The Daily News reports.
Illustrator and filmmaker Nicole Daddona... was shocked when she discovered images from the light-hearted book had been misappropriated to sow division among American voters. “My mind was blown. It was very confusing and strange to me."...I'm sorry the artist's work was used without her permission, but the lightweight inanity of it answers something I've been asking for a long time: What exactly were these Russian ads that supposedly affected the election? Were they something that were capable of affecting voters' decision? Show me!
A Facebook group called “LGBT United” supposedly posted the ad, saying, “You can color your own Bernie Hero! There is a new coloring book calling ‘Buff Bernie: A coloring Book for Berniacs’ is full of very attractive doodles of Bernie Sanders in muscle poses,” the ad read....
The ad was one of several released by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which is investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, earlier this month.
The answer is really very funny. This is the dastardly interference by the Russians:
८० टिप्पण्या:
Those Buff Bernie ads make Bernie look like Putin. Hmm... The artist doth protest too much, methinks.
Our "Intelligence Community" believes the Russians were intentionally supporting Trump by paying for BLM, Buff Bernie and Kitten ads.
Probable theft of IP. I'd be mad too.
That sparrow was a Russian drone.
This is what lost the election for Hillary?
Bernie is a yellowish-beige color. That sounds correct.
"What is 'nationalization'"
"Thank you, Alex. I'll take 'Socialism' for $2000."
I know that coloring book persuaded me to vote for Trump.
Every single future post from our resident lefties still carrying water for the Trump-Russia collusion theory should be responded to only with that image. Too bad we can't embed images here.
Her artwork reminds me of Robert Smigel's animated SNL short The Ambiguously Gay Duo.
Maybe they could get Larry David to do Bernie's voice?
The coloring book is intended for the Bernie-is-my-boyfriend demographic.
Jesus fights Hillary as Satan was Hillaryous.
"What exactly were these Russian ads that supposedly affected the election?"
I don't know how Buff Bernie could affect the elction, but I do know how Bernie in the Buff could affect my ability to hold down my lunch.
So let me get this straight. If you create a Buff Bernie coloring book because you like Bernie and want to get progressive people excited about Bernie, that's cool. But if the wrong people want to get progressive people excited about Bernie, that's not cool. Is that right?
I guess I've answered my own question.
But something about this reminds me of Major Barbara:
BARBARA. Why not! Do you know what my father is? Have you forgotten that Lord Saxmundham is Bodger the whisky man? Do you remember how we implored the County Council to stop him from writing Bodger's Whisky in letters of fire against the sky; so that the poor drinkruined creatures on the embankment could not wake up from their snatches of sleep without being reminded of their deadly thirst by that wicked sky sign? Do you know that the worst thing I have had to fight here is not the devil, but Bodger, Bodger, Bodger, with his whisky, his distilleries, and his tied houses? Are you going to make our shelter another tied house for him, and ask me to keep it?
BILL. Rotten drunken whisky it is too.
MRS BAINES. Dear Barbara: Lord Saxmundham has a soul to be saved like any of us. If heaven has found the way to make a good use of his money, are we to set ourselves up against the answer to our prayers?
It seems like only yesterday that Mitt Romney was (rightfully) being pilloried for claiming that Russia was our "number one geopolitical foe." Oh how the tables have turned. Why, it's almost as if the GOP and DNC are a couple of P.T. Barnums taking the American public for everything they're worth.
In the future everyone will feel violated for 15 minutes.
Those ads tricked us. We all loved hillary until..... Putin and the Russians poisoned our pure minds.
The creator wants to avoid the twitter storm sure to come.
Hence feeling "violated".
That side is kept together through fear.
Voter suppression. Inga missed voting; she was home coloring Bernie.
show me
Despite that I think Russian collusion is bullshit, let me try. Imagine you’re a working-class Catholic Democrat in Wisconsin, you’ve lost your job and can no longer afford to send your son to Catholic school, and he now comes home from his new public school telling you that his teacher says there are more than two genders, everyone is somewhat gay, and you need to vote for someone named Bernie. If this ad appeared in your facebook feed (targeted precisely using big data), would it make you feel more or less likely to vote Democratic? (Remember, to help Trump this voter does not need to vote Republican, only stay home on election day.)
