or he did know and decided they were worthy of his support.
Blogger Big Mike said... Okay, Althouse, I give up. What's "unfathomable" about it?
How about Donald Trump tells lies all the time and his worshipers are unaffected by his deception. Personally, according to the tax calculator, I will pay $100 less under the house plan and $100 more under the Senate's current version. In other words, no tax reduction to speak about.
The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
Wait until someone on the far left figures out that that anger can be turned on the rich.
Hold the phone. You think people on the anti-fa, BLM, Congressman-shooting left, could be persuaded to become angry?
And then the "pay your fair share", "you didn't build that", "at a certain point you've made enough money" left would direct their ire at rich people?
Well, it's an intriguing idea. It reminds me a little bit of Obama and Maduro and Chavez and Mugabe and Castro and Pol Pot and Mao and Lenin and Marx and the French Revolutionaries and literally every leftist group in the history of leftism.
You should probably rename yourself "I still don't know".
The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
At the present time we incentivize firms to park their overseas earnings overseas, instead of bringing that money back home to fund R&D or expansion or a larger dividend. I take it you think this is a desirable state of affairs?
They have a lot in common - they each got famous without accomplishing anything worthwhile, neither one has ever expressed any particular attachment to or affection for the United States, and yet they're each deeply, passionately in love with a certain biracial American.
Blogger Big Mike said... The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
At the present time we incentivize firms to park their overseas earnings overseas, instead of bringing that money back home to fund R&D or expansion or a larger dividend. I take it you think this is a desirable state of affairs?
Not at all. While I have some stock investments, I will never get rich on bigger dividends. I fear that the expansion of the economy might be inhibited when new found cash is diverted to the owners now instead of being used to fund business growth for the future.
The Acid Kid showed up at the bar today. I call him the Acid Kid because he's a kid, and he likes to drop acid. I think he likes the nickname, which is good, because I can never seem to remember his name. His name is one of those that reminds me of another name, and then I can't remember either of them. So: the Acid Kid.
His rhythm is to drop acid for about a week, then come down by drinking at the bar for a day or two. A month or two later he repeats this cycle. I'd say it works for him, but his brain is somewhat fried now, so there is at least a part of this that isn't working.
At one point he talks of the President. His take on him is that the President should chew some acid, and then he would totally see what he needs to do. He also said this about the previous President, so it is kind of one-size-fits-all advice.
The Illuminati inevitably gets mentioned: they sure do control a lot of things, and of course they should chew some acid, too. But he also said part of the Illuminati's plan is to get everyone to drop acid, so that they will not pay attention to the Illuminati's nefarious deeds. This all makes total sense to him. I'm a bit confused, but do not mention that: I am sure his answer to making sense of this would be for me to take some acid. I would assume.
People at the bar are having a good time laughing about the idea of the President taking acid. Some say this would be good for him, others think it would cause him to nuke North Korea. A couple of acid war stories are told. There are tales of things melting, colors, and paranoia. On the jukebox someone plays 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.' So it was that kind of day.
Facts don't matter; what matters is emotional currents and the way that those emotional currents can be moved.
What bothers a lot of folks is that someone has come along who can defeat the lying MSM.
And not just the Left but lots of ineffectual plodders on the Right, the feeble, back-biting leaders in Congress, the conservative pundits who guessed wrong on Trump and all those on the Right who in the past allowed the MSM to frighten and humble them:
It angers the establishment Right to see a non-ideological amateur like Trump accomplish what they in all their dry, humorless, constipated, over-intellectualized, largely futile struggle opposing the Left could never do.
Adams has some interesting ideas and he was right about Trump but so were several commentors on this blog. Being right about Trump was only a question of ignoring the lying MSM, realizing that the polls were shit (and are still shit) and witnessing what even the MSM couldn’t gloss over – those huge rallies.
I bought my first computer about 2 weeks before 9/11. I was on the computer when the planes hit the buildings. Within 1 week, I was so disgusted with network news, I never watched another bullshit news show.
When Trump says "fake news" I know what he's talking about.
I haven’t watched a network news show in at least five years, but I’ve seen clips here and there.
I work, have conversations with people, read, think, write and have a couple of blogs I check a lot (which match my beliefs, views and biases more closely and where I comment and feel part of something). There are a number of sites I check during any given week (quite politically varied...often to keep an eye on trends and people with whom I disagree and don’t trust).
I watch YouTube videos and alt platforms which mostly come from philosophers, historians, writers/poets and usually serve as a supplement to my own reading (people expressing ideas, often through interview/lecture/debate/panel format).
