৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

New York Magazine says: "Right Wing Tries to Paint Harvey Weinstein As a Democratic Problem."

The post is by by Benjamin Hart, whose evidence includes this:

I never thought of Julian Assange as "right wing." Not everyone who has a problem with the Democratic Party is right wing, though I'm very familiar with the way Democrats "try to paint" their critics as right wing. (I get called right wing all the time, and I don't think I espouse any right-wing positions.)

Assange has a second tweet with the text "Harvey & Hillary. A love story" and this image (click to enlarge):

২৯২টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   292 এর 201 – থেকে 292
Bilwick বলেছেন...

The right wing/left wing concept is a mess and should be done away with. The terms come from the French Parliament of the Ancien Regime, the "right wing" of the Parliament being the side where sat the supporters of the Church-and-State regime and old-style authoritarianism. If there's any group of authoritarians in the US today it's the "liberals" and the so-called Left. At one time they at least had a defense of free speech going for them, but they've clearly dropped that mask.

If you needed any evidence that the right wing/left wing spectrum was useless and misleading these days, consider that "right wing" is now an umbrella term that can include antiwar individualist anarchist Murray Rothbard AND the KKK and Neo-Nazis.
Jonah Goldberg in LIBERAL FASCISM says that our modern usage of "right wing" came from the Stalinists of the Thirties, who used it as a pejorative against anyone who found themselves in opposition to "Uncle Joe." Sounds about right.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

rhhardin said...

"Ethics in the war of men and women existed under the old rules too. Use those rules."

You mean, "All's fair in love and war"?

Jupiter বলেছেন...

Or maybe, "Don't shit where you eat, don't fuck where you work"?

If Weinstein had only followed that sound dictum, he wouldn't be in this mess. It's strange to consider that there are thousands of women, many quite attractive, who would have been willing to watch him shower and more, for what he would consider pocket change. Certainly considerably less than what he paid these women to keep their mouths shut. It does kind of seem like it wasn't the sex he was after, it was something else. Maybe just the unbridled power to have whatever he might want, at the moment he wanted it? Who among us could resist his own desires if he thought no one else would?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Jonah Goldberg in LIBERAL FASCISM...

Which is about as dumb a title for a book as "Hate-Filled Christianity."

Darrell বলেছেন...

Meryl Streep called Harvey Weinstein "God."
So you know where her tongue has been.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

rhhardin: Huge deductibles are good. What you want is catastropic insurnace, not routine health care.

No, what you want is to pay low-premium catastrophic insurance rates for high-deductible catastrophic insurance, not high-premium, "routine health care" rates for huge deductible, catastrophic-in-all-but name insurance.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Ritmo needs to read more. Assuming he is above 6th grade level.

Liberal Fascism is an excellent book.

Michael K বলেছেন...

" what you want is to pay low-premium catastrophic insurance rates for high-deductible catastrophic insurance,"

Yes and that is what I hope will return soon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

So you know where her tongue has been.

No place your nose hasn't been.

Rick বলেছেন...

(I get called right wing all the time, and I don't think I espouse any right-wing positions.)

That's because as a cultural leftist you refuse to understand the left. If you support any of our traditional core freedoms like speech and association you're right wing.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Ritmo loves brown showers. Gets them twice a day. Too much can make those teeth drop out, but he knows that now.

Rick বলেছেন...

To clarify: those are right wing beliefs.

Alex বলেছেন...

90% of the Ny Mag comments defending the scum pervert in the name of 'progressiveness' and needing to take the attack to the GOP.

Confirming what I already thought.

Liberals have no real morals, other than to enact Communism.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo loves brown showers.

What's a "brown shower?"

How many longish cylindrical objects have you placed in your mouth today to suck on, Da rrell?

Darrell বলেছেন...

Ritmo has to repeat what other people say about him. It's another one of his mental defects, like Leftism. Sad.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I just asked you a question about your strange, perversely-sounding comment, Da Rell. If you don't know what you meant by it, or feel too embarrassed to clarify, then there are nobler ways to tuck your tail under your tiny nut sack and run away.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

This is the post about Abu Ghraib that I meant:

May 10, 2004 "This is not what Americans are."

