Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers had urged all the fans to lock arms too:
“This is about equality,” Rodgers said. “This is about unity and love and growing together as a society, and starting a conversation around something that may be a little bit uncomfortable for people. But we’ve got to come together and talk about these things and grow as a community, as a connected group of individuals in our society, and we’re going to continue to show love and unity. And this week we’re going to ask the fans to join in as well and come together and show people that we can be connected and we can grow together.”The TV cameras found at least a few fans who went along with that idea, but the vast majority used only the hand-on-heart gesture.
I think the locking arms solution is about as good as it can be. I know some people (e.g., Scott Adams) have mocked it as looking like The Rockettes, but I think it was respectful and demonstrative of a shared desire to get together and solve problems — not just this anthem-at-the-football-game problem, but racial discord.
२६१ टिप्पण्या:
261 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Why can’t we all just get along?
'... it was respectful and demonstrative of a shared desire to get together and solve problems.."
The idea that those on the left want to "solve" the race problem, and the vast majority of any group that goes along with the BLM "hands up don't shoot" lies, which includes these "footballers", are on the left, is naivete on stilts.
Stilts I tell ya.
I don't like any of the choices in the poll.
However if the rest of the teams adopt this rather than kneeling, it has a chance to blow over.
I agree that it may be about as good as it can be.
From the outset, it seemed that the end of this maneuver would be for the NFL to claim that the consciousness of America had been elevated and the protest had served its purpose. That is the path now.
There is still work to do. Knees should be taken in these locations as a start: CNN Headquarters; the NYT; the Oscars; in front of your TV with ESPN on in the background; same with Jimmy Kimmel. Let the mocking go viral. Come on. We can do it. Mock on, baby.
The idea that those on the left want to "solve" the race problem, and the vast majority of any group that goes along with the BLM "hands up don't shoot" lies,
The NFL just wants to sell football, and somebody finally realized that they were kicking their fan base in the crotch. They have to find a way to allow the players to back down gracefully.
Are we calling this as a win for Trump?
Shut up and play Aaron, if I want to be preached to, I will go to church. If I want to be uncomfortable, I will get on an airplane.
The 49ers should have suspended Kapernick in the beginning, and this would have all blown over like it did in the NBA.
I agree with Drago however that the Left has no interest in lessening racial tension, in fact their politics requires racial tensions. If the BLM really cared about Black lives they'd be in Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago trying to save some.
What is this nonsense about a "Solution"?
There is no "Problem" except some NFL players decided to disrespect the flag, the Country, and national anthem by kneeling, laying down, doing pushups, whatever, during the Star Spangled banner.
So anyway, they're not farting in Church anymore? Well, that's good.
This nonsense could have been stopped on Day 1, except the owners didn't want to.
Are we calling this as a win for Trump?
The media will find a way to call it a loss.
The concussions killed football for me, TBH, this is just the final shove out the door.
"Are we calling this as a win for Trump?"
Still waiting to see how Michigan and Florida go, but our projections at this point look good for him.
[less a win for Trump than a loss for the NFL]
Anyway, I'm inspired by the NFL players example.
Tomorrow, I will go to work with no pants.
When asked why? I will say, "I'm protesting Police Brutality"
Thank you.
I am trying to give these people the benefit of the doubt.
The most important thing they need to do is stop calling me a racist. I didn't go to various shitholes of the world to come back here and be called a racist by a bunch of millionaires.
I would take the protests more seriously if the people complaining about cops complained about the thugs that kill orders of magnitude more unarmed black people than cops.
Aaron is closeted.
Another "Solution" would be to play "God Save the Queen" before every game.
It seems the NFL players respect that.
AReasonableMan said...
Are we calling this as a win for Trump?
We are certainly calling it a loss for people who side with douchebag leftists trying to tear the country apart.
When are they going to take back their invidious interpretation of the Star Spangled Banner?
What does Nathan Lane have to do with football?
The 49ers should have suspended Kapernick in the beginning, and this would have all blown over like it did in the NBA.
I agree with Drago however that the Left has no interest in lessening racial tension, in fact their politics requires racial tensions. If the BLM really cared about Black lives they'd be in Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago trying to save some.