I really don’t think I’ve suffered the loss of gatekeepers from nearly all media outlets, and I try to go by what people do and figure out what they’re doing, especially politicians. Mass media requires this and new outlets will come and go in a freer and open society (most mass media is what it is) most politicians. Most people seek influence most of the time.
Fewer do so openly and want to influence all of us.
I don’t really trust gatekeepers at tech companies much either, nor find them particularly interesting beyond their work and the insights they gain from it.
I try and figure out what I’m thinking and doing a lot...have I gotten lazy and complacent again...what do I really know and how have I come to know it? Whats really true?
Writing forces you to keep engaging with a subject, work, and figure out how little you know...commenting and reading comments can do the same.
One can make a decent life in such an environment.
"I interpret that "I am the state," attributed to Louis XIV, also defines Trump's opinion of himself."
That's why he sent DACA back to Congress for an actual Congressional authorization, as mandated by the Constitution, unlike the previous "L'etat? C'est moi!" guy who occupied the White House.
Same with the payments to health plans that were never authorized by Congress.
It is always that way with the never Trumpers. As long as it is against Trump, it looks logical to them, no matter the facts.
Inga: "Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen."
Yes, we know, I guess he will have to spend the day holding a rally somewhere in deplorable country, to lick his wounds over the slight!
I remember when Democrats used to care about working class whites. Or pretend to, anyway. I guess that officially ended with James Carville's statement about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer court. It was open season on the former Democrat base from that day forward.
“Why is it unfathomable that they should feel a bond?“
Because Trump is playing them for suckers.
I am sure it seems that way if you keep your eyes firmly closed enough. But right now unemployment is as low as it has been in decades, and the stock market is at record highs, gas is pretty cheap, the influx of illegal scabs has slowed, which is raising blue collar wages. Economic growth is back at healthy levels. The ISIS outbreak that Obama and Hillary caused through ham-fisted military adventurism seems to have been brought under control.
Who is the fucking sucker here? The ones who thought that Hillary the war monger should be president? The ones who thought that it would be better for the economy if gas costed more so they wanted to shut down fracking, pipelines, and throw coal miners out of work? Well, thank goodness that those people didn't prevail in this past election.
"Not at all. While I have some stock investments, I will never get rich on bigger dividends. I fear that the expansion of the economy might be inhibited when new found cash is diverted to the owners now instead of being used to fund business growth for the future."
They're not going to put it in their mattresses. They'll be doing the same thing with it only over here.
Godwin does not apply when it is in this case.
LOL! Un fucking believable.
Maybe you should watch the series "World War Two in Color" on Netflix. It is a decent summary of the war. Covers the war in Europe from the rise of Hitler to the discovery of the death camps as Poland and Germany fell.
If you really, honestly, in your heart believe that Trump is literally just like Hitler, you should maybe seek some professional help.
I agree, that's a good thing to be concerned about.
One problem is that you can't know it all, not personally. So you have to rely on experts, except when you don't. So many times, trained experts don't know what they're talking about. Except when they do.
I'm not an expert on the stock market. I decided to ignore the advice of my broker a year ago, and the results for me were fantastic. That was probably undeserved luck.
The rule I try to follow is to get as close to the source as possible.
Michael K pontificated... But they did go to Saddam's and even tailored the news coverage in Iraq to make sure their invite did not get lost in the mail.
Did you notice that Dr. IyaryI posted both *before and after* your important communique?
If it was just before or after, I'd chalk it up to a coincidence, but since it was both I think the Dr's postings qualify as powerful anecdotal evidence that the Spirit World™ is trying to contact you through an astrological forecaster - he's a doctor, you know! - who will show you how you can win the $1,000,000.00 million dollar lottery.
So please contact Dr. IyaryI now, before you forget!
We watched and laughed. Enjoyed. This is the Trump we voted for. He is funny and oddly charming - that's the rapport.
I don't think it translates near as well in his tweets, which I have come to dread. Husband disagrees. He reads first in the morning and enjoys belly laughs over Trump's tweet. I suspect this is a guy thing.
What a world!
The GOP apparently had to have a clownish spectacle as head of the party in order to get something done. And boy, is he getting things done. This is making the GOPe SAD! THAT makes me laugh. And it also bodes well for reelection, though I have a suspicion he won't run. Who would put up with that abuse if they didn't have to? Trump is so the honey badger though. Stay tuned.
I’m saying that it is not understood how Trump connects to people and positing that it cannot be understood.
And the slower-witted and most deranged among the commenters are trying so hard to prove this theorem true.
One cannot understand what one refuses to see. Orwell noted how hard this is when the facts are right in your face. And he knew well, because he was a leftist, just not a suicidal one.
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११८ टिप्पण्या:
Yuuuuuuuuuuugggggge, I tell ya
LLR Chuck rally!
