"... the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews. Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show...."
The Hill reports.
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
But Trump! Trump did it! It was him!
Nothing to see here.. move along
I hope these new revelations don't impede Hillary's 2020 presidential campaign.
And the hit man assigned to terminate PresidentTrump, Mueller was knee deep in the standard Deep State Globalist Corruption financing hidden behind FBI narrated fairy tales.
Looks like Trump infiltrated the Obama administration years ago. That's gotta be it.
Now the Democrats are grateful for HW for providing a distraction.
But then, if the MSM won't report on the Menendez trial or the clusterfuck that is Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, then why would I expect them to report on this?
OT:I am looking forward to the next WikiLeak.
Ah! I knew the Russia investigation would pay off! Finally!
What a mystery! Who was in charge of this investigation that never went anywhere? According to Powerline, it was Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller, and James Comey--the Larry Moe and Curley of American justice.
"And she would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling Trump kids." My favorite comment there.
9a5d12e8-77fb-11e3-b0c5-000bcdca4d7a said...
Looks like Trump infiltrated the Obama administration years ago. That's gotta be it.
Now the Democrats are grateful for HW for providing a distraction.
But then, if the MSM won't report on the Menendez trial or the clusterfuck that is Debbie Wasserman-Schulz, then why would I expect them to report on this?
OT:I am looking forward to the next WikiLeak.
10/17/17, 5:13 PM
Oops, had to reboot my 'puter and my handles need to be reset I guess. The postabove is from me,
Collusion with the Russians certainly did affect the 2016 election, but it wasn't Trump's collusion that did it. More and more clear that Hillary had much more collusion going on and more and more clear that accusing Trump was a preemptive attempt to change the focus.
Better than firing Mueller...
If these uranium revelations hold up, why wouldn't Trump use the occasion to grab the high ground by firing Rosenstein and McCabe in a flourish of publicity, thereby undermining Mueller, Clinton, Obama, Holder, Lynch and Comey?
Wouldn't it be the political judo move of all time?
And weissman is Mueller's deputy, suppsrdly investigating money laundering, he failed to get anyone but a low level official, mikerin, which is headed by a very well connected Russian executive. Onnthe American side, the CEO was this fellow:
Shockingly the records were destroyed.
That deal and dealings influenced my vote.
I bet this story won't be on Good Morning America tomorrow.
I wonder if it is possible to have executive hearings instead of congressional ones. I think the ratings for a hearing where Trump called the heads of the FBI and the Justice Dept. up in front of the American people to answer a few questions would be pretty big league.
Obama enabling Russians making off with American Uranium???
I don't believe any of that.
Here ate the other side of the transaction:
Ah. Just last night when someone was asking what did the Obama administration ever do for Russia. Serendipity.
CNN has a breaking news alert! About the FBI interviewing Spicer. Mot years of Russian collusion covered up by Obama officials. Embarrassing.
My awareness of this story and of the lack of timely reporting were major factors influencing my votes last year. Thank you, Internet.
Get into Ukraine next, and then do the UK's efforts to funnel intel to Dems and Dem-friendly organizations.
THEN let's talk about the concerted efforts by our own Media (some of whom are partially owned by foreigners!) to actively support Trump during the primary in order to give Hilldog an easy win in the general. They sat on that pussy grab audio, you know...let's start talking about why.
None of this is surprising to anyone who has paid attention! It's borderline depressing to see lots of smart people treating this like some new discovery--oh gee, did the Obama administration cover up Russian wrongdoing, including big payments to the Clinton Foundation, in order to not disturb their fucking terrible Iran deal and to help Hillary?
The key is to always remember: they assumed they'd win and they know the Media is theirs. No WAY did they ever believe any of this stuff (to include the likely rampant FISA abuse/unwarranted unmaskings) would come to light--President Hillary wouldn't have any reason to bring it up!
Just to add: yet another reason those NeverTrumpers who voted for Hillary or the McMuffin were so stupid--just keeping Hillary out has made these "discoveries" possible.
A vote for Trump was a vote for a CHANCE at an actual investigation/accounting of the slimy shit the Obama Admin wallowed in for 8 years. A slim chance, to be sure, but a CHANCE.
