The Hollywood Reporter was not able to reach any of the alleged victims, however, two sources detailed Dick’s inappropriate behavior, which included groping people’s genitals, unwanted kissing/licking and sexual propositions of at least four members of the production. It’s unclear if those involved were actors or crew....Notice what's going on here. He was tolerated (encouraged?) before, and at least some people liked his transgressive comedy. But now that sexual harassment is in the news, he's cut off like a gangrenous limb. There's a lot of hypocrisy, and firing each person as they get accused is a coverup attempt, and it may be unfair to the accused.
"Can I tell you my side of it," Dick then asked before asserting that the filmmakers could've been upset that he was talking about or perhaps defending Weinstein, with whom he made two films. "They were so incensed by what I was saying. People are so sensitive," he said, without elaborating on exactly what he said.
I'm afraid that the seriousness of the Weinstein-type problems will be diluted with #MeToo style allegations and overreactions. But I also think that these overreactions toward individual accused persons suggest that the people who've been enabling and facilitating feel guilty and are themselves trying to escape consequences.
I regard Hollywood as a whole as a sick, corrupt system, and this firing of Dick only heightens my suspicion.
ADDED: "I didn't grab anybody's genitals... Of course I'm going to proposition people. I'm single, depressed, lonely and trying to get a date. They can just say no, and they probably did and then I was done."
Dick contends that part of his problem is he's 51 and unaware of what the rules are for proper behavior. "I don't know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date. In the '70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek. I don't know anymore," he said. "There were beautiful women and beautiful guys on the set. I flirt with them. I might kiss someone on the set and ask them to go to dinner. They are the ones that took it south."AND: For comparison purposes: "You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything."
Impressive that he cold-turkey quit groping and exposing himself.
I'm exposing myself right now.
"I don't know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date. In the '70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek. I don't know anymore,"
-- Man. The 70s. A wacky time.
I've heard that Andy Dick provided Phil Hartman's wife with the cocaine the night she murdered him.
And I'm groping myself. Ouch!
At least he (apparently) didn't pinch any butts.
The licking is pretty strange, but Andy is a fringe player, an easy target. We'll see where this goes to next and if anyone notable is outed.
"I regard Hollywood as a whole as a sick, corrupt system." And how, pray tell, did it get that way? Who degraded the culture, who undermined sexual morality, who transvalued our values, and how?
"I don't know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date." Sorry, Dick: they'll let you know, after the fact.
Nonapod said...
I was just noticing that (all?) the victims crawling out of the woodwork omit that from their horror stories.
Jon Lovitz on that story.
I grew up in the 70's too. Licking cheeks and grabbing genitals was just our way of saying hello. The 70's chicks just loved it--all of them--and begged for more.
Each new outcast is tossed over the wall. A dead body with a note pinned on him that says "This is the last of them."
The hope is that we'll all stay outside the wall and eventually be placated.
Andy Dick was 13 in 1979. It's a virtual certainty that he had no girlfriends in the 1970's. I suspect that were he to have licked the face of a girl in the 1970's Her brother or father would have beaten him nearly lifeless.
Reap what you sow.
Spent so much time claiming guys were “harassing” women in the work place, and watering down definitions of same, that I kinda get the claim that you may not be able to tell the difference between a come on and harassment.
People can (and do) say no. And that’s often the end of it. As it should be.
Lots of people meet their future spouses at work.
In the '70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek. I don't know anymore,
This has to be humor. He's only 51. His "girlfriends" in the 70s were children.
Maybe Andy Dick is just a dick.
And Ann, you and I both know or can reasonably presume, that even right now there are some women in Hollywood who are signaling that they're not going to turn stool pigeon, and by so signaling are getting pulled into the club and are enhancing their careers.
One thing is certain. He is a real dick!
I turned 19 in 1970, a long-haired, reasonably good looking young hippie. Jesus, I must have been a prude, for it never once occurred to me that grabbing a young woman's genitals or licking her would be a reasonable way to introduce myself.
Hollywood must hate trying to have some semblance of control.
I would have said bourgeois values, but Hollywood's done a fine job of trying to get rid of those.
They can't stand us, and now they're being forced to really acknowledge us.
This guy is still working? He's not dead? I'd forgotten about him.
Scientists say 93% of communication is nonverbal.
Bill, Republic of Texas said...
In the '70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek."
