Mark Steyn made an interesting comment on Tucker Carlson when he said he thought the reason the Democratic party has made such a violent lurch to the [loony] left is that the party's moderate wing have shown themselves to be such a bunch of corrupt and morally deficient people.
Bill Clinton was on Conan a day or so ago. You can find multiple clips on YouTube.
Bill looks good and speaks as well as he always did. A little hoarse, as always, but a bit more.
His hands are shaking. I have tremor at a relatively young age. People tend to judge that harshly, with good reason, I think. If some guy like Bill Clinton walks up and can't hold his hand steadily, you might think he's a druggie.
He also talks about immigration policies. Interesting thoughts.
Oh, sure: Facebook is experimenting with a new way to prevent the posting of so-called revenge porn that involves a highly questionable requirement. Potential victims must send nude pictures of themselves through the social network's official messenger so the images can be viewed, in full, unedited form, by an employee of the social network.
The policies of declaring and enforcing sanctions against unpopular regimes may come from the liberal intelligentsia's conviction that they are such wonderfully moral and upright people that they can do this, and the people of the targeted nations will blame their nefarious leaders for their woes, and rise up against them, rather than blame the ones who imposed the sanctions and actually are to blame. However, from what I can see, the sanctions tend to work contrarily to their intent; the people in the affected countries tend to feel discriminated against as a nation, and they back their own leaders, however bad they may be, against the foreigners.
I am one of the most popular transsexual escorts in Hollywood. It might sound like bragging, but it is true, so don't be bitchy. Rich and famous men use my services on a repeat basis because I have a very sensuous mouth and I am discreet...
I have one client you would know -- he is a famous Hollywood actor, but -- as I said -- I need to be discreet, so I will only tell you that he is a Scientologist who looked fabulous in a disco movie in the Seventies...
I remember when I first sucked his cock. He was in bliss, but he couldn't come unless I let him fondle my balls. He was very clear: he was not gay, but he liked women who had male genitalia. I told him that most of my clients identify that way, and that seemed to make him happy...
He asked me if I serviced another famous Hollywood actor -- to be discreet I will only say that he is a Scientologist who starred as a fighter pilot in a very homoerotic movie in the Eighties...
I told him that I could not betray such private information, but -- yeah -- I HAVE sucked his cock...
I don't know what it is about Hollywood Scientologists: they REALLY love the women with cocks. Maybe this is covered in 'Dianetics' or something -- I don't know, I haven't read it. Although both actors have given me copies. And a DVD of "Battlefield Earth"...
This is pretty amazing: Boy is given new skin thanks to gene therapy "... the transplantation of genetically modified epidermal stem cells. Obtained from the patient via skin biopsy, these stem cells were processed in Modena. The researchers transferred the intact gene into acquired stem cells. During this process, so-called retroviral vectors were deployed, i.e. virus particles that had been specifically modified for gene transfer."
I read some guy from "GQ" saying Paul "deserved it" because he's a crazy libertarian who believes that his private property rights include growing pumpkins rather than the HOA required lawn.
"After the male mounts her, the female drops a dragline and they mate in mid-air.
If the male is killed before completing copulation, the male sperm is removed and the male is then eaten. If the male finishes mating before being killed, the sperm is kept for fertilization and the male is eaten. A majority of males are killed during sexual encounters."
@Clayton Hennessy, that’s easy. There is a 1/4” thick sheet of steel under the table and powerful electromagnets on the bottom of the cups. The real trick is getting the liquid to stay in the cups.
With the Hollywood Scientologists it isn't only the men who use my services...
There is an actress who was on a popular show in the Eighties -- to be discreet, I will just mention that it took place in a bar and starred Ted Danson -- and she is one of my regulars...
Sometimes we have sex, but often she just wants to talk about her life. She has put on a lot of weight over the years, and doesn't want to be judged by men on her looks, so she feels more comfortable with a transsexual ramming her cock into her vagina...
She has been terribly conflicted, lately. She is a Level Seven Operating Thetan -- I'm not sure what that means, but she says it means she should be able to have immunity from physical ailment, psychic abilities, super intelligence, telekinesis and mind control. She says she has all of this, but still just keeps getting fatter...
This makes her sad, which makes her eat more. Me, I don't understand it: if I had all of those superpowers I would be feeling pretty good with myself, but then I've never had a weight problem -- I have always been svelte, even without Scientology...
After months of being blocked at work as "pornography," the Althouse blog is finally available again!
That was Laslo's fault.
Really, those Net Nanny type of blockers are just stupid. I was trying to help a patron at our library, where I am a volunteer librarian, look up some things on our public computers. We were attempting to find and possibly download some plans for chicken coops. She wanted plans that would house about 20 birds. Found a lot of possible sites on our Google search and .....they were mostly blocked!
The websites for chicken coops and chicken coop plans were blocks as being inappropriate contents. WTF! Inappropriate CHICKEN coops? Nasty chickens? We had to give up.
Blogger Big Mike said... @Oso, when and how did that happen?
11/9/17, 10:11 AM
Check the thread on Trump in Korea, Big Mike. Titus shows up, takes a couple of potshots at Althouse unrelated to the thread, and exits, stage left, apparently forever.
