But an argument is made that there's something particularly dangerous about Papadopoulos, who has pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI. The argument is made by Harry Litman, "a former United States attorney and deputy assistant attorney general, teaches at the University of California, Los Angeles, Law School and practices law at Constantine Cannon."
A footnote in Mr. Papadopoulos’s plea agreement includes a detail that is particularly damning when combined with previously reported information: Mr. Manafort wanted to be sure that Mr. Trump himself would not accept a Russian invitation to travel to Russia. In March 2016, George Papadopoulos sent an email to seven campaign officials, including Mr. Manafort and the campaign manager at the time, Corey Lewandowski, saying that Russian leadership wanted to meet with the Trump team. Mr. Manafort forwarded that email to Mr. Gates with a note saying: “We need someone to communicate that D.T. is not doing these trips. It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal.”...
Third, a paragraph in the plea agreement indicates that Mr. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty on Oct. 5 and the plea was sealed so that he could act as a “proactive cooperator.” The meaning of that phrase is unclear. But one nerve-racking possible implication is that Mr. Papadopoulos has recently worn a wire in conversations with other former campaign officials....
Fourth, the plea agreement makes clear the Trump campaign knew about the hacking of Democratic National Committee emails well before it was publicly revealed....
Fifth, the episode that prompts the guilty plea is a virtual carbon copy of the infamous July 9, 2016, meeting that Mr. Manafort, Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. attended with a Russian lawyer....
२८६ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 286 पैकी 201 – 286Y'all do realize that Unknown is merely throwing shit on the wall to watch us wipe it off, right? None of what Unknown posts is even remotely accurate, being that it originates from an insanely biased and partisan media and is full of provable falsehoods, unnamed sources, rampant speculation by the terminally uninformed, and more bullshit than a cattle drive.
The reason is because Unknown is simply nowhere near intelligent enough to figure things out for his or herself, and thus must rely solely on these bullshit stories to make his or her point. Calling it a "point" is actually being charitable. Unknown is a child writing taunts on a chalkboard and then running away to watch his or her betters react to those taunts, and then, once erased (e.g. - proven to be ridiculous or wildly speculative), he or she is back at the chalkboard writing more garbage.
It's like clockwork, and Unknown is the cuck.
I mean cuckoo.
No, I don't.
"Good lord. Please tell me you aren’t this stupid Michael K?"
Yes, MK, please tell us you are not so gullible to have bought, hook line and sinker, the laughable tale of the fake "dossier" which was paid for by Hillary and her minions to obtain Putin-directed misinformation which was injected into our democratic election.
Because if you were so gullible to have bought into that, you would basically be irretrievably stupid....as some others here were....and are.
"I want to quit."
It worked out so well for Megyn Kelly...
The absolutely rank Trump sycophancy is making the Althouse blog reek. For many years to come you folks will have to live down the Trump Presidency. I’ll be here to remind you of your stupidity.
Unknown said...
As a matter of fact, are there any unbiased commentors here at Althouse? Try to be honest.
There is no such thing as unbiased. Anyone who claims to be unbiased is inherently dishonest. The application of pure naivete is used to gather information. The information is always filtered through a paradigm/code of values to assimilate or accomadate.
Your values are purely oriented around gaining power over others. You filter out obvious facts to fit your goals.
Unnamed employees from Fox in the CNN article -- it has to be real!
Unknown: "The absolutely rank Trump sycophancy is making the Althouse blog reek."
You're just angry you don't have anything of value to sell to the Russians for $$Millions like your Goddess Hillary.
You could spend some productive time helping out young girls in your area who have been the victims of Female Genital Mutilation by your beloved islamist supremacists.
Shorter Inga: "I hate all you people, but I can't tear myself away!"
"Chinese proverb. First generation coolie. Second generation Merchant. Third generation rich man. Fourth generation coolie."