Is it illegal for Russia to interfere in a US election?
"Our "Intelligence Community" believes the Russians were intentionally supporting Trump by paying for BLM, Buff Bernie and Kitten ads."
-- Don't forget the Pokemon Go demographic they targeted.
“I feel pretty violated that my art was used in that way. I did not vote for Donald Trump, so I didn’t want to have anything to do with supporting people who voted for him,” she said.
-- It seems odd to consider a pro-Bernie advertisement as supporting Trump. I'd view it as supporting Bernie. Or, the more intellectually consistent answer, is that Russia was just screwing with people.
Um. Earnest. The only day that that ad would affect a vote would be on Democrat primary day. Bernie wasn't in the general. Your little spiel suggesting it would make people vote *against* Bernie means the Russians wanted Hillary. Which has been obvious from even before this all started.
This is the dastardly interference by the Russians:
Hahahahaha, right? It all sounds so grade-school. Moooooooom! They are meddling. Now kids, don't meddle.
I want to ask the media: Do you think it is bad to try to sow division among American voters?
Because if they think it is really bad.....I have more questions.
The only day that that ad would affect a vote would be on Democrat primary day.
Wrong. It causes conservative Democrats to wonder whether they have anything in common with the party anymore (answer: no).
The cartoon reminds me of a National Lampoon comic from the 70s on Nixon & the Watergate break-in. One of the panels shows Nixon, Haldeman, et al inside the C.R.E.E.P headquarters, & in the back there's a giant printing press printing out such publications as "Faggots for McGovern" & "Dykes for McGovern".
How deplorable would you have to be to have your vote influenced by a coloring book posted to Facebook?
Men have always known the power of rouged nipples. We didn't need Russkies to tell us that.
That book is on exactly the same intellectual level as Bernie's understanding of economics.
Mandrake, did you know that the commies have been meddling with coloring books in complete derogation of intellectual property rights?
Coloring books, Mandrake.
Next we'll find out the Russians printed all those Chick Tracts.
I would be a conservative Democrat if the party didn't demand complete loyalty to obviously corrupt leaders.
I still think that Bernie could have won with my slogan.
"A job will be guaranteed for all, but not required."
"I would be a conservative Democrat if the party didn't demand complete loyalty to obviously corrupt leaders."
So, presumably when DJT and the other R leadership are finished doing what they're telling you is "draining the swamp" you'll be a con-D.
Or, third party.
This clown doesn't realize there no such thing as bad publicity?
T in V- @ 8:29 - hahahahahahahaa
An homage to the transgender spectrum?
A future with white divided into its constituent components, and a non-selective exclusion of black and brown.
Water Closet only confirmed what Americans already knew, that the left, progressive liberals (i.e. monotonic divergence), is rabidly [class] diversitist and constructs political congruences ("=") to selectively discriminate on a whim.
Where is their minority leadership to form monopolies and redistributive change. Their mortal gods to conflate logical domains and carry out clean wars (e.g. Obama's trail of tears)?
Where is the female chauvinist who denies women's agency, men's character, and baby lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable?
Where is the DNC collusion with the press? With foreign agent and intelligence assets in order to disenfranchise American citizens? With second and third-world nations seeking immigration reform in order to gerrymander the vote?
The fourth trimester of Democratic baby hunts and all they managed to discover was witches, warlocks, and ghosts of social liberalism past.
The biggest trick is the one the Clitnons keep pulling on us. They are both corrupt - he's a lying rapist, and she's a lying power-obsessed money grubber. The Clitnon media won't talk about Clitnon or Menendez.
Lightweight inanity? Are you talking about the lighter than air speciousness of the Dimm's collusion claims?