Holder was lawless. But nothing will happen.
But, but any day now it's going to be Trump!!!!
Right, Inga?
The fact Trump can be held accountable, while Clinton never could is one of the reasons I preferred his particular disaster scenario to hers.
Not saying I wanted him to win. There really was no winning this outing.
Oh, screw worrying about the Russkies trying to mess with trivial things like our supply of uranium!
Worry about the important things! Fr'instance, did the Russkies compromise strategic assets like Atlantic city casinos & the Miss Universe pageant?
Focus, people! Focus!
CNN will spend more time talking about Russia's use of Pokemon Go than this corruption I bet.
Honestly, has anyone ever been in as much denial about who they are as Hillary Clinton?
She's going around saying the election was crooked because of Russia, and she's the one who took money from Russia, not Trump.
And she's saying the Republicans put a sexual harasser in the White House-- not that she'd know anything about them!
I'm a good ways from being excited about Trump winning the last election, but the more she talks, the more I want, like Brad DeLong, to keep her very far from power. At least Trump seems to know who he is, even if he overestimates himself.
Looks like a really fine piece of investigative reporting. Appears to be thoroughly researched. It truly astounds me that the Dems were such scum bags. This isn't politics this is crime.
In a despotic system, where there is election theater, no establishment member faces repercussions.
No wonder the Clinton woman has been bad mouthing the Rooskies ceaselessly since the election loss.
Why did Trump choose Rosenstein as DAG?
“Who was the prosecutor leading the investigation? Rod Rosenstein. That would be the same Rod Rosenstein who is now Deputy Attorney General and supervising the Russia probe.”
No sessions picked him, based on references at the time, the story had been buried in the same warehouse that Indy put the ark. But this is why Michael Waller whose been hunting down Russian spies for 35 yrs held Mueller in disrepute.
It's only collusion when Trump does it, duh.
Hillery should be exiled all the way to St Helena. None of this nice Elba stuff.
OMG! Who was running State when this was going on?
"showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"
Huh. If the FBI caught me two years ago accepting bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, I don't guess that anything much would have come of it, right?
Lovely, just lovely. Again - there really is not any reason to trust the FBI, CIA, etc any more. They've been suborned.
And yes, per Matthew Sabian, this type of thing was a major reason why I voted for Trump. He sets my teeth on edge, but he wasn't Hillary and I assumed there would be some real scrutiny of him. Plus I did and do like some of his policies. So far he's working out much better than I expected. My 2016 vote was really "I don't want to officially become a banana republic."
I am very concerned about voting for him again. I think he's too old and I am worried it will just be another set of ticks in place sucking the blood of the body republic.
"Why did Trump choose Rosenstein as DAG?"
Inga's conspiracy theories aside, The Democrats blocked Trump's appointments just as they blocked Bush's in 2001 until the depleted Defense Department missed the Muslim conspiracy,
Sessions' brain fart in recusing himself put Trump at the mercy of these jackals.
Mueller: This is not the conspiracy you are looking for. They can go about their business. Move along!
Oh I see. You guys care about this one because it wasn't shown to benefit Obama personally.
Just another day in backwards Bizarro Republicanland.
As a clarifying note, I'm not saying I voted for him. Just that this was the most containable of the disasters we had to choose from.
Sessions' brain fart in recusing himself...
Could you imagine Dr. Mengele Kennedy practicing law? He'd be disbarred in a New York minute.
No sense of boundaries or ethics whatsoever.
traditionalguy said...
Hillery should be exiled all the way to St Helena. None of this nice Elba stuff.
St. Helena isn't on our soil. Guam, perhaps? Or that island in Hawaii where they sent the lepers?
I mean, Hillary is definitely a moral leper. Any conscience, morality or scruples she may ever have had have fallen off long ago.
The venezualn side Co the equation:
If the investigation was buried and we know Rod Rosenstein was the prosecutor leading the investigation, why did Trump not object to his nomination for DAG?
Could this information have been brought out now because the left is foaming-at-the-mouth desperate to get Hillary off the political stage?