Tuesday was iambic keyer revolt day. An unusual number of hams were getting strange output from their morse code keys.
Rather than having a mechanical thing that you might get an intuition about, iambic keyers have electronic timing gates that are not obvious to intuition, so open to surprises now and then when you're a tad early or a tad late. Tuesday was tad off day.
"In July, Robert Manson, a unit chief in the F.B.I.’s international terrorism section, had his Glock .40-caliber handgun, a $6,000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash stolen [by a prostitute] from his room at the Westin hotel in Charlotte, N.C., according to a police report."
Trump is still going after the NFL about honoring our flag's anthem. He had the band play Stars and Stripes Forever on his walk up to the mass Chinese Ceremony today.
In a "no shit" moment, Sean Parker admits the obvious about Facebook and social media in general. I'm sure many people (more and more everyday) are realizing that social media is a purpose built addiction machine, exploiting our weaknesses, our little vanities and desires. But knowing a something is problematic and actually doing something about it are two different things.
Laslo, I like your new character. And it's nice that he is so discreet. I'm sure that makes him even more popular, especially with Scientologists who sometimes react unpleasantly--even dangerously!--to being outed.
After the abrupt resignation of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri [a Sunni] of Lebanon, who is now in Ryadh, the Saudi government has ordered Saudi citizens in Lebanon to leave ASAP and not to travel there. Hezbolla [Shi'a] appears to be gaining the upper hand there and it looks like it could mean war. I just hope we stay the hell out of it.
Walter reports: Btw, Rand's unneighborly neighbor has plead not guilty. Maybe it was Bigfoot..
Their HOA president called Rand Paul 'troublesome' but Boucher 'a perfect resident'. I guess physically assaulting your neighbor is OK as long as you obey all the landscaping rules.
The New York premiere of Louis C.K.'s upcoming film title “I Love You, Daddy” was canceled due to “unexpected circumstances,” The Hollywood Reporter revealed Thursday.
However, a source told the publication that a New York Times story concerning the comedian is about to break, and the cancellation was a precaution in the event that their report is damaging.
In addition to the premiere, his scheduled appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” was also cancelled. Actor William H. Macy took will take his place on the CBS late night show.
In the past, the comedian has been accused of sexual misconduct by female comedians. Gawker published an article two years ago detailing allegations against C.K. while writer and comedian Tig Notaro told the Daily Beast in August that the comedian needed to “handle the allegations.”
"However, a source told the publication that a New York Times story concerning the comedian is about to break, and the cancellation was a precaution in the event that their report is damaging."
This whole sexual harassment thing is beginning to remind me of South Park's "Troll Trace" concept. In the series, Norway constructs a massive server that is set to reveal the identities behind every post ever made on the Internet. How long does this need to go on before every single man with a shred of power is found to have grabbed an ass once at a party 20 years ago?
So many many blogposts about Weinstein, the sexual predator and accused rapist, so will the Judge Roy Moore sexual assault and predation accusations receive as much attention?
The Republican candidate in Alabama’s Senate race reportedly molested a teenage girl in 1979.We already know that Roy Moore doesn’t believe Muslims should serve in Congress and that God did 9/11 because of gay people. One Alabama woman now says he’s also a child molester. The Washington Post reported on Thursday afternoon that Moore, the Republican candidate for Jeff Sessions’s old seat in the U.S. Senate, sexually assaulted Leigh Corfman when she was 14 and he was 32.
“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.” The Post also interviewed three other women who reported disturbing encounters with Moore during their teenage years. The encounters were reportedly “dates,” during which Moore sometimes purchased alcohol for the underaged girls to drink; they say sexual activity did not occur. Moore denies all the allegations, telling the Post that he blames “The National Democrat Party.”
I see shithead Mitch "Turkey" McConnell is trying to hand the Alabama Senate seat over to the Democrats. The WaPo does a hit piece on 70 y/o Judge Moore about something that happened 35 years ago.
Nothing is going to get better until we cleanse the Senate of McCain, Collins, Miss Lindsey, McConnell and the whole corrupt RINO establishment.
These motherfuckers don't care if they're in the minority, its all about getting $$$ from Paul Singer and the wealthy donors.
“The WaPo does a hit piece on 70 y/o Judge Moore about something that happened 35 years ago.”
If true, it was as wrong 35 years ago as it is today. Made even more egregious by the fact he was 35 years old and a person who holds the public trust as a Judge. He has no business holding another position of authority.
Professor Althouse I am looking at your November 8 post about the anniversary of the Trump election:
The comments are a nice little exemplar of what has happened to your commentariat.
For my part, I didn't write a comment for that post. Not one. But I am mentioned by name in the very first comment, by the unendingly obnoxious "Drago," again later in the comments by "Ken B" and for a third time by "Annie," presumptively, as "LLR," the now common acronym for "lifelong Republican."
For his part, Drago makes the baseless presumption that the left-leaning media figures in the video are my "heroes." In fact, not one person on that video is a hero of mine. It is just the purest form of habitual trash-talk from Drago. An insult, with absolutely no basis in reality, and no real attempt at intelligent discussion of the subject of your post.
