"He called his lawyers repeatedly. He listened intently to cable news commentary. And, with rising irritation, he watched live footage of his onetime campaign adviser and confidant, Paul Manafort, turning himself in to the FBI. Initially, Trump felt vindicated. Though frustrated that the media were linking him to the indictment and tarnishing his presidency, he cheered that the charges against Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were focused primarily on activities that began before his campaign. Trump tweeted at 10:28 a.m., 'there is NO COLLUSION!'... 'The walls are closing in,' said one senior Republican in close contact with top staffers who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly. 'Everyone is freaking out.'"
Somehow The Washington Post knows this. (It claims to have 2 sources "close to" Trump.)
७२ टिप्पण्या:
No walls are closing in at this point.
Sounds like a head fake to me. The "sources" have probably been compromised and are being used to funnel disinformation to the media.
I am at the point that except for sex criminals, murderers and other violent types I have great trouble avoiding rooting for the defendants in Federal prosecutions.
Anonymous “sources” = totally fabricated bullshit.
“Everyone is freaking out” = every lying “reporter” at the WaPo disappointed that Mueller’s indictment didn’t mention Trump even once.
Whoever close to Trump that is leaking to the WaPo, is trying to get everyone freaked out. It's all Dutch angle stuff.
Fan fiction.
It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
The Post cannot leave their readers without a slash at a Trump. Think coitus interruptus and you'll know why.
Obama and Bush NEVER had such leaks.
So, jail Manafort, send Mueller home, and set up a special prosecutor for the Clintons.
Did they lift this from their previous 20 stories about Trump "raging alone" and feeling the "walls were closing in"?
Because I swear, I've this before from the NYT/WaPo.
"People close to trump", but who really hate him and leak unflattering private stuff to his enemies. And do so anonymously.
Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week.
If Mueller has any concern about history, and he may not given what Hillary does to traitors.
Not US traitors of course but people like Seth Rich who leaked to Wikileaks, who ended up on a sidewalk.
If he does care, he will announce the Podesta indictments next Monday,
Ambulance Blues
Wait, this guy I'd never even heard of until today (and that's not a name you forget) is now Trump's "closest advisor"? Lololol. So pathetic at this point.
"Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week."
Comedy gold. Thanks for the laugh!
Somehow The Washington Post knows this. (It claims to have 2 sources "close to" Trump.)
And you're implying it doesn't? If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.
I’m sure they know more about Trump and what goes on in the White House than random bloggers.
“Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week."
“The Trump campaign foreign policy adviser who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI was pictured at a meeting with Donald Trump, Jeff Sessions and other members of the campaign on March 31, 2016, just days after he met with two people tied to the Russian government.
You can see the photo featuring George Papadopoulos, sitting two seats from the left of Sessions, above. It was posted to Instagram by Trump, who was touting his campaign’s foreign policy and national security team. Sessions is now the U.S. Attorney General and has recused himself from the Russia investigation because of his ties to the campaign.”
Democracy Dies in Delusion.
Unknown: "I’m sure they know more about Trump and what goes on in the White House than random bloggers."
Yes, of course you are.
As sure as you were if Hillary's inevitable victory.
As sure as you were that Trump wouldn't assume office.
As sure as you were of the veracity if Hillary's bought and paid for collusion with Russia "dossier".
Indeed, if there is a certainty in this world, it's how sure you are about what you believe.
Of course, cruelly, the world and reality don't often conform to your fever dreams.
It's unfair. Truely.
“Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week."
My God, Inga ! This is lunacy and I defended you the other day.
Papadapolis was a Carson staffer and was "absorbed" when Carson's campaign folded. He is 30 and has zero experience so he fell for a Clinton ploy.
You cannot be this stupid. Please, Tell me you are not this stupid.
That was hilarious Molly. Thanks.
"According to John McCain, who told us that top staffers that he couldn't name . . ." Maybe McCain sent an emissary to the White House to find out what's going on.
“Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week."
“My God! This is lunacy and I defended you the other day.
Papadapolis was a Carson staffer and was "absorbed" when Carson's campaign folded. He is 30 and has zero experience so he fell for a Clinton ploy.
You cannot be this stupid. Please, Tell me you are not this stupid.”
LMAO! I didn’t say it, I was quoting someone.
