... you can talk about whatever you want.
The photo shows the most popular sculpture in the new Alumni Park (at the Memorial Union at the University of Wisconsin). I know there have been a lot of protests about statues lately, but hopefully Bucky won't raise any hackles.
While you're here, please consider using The Althouse Amazon Portal.
Sorry the photo isn't better. It's very hard to get a chance to photograph the statue without people sitting on it, doing their me-and-Bucky photos. The other day I was looking closely at Bucky's backpack, trying to figure out why it has hinges on one side and a lock on there other — is it a time capsule? — and some lady told me I needed to move because I was standing within the frame of a photograph that needed to be taken by someone who'd waited in line to pose their children on the badger's lap.
१२६ टिप्पण्या:
We don't need no stinkin' badgers.
Like way out, man. How cool is it that Dobie Gillis was a Badger? Mr. G must be proud.
Good stuff Maynard...
Maynard G. Krebs (the "G" stands for "Walter")
and some lady told me I needed to move
I hope you told her to fuck off and stayed there.
Now if she had asked you, nicely, then the polite thing to do is move.
Urban Dictionary: Badger (5)
Tsk tsk tsk.
There's a layer of smoke for nearly 45 - 60 miles south of Sonoma/Napa.
High schools are cancelling football games tomorrow night -- too much smoke.
Cardinal Newman high school in Santa Rosa - a football powerhouse -- burned down completely.
Very sad.
Will Bucky become the Winter Soldier soon?
We now have a second movie studio - Amazon - implicated.
I told you he raped me: Rose McGowan says Jeff Bezos killed her TV series when she objected to Amazon bailout of Weinstein Co as streaming giant's top studio exec is accused of telling lesbian producer 'you will like my d***'
I hope Althouse's conservative readers will now stop buying from Amazon given their role in covering up the evil misdeeds of this Weinstein guy. Maybe Ann will get a new portal to a different online retailer? How about L.L. Bean?
Bezo/Amazon is a leftist anti-Trump criminal enterprise. BOYCOTT AMAZON NOW!
I know there have been a lot of protests about statues lately, but hopefully Bucky won't raise any hackles.
It's not about what the statue represents but the need by some to show their power by tearing away at the establishment.
If Bucky need come down for the "greater good" that is the progressive movement, Bucky will indeed be sacrificed without a second thought.
That's a badger? It looked like an alien to me.
Hillary Clinton will never be president, NIK.
...some lady told me I needed to move because I standing within the frame of a photograph that needed to be taken by someone who'd waited in line to pose their children on the badger's lap.
I hope you explained to her that having children is the worst thing you can do to the planet, so FOAD.
Who has done more to glamorize guns than Hollywood?
"Hillary Clinton will never be president"
Damn, like cyber sunshine on this rainy day.
I think I've decided where we are going to live next. (Mr. Pants just says he trusts my judgement and to tell him when to pack.)
It's been a topic of discussion for some time as we try to figure out where to go when our time in our current location (coastal Texas, which I hate) is up. We can go anywhere there is a major airport.
Anyone care to look at my list of loves/hates and comment on/argue with my conclusion or make other suggestions?
four seasons (but cold is better than heat)
fresh water
reasonably priced housing (doesn't have to be Arkansas-cheap but can't be Seattle or California either)
educated populace
university town
quality heath care
an arts scene (but not too pretentious)
hot weather
the South
salt water
extreme humidity or aridity
poisonous/venomous insects and animals
extreme political corruption/palm greasing
crummy quality of life indicators (crime, drunk driving, teen pregnancy etc)
military presence (had enough of that in my life in several ways)
So, I decided on: the Twin Cities!
What say you, Althousians? I can't crowdsource this and ask my Facebook friends for input, because our upcoming move is on the DL for now, so help a girl out. Am I on the right track?
Pants, Makes sense to me, no negatives for me with MSP. Looking at your list though I was going to suggest Ft. Collins, CO. No major airport, but not too far from DIA. Didn't see beer as a plus or minus, but it's a great beer town.
I assume Madam Professor is done for the night. Supposedly weinstein's contract said he couldn't be fired for sexual harassment as long as he reimbursed the company for any settlements.
"Twin Cities?" Do you read Powerline ? Read a bit before you decide.
For example.
Why not Spokane, WA?
