October 21, 2017

"Some problems weren’t [Megyn Kelly's] fault..."

"... such as when a cameraman walked on-screen while Kelly was interviewing soccer player Carli Lloyd. The cameraman then could be audibly heard muttering an expletive, which wasn’t bleeped since the show is aired live. Other problems, though, fell entirely on Kelly’s shoulders. For instance, two days after a gunman killed 58 people and injured hundreds more in the Las Vegas mass shooting, she interrupted Tom Brokaw as the former 'NBC Nightly News' anchor spoke out against the NRA. Kelly spoke over Brokaw, saying 'Yep. Yep, got it. Gotta leave it at that, Tom. . . . We’re up against a hard break.'... Kelly is now reportedly having trouble booking celebrity guests, unlike the other blocs of 'Today,' according to Variety. 'I’m not booking anyone on her show,' one publicist, who requested not to be named, told the trade publication. 'I literally haven’t pitched anyone even from right out the gate. The buzz that is out there is so bad.'... [O]n many days, Kelly doesn’t have celebrities on her show at all, which is unusual for the 'Today' franchise. Instead, she often relies on lifestyle stories and pretaped features. One recent nearly five-and-a-half-minute segment, for example, followed Kelly and her real-life family as they went camping."

From "Megyn Kelly tries dancing for ratings as her ‘Today’ show continues to falter" in WaPo.

I posted the dreadful dancing clip yesterday, here.

If you want to see that expletive-muttering cameraman, here:

What a dismal slide for Kelly! Remember how high she was riding when she moderated that GOP debate? That was more than 2 years ago. She made a big leap that night, confronting Trump, and there was so much liberal hope for her when Trump went menstrual on her.

But Trump went on to win, and what use is she now? No use to celebrities, and now she can't get celebrities on her show, and what's a daytime talk show without celebrities? I don't watch daytime talk shows (or, really, night time talk shows). Because I can't stand the canned PR appearances celebrities do on TV these days. It used to be that celebrities might go on TV and be weird. I don't know — Marlon Brando, Bette Davis — I mean back in the day when we loved weirdness, real weirdness, not canned weirdness like Megyn Kelly pretending to find the beat to some overproduced pop music irresistible and just had to get up and dance....

ADDED: "You Can't Sit Down" was a hit as an instrumental — by the Phil Upchurch Combo — in 1960.

There's an earlier version, also instrumental, in 1959, by The Bim Bam Boos. Great name. Don't think I've ever heard it until just now.

The Dovells version — with lyrics — came in 1963.

1963 was also the year that The Orlons put out "South Street," and "You Can't Sit Down" also refers to South Street:
You gotta slop, bop, flip flop, hip hop all around
You can't sit down, you can't sit down
You gotta move, move, move, a round and round
You can't sit down, you can't sit down
You gotta fly, fly, fly, way off the ground
They're puttin' down a crazy sound
No, no, you can't sit down, no, no, you can't sit down
When you're on South Street, you can't sit down
And the band is really bootin', you can't sit down
You hear the hippie with the back beat, you can't sit down
And you see the gang a groovin', you can't sit down
You gotta get your motor movin', you can't sit down
You gotta make it, break it, shake it all around
You can't sit down, you can't sit down
I boldfaced 2 other things. I think it's interesting that they said "hip hop" back in 1963. It's also interesting that they said "hippie," especially since The Orlons' "South Street" had "hippie":
Where do all the hippies meet? South Street, South Street
Where the dancin' is elite, South Street, South Street
Side by side we're loose and neat
When we're stompin' down the street
Hurry down, baby, she's the hippest street in town!
For the history of the word "hippie," here's the Wikipedia article "Etymology of hippie." In 1963, the term didn't refer to the Haight-Ashbury/Woodstock sort of person. You had the adjective "hip" in African-American speech in the 1930s and 40s. Then in the 50s, you had beatniks calling themselves "hips" (as opposed to "squares").

The first song with the word is "Hippy Hippy Shake" (1959). A newspaper in 1960 called Bobby Darin  "a hippie from New York City." And: "In a 1961 essay, Kenneth Rexroth of San Francisco used both the terms hipster and hippies to refer to young people participating in African American or Beatnik nightlife."

Some people don't realize that "hipster" and "hippie" were originally the same sort of person. "Hippie" took on a very special life of its own, and "hipster" got dug up to designate a new sort of person who's really not much like a 1960-type hipster.

AND: Here's the Wikipedia article on South Street:
Starting mainly in the early 1960s to the 1970s, South Street was filled with clubs and bars that fostered a live local music community.... During this time, South Street served as an artists' haven and a hub of Beat subculture and, later, 1960s counterculture, bohemianism, and the hippie movement in Philadelphia, establishing a lasting association of South Street with avant-garde and alternative subcultures.


Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I know she has had a rough year, but I'd still do her.

She's still got that going for her.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

If I recall correctly it was the GOP establishment that had it hopes riding on MeAgain, not the left. The left thought Trump would flame out in the general election. No one on the left was very anxious to see her promoted to the big three networks. The suits thought there was money in a cross-over host.

David Begley said...

She's rich, beautiful and thin. See, Babs Paley.

Sebastian said...

Of course prog MSM execs have no clue about the right, outside their GOPe buddies. They must know that the left would despise anyone coming in from the Fox dark side. That they also misjudge the tastes of soap opera women is a bit surprising. It's almost like they are playing with other people's money and just don't care.

Mr. Groovington said...

I like her and wish her well.

Laslo Spatula said...

On Fox she was fuckable.

On NBC she is just fucked.

I am Laslo.

damikesc said...

Megyn is hurt because they are having her push an image almost totally at odds with her history. Her image is that she is an attractive but ice-cold prosecutor. And she does that amazingly well. Few can eviscerate somebody in an interview as she can and if you can build around that, you have gold.

Soft and fluffy is not her. At all. She is specifically not like the stereotypical female morning show host they are trying to make her be.

I think Kelly can be a compelling TV personality...but as a conservative Maddow. What she is doing now is garbage and she cannot pull it off. It's not an insult because it's not that easy. But the heads of NBC are idiots.

Ralph L said...

Love the girl falling on her can at the one minute mark.
Everyone looks pretty short, which makes that kind of dancing easier.

Humperdink said...

Went from menstrual to minstrel.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

damikesc said...
I think Kelly can be a compelling TV personality...but as a conservative Maddow.

I largely agree with this, maybe a bit more centrist than Maddow but in that vein. Kelly will probably end up back on a political show, but they don't make the kind of money required to pay her salary.