In the late 70's I was in high school and high school boys are not famous for being smooth operators. But not one of my three hs boyfriends - as gawky and unsophisticated as they were in their Led Zep t-shirts - became my boyfriends because they walked up to me and started kissing and licking my cheek. They bided their time with that stuff. They started out by saying, "Hey, would you like to go to a movie (party, football game, out for pizza) this Saturday"
My high school boyfriends were freaking Charles Boyer compared to this schmuck.
Don’t fire President Grab ‘em by the Pussy!
Everybody's trying to figure out the mob.
I thought he was gay.
Unknown said...
Don’t fire President Grab ‘em by the Pussy!
10/31/17, 11:03 AM
He won't be fired.
Settle down, Inga, don't piss your Depends again. It's sad to see you keep getting all excited and fired up and then it turns out to be a big nothing. Well, actually it's hilarious and has given me many laughs over the past year....
It amazes me how so many supposedly intelligent people can misread (or lie about) what he actually said.
Trump pussy plaque
That would be "overturning the election" and we can't have that.
If it was a good enough reason to keep Bubba in office.....
Nothing burger I want Podestas head (both brothers) on a pike.
They can't stand us, and now they're being forced to really acknowledge us.
When will this dialectical zit burst into a resolution of the contradiction?
The Neo-Puritan reaction to all this will be interesting to watch. We already label young people as felons for sending photos of their genitals. How long before AI, robot police are shooting down people in the streets for showing too much skin?
(excuse me I have a science fiction story to write).
"I don't grope people anymore. I don't expose myself anymore. I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate."
I think Andy is a pretty good picture of most of Hollywood.
He has stopped doing what he was doing. Not because it's wrong, because he goes on to say that he doesn't know right from wrong. He's stopped because "the temperature in the world right now is delicate".
It's the current temperature that he's taking. And should that temperature change...
"I don't grope people anymore. I don't expose myself anymore."
What? For this you want a medal or something?
I don't see how the face licking maneuver could possibly help you get over.. It's like the open bathrobe move. Still, it must have worked at one time or another, else why would they repeatedly use it. Maybe if you lick the upper neck and lower jaw. It might be a little known erogenous zone. Also a terrycloth bathrobe might help you appear more cuddly and embraceable. There's so much we don't know about sex.
A bathrobe! Of course!!! I came to work today as Dr. Evil 2.0 but I coulda just thrown on a robe, then I wouldn't even have had to shave! was that link; don't know what happened.
Here's the thing... There's a difference between workplace (on set for example) and non-workplace.
The thing to do, is look at people as walking STD's and then you can get back to work.
Don't get close enough to get any body fluids.
"Trying to sort out what has happened, Hermie goes back to Dorothy's house. Dorothy has fled the island in the night and an envelope is tacked to the front door with Hermie's name on it. Inside is a note from Dorothy, saying she hopes he understands she must go back home as there is much to do. She assures Hermie she will never forget him, and he will find his way of remembering what happened that night. Her note closes with the hope that Hermie may be spared the senseless tragedies of life.
In the final scene, Hermie, suddenly approaching manhood, is seen looking at Dorothy's old house and the ocean from a distance before he turns to join his friends. To bittersweet music, the adult Raucher sadly recounts that he has never seen Dorothy again or learned what became of her."
Andy Dick. LOL! I guess 'Randy Dick' would have been even better. Can't make these things up.
"The next morning, Hermie helps the bride move boxes into her attic and she thanks him by giving him a kiss on the forehead."
Just like that fucking rapist Wieseltier!
Unknown said...
His tie is semi-erect.
You want to lick and kiss and sniff something without prior consent? Lick, kiss and sniff your baseball bat.
That's what Yasiel Puig does.
Unknown said...
Don’t fire President Grab ‘em by the Pussy!
10/31/17, 11:03 AM
Don't forget the insensitive phone call (and mocking the disabled), Inga. MSM dropped it already. Up to you to keep these things alive.
His tie is semi-erect.
Dilbert is only drawn with a flat tie in one circumstance.
See the comments for the semi-official explanation that Adams has offered from time to time..
Pretty much what I did these several decades ago.
She did marry me in the end (took three years).
I tried to warn you Boomers about all that “free love, if it feels good do it” stuff back in the 60’s. You said I was an old square. Keep rockin.
To be clear, these are early-ish Dilbert, and more hopeful and optimistic than later Dilbert.
Few people are more appropriately named than Andy Dick.
I don't grope people anymore.
I also don't grope people any less.
He sort of lost me at the word “anymore.”
Big Mike says: He sort of lost me at the word “anymore.”