"I've been avoiding writing about the abuse of the Iraqi prisoners. It is hard for me to find a way to write about it, but we were talking about it a lot at my house yesterday, as we watched the Sunday news analysis shows. When I start to write something like "it's hard to take the accumulating weight of the photographs," it sounds quite idiotic, as if we are the ones being abused, as if having to look at the photographs is painful when the photographs depict pain of a sort that we are blessedly free of. I keep waiting to see how President Bush will deal with this crisis, which threatens to undermine every positive motive that has been asserted for the invasion. Surely, it isn't enough to say Saddam was much worse; we have to demonstrate a completely different nature altogether for what we are doing to make sense. It isn't enough to prosecute a few assorted evildoers (whether the prosecution is on TV or not), just as it wasn't enough to say after 9/11, as some people other than Bush did, "We need to arrest the people responsible for this and bring them to trial." Something much more comprehensive is needed to root out this abuse. If Bush doesn't find a way to do something comprehensive, he deserves to be replaced. Whatever deficiencies Kerry may have--and I have not been a Kerry supporter--I would like to see him moved into the Presidency to make clear statement of the thing that Bush himself keeps going around saying: this is not what Americans are."

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

You wouldn't have seen that on the Abu Ghraib tag because it was from a period when I didn't have tags.

I've added the tag since then.

Bilwick বলেছেন...

In another brilliant post, The Toothless State Fellator writes:

"Jonah Goldberg in LIBERAL FASCISM...

"Which is about as dumb a title for a book as 'Hate-Filled Christianity.'"

I find Goldberg's book useful as a kind of litmus test. The "liberals" who seem most irked by it tend to be (a) people who have never read it, and are probably scared to read it the way really ugly people would be scared to look in a mirror; and (c) are usually most like the kind of creatures Goldberg writes about.

"'Liberal Fascism'? How ridiculous! Just because I'm a collectivist who hates individualism, advocate of a huge all powerful state to control the economy, and favor draconic gun control, is no reason to call me as fascist!" Proving once again, kids, that Denial Ain't Just a River in Africa.

Proving once more that Denial Ain't Just a River

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Game, set, match to Althouse.

Actually, even with your helpful search, I see where she discussed it, but as far as condemning the use of torture, still not seeing it.

JSF বলেছেন...

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Ritmo aka TTR, the Althouse version of Stasi!

If you don't think like him, you should be shot like a Congressional Republican on a baseball field.

A perfect representation of the modern Left who excuses President Bill Clinton's sexual harassment, Rep. Weiner's underage sexting and Senator Ted Kennedy's murder of Mary Jo Kopachne --

Take a bow Ritmo!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

As for torture more generally, there are 143 posts on that topic, and many of them deal with how people with political interests use the word as a means to an end.

I'm not going to try to discuss the entire topic as address over that many posts, but those who want to make a big "You never said" kind of statement should go read all those posts and make sure you understand what was going on. Otherwise, in my view, there's something unethical about what you are trying to do.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

By the way, that "This is not what Americans Are" post is quoted just before the '04 election in my "How Kerry Lost Me" and noted as the high point of my support for Kerry.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"" what you want is to pay low-premium catastrophic insurance rates for high-deductible catastrophic insurance,"

Yes and that is what I hope will return soon."

So, ya gave up on the French system?

Anywho, would you have limits e.g. min coverage requirements and no lifetime caps? Or, can folks write policies sorta like the policies that are written to insure a hole in one contest: the cost is low cause the odds are that you lose.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The "liberals" who seem most irked by it tend to be (a) people who have never read it...

I don't have to read a coloring book either to know what it's about and the age/maturity level of anyone directed to it. Which probably explains his stupid cover graphic, also.

I'm a collectivist who hates individualism,

Whose individualism have I opposed? Why don't you try coming up with your own ideas and personality for a change and then we'll see. Until then, all you righties keep proving yourselves to be cogs in a wheel. Or as you call it, "laborers."

...advocate of a huge all powerful state to control the economy,

Oh yeah. That's what I do all the time. No wonder you read books with yellow smiley face stickers on them.

and favor draconic gun control..