A friend of mine finished his cardiac surgery training and was looking for a job. He interviewed with the cardiac surgery in Spokane, which has big medical centers.
The first question was "Do you like ti hunt and fish?"
He answered, "Yes, I love to hunt and fish!"
The interviewer said, "We're sorry. We all hunt and fish and want some one who doesn't do that, too."
He went to Tacoma WA.
I walked out on a 16mm rental showing of Blade Runner in the 80s, for having no plot that I could follow, but bought it again because everybody's talking about it.
It's no better today. I got to boobs and figured that was the high point and bailed out again.
Maybe the remake will have a plot.
Roy Price pays the Harvey Tax.
How about Pittsburgh?
Dogwood trees have always been on my list of requirements.
No long winters.
Growing up, Banon Farrow probably got an earful about predatory men (Sinatra, Previn [5 marriages], Allen) from his mother. Glad to see something positive came of it.
Pants, live in SD. Near the MN border if you must. No taxes. MN is nearly 10%.
We now have a second movie studio - Amazon - implicated.
Amazon studios fired their studio executive today too.
Blade Runner has a plot, he falls in love with one of the "skin jobs" it's not a rom com plot strictly speaking, but it's a plot. I never read any Mickey Spillane, but I imagine that it's one of those plots. I think Wgo Framed Roger Rabbit has a very similar plot.
Should say chief executive not studio executive. Sheesh.
At last! There are so many things going on that I'm curious about. For instance, what about the 9-0 ruling to overturn the Circuit court's overthrow of Trump's immigration order. Big victory for Trump? Or big yawn? (Only lawyers need answer. No trolls, please.)
Regarding campus statuary, I think Maryland's turtle and the Illinois Alma Mater are both better than this whimsical piece.
I have seen reports that Obama's proposed 1½ billion dollar Presidential Library in Chicago will have everything in it, except a library.
But, of course?
It's more of a lie barry.
NBC goes out with story about Trump wanting a ten-fold increase in U.S. nuclear stockpile.
Should they not have asked themselves if that is even possible before they went out with that?
Pants, Pittsburgh is very good choice (my hometown). Four seasons, yet mild winters, university city (to put it mildly), first class medical facilities. Housing is highly affordable. To the north is the Allegheny National Forest (my current location).
And comparatively low taxes.
What Harvey Weinstein is said to have been doing all his adult life seems way beyond sexual harassment and predation, though that is included.
But - I will give you a role if you will watch me shower? Masturbating in front of women and ejaculating into the nearest potted plant, or whatever? This seems very sick too.
And he still does not get it that this is not normal behavior.
Not sure where I heard it, but it was something about sexual assault being a criminal offense.
How in the world is this guy not in the pokey?
Assault with a friendly weapon.
RH, Blade Runner is about the nature of humanity, it wouldn't interest you.
Have not seen a down of NFL football since this kerfuffle started. I am enjoying my free time.
Continue to hope ESPN's death spiral is not recoverable. It is my understanding that ESPN's cable/satellite fees are the highest of any network. NFL..... not for long.
Your list seems made for Olympia. Yes, it's liberal as all get out, with all that implies, but it's a very pleasant place to live. And just a couple of hours from Seattle or Portland for all your arts/music/boho yearnings. Not many more livable places where you can easily hunt the woods in Lewis County in the morning and go to a concert in King in the evening.
Watching the ball game. It really looks like Chicago's manager is drinking from a bottle of urine. Sure hope it's at least his own ...
@Misplaced pants, nothing beats the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah.
Blogger Hagar said...
NBC goes out with story about Trump wanting a ten-fold increase in U.S. nuclear stockpile.
That damn NRA. Now they want everyone to have their own nuke!
The shield maiden and I just got back from a tour of places we might move to next. From Bay area, we checked out Chico CA, Redding CA, Medford OR, Salem OR to Portland OR Vancouver WA, Olympia WA, Bremerton WA, Shelton WA, Sequim WA, Port Angeles WA, Everett WA, Bellingham WA.
Olympia WA and Salem-Portland OR made the shortlist. If we were going 100% retired, Port Angeles WA would have won. Was very impressed with most of the towns we checked out. Real eye-opener. California is pretty trashy, even in the nice areas as compared with much of OR and WA that is mostly very squared away. Also, the drivers on Highway 5 and in the Cities were awesome. In general, they drive fast, stay in their lanes and don't tailgate.
nothing beats the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah.