The story of those Facebook ads was that Facebook was asked to look for evidence of Russian involvement in the election when the Democrats were still in charge. They couldn't find any. They were told to go back and look again. That's when they came up with those $130K in ad buys. And most of those either didn't run or ran after Nov. 8. That must have had a major impact on the election.
Ode to a neo-Democratic Socialist. A wicked solution to a hard problem.
I already forgot about the Pokemon Go attempt to interfere in the elections.
That had to been one of the best intelligence operations in history. Far surpassing "Operation Mincemeat."
"Were they something that were capable of affecting voters' decision? Show me!" You mean, like, with data and stuff?
Sorry, progs don't need no stinkin' data.
Sorry progs, we don't need no stinkin' data.
Jesus made the world, and he especially loves 'Murica.
And, climate scientists are a Chinese fraud.
Also, tax cuts pay for themselves.
Hence, zero percent tax (for job creators) results in the same gov revenue.
Data says so.
I don't know about anyone else but I was a Clinton voter until I realized she wanted to box Jesus while wearing a devil suit. I already knew Buff Bernie suffered from toxic masculinity.
This whole Russia thing is completely insane.
This whole Russia interference started with The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends. Those two evil Russians, Boris and Natasha have been interfering with (and being successful at) stealing elections ever since. And now a coloring book? It's all over for us, isn't it?
Bernie honeymooned in the USSR. I can see why the commies used him for their campaign.
as a precise refresher, here is the smoking cigar video:
This is what F-ed WJC.
So, ya (i.e. cons) gots ta say that this was terrible. And then, ya got three more years to tell us why DJT is good.
And, y'all still can't see why so many libs are so quick to drive the bus over Bubba. And BTW, they'll drive it over HRC too, over and over (at this point, what difference does it make). All that is prep work that just makes the eventual, figurative, lacerations more gory.
Bernie was not one that came out over the rainbow. As I recall, it was Democratic collusion that denied Bernie the candidacy. Something similar happened in Chicago with Obama and his female competitor. Something similar happened, and is in progress, with Republican candidates, notably those who oppose the status quo of establishment solutions.
Hey Peanut Butter, your rants are incomprehensible. Is that PB rancid or laced with e coli?
"Is that PB rancid or laced with e coli?"
Late night comedians could have a field day with these ads if they didn't have an agenda to push.
If you know more than they do, why don't you make more than five, or so, million a year (not incl additional income) (as if that's big dough)?
Let me guess: the librul lame stream media kept ya from your destiny.
IOW, there isn't a paying market for your comedy POV. IOW, you suck cause of capitalsim.......errr.......ahhhh............#@^@$^T@# %R#^%#@@
[Quite the conundrum ya gots there.]
Fucking figures our intelligence agencies ALL 17 of THEM are stupid enough to pretend these ads are "proof" of russian manipulation. Christ, this is shakier than the WMD vans they thought Saddam was using before we invaded Iran in 2003. Are they really this incompetent? Someone please tell me this is a joke.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...The biggest trick is the one the Clitnons keep pulling on us. They are both corrupt - he's a lying rapist, and she's a lying power-obsessed money grubber. The Clitnon media won't talk about Clitnon or Menendez.
Lefties so seldom speak out against female genital mutilation -- it makes me wonder if they're in the same boat as "The Man."
We have laws re requirements re who pushes political ads in the states (though, thank baby Heyzeus, the supremes are working hard to limit these). E.g. rules re foreign dough.
But, it seems like a good idea to keep the Russians as a special class of political influencer such that they are allowed to subvert the rules. After all, they are contributing to the profitability of FB. Hence elitist America wins (incl re the derivative effects, i.e. tax rates for job creators).
If it turns out that in some future election cycle the D are more simpatico re Russians instead of the current DJT Commie palling around, then I'm sure that you'll agree that it's still cool for the Russians to spend dough re manipulating Americans to vote for Ds.
Left coast elitist FB makes the same rubles either way. [Technically, the FBs could make less dough if the Ds don't give them more job creator incentives. But, at least they snatch some Russian ad dough.]