Then there was "Ken B" who wrote that I am a person who "pooh-poohed" some of the recent criminal outrages: "'punch a Nazi', probably Rand Paul, the softball game shoot'em up, this recent church shooting. These were all actions by persons possessed of the kind of rage valorized on the left."
I have never written a word of tolerance of any kind for any of those crimes. I don't know who Ken B is, or where he steps off with that sort of libel of me. Ken won't be able to come up with a quote or an excerpt from any of my writing that indicates any sort of tolerance for any of that from me. It's a fake statement from Ken. It's a lie. And of course it's a nasty lie as well. It's not a mistake.
Then toward the end of the comments there is commenter "Annie," with this little pile of garbage: Annie said... Many here have forgotten or missed the fact that the GOPe and LLR were positively giddy over a Hillary presidency and are now beside themselves she lost. I have no doubt they are purposefully sabotaging the agenda they all ran on so that Trump fails, even if it means losing both houses, they hate him that bad. The Uniparty will punish those deplorables if it is the last thing they do.
I have never written one word of support for Hillary Clinton on this blog. I voted for Trump, as the distasteful "least worst option." That ought to tell a sentient being what I thought about Hillary, but that's probably asking too much of Annie. I was never "giddy" at the thought of another Clinton presidency. I know of not one Republican who was anything like "giddy over a Hillary presidency." Annie will you name one? A link, perhaps, with solid proof? How about me?
This is just more nasty trash-talk in you commentariat, Professor Althouse. But you knew that. My purpose in writing here is to remind you rather pointedly where the personalizing originates. Who the bullies are among your regular commenters.
You, Althouse, know very well that this isn't a "Chuck" problem because you know better than anyone that my time as a commenter on your blog predates Donald Trump, and that pre-Trump I was not the subject of such regular personalizing. My interests were in you law posts, in your views on Constitutional and federalism cases, the issues pertaining to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the Madison protests, P.A. 10, etc., etc. Many of your current-breed commenters don't even remember my participation from that time.
It is only in the era of Trump, and on the subject of Trump, that we have seen the sort of thuggishness now regularly seen among your commenters.
If the allegations are true then (1) Judge Moore should bow out and (2) Steve Bannon needs to do a little soul-searching about his unwillingness to properly vet a candidate before offering his support. Of course if the allegations are true neither will happen.
OTOH, I was just reading about a young man expelled from Hamilton College on the eve of his graduation thanks to four women totally making up sexual harassment complaints about him. And I think of the dozen allegations against Donald Trump, and how many of them were debunked by third parties who were there at the time. So pardon my skepticism, but American women, as an identity group, have earned it.
“(2) Steve Bannon needs to do a little soul-searching about his unwillingness to properly vet a candidate before offering his support. Of course if the allegations are true neither will happen.”
Ya think? Yes, he very nicely endorsed Gillespie, lol.
Isn't it odd that "Lets go for a drive" Teddy Kennedy was every RINO's best-friend-for-ever and no one cared? Or that Sen Byrd was a former KKK Member - but still was made majority leader?
Remember that McCain was involved in the Keating scandal? Or that Billy bob Clinton and Hillary have lied and committed so many ethical violations?
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
Dear Chuck, please bring a nice brie next time you offer up so much w(h)ine. Your comments regarding Donald Trump are egregious and often out of line. Not always, but often. Expect push back and suck it up, buttercup. Real Republicans such as I spent eight years having to suck it up; you can do it if you try.
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.
“He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.”
He allegedly took off his clothes and her clothes, felt her up and had her give feel him up. She was a 13 year old girl. He was 32 and in a position of public trust and used that position to make contact with these girls. Sheesh, you people really have lost your moral compass.
Ya can’t make this stuff up. What next, make it legal to marry 13 year olds? Or maybe it already is in Alabama?
““There is nothing to see here,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler told the Washington Examiner. “The allegations are that a man in his early 30s dated teenage girls. Even the Washington Post report says that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the girls and never attempted sexual intercourse.”
Ziegler seemed unconcerned about that allegation and told the Washington Examiner that any political concern would be mitigated by three things. Moore never had “sexual intercourse” with the girl. Their relationship “happened almost 40 years ago.” And finally, “Roy Moore fell in love with one of the younger women.”
He’s clean as a hound’s tooth,” Ziegler claimed, before relying on Scripture to defend Moore.
“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler said choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.””
@Unknown, the allegation is serious, if it’s true. That’s a big “if.” There’s been a lot of lying by women in the past couple years, and why has this allegation not come out before? You are a h8er, do you find the allegation perfectly believable. You might even be right (blind pigs and truffles, y’know). But a reasonable man (not that thoroughly unreasonable man) wants more than a mere allegation from a 35 years ago. Want some proof. Sorry ‘bout that.
“He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.”
I agree, it's not Harvey Weinstein territory, but if it's not a big deal, would he be denying it?
"Isn't it odd that "Lets go for a drive" Teddy Kennedy was every RINO's best-friend-for-ever and no one cared? Or that Sen Byrd was a former KKK Member - but still was made majority leader?
Remember that McCain was involved in the Keating scandal? Or that Billy bob Clinton and Hillary have lied and committed so many ethical violations?