"I don’t believe in essentialism, the notion that there are basic, essential, biological and inalterable differences between men and women."
Care to arm-wrestle? For money?
Is there such a thing as de/un-recusal?
"If the investigation was buried...why did Trump not object to his nomination for DAG?"
Asked and answered.
This stuff is coming out NOW because there is an election next year for all the House and a third of the Senate and the Democrats are fucked. Trump is not going away and this Congress is over. The big game is next November. The country's a mess and it ain't Trump's fault.
Trump could be daring FBI to find evidence against him??!!
Just THINK what Hillary could have done if she hadn't had to deal with all those rapey men! Why she might have been able sell half our uranium down the river to the Russians instead of only 20%.
"No sense of boundaries or ethics whatsoever."
Speak of the devil. The McDonald's shift must be over.
If the investigation was buried and we know Rod Rosenstein was the prosecutor leading the investigation, why did Trump not object to his nomination for DAG?
For God's sake Inga, don't you read your posts before you hit enter?
Are you really that un-selfaware?
“If the investigation was buried...why did Trump not object to his nomination for DAG?"
“Asked and answered.”
Wrong. Sessions as AG had to have known. He and Trump chose Rosenstein for some very good reasons. IF Trump knew nothing of this investigation, it’s just more of his incompetence. That’s no bombshell.
IF Trump knew nothing of this investigation, it’s just more of his incompetence. That’s no bombshell.
They were hiding it, sweetheart.
Try harder.
I'm going to talk to my daughter in two weeks to see what the inside story was. I think this was an agent revolt, just as the Comey press conference in July 2016 was to fend off an agent revolt.
“I think this was an agent revolt, just as the Comey press conference in July 2016 was to fend off an agent revolt.”
You sure do like conspiracy theories, don’t you honey?
Is this the kind of thing that causes indictments?
All the devils are here.
So, Obama was a first-order forcing of CAIR (Catastrophic Anthropogenic Immigration Reform a.k.a. refugee crisis) in Libya in order to secure the oil. In Kiev, presumably as retributive change, and perhaps for Russian nuclear technology.
Did He force CAIR in Somalia to secure their uranium?
Is this the kind of thing that causes indictments?
Only when Republicans are involved.
Bullshit. The upper echelons of the FBI are corrupted. They played keepaway from Sessions all along.
“Washington has an unfortunate tendency to back off investigations when there are skeletons on both sides of the partisan aisle. But a thorough airing of Russia’s multifaceted efforts to penetrate and disrupt American institutions (including the media) over the past decade is necessary in order to counter the threat of the Kremlin’s “war by other means” doctrine. Let the chips fall where they may..
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/452776/russian-nuclear-scandal-what-did-hillary-clinton-know
"Sessions as AG had to have known."
Prove it.
It's not a crime when the Deep State does it. But when the Deep State needs create a distraction, then it's special prosecutors all the way down. Trump needs to fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions for getting buffaloed by them.
“Trump needs to fire Mueller, Rosenstein, and Sessions for getting buffaloed by them.”
And this “bombshell” is just the pretense Trump needs in order to fire them. That might just be why it was dug up and re-aired. This is not new.
'What difference at this point does it make?"
Speak of the devil. The McDonald's shift must be over.
Just because your mother and nursemaid are both dead, doesn't mean they're satanic. And morality applies even to elitist shits like yourself.
Obamqa's justice dept was a sham. Holder belongs in prison right next to Bill and HIll.
the corrupt DNC hack press - NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN et al.. they won't touch this.
You know thatvan intriguing question, wherevthat he ended up
BTW, this investigation wasn’t closed until 2015, not 2010.
" And morality applies even to elitist shits like yourself."
Poor jealous little twerp.
I'll have fries with that Big Mac.
Lessee. Obama resigned, right? And appointed Joe Biden president. Joe Biden resigned without naming a Vice President, which made Nancy Pelosi president. Nancy Pelosi named John McCain her vice president and immediately resigned upon his congressional approval, making the Republican runner-up to Obama in 2008 the new President. As a gesture of bipartisanship, John McCain then named Nancy Pelosi vice president. Her house seat was filled, in a special election, by Harvey Weinstein.