Laslo Spatula said...

Jane Pauley didn't look like she would steal your husband.

Katie Couric didn't look like she would steal your husband.

Oprah Winfrey didn't look like she would steal your husband.

Rosie O'Donnell and Ellen Degeneres wouldn't steal your husband.

Megyn might not steal your husband, but only because he is not good enough. Then she would laugh at your pathetic home decor. Bitch.

I am Laslo.

tcrosse said...

She did everything O'Reilly did, only backward and in heels.

Matt Sablan said...

In part, her morning show seems to just be full of mistakes. Like whoever told her "ask them about their plastic surgery."

On the other hand... what did she think was going to happen? She had a semi-loyal audience at Fox who tolerated her because she was fairer than most of the newsreaders and would put the screws to both sides. Her entire persona was tough, but fair-minded.

And... then she decided: "You know what is a good fit for me? A soft, light morning news show!"

It was a terrible mismanagement in brand, and as you can see by people on her set caring so little they're walking into the frame (something that the crew on my high school and college productions never did), the people at her new network don't care or like her enough to help her out.

It sucks for her, but it was fairly predictable.

Darrell said...

Let's see those dancers flip the girls you see at the mall now.

Michael K said...

Megyn is hurt because they are having her push an image almost totally at odds with her history. Her image is that she is an attractive but ice-cold prosecutor.

Roger Ailes saw that and matched a pretty blond with that persona and made her a star.

Then she went Uptown Manhattan.

And she trashed Ailes and went lefty. Now, the price is to be paid.

Still, she can keep the money if she is smart enough to know she is toast.

Darrell said...

NBC's best investment since they signed Chelsea Clinton.

Matt Sablan said...

"And she trashed Ailes and went lefty."

-- I thought it was confirmed Ailes actually DID harass her, in which case, she's not trashing him. He's an asshole.

rhhardin said...

She impressed me as deeply stupid, but that's from not many seeings.

Sometimes indistinguishable from taking the women's PC line.

Sally327 said...

You can tell that it was men who decided to hire Megyn to do morning TV. I don't think a woman would have signed off on that decision because Megyn is not a woman other women, who are mostly the ones watching these shows, would find easy to relate to and I don't think other women would cheer for her or want to see her succeed.

I bet most of Megyn's career is the result of being hired, promoted, supported by men. Because of her looks mostly, not that she's isn't smart or hard-working, I'm not saying she's only succeeded because of her looks but in a world run by women she wouldn't have gotten as far.

Darrell said...

Ailes never harassed anyone. They were all jokes and everyone knew that. Words, not dicks out of a bathrobe.

Ann Althouse said...

"Let's see those dancers flip the girls you see at the mall now."

I love the moments when the guy dancer's head is actually inside a woman's below-the-knee tight skirt. It was funny how they had to act as though that moment wasn't real. Hey, what am I seeing here? And I'm sure the woman worried that the head might get stuck in the space within the hemline and she'd crash to the floor.

I'm using the phrase "tight skirt," because I remember 1963 and I know we called those skirts "tight skirts." I remember when my older sister got a tight skirt and being told I wasn't "old enough to wear a tight skirt."

There was also the phrase "straight skirt."

Today, people say "pencil skirt."

Ann Althouse said...

One time, I was interviewed by Megyn Kelly. Anyone remember that? I had some viral video Fox News wanted to use. I found her really hard to talk to. She didn't listen and wanted to use the video to make some pre-decided point and I didn't want to be used to vouch for facts I didn't know. It was gruesome.

Michael K said...

I doubt the stories of harassment. Not all, of course. We have Weinstein as a sort of gold standard.

Still, in the entertainment business until recently, pretty women used sex to advance their careers.

It has not been as bad as the Marilyn Monroe comment suggests for the old days but blond hair and short skirts were not tools of torture.

I think 90% of the Cosby stuff was consensual. I remember the Quaalude epidemic. It was usually considered a party drug and began as a sleeping pill until the use for highs got to be out of hand.

William said...

Any chance that the criticism will rebound in her favor. It's taking on the appearance of ganging up on her. She's not being allowed to die a natural death like Katie Couric or some others. The flame out is too spectacular......This is her second act. She looks to have enough vitality and complexity to support a five act play. In any event, she will, not die broke or in disgrace, and there are no morals to be drawn from her misfortune,.....Maybe she could arrange a show with all the script girls and production assistants who had a bad time with Harvey. You don't need celebrities to tell a celebrity story that appeals to women.

rhhardin said...

A show on diseases and weddings would be good. Go traditional.

damikesc said...

Yeah, I don't buy that Cosby RAPED them. He drugged them...but the women were more than willing to play along if it got them jobs. It's why it took DECADES to come out. Ditto Weinstein. Actresses are quite willing to trade their bodies for jobs. And that many will not name names still is evidence of that.

Michael K said...

" He drugged them...but the women were more than willing to play along if it got them jobs. "

In the days of the Quaalude thing, both parties took the drug and that was for the high it produced. There are "rape drugs" but it was not one of them. I wonder if anyone ever asked Cosby if he took a Quaalude too?

Jaq said...

How many people have taken on Trump at high noon on Main Street and walked away a winner?

traditionalguy said...

The Professor nailed it. MK is a prosecutor using leading questions to put words in a witnesses mouth, and refuse to let them answer further. That was her brilliant way of destroying Trump. But unlike a male trial Judge letting her get away with it since she is attractive, Trump objected and ruled in his own favor and reminds her that females are fair game. Game, set , match to Trump

She will need subpoenas to get guests who want to suffer that abuse from the mean girl. Trump refused to go to her next debate, using the contribution to vets ploy.

Bruce Hayden said...

I don't think that it was really Ailes who took her down at Fox, but rather Trump. The ice princess prosecutor is a pretty good description of her. She seemed to have an instinct for the jugular, esp with lefties. So Trump did what Trump does, embellishing the truth a bit here and there, Kelly instinctively pounced, and Trump went meanly personal. Rinse and repeat a time or two. I don't think that she could help herself, which is why this is almost a classic tragedy. Would have been fine on MSNBC. Not as a Fox nighttime anchor(ette). If Ailes was part of why she left, I suspect that it was because they had a Coming to Jesus meeting, where she was essentially told to shape up, quit going after Trump, and instead go after Crooked Hillary and the Dems, or ship out.

