৩ অক্টোবর, ২০১৭

Is it strange that we have heard nothing about whether the Las Vegas shooter was a Republican or a Democrat?

I'm cynical enough to assume that when news reports don't say whether someone who's done something wrong is a Republican or a Democrat that he is a Democrat. In this case I know Paddock's brother said he had "no political affiliation." Then again, the brother seemed out of the loop (and not clearly credible).

There's also this, at Heavy, saying that "Paddock was not a registered voter, as either a Democrat or a Republican, in Clark County or elsewhere in Nevada, where his permanent residence was located. He was also not a registered voter in Florida, despite some social media claims he was a registered Democrat there."

ADDED: From "False News of the Vegas Attack Spread on Google, Facebook" (NYT):
[A] story by the pro-Trump political website "The Gateway Pundit" named a different person as the shooter, citing a Facebook page to claim the individual was "a far left loon" and "a Democrat who liked (MSNBC host) Rachel Maddow." Posters on the anonymous, anarchic 4chan.org forum likewise trumpeted supposed findings that the same individual was both the shooter and a "social democrat."...

Google said in a statement that it highlighted 4chan's "Politically Incorrect" message board, where the incorrect posts appeared, for several hours before its search algorithm replaced it with more relevant results... Facebook said its security team removed Gateway Pundit results and other similar posts from its social network, some within minutes....

Both companies are under fire from lawmakers for promoting false stories in the lead-up to last year's election, and have been invited to testify at a congressional investigation into Russian meddling in the race.
AND: From "Terrorizing if Not Clearly Terrorist: What to Call the Las Vegas Attack?" (NYT):
Was it a plot by “deep-state Democrats” (Alex Jones of the conspiracy site Infowars) or perhaps divine punishment for the “profound disrespect” shown to Mr. Trump and the national anthem (the religious broadcaster Pat Robertson)? Was it something to do with country music, given the concert crowd Mr. Paddock targeted?...

২৫২টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   252 এর 201 – থেকে 252
rehajm বলেছেন...

You can't use a bipod if you are going to use a "bump stock" to turn a semi-auto into a noob auto... It doesn't work that way...

YouTube begs to differ

Achilles বলেছেন...

Bad Lieutenant said...

I support your claims. Frankly even if the NSA has everything on "tape," they wouldn't out themselves so fast over a few hundred KIA/WIA. I assume Achilles meant pen reg, which is Hoover era stuff.

I just have to shake my head.

Storage of audio/text data is approaching infinite for all intents and purposes at this point.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

arrell said...

FullLoon said Sure, and the hispanic woman was going to stay and be killed , except security forced her to leave. And, if she told the two women they were going to die, she was wrong, wasn't she? Oh, she meant all 22.000 people were going to die?

Got to work on your reading comprehension. It was an hour before the first shot--who says she wasn't planning to leave before the shooting began. Secondly, the suspicion would be that she is somehow implicated in the crime, have aforeknowledge. That would get you prosecuted in most States if you didn't try to warn AUTHORITIES. I wonder why she doesn't go to the FBI now? Gee, it's a mystery. So you now fall back on the ol' "if 22,000 people didn't die she must not have known what she was talking about" excuse. Yeah, right. Nothing to see here. You convinced me.

Yep,"Hispanic woman was in on it, you a real genius.

Comprehension? Security took her out, says the woman she was arguing with.
Drunk bitch arguing with a group of others SUPPOSEDLY says "You all gonna die tonight". Yep you right. You a genius. Never been in an argument? Never heard some asshole threaten to kill someone else?
Which is it, she warned everyone but didn't tell the cops, or she was part of it and let the cat out of the bag by vaguely telling TWO women?

Achilles বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...
I think there is a lot to do about these for all intents and purposes "automatic weapons" without eviscerating 2A, and I hope Congress does it. It might mean that if there are guns out there that are easily convertible to automatic weapons, they need to be modified to prevent it.

Why are automatic weapons a problem? The shooter would have been far more deadly using semi-automatic function. We almost always used semi-auto functions and had the option.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

Maybe he had a large lawn. Maybe it was on sale.