Go on and tell me the last thing you did with your gun to keep anyone free. Sure it frees you from having to have sex with regular people, as you obviously prefer cold, steel tubes into which to put your penis. But I never understood why self-defense had to be fetishized into such a narrow series of implements. I suppose that's because I'm not the one with the fetish.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If you don't think like him, you should be shot like a Congressional Republican on a baseball field.

A perfect representation of the modern Left who excuses President Bill Clinton's sexual harassment, Rep. Weiner's underage sexting and Senator Ted Kennedy's murder of Mary Jo Kopachne --

Take a bow Ritmo!

Why don't you go take a Xanax, first.

Were would right-wingers be if it weren't for their emotionality and hysteria. It's really all they have to offer, isn't it?

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"it sounds quite idiotic, as if we are the ones being abused, as if having to look at the photographs is painful when the photographs depict pain of a sort that we are blessedly free of."

Too bad this sorta thinking isn't around today. If it was, we wouldn't have Althouse jabbering about how she's terribly suffering from her medical condition, i.e. reading paperwork. As if that in any way even remotely/faintly hints at terrible suffering re medical care.


Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

The rats are jumping ship!

Some Democrat Pols are returning Harvey's campaign contributions.

Money Grafs 1&2:

WASHINGTON (AP) — Congressional Democrats, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and potential 2020 presidential contender Sen. Elizabeth Warren among them, are starting to give charities thousands of dollars in donations they had received from disgraced Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein.

Weinstein and his family have given more than $1.4 million in political contributions since the 1992 election cycle, virtually all of it to Democratic lawmakers, candidates and their allies, according to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.

Money Graf 3:

The biggest beneficiary of funds from Weinstein and his family was the Democratic National Committee, which received about $800,000 in several of its accounts, according to the center, which analyzes political spending.

Money Graf 4:

Weinstein visited the White House during the Obama presidency and helped put on a film workshop in 2013, where then-first lady Michelle Obama described him as a “wonderful human being, a good friend and just a powerhouse.”

Harvey was an Obama "bundler," meaning it wasn't just his money, he shook down rich leftwingers in Hollywood to pay the Clintons, the DNC and the Obamas.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I did a search for "Abu Ghraib" on the blog and found about 10 posts that were on the subject but didn't have the tag (but I've now added the tag).

Anyway, if you used the tag as your search method, you missed almost everything I wrote on the subject.

But you can use it now.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

Whatever deficiencies Kerry may have--and I have not been a Kerry supporter--I would like to see him moved into the Presidency to make clear statement of the thing that Bush himself keeps going around saying: this is not what Americans are.

Yet even here you accept that Bush was not ultimately responsible for the abuses at Abu Ghraib. We now know (and knew not long after the pictures were first released) that the the abuse was systemic and torture of detainees was authorized at the highest level.

And in the end you voted to re-elect Bush, even though the highest ranking person to go to jail was a lowly E-6.

During the entire debate about the torture of detainees, you had ample opportunity to condemn torture, you never did.

Oh, and Michael K. Here you go.

And if you think the torture was limited to water boarding, you are sorely mistaken and willfully ignorant.

And to say that water boarding is not torture because it is used in SERE training is like saying punching someone in the face is not battery because boxers do it all the time.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


the Democratic National Committee, which received about $800,000 in several of its accounts,

Won't happen. The DNC simply doesn't have $800k it can spare. Here's the breakouts.

Giving back $800k would deprive the DNC of 9% of its cash on hand. If debt is subtracted from CoH, that would mean giving back 19% of their total funds.

That's just not possible. The DNC will lay low, & hope to God this somehow blows over. Just watch.

Kevin বলেছেন...

How bad are the Harvey Weinstein revelations for the Democrats?

So bad the trolls on this blog are trying to change the subject to Abu Ghraib.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...


The DNC will lay low, & hope to God this somehow blows over.

It's our job to make sure this doesn't blow over.

And, I resent your forcing me to use "job" and "blow" in a discussion about Harvey Weinstein!

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


And, I resent your forcing me to use "job" and "blow" in a discussion about Harvey Weinstein!