Blogger Molly said...
Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week.
10/30/17, 8:05 PM
“Now that his closest advisor Papadolpolous (who was nearly chosen for the vice presidential position) has confessed, Trump is on the verge of resignation -- probably by the end of the week."
So you betting big on that one?
Wut - being in a photo with Trump means Papadopoulos is the Russian collusion conduit? There are many pics of Hillary with Putin. Reset that.
"That was hilarious Molly. Thanks."
Love the 8:05PM by Molly. Molly – you are funny!
The Watergate Maneuver. So far, the journolists have failed to force a confession. The very model of a modern baby trial.
Hillary is remeasuring the drapes; Bill is meeting curtains.
"LMAO! I didn’t say it, I was quoting someone."
Whew ! You had me worried there, Inga
AReasonableMan linked...It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
Dylan's version while original, pales in comparison to Them's 1966 cover version: link
Isn't it ironic that ARM picked a song saying it's all over for "baby blue" when everybody knows that orange (the complimentary color of blue) is Trump's color? If blue represents anything political, it's blue state.
You know, Unknown, if you can't come up with a link to anything more than speculation "assuming that" Trump is guilty, why bother?
Can't you wait for the real evidence? Keep hope alive! There is a pony there somewhere!
If you want something both blue and orange that rocks, try this.
You're welcome
Uh oh. Is there a tag for “Pence is in trouble”?
“Manafort Monday Turns Into a Very Bad Day for Trump—and Mike Pence
Paul Manafort put the Trump-Pence ticket together and maintained ties to the veep even after leaving the campaign.
There will be many attempts to deny and dissemble. But one thing is certain: Manafort definitely put one man in the West Wing of the White House (and the adjoining Eisenhower Executive Office Building): Mike Pence.
It was Manafort who brought Pence, the scandal-plagued and politically vulnerable governor of Indiana, who had backed Texas Senator Ted Cruz in that state’s Republican primary, into consideration as a vice-presidential prospect for Trump. Referring to Trump, Manafort explained last summer that “I brought him in to meet Pence.” That manipulation, said Manafort, fostered the notion that Pence “had value to Trump as a potential VP nominee.”
But the Manafort-Pence connection was about more than just introducing Trump to a Republican stalwart the fixer had known for many years. Veteran Republican strategist John Weaver says, “Remember, Manafort selected the VP and was therefore the most important person on the campaign team.”
Inga said...Uh oh. Is there a tag for “Pence is in trouble”?
All that need happen next is for Paul Ryan to realize that resigning and appointing Hillary is the best thing he could do.
The orange jump suits were a nice touch. Do you think they come in extra large? Asking for a friend.
Ah John weaver, sniffle, that wee amusing, now weaver was responsible for slimming maverick by that seaman rumor to the times.
None of that stuff that Unknown is writing is a "conspiracy theory"? Right ARM? Not like wondering why the fuck the Russians who could write checks for 145 million dollars thought that it was worth it to write them to Hillary. No, that's a bizarre conspiracy theory!
Hillary deletes 30K emails from the time that were writing these checks? Destroys federal records of her meetings with foreign donors at this time? Circulez! Rien a voir!
But this shit coming out of Unknown, it's rock solid!
What could go wrong:
G.P. should have thought of deleting emails and destroying records of meetings! Then he would be innocent!
I'm glad we're all keeping our good humor here. For some reason I receive a daily WaPo email called "Post Most", which seems to be a collection of Post opinion pieces that Post readers really like. They are usually in the form of "New Hurricane Hits Gulf Coast/Bad News For Trump", "Unemployment Sharply Down/Decimates Major Trump Demographic". Based on the latest Post Most, I'm not sure whether Trump will be impeached, indicted, or executed tomorrow. Or maybe all three.
Unknown actually links to The Nation, a magazine that has has been the biggest defender of the Soviets/Russians for over 90 years.
Unknown: "Uh oh. Is there a tag for “Pence is in trouble”?"
For $145 Million, you can have whatever you like.
He should fume. The indictment is on shaky legal grounds, Mueller was appointed due to a shady dossier and illegal leaks from a FBI Director, Mueller's team illegally leaked it Friday to maximize damage, has zero to do with why Mueller was appointed in the first place, and is by and large sound and fury signifying nothing other than gotcha with Manafort.