It's not hard to find a satellite view of his development on Google maps. He lives atop a mesa and the development features largish houses on small(ish) plots of ground. The soil looks arid and rocky; even Meade might be challenged to make anything grow.

10/3/17, 3:28 PM

Simply offering alternative reasons for having fertilizer. Amount been determined yet?
For what it's worth, probably very few lawns in LV retirement communities. More likely desert type landscape.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

They can do this for anyone.

Sure, they can assemble records of everybody he called internationally, at least, and everybody they called, if they can find what they need. But they won't have the content of those calls unless they get lucky. But you know you can buy a phone at Walmart with cash? People use disposable phones all the time, sometimes, if they are really paranoid, they are single use.


Not nearly as hard to get as semi automatic weapons.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...@tim, at least three of us have linked to videos showing bump stocks in action. They cost (according to the video I linked) about $350 and bolt onto an AR type of rifle in a matter of minutes. Basically it turns a semiautomatic rifle into a fully automatic rifle. They're perfectly legal; I'm not sure why.

I hate to be the "Acktshullly..." guy, but: actually Big Mike they don't turn semis into fulls--they don't alter the mechanical workings of the weapon itself at all. Most bump or slide fire stocks basically put a spring at the back of the receiver and allow the receiver-barrel assembly to be pushed back forward after they've recoiled backwards from firing. If you hold your hand and trigger finger correctly (and since these usually have a pistol-type grip that's not connected to the recoiling mechanism) you get the result that the receiver is pushed back forward into your stationary finger so your finger effectively initiates another trigger pull without you having to move it backwards.
They're not illegal primarily because they are difficult to MAKE illegal--none of the parts actually interact directly with the parts that are legally regulated (sear, receiver, trigger group, etc). You could theoretically get a similar effect by standing up and placing the butt of a normal rifle on a spring you've attached to a wall--if you grip the thing correctly and move your hand back and forth in the correct rhythm you'd achieve the same effect.

This problem is what led the ATF to at one time classify a shoelace as an illegal machine gun--used correctly you can rig a short string to achieve the same pseudo-auto effect.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Storage of audio/text data is approaching infinite for all intents and purposes at this point

You know what is not nearly infinite? The bandwidth to move all of this stuff around. But you go ahead and believe we live in the Matrix.

BTW, Reddit makes a very good case that the PussyHat guy is not the same guy. He doesn't even really look like him except vaguely.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

actually Big Mike they don't turn semis into fulls--they don't alter the mechanical workings of the weapon itself at all.

ACKSHUALLY, that's a distinction without a difference, isn't it? The guns are defective. The design should not be released to civilians without the same rigamarole one would have to go through to buy a machine gun.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

FoolMoon, you have lost the plot. Have you looked at the witnesses video? You sound like somebody from Clinton's bimbo eruption squad bashing one of his victims. She is clearly not drunk.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

By the way, another easy method to get a very high rate of fire from a semi is with a crank. You fit a cam into the trigger guard and attach that to a crank. The crank turns the cam which "pulls" the trigger as fast as you can turn the crank. The device itself is a few prices of plastic...tough to ban.

Gk1 বলেছেন...

He's got to be a democrat. You know if he were a republican it would be part of the lede of the story. Duh.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

he crank turns the cam which "pulls" the trigger as fast as you can turn the crank. The device itself is a few prices of plastic...tough to ban.

Ergo, there is no practical difference between a semi automatic and a machine gun. They should have the same controls as a machine gun.

FullMoon বলেছেন...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

FoolMoon, you have lost the plot. Have you looked at the witnesses video? You sound like somebody from Clinton's bimbo eruption squad bashing one of his victims. She is clearly not drunk.

10/3/17, 5:21 PM

I am pretty sure you are not stupid, so I will cut you some slack


Paul বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Paul বলেছেন...

tim in vermont said...