Okay, Althouse, I give up. What's "unfathomable" about it?
"Okay, Althouse, I give up. What's "unfathomable" about it?"
Still missing Obama?
A salesman selling sizzle.
He's done it all his life.
Very fathomable.
It's hard to be modest, when you've accomplished so much but I'm glad he tried.
Since there was no general admission, "Unfathomable rapport" was pretty much guaranteed.
Handpicked rapporteurs.
So much and in just 10 months. It's almost unfathomable.
304 - 227
Electoral College = Handpicked rapporteurs
Chuck of course wants to restrict Trump appearances to paid ingrates from Soros, NYT, et. al. And make Trump go in without protection, naturally. So he can be all "Shocked, Shocked" when Trump is assassinated, and then blame Trump for not having protection.
That's about it, right Chuck? Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
Just think of all the leftist propaganda you could push: gun control, "salvation of the nation" and whether or not the shooter should be on the ten dollar bill.
LLR Chuck: "Since there was no general admission, "Unfathomable rapport" was pretty much guaranteed.
Handpicked rapporteurs."
Rachel Maddow could not have said it any better.
The ability of Trump to bring out the "inner socialist" of the lifelong republicans and GOPe is really quite unfathomable.
LLR Chuck is still curled up in the fetal position just from hearing about the GDP growth for the 3rd quarter.
That one will be very hard to explain away.
So deep you can't get under it, so wide you can't get around it ...
Your browser does not recognize any of the video formats available
It's the modern world. CAN laugh with him.
Reconciliation. Revitalization. Rehabilitation.
Reform is not merely the end of redistributive change.
I’m saying that it is not understood how Trump connects to people and positing that it cannot be understood.
The spell checker doesn't like it, but I love it!! He is throwing brush back pitches.
I'll bet Trump can kick ass with the pig Latin.
Tax cuts for the people. Leftists hate it.
The City Employee With The Weird Grin came into the bar a few days ago. He is not a bad guy, or at least I don't know enough about him to say much one way or another. His default facial expression is a weird grin, but that doesn't always indicate a child molester. As far as him being a child molester: I don't know enough about him to say much one way or another.
The problem when he comes in is that he is always talking politics. Always. He uses a standard template: people who agree with him are the Good Guys, and people he doesn't like are the Bad Guys. And Stupid: they are Stupid Bad Guys. Who are also Evil. That is, if one were to actually believe in the Concept of Evil, which is really just a laughable relic of superstitious religious folk who are afraid of Science. And those superstitious religious folk are obviously Bad and Stupid. And don't believe in Science: it is all connected.
A lot of people can be like this, but they can generally mix it up with talk about, say, sports. Where our team is the Good Guys, and the other teams are the Bad Guys. Similar, but with sports it doesn't seem so passive-aggressive.
So he goes on and on about the latest outrage. And it is Seattle: the majority of the bar is comprised of people who agree with him. But even these people don't engage. Because he is boring. He is unbuttered toast. He doesn't listen to what another person is saying -- he is just impatiently waiting to say his next thing. And what he said yesterday is what he will say today, which will be what he says tomorrow.
Things people in the bar don't mind hearing over and over? That funny story about the guy who gets hit in the nuts with the golf club. You know, that one on YouTube. Or talking about which chick is hotter. Or breaking the balls of the stupid shit people in the bar have done when they were drunk. Like leaving their phone at the one-night-stand they never wanted to see again. Or accidentally dating a transsexual. Who now has your phone. Shit like that.
- james james
It is also unfathomable that so many people continue to find the Kardashians so fascinating.
It’s like that.
I think it is easy to understand. Trump is on their side.
The other candidate called them irredeemable. The pop culture allows only one group to be the hate fetish: lower class whites. Hicks, rubes,hillbillies, fly-over, white bread, Muricans, all kinds of insults and expressions of contempt. And one politician, precisely one, stands up for them. Why is it unfathomable that they should feel a bond?
Rational people get Trump.
Lots of idiots in this world and half of them were at that Trump rally.
NowIKnow stayed home with his idiot imaginary friends.
There is no such thing as nonbraggadocious. Any way you say it, you're bragging.
These are also verbal hashtags! If you talk about nonbraggadocius, then you have to mention of what he was bragging. This is what Scott Adams was talking about in an earlier post.
Trump's a fucking genius.....or maybe a magnificent bastard. I'm really struggling with that.
“Why is it unfathomable that they should feel a bond?“
Because Trump is playing them for suckers.
But there is one born every minute...
NIK throwing hand grenades from the upper deck. It's all commie-pinko libs got.
Blogger Now I Know!: "Lots of idiots in this world and half of them were at that Trump rally."