Couldn't have said it better myself. These huge institutions need to stop giving attention and legitimacy to absurd fringe political movements. I'd really like it if we could go back to businesses that serve, entertain, whatever, the public remaining neutral on politics. Sports or business figures can promote whatever they want on their own time, but I don't want to go into Office Depot to buy an accordion file and have to roll my eyes at huge cutouts of Lady Gaga telling me all about how whatever was BORN THIS WAY YAAAAAY LGBT WOOOO. Shut up. You're annoying as shit, and it's disrespectful and presumptuous to assume that your customers need or want your stupid preachy lectures.
I mean just because the Jehovah's Witnesses bang on your door, you don't have to fucking open it, let alone start passing out the Watchtower yourselves, dumbasses.
OMG, they solved the players stupid strike against the fans they seemed to claim they were entitled to hate, but the singer of the Anthem put on the worst performance ever seen and heard. One more try and maybe the NFL will survive their overrated games.
There's been a lot of interesting perspectives brought to bear on this topic on the radio, as opposed to just rehashing the outrage.
Another interesting perspective was from Dan Steinberg who questions just what unity the NFL is showing? Among other things, he says, Dan Snyder gave $1 million to Trump's inauguration committee.
Was he attempting to rebuke President Trump — to whose inauguration he donated $1 million? If so, why was there not even an allusion to Trump’s recent remarks in the team’s statement? Does Snyder regret his financial support? Is he concerned that overt criticism would hurt his chances to move the Redskins back to the RFK Stadium site? And if he wasn’t on the sidelines to offer even a modest rebuke to the president’s message, then why exactly was he there? Really: Why was he there?
In fact, why has the entire NFL suddenly become obsessed with unity? “Great show of unity,” Commissioner Roger Goodell tweeted Monday night, when Jerry Jones — who gave $1 million of his own to the Trump inaugural through a corporation — also locked arms with his players. “It was real easy for everybody to see the message of unity and equality was getting pushed aside or diminished by controversy,” Jones said, with the implication that controversy is to be avoided, that his own act was not controversial.
To me, the NFL just reveled their true colors. If some SJW is upset about whatever, they'll make all the players wear plastic vaginas on their heads - to please them.
But if some left-wing wackos piss on the flag and country the NFL is just "conflicted" by the whole thing. Can't we all come together? Maybe, piss on half the flag?
Fuck them.
Where’s the choice for Abject Surrender?
It's a crock. It's the same kind of crock that exhortations for civility are a crock.
The kneelers and those that buy into their agenda don't want people to "come together and talk about these things." They want to tell people like me how to act, think, and feel. They want power.
It's all a crock.
Y'know its all nuanced and complex. Like talk radio, I could just write/talk about the issue for hours. Who's right? Who's Wrong?
Just its all so grey and confusing.
Y'know like saluting Hitler during half-time.
I never looked at football the same after Joe Ferguson got knocked unconscious in Houston and the crowd cheered.
It's time for me to leave it behind.
Looking at the big picture (Trump is not in the big picture, he is merely an expression of the popular will), there is no victory, here, for the people, unless the NFL and ESPN are driven out of business.
That is because such a boycott, of anything, is the peoples last real sanction, and if they can cause such a disruption in even a small part of the system, then, maybe, the system will learn to fear the people. Elections are irrelevant.
If this blows over the people have failed.
I'm going to be interested to see how attendance and viewership for the next round of weekend games goes. I bet it will be significantly down, and I bet not all players will stop taking knees.
"Unity" my ass. These whiners don't want unity. They want special treatment to offset problems of their own making. They want us to ignore that they kill each other and cops. They want us to ignore the fathers who abandon their illegitimate children. They want us to ignore the looting. They want us to ignore the plethora of black millionaires. They want us to focus on their grievance that white people bled and died to end 150 years ago.
So, the left will deny the DNC, deny the officers of diversity, and forsake their colored bigotry?
Why now? People hoped, there was change, and now they are desperate to hide their racism.
I guess if it hadn't have been for the extraordinary career of Tom Brady here in New England, I would have been done years ago, so I am not their core audience. I do like the player biographies on the NFL channel though.
Hard to cast a vote when I won't watch the NFL these days.
I suspect the Russians hired that singer at the Green Bay-Chicago game to cause civic strife in the USA. All they had to do was look up" Bad Singer" on Face Book's algorithms and send Manafort with cash to bribe him to sing that bad.
Althouse does the best polls; questions and options.
It's a victory for the left. The kneeling players are getting away with it. No consequences.
Reminds me of that scene in Dr. Zhivago, Strelnikov telling Zhivago that he burned a village that was selling horses to the whites. Zhivago informs him that he burned the wrong village. Strelnikov answers that it doesn't matter. "A village was burned, the point was made," he said.