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
Hagar said... Mark Steyn made an interesting comment on Tucker Carlson when he said he thought the reason the Democratic party has made such a violent lurch to the [loony] left is that the party's moderate wing have shown themselves to be such a bunch of corrupt and morally deficient people.
11/9/17, 8:50 AM
Wasn't that a big part of the Taliban's early appeal?
The moderate GOP have also shown themselves to be corrupt and morally deficient. There is virtually no difference between the parties other than a few social issues injected to keep the masses in tow.
On television, CNN took a leading role in lauding Silveria. Anchor Brooke Baldwin began a segment on the general by saying, "Some say the president's rhetoric is divisive, not that of a commander in chief. Others will say that's why they love him. What is true, whether you agree with him or not, he has a tendency to go too far, to divide rather than unite.
There's a moment I wanted to share with you today that has so many people saying, 'Those are the words of a leader,' at a time when the divided nation needs them most."
Baldwin played a long clip of Silveria's speech and then introduced a live interview with Silveria himself. She began the interview with, "May I just say, bravo."
CNN's Don Lemon also reported the Silveria story as a Trump story. "I really hope the president is watching tonight as well as his supporters," Lemon said, adding that Silveria's words "are a stark reminder of everything our president is not saying. The general knows there aren't many sides to racism. He knows people who protest inequality are not sons of bitches. The president should be ashamed of himself for dividing America."
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Mark Steyn made an interesting comment on Tucker Carlson when he said he thought the reason the Democratic party has made such a violent lurch to the [loony] left is that the party's moderate wing have shown themselves to be such a bunch of corrupt and morally deficient people.
How do you keep those cups from sliding off the table?
Bill Clinton was on Conan a day or so ago. You can find multiple clips on YouTube.
Bill looks good and speaks as well as he always did. A little hoarse, as always, but a bit more.
His hands are shaking. I have tremor at a relatively young age. People tend to judge that harshly, with good reason, I think. If some guy like Bill Clinton walks up and can't hold his hand steadily, you might think he's a druggie.
He also talks about immigration policies. Interesting thoughts.
Oh, sure:
Facebook is experimenting with a new way to prevent the posting of so-called revenge porn that involves a highly questionable requirement. Potential victims must send nude pictures of themselves through the social network's official messenger so the images can be viewed, in full, unedited form, by an employee of the social network.
The policies of declaring and enforcing sanctions against unpopular regimes may come from the liberal intelligentsia's conviction that they are such wonderfully moral and upright people that they can do this, and the people of the targeted nations will blame their nefarious leaders for their woes, and rise up against them, rather than blame the ones who imposed the sanctions and actually are to blame.
However, from what I can see, the sanctions tend to work contrarily to their intent; the people in the affected countries tend to feel discriminated against as a nation, and they back their own leaders, however bad they may be, against the foreigners.
@FullMoon, I saw that too. It had me wondering whether Facebook hires retirees.
Trump would win an election in China today, but the Chinese don't vote. Go figure.
Someday we should have a cafe which looks like a normal cafe but you're only allowed to talk about coffee.
After months of being blocked at work as "pornography," the Althouse blog is finally available again!
"After months of being blocked at work as "pornography," the Althouse blog is finally available again!"
It was the onion rings.
An excellent set of postings this morning!
Nikki Femme, Transsexual Hollywood Escort...
I am one of the most popular transsexual escorts in Hollywood. It might sound like bragging, but it is true, so don't be bitchy. Rich and famous men use my services on a repeat basis because I have a very sensuous mouth and I am discreet...
I have one client you would know -- he is a famous Hollywood actor, but -- as I said -- I need to be discreet, so I will only tell you that he is a Scientologist who looked fabulous in a disco movie in the Seventies...
I remember when I first sucked his cock. He was in bliss, but he couldn't come unless I let him fondle my balls. He was very clear: he was not gay, but he liked women who had male genitalia. I told him that most of my clients identify that way, and that seemed to make him happy...
He asked me if I serviced another famous Hollywood actor -- to be discreet I will only say that he is a Scientologist who starred as a fighter pilot in a very homoerotic movie in the Eighties...
I told him that I could not betray such private information, but -- yeah -- I HAVE sucked his cock...
I don't know what it is about Hollywood Scientologists: they REALLY love the women with cocks. Maybe this is covered in 'Dianetics' or something -- I don't know, I haven't read it. Although both actors have given me copies. And a DVD of "Battlefield Earth"...
I am Laslo.
Buncha inneresting stuff on sciencedaily -
Primary care consultations last less than 5 minutes for half the world's population
But range from 48 seconds in Bangladesh to 22.5 minutes in Sweden
Potential 'missing link' in chemistry that led to life on Earth discovered
Why do we believe in gods? Religious belief 'not linked to intuition or rational thinking'
Cockatoos select the right key to insert into a 'keyhole'
This is pretty amazing:
Boy is given new skin thanks to gene therapy
"... the transplantation of genetically modified epidermal stem cells. Obtained from the patient via skin biopsy, these stem cells were processed in Modena. The researchers transferred the intact gene into acquired stem cells. During this process, so-called retroviral vectors were deployed, i.e. virus particles that had been specifically modified for gene transfer."
First "goddess" Ivanka, now her beautiful little daughter speaking Mandarin. I think the Chinese see President Trump as the Great White Father.