"I think there is a lot to do about these for all intents and purposes "automatic weapons" without eviscerating 2A, and I hope Congress does it. It might mean that if there are guns out there that are easily convertible to automatic weapons, they need to be modified to prevent it."

Tim, one can get a CNC machine and MAKE AN AR receiver. Yes make it (and with full auto function.) Quite easy. The AR system is not some secret thing. It's well known and the specs are out there. At same time one can make a sub-machinegun on just a lathe and hand tools! The British STEN gun cost $7 or so back in WW2. Very easy.

Any law to make the AR 'non modifiable' will do nothing to stop automatic weapons. Bad guys just now can make there own.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"BTW, Reddit makes a very good case that the PussyHat guy is not the same guy. He doesn't even really look like him except vaguely."

I tend to agree except it is in Reno and the NASA shirt.

I guess we will find out.

Or not, in which case it is even more probable that he was a lefty.

Remember, the organizer of the "White Supremacy" rally in Charlottesville is an Obama guy and "Occupy" organizer. That sure went down the memory hole.

What about the driver in that incident ? Hear any more about him ?

The conspiracy theories write themselves these days,.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Not buying it any longer Paul. I didn't say it would be possible to ban all of them. The perfect is the enemy of the good. I didn't know until this happened how easy it was to turn one of these into a machine gun, which is what happened, semantics aside. The fewer of them, the better. The same laws that apply to machine guns should apply to these.

Your best hope to keep these 'toys' is that the Democrats over-reach, which you know they will.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent বলেছেন...

"Ergo, there is no practical difference between a semi automatic and a machine gun. They should have the same controls as a machine gun."

Ergo, machine guns should be regulated no differently than semi-automatic weapons.

Look, not to get into a gun-control debate (and no offense, but such a debate is virtually pointless with someone who isn't knowledgeable about the subject) but you're making the classic statist mistake of thinking imposing some control after the event will prevent future events.

The notion that someone who's willing to slaughter dozens of people is going to be put off by any law is absurd.

FIDO বলেছেন...

The take away I have from this is it is alarming how common the knowledge is at how to make these weapons automatic.

The second take away is that creating a firearm these days is not hard. That the Democrats could try to confiscated all guns (thus proving they are the totalitarian asshats that Republicans accuse them of being) and even if they succeeded without causing a civil war, the genie is out of the bottle and stopping guns is a fools errand unless you stop teaching science and tool use.

That the Democrats are sufficient fools to make a try isn't particularly surprising but then again, they still believe in Socialism even after it has killed 100 million people, so we have a learning curve issue...

Pinandpuller বলেছেন...

Bump fire isn't much different from Whiskey Throttle.

Pinandpuller বলেছেন...


I guess you could enter a PIN every time you want to pull the trigger.

Pinandpuller বলেছেন...

tim in Vermont

Machine guns are scarier looking.

Unknown বলেছেন...

No evidence that Paddock has ISIS connections, but I do wonder about Danley. Wasn't that the case in the San Bernardino shootings?

Pinandpuller বলেছেন...

I think the difference between machine guns and illegally converted semis is that machine guns reliably stop shooting when you let off the trigger.

Rusty বলেছেন...

There are over 300 million firearms in the hands of over 100 million Americans. So honestly I'd like to hear your proposals. Because firearm owners aren't going to put up with any more regulation.
howsabout we start to regulate crazy people.

Pinandpuller বলেছেন...


Lock her up! With the rest of them.

Narayanan বলেছেন...

We need to first hear an explanation from Obama and Eric Holder for 'Fast and furious' before any conversation about gun regulation.

Michael K বলেছেন...

"That the Democrats are sufficient fools to make a try isn't particularly surprising "

Time to buy gun stocks again, I guess. They never learn.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Machine guns are scarier looking.

You make my point for me, there is no real difference anymore. Why not just remove all regs on machine guns?

EMyrt বলেছেন...

CWJ said...