That sounds like a winning message. I would run with that.
Why is it now not politically correct to call dumbass ignorant rubes just that?
They are dumbass rubes looking for their own little Hitler who will tell them that it’s Muslims and Mexicans who are out to get them and that their every resentment is correct.
Simple as that.
Wait until someone on the far left figures out that that anger can be turned on the rich. Trump has normalized crazy populist smash mouth politics and the next Trump will be from the hard left.
It's not natural. He's in league with Lucifer.
"They are dumbass rubes looking for their own little Hitler who will tell them that it’s Muslims and Mexicans who are out to get them and that their every resentment is correct."
Nice. Got the Godwin stuff in there as well.
You should lead an ad campaign.
You and Chuck.
Unknown said...
Chuck of course wants to restrict Trump appearances to paid ingrates from Soros, NYT, et. al. And make Trump go in without protection, naturally. So he can be all "Shocked, Shocked" when Trump is assassinated, and then blame Trump for not having protection.
That's about it, right Chuck? Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
Just think of all the leftist propaganda you could push: gun control, "salvation of the nation" and whether or not the shooter should be on the ten dollar bill.
I'll be darned if that isn't the newest, most fabulous twist on "Trump Derangement Syndrome."
A Trump supporter, fantasizing about a Trump's critic's supposed assassination fantasy. But it isn't even really about a supposed fantasy on my part. It's Vance's own extended fantasy about how he'd like/expect to see me react to a Trump assassination. Derangement indeed.
I think I'd be horrified by a Trump assassination. Make him a martyr to some goddamned thing; what, I'm not sure. I'd like Trump-as-president to end with a whimper, like Jimmy Carter. Are there any Jimmy Carter statues anywhere? No fantasies for me.
"Trump has normalized crazy populist smash mouth politics and the next Trump will be from the hard left."
Now that is some rather amusing stuff right there.
Godwin does not apply when it is in this case.
"I think I'd be horrified by a Trump assassination."
Well, he may not be "boyfriend" material, but he does have a message, and people are judging him by its content.
For the record, NowIKnow's imaginary friends don't want to talk to him either. He is alone in his own delusion.
To understand Trump's connection to his base you must start with the USMC basic cohesion motto of Semper Fidelis, and work backwards from there.The Marines are the Scots Irish branch of the Navy service, and it got its start serving as the loyal to the death riflemen under Captain John Paul Jones.
In that community fighting our enemies to the death, a trust in your fellow unit members is the absolute essential need.
Trump's base has tested Trump and found him to be loyal to them and an extremely intelligent tactician. That makes him unlike every other politician known since JFK was slaughtered by the CIA hit team. They see no need for a plan B with Trump as their leader. If he says it, that settles it.
The only way the Dems can defeat that bond among Trump and his Americans is to find a way to get Trump to be seen as betraying them. But after hundreds of attempts, the Propaganda Media has still not laid a finger on him.
Also take note that Trump has literally been kept in power the last 9 months by the Navy Admiral Rogers and retired USMC officers. The ones John Kelly calls a cult.
I'm a sucker for 3.3% GDP growth.
The Dutch not thrilled with Trump’s tweets today.
Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸
Netherlands Embassy 🇺🇸
Replying to @JaydaBF and @realDonaldTrump
.@realDonaldTrump Facts do matter. The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands. He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law.
1:26 PM · Nov 29, 2017
Wouldn't the world be a better place if a flaming leftist shot and killed Trump--perfectly heaven for you?
I am very concerned about this what with the recent scandals by the USSS.
I just hope he has his own security with him all the time.
Why is it now not politically correct to call dumbass ignorant rubes just that?
I definitely think you have something there , once written. I'd suggest you and the Democrats run on that platform next year.
I can see a lot of success with that platform. That's why Roy Moore is going to win but ignore that and keep insulting your poiitical opponents/ That always works so well.
Note to NIK: A year after Hitler took office, Hitlers political enemies had either fled the country or were iin prison or hiding. What they were not doing: Publicly mocking Hitler and his followers. So, no , you aasshat Trump is not just like Hitler.
Read a few histories of the Third Reich before you call others ignorant, you dimwit.
"The Dutch not thrilled with Trump’s tweets today."
OMG! Did Matt Lauer tell you today,?
Oh, no!! The Dutch?
Oh, my, the Dutch are pissed! Wharever shall we do?
"NowIKnow's imaginary friends don't want to talk to him either. He is alone in his own delusion."
I have believed all along that Once written/Know I know was female.
It sounds female but there is always the possibility of a trannie.
The Dutch must want New Amsterdam back. The miracle is that Obama did not find a way to give it back to them for a bribe.
Michael K. My guess is that NIK is some low-T soy boy.