Either that, or they're going for the jugular.
More Rand Paul attack news.
“After months of being blocked at work as "pornography," the Althouse blog is finally available again!”
Too bad the word “fuck” is in a post title today.
Probably got flagged for showing some museum painting or sculpture of a nude.
I am not going to rein stuff like that in to appease a mindless robot.
I try.
It involves rejecting an awful lot of stuff that could easily be a post. So much link bait out there.
If I say "John Travolta," do I win anything?
dreams said...
More Rand Paul attack news.
I read some guy from "GQ" saying Paul "deserved it" because he's a crazy libertarian who believes that his private property rights include growing pumpkins rather than the HOA required lawn.
Oh, here is the original, which I haven't read.
Chinese acrobats:
"After the male mounts her, the female drops a dragline and they mate in mid-air.
If the male is killed before completing copulation, the male sperm is removed and the male is then eaten. If the male finishes mating before being killed, the sperm is kept for fertilization and the male is eaten. A majority of males are killed during sexual encounters."
@Clayton Hennessy, that’s easy. There is a 1/4” thick sheet of steel under the table and powerful electromagnets on the bottom of the cups. The real trick is getting the liquid to stay in the cups.
Top Gun was about the gayest hit movie evee. There's a hilarious YouTube video on it.
Big Mike said...
@FullMoon, I saw that too. It had me wondering whether Facebook hires retirees.
11/9/17, 9:02 AM
Sure, you need to send a full frontal with your resume.
I am curious as to what made Titus finally flame out. Thoughts? Anyone?
I am curious as to what made Titus finally flame out. Thoughts? Anyone?
Whoever created the character 'Titus' got tired of it. How better to make an exit ?
@FullMoon, good to know.
@Oso, when and how did that happen?
I am not going to rein stuff like that in to appease a mindless robot.
Hey, no personal attacks on other commenters!
I have a theory that every once in a while his husband opens his computer and uses his handle.
I really don't like it when people ask me to be intellectually dishonest in order to prove I don't hate them.
Nikki Femme, Transsexual Hollywood Escort...
With the Hollywood Scientologists it isn't only the men who use my services...
There is an actress who was on a popular show in the Eighties -- to be discreet, I will just mention that it took place in a bar and starred Ted Danson -- and she is one of my regulars...
Sometimes we have sex, but often she just wants to talk about her life. She has put on a lot of weight over the years, and doesn't want to be judged by men on her looks, so she feels more comfortable with a transsexual ramming her cock into her vagina...
She has been terribly conflicted, lately. She is a Level Seven Operating Thetan -- I'm not sure what that means, but she says it means she should be able to have immunity from physical ailment, psychic abilities, super intelligence, telekinesis and mind control. She says she has all of this, but still just keeps getting fatter...
This makes her sad, which makes her eat more. Me, I don't understand it: if I had all of those superpowers I would be feeling pretty good with myself, but then I've never had a weight problem -- I have always been svelte, even without Scientology...
I am Laslo.
After months of being blocked at work as "pornography," the Althouse blog is finally available again!
That was Laslo's fault.
Really, those Net Nanny type of blockers are just stupid. I was trying to help a patron at our library, where I am a volunteer librarian, look up some things on our public computers. We were attempting to find and possibly download some plans for chicken coops. She wanted plans that would house about 20 birds. Found a lot of possible sites on our Google search and .....they were mostly blocked!
The websites for chicken coops and chicken coop plans were blocks as being inappropriate contents. WTF! Inappropriate CHICKEN coops? Nasty chickens? We had to give up.
Blogger Big Mike said...
@Oso, when and how did that happen?
11/9/17, 10:11 AM
Check the thread on Trump in Korea, Big Mike. Titus shows up, takes a couple of potshots at Althouse unrelated to the thread, and exits, stage left, apparently forever.
This article is pretty bogus (crooked agent was "smeared") but is has a picture of Pudgy FBI Agent Joseph Astarita has been indicted for lying and obstruction of justice when he murdered Finicum and failed to report it.
He hid the spent casings.
Tuesday was iambic keyer revolt day. An unusual number of hams were getting strange output from their morse code keys.
Rather than having a mechanical thing that you might get an intuition about, iambic keyers have electronic timing gates that are not obvious to intuition, so open to surprises now and then when you're a tad early or a tad late. Tuesday was tad off day.
Surfing the Internet at work, is like cheating on your wife.
"In July, Robert Manson, a unit chief in the F.B.I.’s international terrorism section, had his Glock .40-caliber handgun, a $6,000 Rolex watch and $60 in cash stolen [by a prostitute] from his room at the Westin hotel in Charlotte, N.C., according to a police report."
The Pope has shut down tobacco sales in Vatican City.
The expected loss is $11 million a year. No word yet on booze, playing cards, and "pee like a man" urination funnels.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
Inappropriate CHICKEN coops? Nasty chickens?
I eats more chicken anybody ever seen
Best line ever in rock or blues:
"The judge wife cryin' 'Let the man go free'!"
How much time can you really spend studying chicken coops? But it's probably all of the talk about cocks.
Trump is still going after the NFL about honoring our flag's anthem. He had the band play Stars and Stripes Forever on his walk up to the mass Chinese Ceremony today.