Bill Crawford @ 9:28 finally hits the nail on the head. Las Vegas (and casinos generally) is probably the most monitored city 24/7 in the US. There's got to be footage of this guy all over the place. In particular, my wife wants to know how he went about stockpiling his room with dozens of weapons without attracting attention. My vote - duffel bags multiple trips.
10/3/17, 10:41 AM

Absolutely. I've done conference duty where we rented 3 suites on the upper floors of the same building. We brought in 25 duffels of marketing materials and electronics. No one at the hotel batted an eye. They could easily have been guns and ammo.

FIDO বলেছেন...


Lest you think otherwise, I am hugely pro-2A simply because the Left seems to relish violence so much more. They have shown the nation they are not pacifists but revolutionary ala the French.

FIDO বলেছেন...

You make my point for me, there is no real difference anymore. Why not just remove all regs on machine guns?

I am perfectly fine with that. When the Founders wrote the Con, the men carried the technologically top guns. Every town square had artillery for use 'just in case'.

See, the alternative is to give the 'Red Guard' of the Democrats free reign, and historically, Socialists and Communists kill far more people than the very worst mass shooting. So it is simple math.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Tim, you're not a gun guy, so it's not your fault that you don't understand this. Let me put it to you this way. Every gun can be made to fire this way, with or without a gadget.

Everything except a revolver or a bolt action or lever action rifle. Everything designed for combat and police work, IOW, militia appropriate, since about 1900, every semi-automatic weapon, every, every modern weapon, is a semi-automatic weapon.

Everything you know from the range is TV. Whether the Army's old faithful, Colt's M1911A1 .45 caliber pistol, or its current Berettas, Sig Sauers and Glocks, or an M14, or a Browning semi-automatic hunting rifle, or a Remington semi-automatic duck shotgun, any self loading firearm, which is all modern firearms, can be gripped in a manner to invoke this Rapidfire method.

In the words of Paul Anka, that's just the fucking way it is. It's no more defective than the fact that things you shoot with it die. No more lethal or defective in a gun then cruise control, or good tires are in a car, or a car with out to the ability to stop itself if a child enters the road.

A ban on physics, Tim, is a ban I do not like. This problem cannot be addressed through technology.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

Blogger FIDO said...

Lest you think otherwise, I am hugely pro-2A simply because the Left seems to relish violence so much more. They have shown the nation they are not pacifists but revolutionary ala the French.

I have also absorbed a meme somewhere which I quite believe. There is Chatter that the antifas are arming up. Perhaps the left has somebody who can do math and realizes that 90% of the guns are in the other hands and they would be made short work of.

Michael K বলেছেন...

More on the girlfriend who is allegedly returning.

Marilou Danley, the live-in girlfriend of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock, and now a “person of interest” in the shooting investigation, is a Philippines native who has used two Social Security numbers during her two-plus decades in the United States, and was married to two men at the same time, public records show.

The person who may hold the key to solving the mystery of why the Vegas gunman killed 59 and wounded nearly 600 people led a convoluted life of her own, with two simultaneous husbands, a bankruptcy, two Social Security numbers, multiple addresses in several states and even different ages depending on which state records you review.

The details are part of a Newsweek investigation into Danley’s past, which takes on a new urgency now that the FBI is frantically working to bring her “immediately” back from overseas for more information about the shooting and the $100,000 Paddock wired to her family there days before the shooting.

Marilou came to the U.S. as Marilou Natividad, married Geary Danley in 1990 and took his surname. Danley, 76, lives in Arkansas, but he has declined to answer questions.

In 1996, Marilou wed Jose Bustos, and became Marilou Bustos. But she did not dissolve her marriage to Danley until 2015, divorce records show.

Interesting but I don't know what it means. If she really returns, we may find out.

Kyzer SoSay বলেছেন...

My four takeaways from this thread:

1) It is more likely than not that this Paddock fellow was a Democrat. The media silence, the picture of him in Reno (it was a bright sunny day, and people's faces are hugely affected by light, not to mention squinting in bright daylight, which it kinda looks like he's doing), and the odd insistence from those 2 aforementioned Dem officials that politics should not come into the discussion, have all swayed me.