This is a major scandal. The current DOJ needs to be purged of all Obama hold-overs, and the entire matter must be re-investigated in sunlight.
the corrupt Clinton-Obama DNC hack press will get right on it....
I'll have fries with that Big Mac.
Then go ask your nursemaid to go get you one.
What do I care about your dietary habits, anyway? Can't you think of a more original place to eat at? And there are plenty of other low-wage service jobs whose holders you can demean. Aren't old cunts like you more the Cracker Barrel type anyway?
It's true what they say about how unoriginal surgeons are. Just perfecting a single manual maneuver, and never learning how to think on their feet.
You miss having a dark room to stay in for ten hours a day.
Poor jealous little twerp.
What exactly do you have that I'm jealous of?
A sense of wit? No, you don't have that.
Creativity? Lacking.
Charm? No, you couldn't charm the pants off a tranny streetwalker.
Intelligence? Regurgitating the same shopworn slogans the same way each time hardly counts.
Humor? Oh, right. You think bashing low-wage service workers is the height of comedy. Actually, it's like your only "joke" - never mind that it would get you thrown off stage at amateur hour. So, no.
Looks? A dog with a face like yours would have its asshole shaved and be walked backwards.
Youth, or even just vitality? Hahahahaha.
Humility? Hard to ascribe to someone who fantasizes that others even care for, let alone are jealous of, him.
You're running out of things to pretend that people envy about you, Old Fuckface. It's like you can't even come up with things that you'd like to think give you anything to offer as a person.
Come on, Old Drama Queen Douchebag. Just tell us one thing about you that others find interesting or desirable. One single thing.
Watch the crickets, people.
Yes, they pretended but with out Eli's records they couldn't get past a small fry like condrey and mikerin. Another bout of learner syndrome. Thiscresembled the way bcci wormed its way unto the country, they initially bought up Bert lances bank but that was near beer, go they got Clark Clifford to front first American a few years later, along with ghaith pharoan who had David Paul as his patsy at centrist.
"Just tell us one thing about you that others find interesting or desirable."
Literacy you poor little creep. All you post are uneducated opinions. No links just your hateful crap.
Poor little jealous creep.
Put an other package of ketchup on those fries, please.
Time for my book. If anyone stays to read what Ritmo posts, turn out the lights, please.
Now the interesting thing, is John Kerry, based on authorization from Jesse helms opened an investigation into Panamanian bankers that led to bcci, he got tired of that and started investigating the contras, this may have been because the senate finance chair was none other than that same David Paul, who was the front man for ghaith pharoan. no
“No links just your hateful crap.”
People here don’t like links, honey chile.
All the while hundreds of thousands paid directly to Billy Boy and literally millions funneled to the Clinton Foundation from Russia's nuclear industry.
Nothing to see.
Not a smidgen of corruption.
Simply bribes, kickbacks, millions funneled in a pay for play scheme, with 20% of the US Uranium reserve handed over to Putin and the Russians.
By the dems.
That's all.
No big deal.
"Just tell us one thing about you that others find interesting or desirable."
Literacy you poor little creep.
Actually, literacy is pretty widespread in America, Doctor Dumbfuck. I wouldn't be able to respond to your nugget of bullshit above if I'd not been able to read what it said. So not only are you stupendously wrong, you are immensely stupid.
All you post are uneducated opinions.
Actually, many of them are factual. You just resent the fact that I'm able to interpret facts in the forming of my own opinions and ideas. Your own OTOH are just handed down from whatever you read in some conservative right-wing blog. You are so afraid to have a thought of your own that you run it by the right-wing blogosphere to determine whether or not it's ok to say, first. Probably originates from your nanny's smothering of you as a younger, twatty-er Michael Mengele KKK.
No links just your hateful crap.
Bingo! Like I said, you can't think on your own and need to just parrot others' ideas to link back to. You're more predictable than a cuckoo clock. And probably about as old and outdated. And unnecessary.
Poor little jealous creep.