I agree with the other posters here - Kelly did well with a male audience. She is hot, but has that ice princess prosecutor going on. Tucker Carlson actually seems to get more blood out of the left, but is a dorky male, and not a hot blond, which is why I think I still preferred her. She has never done nice well, which means that she can't relate to women, making her worthless for NBC during the day. She just fits much better in Men's World than in Women's World. Men love her intelligence, and aren't put off by her naked ambition or aggression. Plus, yes, envision getting her in bed. Just the opposite of women. Some women are just this way - for at least the last 30 years, I have tended to be with that sort of women, who do much better, bond with, and prefer to be around, men much more than women.

Matt Sablan said...

"Men love her intelligence, and aren't put off by her naked ambition or aggression."

-- I see what you did there.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"If I recall correctly it was the GOP establishment that had it hopes riding on MeAgain, not the left."

Bob Corker, talent scout.

dreams said...

Some of us were never fooled by the silly and overrated Megyn Kelly.

Anonymous said...

Life is hard. She will end up with big bucks no matter how poorly she does. I look at the difference in her face from when she was doing Fox to the clips Ann is showing and Kelly looks like a whole different person. She has been forced to adapt a style that is just not her, apparently. Most of us, at one time or another, have found ourselves in a job that looked great but just didn't fit. It appears that Kelly would be wise to recognize this and negotiate an end to the torture before she becomes completely unsaleable. As mentioned above she is a good looking woman and has proven in the past she's reasonably bright. Why prolong the agony?

Chris N said...

maybe go Old Timey: A show on ghost-sightings; town-gossip, and old gypsy curses?

Have a cleaned-up hobo share his heartwarming tale.

‘Brought to you by Doc Winchell’s Healing Sheepsliver Cream.’

I gots nothing

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that Dr K's qualude thing may be the thing with Cosby. My partner gets irate when this subject comes up. She got to know him and his family decently well when his kids were growing up. He would take his entire family along when working Vegas. She was working in a shop at the hotel he would stay at when working there. She would routinely sneak the family in and out through the shop so that they could avoid the press when entering or leaving the hotel. They would invite her up to their suite for champagne. Routinely. In all that time, he never did anything remotely questionable. Never. He was one of only two stars she worked with there who never came on to her (the other was Elvis - the sexiest man she claims ever to have met). Moreover, with Cosby, on occasion, she had other attractive women along, who would have been interested in sex (one, in particular, was completely star struck), and Cosby showed no interest. None.

William said...

Here's another idea for a show for Megyn. She could interview the wives of POWs held at the Hanoi Hilton. Ask them what they think about Jane Fonda's personal appearance tour in North Vietnam. Have an open, free wheeling discussion with that group. It would be interesting and informative and present the woman's side of that issue.,..,, Jane used to be married to Roger Vadim. He used to direct soft core porn films. I bet that without too much research you find find lots of Harvey stories about him. Women who were abused by Jane Fonda's husband could be the title of the show. You could do a whole week of Hate Jane stories. It's a niche market, but I think it would work out. Look how Colbert has prospered with his unrelenting Hate Trump show.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I liked Megyn when she had a show on Fox. She was likable and tough - and yes she's very easy on the eyes. I'm not threatened by that - I thought it was great.

Michael K said...

Megyn, as a name, was a sort of giveaway to her personality even if her mother gave it to her.

I predict she end up on the Murder Channel, as I and others calls Discovery ID, along with other failed would be TV stars.

Paula Zahn is one. Every week.

BJM said...

I stopped watching mornings shows when Today dumped Jane Pauley for whatshername. I watched Letterman after Johnny retired but he went off the deep end when NBC gave Jay the show. Jay was okay but too nice for the changing political climate.

Craig Ferguson was the last late night show that was entertainment not political advocacy and I miss his goofy humor, but since then I've cut the cord so it's moot.

I knew Megyn was toast when she changed to her current hard edged look...actually, that's wrong, I knew she was toast when she took on the Donald. All the while the left was applauding and she thought she was winning you could feel her core audience pull away.

Which reminds me of a classic.

rehajm said...

Anns interview is exactly like every Megyn Kelly interview of hers Ive ever seen.

David Baker said...

She lost me when she went off on Trump, like finding my wife in bed with Anthony Wiener.

But really, she's a smart girl so I couldn't figure out why she thought her question was a smart move.

Then again, maybe it was.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Focusing on the big stuff today, I see.

JaimeRoberto said...

So was she foisted a la Curb Your Enthusiasm?

Etienne said...

I turned on my TV for the first time this month, when I couldn't sleep and decided to have a bowel of Cocoa Puffs.

It was a re-run of "Rules of Engagement". They had a lot of shows, so why is it, the one they show is one I've seen. Maybe they just keep playing the same show over and over?? Megyn Price is so plump in that show I could use her as a pillow and enjoy it immensely.

Anyway, I clicked around and it was all crap. I finally turned on my laptop and started reading the news from Paris. Evidently there is someone killing prostitutes in the Algerian/African part of town.

I guess Algerians and Africans don't appreciate the international flavors of the country.

Michael K said...

My mother-in-law, who was in the movie business (not as "talent" as she described them) used to say "Be nice to the people you pass on the ladder of success because you will meet them again on the way down."

David Baker said...

(BTW, if you want to see what an ol' South slave owner looks like, turn on the Florida State game and watch their abusive slave-driver Jimbo Fisher)

Ctmom4 said...

She wasn’t forced by NBC into this type of show. I recall an interview she did where she said her dream was to be the next Oprah. She knows you don’ get to be a double billionaire doing political talk.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My mother-in-law, who was in the movie business (not as "talent"...)

We figured. No one in your family has any talent.

FIDO said...

I don't watch Team Blue. She seems to have joined them, and not even in the defensible David Brooks, Ross Douthat sort of way. She seemed to relish going True Blue and that wasn't her prior audience.

Now she is starting from scratch...because unless one is David Brock, a lying hit piece weasel, or the Dixie Chicks (who?), Team Blue isn't all that warm to Team Red cross overs.

So what audience does she have?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Megyn started at Fox News as just another pretty blonde and Brit Hume took her under his belt [where did that phrase come from Althosue?] when he hosted the 6PM Special Report. When he retired, O'Reilly gave her a some regular screentime on his show so she could demonstrate she was more than just a pretty blonde. She then got her own show when Gretchen whatshername left and Kelly repaid Fox and O'Reilly bigtime after the viewers turned on her after her sneak attack on Trump re Rosie.

David Baker said...

"She seemed to relish going True Blue..."

True, like a coming-out party.

Amexpat said...