Correct. Old observation in Asian business. Its one reason (among a few important others) why the foreign-owned local trading firms were able to survive and prosper in the East Asian trade. Surviving for centuries against Chinese competition on their own turf is quite an achievement. There should never have been any British "Hongs" like Jardines, if it weren't for some critical defects in Chinese culture.
One is this, the succession problem. Chinese businesses were always family firms, because low levels of trust prevented the succession of talented outsiders. There just isn't enough implicit trust for the family to permit outsiders to run it - and for good reason, as when this is sometimes done the outsiders chosen are not in fact trustworthy. So all of these firms have to be founded and expanded by a uniquely gifted person, and start to die when he dies.
"As a matter of fact, are there any unbiased commenters here at Althouse? Try to be honest."
And why should I be honest with you? I have tried on previous occasions to reach out to you, ARM, Inga, even TTR, and others to hold a civil rational discussion, as well as bucking most of the commentariat regarding Chuck's posts. My attempts have almost unfailingly been met by disengenousness and dishonesty. Especially by you. -Although TTR may have you beat in that regard.
I will answer you though, since in this case it is obvious. Of course we all hold preconceptions. Most of us try to acknowledge them to ourselves and act accordingly. You, not so much. Wake up.
In really good news, the lefties are now in full promotion mode for having Black Women abort their babies.
PP Black Community @PPBlackComm
If you're a Black woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats
9:13 AM - Oct 31, 2017
Well done lefties!
Liberal wishcasting aside, its hard to gin up excitement about an indictment that doesn't even mention Trump or russian collusion. This is like the pre-superbowl t.v programming that starts at 10am when the game starts at 5:00pm. So much blather over what will turn into a boring, one sided affair.
It’s time you Trumpists woke the hell up.
Yeah. Because cutting and pasting an entire article from the fevered swamp called Vox is just what we need.
I am fully woke now.
Unknown: " For many years to come you folks will have to live down the Trump Presidency."
Inga is funniest when channels her inner Lenin.
"Good lord. Please tell me you aren’t this stupid Michael K?"
Poor Inga. All she has in ad hominem and no facts. Just speculation that she thinks is real.
" Especially by you. -Although TTR may have you beat in that regard. "
Ritmo has never posted a positive comment that I can recall. It is always angry jealous bile.
Inga can talk about health care with some experience although she thinks single payer will work.
On national issues she is hopeless and embarrasses herself.
"Chinese businesses were always family firms, because low levels of trust prevented the succession of talented outsiders."
This is typical of low trust societies and one reason why the Muslims have not done anything but wallow in squalor or spend fortunes in the French Riviera since Napoleon.
We are risking a fall with the erosion of trust by all sides in the present mess.
MK: "This is typical of low trust societies and one reason why the Muslims have not done anything but wallow in squalor or spend fortunes in the French Riviera since Napoleon"
Nonsense. Islam-dominated regions have failed for 2 simple reasons: global warming and confederate statues.
At least according to the lefties and the LLR allies.
In America the saying was "shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations" and is nearly the same as the Chinese saying.
Nonsense. Islam-dominated regions have failed for 2 simple reasons: global warming and confederate statues.
You forgot cultural appropriation of zero.
Kevin: "You forgot cultural appropriation of zero"
Correct, plus we stole their space programs.
Fox News personalities are all liars and cannot be trusted. All Fox News stories are false.
...except when quoted anonymously by CNN. Then they are totally legit and honest.
Note that the Chinese HAVE copied the West, and there now are plenty of large professionally run enterprises that persist beyond the scope of family ownership. The Hongs have been in (relative) decline for decades.
Jardines is still looking good though.
My late aunts husband was upper management at Jardines, where he made his fortune.
Note also that this problem was a specifically Chinese thing. Korea and Japan have had non-family large enterprises long before.
People learn.
"it’s hard to read these emails and not conclude that the top echelons of the Trump campaign"
Sure, if you assume what you are trying to prove. Otherwise, not so much.
Today Consortium News published an article by Robert Parry titled "Sorting Out the Russia Mess".