The kneeling players burned a village and made their point. Now they can go back to making millions of dollars.
This is about unity and love and growing together as a society, and starting a conversation around something that may be a little bit uncomfortable for people.
Wow. What a bunch of trite nonsense. I still don't know what people are protesting about. All I know is if I were Colin Kaepernick, I'd be pretty friggin annoyed right about now.
Discrimination between two individuals based on their color of their skin is racism. Progress of color, sex, etc. diversity is an unprecedented bigotry spread through euphemisms, emotion, projection, and coercion.
BLM = Baby Lives Matter! Solidarity!
Standing at attention, hat off, hand on heart was about unity and togetherness.
This locking arms stuff is both divisive and dictatorial conformity.
@Birkel...Don't bother to watch. The Chicago QB has fumbled twice in the 1st Qr from pure clumsiness. And he doesn't seem to care.
p.s. I can only vaguely assume that this still has something to do with black people? If so, please wake me when it's over. As far as I can tell, the primary result of all this agitation for "black lives matter' is to get thousands of young black men murdered who would otherwise be alive before the Ferguson hullabaloo of late 2014. That the entire black lives matter narrative is based on a total myth and falsehood (e.g. hands up, don't shoot) just adds to the absurdity and proves definitively just how accurate and prescient Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities was.
The same guys running the national anthem to get you to salute are running the solution to get you to salute.
No sale.
They're still virtue-signaling and attention-whoring at a moment when the focus is on the flag and the country, not the players.
failing to own up to their original mistake, and trying v2.0 is the same middle finger to the entire country, at a place and time wholly inappropriate to injecting politics.
Either fire these pussies for grandstanding, or else screw them, and their Loser League of Felons until they learn right from wrong.
Last year - in the heat of the Kaperdickadoodle mess, the Seahawks did this for one game. ONE game - all stood for the Anthem with locked arms. Show of unity, etc. etc.
End of story - until this year when they decided to stay in the locker room as a "protest".
Too bad they didn't follow their example from last year.
It's the Final Solution to the Patriotism Problem.
I suspect the Russians hired that singer at the Green Bay-Chicago game to cause civic strife in the USA.
Russians, perhaps. We know that the DNC colluded with the post-coup regime in Kiev, as well as other foreign assets, in order to disenfranchise American citizens, in what evolved as Tower-gate. Fortunately, they failed. However, it was confirmed during Clinton Water-closet, or perhaps the Podesta Phishing Expdition, that the DNC and its affiliates are rabid color diversitists who judge people by the "color of their skin" for political, social, and fiscal progress.
The color diversitists are exposed and begging for justice.
And now we have BLM = Baby Lives Matter. Progress. Positive progress.
"I'm not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color."
--Colin Kaepernick
When Black convenience store crooks commit crimes, they should be allowed to forcefully take a police officers gun away from him. The accomplice who lied about "hands up don't shoot" should be believed.
Stupid and embarassing, also the best solution.
Paying $100+ for an afternoon in a stadium built with massive tax subsidies for billionaire team owners, just for the privilege of watching a bunch of millionaire lowlifes who don't even know me, lecture me about how I have to change my racist ways?
By what definition of that word?
They fumbled the narrative change, and they retained the offensive symbolism. They should be penalized 10 yards for the first, and lose possession of the ball for the second.
No color diversity. No color blindness. Character first and always.
Except when dating, then aesthetics matter. So, strive.
Trump will never win a popularity contest with Rodgers in Red State Wisconsin.
Ya forgot the "Civility Bullshit" tag.
J. Farmer said...
p.s. I can only vaguely assume that this still has something to do with black people? If so, please wake me when it's over. As far as I can tell, the primary result of all this agitation for "black lives matter' is to get thousands of young black men murdered who would otherwise be alive before the Ferguson hullabaloo of late 2014. That the entire black lives matter narrative is based on a total myth and falsehood (e.g. hands up, don't shoot) just adds to the absurdity and proves definitively just how accurate and prescient Wolfe's Bonfire of the Vanities was.
Exactly, as more fully discussed here.