I think we here, comrades all, must do our part to share the burden with our dear Laslo.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

I'm all the way back to August 9, 2009 and found this tidbit (in a post where you complained that Andrew Sullivan called you "pro torture")

"Without KSM's cooperation, what would have happened? Do those who think he shouldn't have been broken truly vividly picture a second 9/11 level attack, then a third, then a fourth, then a fifth, and so on? I understand wanting to say that morality is absolute and these techniques debase us, undermine who we are (or who we are supposed to be), and should therefore never be used. But where would the people of this country would be if those additional attacks had occurred? I don't think they'd even listen to the kind of criticisms of the techniques that we are hearing now, in our comfortable world where the CIA did what it did to KSM. What then?"

Sure the hell sounds like you are justifying torture to me.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


Jupiter বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Jupiter বলেছেন...

Jupiter said...
OK, Freder, you made your point. Althouse is a sadistic right-wing lunatic, and that's why she supports torture, and advocates torture for everyone. Here's a typical passage from Althouse blog;

"Torture is not just for extracting useful information from your enemies. Torture is bracing exercise, loads of family fun that's easy to clean up after, and a useful prophylactic for those times when you just don't have time to floss. Here at Chez Althouse, we torture every day, and you should too!".

I guess we should have known, she was a law prof after all. Any other remarkable discoveries you'd like to provide convincing evidence for?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I find Harvey Weinstein about as boring as the wingers find the Russia investigation. But one of those things actually impacts our democracy. No wonder the wingers don't care about it.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Any other remarkable discoveries you'd like to provide convincing evidence for?"

That she lies in her posts.

She even admitted to it at least once. She posted lies about food she said she'd prepared. Then, in another post she said the earlier post re food was not true.

Yes, that's a trivial subject but, maybe that's why that's the one she confessed to. Plus, it's possible that only a serial liar would lie about trivial stuff. Doing so wouldn't even show up on an honest person's radar re possibilities.

I dunno.

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

And getting to the last post, I was right. You never condemned torture even though it is against Federal law and international treaties. And in several, you imply that torture was justified for various reasons.

If I am mistaken, please point me to the post where you unambiguously condemn torture.

YoungHegelian বলেছেন...


I find Harvey Weinstein about as boring as the wingers find the Russia investigation

We might care too, if they would only find some evidence that it happened. And, no, I don't consider any foreign country's government buying ads to be "interference" in our elections.

Funny how when comes to "interference" in our elections, it's conveniently forgotten that lots of European talking heads got together in 2004 & did a very public "Please don't vote for GWB again!" pitch.

The way I seez it, unless we're at war, foreign countries, all of whom get affected by American politics, have the right to speak their minds. They shouldn't vote. They shouldn't give money. They especially shouldn't hack voting machines. But, to speak their minds, yes, indeedy.

Sam L. বলেছেন...

I think ol' Harv done painted HIMSELF into that corner.

narciso বলেছেন...

John you studied the European human right court decisions, when determining the parameters for waterboarding. Something fools like baktasr garzin didn't bother to.

The Russia investigation usabiut things that didn't happen, weunstein is abiut what did.

Bay Area Guy বলেছেন...

I guess Harvey didn't watch the Hollywood-created, "It's on us" video about stopping sexual assault.
Guest appearances by Biden and Obama!

At 17 seconds, "It's on us - to not look the other way!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

We might care too, if they would only find some evidence that it happened.

Ah. So you're of the non-existent school of "thought" that says evidence can't be sought. That if evidence doesn't exist beforehand then there should be no investigation. Try that one on in your local police department following a suspicious death.

And, no, I don't consider any foreign country's government buying ads to be "interference" in our elections.

I'm glad America has people like you who are no doubt also naive enough to be ok with foreign governments buying off our own government. Clearly the next progressive step from your preference for having corporations owning our government. They're transnational nowadays anyway, so why not have the governments that also have a stake in them owning us?

Somewhere there must be a portmanteau between Republican and Prostitute. It's really hard for me to tell the difference.


cf বলেছেন...

I have been gone a whole week, so forgive me if these points have already been made:

1. Miramax should gather up all the anecdotes that Hollywood seems to know, it would be a terrific "evil corporate white man" sexploitation of sexpots romp. An actor soMewhere between Gandolfini and depardieu.

2. So all Hollywood knew, and @nyt @lat did not? Reminds me, I always wondered about reporters on Edwards campaign bus, who were they & what they knew and what theY have peddled at us deplorables since then.