The article is mostly about George Papadopoulos and includes much information that was new to me.
Trump should have ordered thousands of emails deleted and record of meetings destroyed. Then he could be as innocent as Hillary, as any fair minded person could tell you.
Tell us again, how did Russia make Hillary's team delete 33,000 emails that were under under subpoena? #TrumpRussiaCollusion
Conservatives can actually point to dozens of statutes that Hillary has violated, including destruction of evidence, violations of national security record keeping, bribery, extortion, the list goes on. Every one of them has enough evidence to enjoin a grand jury.
Liberals can't point to any statute that Trump violated, screaming only about the non-crime of "collusion", which is apparently "talked to a Russian".
That tells you all you need to know.
Tell us again, how did Russia force us to say "liar" when asked to name a word most closely associated with Hillary?
Progressives think there are laws that say "You cannot talk to a Russians"
...unless you are Obama or hillary or Bill, who pocketed 500,000 for some crap speech. Then it's OK to talk to Russians.
Tell us again, how did Russia make HRC tell Gold Star families that Benghazi was due to video--then deny saying it--thus calling them liars?
The Times’ Scott Shane wrote: “A crucial detail is still missing: Whether and when Mr. Papadopoulos told senior Trump campaign officials about Russia’s possession of hacked emails. And it appears that the young aide’s quest for a deeper connection with Russian officials, while he aggressively pursued it, led nowhere.”
When I was a young man, I used to think that the New York Times was really something great...
Joy Reid appears to do a good job exposing the nonsense surrounding the Uranium One deal. But, no doubt I am missing something. I am sure everyone will be willing to fill me in.
Reid: Who got the money when the Canadian company was sold to the Russian company? The Uranium One? Who received the money?
Kerns: I presume the company.
Reid: Yes. Okay, second question. Who approved the sale?
Kerns: The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States.
Reid: How many people sit on the committee?
Kerns: Nine members.
Reid: How many have to approve a deal like this?
Kerns: All nine of them.
Reid: All nine.
Kerns: Absolutely.
Reid: How many approved this deal?
Kerns: All nine of them.
Reid: Who is the person who donated to Hillary Clinton who is related to and had an investment in uranium one? What is that person's name? Do you remember their name?
Kerns: They are board members of Uranium One donated up to $143 million I think to the Clinton Foundation.
Reid: Did he own any assets in Uranium One at the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State?
Kerns: You know, I don't know that, but here's what I would...
Reid: He did not. Sold them.
Kerns: Here's what i would like to know…
Reid: He sold them years before. So what you're talking about is a deal that nine members of CFIUS approved unanimously. None of them was Hillary Clinton. You have a donor who separately gave Hillary Clinton donations at a time when she was not Secretary of State. The two things cross in the night, they have no relation to each other. The members of CFIUS have been very clear Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with that approving that deal. She would have had to strong-arm eight people in order to get them to unanimously approve the deal and also the President of the United States would intervene if they saw any problems.
The CFIUS people say now that if that deal came before them today they would still approve it unanimously. There's actually nothing about the deal that's controversial. The only reason we're talking about it is because per your admission, which I think is very honest, the RNC would like us to be talking about this now.
Sorry, should have said that collusion by Trump is apparently defined as "anyone who has ever been associated with Trump in any way talked to a Russian at any point in their lives".
Actually receiving bribes from the Russians in exchange for control of our nuclear assets, though, is utterly meaningless.
This won't end until liberals start paying a price for this shit. I recommend hanging, only because people today couldn't handle drawing and quartering.
Inga, here's some stuff for you to do to blow off some steam. A liberal friend sent it to me. Maybe you could meet some like-minded Xs at the protests.
Update from Public Citizen
Trump is not normal.
And we can’t let Trump or Trumpism become normalized.
Here’s what we’re doing: Working crazy hard — on a broad set of fronts — to highlight conflicts of interest, block corrupt insider deal-making and protect our democracy.