My first thought, but how humid?
Several college towns, but I don't know about the local health care quality.
"Supposedly weinstein's contract said he couldn't be fired for sexual harassment as long as he reimbursed the company for any settlements."
If true, I would think this is Exhibit A in the evidence that Weinstein Company was being operated as a honeypot for Harvey's sexual, ummm, addiction. (Lawyers are sometimes too clever by half.)
@Ralph L., quality of hospital care depends on where you're at. At the north end of the valley, Winchester Medical Center is well-regarded. At the southern end, near Staunton, the Augusta-Fisherville hospital is well-regarded, but if you move west a little bit you'll be a half hour or less distant from the University of Virginia Medical Center. Based on my son's experience, I cannot recommend Stonewall Jackson hospital in Lexington.
Charlottesville was recommended in too many "Best Places to Retire to" lists, so cost of buying a home there has gone up, up, and away. Cheaper further north.
The sequel, sort of follows the Mcguffin in chinatown. So I'm given to understand
Regarding girls in the Boy Scouts, the great Tom Lehrer figured out what to over fifty years ago!
I've lived in MSP for 25 years, half of my life. I like it, quite a bit in fact. I moved up here for law school, and thought I'd move back to the MKE area, but found a job here, then my wife. I live in St. Paul, a nice solid neighborhood. TAxes suck, and they will not soon get better, and continue to go up in St. Paul and Ramsey county. Minneapolis and Hennepin promise to be worse. Lots to like though.
You should be aware of "Minnesota Nice," though, before you move. When I first got here, I thought it meant everyone is nice, and found it to be true. The longer I stayed, the more I noticed that most of my better friends were also transplants. "Minnesota Nice," it turns out, means that natives will say hello, ask how you are doing, and talk about the weather for 5 or ten minutes. But that is it. They are loathe to get to know you. I've heard it said several times by different women: they want to meet couples that are not from here, or they will just end up hanging out with people who have known each other since high school. Very tough to get in.
Also, taxes here suck. Did I mention that? But lots to love, and I recommend it despite its problems.
@Howard, you might find Portland to be congenial, however I wouldn't like to move to a city where threatening to murder Republicans is treated as good, clean fun.
I have an idea; let girls into Major League Baseball.
Anyone care to look at my list of loves/hates and comment on/argue with my conclusion or make other suggestions?
Madison. No mountains but it's hilly-er than the Twin Cities. It does seem that the powers-that-be in Madison want to bring the Chicago ghettos to town, so be wary of that. But currently it's a nice place to live and will probably be so for decades to come.
As a native Minnesotan, the "Minnesota Nice" thing is totally bonkers. If you want nice, go to Arkansas or Oklahoma. Minnesotans are stoic, which is nice if you're an introvert and don't want to socialize with your neighbors.
I have an idea; let girls into Major League Baseball.
Girls are what you sleep with after the game, not, not what you coach during the game.
And let Danica Patrick win in NASCAR.
You were Buckying the system. And in doing that you badgered the nice mother with child. Sounds like you are a supremacist disguised as a mild mannered Professor. You will be reported...to Rose McGowan. She is on a hot streak of revenge. So we will strike while the Rose is hot.
Salt Lake City or Denver?
Much lower taxes than MN I would guess, though housing is more. Plus, you have a large family. In SLC, no one will look at you funny when you go out with them all. We went on vacation this summer at Bear Lake, UT and it made me so happy that people didn't look at us like I had two heads when we walked into a restaurant with five kids. I get dirty looks here in Denver sometimes...
"Strike while the Rose is hot." I think you're about 15 years late.
Girls in the MLB is a tricky question. There was a female pitcher by the name of Jackie Mitchell who struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession in an exhibition game in 1931. She was signed to the minor league Chattanooga Lookouts, but Landis voided her contract on the grounds that baseball was "too strenuous." The MLB officially banned women players in 1952. It is doubtful that rule is still in effect. In 1993 a Casey Schueler was drafted by the White Sox in the 43rd round and while she didn't sign I do not see any suggestion that the league prevented her from signing. If there was a woman who was good enough to play minor league baseball and the woman wanted to play, I seriously doubt the MLB would stop it. They probably would think it good PR.
