... you can talk about anything you like, however certain or doubtful.
The photograph was taken at this exhibition at the Chazen Museum here in Madison.
Please resolve any shopping uncertainties in favor of using The Althouse Amazon Portal.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
७८ टिप्पण्या:
$500 for a new pair of glasses! Something doesn't make sense here. I have to suspect some sort of govt interference or cartel is involved as a decent pair of binoculars with more optical glass plus a lot of fiddly mechanical bits are much less.
Left-handed snail gets laid.
I get my glasses from Zenni online.
Bought my complex prescription 3 at a time for much less than $500.
Possible Iraqi-Kurdish war - Iraqi ultimatum to Peshmerga to withraw from Kirkuk in 48 hours. Reported by the BBC.
I suspect may be Iranian power play vs US clients re nuclear agreement.
I get my glasses from Zenni online.
EyeBuyDirect does nicely, too.
"however certain or doubtful" May we talk about things unknowable? If something is unknowable, is it in doubt? If we know it is unknowable, can we be certain?
I'm surprised this hasn't shown up as a topic in A's scan
Could someone with a legal background explain for me the Supreme Court's 9-0 ruling overturning the judicial overturning of Trump's travel restrictions? Big win for Trump or just a big yawn?
Exhibition of WHAT? Giant paint chip samples for the house?
Serious question for Ann--
There is no doubt that liberals and feminists have too often turned a blind eye and judged less harshly men engaging in sexist behavior who were viewed as allies. (The same can be said by the way of traditionalist conservatives and their turning a blind eye towards politicians like Trump, Newt Gingrich, etc.)
Now there is also no doubt that liberals and feminists fought for and won the battles that have led to changes in our laws and culture that made sexual harassment and discrimination unacceptable. They did so mostly over the objections of conservatives.
But Ann, you seem to find the political hypocrisies on the left to be a much bigger deal than those on right. Why is that? If Harvey Weinstein raised money for Republicans would you have still done three dozen posts about him? If Roger Ailes had been a liberal would you have done three dozen about him?
Ann, what is your message here? What do you find so compelling about Weinstein (who most people, including myself had never heard of) that has caused you to do an unprecedented number of posts over a week period?
The same can be said by the way of traditionalist conservatives and their turning a blind eye towards politicians like Trump, Newt Gingrich,
Nice to know that I don't have to read more of "Once..." comment to see the dishonesty,
If you can equate rapists like Weinstein and Bill Clinton and the other lefties with Trump and Gingrich who have done nothing remotely similar, I don't have to pay any attention to your crap.
Could someone with a legal background explain for me the Supreme Court's 9-0 ruling overturning the judicial overturning of Trump's travel restrictions?
It was not 9-0, but 8-1. The order is pretty self-explanatory. Never rely on the media to properly report/explain the Court's rulings. Always find the original source.
TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF U.S., ET AL. V. INT’L REFUGEE ASSISTANCE, ET AL. We granted certiorari in this case to resolve a challenge to “the temporary suspension of entry of aliens abroad under Section 2(c) of Executive Order No. 13,780.” Because that provision of the Order “expired by its own terms” on September 24, 2017, the appeal no longer presents a “live case or controversy.” Burke v. Barnes, 479 U. S. 361, 363 (1987). Following our established practice in such cases, the judgment is therefore vacated, and the case is remanded to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit with instructions to dismiss as moot the challenge to Executive Order No. 13,780. United States v. Munsingwear, Inc., 340 U. S. 36, 39 (1950). We express no view on the merits.
He is so blinded by his hatred for Trump that he actually probably thinks he is making a reasonable point.
How about this, NIK? Either explain how Bill Clinton is not a forcible rapist, or admit that he is and explain why the Democrats still cover for him.
It's a win for the Constitution's separation of powers (and Trump) that the lower court rulings are now no longer precedent that can be used to support other challenges.
The same can be said by the way of traditionalist conservatives and their turning a blind eye towards politicians like Trump, Newt Gingrich
This is what our Philosopher King used to call False Equivalence.
Why does someone like WJC, who could have gotten laid quite easily, go for the whole power/powerless thing so often? What did it do for him?
There was no proof that Clinton raped anyone. That was and is right wing bullshit. Clinton did engage in highly inappropriate behavior in the work place. He was held to account for that.
5 contemporaneous witnesses. Here is the evidence laid out by Slate. I don't know what constitutes "proof" for you, but rrad it and weep.