All of the attention on Kaepernick has totally diverted attention from the fact that Robert Griffin III has been blacklisted (can we say that?) from the NFL because he has had two white blonde wives, and children with those wives. The racist NFL hierarchy has colluded to exclude RGIII from consideration for employment as an NFL quarterback. His replacement at the Cleveland Browns has a quarterback rating of about 50 -- at the very bottom of the league by a considerable margin. NFL fans' and owners' fear of miscegenation has kept RGIII out of the game.
Oppressed Black/White Millionaires.
Who can't even stand for the national anthem.
Wonder what the Dead African-American and White vets of Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq would think.
I'm s done with the NFL.
Quick answer: they'll continue to futz around with various configurations that combine virtue signaling with traditional values until it begins to hit them in the pocketbook. Then they'll go back to simply standing there and showing quiet respect. Because, seriously, who gives a shit what football players think about anything.
"I think it was respectful and demonstrative of a shared desire to get together and solve problems.' You mean problems like blacks killing blacks? Like the black murder rate going up again? Those problems?
It was demonstrative only of the the players' desire to have it both ways: to want to be able to dis the flag and the fans while claiming to stand for unity. For the left, getting together means everyone falling in line behind them, or else.
Of course, the recent kneeling was a protest not about "problems" but an FU to Trump, who had called their BS. The NFL needs to "get together" and solve the "problems" of politicizing sports by the left and of dissing the president in particular. Locking arms shows defiance rather than good faith.
My boycott continues.
Kapernick should move to the country that does this.
Big lies and propaganda - NoKo got it for you, man. The hack press in America stands in awe.
Always nice to be lectured on race and equality by cosseted millionaires with degrees (at best) in Communications and Park Maintenance.
No win for Trump the tweeter as more voices raised for justice and now even the Evenjelicals are liking arms and calling Trump out for his views.
The "unity" jive is laughably transparent. This is the NFL trying to slink away gracefully from the bed-shitting of last week. Cops murdering Black folks!...uh,wait...No..America is racist...well, now...unity...Yeah, that's the ticket. Unity!...what's that?...oh...never mind.
These millionaire Neanderthals should lock arms in the ghettos of Oakland, Detroit, Baltimore and Chicago to protest against all the senseless violence.
That would impress me.
Vague slogans and empty gestures at football games? - not so much.
Molly, that's a joke. Other black QBs have been married to white women. When he joined the Seahawks, Russell Wilson was married to a white woman. Plenty of black NFL players are married to white women. Maybe even most. Nobody gives a fat rat's ass about miscegenation.
Not watching tonight. Not watching Sunday. Not watching until the NFL follows its own rules. Maybe.
That's some orthography for a guy who claims to teach at a college.
Evangelicals? What, like Unitarians?
It isn't solved until Colin Kaepernick says it's solved.
I am Laslo.
Stand-and-lock-arms is a face-saving climb-down for the NFL. If all or almost all the teams, and all or almost all the players, do this until the news media lose interest, then they may escape with only limited damamge.
Yes, it's a victory for Trump because "he made them do it". As soon as he imagined aloud an NFL team owner firing a player for disrespecting the country, the players and teams all felt they just had to double-down by having everyone kneel or at least hide out in the locker room while the Anthem was played. You don't think the reaction was a surprise to Trump, do you?
Want an example of utter, incandescent race hatred? It's that which Black women have for a White woman dating a Black man.
Wait....what problem are we trying to solve with the locking of arms while they play the national anthem? And, after describing the actual problem they are attempting to solve with some key statistics, can they also explain how their actions help them solve the problem and who/whom is somehow standing in their way of solving the problem.
If they are going to lock arms, I want some can-can kicks, bitchez.
ALEHOUSE: "...I think the locking arms solution is about as good as it can be.....respectful and demonstrative of a shared desire to .....solve problems — not just this anthem-at-the-football-game problem, but racial discord."
Really? What do million$ jocks banging heads and chasing pigskins for bucks have to do with "solving problems" other than the problem of their big mortgages?? What is "respectful" about giving the anthem and the flag a knee job?!
As to "racial discord", why do I have the clear impression and belief it is THEY and mostly the BLACK THEYS who have sown and stirred this "racial discord" thru mostly arrogance and group-intimidation. I guess I'm a racist trogo?
Blow the whistle and play games for profit, please, or at least shut up. You want to contribute to racial harmony - quit football and join a police department and work the hoods.
They are at 4th down and 99 to go, in my book. Self-indulgent, 260Lb children..
If they are going to lock arms, I want some can-can kicks, bitchez.
You betcha! Let's get some crotch shots goin'.