There's a BBQ place in Seneca, South Carolina called Rib King, that has a sign that reads:
"Best Breast You Will Ever Put Your Lips On"
It sounds kind of vulgar. My wife said I couldn't have one, and we went to the Little Red Pig BBQ stand next door.
All the way home, I couldn't stop thinking of chicken on a stick. It's like a song you can't get out of your head.
In a "no shit" moment, Sean Parker admits the obvious about Facebook and social media in general. I'm sure many people (more and more everyday) are realizing that social media is a purpose built addiction machine, exploiting our weaknesses, our little vanities and desires. But knowing a something is problematic and actually doing something about it are two different things.
Laslo, I like your new character. And it's nice that he is so discreet. I'm sure that makes him even more popular, especially with Scientologists who sometimes react unpleasantly--even dangerously!--to being outed.
Etienne said...
"Best Breast You Will Ever Put Your Lips On"
There was a BBQ place in NH that had a sign:
To get a better piece of chicken, you'd have to be a rooster.
My wife was quite amused, but we never ate there.
@Oso, thx.
mockturtle said...
Laslo, I like your new character. And it's nice that he is so discreet.
After the abrupt resignation of Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri [a Sunni] of Lebanon, who is now in Ryadh, the Saudi government has ordered Saudi citizens in Lebanon to leave ASAP and not to travel there. Hezbolla [Shi'a] appears to be gaining the upper hand there and it looks like it could mean war. I just hope we stay the hell out of it.
Watched a German Documentary on Pottery Making. Odd handle on that coffee mug.
"Watched a German Documentary on Pottery Making..."
I watched a film called "Two Girls, One Cup". It wasn't German, though.
I am Laslo.
No..this is German: "Zwei Mädchen, eine Tasse"
Btw, Rand's unneighborly neighbor has plead not guilty.
Maybe it was Bigfoot..
Walter reports: Btw, Rand's unneighborly neighbor has plead not guilty.
Maybe it was Bigfoot..
Their HOA president called Rand Paul 'troublesome' but Boucher 'a perfect resident'. I guess physically assaulting your neighbor is OK as long as you obey all the landscaping rules.
The latest on the two women and two dogs lost at sea:
The Taiwanese fishing boat that found them didn't try to rescue them, it tried to kill them!
The New York premiere of Louis C.K.'s upcoming film title “I Love You, Daddy” was canceled due to “unexpected circumstances,” The Hollywood Reporter revealed Thursday.
However, a source told the publication that a New York Times story concerning the comedian is about to break, and the cancellation was a precaution in the event that their report is damaging.
In addition to the premiere, his scheduled appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” was also cancelled. Actor William H. Macy took will take his place on the CBS late night show.
In the past, the comedian has been accused of sexual misconduct by female comedians. Gawker published an article two years ago detailing allegations against C.K. while writer and comedian Tig Notaro told the Daily Beast in August that the comedian needed to “handle the allegations.”
"However, a source told the publication that a New York Times story concerning the comedian is about to break, and the cancellation was a precaution in the event that their report is damaging."
Maybe Louis did to these women what he said he wanted to do to Sarah Palin. Louis C.K. Drunk Tweets From a Plane.
I am Laslo.
Walter reports: Btw, Rand's unneighborly neighbor has plead not guilty.
Maybe it was Bigfoot..
Maybe Boucher was rescuing Rand from bigfoot?
In the past, the comedian has been accused of sexual misconduct by female comedians.
Louisck? The fat balding ginger who tells everyone else how to be? That guy? Unpossible!
It's official: it's the beginning of the end of Louis CK...
This whole sexual harassment thing is beginning to remind me of South Park's "Troll Trace" concept. In the series, Norway constructs a massive server that is set to reveal the identities behind every post ever made on the Internet. How long does this need to go on before every single man with a shred of power is found to have grabbed an ass once at a party 20 years ago?
Aw fuck, even Jim Jefferies bowed down to pressure and had to humble himself even though he doesn't have any allegations made against him:
Its a good thing Don Rickles isn't alive to see this.
Roy Moore has been accused of trying to have sex with a 14-year-old. The incident supposedly took place around 40 years ago.
As far as election surprises go, that one is a whopper.
So many many blogposts about Weinstein, the sexual predator and accused rapist, so will the Judge Roy Moore sexual assault and predation accusations receive as much attention?
The Republican candidate in Alabama’s Senate race reportedly molested a teenage girl in 1979.We already know that Roy Moore doesn’t believe Muslims should serve in Congress and that God did 9/11 because of gay people. One Alabama woman now says he’s also a child molester. The Washington Post reported on Thursday afternoon that Moore, the Republican candidate for Jeff Sessions’s old seat in the U.S. Senate, sexually assaulted Leigh Corfman when she was 14 and he was 32.
“I wanted it over with — I wanted out,” she remembers thinking. “Please just get this over with. Whatever this is, just get it over.”
The Post also interviewed three other women who reported disturbing encounters with Moore during their teenage years. The encounters were reportedly “dates,” during which Moore sometimes purchased alcohol for the underaged girls to drink; they say sexual activity did not occur. Moore denies all the allegations, telling the Post that he blames “The National Democrat Party.”