Is there any woman good enough to play on the major league level? I suspect that an outlier could play, though I sense it would probably be in niche role like a defense first utility player or a knuckleball pitcher. There are probably women good enough to play in the low minors now but that's probably the highest level they could achieve and it does not pay well so it becomes a "why bother" question for both parties.
The back story to that rescue in Afghanistan, is decidedly odd, because they had married into the Canadian khadtr clan, the youngest member shot a medic sent to gitmo and released. Older sister was a border line 9/11 denialust, older brother turned into a CIA asset at gitmo
traditionalguy - if you are religious, pray for poor Rose McGowan. She has started recklessly lying about people, I think, and expressing thoughtless hatred: signs that she feels complicit, which is sad, as she is truly a victim. I do not blame her for being quiet for decades while others were victimized, I understand her fear: nobody should blame her for being quiet for decades. She was biding her time. But even victims can go on to do evil things. Slander is perhaps the greatest temptation for people who derive emotional satisfaction from the internet: not, of course, purposeful slander, but the kind of sneaky slander where we say bad things about others because "they probably deserve it", and "we victims" have the right to hate anyone who has not been careful enough not to remind us of our victimizers! Sad! Pray for poor Rose, and may the rest of her life be free of the hatred and resentment that those who dislike her want her to be afflicted with: Vengeance is the Lord's, said God --- which is not the same as Vengeance is Mine.
A primer here:
We don't need no stinkin' badgers.
Or thinkin' badgers.
How come the Russians didn't use MySpace to meddle in our election?
Yes she hung out with Marilyn Manson subsequently, but how exactly is price going to refute this. Bozos throws him off like chum for sharks.
Bix Cvvv said...
traditionalguy - if you are religious, pray for poor Rose McGowan. She has started recklessly lying about people, I think,
and expressing thoughtless hatred: signs that she feels complicit, which is sad, as she is truly a victim. I do not blame her for being quiet for decades while others were victimized, I understand her fear: nobody should blame her for being quiet for decades. She was biding her time. But even victims can go on to do evil things. Slander
She spoke kindly and with some understanding of Lindsay Lohan after LL spoke aggressively defending HW and, even after pushback, maintained that at least he should have his day in court and not be tried in the media.
Rose McGowan was a beautiful young woman who always left me cold, and is now I know not what, except maybe enacting the script of a revengeful heroine that perhaps some Tarantino or Rodriguez imbued in her. Maybe this sort of thing is why they say "American women are broken." I guess she has money and fame but it strikes me she would have been better off marrying a nice boy in high school or college and bearing many sons and daughters.
Is it wrong to see Rose McGowan as an individual person, and also to see Harvey Weinstein as an individual person?
Bad Lieutenant - you get it, I think. Maybe 50 years from now Rose McGowan will be a very old woman, with time on her hands, and she will wonder: did I slander a few innocent people, back in 2017 when I was such a heroine, because I was angry? And her little AI helper may say, no, Rose, I have reviewed every thing anyone said about you on the internet in 2017, when you were the hero of the moment, and nobody suggested that you slandered innocent people because you had heard, for example, that they were men who joked about flirting with young women. Well, Rose, God bless you, the Lord has said that the kingdom of heaven is promised to those who thirst for justice: but if your AI told you that nobody suspected that you slandered some of the people you said harsh things about in 2017, well, it is just as wrong for an AI to lie as it would be for you to lie. Rose, if you are reading this: all of us have been viciously targeted. Every single one of us. It is sad that the people who targeted you succeeded; most people (not me, by the way) are lucky enough that the targeting bad people fail. Pray for vengeance if you want: pray for justice no matter what: but do not slander those who might be innocent: by doing so, you make the guilty happier than you can, in your mostly innocent heart, imagine. Bad Lieutenant - I can't know which accusations are true and which are false, but I read her Twitter feed in her hours of triumphant vengeance. I would be surprised if there was not a lot of slander in that Twitter feed. I could be wrong. Rose McGowan never left me cold, but almost nobody leaves me cold (Garrison Keiller and Katherine Hepburn, maybe, among celebrities - the pride, the silly way of speaking as if one were subtly mocking those who speak that way....but I can imagine even those two are fun to be around when they aren't being 'ironic'). As for her reaction to Lindsay Lohan - God help her if she thinks people get fair days in court. That is almost a childishly cruel thing to think: courts are not there for fairness. If you care about other people for long enough you understand that.