Now he’s in a spat with Teresa May too? I guess he only likes autocrats.
Donald Trump has fired a Twitter broadside at Theresa May, opening an extraordinary diplomatic spat between the transatlantic allies.
“Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom,” the US president posted on Wednesday evening. “We are doing just fine!”
Trump’s message came in response to criticism from May’s spokesman over his retweeting of anti-Muslim videos posted by the deputy leader of a British far-right group.
Inga, you're quite boring today.
Troll better.
British far-right group
Not Commie or hard Socialist.
Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen.
What a shame.
Teresa May has become their Jeb!
They don't know what to do with their Jeb! any more than we did.
I get Trump and have since he started pounding the other 16 dwarves into the ground like tent pegs. Most of his tweets are loaded with humor. His most outrageous ones are the funniest. But the left takes him straight up and goes bonkers.
I said it before, I’ll say it again, Trump wins because he plays checkers while his enemies play chess. And it’s a checkers board on the global table, always has been, always will be.
Local news - a pack of democrats shouting option and baby-sitting the masses with helpful tips and .05% actual news content says that Trump re-tweeted anti-Muslim videos.
Nice we are scolded by the local "news" babysitters that Islamic supremacist a-holes caught on tape are off limits. When Islamic supremacists commit acts of violence, we should look away and suck our thumbs.
I'm still not tired of all the winning. especially since it makes Inga blather on about the Dutch and the royals like anybody gives a shit. Sad!
Darrell said...
British far-right group Not Commie or hard Socialist.
Yay Capitalism.
Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited.
Your high regard to the morals of the Royal Family are not reciprocated by Fergie and a few of the fomer wives.
OF COURSE Obama is invited. If Obama had another daughter...
Trump is gonna win a second term.
Cause he connects with everyone but the far left and far right.
That and he keeps his word!
Good. Night and thanks for the entertainment today,Inga! you really outdid yourself;; actually made me really laugh aloud a few times. Not that that was your intent, which made it even more amusing.
Unfathomable = unable to appreciate when one person is joking/teasing which a group of people understand completely.
Somebody was offended by Trump's tweets again.
Paul said...
That and he keeps his word!
I'll have whatever he's smoking.
I’m saying that it is not understood how Trump connects to people and positing that it cannot be understood.
But I find it easy to understand. People who despise Trump’s supporters, who cheered when Hillary Clinton called them a basket of deplorables, who think that their college degrees make them inherently superior to the carpenter who built my deck, these people are hate Trump with a blind passion. And Trump regularly abuses and humiliates them. That he is also improving the economy, making great appointments to the Judiciary, restoring our military, that’s all frosting on the cake.
"Wait until someone on the far left figures out that that anger can be turned on the rich."
Yeah, the far Left has never tried that! Just wait till they figure it out!
Oh no! Somebody caught an asshole Islamic supremacist on tape and pointed out that sometimes radical Islamists are total assholes who deserve to be outed - just like Harvey Weinstein or Bill Clinton.
And CNN announced they're not going to the WH Christmas party, so there! Sarah Huckabee tweeted out "Christmas comes early this year.. finally some good news from CNN."
You know what that means, don't you? Trump is exactly like Hitler! CNN didn't go to his Christmas party either!
Not on local baby sitting demo-hack news? The terror attack in Egypt where Islamic supremacists killed peaceful Muslims. Doesn't fit the narrative.
The Clinton News Network should suck on lumps of coal.
Unfathomable rapport.
No one can beat the rap like President Trump. Someone should call him the rapper
He’s supercalifragilisticexbibraggadoicious!
Charming scamp;
Weren't the Dutch who put wilders on trial, and saddled him with a security force, in hock to Moroccan gangsters
Trump is a wonder. I have an imaginary scenario in my head where Trump says something like this:
"...and I'll tell you this: Pocahontas Warren is as crooked as an Armenian rug merchant. Great people, the Armenians. They can sell you anything!"
Trump's all-in, completely natural commitment to hucksterism is in the great tradition of P. T. Barnum. He's talking to you, and he is going to show you something more fantastic than you have ever seen before, whether it is Jenny Lind, or General Tom Thumb, or Jumbo the elephant, or the Siamese twins. He cultivates that old gee-whiz feeling.
It takes a certain low cunning to base your career on misrepresenting your ethnic identity, and preferring bogus research on bankruptcy
"Since there was no general admission, "Unfathomable rapport" was pretty much guaranteed.
Handpicked rapporteurs."
The Secret Service doesn't let non-vetted people in the same room with a President. Greeting at an airport, the people on the rope line are vetted and the rest are behind the fence.
Inga: "Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen."