3. Weinstein would not have been so brazen had it not worked for him Fabulously and often. True thing: Women are quite willing to be lying, filthy whores when it serves.

A fine mess.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

foreign countries, all of whom get affected by American politics, have the right to speak their minds. They shouldn't vote. They shouldn't give money. They especially shouldn't hack voting machines. But, to speak their minds, yes, indeedy.

Let them do that in their own country.

Oh wait. We're talking about Russia here, where speech rights are abysmal.

So yes, what a logical step to have foreign agents representing a tyranny allowed to spread their propaganda here. Obviously. Surely you see a Republican-esque opportunity to sell domestic ad shares to the Iranian and North Korean regimes, as well.

Jesus Fuckall. Your patriotism is about as low as a sewer toad's. No way this would have flown during McCarthy. You wingers would have strung up anyone allowing Soviet ad buys in America by their pee holes.

narciso বলেছেন...

Garzin was the one who sprung the gitmo detainee who went on to firm an Islamic state cell in southern Spain, associate ofvthe Barcelona cell

Gahrie বলেছেন...


When did you stop beating your wife?

narciso বলেছেন...

Snewsweek and the times played up soufans objections, but hid bureau partner gaudin, a for ranger had no problem with it, he had been through See training

So this same publication buried the story a year ago.

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Try that one on in your local police department following a suspicious death."

She didn't die, Toothless. She just lost an election. More's the pity.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Laslo's comment at 10:00 is sponge-worthy.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Oh, and Michael K. Here you go.

And if you think the torture was limited to water boarding, you are sorely mistaken and willfully ignorant.

And to say that water boarding is not torture because it is used in SERE training is like saying punching someone in the face is not battery because boxers do it all the time.

Fair enough. Maybe it happened.

The point of the mention of SERE training is that "torture" is normally described as something a person undergoes involuntarily and it causes no permanent harm.

Navy SEALs apprehended al-Jamadi as a suspect in the Oct. 27, 2003, bombing of Red Cross offices in Baghdad that killed 12 people.

I guess you were OK with that.

The whole "torture" thing is a leftist creation by people who think Che Guevara was a hero.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

She didn't die, Toothless. She just lost an election. More's the pity.

Yes. And if it had been the North Koreans' propaganda that contributed to that outcome instead of the Russians' you'd be good with that also.

Because you have no respect for the integrity of your country's elections. Just a hatred for one particular person.

n.n বলেছেন...

First, Obama's indulgence in global social justice adventures recreated a trails of tears.

Now, Democrats are suffocating under the progressive bigotry of social liberalism.

Plan another baby on the barbie, the left is an irreconcilable basket of Choices.

Ray - SoCal বলেছেন...

Interesting SJW / Alinsky tactics against AA. My 2 cent analysis, worth what you paid for it...


#4 "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules." If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules.

Example AA is a Right Wing, because she did not write whatever about torture. And then when she objects, make her prove that she is innocent. And the conversation moves away from poor Harvey, since AA is biased, and therefore what she writes can't be trusted.

#8 "Keep the pressure on. Never let up." Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new.

Part of keep on nit picking on a topic, such as torture. She did not 100% do this, only 99.99% which is not good enough. Therefore she is not a good liberal, but one of those vile conservatives / right wing types that can't be trusted..

13 "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

How dare AA not go 100% against torture in the exact format I require and denounced her for! Therefore she is a right wing hooligan, and what she writes is now discredited.

>Blogger Kevin said...
> How bad are the Harvey Weinstein revelations for the Democrats?
> So bad the trolls on this blog are trying to change the subject to Abu Ghraib.

n.n বলেছেন...

Rape, not rape-rape, and a social liberal culture, is the least of Democratic problems. They need to content with the rise of left-wing neo-National Socialsim, color diversity (i.e. racism), or, in Clinton's case: sex diversity (i.e. sexism), political congruence ("="), social justice adventures, Planned Parenthood, and redistributive change to reward the Kiev-sponsored Democratic conspiracy, and the usual assortment of 1%ers, foreign and domestic, as well as CAIR, illegal immigration, and welfare subsidies to gerrymander districts and disenfranchise American men, women, and unPlanned children.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Ritmo rote: I find Harvey Weinstein about as boring as the wingers find the Russia investigation. But one of those things actually impacts our democracy. No wonder the wingers don't care about it.