Bucky is a guy's name- it inappropriately assigns gender without its approval. Tear it down!!!
Why don't you look up "NDA--non-disclosure agreement" and see what that keeps you from doing. Rose McGowan has acquitted herself quite nicely here. Calling her a liar--even if you say "think"--is despicable. Too bad she can't sue the snot out of asshole internet commenters.
The Cubbies are moving on, but only because their play was a little less crappy than the Nats. I will say this, they are a resilient bunch. But better get things right against the Dodgers or no chance to repeat.
Rose is off the reservation with her claim "I was the proof". She may be on the right side in
this case but that statement demonstrates she's internalized the left's nonsense view of evidence and politics.
"Tennessee Titans player Rishard Matthews tweeted Thursday that he’ll quit the NFL if the league implements a rule forcing players to stand during the anthem."(via Daily Caller) Tweet has been since deleted.
So I go to the Tennessean newspaper this AM to get the local reaction. Nothing on the front page. Nothing on the sports page. Radio silence as they say. Hmm.
Pants, I lived in MN (St Paul, and surrounding areas) during my early years, then moved to WI in 1973. I worked in St Paul, then the company moved to Eagan MN. If you go to the Twin Cities to check it out, get on freeway 94, and take a half hour trip to Hudson WI and surrounding areas. More better.
Mrs Althouse, tear down this Amazon portal.
Now that the central role of Amazon and Bezos in the coverup of Harvey Weinstein's indefensible actions are known there is no moral course of action other than to tear down this Amazon portal.
Blogger I Have Misplaced My Pants said..."So, I decided on: the Twin Cities!"
I have lived in Minnesota most of my life, and in St. Paul for the last 35 years. It isn't bad (weather-wise) in the summer, but the 6 months of winter-ish weather are NOT good. If you didn't know, many Minnesotans are winter Texans, winter Floridians, or winter Arizonians. In fact, I will be joining this movement in the next year or two. I am planning on spending my 6 months of winter in panhandle Florida after my youngest daughter graduates from college. This will likely lead me to spend even more time down there (7 or 8 months) so I can hive off my Minnesota tax residency.
Other commenters have covered taxes, and emphasized state income taxes, but you also should be aware that Minnesota has one of the worst estate taxes among the states, and always changes for the worse when Democrats are in power, as this has been a blue state much of the time. Our governor (D) line-item vetoed the legislature's budget in May largely because he didn't like the fairly modest estate tax relief the (R) legislature had crafted into this year's final legislation. I can provide links if you would like.
Also what AllenS said!!!
@Static Ping:
Excellent post, but I'm not to be taken literally on the subject of women and the game of baseball. But you may take me literally when it comes to war, women, and West Point. Because admitting females was a terrible idea, and marked the beginning of the military's decline. Now they've even rationalized communists as cadets. And think of the great generals they missed by filling limited academy openings with girls and commies, not to mention every perversion in between.
I just hope I'm not around to witness America's final battle.
Given Amazon's and Bezos' complicity in the Harvey Weinstein coverup and thus the continuance of his crimes, the only moral course of action for Althouse is to give any earnings she has made from the Amazon portal to charity. Anything less would be hypocritical.
>And he still does not get it that this is not normal behavior.
I think that is the inevitable result of surrounding yourself with yes-men for decades. If enough people support you, you can convince yourself of anything.
> She has started recklessly lying about people, I think
Maybe. Who knows? Which is one of the reasons Weinstein's actions were so reprehensible. They reflect on others, who might be innocent.
You can think of Minnesota as "America's Sweden", with all the good and bad that implies.
"Althouse is to give any earnings she has made from the Amazon portal to charity."
That doesn't sound like A Reasonable Man.
And I refuse to run over my Kindle.
Static Ping, several years ago MLB signed a 16 year old French girl, a shortstop named Melissa Mayeux. She is now playing college ball in the States. Time will tell if she is good enough to make it to the majors.
I think if a woman breaks into MLB, it is more likely that she will play short or second base, which are traditionally the positions played by smaller guys. The hardest pitch thrown by a woman was clocked at something like 70 mph. That's very far from being a fastball in mlb. Even guys who are not hard throwers can occasionally throw a pitch in the mid-90's. It's not enough to get Ruth and Gehrig, or their modern equivalents, out once - you have to do it many times over the course of a season.