Maybe, like Bill Clinton said, Prince Harry wants obama to serve them coffee.
"Clinton is quoted as telling Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.), "A few years ago, this guy (Obama) would be getting us coffee."
Clinton talking to Kennedy the manslaughterer!
Talk about a couple of democrat ICONS!
I think this is such a perfect clip. Trump is saying three things at once, one to each of two audiences, and one spare.
The statement is literally true. No other presidency has accomplished exactly what he has. No presidency has ever accomplished exactly what another has, for better or worse. But, because of the setup and delivery, his supporters will hear "you have been part of something unprecedented" and his detractors will hear "I am better than everyone, ever". They will then attack their version of it, with hysterical shrillness, and his base will love him more than ever.
Once you see this in operation, it's impossible not to see it in so many of his other statements.
Even Trump’s pal, Piers Morgan, has a problem with those retweets:
Good morning, Mr President @realDonaldTrump - what the hell are you doing retweeting a bunch of unverified videos by Britain First, a bunch of disgustingly racist far-right extremists? Please STOP this madness & undo your retweets.
Morgan who published phony photos of British soldiers, abusing prisoners in Basra, the same fellow who was hacking phones when he worked for news of the world, caught up in insider trading
"Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited."
I don't think either Obama or the Queen were invited to Ivanka's wedding, so I can see why they both would be bitter. They can go off in a corner together and gossip about how much Trump is really worth and how much more powerful he is than they are. Then Obama can ask to hear that ipod with his speeches that he gave to the Queen the last time he saw her. She better have an excuse ready for why she can't find it.
In the meantime, it will finally dawn on Harry that Meghan Markle is not Obama's daughter, and he'll begin to sulk. The Queen will finally realize that Obama is Frank Marshall Davis's son, and Obama will twig to the fact that Harry is not Charles's son, but rather the offspring of James Hewitt. Everyone will have a good laugh, while Trump jets by overhead on his way to Scotland with Tiger Woods, Jordan Spieth, and Jack Nicklaus aboard.
They are on their way to play golf at Trump Turnberry. Trump and his guests will be met by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (William and Kate) and Prince Andrew and Elizabeth Hurley, who decided to skip Prince Harry's nuptuals ("Nothing to do with me," said Andrew. "Me either," said William. "I like a party," said Liz.)
More from Piers:
Trump’s retweets sparked immediate outrage and criticism from all quarters, even from some media entities normally sympathetic to him, like Infowars, which is run by preposterous conspiracy theorist Alex Jones,
‘Yeah,’ tweeted its editor-at-large Paul Joseph Watson, ‘someone may want to tell whoever is running Trump’s Twitter account this morning that retweeting Britain First is not great optics.’
Not great optics?
They’re absolutely appalling optics.
I don’t know what on earth possessed Donald Trump to offer such a stunning, shocking and repulsive endorsement of these racist Muslim-despising scumbags.
Either he had no idea who these people really are, or he did know and decided they were worthy of his support.
The first makes him a bloody fool.
The second makes him a bloody disgrace.
Blogger Big Mike said...
Okay, Althouse, I give up. What's "unfathomable" about it?
How about Donald Trump tells lies all the time and his worshipers are unaffected by his deception. Personally, according to the tax calculator, I will pay $100 less under the house plan and $100 more under the Senate's current version. In other words, no tax reduction to speak about.
The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
Good grief get over yourself Alex, how manynattacks from Westminster to leicester Manchester and everywhere in between thos uear.
Wait until someone on the far left figures out that that anger can be turned on the rich.
Hold the phone. You think people on the anti-fa, BLM, Congressman-shooting left, could be persuaded to become angry?
And then the "pay your fair share", "you didn't build that", "at a certain point you've made enough money" left would direct their ire at rich people?
Well, it's an intriguing idea. It reminds me a little bit of Obama and Maduro and Chavez and Mugabe and Castro and Pol Pot and Mao and Lenin and Marx and the French Revolutionaries and literally every leftist group in the history of leftism.
You should probably rename yourself "I still don't know".
Shorter gadfly: L'Etat, c'est moi.
I know, crazy talk Bgates, it as if the Brigatte the baader the weather underground and action directs never existed.
Don't you old timers remember Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins?
Super-cala-fragilistic-expe- braggadocios!
The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
At the present time we incentivize firms to park their overseas earnings overseas, instead of bringing that money back home to fund R&D or expansion or a larger dividend. I take it you think this is a desirable state of affairs?
Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding
They have a lot in common - they each got famous without accomplishing anything worthwhile, neither one has ever expressed any particular attachment to or affection for the United States, and yet they're each deeply, passionately in love with a certain biracial American.