I see shithead Mitch "Turkey" McConnell is trying to hand the Alabama Senate seat over to the Democrats. The WaPo does a hit piece on 70 y/o Judge Moore about something that happened 35 years ago.
Nothing is going to get better until we cleanse the Senate of McCain, Collins, Miss Lindsey, McConnell and the whole corrupt RINO establishment.
These motherfuckers don't care if they're in the minority, its all about getting $$$ from Paul Singer and the wealthy donors.
Women coming forward is the means by which stars are taken out of film roles and put into reality shows.
It's the same stars though.
“The WaPo does a hit piece on 70 y/o Judge Moore about something that happened 35 years ago.”
If true, it was as wrong 35 years ago as it is today. Made even more egregious by the fact he was 35 years old and a person who holds the public trust as a Judge. He has no business holding another position of authority.
Boy, that one "if true " is doing a whole lot of work.
Professor Althouse I am looking at your November 8 post about the anniversary of the Trump election:
The comments are a nice little exemplar of what has happened to your commentariat.
For my part, I didn't write a comment for that post. Not one. But I am mentioned by name in the very first comment, by the unendingly obnoxious "Drago," again later in the comments by "Ken B" and for a third time by "Annie," presumptively, as "LLR," the now common acronym for "lifelong Republican."
For his part, Drago makes the baseless presumption that the left-leaning media figures in the video are my "heroes." In fact, not one person on that video is a hero of mine. It is just the purest form of habitual trash-talk from Drago. An insult, with absolutely no basis in reality, and no real attempt at intelligent discussion of the subject of your post.
Then there was "Ken B" who wrote that I am a person who "pooh-poohed" some of the recent criminal outrages: "'punch a Nazi', probably Rand Paul, the softball game shoot'em up, this recent church shooting. These were all actions by persons possessed of the kind of rage valorized on the left."
I have never written a word of tolerance of any kind for any of those crimes. I don't know who Ken B is, or where he steps off with that sort of libel of me. Ken won't be able to come up with a quote or an excerpt from any of my writing that indicates any sort of tolerance for any of that from me. It's a fake statement from Ken. It's a lie. And of course it's a nasty lie as well. It's not a mistake.
Then toward the end of the comments there is commenter "Annie," with this little pile of garbage:
Annie said...
Many here have forgotten or missed the fact that the GOPe and LLR were positively giddy over a Hillary presidency and are now beside themselves she lost. I have no doubt they are purposefully sabotaging the agenda they all ran on so that Trump fails, even if it means losing both houses, they hate him that bad. The Uniparty will punish those deplorables if it is the last thing they do.
I have never written one word of support for Hillary Clinton on this blog. I voted for Trump, as the distasteful "least worst option." That ought to tell a sentient being what I thought about Hillary, but that's probably asking too much of Annie. I was never "giddy" at the thought of another Clinton presidency. I know of not one Republican who was anything like "giddy over a Hillary presidency." Annie will you name one? A link, perhaps, with solid proof? How about me?
This is just more nasty trash-talk in you commentariat, Professor Althouse. But you knew that. My purpose in writing here is to remind you rather pointedly where the personalizing originates. Who the bullies are among your regular commenters.
You, Althouse, know very well that this isn't a "Chuck" problem because you know better than anyone that my time as a commenter on your blog predates Donald Trump, and that pre-Trump I was not the subject of such regular personalizing. My interests were in you law posts, in your views on Constitutional and federalism cases, the issues pertaining to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, the Madison protests, P.A. 10, etc., etc. Many of your current-breed commenters don't even remember my participation from that time.
It is only in the era of Trump, and on the subject of Trump, that we have seen the sort of thuggishness now regularly seen among your commenters.
If the allegations are true then (1) Judge Moore should bow out and (2) Steve Bannon needs to do a little soul-searching about his unwillingness to properly vet a candidate before offering his support. Of course if the allegations are true neither will happen.
OTOH, I was just reading about a young man expelled from Hamilton College on the eve of his graduation thanks to four women totally making up sexual harassment complaints about him. And I think of the dozen allegations against Donald Trump, and how many of them were debunked by third parties who were there at the time. So pardon my skepticism, but American women, as an identity group, have earned it.
"If the allegations are true then"
How does one prove "He said, she said" allegations are true or False?
35 years after the fact.
There is a reason for statutes of limitation. If people don't report offenses in a reasonable time period then they shouldn't be taken seriously.
If Moore had a thing for "underage girls" there should be a pattern. Not just a couple that the Left-wing WaPo dredged up from 35 years ago.
Funny how these women didn't come forth in the Moore's run for Gov or other state offices.
How Anita Hill like.
“(2) Steve Bannon needs to do a little soul-searching about his unwillingness to properly vet a candidate before offering his support. Of course if the allegations are true neither will happen.”
Ya think? Yes, he very nicely endorsed Gillespie, lol.
Isn't it odd that "Lets go for a drive" Teddy Kennedy was every RINO's best-friend-for-ever and no one cared? Or that Sen Byrd was a former KKK Member - but still was made majority leader?
Remember that McCain was involved in the Keating scandal? Or that Billy bob Clinton and Hillary have lied and committed so many ethical violations?