Can you help us keep the work going with a donation of $5 or whatever you can afford?
Contribute now.
We’re doing more than I could possibly tell you right now.
But here are some highlights from just the last few weeks:
We’re co-coordinating a rapid response network of people ready to take the streets within hours if Trump fires Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As of today, activists are poised to hold more than 300 flash protests in cities and towns in 46 states.
Today, we filed a request for investigation into whether a former senior official at the Department of Interior violated the law when negotiating for her next job at the American Petroleum Institute.
With a full-on campaign involving everything from street theater to inside lobbying, we faced off against Wall Street on a vital consumer protection measure.
We are co-counsel on a new lawsuit against the Trump administration, involving a suspended rule that would have assisted low-income families in securing affordable housing. In the coming weeks, we plan on filing several more cases against Trump.
I promise you we’re never going to treat Trump as normal.
And I can promise you that we’re not going to get tired.
But doing all we need to do takes resources.
Please donate now.
Everything we’re doing — everything we all are doing — is making a difference.
We have to keep it going.
Robert Weissman
President, Public Citizen
Kerns: They are board members of Uranium One donated up to $143 million I think to the Clinton Foundation.
Reid: Did he own any assets in Uranium One at the time Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State?
Kerns: You know, I don't know that, but here's what I would...
Reid: He did not.
I guess a good question to ask might be whether it would have been approved if the existence of the Russian spy ring intent on corrupting the process had been brought to the board, or to the attention of the Congressional oversight committee.
Supposedly, there is a whistleblower ready to testify. If foreign donors giving hundreds of millions of dollars to the secretary of state doesn't bother you, you must be a Democrat.
I can't believe all you otherwise intelligent people waste time and space responding to an Unknown entity.
Plus we all know how transparent ownership of assets is among Putin cronies.
Subtle changes in foreign policy trip ARM's suspicion detector, but large-scale donations going one way, and major favors going the other doesn't.
Republicans talking to Russians: treason!
Democrats giving Russians control of 20% of our uranium: "there is nothing about the deal that is controversial."
CFIUS has been criticized a lot in recent years for giving away U.S. assets. ARM should read this article:
ARM could read what the WSJ has to say about it, if he is curious. He has often told us how he reads that paper. Not sure how he missed this!
What Democrats are really mad about is Russians talking to Republicans instead of them. Sugar Daddy Putin has a wandering eye!
Reid's questions and answers show he clearly thinks that a quid pro quo is only possible in the light of day, if the entire group is paid off and if the payment happens directly from point A to point B. Reid seems stupid, as his reasoning breaks down if one were to assume Hillary Clinton would do as she has done before and use layers of both legal and illegal buffers between her and unethical/illegal actions.
Not only that, he ignores or did not know at the time that the interview was done, that Russian spies were DELIBERATELY trying to corrupt the process. And that the FBI was deliberately covering up what was going on.
Reid is not a very creative thinker and is very good at repeating arguments, but it would require us to assume that this one time, no one decided to try to obfuscate at all.
By the way, using Reid's logic, it is not illegal to act as straw buyer. It is impossible, with Reid's logic, to assume someone might perform an illegal act to benefit two parties and pass money between them, even though we have spies who said *that's exactly what they were trying to do.*
Reid is out of date, stupid or deliberately wrong.
"But, no doubt I am missing something. I am sure everyone will be willing to fill me in."
Do your own damn fisking for once. Hint: Timelines and relationships. Two ships passing in the night? Nothing to see here. Move along.
"Democrats giving Russians control of 20% of our uranium: "there is nothing about the deal that is controversial."
US mines produced about 2.3 million pounds of uranium last year. The country consumes about 55 million pounds on average. Over 90% of the uranium used in the US is imported. So, if Rosatom exercised it's maximum influence and just flat out refused to take any of it out of the ground, some percentage of that small percentage that the US produces would either be unavailable, imported, or made up by mines controlling the balance of US reserves. It's tough to consider this vital to national security interests.