Uet trump is more popular than frau Merkel, the jupiterian, mangy may et al, what gives
Well Bgates Harry served in Afghanistan, his tour was cut short by some nosy reporter.
Troll Drago said...
Shorter gadfly: L'Etat, c'est moi.
I interpret that "I am the state," attributed to Louis XIV, also defines Trump's opinion of himself. I wouldn't doubt it.
Thanks for your help.
Blogger Big Mike said...
The gimmick is to boost the economy by bringing dollars invested overseas back here through reduced business taxes. That is the plan that Trump's Wall Street Democrat cabinet devised and it might work, except CEO's are telling us they work for stockholders, not wage earners.
At the present time we incentivize firms to park their overseas earnings overseas, instead of bringing that money back home to fund R&D or expansion or a larger dividend. I take it you think this is a desirable state of affairs?
Not at all. While I have some stock investments, I will never get rich on bigger dividends. I fear that the expansion of the economy might be inhibited when new found cash is diverted to the owners now instead of being used to fund business growth for the future.
gadfly: "I interpret that "I am the state," attributed to Louis XIV, also defines Trump's opinion of himself."
Of course you would.
Of course.
As noted previously, gadfly is the Poor Mans Chuck.
The Acid Kid showed up at the bar today. I call him the Acid Kid because he's a kid, and he likes to drop acid. I think he likes the nickname, which is good, because I can never seem to remember his name. His name is one of those that reminds me of another name, and then I can't remember either of them. So: the Acid Kid.
His rhythm is to drop acid for about a week, then come down by drinking at the bar for a day or two. A month or two later he repeats this cycle. I'd say it works for him, but his brain is somewhat fried now, so there is at least a part of this that isn't working.
At one point he talks of the President. His take on him is that the President should chew some acid, and then he would totally see what he needs to do. He also said this about the previous President, so it is kind of one-size-fits-all advice.
The Illuminati inevitably gets mentioned: they sure do control a lot of things, and of course they should chew some acid, too. But he also said part of the Illuminati's plan is to get everyone to drop acid, so that they will not pay attention to the Illuminati's nefarious deeds. This all makes total sense to him. I'm a bit confused, but do not mention that: I am sure his answer to making sense of this would be for me to take some acid. I would assume.
People at the bar are having a good time laughing about the idea of the President taking acid. Some say this would be good for him, others think it would cause him to nuke North Korea. A couple of acid war stories are told. There are tales of things melting, colors, and paranoia. On the jukebox someone plays 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.' So it was that kind of day.
- james james
Facts don't matter; what matters is emotional currents and the way that those emotional currents can be moved.
What bothers a lot of folks is that someone has come along who can defeat the lying MSM.
And not just the Left but lots of ineffectual plodders on the Right, the feeble, back-biting leaders in Congress, the conservative pundits who guessed wrong on Trump and all those on the Right who in the past allowed the MSM to frighten and humble them:
It angers the establishment Right to see a non-ideological amateur like Trump accomplish what they in all their dry, humorless, constipated, over-intellectualized, largely futile struggle opposing the Left could never do.
Adams has some interesting ideas and he was right about Trump but so were several commentors on this blog. Being right about Trump was only a question of ignoring the lying MSM, realizing that the polls were shit (and are still shit) and witnessing what even the MSM couldn’t gloss over – those huge rallies.
I bought my first computer about 2 weeks before 9/11. I was on the computer when the planes hit the buildings. Within 1 week, I was so disgusted with network news, I never watched another bullshit news show.
When Trump says "fake news" I know what he's talking about.
Beware the long comment.
I haven’t watched a network news show in at least five years, but I’ve seen clips here and there.
I work, have conversations with people, read, think, write and have a couple of blogs I check a lot (which match my beliefs, views and biases more closely and where I comment and feel part of something). There are a number of sites I check during any given week (quite politically varied...often to keep an eye on trends and people with whom I disagree and don’t trust).
I watch YouTube videos and alt platforms which mostly come from philosophers, historians, writers/poets and usually serve as a supplement to my own reading (people expressing ideas, often through interview/lecture/debate/panel format).
I really don’t think I’ve suffered the loss of gatekeepers from nearly all media outlets, and I try to go by what people do and figure out what they’re doing, especially politicians. Mass media requires this and new outlets will come and go in a freer and open society (most mass media is what it is) most politicians. Most people seek influence most of the time.
Fewer do so openly and want to influence all of us.
I don’t really trust gatekeepers at tech companies much either, nor find them particularly interesting beyond their work and the insights they gain from it.
I try and figure out what I’m thinking and doing a lot...have I gotten lazy and complacent again...what do I really know and how have I come to know it? Whats really true?
Writing forces you to keep engaging with a subject, work, and figure out how little you know...commenting and reading comments can do the same.