Is there anything the Russians didnt get from us, cooperation in Syria in return for the Iran deal, a funding source for cuba, cutbacks in fracking, national defense, a wide open piggy bank in the exchanges.
So 100k in facebook ads spread out over 2 years is what tipped the balance to trump? Do you really believe that? I don't care if it was the Belgians, this is nonsense on stilts. This is the best you got? Seriously?
What kind of socialist whines that someone stole their stuff?
Socialism is all about stealing other people's stuff.
That's like, the whole point.
Can someone please explain how this gay bernie sanders coloring book helped trump and hurt hillary? 100k spread out over 2 years. So for $136 a day the russians had the foresight to undermine hillary's presidential run with gay bernie sanders coloring book ads and Pokemon Go. Yeah,now that I write it out it all makes more sense.
It's fine if you're in favor of Russians breaking American laws and influencing our elections.
I'm still not in favor of it.
Different strokes fer different folks.
sitzspinkler please explain how the russian's influenced the election? Because our hapless deep state "experts" say so? The russki's aren't our pals and have never been but you need to do better. This is the proof? Gay bernie sanders comic books? Really?
Is this really an example of a Facebook Russian ad? Or is just a thing to say the Russians interfered with our election because here’s a squirrel?
t's fine if you're in favor of Russians breaking American laws and influencing our elections.
Yeah, it's not like Hillary's campaign paid millions of dollars to a law firm in the UK and reported it as "legal expenses" and that law firm used those millions to pay one of Putin's spies for dirt on Trump or anything. Not like that ever happened! And if it did, it would have been fine anyway because there are enough shell corporations to stop the guilt from ever reaching her!
And it's not like the press slapped up the anti-Trump stuff that the Putin spy produced, and at the same time reported that Hillary never used it in her campaign!
Because we know that if all of that were true, Peanut Butters would have been really upset with Hillary, which we know he is not, or at least wasn't until a couple of days ago, he may have changed his mind now that the press has broken omertà on the Broaddrick forcible rape.
I guess if Hillary called it "legal expenses" that made all of the expenses "legal"! Kind of like the meaning of "is" or calling yourself AntiFa even though you use all of the most odious tactics that the fascists used, for example, to impose Apartheid on South Africa.
anti-desitter space is so jealous of US campaign laws! Any violation, no matter how trivial, is to be strongly deplored! Right Peanut Butters?
Oh yeah, and if Russia wanted to get conservative Democrats upset with their party, a better tactic would have been to put pizza parlors and bakeries out of business with huge fines because they weren't pro-gay enough. A coloring book? Really Earnest Prole? Do you really think that without these coloring books, nobody would be aware of Bradley Manning the traitor, swapping sexes and then getting out of prison for almost no time? Or the massive media blitz on transgenders, gay marriage, and the like?
Yeesh! What does it take to be clueless enough to believe that kind of shit?
ALERT: Blue collar wages surging. MUST NOT CREDIT TRUMP. Also, whatever you do, do not mention decreased i_____tion as a factor. Mickey Kaus.
This Russian stuff is like fourth level chess.
"Every single future post from our resident lefties still carrying water for the Trump-Russia collusion theory should be responded to only with that image. Too bad we can't embed images here."
I don't think any of the "resident lefties" here believe in the Trump-Russia collusion theory.
“Lightweight” and “inane”. Two words that should be used more often about the current generation of pols.
"Robert Cook said...
I don't think any of the "resident lefties" here believe in the Trump-Russia collusion theory."
Really? Because Inga aka Unknown thinks the righties here have created a false reality denying it.
I have soooo been looking for those National Lampoon comics from the Watergate circus. If you know which issues please tell me so I can try to find them on eBay. The same artist did the horrible adventures of Deadman (before Deadpool was fashionable) and something called Phoebe Zeitgeist, which was ghastly enough to overcome my attempts to recall what it was about. Please tell me. I blog at Libertariantranslator and Expatriotas and have been searching for ages for these issues.
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