Yes Snark, it is hard to imagine 460,000 lbs of uranium controlled by a foreign actor who is in cahoots with our President as being in our national interests. Nothing to see here. Move along.
I don't see how limiting the amount of uranium going to nations that try to undermine our democratic processes isn't in our nation's interest. Especially when Russian agents are bribing people to make the deal.
The control is that they either take it out of the ground, or they don't. Is your argument that they bribed the Clintons with millions of dollars in a complicated years long scheme so they could not take it out of the ground? Thereby causing the US to ring up Canada and see if they could swing another quarter ton or so this year?
Snark said...
It's tough to consider this vital to national security interests.
But not impossible, apparently.
"I don't see how limiting the amount of uranium going to nations that try to undermine our democratic processes isn't in our nation's interest. Especially when Russian agents are bribing people to make the deal."
They don't have an export license.
The scheme is not complicated. Corrupting officials is the goal as much as access to the resources. Which is why the spies were stopped.
Fortunately for all you wrong people, I have to go home and conduct Halloween. :p
Drago said...
In really good news, the lefties are now in full promotion mode for having Black Women abort their babies.
PP Black Community @PPBlackComm
If you're a Black woman in America, it's statistically safer to have an abortion than to carry a pregnancy to term or give birth #ScaryStats
Who let Margaret Sanger use the twitter account?
"US mines produced about 2.3 million pounds of uranium last year. The country consumes about 55 million pounds on average. Over 90% of the uranium used in the US is imported. So, if Rosatom exercised it's maximum influence and just flat out refused to take any of it out of the ground, some percentage of that small percentage that the US produces would either be unavailable, imported, or made up by mines controlling the balance of US reserves."
Every single word of this makes the deal more, not less, inexplicable from a national security perspective. Every single word of this makes the deal more, not less, controversial.
People respond to Inga/Unknown etc. because they think she has a direct line to mainstream, mainline talking points on the left. You answer her, you answer them. Today I just see in her, therefore in the Dems, desperate attempts to make these indictments an important attack. Mueller really doesn't have much. Papadopoulos told Mueller that he was unimportant with no real connections but earlier he told the Trump team he was quite important. This counts as a LIEEEEEEEE to the mighty FBI. To me, it's just a DC man inflating or deflating at need. The former head of the FBI has to be embarrassed at paying attention to this kind of silliness.
If Manafort is guilty of FARA violations, so is half of DC. I'm sure this has been noticed in DC. I think DC will soon be begging Trump to shut down the investigation. Probably Mueller is on the line right now sounding like the "Ransom of Red Chief "It was during a moment of temporary mental apparition, Mr. President."
Why did Hillary delete records of her dealings with foreign donors at this time?
Nobody gives a shit.
"The control is that they either take it out of the ground, or they don't. Is your argument that they bribed the Clintons with millions of dollars in a complicated years long scheme so they could not take it out of the ground?"
My theory is it was an attempt to corner the uranium market.
The Russians had a pile of cash and were trying to put it somewhere productive.
Nothing strategic in it, just money.
Uranium futures at the time (Winter of 2010-2011) had a rather interesting spike that went away. I wonder.
AReasonableMan said...
Snark said...
"It's tough to consider this vital to national security interests."
But not impossible, apparently.
So bribery and conspiracy are ok if leftists determine it isn't a national security issue and the money goes o democrats?
I want to know if you two are actually serious or if you are joking here?
If you are serious then can you say with any degree of specificity what it is that Trump did that would be worse than this?
It is pretty clear the left does nothing in good faith.
Reid: Was Hillary Clinton involved?
Kerns: Absolutely not.
Reid: Are you sure.
Kerns: Totally sure.
Well then, there you have it.
"My theory is it was an attempt to corner the uranium market."
Very possible. When you consider the Uranium One deal was more about Kazakhstan than anything else. That's 40% (by memory) of world supply. That's why Bill got the 500K for setting up the Kazakhstan deal. 500K seems pretty miserly for brokering a deal that netted 3.5B. Maybe the 145M was the true kickback. I would have held out for 10%. For sale cheap. But not too cheap.