I thought she was supposed to be a serious journalist that would bring a more conservative perspective to MSM. Now it looks like she's trying desperately to be one of the daytime TV gals.

Michael K said...

She then got her own show when Gretchen whatshername left and Kelly repaid Fox and O'Reilly bigtime after the viewers turned on her after her sneak attack on Trump re Rosie.

Good summary of her career.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is out early today.

Did you get laid off? I thought Saturday would be busy at McDonalds.

cubanbob said...

I'm enjoying NBC losing a ton of money on her. Too bad it isn't enough to put a real hurt on NBC-Comcast.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

O’Reilly Settled New Harassment Claims, Then Fox Renewed His Contract

I look forward to reading the Althousian multimedia extravaganza of posts covering every conceivable dimension of the Ailes/O'Reilly sexual harassment scandals.

Mark said...

Megyn Kelly is a big reason why Trump got the nomination. From the very start, she made everything all about Trump -- Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump.

None of the other candidates could ever get any traction because of it. Even when these other candidates were asked questions, the questions were about Trump -- "What do you have to say about Trump saying this, about Trump doing this?" -- even when Trump was not even in the room.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mark said...
Megyn Kelly is a big reason why Trump got the nomination.

I am not sure about this. Her main impact was early in the red teams nomination process, but even here it was relatively limited, although they did get record ratings for that first debate. Still, are relatively small audience. She had no significant effect on the general.

Michael K said...

" even when Trump was not even in the room."

Trump lives in the heads of all lefties.

They are doing free ads for his second term campaign.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Interesting review of the Chevy Bolt in the WSJ. First time I have seen a mainstream car reviewer acknowledge the obvious, electric cars are actually better than gas cars for most people for everyday commuting and driving around town. Electric cars are a step forward in functionality, not a huge step forward but still a significant step.

Sebastian said...

@AJ: "Brit Hume took her under his belt" Ouch.

Darrell said...

Bill O'Reilly said a woman's purse was ugly. He also called a woman "hot chocolate." A search of that woman's social media show she often referred to herself as "hot chocolate." I suppose she sued herself when she got the money from Fox/O'Reilly. Meanwhile, ARM is still an asshole.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Celebrities might be weird on TV:
Joseph Epstein wrote once that if you have come to think highly of a celebrity, you'll probably be disappointed when you see them interviewed on TV. For his generation an example was Katherine Hepburn; for mine, Sigourney Weaver. Tom Hanks is pretty good, and comics who choose to do something a bit difficult or surprising. Going back a ways: Charles Grodin. Weird: Andy Kaufman? David Letterman in the early days was always trying to get something a bit different going; Craig Ferguson had a unique show, encouraging celebrities to be different. Kristen Bell played along quite well. Anybody else remember William Shatner's Raw Nerve? I'm now enjoying some Norm Macdonald podcasts.

cronus titan said...

Ailes was a genius at identifying and applying a specific talent someone had. THey may have had no other particular talent but the one they had was really, really good. In Kely's case, she excelled at being a cold-hearted interviewer to make her subjects squirm. She was also easy on the eyes at one point. And that's about it. THose talents are not transferable. Ask Glenn Beck how his career went after he left Fox.

THe interview with Anne Althouse was classic Kelly. Kelly had a point she wanted to make, and the answers were irrelevant. Great interview technique if you have a position but the audience learns nothing. WHy NBC thought that Kelly could host a morning show is baffling. Total fish out of water and Kelly looks ridiculous. NBC should have learned that these talents are NOT transferable after the Katie Couric disaster (trying to make a morning show host into a national newsreader).

Kelly will be out of the business within three years, maybe sooner, and there is no going back to her former career path. Maybe, like Couric, she could get a gig on the internet.

Darrell said...

Electric cars make as much sense as ARM.

Sebastian said...

"Electric cars are a step forward in functionality" Encouraging, true.

But so far at roughly double the price of a gasoline model. Bolt price as tested: $43,905 (minus a $7,500 "credit" extracted from me and you). Larger Chevy Cruze hatchback : about $21K.

Mark said...

David Letterman in the early days was always trying to get something a bit different going

And then there was the night I saw Crispin Glover on the show.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Prices will come down. To be worth the money they have to be a better car. Electric motors are a miracle of efficiency and provide maximum torque where it is needed. For a long time I didn't think they were going to make it with the batteries but they have. It was worthwhile investing in this technology.

Darrell said...

Electric cars in cold climates make ARM seem useful.

Etienne said...

The trouble with the $7500 federal credit on electric cars, is I didn't pay even half that in taxes last year.

You can't deduct more than you owe. Thus, no electric cars for the Mathieu family...

Not to worry, my Chevy Spark cost $10k and gets 40 MPG. If I can find some better rear-end gears, I can easily change that to 60 MPG. They mis-designed it, as it turns 3200 RPM at 70 MPH. WTH??

There's a rear-end company in town here. that can custom build a replacement. But I'm waiting for the warranty to expire.

Bay Area Guy said...

It was a brilliant move by Foxnews to ship Megyn to NBC.

It's like the Yankees dressing up their worst player as their best player and then unloading her on the Red Sox to screw up their team.

Mark said...

And those electric car batteries are good for the environment, both in mining for the needed minerals and in their handy disposal. Then there is the environmental benefit of producing the power needed for these cars, such as coal, natural gas, nuclear, or damming up some stream for hydro-power.

Etienne said...

The Chevy Bolt is sold without a power cord. The bastards nickle and dime you to death for shit you need to operate the vehicle.

I think the power cord is $150. Your plug on the back of your computer does the same thing. Do they sell computers without power cords?

The Chevy Bolts are overflowing the shipping lots. No one is buying them. $38,000 for a car that can go 200 miles. If you buy the power cord...

Leslie Graves said...

In the video from The Dovells, I love the variety of outfits the women are wearing. It's a wider range of customing than I think you would normally find at dance events/spectacles/videos today.

I particularly like the tops that are more like men's shirts than like blouses.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

There is clearly some market resistance to EVs at the moment but the Bolt is doing OK. Basically it is a matter of time. EV's aren't fabulously better than gas cars, they are a modest improvement, gas cars are already very good. It is an established market, not a growing market. It will take a while but EVs will dominate in the end.

Ann Althouse said...

"I agree with the other posters here - Kelly did well with a male audience. She is hot, but has that ice princess prosecutor going on."

It's the same thing that happened with Nancy Grace and Ann Coulter and I'm sure various other women that have been on the news shows. There's something for a certain type of audience to like, but it belongs in some kind of red-meat political environment.

cronus titan said...