"All of the attention on Kaepernick has totally diverted attention from the fact that Robert Griffin III has been blacklisted (can we say that?) from the NFL because he has had two white blonde wives, and children with those wives."
No, RG III has been sidelined by an unfortunate string of debilitating injuries. Nice try.
@Althouse, sometimes I wonder how someone as bright as you are can have such huge blind spots. If the US were to solve racial discord then the Democrat party would essentially cease to exist. Just think about it, okay?
So no, it's never going to happen.
No this is not a face saving solution. First, it is too late. The damage is already done. I'm a 50 year NFL fan, rabid. I will not watch again. This is not the only issue but is the last straw.
I thought Rogers had more class than this and was a bit smarter, but I guess not. He is joining arms to embrace a Marxist ideology that is antithetical to the ethos of the game he plays. What this shows is just how much this left wing hate has infected our culture that most egalitarian, warrior game in the country would embrace such drivel.
It will cost the NFL Billions, but they only have themselves to blame.
They want us to ignore the plethora of black millionaires.
Wow. How dare they?
A desperate attempt to save face -- to placate the fans without appearing to back down.
Put me down for:
Too little, too late.
"It isn't solved until Colin Kaepernick says it's solved."
Stay with Commissioner Goodell.
He's a loser.
It's a loss for Trump because us hates him.
Senator Aaron Rodgers.
"ALEHOUSE" was a typo on my post. My apology.
"I think it was respectful and demonstrative of a shared desire to get together and solve problems — not just this anthem-at-the-football-game problem, but racial discord. "
And keep their paychecks (big paychecks) coming.
As to "racial discord", why do I have the clear impression and belief it is THEY and mostly the BLACK THEYS who have sown and stirred this "racial discord" thru mostly arrogance and group-intimidation.
Boy they got their nerve.
No, I guess they got to bleed some more. This is Monty Python's Black Knight offering to call it a draw. This is the Nazis asking the Americans and British to stop advancing so they can fight the Russians harder.
You know what this is actually? America had a handshake. These malcontents started giving people the finger, GW Bush Style. Now after the inevitable outcry, they've switched up to the Obama middle finger with head scratch. Worst of all, they're trying to get that adopted as the new handshake.
Let It Burn, boys, let it burn.
Aaron Rodgers and Clay Matthews make 33 million together this year.
21.58% of the team's salary cap on two white guys.
I don't think UNITY is what is galling a lot of the protesters.
I am Laslo.
The 49ers should have suspended Kapernick in the beginning, and this would have all blown over like it did in the NBA.
It's too late now to solve it without a humiliating climbdown.
Want an example of utter, incandescent race hatred? It's that which Black women have for a White woman dating a Black man.
My dental hygienist, who is a black Ethiopian Jew rescued by the Israelis and who grew up in Israel, is married to a white man and has told me how she gets hate stares from black women when she is with her husband.
They live in whitebread Irvine CA, which has about 1% blacks who are all either UCI faculty or married to executives.
Average Irvine home price $1 million.
Sorry, $793,000.
Want an example of utter, incandescent race hatred? It's that which Black women have for a White woman dating a Black man.
Kneegroes, huh?
I don't even know what the locked arms is supposed to mean or not mean, but I do know that it is not the change we're looking for.
If Trump wants to twist the knife, which isn't even necessary because the American people have got this, he can say okay, the DOD under Obama paid teams to come out and do the anthem, we're going to stop all the payments. Y'all do what you want.
They're one chance is to shut up immediately, stand at attention during the ceremony and hope it all blows over.
But it's probably too late.
UNITY is Aaron Rodgers being a Slave To The Man, too.
I am Laslo.
"Shut up and play Aaron, if I want to be preached to, I will go to church. If I want to be uncomfortable, I will get on an airplane."
Exactly (although, being a Lions fan, I have others reasons to not like Rodgers).
Seriously, though, whenever somebody says "we need a national conversation" about something, they want it to be all one way.
Aaron Rodgers, desperately hoping that, when the black players look at his salary, they aren't very good with math.
I am Laslo.
My dental hygienist, who is a black Ethiopian Jew rescued by the Israelis and who grew up in Israel, is married to a white man and has told me how she gets hate stares from black women when she is with her husband.
Certainly is food for thought - and a word to the wise. Gotcha.
The black players know all the white players are breathing a sigh of relief that this may all be over with.
I am Laslo.
I think the new announcer, Tony Romo, from Burlington, Wisconsin has a bright future.