LOLs! Harvey Winestain actually bundles millions of dollars and gives it to Hillary to waste on Ciroc, Grey Goose, and getting elected; Russia is still not implicated in affecting one vote.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Given the opportunity, Ritmo would sniff Harvey Winestain's skidmarks.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Yes. And if it had been the North Koreans' propaganda that contributed to that outcome instead of the Russians' you'd be good with that also.

Raise your hand if you were influenced by Russian propaganda.


I can't believe a Bernie supporter is going to bat for Hillary Clinton and Harvey Winestain.

RichardJohnson বলেছেন...

Freder Frederson:You fiercely defended practically everything George W. Bush did up to and including justifying (or at least downplaying or disregarding) his authorization of torture.
Althouse: I could find the link that absolutely proves you wrong. Do a search on Abu Ghraib and you will find it.
Edwards...and those terrible trial lawyers.
And after the events at Abu Ghraib and the Supreme Court's push-back against the most extreme assertions of unchecked power by the Bush administration, a return to law seems like a good theme.

Game, set and match to Althouse

chickelit বলেছেন...

Now that he's been fired, Winestain should dive into producing porn where casting couches are the expected norm. He could "mainstream" a lot of actresses after using them.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Harvey Winestain actually bundles millions of dollars and gives it to Hillary...

Which has about as much to do with the sex angle of the post as you do with reality.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

...going to bat for...

I go to bat for the truth, which is something that an idiot like you has a religious aversion to.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Ritmo and truth never spent time in the same time zone.

chickelit বলেছেন...

I go to bat for the truth, which is something that an idiot like you has a religious aversion to.

Liar. You stated that Winestain had no influence on the election. I'll grant you that he didn't help her win, but how do you know he didn't help Bernie lose?

Gospace বলেছেন...

Michael K said...
The point of the mention of SERE training is that "torture" is normally described as something a person undergoes involuntarily and it causes no permanent harm.

Uh, what? To most of us, torture is something that causes permanent physical harm, up to and including death. Like feeding your enemies feet first into a wood chipper. Slowly. Or beating the bottoms of their feet with sand filled rubber hoses until they can't walk. Or many of the things that liberal hero icon Che Guevera did with full approval of his buddy Castro.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

You stated that Winestain had no influence on the election.

Is he an agent of the Russian government? Get a clue, you fucking special education, helmet and kneepad-wearing, moronic retard.

Just fuck off. You dangle onto me like a fucking monkey to a sturdy tree.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo and truth never spent time in the same time zone.

Venturing a little far from your leash tonight, eh, Nursemaid boy?

I guess you could only take looking like a fool so many times before you had to punch back/up with the closest thing to resemble a joke you had - other than yourself.

chickelit বলেছেন...

Is he an agent of the Russian government? Get a clue, you fucking special education, helmet and kneepad-wearing, moronic retard.

Is Trump an agent of the Russian government? Why did you even bring it up, you phony Brazilian wannabe. And again, why are you going on record defending Harvey Winestain and Hillary Clinton? It's sad how far you've fallen.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Ritmo is the usual angry envious lefty troll.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Is Trump an agent of the Russian government?

Sure sounds like that's what Don Jr. said and all the circumstantial evidence points to. And YH says that's ok.

It's sad how far you've fallen.

As opposed to a perpetual bottom-dweller like you, who started and forever remained at the bottom of the forest, slithering around, poking at detritus, and without even a hope of ever going anywhere near the humans roaming the savannah, using their brains with logic, as you enviously eyed them from your slimy little holt.

John Adams defended British soldiers during the Boston Massacre. Successfully, I might add. A patriot and Founding Father. You, OTOH, are just an uneducable defender of violent terrorists on your own blog. Contributing nothing to it but a music video that gets no comments - except for your own.

You can't debate me on your own blog so you snipe at me here. Pathetic.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Ritmo is the usual angry envious..