Hey! At least I'm not stuck in a perpetual childhood like you are, dreaming of your nursemaid and her warm, sweet, delicious milk! Michael's substitute mamma's nursing of The Little Golden Child, who cried as the other kids and bullies pummeled his ordinary ass with pleas of, "But I'm special! I am! My momma's hired hand said so!"
You are so pathetic it's painful.
Now go back to the cold, dark, lonely and sterile chamber that you feel so at home in, King Dumbass.
Actually, Inga, honey chile, I posted the link to this story in the other thread. it's just not a link you like.
It shows what a corrupt, evil pack of shits the Demcrats are and what a gullible fool you have been all these months. now go fall backward on a flight of stairs and break a toe like your senile, greedy queen. Then scream "Russia!!!"
So for a solid year, the Left projects their own collusion with the Russians onto Trump.
And when caught, are there any apologies?
Nope, just doubling down on projection. Like Ritmo saying "You're so pathetic it's painful.". I'm guessing he actually needed to look in a mirror while he typex that.
He is accomplishing his goals as a troll intent on distracting from his Lord Obama's active treason though, gotta give him that.
I'm guessing he actually needed to look in a mirror while he typex that.
And that, Ladies & Gentlemen, is what an uneducated guess looks like.
I'd not be surprised if he relied on this method of "fact-finding" often.
It's what his tribe does.
I'm a bit shocked that this was published.
Is The Hill more conservative leaning than I'd thought, or is this a further sign of Democratic Party civil war?
The third option, that honest journalism has been practiced, seems inconceivable but I guess I'll throw it out there.
No one will lose their job, no one will go to jail. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will continue to be adored by Democrats. Toothless will continue to be a jackass.
How long until Russia gets the MoveOn treatment?
Trump didn't collude with the Russians. Obama and Clinton did. Everything the Democrats have been told about Russia is a lie. But they are serfs who love lies and being lied to.
They are not serious, ethical adults. they should never, ever be believed. they should not hold power. They are not good people.
But they are serfs who love lies and being lied to.
Human beings can NOT affect the environment!
A planet's atmosphere has NO impact on its climate!
Gender identity is a CHOICE!
Rights are defined by one's DNA!
Personhood begins with FERTILIZATION!
Aristocracy is GOOD for the normal economy!
Labor needs NO protections other than TARIFFS and TRADE WARS!
Income inequality is NO PROBLEM!
Trump's cabinet of Goldman Sachs billionaires are POPULISTS!
DEFICITS DON'T MATTER! (If they were caused by decreased tax revenue!)
The FUTURE of our energy industry is found in COAL!
Anger, vindictiveness and impulsive temperament make for GOOD foreign policy decisions!
Fuck. Off.
Find and fire everyone who covered this up. Out every Congressman senator and admin who covered this up. Run them out of power. I used to think Johnson was the worst president of my lifetime but 0bama is catching up quickly.
@Mountain Maven, Obama is hands down the second-worst president of all time, trailing only James Buchanan. I put Jimmy Carter as third-worst, slightly better than Obama. LBJ is down there in the bottom ten, that's for sure, but I think he was better than Carter. Still, in my lifetime I've had three of the worst ten presidents and two of the worst three. BTW, like Carter and Obama, Buchanan was a Democrat.
Actually, four of the worst ten have been in my lifetime -- Dick Nixon, Republican, demonstrates that Democrats have no monopoly on terribleness and the GOP has no monopoly on virtue.
A mere $145 million funneled to the Clinton Foundation by entities in Russian nuclear industry.
On the plus side, at least it wasn't $146 Million! 'cuz THAT would have been a real problem.
Add zerobama to the list of people responsible for Shrillary! losing the election.
Leftists cannot handle that their leaders are corrupt money grubbing liars.
Even Obama.
To determine what democrats have actually done, simply look at what they accuse republicans of doing.
Flexibility with Mother Russia. Obama used it after the election. $$$$.
But hey leftists, don't let this upset your liar filled universe. Keep on believing in your corrupt party.
How can Obama get in on the family slush fund action?
"Contrary to the Left's favorite narrative, any Russia scandal has always been worse for Hillary Clinton than for Donald Trump. Recent revelations confirmed this Tuesday, and even implicated the special prosecutor at the center of the Trump-Russia investigation, former FBI director Robert Mueller.