Blame the Hollywood Reporter for that. They were quoting a phone conversation:
"I don't grope people anymore. I don't expose myself anymore," he said by telephone.
Quayle said...
And Ann, you and I both know or can reasonably presume, that even right now there are some women in Hollywood who are signaling that they're not going to turn stool pigeon, and by so signaling are getting pulled into the club and are enhancing their careers.
Give that man a cigar!
"Few people are more appropriately named than Andy Dick"
One. Hillary rod ham.
Unknown said...
Dilbert is only drawn with a flat tie in one circumstance.
Looking at the newer strips, it seems that Dilbert doesn't wear a tie anymore.
One of the catchphrases on “Laugh-In” was “ Blow in my ear and I’ll follow you anywhere.” I wonder how many young women had their ears unwantedly blown into back in the early 1970s? Seems less invasive than getting your face licked.
For you young punk kids, “Laugh-In” was a comedy show that ran 1968 to 1973. Sort of like a predecessor to SNL, except funny in spots.
He does make a point that our PC will swing too far, in directions that distract from actual sexual misconduct. It's all the big effort to dilute for the golden Hillarywood statue. Dilute for Streep.
Weinsten is already forgtotten - and he is an actual monster. Bill Clinton was/is an actual sexual predator. *memory hole*
No biggie - the "mee too!" DNC/MSM dilution is on track and paying dividends.. Warren was chased around a desk, and that's way worse that anything Streep will ignore.
"I don't know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date."
Dick contends that part of his problem is he's 51 and unaware of what the rules are for proper behavior. "I don't know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date. In the '70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek.
He's 51, so those girlfriends in the '70s must have been from when he was in elementary or middle school. That's probably too young to come up with the pick-up move that you're going to rely on for the rest of your life.
regular brain: women freezing up when assaulted is evidence they are sick
Enlightened brain: women freezing up when assaulted is evolutionarily adaptive.
Don't be a Dick.
Ferananidinande said...
Looking at the newer strips, it seems that Dilbert doesn't wear a tie anymore.
Yeah, that's been since Dilbert's company changed its dress code on October 13, 2014.
Andy Dick's act (never funny to me) is as inappropriate in today's climate as Foster Brookes (hilarious to me) became in the late 20th century as drunk became NOT FUNNY!!!!!!
A question for our host: Can temperature be 'delicate'?
To claim he doesn't know that kissing or licking someone on the face without invitation is appropriate or not is either a lie or an admission by him that he has always behaved inappropriately and has never been sufficiently sanctioned for it...or that he's out of his mind.
"without invitation is appropriate or not is either a lie or an admission by him that he has always behaved inappropriately and has never been sufficiently sanctioned for it...or that he's out of his mind."
It's all of those things. He's a drug-addled* ass.
* - He may be sober now, I don't know for sure.
Boggles my mind. I'm 52. I spent 21 years in the Navy and since the first days we were taught that sexual assault, including the crap he describes, was and still is, against the UCMJ. Yeah, we have bad apples too, but his excuse of his age is intolerable. We are reminded every year through GMT's that it is wrong. Not saying that we were better, just saying that the fact of the matter has been around for a long time.
Chris Rock SNL monologue, 1996:
And they're always trying to get him with sexual harassment. Sexual harrassment! What is sexual harassment?! What's the difference between sexual harrassment and just being an idiot? I mean, if my father didn't harrass my mother, I wouldn't be here! I mean, I understand some sexual harrassment.. if a man is your boss and says, "Hey, sleep with me, or you're fired." That's sexual harrassment. And that's the only thing that's seual harrassment! Everything else falls under "Just trying to get laid." You can't put a man in jail for that! I don't care how hard he tries, that's all he was trying to do! Anita Hill started this whole thing. It's all about looks, you know? Because if Clarence Thomas looked like Denzel Washington, this would have never happened! She'd be all, "Oh, stop it, Clarence, you nasty! Your fine self!" So, what's sexual harrassment, when an ugly man wants some? "Oh, he ugly! Call the police! Call the authority!"
[That's adapted from a longer bit he did in his stand up, and that stand up is much better, but I can't find it right now. Maybe THEY don't want it to be found!]
If it's any sort of defense, Andy Dick has been known in Hollywood as a certifiable nut case for a long, long time. Even since his early days in stand up.
No one brings Andy Dick into a production without knowing exactly what they're getting. He couldn't hide it if he tried.
From the article it sounds like there were more than enough grounds to drop him from the project.
Maybe he was lacking a father figure and was influenced by the tootsie pop owl.