One witness found her in the hotel room with torn clothes and a bloody lip.
Now that you know, can you tell us why you (and others) spend so much time trying to call Althouse to account for not posting about things you demand that she write about?
If you think something needs saying, go start up your own blog and say it. Then other people can come to your comment box and demand to know why you keep deflecting from the issue at hand in order to mount these lame counterattacks.
That's deep, or something.
I just read that the Motion Picture Academy has expelled Harvey Weinstein. His name is being removed from the credits of various films he worked on. It looks like Hollywood is going to try to go full Yezhov on him in terms of making him an unperson.
@Now I know I'll answer for Ann. It's the delicious hypocrisy of the left/Liberal crew in maintaining silence about Weinstein and loudly defending Bill Clinton's exploits that is one of the causes for Ann delving into this case in such depth. (You don't seem to see the humor in it, but many of us do,) Another reason is clearly her anger at the overt sexual exploitation of women in the movie business. There are a couple of things that tend to make Ann abandon her "cruel neutrality": one is gay rights/discrimination; another is blatant sexual harassment of women - and subsequent cover-ups - in any environment. Personally I think that even in those instances she maintains a much more rational and balanced approach than any of those on the left.
You would probably do well to observe for a while to get a better feel for how Ann treats various subjects than to keep jumping on your "why don't you?" hobby horse. I agree with Ann's decision to remove those kinds of childish comments from you.
Five people willing to go to prison for lying to Federal investigators if Clinton had just proven he was someplace else.
Since you claim to know, tell us why you are a rape denier defending a rape culture.
Hollywood, which is a reflection of our culture, is rife with mysogyny. Women are constantly objectified. Actresses have much shorter careers than their male counterparts.
Hopefully the righteous downfall of this Weinstein creep will usher in a new era of equality in the entertainment business.
And in every other business and industry as well.
Ignoring it just makes you look like a clueless tool.
You said there was no proof, I showed you there was plenty of proof, and WJC declined to show he was someplace else, even though his security detail doubtless had complete logs of his whereabouts.
Preach it Mr Rape Apologist!
@Mark, thx.
Tim, there are wild accusations out there about Trump as well.
Five fucking witnesses under threat of prison if they were lying is not a wild accusation.
Read the article from liberal Slate, of all places and tell me there is no proof.
You're very good at maintaining your clueless ignorance, helps your trolling career, I am sure.
You expect us to get upset about Trump's words when you don't give a flying fuck about Clinton's actions.
Let's deal with the stuff that has been shown first.
Hollywood, which is a reflection of our culture, is rife with mysogyny.
Your culture. Glad to see that you're finally claiming it.
Hollywood is certainly not a reflection of my culture or of the people surrounding me. We are decent, law abiding and don't condone rape. Harvey Weinstein is YOUR guy.
Hopefully the righteous downfall of this Weinstein creep will usher in a new era of equality in the entertainment business.
How is that supposed to happen when you don’t even want Ann writing about it on her own blog?
Stifle yourself Ann!
I am trying to access if she is writing about it to just score political points.
This is an excellent opportunity to score political points, though really they are accumulating on their own.
Unlike you who refuse to even acknowledge the evidence that you are wrong, NIK.
Maybe she is genuinely pissed off at Democrats like you who continue to dismiss Bill Clinton's disgusting behavior while hypocritically baying gor Trump's scalp on far lesser charges and proof.
You know, like she wrote a couple of days ago, which you blithely dismissed.
The Yankees need a new pitching coach.
""however certain or doubtful" May we talk about things unknowable? If something is unknowable, is it in doubt? If we know it is unknowable, can we be certain?"
Good question. It's one that I ponder when thinking about First Cause. My position is that First Cause (God, if you will) is unknowable because of infinite regression. But because it is unknowable we can't even state that it is unknowable. (By making the statement that something is unknowable you are stating you know something about the unknowable, which is a contradiction). So to answer your question - "Who knows?" - Now YOU Know!
So, I'm off to my Metaphysics 101 class, where I've learned a lot btw, smoke a doobie, and then to the local head shop to see if I can pick up some hippie chicks.
Sorry Sebastian, just having fun. I'm mostly interested if Meade has sorted his way through that pile of dog crap yet.
...Scrap that; they need a new batting coach.
...because they keep swinging at bocce balls.
I broke my two-dozenth or so bicycle real axle, giving a grocery-pushing walk back from the store of some length. Fortunately I had my morse code radio with me so had something to listen to.