2) His GF is going to be an important piece of the puzzle, though it may not matter since she might simply clam up. Certainly, however, any commo Paddock has had with her should provide ample clues, especially given the suspicious money transfer.

3) FullMoon is an asshat.

4) Never take Tim to a shooting range.

Bonus Takeaway: Cookie believes the gov't lies, until he doesn't - and the media are not simply Democrat cheerleaders. I'm sure he still puts great faith in the prize reporting of Walter Duranty.

Gospace বলেছেন...

LFIDO said...
The take away I have from this is it is alarming how common the knowledge is at how to make these weapons automatic.

But yet, so few people do it. Because, for the vast majority of the time, fully automatic is far less useful then aimed semi-automatic fire. In war, fixed mount machine guns are used for area denial. Set up a field of fire, and anyone crossing it dies. Portable machine guns are most often used for suppressive fire. Fire in the general direction of the enemy, making him keep his head down, so he can't actually aim at your side. Allowing the unit to advance or move.

For the amount of time he was firing, and the distance, and the fact he was aiming at a crowd, not pinpoints- the casualty rate was abnormally high. In war, a few hundred rounds or more are fired per casualty or kill. The best estimates I've seen is that he fired less then 1000 rounds, a few hundred less.

Makes one thing there was more then one shooter. 59 killed, 527 injured with less then 1000 rounds? Even accounting for ricochets and whatnot- that's enormously effective fire for an untrained individual operating by himself firing from a few hundred yards away. The numbers don't make sense. He's almost one on one- sniper territory.

Achilles বলেছেন...

Blogger tim in vermont said...
Machine guns are scarier looking.

You make my point for me, there is no real difference anymore. Why not just remove all regs on machine guns?

Agree completely. Automatic weapons are less effective than semi automatic weapons in almost every situation not involving team maneuvers. Solid background checks and reasonable regulations as currently exist for all weapons would be fine.

The LV shooter would have killed far more people if he used a bolt action rifle with a round that made sense for the situation much less a semi auto rifle. To be honest the bigger issue is caliber.

Since you obviously don't know what you are talking about like almost every gun grabber I have dealt with it is pointless to try to rationally discuss why the state grabbing guns will not make us safer. I will just politely say molon labe.

Alex বলেছেন...

Repeal the 2nd amendment! Confiscate all guns!

Do it for the CHILDREN!

Rusty বলেছেন...

Pinandpuller said...

"Lock her up! With the rest of them."

I think the shooter was a male.

What I'm trying to say Tim is that the regulatory ship has sailed. We have to start thinking more creatively about how we handle the problem of firearms getting in the wrong hands.

Trashcan O Man বলেছেন...

Body Language: Las Vegas shooter's Brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDOJWzF_trI

mockturtle বলেছেন...

Eager to know what was in the note he left on the table.

mockturtle বলেছেন...

They have shown the nation they are not pacifists but revolutionary ala the French.

Yep. It's all about virtue.

RonF বলেছেন...

I have been telling people for years that if you want to know the political affiliation of a politician caught in a scandal, all you have to do is read the first two paragraphs. If he is a Republican it will say so. If his political party is not mentioned he is a Democrat.

jr565 বলেছেন...

It's possible he only targeted the concert becaise he saw it as an opportunistic attack and it didn't matter what was playing at that the time. But the fsct that he targeted county western show that most likely had a lot of trump voters (and performers who expressed solidarity for trump) may point to where his political leanings are. Is thst just a comincidence? Considering how long he was there before the attack, it doesn't seem so.
Additionally, a lot of people on twitter said things like "it's a country western show. They probably were trump supporters. So I have no sympathy". It's twittter, so the heartless reaction is to be expected.
However, the fsct thst so many people made the same point, agian might point to him targeting this show specifically becaise of the people at the show. Even ABC made the point t there's a stereotype that country western fans are republicans/ trump supporters.
So, if that's true, then it very well also have been a belief held by Paddock. And that's why he targeted them.

HoodlumDoodlum বলেছেন...