@Bay Area Guy

THe better analogy would be the Yankees having depth at RF, and letting the current RF walk in free agency to the Red Sox, who promptly moved him to pitcher. Tucker Carlson came in behind her and has a better show with higher ratings. NBC moved her to mornings, and has the same result of moving a RF to pitcher.

Pinandpuller said...

Even The Love Boat could book washed up celebrities at the end of their lives.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I thought Saturday would be busy at McDonalds.

Well I'm sure you would know better than me. Old, bad habits die hard, especially when you're too proud to shift your dining preferences to the senior blue plate specials at veterans halls or Cracker Barrels that old farts like you would find more age-appropriate. I mean, you are showing your age with this fixation on the Golden Arches as if it were still some hip, young, new thing.

And what's up with your condescension toward the working poor, service workers... and even just blue-collar folks as well? Not all of them could be suckled and nurtured and groomed for elitism by your nursemaid, you know?

Finally, isn't it time to get a new joke, as long as you're going to attempt insults? I mean, I can think of tons of things to go after you you about - true things, at that! Like how old and boring and out-of-touch you are, how ugly you are, how opinionated you are, how partisan, closed-minded and just plain dumb and douchey you are. But with you, it's always just going after poor service workers, and associating them with me.

I guess nothing you can come up to go after me on compares to the fact that a nursemaid's titties were pushed into your fat, young, suckling baby face. Or how insecure you are about that and the sense of unearned privilege it obviously fills you with. Sure, you didn't deserve that bizarre "perk" and that knowledge fills you with anxiety. But that's your problem, not mine.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Electric cars make as much sense as ARM.

Next up on the conservative war against modernity: Electric motors! Who needs 'em!

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Damn, long breaks at McDonalds.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not only that, Darrell, but electric toothbrushes! Who needs 'em!

And electric oral irrigators! Crikey! Can't these orally hygienic adults just use ye olde hand-crank model like L'estate Darrell used back in the olden days, le siecle d'or - when King Louis Quatorze and Darrell were shitting into golden chamber pots together and throwing them out onto the streets that the plebs (yesterday's "McDonald's workers,' to M. K.) were circulating around and protesting in?

Modernity is your enemy, Darrell. Never forget it!

walter said...

David Baker said..."She seemed to relish going True Blue..."
True, like a coming-out party.
After the dancing bit, maybe that's next.
Did Ellen have the Vegas security guard dance?
As for "going menstrual", that's a great phrase..for men to have to 'splain behaviors...like hammering a bit o whimsy on a morning show.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think you might know them better as Wisconsin, Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania voters, Activist.

Go on. Keep the service sector down. Soon enough your vaunted truckers will all be replaced too. It will be funny watching NASCAR drivers become automated. And then the coal miners. Pretty soon whatever paper-pushing job that you're still at will be phased out also.

It's funny watching right-wing tools convince themselves that, "They're all workers, today!"

Like an oil slick that keeps bubbling out of a ruined estuary, their condescension and elitism always leaks out. No matter how un-elite they are.

Actually, like the undigested Olestra that they consumed, it always leaks out.

I'm Full of Soup said...

"@AJ: "Brit Hume took her under his belt" Ouch."


Doh! When I wrote that I had a huge brain fart - I truly meant to write under his wing. I was not trying to smear either of them.

Jim at said...

Well, I'll be had.
My Sympathy Meter is busted.

rehajm said...

I just noticed how many many TV women grew up with me in Upstate NY. I knew of Megyn when she went to rival Bethlehem HS though she was a bit younger than me. Down the road at Shenendehowa HS I knew The Weather Channel's Mish Michaels though a mutual friend. NBCs Kate Snow had a locker down the row from me in HS. I never met Rachel Ray. She went to Lake George but she got her start with a segment on the local news with my old high school english teacher.

rehajm said...

They all kinda sucked.

rehajm said...


Mark said...
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Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Even The Love Boat could book washed up celebrities at the end of their lives.

"Even The Love Boat"? That was 95 percent the reason for the show (and Fantasy Island which followed it).

Barbara said...

Get rid of the audience!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

electric cars are actually better than gas cars for most people for everyday commuting and driving around town

Around town is the key phrase here.

No doubt, if you live in a constipated city and don't need to drive very far an electric car would be a good idea. If I still lived in San Francisco, I would definitely have an electric car. You could charge up. Go the few miles to work. Perhaps do a small bit of shopping at the local bodega and then go home to your constipated overpriced apartment, where if you are lucky you have someplace to park and charge. (Most likely you don't have off street parking and probably don't have a charging station either.) I would also definitely have a real, gas powered vehicle for those times I want to go more than 100 miles away from my house. Visit people who live not in the constipated city. Take a trip to Yosemite. Run away from Zombie Apocalypse without having to wait hours to charge up my stupid car. (sort of joking on that last one)

HOWEVER, the idea that you are going to shove electric vehicles down the throats of the rest of the United States is delusional. The distances required to drive and get back home are often beyond the limits of the ability of the cars. There is not any charging station at your destination. And who has the time to sit around and wait?

Driving in bad weather....ice...snow...hail...freezing temperatures...blazing hot temperatures....up and down hills....all make the traveling distance even less.

People who don't live in the constipated cities also need to have more cargo room and the electric vehicles are not suitable for hauling cargo or hauling a lot of people either.

When you can devise an electric truck that can haul a John Deere Tractor or Backhoe up a 7% grade, in the snow.....give us a call.

Until then. Go ahead and drive an EV if that suits your lifestyle and GTFO of our lives. Stop trying to micro manage ME.

Darrell said...

Roger Ailes was said by many to be one of the wittiest men they ever met. Some said he would be an excellent companion for a desert island. If I remember the last Althouse poll, Ritmo was near the top for DI companion. Further analysis showed they would choose Ritmo because they would have no qualms killing him to supplement their diet.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Yeah I can almost hear Ritmo telling me to read a book when there isn't single book on the damn island.

rcocean said...

Kelly went to work at Fox because she could be a big frog in a little pond.

Now she's hopped over to the big pond, and her true size is apparent.

i think she'll end up at MSNBC.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am pretty sure electric cars are not energy efficient because they need to lug around a 1,000 lb battery. But I could be wrong.

narciso said...

The trackrecord of for fox players whonwent to other networked is nit promising staring with rite crosby, PAula Bahn, alisyn camerota, cbjron cherry.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No doubt, if you live in a constipated city and don't need to drive very far an electric car would be a good idea. If I still lived in San Francisco, I would definitely have an electric car. You could charge up. Go the few miles to work. Perhaps do a small bit of shopping at the local bodega and then go home to your constipated overpriced apartment, where if you are lucky you have someplace to park and charge.