All because his weak and ineffective Attorney General stepped aside to focus on marijuana laws, civil forfeiture and other pet rocks. Sessions could give Fredo Corleone a run for his money in the weak and stupid department.
We'll see where this goes but if Mueller is an unbiased profesional (ha!) it is the DC swamp that should be a lot more nervous since the DC establishment of both parties is awash in foreign money for lobbyists and influence peddling, all of whom have an interest in concealing where the money really comes from. This could consume his presidency and end up having zero to do with him or the 2016 campaign.
Meanwhile, the only person that actually panicked today was Tony Podesta.
He claims that "right-wing" forces are making it impossible for him to work in Washington.
This is a guy whose lobbying firm is representing Mylan right now. The producer of the Epipen who jacked up the price last year and caused near riots over evil pharmaceutical companies.
Here’s a chunk of meat for you “progressives” to chew on: Trump is Gulliver in the land of the Lillipuitians. All you’re engaging in is pathetic Lilliputian tie-downs. Trump will snap your ropes like celery then take a massive, 8-year leak on you. In fact, the urine has has already been flowing freely for some time now. You thought it was Wolf Blitzer’s spittle but look closer ... that’s Trump yellow dripping from your deranged heads.
So Mueller is bad except when it comes to Podesta in which case he's wonderful but otherwise should be fired but maybe he indicts Podesta
-John Podhoretz
Here's an interesting twist, who ends in receivership of podesta inc, a for republican
Aide to Connie Mack and the bushes, kimberly fritts.
"Honey baby, it's hard to convince a jury you found it in a taxicab."
Now that crooked deals with Russia are fair game, maybe the walls are closing in on Hillary?
G.P. should have thought of deleting emails and destroying records of meetings! Then he would be innocent!
That's pretty much what Eli Lake said!
I've actually seen a few lefties doing battlespace prep by comparing Clinton collusion with Trump collusion and claiming the distinction that The Trump campaign sought hacked emails which was based on an illegal act.
If they're really gong to hang this whole thing on "Russian hacking", they'd better hope they can keep smothering this with a pillow.
Since Podesta has now left the group, why is Mueller not seizing documents to keep then from being destroyed? He raised Manafort and that guy was cooperating. Podesta has a history of destroying documents along with Clinton. That's how you know he isn't serious.
Raided not raised.
Hey wwww - perhaps it is because Podesta actually likely did something wrong? Could that be the difference? Eh?
WaPo reporting what they want the news to be rather than the news.
Don't journalists have a code of conduct?
Totally corrupt.
very amazing and interesting post
Famous Positive Quotes
Train Hard Quotes
New York Times: link to Russia.
Boston Herald: Mueller goes fishing.
Trump isn't a feelings guy. Cold bemusement would be his actual limit.
Re Podesta / Manifort - If people break the law, there should be consequences. My problem is the unevenness of the consequences. it seems the law applies is you're conservative or work for a conservative, but not consequences if you're on the left.
Wait a minute. Did the Washington Post just assert that a 30 year old was being considered for the post of Vice President when the legal requirement is that the VP be 35?
Jersey Fled said...
Wait a minute. Did the Washington Post just assert that a 30 year old was being considered for the post of Vice President when the legal requirement is that the VP be 35?
Yep. Sounds like an impeachable offense. Add it to the list. <\snark>
Boy this story kind of flopped with my lefty friends on Facebook. Maybe it's just because of Halloween and there are other things to do but a there is a distinct lack of energy out there on the left. They were ready to IMPEACH NOW after that ice cream scandal (trump got 2 scoops while others got 1). Now they can barely muster a rally cry. Maybe its the process of acceptance finally sinking in?
Molly is really good. Most people get a little too obvious, whether by accident or on purpose.
You cannot be this stupid. Please, Tell me you are not this stupid.
Oh, she most certainly is.
Notice how she never, ever has an original thought? It's always a cut-n-paste quote from some leftist publication and then she spins herself into a tizzy ... while making no sense whatsoever.
Scream at the sky, Inga. It's your destiny.
You invite the inference that the Post is making this up, or falsely boasts of inside sources. Given the choice between trusting Trump or the Post, I'll go with the Post every time.
"I'll go with the Post every time."
The best high school newspaper in America!
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