Gospace said...Makes one thing there was more then one shooter. 59 killed, 527 injured with less then 1000 rounds? Even accounting for ricochets and whatnot- that's enormously effective fire for an untrained individual operating by himself firing from a few hundred yards away. The numbers don't make sense. He's almost one on one- sniper territory.

Naah. You have to account for the density of the people at the "target" side. It's a relatively long distance for most civilian murders/mass shootings but the people at the concert were packed closely together into a relatively small area--an area without much cover at all from his angle. Combine that with the fact that it would have taken some time to figure out what was going on at all--and where the danger was/which direction you should flee to escape it--and a small number of relatively inaccurate fire can hit a lot of people easily.
Comparisons to military combat don't really work--infantry typically maintain a standard interval/distance apart when in any kind of dangerous situation (not least so that 1 grenade doesn't would everyone at once--which is what would happen if real soldiers moved like they do on TV) and would hopefully recognize incoming fire and react much more quickly. A packed crowd hemmed in by security gates and too far away to immediately understand their peril is, unfortunately, just about an ideal situation for some murderous asshole to inflict a lot of damage on a lot of innocent people solo.

LilyBart বলেছেন...

"Turns out that we will never hear anything more about what actually happened in Charlottesville either."

The driver was charged with 2nd Degree murder, which seems interesting. Why not 1st Degree?

We know almost nothing about him. He was young, he'd threatened his mother years earlier -enough that she involved the police (he was a young teenager, I think), and he might have been on some behavioral modification drugs.

My guess is that he was a volatile young man who lashed out in a flash of anger with his car. This is bad enough, but its not terrorism.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Bad Lieutenant wrote:
"Everything except a revolver or a bolt action or lever action rifle. Everything designed for combat and police work, IOW, militia appropriate, since about 1900, every semi-automatic weapon, every, every modern weapon, is a semi-automatic weapon. "
And I don't see how, with a little technical know how you couldn't build a device that turns those guns into full autos as well.

Ruprecht বলেছেন...

Some reports suggest he had a camera in the room and filmed himself. If so I doubt we'll ever see the film as it might encourage other nutbags, but if film exists I think we can bet he monologued about whatever drove him to kill.

One might also note the day after the attacks the LV cops suggested radicalization as a possibility.

If such a report were true of course, the media is not exactly covered in glory that last decade or so on their immediate reports on anything.

jr565 বলেছেন...

Tim in Vermont wrote:
I think there is a lot to do about these for all intents and purposes "automatic weapons" without eviscerating 2A, and I hope Congress does it. It might mean that if there are guns out there that are easily convertible to automatic weapons, they need to be modified "

How would you achieve this? People can find ways to retrofit technology to make equipment do things it wouldnt normally do. You could never design a gun thst could NEver Be converted into full automatic. Since people who are technically savvy could always look at the existing rifle, figure out how the mechanics work then customize it to work around the functionality in place. Thst would be true of all technology.

Now, you could go after manufacturers of bump stocks and hold them criminally liable. And these might then become illegal to sell. But it's not like the technology is THAT hard to reproduce. So, if someone wants to create one, he can figure out a way. How could you create a gun thst would be impervious to such hacking from an individual? Also, how many people have 3D printers at home? If they can get specs they can simply print one up.

DonReynolds বলেছেন...

If you can believe Paddock's Facebook page, it is very clear that he was a "proud Democrat", fan of Rachel Maddow, Anti-Trump, partisan......to use his own comments.
There was none of the ISIS nonsense, but clearly Paddock was a Leftist Democrat.
Whether this was the only reason for his shooting spree.....we will never know with any certainty.
We CAN know that the country music event was expecting 30k attendees and all of the rooms were booked up well in advance.....including Paddock's suite, which he occupied for 4 days.
Another source reported that his receipt on the room included room service dinners for two persons the night of the shooting. Who the other person was is not known at this time.
What seems clear enough is that the public is not getting a reliable story, regarding the shooting in Las Vegas. So maybe they are right.....What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   252 এর 201 – থেকে 252   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»