Elon Musk is building enough superchargers along every major highway to an extent that will prevent any EV motorist from losing charge along the way. The mistake you make - and that right-wingers tend to always make - is to pretend that a certain industry-built infrastructure now is the way it always was, and should be. Nope, another industrialist will create his own infrastructure of the future. If you don't like it, tough cookies. Petrol will however be displaced, though - whether you like it or not, Mad Max.

HOWEVER, the idea that you are going to shove electric vehicles down the throats of the rest of the United States is delusional.

Down the throats, lol. The right-wing resort to oral rape is a funny one. Some of us think that ARAMCO has been shoved down our throats. They're just an industry that had the alignment of factors and dollars and sponsorship a hundred years ago to become a temporary standard. You sound like a curmudgeonly pedestrian and equestrian from 1920. By the end of that decade cars were everywhere. But when it started there were just as many anachronisms as you bitching and moaning about what was being shoved down their throats. Or up their asses. Or whatever orifice you find most intruded upon.

The distances required to drive and get back home are often beyond the limits of the ability of the cars. There is not any charging station at your destination. And who has the time to sit around and wait?

What nonsense. They are fast approaching the range of most gas tanks. AND they can be charged at home. Or at your hotel. This lack of just basic vision makes you sound like a Mr. Magoo of technology and lifestyle.

When you can devise an electric truck that can haul a John Deere Tractor or Backhoe up a 7% grade, in the snow.....give us a call.

Talk about someone who's shoving their own uncommon and obscure lifestyle down our throats. You actually seem to think that the market market for tractors and backhoes is greater than for sedans and coupes. Get real! Ha ha.

Until then. Go ahead and drive an EV if that suits your lifestyle and GTFO of our lives. Stop trying to micro manage ME.

Oh, poor you. I'm sure EV infrastructure has sooooo intruded into your life. What an imagination you have. As well as a persecution complex.

Leora said...

On the hippie/hippy topic, I was surprised to hear the word groovy in the chorus to the Calloway Boogie recorded in 1947. The Calloway Boogie keeps you groovy 24 hours a day.

I remember watching interesting conversations on talk shows though not any time since the Clinton administration. I assume most of the guests were promoting books or movies. I'm not sure if it was more interesting because of the lack of alternative sources like the internet or because mainstream television has changed over the years to exclude interesting conversation.

n.n said...

electric cars are not energy efficient

Fuels of the Future for Cars and Trucks offers a quick introduction to some of the relevant metrics, including energy efficiency.

Battery-powered vehicles meet one continuous performance metric: reduced local pollution, and other punctuated metrics in zero kinetic and low inertial frames of reference.

Fabi said...

Are those soon-to-be-sorta-ubiquitous refueling stations powered by coal or nuclear?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

...coal or nuclear?

Solar, you silly jack-hof.


But even those that are still connected to the grid are less polluting than the equivalent energy poured into a gasoline tank.


I don't understand why the right are so anti-clean energy. It's like what they fear most is a sunny sky free of smog, smokestacks or coughed-up phlegm.

Achilles said...

The Toothless Revolutionary said...

I don't understand why the right are so anti-clean energy. It's like what they fear most is a sunny sky free of smog, smokestacks or coughed-up phlegm.

Because solar is 2 or 3 steps away from being a legitimate power source. As of now it just can't produce the load required to do more than be neato on sunny days. Germany has done what you think we should do. Higher energy rates are a regressive tax. But you leftist seem to hate poor people.

When we move to space solar will be useful for life support. But in the end there just isn't that much energy in solar. Nuclear is going to be the way of the future for carrying load. Thorium Salt reactors should be ubiquitous by now. Thorium is tossed as a waste product in mining operations, the reactors are 100% safe, no dangerous waste products, and researchers would turn them off before going home on the weekends. It seems the leftist luddites hate progress.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Because solar is 2 or 3 steps away from being a legitimate power source.

And coal is already obsolete - and kills those who mine it after about 20 years (requiring government subsidies to pay to care for them), petroleum crude doesn't heat homes, and nuclear waste cannot yet be made non-radioactive before the thousands of years it takes to "guarantee" that geologic activity will keep it from leaking.

As of now it just can't produce the load required to do more than be neato on sunny days.

Also nonsense. Its cost is decreasing faster than just about any other source - which means that combined with wind the only thing preventing the construction of its load is the fact that its subsidies are going away while those going to the stronger/legacy dinosaur fossil fuel industries are not.

Germany has done what you think we should do. Higher energy rates are a regressive tax. But you leftist seem to hate poor people.

Then why are there fewer homeless people in Germany? Fewer people who are starving? Fewer people who can't pay their health care bills? Or are bankrupted by them?

Because you rightists love wealthy people more than you love poor people. And you also don't want to educate yourself on what other countries do better than America does. So it seems like you're the one who hates poor people. If you are poor, it's just your empty pride that convinces you to think this way.

When we move to space solar will be useful for life support.

That's funny. I see a heck of a lot more life right down here on our Eden known as Earth than I do in space, and all of it ultimately depends on the sun.

But in the end there just isn't that much energy in solar.

That's also pretty funny. Tell me how any known energy source in the universe is derived if not ultimately from stars like the sun.

Nuclear is going to be the way of the future for carrying load.

I'd agree to that, but you rightists have a way of wanting to make bad/risky temporary choices permanent. If you reprocessed the fuel then it would be less of a problem, but the problem with right-wingers is that they think that Fukushimas and Chernobyls can only happen to other countries. Until they give Americans a good old fashioned Three Mile Island. Or a Love Canal.

Thorium Salt reactors should be ubiquitous by now.

Well, then maybe they're not economical either, then. Jesus. You can't seem to see how your argument works just as easily against whatever hopes you have for an awesome/interesting technology that for some reason no big company seems to have developed.

Thorium is tossed as a waste product in mining operations, the reactors are 100% safe, no dangerous waste products, and researchers would turn them off before going home on the weekends.

Yeah. Then tell it to the Koch Brothers. Or 3M. Or some other rich industrialist who seems to be stopping your idea.

It seems the leftist luddites hate progress.