His Dad was a Navy guy, so I bet he doesn't support these feeble protests.
So there's that.
With UNITY, Aaron Rodgers can be Rosa Parks, too.
I am Laslo.
The root of all evil in our nation is thye corrupt democrat party hack press.
"NFL owners are minting money thanks to hefty TV contracts and a favorable labor deal with the players. Operating profits (earnings, before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) were a record $101 million per team last season [2016], with every team north of $40 million. The $3.2 billion in league-wide income is $500 million more than the combined earnings of teams in the NBA, NHL and MLB." -- Forbes, September 17, 2017
And these scumbag plutocrats lecture us on our moral failings. Dear Jesus.
But we’ve got to come together and talk about these things and grow as a community, as a connected group of individuals in our society,
These guys always want a dialog and to talk about things. I never see them on TV actually talking about it. A couple of sound bites is bullshit. I want to see Kapernick and his admirers sitting across from Tucker Carlson clarifying what exactly, the big problem is.
Jordy Nelson is one bad-ass white man.
Big Mike
If the US were to solve racial discord then the Democrat party would essentially cease to exist.
Why the hack press still, to this day, have not corrected their lies about "hands up don't shoot" and other bogus stats about police shootings.
Want an example of utter, incandescent race hatred? It's that which Black women have for a White woman dating a Black man.
Depends on the black woman, and the black man.
Also, would be kind of naive to not think the black woman pissed at the white wife also disdains the black husband.
"Certainly is food for thought - and a word to the wise. Gotcha. "
She and I have had conversations about American blacks. Like my foreign born black medical students she just doesn't understand American blacks.
She and her husband go to Israel every year. She has about 11 siblings who are all over the world and all are doing well.
When I was at Dartmouth 25 years ago, my next door neighbors had an African exchange student living with them who worked the night shift in the Dartmouth common dining hall, which was open all night. He could not understand students who came into the dining hall at 4 AM drunk. He worked that shift because it was quiet and he could study.
I am sure he is doing well somewhere.
The only good solution is for Roger Godell to study physics. He must study physics invent a time machine and go into the past to get his past-self to stop Kaepernick's anthem protests. I'm sure if he rained down $50k and $100k fines on his head whenever he took a knee it would end quickly. Some people might get upset at it but it would end quickly. Most people can easily grasp the idea that the NFL is a business so it can't risk alienating large swaths of its fanbase. Most people are used to the idea that they themselves can't go on political protests while on the job, so it is easy to extend that to football players too, who most probably assume don't have any worthwhile insights as it is.
I think that is impossible now though, because now that President Trump is involved too many on the left are too emotionally involved to come to their senses and realize that excluding political protests during the national anthem is probably the most reasonable position to take as a business.
She and I have had conversations about American blacks. Like my foreign born black medical students she just doesn't understand American blacks.
As you have shown, you certainly have support for your dislike of American blacks.
Mr. Majestyk said...
A desperate attempt to save face -- to placate the fans without appearing to back down.
9/28/17, 9:04 PM
Exactly. My guess is this will placate quite a few fans here in Wisconsin who don't want to stop watching the Pack, but hated Sunday's protests. (I'm still boycotting.)
Can you imagine the frantic meetings that must have taken place in NLF corporate offices this week? Man, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall....
I'm glad that most of the fans in the stands ignored Rodgers' dopey suggestion. As Mark Belling said the other day, why the hell should a fan at the games want "unity?" "What if the guy next to you is a child molester or a Bears fan?"
I still think the damage to the NFL will be significant because if even 20% of the fans boycott the games, that represents a big loss in revenue.
The D-Hack press doesn't take on Kaepernick. The D-party hack press cheers him on, and demands more.
Blogger google is evil said...
No this is not a face saving solution. First, it is too late. The damage is already done. I'm a 50 year NFL fan, rabid. I will not watch again. This is not the only issue but is the last straw.
I thought Rogers had more class than this and was a bit smarter, but I guess not. He is joining arms to embrace a Marxist ideology that is antithetical to the ethos of the game he plays. What this shows is just how much this left wing hate has infected our culture that most egalitarian, warrior game in the country would embrace such drivel.
Good lord. I cannot imagine the intellectual dissemblance required to make good on your penultimate sentence. I can't wait to hear any of: the bizarre theory you must have of how to pick out the intention of an action, your interpretation of Marxist ideology, or the ethos of football. I wonder if any of it can possibly square with all of the explicit discussions the players are publicly having. Man oh man this is just rich comic baloney.