In 2010, the Obama administration approved a controversial deal giving Russian company Rosatom partial control of Canadian mining company Uranium One (and with it 20 percent of U.S. uranium), just as Russians paid former president Bill Clinton for speeches and Hillary Clinton was secretary of State. To make matters worse, the FBI had already gathered evidence of Russian corruption in the U.S. but kept it secret just when it would have mattered most, The Hill reported Tuesday.
Officials also acquired documents and an eyewitness account corroborating earlier reports that Russian officials had routed million of dollars into the U.S. to benefit the Clinton Foundation just as Hillary Clinton served on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which endorsed the Uranium One deal.
This racketeering scheme was allegedly conducted "with the consent of higher level officials" in Russia who "shared the proceeds," The Hill reported.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) did not bring immediate charges upon learning of the corruption in 2010, but kept investigating the matter for nearly four more years, leaving the American public and Congress in the dark."
A mere $145 million funneled to the Clinton Foundation by entities in Russian nuclear industry.
Just think how many facebook ads that would have bought!
Josephbleau said...
To determine what democrats have actually done, simply look at what they accuse republicans of doing.
10/18/17, 6:43 AM
This. This this this this this.
Balls - Your vampire party like money.
In 2011, John Podesta joins the board of this very small energy company called Joule Energy based out of Massachusetts," Schweizer said. "About two months after he joins the board, a Russian entity called Rusnano puts a billion rubles -- which is about 35 million dollars -- into John Podesta’s company. Now, what is Rusnano? Rusnano is not a private company, Steve. It is a fund directly funded by the Kremlin. In fact, the Russian science minister called Rusnano Putin’s child. So you have the Russian government investing in one of John Podesta’s businesses in 2011, while he is an advisor to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.”
facebook tricked us into not understanding how wonderful the Clintons really are. Right, NBC?
Hillary going full Weiner and saying it's all a "partisan hit job."
Bill and Hillary Clinton received large sums of money directly and indirectly from Russian officials while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Bill Clinton was paid a cool $500,000 (well above his normal fee) for a speech in Moscow in 2010. Who footed the bill? An investment firm in Moscow called Renaissance Capital, which boasts deep ties to Russian intelligence. The Clinton Foundation itself took money from Russian officials and Putin-connected oligarchs. They also took donations from:
Viktor Vekselberg, a Putin confidant who gave through his company, Renova Group
Andrey Vavilov, a former Russian government official who was Chairman of SuperOx, a research company that was part of the “nuclear Cluster” at the Russian government’s Skolkovo research facility
Elena Baturina, the wife of the former Mayor of Moscow, who apparently gave them money through
Man. Russia must be passed Clinton lost. What a lot of bribe money wasted. On a loser. Who lost against her chosen opponent. As a loser.
Pissed not passed. Alas the annoyances of mobile typing.
Okay maybe the Uranium deal was collusion, but it wasn't collusion collusion!
Blogger Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
Leftists cannot handle that their leaders are corrupt money grubbing liars.
Even Obama.
On the contrary, they believe everyone are money-grubbing liars because they're money-grubbing liars.
I often wonder why Obama didn't go full ballistic Government-in-Exile like he seemed to be preparing to do after he left office. He's actually been pretty quiet.
Could it be he's hoping Trump will go easy on him when all the (stuff) that was going on during his administration comes out?
On a somewhat related note, it now seems that Samantha Powers claims that it was not she who issued those 260 unmasking requests. Begs the question of who issued those requests under her name?
Why did Rod Rosenstein choose Robert Mueller to head the RussiaGate investigation?
Who in the entire world is the one person most motivated and able to white-wash the FBI?
If only we had some federal bureau to investigate such things in support of a government department charged with ensuring justice for all. Silly me, these were Democrats!
Not one word about this story on msn.com.
Not one word.
Trump upsets soldier's wife? Roughly 5 separate articles about it, all negative.
TTR didn't get it quite right, the saying isn't "The best defense is to be offensive." It seems like we hit a nerve with him, though, he pretends to despise the Clintons, but I guess this story hits his golden boy.
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