Again. See above. Identify the political conspiracy that's stopping your wonder fuel from being developed. There already are rich, conservative energy industries doing all they can to stop the development of any competitor - whether it's something that can be owned by mining rights or just available to anyone like the wind and the sun.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here you go, Mr Radiology Expert:

The used fuel is difficult and dangerous to reprocess because many of the daughters of 232Th and 233U are strong gamma emitters. All 233U production methods other than mercury fluorescence result in impurities of 232U, either from parasitic knock-out (n,2n) reactions on 232Th, 233Pa, or 233U that result in the loss of a neutron, or from double neutron capture of 230Th, an impurity in natural 232Th:

+ n → 231
+ Îł

25.5 h


3.28 × 104
­ 231
+ n → 232
+ Îł

1.3 d
232U by itself is not particularly harmful, but quickly decays to produce the strong gamma emitter 208Tl. (232Th follows the same decay chain, but its much longer half-life means that the quantities of 208Tl produced are negligible.) These impurities of 232U make 233U easy to detect and dangerous to work on, and the impracticality of their separation limits the possibilities of nuclear proliferation using 233U as the fissile material. 233Pa has a relatively long half-life of 27 days and a high cross section for neutron capture. Thus it is a neutron poison: instead of rapidly decaying to the useful 233U, a significant amount of 233Pa converts to 234U and consumes neutrons, degrading the reactor efficiency. To avoid this, 233Pa is extracted from the active zone of thorium molten salt reactors during their operation, so that it only decays to 233U.

The irradiation of 232Th with neutrons then processing it has to be mastered before these advantages can be realised, and this requires more advanced technology than the uranium and plutonium fuel cycle; research continues in this area. Another common criticism centres around the low commercial viability of the thorium fuel cycle: some entities like the Nuclear Energy Agency predict that the thorium cycle will never be commercially viable while uranium is available in abundance—a situation which may persist "in the coming decades". The isotopes produced in the thorium fuel cycle are mostly not transuranic, but some of them are still very dangerous, such as 231Pa, which has a half-life of 32,760 years and is a major contributor to the long-term radiotoxicity of spent nuclear fuel.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I see Bitchmo has been pouring his plastic bottle brand vodka into his McDonald's cup while loafing at work early today.

I look forward to the robots replacing him. Why should corporations have to pay 15 dollars an hour for alcoholic lazy douchebags like Bitchmo.

traditionalguy said...

Have you noticed the Frederica Wilson act is relying on Black Women who attack Trump being off limits to attacks coming back. She made Megyn Kelly's mistake. And the blood coming out of her is the same red color.Honeybadger Trump don't care...which should actually win Trump votes among black men.

traditionalguy said...

In reading tonight's over the top personal attacks on Toothless, I notice they only highlight his superior intelligence and the entertaining way he uses it. I would just would fight him on some of the "future facts" he asserts so positively, much like another famous disciple of Norman Vincent Peale. But I chose not to fight him.

Michael K said...

Ritmo is not that bad,

Further analysis showed they would choose Ritmo because they would have no qualms killing him to supplement their diet.

Maybe if I was really really hungry. I'll bet he tastes like McDonald's fries.

Just a guess, of course.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow. That's pretty disgusting, Dr. Lecter. I mean, Dr. K.

Apparently you are practiced in the art of eating man meat. My penis is bigger than a french fry - but whatever floats your boat.

Also, at your favorite fast food restaurant they don't serve liver with a side of fava beans.

I'm curious to know what your real diet consists of. You sound like you have some real shit tastes, from what you write.

Try getting out of your adult day care center more, Gramps.

Jon Ericson said...


walter said...

"My penis is bigger than a french fry"
Bet that impresses the CNAs where you work.
So many elderly to snuff out...8 hr shift just ain't enough.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever you need to say to defend a bloodthirsty cannibal, walter.

Why not? He's still dreaming of suckling his childhood wet nurse.

Maybe you are, too.

walter said...

Given the fixation on that, TTR didn't get enough love as an infant.
I fear his parents were the first to suffer the pillow.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not even sure what you're trying to say there, weird walter.

Anyway, are you intimating that your momma's titties were also outsourced to a wet nurse?

Strange that you assume this would be a more common practice.

Emil Blatz said...

If her $23M/year for 3 years was guaranteed, I don't think she has a problem.

RBE said...

She lost her audience at FOX after the infamous debate. Maybe she was flying high with the lefties but not with her core audience. She was good, seemed informed and jovial, on her morning news show with Bill Hemmer and was great, at first, on her primetime show. She was a good fit for the FOX evening schedule. I don't think Trump "went menstrual" on her on purpose...that is what perverts in the media and activists thought he meant because it fit with their opinion of him. It has been perpetuated as truth and I don't buy it.

Unknown said...

"Elon Musk is building enough superchargers along every major highway to an extent that will prevent any EV motorist from losing charge along the way."

They'll still take far longer than the 10 minutes ICE cars require to refuel. So that's not going to encourage anyone to change teams.

"Some of us think that ARAMCO has been shoved down our throats."

Indeed. Which is why we support fracking, which simultaneously provides good-paying jobs to the middle class, tax revenue to the government, lower prices for US consumers, and starves the kleptocrats in Saudi Arabia, Russia and the Middle East.

"You sound like a curmudgeonly pedestrian and equestrian from 1920. By the end of that decade cars were everywhere"

The advantages of a car vs. a horse are numerous and easy to see, in terms of speed, range, waste disposal, and many other areas. The advantages of electrics vs. gas are pretty much limited to initial acceleration, with numerous major disadvantages like range and refueling time complicating the picture.

Which is why electrics have a 1% market share today, and aren't anywhere close to "dominating" by the end of this decade.

"They are fast approaching the range of most gas tanks. AND they can be charged at home"

Most gas tanks can go well over 400 miles, with several exceeding 500 or 600. Electrics aren't going to be able to handle that for a while.

And you're pretty much forced to charge at home, given their multi-hour recharging time. Most people don't have 8 hours to sit next to a charging station during the middle of the day.

"I'm sure EV infrastructure has sooooo intruded into your life."

Well, we are paying for it.

"Its cost is decreasing faster than just about any other source - which means that combined with wind the only thing preventing the construction of its load is the fact that its subsidies are going away while those going to the stronger/legacy dinosaur fossil fuel industries are not."

So wind and solar require subsidies to stay alive? Well, that's pretty much our point.
And they aren't cheaper when you factor in their inherent unreliability. Solar disappears at night and decreases greatly on cloudy/rainy/snowy days. But people still need electricity then.

Hope you don't need surgery on a calm night, since it won't be happening with wind or solar. Only fossil fuels will get the job done then.

And fossil fuels don't get subsidies. Their tax payments to the government far exceed your so-called subsidies.