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
Sorry, no can do.
Dear Chuck, please bring a nice brie next time you offer up so much w(h)ine. Your comments regarding Donald Trump are egregious and often out of line. Not always, but often. Expect push back and suck it up, buttercup. Real Republicans such as I spent eight years having to suck it up; you can do it if you try.
@Unknown, Corey Stewart would have fought harder.
“It is only in the era of Trump, and on the subject of Trump, that we have seen the sort of thuggishness now regularly seen among your commenters.”
I’ve seen it here on these threads way before Trump, but Trump emboldens them.
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.
Will the last perv booted out of Hollywood please turn out the lights?
“He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.”
He allegedly took off his clothes and her clothes, felt her up and had her give feel him up. She was a 13 year old girl. He was 32 and in a position of public trust and used that position to make contact with these girls. Sheesh, you people really have lost your moral compass.
And she is now 53 years old. Why in God's name did she wait until now to 'come forward'?
Ya can’t make this stuff up. What next, make it legal to marry 13 year olds? Or maybe it already is in Alabama?
““There is nothing to see here,” Alabama State Auditor Jim Ziegler told the Washington Examiner. “The allegations are that a man in his early 30s dated teenage girls. Even the Washington Post report says that he never had sexual intercourse with any of the girls and never attempted sexual intercourse.”
Ziegler seemed unconcerned about that allegation and told the Washington Examiner that any political concern would be mitigated by three things. Moore never had “sexual intercourse” with the girl. Their relationship “happened almost 40 years ago.” And finally, “Roy Moore fell in love with one of the younger women.”
He’s clean as a hound’s tooth,” Ziegler claimed, before relying on Scripture to defend Moore.
“Take the Bible. Zachariah and Elizabeth for instance. Zachariah was extremely old to marry Elizabeth and they became the parents of John the Baptist,” Ziegler said choosing his words carefully before invoking Christ. “Also take Joseph and Mary. Mary was a teenager and Joseph was an adult carpenter. They became parents of Jesus.””
Maybe an ice-cold bath once a day isn't that bad an idea, after all.
“And she is now 53 years old. Why in God's name did she wait until now to 'come forward'?”
Maybe she got some courage after seeing all the women who came out to accuse another powerful man, Weinstein, of sexual assault.
@Unknown, the allegation is serious, if it’s true. That’s a big “if.” There’s been a lot of lying by women in the past couple years, and why has this allegation not come out before? You are a h8er, do you find the allegation perfectly believable. You might even be right (blind pigs and truffles, y’know). But a reasonable man (not that thoroughly unreasonable man) wants more than a mere allegation from a 35 years ago. Want some proof. Sorry ‘bout that.
I'm sorry, this Roy Moore thing is too convenient.
It's true, I'm sorry.
“He is alleged to have tried to have sex with a teenage girl 30 or 40 years ago. What 'tried' involves is anyone's guess. Maybe he told her she looked pretty.”
I agree, it's not Harvey Weinstein territory, but if it's not a big deal, would he be denying it?
"Isn't it odd that "Lets go for a drive" Teddy Kennedy was every RINO's best-friend-for-ever and no one cared? Or that Sen Byrd was a former KKK Member - but still was made majority leader?
Remember that McCain was involved in the Keating scandal? Or that Billy bob Clinton and Hillary have lied and committed so many ethical violations?
So, now I'm supposed to care that Moore may - or may not - have had "sexual relations with that woman" 35 years ago?
Sorry, no can do. "
And what about Hitler?
I agree, it's not Harvey Weinstein territory, but if it's not a big deal, would he be denying it?
Wait, what? Do you even logic, bro?
Hagar said...
Mark Steyn made an interesting comment on Tucker Carlson when he said he thought the reason the Democratic party has made such a violent lurch to the [loony] left is that the party's moderate wing have shown themselves to be such a bunch of corrupt and morally deficient people.
11/9/17, 8:50 AM
Wasn't that a big part of the Taliban's early appeal?
The moderate GOP have also shown themselves to be corrupt and morally deficient. There is virtually no difference between the parties other than a few social issues injected to keep the masses in tow.
Another "hate crime" hoax, this time at the AF Academy.
The MSM went full bore apeshit with it.
On television, CNN took a leading role in lauding Silveria. Anchor Brooke Baldwin began a segment on the general by saying, "Some say the president's rhetoric is divisive, not that of a commander in chief. Others will say that's why they love him. What is true, whether you agree with him or not, he has a tendency to go too far, to divide rather than unite.
There's a moment I wanted to share with you today that has so many people saying, 'Those are the words of a leader,' at a time when the divided nation needs them most."
Baldwin played a long clip of Silveria's speech and then introduced a live interview with Silveria himself. She began the interview with, "May I just say, bravo."
CNN's Don Lemon also reported the Silveria story as a Trump story. "I really hope the president is watching tonight as well as his supporters," Lemon said, adding that Silveria's words "are a stark reminder of everything our president is not saying. The general knows there aren't many sides to racism. He knows people who protest inequality are not sons of bitches. The president should be ashamed of himself for dividing America."
A black cadet apparently committed the hoax.
West Point West.
Thanks, Obama.
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