There is no other moral course of action other than to return the earnings from Amazon to charity, preferably to a charity that supports women who are victims of male harassment/domination. Amazon is complicit in Harvey Weinstein's crimes.
David Baker said...
And I refuse to run over my Kindle.
This would be needlessly wasteful, give it to a women's shelter instead.
So what's going on with your crush, Milo these days?
I miss MIlo. Whatever happened to that nice young man? I heard he had an interest in youth education but I never heard any more about him after that.
With lightning speed, ARM has leaped to the moral high ground. How 'bout we (you) start by boycotting Hollywood? You on board ARM?
Dump the Althouse Lefties in the middle of the Atlantic. Not because of a Weinstein association, but just for the hell of it.
Fucking annoying bastards.
Humperdink said...
How 'bout we (you) start by boycotting Hollywood? You on board ARM?
I have no time for Hollywood, so boycotting it would be business as usual for me.
I don't see how it's a badger. It looks like a guy in a hoodie fucking someting, most probably a blow-up doll that you only see the top of.
Weinstein goes under the bus, but the Clintons, that's where they dig in their heels. They cannot admit to that level of terrible judgement.
But they really care about sexual harassment and coercion, honest Injun!
What's the Amazon guy's sin? He's not as rich and famous as Weinstein so he's not going to be as great a deal for the women.
There's not as great a payoff for the woman in showing her friends what a great deal she made, hanging off the guy's arm in public, in particular.
Will the dual target dissipate the mob of women's anger by spreading it over more men.
When it spreads to all men, only the feminists are still in, and it's steady-state where it was before.
Weinstein is today's Clarence Thomas.
"exiledonmainstreet said...
Static Ping, several years ago MLB signed a 16 year old French girl, a shortstop named Melissa Mayeux. She is now playing college ball in the States. Time will tell if she is good enough to make it to the majors."
No. A woman will never play MLB. Never. Ever.
When it comes to women's issues, rhhardin reliably provides a bracingly unique perspective.
Hillarywood - the real rape culture
The Clintoons will make charitable donations to themselves. LOL - with other people's money.
It would be cool if Amazon and ButtBook had real competition.
Opportunity for an enterprising individual.
Is she playing men's college ball?
Harvey Weinstein seems to have been the model for that producer in tropic thunder tom Cruz played. Les grossman
Women are boycotting Twitter today to protest Rose McGowan being suspended by same.
Which means tomorrow will be a Day of Reckoning Firestorm for those that did not boycott.
Your lack of protest will be noted.
I am Laslo.
We need some sort of virtue-signal ribbon that one could wear to Show Solidarity with the Victims of Sexual Hanky-Panky Everywhere.
tim in vermont said...
Is she playing men's college ball?
10/13/17, 8:14 AM
Nope - presently playing softball.
No. A woman will never play MLB. Never. Ever.
10/13/17, 7:56 AM
I don't know about "never" but I think it's very, very unlikely.
It seems like everything is Rose McGowan now.
So I looked at Ashley Judd's Twitter feed.
She thanks several people for her support.
No mention of the boycott.
Not a word about Rose McGowan.
No #ROSEARMY tags.
I am Laslo.
When it comes to women's issues, rhhardin reliably provides a bracingly unique perspective.
I doubt that it's unique. In fact that's why you say bracing.
"exiledonmainstreet said...
I don't know about "never" but I think it's very, very unlikely."
Never. There are under 1000 players in MLB. There are thousands and thousands of men that are almost good enough to play. A woman has no chance. Zero. You may see some play in the minors, but it will just be a gimmick to bring in crowds. Kinda like Michael Jordan.
Kevin said...
We now have a second movie studio - Amazon - implicated.
...streaming giant's top studio exec is accused of telling lesbian producer 'you will like my d***'
Quick! Someone report this implication to the hall monitor!
Michael K pontificated...
The interviewer said, "We're sorry. We all hunt and fish and want some one who doesn't do that, too."
It seems strange that they couldn't come up with a believable excuse for hiring someone with better qualifications.
All these proggy hypocrites mocked Mike Pence.
F them.
The producer's father is named Phil Dick.