If only wind and solar could say the same. But they can't.

Unknown said...

It appears Kelly’s career is going the way of Paula Zahn (remember her?), an attractive blond I first saw on local news in Houston, then her career skyrocketed as she went to Fox in New York. She was a fairly decent newsreader and interviewer. But then, I’m not certain exactly what happened, she went to CBS News. I think she even hosted the evening news. There were all kinds of profiles about her. Her personal life (to some extent), and her professional career. She just didn’t seem to mesh with an audience though.
Where is she now? She’s doing a “Dateline” type show on “Investigation Discovery” channel (or was). She became a complete flameout after what appeared to be a meteoric career. This is a forshadowing of Kelly’s career.

DH said...

Why doesn't NBC let her do what she does best?
Book politicians on her show and let her have at 'em ..
I know booking actual newsmakers is antithetical to NBC News' dedication to info free fluff, but you hired her. Let her play to her strengths.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

1. Tesla is also doing battery swap-outs/exchanges. Takes less time than fueling up. And you've still assumed that people would prefer to pay more per tank for fuel to a gas station attendant than the less they'd pay at home. Weird assumptions. You know any actual consumers or are you just assuming everyone's as much a fossil fuel shill as you seem to be?

Wherever you pulled your "8 hour" charge time make-believe from who knows. But it does show how ignorant you are about the issue. What an imagination you have.

2. Fracking puts secret chemicals into the ground that cause illness, earthquakes and combust your tap water. I realize you think that harms to the consumer are a great price to pay for an energy source that the consumer still can't own or capture, but not everyone does.

3. The rest of what you say is basically a gripe against an arbitrary 10-year vs. longer (but inevitable) transition timeline, and inability to understand basic technology - such as how batteries work and how the technology to further develop fuel mediums that store non-combustible source energy at peak production hours works.

And as far as jobs go, more are created in clean energy sectors than in every dirty energy field combined. Not that right-wingers like you care about real jobs. You just like to sound as if you do.

But keep being a shill to Big Fracking here the way you've done to Big Foreign Oil abroad. I'm sure Americans will be happy to go along.

Again, what is it about the right-wing mind that disparages networks that can't be owned by as few people as possible and compels them to show so much love for limited extractive rights instead? They hate jobs, free availability and cleanness. There really is no other explanation. Their love for aristocracy and oligarchy really must be that strong. As is their hatred for progress and development of the things that basically everyone wants and would prefer.

R.C. said...

I just noticed that Megyn Kelley is in every way the opposite of Raymond Arroyo:

1. Unapproachable rather than disarming;

2. Uses guests as a prop for making her own point rather than letting them open up and reveal their thoughts;

3. Seems to be faking it rather than actually enjoying who and where she is;

4. Grasping and trying too hard instead of comfortable and at-peace.

I think maybe she could straighten her life out by by having a low-key multi-year apprenticeship under the tutelage of Mother Angelica.

(Checks Wikipedia re: Mother Angelica....)

Oh. Too late.

Well, Megyn, I hope you enjoy clawing at the cliff's edge for another few years before the slide begins. Let us know how that works out for ya'.

Unknown said...

"Tesla is also doing battery swap-outs/exchanges."

False. There was only one location in the entire country, and it's been shut down for years.

"Tesla’s battery swap station near the Harris Ranch Supercharger station in Coalinga, CA seems to have been shut down, at least for now. What started out as a company vision to recharge Tesla vehicles in the same amount of time, if not quicker, as refueling a gas vehicle, turned into a pilot program that saw little to no fanfare.

Now, three years after Tesla first demonstrated the ability to quickly swap out the floor-mounted battery on a Model S and replace it with a fully charged battery pack, the company has seemingly closed the pilot program in favor of expanding its global network of Superchargers."


"Wherever you pulled your "8 hour" charge time make-believe from who knows."

Yeah, 8 hours was pretty crazy for an electric car charging time.

It's actually more like 13 hours with household current.

"There is also an included 120-volt portable charge cord that will charge the battery in approximately 13 hours."


"Fracking puts secret chemicals into the ground that cause illness, earthquakes and combust your tap water"

Ooooh, SECRET chemicals? Did your dental fillings break the exclusive story to you?

Hate to harsh on your Gasland propaganda, but the town where they filmed the movie had flaming tap water long before they ever started fracking in the area. The Colorado Department of Natural Resources tested the water themselves and concluded as shown on page 7 of the link:

"There are no indications of any oil & gas related impacts to your water well."



"The rest of what you say is basically a gripe against an arbitrary 10-year vs. longer (but inevitable) transition timeline, "

You brought up the decade timeline, not me. And "inevitable"? Please. Electrics are available right now - pretty much every major manufacturer makes them, right now. And yet, nobody's buying them compared to gas-powered cars.

Mainly because people don't like paying thousands of dollars more for inferior technology.

"how the technology to further develop fuel mediums that store non-combustible source energy at peak production hours works."

So where exactly are cities and states running on solar and wind with battery backup? Let's have a list, Professor Technology.

Unknown said...

"And as far as jobs go, more are created in clean energy sectors than in every dirty energy field combined. Not that right-wingers like you care about real jobs"

Sorry, not true. Your figures are BS. They had to throw in part-time solar panel workers to get that number, while simultaneously leaving out non-electrical-generation fossil fuel workers. Which conveniently excludes the hundreds of thousands working in coal mines and natural gas extraction. Throw them in, and fossil fuels dwarf solar and wind.

"But keep being a shill to Big Fracking here the way you've done to Big Foreign Oil abroad. I'm sure Americans will be happy to go along."

Americans greatly prefer $2 gas to $4 gas, along with a crippled OPEC. Just ask them. And it's happened thanks to fracking. Not electric cars, which are mainly a niche market for trust fund babies with money to burn.

"As is their hatred for progress and development of the things that basically everyone wants and would prefer."

You obviously haven't looked at electric car sales figures lately. A 1% market share isn't evidence of something "basically everybody wants". In fact, it shows the exact opposite.

And the same is true for solar electrical production, which is also at...1% of US electrical generation. Having their power go off at sunset isn't something "basically everyone wants". Unless they're an idiot.

So fossil fuels aren't going anywhere. Sorry to bust your bubble.

GRW3 said...

I was excited that FNC was getting to do a top line debate. Finally, we were going to hear a debate about issues we care about, no left field, left wing oriented questions. I was very disappointed when she launched on misogyny. I never watched her show again. That was the first step in the FNC crackup.

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