Envious of whom? We already went over this. No one needs to become an overindulged butterball of a nursemaid-coddled wanker like you. People actually don't find that anything to envy. But you force yourself to believe they do because you have no other way of feeling important or worthwhile as a person.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Also, if anyone can point out in the thread where it is that I "defended" whomever Special Education Little says I defended then go ahead and pull the quote.

Special Chicken Education Little likes to hallucinate and confabulate and make stuff up. He really does live in an alternative reality comprised of ball and stick models that obscure his ability to focus on what actual human beings did. He also ascribes a political-tribal affiliation to me that doesn't exist. If anyone follows the fuehrerprinzip it's him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

True story: I got into an argument with a woman I called out as a phony the other day. One of us somehow allowed the argument to "devolve" to something about Trump, whereupon she defended him as looking out for America the way we need, the way a "big brother" would do.

No joke.

She soon shut up after her Orwellian gaffe.

Right-wingers are natural born fascists. Little identifies with them.

Michael K বলেছেন...

No, "people" don't envy me, Ritmo, just you. I suspect everyone who lives a normal life is subject to your envy,

Good night.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

I suspect everyone who lives a normal life is subject to your envy,

Looks like the chinstrap for your tinfoil hat is coming loose.

Keep suckling on nursemaid's tales of how anyone who pummels your ass into the ground must somehow envy you.

Again, what is it that's normal about you, Nursemaid Boy, that you believe I envy?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

A guy with a 7:30 bedtime is talking about how he's normal.


Quaestor বলেছেন...

Envious of whom?

Of everyone here. The number of highly accomplished people who comment on the Althouse blog is phenomenal. You know it, and you compensate with passive/aggressive banalities.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Leave him alone. He is obviously not a normal person and should be given some credit for even being able to type his idiotic comments,.

Poor guy. The best example of someone who needs affirmative action i've seen this week.

Michael K বলেছেন...

Now, for my book. You should try one sometime Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

The number of highly accomplished people who comment on the Althouse blog is phenomenal.

Just because you're an elitist scumbag doesn't mean I view society according to the same sense of hierarchy that enslaves you.

Now, once again, tell me what accomplishment anyone here has - attained through extensive nursemaid suckling or otherwise - that I'm supposed to envy.

You know you can't. You're just another elitist turd who has no capacity for studying the character for people and must therefore compensate by worshiping whatever banal soul-sucking resume-building exercises they too have compensated with.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Now, for my book.

Ah - well I guess there's his accomplishment: He can read long tracts with questionable summation.

What a guy. I'd never have guessed it. I sure wish I could do that.

Most readers don't pride themselves on also being non-thinkers. But Michael K is special, you see.

Quaestor বলেছেন...

You're just another elitist turd who has no capacity for studying the character for [sic] people and must therefore [sic] compensate by worshiping whatever banal soul-sucking resume-building exercises they too have compensated with.

Thank you, Ritmo. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. (However, the comma splice would earn you an F at my alma mater. Everyone should take a few to reassess his grammar.)

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"Now, for my book."

Reading is for nerds. Loser.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"Reading is for nerds. Loser."

Yes, I guess you are a loser, shiloh.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

Grammar Nazism. The last refuge of an internet troll. What a goal to aspire to.

Good to know that your "alma mater" never taught you how to think for yourself, or to evaluate the content of what you've read. No, instead their apparent 13th century scholastic model recapitulated the trivium, but neglected the logic component - leaving you instead with just the grammar course and half of the rhetoric course.

What an accomplishment!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

If only my thoughts were as few as Quaestor's I'm sure I'd have the time to polish them with the finest grammatical sheen! No one would see the cracks undermining their structure!

Form over substance. The emptiness of the right-wing mind and character. Morally and intellectually.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together বলেছেন...

"Now, for my book."

The title was, How to be an Old, Irrelevant Asshole for Dummies, 101

Achilles বলেছেন...

It looks like the leftists are starting to come to grips that they are not going to win any elections that matter anytime soon.

It would be cool if you could calm down and engage TTR. But it is also cool if you act like an angry child. I hope the left continues to be so utterly stupid. The DNC needs to be destroyed utterly for a decent opposition party to reform.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

"Form over substance. The emptiness of the right-wing mind and character. Morally and intellectually."

TTR actually wrote this unironically. Amazing.

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