Rear axles break if you have a freewheel (not a cogwheel) where the support for one side is roughly at the middle of the axle rather than the end, about every 20,000 miles. It's the same reason wings fall off airplanes. Tiny fatigue-making bumps.
Where possible, put the heavy groceries in the front basket rather than in the rear milk crate. Front axles aren't supported in the middle.
Maybe you should get an automobile.
So George Lopez got booed off the stage as the emcee at a fundraiser for telling anti-Trump jokes. Gotta know your audience, George.
Verlander pitched a stellar game today. Not much run support. Just the one that really counted.
AND he pitched nine full innings!
Thanks, Khesanh. I appreciate your perceiving the broad scheme of things and sticking up for me.
Bicycle story. Two weeks ago the neighbor kid comes down to the ranch to help me with miscellaneous clean-up after concreting part of the driveway. He parks his Trek bike behind my skid steer. As he is pulling out concrete forms, I get in the skid steer, back up and "bump" his bike, knocking it over.
It looked fine. I ask him to test test it. It's not fine. Won't shift. I let him ride my Trek home. Next day, I take the defective Trek to the bike for repair. Repair guy says $40 to repair the Trek. I am relieved. Two hours later he calls to tell me the frame is bent. Bike is totaled.
I frantically call every bike shop around looking for an equivalent Trek. None around. I end up giving the neighbor my Trek. He is thrilled, I am not. Oh well.
I am certain that is fake art. Without a doubt, it's pretentious junk. Worse yet, there are those who could probably 'interpret' it for me.
Hump, I was thinking of buying a Trek but if they are that fragile, I'll pass.
I "bumped" it with a 2 1/2 ton Case 1840. It had a tubular aluminum frame. They are a nice bike.
I get in the skid steer, back up and "bump" his bike, knocking it over.
So it was totaled by knocking it over?
"Verlander pitched a stellar game today. Not much run support. Just the one that really counted."
Yeah, like his girlfriend Kate Upton(!).
"So it was totaled by knocking it over?"
Allow me clarify. When I looked back after it was on the ground, it appeared to be in fine shape. I didn't know how hard I hit it. I didn't even know I had made contact. There is zero rear visibility on a skid steer, which is why it comes with a very loud back-up alarm. The bike apparently did not hear it. I suspect I hit it pretty hard which is why I put the word "bumped" in quotes.
If you bend the aluminum frame on a used bicycle, it's pretty much toast.
Speaking of being totaled with apparent minor damage. A 2017 Corvette was totaled because of a 1" crack in the transmission tunnel.
I just watched the first movie since this whole thing started, and I don't see them the same, especially the young women. I watched The Meyersons on Netflix, and basically the pretty young girl does porno scenes throughout the move as a kind of running joke, but they are still porno scenes. Yeesh!
If the Academy is at all serious about de-Weinsteining itself, then they can revoke the Shakespeare in Love Academy award paid for by actress pussy rape payoffs for Harvey the Hut, and give it to its real winner that year which was Saving Private Ryan.
Think of all the homeless people that could sleep in that room.
If I were Paltrow, I would still be trying to get my pussy clean too, no wonder she steams it.
Humperdink said...
Speaking of being totaled with apparent minor damage. A 2017 Corvette was totaled because of a 1" crack in the transmission tunnel.
The factory says the part isn't for sale, in the field welding isn't acceptable, and this car is for sale in this condition? Sounds like a liability lawyer's dream case in the making to me.
I appreciate your perceiving the broad scheme of things and sticking up for me.
I diagnose it as hot-buttons. Positions, no arguments.
"If it is ridiculous to attack first principles, it is more ridiculous to defend them against these same attacks."
- Lautreamont
I find in the basement a box with 3 rear axles, a bottle of 1/4" ball bearings and two quick release skewers. Apparently I planned ahead the last time I did this.
Why put anything on the walls at all?
"If you bend the aluminum frame on a used bicycle, it's pretty much toast."
You bend an aluminum frame anything and it's pretty much toast.
It would be better as "The Certainty of Doubt"
"There was no proof that Clinton raped anyone. That was and is right wing bullshit."
Aaaand you answered your own question. Well done. While I feel for WJC's victims, HRC's VR-WC jive played no small part in repelling woman voters in 2016. So what went around came around. And that's always delightful.
Hilarious, too, that Weinstein's first line of defense was "right-wing conspiracy". Good Lord, what a pack of scumbags.
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