One can make a decent life in such an environment.
"I interpret that "I am the state," attributed to Louis XIV, also defines Trump's opinion of himself."
That's why he sent DACA back to Congress for an actual Congressional authorization, as mandated by the Constitution, unlike the previous "L'etat? C'est moi!" guy who occupied the White House.
Same with the payments to health plans that were never authorized by Congress.
It is always that way with the never Trumpers. As long as it is against Trump, it looks logical to them, no matter the facts.
Inga: "Obama is invited to Prince Harry’s wedding. Trump’s been told to stay away, he’s not invited. Now he’ll never get that golden carriage ride with the Queen."
Yes, we know, I guess he will have to spend the day holding a rally somewhere in deplorable country, to lick his wounds over the slight!
I remember when Democrats used to care about working class whites. Or pretend to, anyway. I guess that officially ended with James Carville's statement about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer court. It was open season on the former Democrat base from that day forward.
“Why is it unfathomable that they should feel a bond?“
Because Trump is playing them for suckers.
I am sure it seems that way if you keep your eyes firmly closed enough. But right now unemployment is as low as it has been in decades, and the stock market is at record highs, gas is pretty cheap, the influx of illegal scabs has slowed, which is raising blue collar wages. Economic growth is back at healthy levels. The ISIS outbreak that Obama and Hillary caused through ham-fisted military adventurism seems to have been brought under control.
Who is the fucking sucker here? The ones who thought that Hillary the war monger should be president? The ones who thought that it would be better for the economy if gas costed more so they wanted to shut down fracking, pipelines, and throw coal miners out of work? Well, thank goodness that those people didn't prevail in this past election.
"Not at all. While I have some stock investments, I will never get rich on bigger dividends. I fear that the expansion of the economy might be inhibited when new found cash is diverted to the owners now instead of being used to fund business growth for the future."
They're not going to put it in their mattresses. They'll be doing the same thing with it only over here.
Godwin does not apply when it is in this case.
LOL! Un fucking believable.
Maybe you should watch the series "World War Two in Color" on Netflix. It is a decent summary of the war. Covers the war in Europe from the rise of Hitler to the discovery of the death camps as Poland and Germany fell.
If you really, honestly, in your heart believe that Trump is literally just like Hitler, you should maybe seek some professional help.
"You know what that means, don't you? Trump is exactly like Hitler! CNN didn't go to his Christmas party either!"
But they did go to Saddam's and even tailored the news coverage in Iraq to make sure their invite did not get lost in the mail.
I didn't watch. Trump doesn't do it for me. Neither did Obama. I don't look for inspiration from my leaders. Results are nicer.
The amen choir here is getting bad. Hannity's all around.
>Whats really true?
I agree, that's a good thing to be concerned about.
One problem is that you can't know it all, not personally. So you have to rely on experts, except when you don't. So many times, trained experts don't know what they're talking about. Except when they do.
I'm not an expert on the stock market. I decided to ignore the advice of my broker a year ago, and the results for me were fantastic. That was probably undeserved luck.
The rule I try to follow is to get as close to the source as possible.
Michael K pontificated...
But they did go to Saddam's and even tailored the news coverage in Iraq to make sure their invite did not get lost in the mail.
Did you notice that Dr. IyaryI posted both *before and after* your important communique?
If it was just before or after, I'd chalk it up to a coincidence, but since it was both I think the Dr's postings qualify as powerful anecdotal evidence that the Spirit World™ is trying to contact you through an astrological forecaster - he's a doctor, you know! - who will show you how you can win the $1,000,000.00 million dollar lottery.
So please contact Dr. IyaryI now, before you forget!
Gadfly - that your taxes might not change does not mean that everyone else will be similarly affected.
We watched and laughed. Enjoyed. This is the Trump we voted for. He is funny and oddly charming - that's the rapport.
I don't think it translates near as well in his tweets, which I have come to dread. Husband disagrees. He reads first in the morning and enjoys belly laughs over Trump's tweet. I suspect this is a guy thing.
What a world!
The GOP apparently had to have a clownish spectacle as head of the party in order to get something done. And boy, is he getting things done. This is making the GOPe SAD! THAT makes me laugh. And it also bodes well for reelection, though I have a suspicion he won't run. Who would put up with that abuse if they didn't have to? Trump is so the honey badger though. Stay tuned.
I’m saying that it is not understood how Trump connects to people and positing that it cannot be understood.
And the slower-witted and most deranged among the commenters are trying so hard to prove this theorem true.
One cannot understand what one refuses to see. Orwell noted how hard this is when the facts are right in your face. And he knew well, because he was a leftist, just not a suicidal one.
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