The only reason we're talking about it is because per your admission, which I think is very honest, the RNC would like us to be talking about this now.
ARM is certain that nobody would consider a Russian donation to the Clinton Crime Family anything unusual.
You keep that thought ARM. Let's see how this turns out.
"I want to know if you two are actually serious or if you are joking here?"
Oh, they are completely serious.
The point is the lefties KNOW hillary is guilty of this behavior and worse.
Thats what they like MOST about this. The fact that dems can apparently do this with impunity while the past and present "Scooter Libby's" are roasted.
The left loved Bill Clinton precisely because he was guilty, everyone knew it, and he got away with it.
It's that sense that "we've got the power" and the establishment behind us so we can abuse our political enemies without payback.
Again, that's a feature, not a bug, to the left.
" I think DC will soon be begging Trump to shut down the investigation."
Again, nonsense.
The lefties know full well the force of those laws will never be applied to them.
If Manafort is guilty of FARA violations, so is half of DC. I'm sure this has been noticed in DC. I think DC will soon be begging Trump to shut down the investigation.
I like your theory and wish that were the case, but unfortunately it requires a presumption that the law is to be applied evenly. That consistency is required of the Left. That they can't target conservatives and JUST conservatives with these laws. Conservatives insist on applying the laws consistently. I have seen NOTHING from the Left that even acknowledges the legal murder they regularly get away with in comparison to what they routinely demand accountability for from their enemies. Except when it comes to sex. After a few decades, they've finally decided that THIS is a good time for THAT, and only that, kind of accountability. To show you how noble they are. Every *other* law they break, aside from the odd Menendez (who is totally ignored by the media), they get away with *completely*. It's astounding. The fact that Hillary got away with ANY ONE of:
1) deleting her emails,
2) the Clinton Foundation fraud list (I like to start with the opinion of the Haitian Prime Minister)
3) Uranium One (which hits Obama just as squarely)
4) paying the Russians to fabricate evidence against a domestic opponent
5) hiding that payment by having your lawyer do it and calling it "legal fees"
6) sharing the law firm with tons of shady characters
7) using that knowingly false evidence to get a FISA warrant to spy on Trump (Obama)
ANY ONE of those is a high crime or misdemeanor by any previously existing standard. Infinitely less than this in an apples to apples comparison was considered grounds for Nixon's removal, by both sides. 18 minutes of deleted tape recording versus 33,000 deleted emails. Seriously. Nixon used private burglars, Obama used the government using fabricated evidence provided by Hillary. Seriously.
They are making no pretense that standards are to be applied evenly. Consistency is optional for them, and they never ever choose it as an option. They're not even pretending. Laws for me, not for thee.
Every accusation the Left is making against Trump right now has never existed as a standard before. Against anyone. And they're not even applying their proclaimed standard to themselves RIGHT NOW. They're in gross, overwhelmingly gross violation of the standards they're applying to Trump in terms of "collusion with Russians", after having spent the last 80 years right up until 2014 running cover for every Russian misdeed and threat, and now just brazenly declaring that it's okay when we do infinitely worse than we're even accusing you of and it's okay because shut up you villains.
... it really is astounding and it really is banana republic levels of corruption and lawlessness.
Meanwhile, the military with Trump's permission nails a guy known to have been part of the terrorist attack at Benghazi. If the left did anything more than sneer or yawn at his cleaning up Obama and Hillary's mess, I didn't hear it.
Hypocrisy is the vice of professing one standard, and applying a different standard to oneself. The Left has abandoned all prior standards and exchanged another completely incoherent set of standards that do NOT include consistency or rule of law. I'm not seeing a way out, but it's true that we can't spare Trump, because at least he fights sometimes.
The DNC would like us to not talk about it, and they control the media, and yet we persist! Find something real on Trump, that Hillary hasn't done in spades, and you can have control of the narrative back again.