Yeah..that's a stretch.
But in '83 Dick was on the rise, while a fully revealed KISS sang:
Don't want to wait 'til you know me better
Let's just be glad for the time together
Life's such a treat and it's time you taste it
There ain't a reason on earth to waste it
It ain't a crime to be good to yourself
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah it's only right now
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah, come on, come on
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh uh
Don't need to wait for an invitation
You gotta live like you're on vacation
There's something sweet you can't buy with money lick it up, lick it up
It's all you need, so believe me honey
It ain't a crime to be good to yourself
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah it's only right now
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah, come on, come on
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh uh
Come on it's only right now (it's only right now)
Ooh yeah (ooh yeah) ooh yeah (ooh yeah), yeah yeah
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah it's only right now
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah, come on, come on
Lick it up, lick it up, yeah ooh uh
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah
Lick it up, lick it up, ooh yeah, come on, come on
Lick it up, lick it up
In Murica, you got a right to demand that someone you're not interested in NOT LIKE YOU!
No one brings Andy Dick into a production without knowing exactly what they're getting. He couldn't hide it if he tried.
Are you saying that his simulation of fellatio on Tommy Lee at Pamela Anderson's roast wasn't subtle?
Yeah, it was different way back then in 2000. Everyone thought grabbing someone's balls or simulated sex was just good clean fun.
Hell, I can remember when Jerry Seinfeld raped Julie-Luis on-set and everyone applauded. That's how it was.
Now it was different in 1953. Debbie Reynolds tells the story of Bob Fosse, being extremely proud of his large "manhood", would let it "run free" and press against Debbie during their dance numbers. In retaliation, Reynolds left a jockstrap in his locker, and the harassment stopped. 20 Years later Fosse apologized. But Reynolds said nothing to management at the time. She was more concerned with the Director cutting her out the shots.
Hoodlum, Chris Rock is one of the sages of our century.
In the long lineage of Dicks, is there an upstanding example? Seems a to live with..
C'mon you historians..I know ya want to.
walter posits: In the long lineage of Dicks, is there an upstanding example? Seems a to live with..
C'mon you historians..I know ya want to.
In David Copperfield, Mr. Dick is feeble minded.
"Comedian Andy Dick was arrested in July 2008... ...on drug and sexual battery charges. Dick was nabbed in a Murrieta, California parking lot after he allegedly groped a 17-year-old girl and then pulled the teenager's tank top and bra down, exposing her breasts (the incident occurred outside a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant). During a subsequent search, police discovered a small amount of marijuana in Dick's pants pocket and a single Xanax pill for which he did not have a prescription. An 'extremely intoxicated' Dick was booked into the Southwest Detention Center on $5000 bail..."
I am Laslo.
Seems like there's been a lot of groping...
Andy Dick stories on Reddit.
More Andy Dick stories on Reddit.
One bit:
"The one interesting thing he would go on about that I haven't heard anywhere else is that he blames all of these problems on Jeff Goldblum. Jeff fucking Golblum.
Apparently, early in his career, he was happy and successful, and in love with a special lady. Then Goldblum comes along, steals his girl, and RIPS HIS WORLD APART. Just completely fucks his shit up. And thats why he's so messed up. According to him."
Jeff Goldblum?
That is fucking EPIC.
I am Laslo.
Laslo, I can't think of Jeff Goldblum without picturing him turning into a fly.
"Laslo, I can't think of Jeff Goldblum without picturing him turning into a fly."
From the Reddit stories it seems like Andy Dick has a problem with his fly.
Keep it zipped, mostly.
I am Laslo.
Remember that these men are everywhere! But Bill Clinton was not one of them, and Linda Tripp deserved every bit of what she got for exposing him, err, I mean lying about him!
Maybe it's true that we Boomers used up all the fun.
With regard to KISS. They wanted to call the band Fuck, but were talked out of it. Back in the 80's I did a fine striptease to Lick it Up, but I far preferred Rock Hard.
Hot lover, turn up the heat
I want your sugar, girl your love tastes so sweet
I feel a fire burnin' under me
I've got a hunger that you love's gotta feed
You make me sweat, you turn me 'round
You get me up, you never let me down
You make me rock hard, baby all night
Love's like a glove and it fits just rights
You make me rock hard, so baby hold tight
Come on baby, let's rock hard, baby all night
There's more but you'll have to look it up.
That is an amazingly concise exploration of cliche rock lyric elements.
But a proper stripping accompaniment might make it tolerable.
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