We need some sort of virtue-signal ribbon that one could wear to Show Solidarity with the Victims of Sexual Hanky-Panky Everywhere.
Milky clear?
Why is it that these big execs all act like they're 14 year olds who have spent their entire lives in an all male orphanage and have absolutely no idea how to talk to women?
"You will like my dick."
Oh, really? What if I don't?
And Weinstein's replusive bullying mixed with pleading - a woman's first instinct in response to male begging is to lock her knees together. I can't think of anything less sexy.
I think Casanova had better lines.
One of the wonderful things about baseball is that persons with very different skills sets and very different physical gifts can all succeed. The two top American League MVP candidates this year are a 5'6", 165 pound second baseman and a 6'7", 282 pound giant who can seemingly hit home runs by accident. It's a sport where fat guys can be stars in the right circumstances. It is a sport seemingly designed for a woman to find a place if she has a particular set of skills.
It won't be easy.
"I can't think of anything less sexy."
I can.
I am Laslo.
An East German woman could do it in her sleep.
Remember the female softball pitcher who struck out every mlb batter she faced, including Pujols? A-Rod refused to let her pitch to him because he didn’t want to look like a fool. Feminists crowed about her, but she wasn’t striking them out because she was better than male mlb pitchers. MLB hitters are trained to see baseball pitches, not softball ones. The different angle of the pitch flummoxed them. And so did the lack of red seams on softballs. Apparently they rely very much on being able to see the spin of the seams when the pitcher releases the ball. Without that visual marker, they were helpless.
I have no doubt that mlb hitters could make adjustments to hit softball pitches, but perhaps at the cost of hitting baseballs less effectively, so those adjustments wouldn’t be worth it.
Can she throw a frozen rope from third to first? Because if she can't, she won't even play Division I college ball.
"Static Ping said...
One of the wonderful things about baseball is that persons with very different skills sets and very different physical gifts can all succeed. The two top American League MVP candidates this year are a 5'6", 165 pound second baseman and a 6'7", 282 pound giant who can seemingly hit home runs by accident. It's a sport where fat guys can be stars in the right circumstances. It is a sport seemingly designed for a woman to find a place if she has a particular set of skills."
No. This is idiotic. Both Aaron Judge and Jose Altuve are men. There is no woman that has the speed and/or strength of either of them. No woman is close. The fact that there are different sized men doesn't mean that hey maybe women can play too.
If every single lefty on these boards doesn't immediately grab their p****-hat and head immediately to the Weinstein offices to protest then it is pretty much undeniable that the lefties here accept their Hollywoood masters right to to setup a sexual "pay for play". In much the same way that the left aided and abetted muslims in Britain and elsewhere to "cultivate" vulnerable underage girls for mass rape.
Of course, we are talking about the left. You know, those guys who give standing ovations to admitted sexual predators and call them "gods".
"No. A woman will never play MLB. Never. Ever."
Exactly. There are plenty of small, weak, men with great hand-eye coordination who'11 never make the MLB.
Its almost impossible to become a MLB pitcher if you're under 5/6 - because you can't throw the ball fast enough. And you can count the number of MLB pitchers who are under 5/8 & under on one hand. How many women are over over 5/8? 10%?
And the other positions require footspeed, the ability to hit the ball out of the infield, and a strong throwing arm. The smallest guy in MLB is 5/6 but he weighs 165 and that's all muscle.
For some reason, when the sport doesn't require physical contact, like Tennis, golf, or Baseball people like to fantasize about women making the PGA tour, or MLB, or giving Roger Feder a run of his money. And its all hooey. The best LPGA tour players, couldn't make a living on the PGA. They can't hit the ball far enough. You can't make a living on the PGA tour being out driven by 30 yards, and when you're using 3 Iron when everyone else is using a 6 Iron.
That TV series about the first woman pitcher was pretty funny though. At least the first episode was. I was amused by broadcasters like Costas and Olberman making cameo appearances to make nasty sexist comments during the pre-game shows before her debut. Ah, yeah, the mean men making fun of a Fearless Girl! In reality, you know damn well that Costas and Olberman and every other male announcer would be falling all over themselves to praise a woman pitcher, especially a black woman pitcher, even if she gave up 10 runs in the first inning. She'd be compared to Rosa Parks and Jackie Robinson no matter how badly she was shelled.
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