We tried to warn Democrats against running her, but they said we were not supposed to be talking about that.
Your bed, lie in it.
A round of applause for Qwinn -- very well done.
So... uh... I think it is fair to say that Russia didn't want Trump to be president. Or at least, could have cared less who was president.
We tried to warn Democrats against running her, but they said we were not supposed to be talking about that.
Your bed, lie in it.
HRC was a spectacularly bad candidate. And that era is now over. Conservative Trump twitter is under the mistaken impression that democrats, moderates or independents care about what happens to the Clintons, Andy Podesta --who is that anyways? -- or any of these old school people caught out in corruption. It has not yet penetrated the Trump supporter mindset that much of the moderate/independent/democratic base is happy the Clinton era is over. It hasn't even penetrated that the Clinton era is over. It's like you can't remember that at the DNC convention delegates were booing Clinton. Nobody cared when Weiner went to jail and nobody cares about this stuff. If there's anything there, they don't care if Mueller digs it out.
Meanwhile, Trump has caused a Republican civil war to break out. Republicans control Congress and the Presidency and legislatively we can see what's happening. Trumps lost John Podhoretz, Bob Corker, all the other never-Trumps, foreign policy people and all the people who want more then a culture war hot-button presidency. Polling is down for independents. The stupid part of all of this is that the economy is doing well. If Trump would get control of himself he'd be pretty popular. As it is, it's a mess. The people he hired like Manafort for whatever reasons have made themselves vulnerable to various criminal charges and Mueller is going to go after them in a methodical fashion. Mueller doesn't care about the spin machine. I'm not sure the people Mueller is investigating is capable of avoiding obstruction of justice issues for various reasons of ego, lack of experience, and arrogance. This investigation will continue for a couple of years. As Rick Wilson said: You choose a bad pony, now you ride it.
You guys can't even call Bill Clinton a sexual predator and rapist. Still you protect him, and Hillary was the alternative you gave us.
I will believe that the Clinton era is over when the press stops protecting them, and the same standards are applied to them as Trump. People still paying $600 for front row seats at her book tour.
You guys can't even call Bill Clinton a sexual predator and rapist. Still you protect him, and Hillary was the alternative you gave us.
The 2016 election is over dude you gotta move on. Nobody cares about Bill anymore; his scandal is from another era. Just as nobody cared about Weiner going to prison. Some commenters here don't seem to understand that (1) Not just moderates or independents but a bunch of leftists did not like the Clintons (2) a lot of women leftists didn't like Clinton for this reason and (3) not everybody is a boomer. Many of the younguns weren't born soon enough to have Bill in their political consciousness. These young-uns are now in their 30s. Time moves ever forward.
Birkel said...
In America the saying was "shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves in three generations" and is nearly the same as the Chinese saying.
10/31/17, 2:18 PM
The Kennedy's come immediately to mind.
It was Trump or Clinton, that was the choice. Nobody can honestly say America would be better off if Hillary had won. I can understand that you guys don't like owning your piece of the blame. Sorry.
It would be easier for you the candidate tou ran as an alternative to Trump wasn't guilty of everything you guys hope to pin on Trump.
Nov 2016 wasn't that long ago.
Bill's Crimes:
• Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman who said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969. A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors. Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual. The victim's family declined to pursue the case;
• In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. The woman, tracked down by Capitol Hill Bluelast week, confirmed the incident, but declined to discuss it further and would not give permission to use her name;
• In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ''came on'' to him. The student left the school shortly after the incident. Reached at her home in Texas, the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account. Several former students at the University have confirmed the incident in confidential interviews and said there were other reports of Clinton attempting to force himself on female students;
• Broaddrick, a volunteer in Clinton's gubernatorial campaign, said he raped her in 1978. Mrs. Broaddrick suffered a bruised and torn lip, which she said she suffered when Clinton bit her during the rape;
• From 1978-1980, during Clinton's first term as governor of Arkansas, state troopers assigned to protect the governor were aware of at least seven complaints from women who said Clinton forced, or attempted to force, himself on them sexually. One retired state trooper said in an interview that the common joke among those assigned to protect Clinton was "who's next?". One former state trooper said other troopers would often escort women to the governor's hotel room after political events, often more than one an evening;
• Carolyn Moffet, a legal secretary in Little Rock in 1979, said she met then-governor Clinton at a political fundraiser and shortly thereafter received an invitation to meet the governor in his hotel room. "I was escorted there by a state trooper. When I went in, he was sitting on a couch, wearing only an undershirt. He pointed at his penis and told me to suck it. I told him I didn't even do that for my boyfriend and he got mad, grabbed my head and shoved it into his lap. I pulled away from him and ran out of the room."
• Elizabeth Ward, the Miss Arkansas who won the Miss America crown in 1982, told friends she was forced by Clinton to have sex with him shortly after she won her state crown. Last year, Ward, who is now married with the last name of Gracen (from her first marriage), told an interviewer she did have sex with Clinton but said it was consensual. Close friends of Ward, however, say she still maintains privately that Clinton forced himself on her.
• Paula Corbin, an Arkansas state worker, filed a sexual harassment case against Clinton after an encounter in a Little Rock hotel room where the then-governor exposed himself and demanded oral sex. Clinton settled the case with Jones recently with an $850,000 cash payment.
Bill's crimes... cont.
• Sandra Allen James, a former Washington, DC, political fundraiser says Presidential candidate-to-be Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a political trip to the nation's capital in 1991, pinned her against the wall and stuck his hand up her dress. She says she screamed loud enough for the Arkansas State Trooper stationed outside the hotel suite to bang on the door and ask if everything was all right, at which point Clinton released her and she fled the room. When she reported the incident to her boss, he advised her to keep her mouth shut if she wanted to keep working. Miss James has since married and left Washington. Reached at her home last week, the former Miss James said she later learned that other women suffered the same fate at Clinton's hands when he was in Washington during his Presidential run.
• Christy Zercher, a flight attendant on Clinton's leased campaign plane in 1992, says Presidential candidate Clinton exposed himself to her, grabbed her breasts and made explicit remarks about oral sex. A video shot on board the plane by ABC News shows an obviously inebriated Clinton with his hand between another young flight attendant's legs. Zercher said later in an interview that White House attorney Bruce Lindsey tried to pressure her into not going public about the assault.
• Kathleen Willey, a White House volunteer, reported that Clinton grabbed her, fondled her breast and pressed her hand against his genitals during an Oval Office meeting in November, 1993. Willey, who told her story in a 60 Minutes interview, became a target of a White House-directed smear campaign after she went public.
yeah - nobody on the hypocrite crime excusing left gives a shit.
ITT: Behold, the whistling past the graveyard grows shrill apace.
39 is now "a kid," a top foreign policy staffer previously described as "excellent" is now "a nobody" & a criminal conspiracy is now & forever a "nothingburger" since the "Witch Hunt" seems to have uncovered criminal witchcraft aplenty - remember, these are just the first of many indictments.
Poor Manafort ... from "we couldn't have won without you" to "Paul Who?" in one day.
Loyalty among thieves not being an abundant commodity, look forward to yet more of "the best people" being indicted & more evidence emerging. Be interesting to see how much of the Swamp Cabinet sticks it out to the bitter end: billionaires may not want to retain the stench of all that crime on their resumes, even with the scale of naked graft they're pulling off as a reward.
UnknownCunt said: "I’ll be here to remind you of your stupidity."
Oh, I wouldn't be so sure about that. Obesity, alcoholism, retardation, and being old don't lend themselves to much of a life expectancy. With any luck, you won't even outlive McCain.
"This investigation will continue for a couple of years. As Rick Wilson said: You choose a bad pony, now you ride it."
I think he is the "consultant" who said someone should just shoot Trump in the head.
Nice company you keep.
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