The cameraman was searching for arm-linking. He found one guy who had glommed onto his neighbors.
Blogger rcocean said...
Oppressed Black/White Millionaires.
Who can't even stand for the national anthem.
Wonder what the Dead African-American and White vets of Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq would think.
I'm s done with the NFL.
I dunno, you could check with their brethren who were lucky enough to survive, many (though obviously not all) of whom are supporting these football players...
"These guys always want a dialog and to talk about things"
Leftist dialog means "STFU and do what we say or we'll call you a racist."
Blogger Greg Hlatky said...
Want an example of utter, incandescent race hatred? It's that which Black women have for a White woman dating a Black man.
9/28/17, 8:57 PM
Yeah, in the past 100 years of American racism, a reasonable example of "utter, incandescent race hatred" is definitely between black and white women... You are constantly hearing of black women blowing up white women's children, lynching white women, spray painting slurs on the doors of white women... I can remember a number of occasions where black women in power thought it so obviously acceptable to make race jokes about white women that they would send our racist jokes about white women via email. Oh wait, no, that is how white men have treated black men and black women. Whoops. But your example is surely a good one too.
When I was younger and living in NYC I dated a black woman model and when we walked down Fith Ave one night we got the stares from whites and blacks--so what has that got to with anything but implicit and maybe explicit bias but some on this blog want to make out that these so called hate stares relevant to NFL players who are voicing concerns about equal equal for all in the face of things more harmful than a few anecdotes about hateful stares.
Again - the left keep racism alive because without it, they don't have anywhere to go.
I've seen a lot of talk about how the NFL fan base skews white and conservative, yet almost all the teams are in cities that skew black and progressive. That seems discriminatory. It's probably a result of charging a lot of money to get into games, because unfortunately black people don't have as much money. I think if the NFL really wanted to take a bold stand for equality (bold knee for equality?) they should announce that they're going to stop discriminating against what we might agree to call "undocumented ticketholders" - those who haven't actually bought tickets - and let everybody come on in to the stadium to enjoy the ball game.
Of course, they'll have to change some other aspects of how they do business. For instance, I've read that NFL stadiums have a lot of "security", even including uniformed police officers, which I think we can all agree for the sake of unity should not be allowed.
So that's my proposed way forward: announce that the league will end discrimination against the unticketed, promise no police officers will be present to remove the threat of violence at the games, and fill every stadium with a vibrant, diverse capacity crowd. Then over halftime we could all have an honest conversation about the problems facing America, and what some solutions might be.
Standing locking arms? They are punting!
Blogger hombre said...
"Unity" my ass. These whiners don't want unity. They want special treatment to offset problems of their own making. They want us to ignore that they kill each other and cops. They want us to ignore the fathers who abandon their illegitimate children. They want us to ignore the looting. They want us to ignore the plethora of black millionaires. They want us to focus on their grievance that white people bled and died to end 150 years ago.
9/28/17, 8:13 PM
What absolutely idiotic, unconnected-to-the-facts, self-indulgent and self-excusing bullshit. If only there were very clear discussions of all of these things both within and around the BLM movement. All these things, of course, except that last bit, which is your deluded fantasy I guess? I don't know -- it's definitely not the facts. And congrats us white people, for bleeding and dying in response to a far bigger and far more vicious wrong committed by... white people. The number of white men who died on the right side of that war is paltry compared to the crimes that closely related white people committed leading up to the war...
The left, in a nutshell.
Yeah, in the past 100 years of American racism
Tell us more stories about the Twenties, great-great-grandpa.
"I dunno, you could check with their brethren who were lucky enough to survive, many (though obviously not all) of whom are supporting these football players..."
Oh, that's so clever and "ambiguous". Yeah..."many". You can't really say that true or not true, can you? Well, "Many" people think you're a fucking dumbshit.
Disprove that.
When I was younger and living in NYC I dated a black woman model and when we walked down Fith Ave one night we got the stares from whites and blacks--so what has that got to with anything but implicit and maybe explicit bias but some on this blog want to make out that these so called hate stares relevant to NFL players who are voicing concerns about equal equal for all in the face of things more harmful than a few anecdotes about hateful stares.
R/V, if she was a model that might account for the stares. ;-D My half-black daughter is married to a white guy and no one seems to stare at them. In the 1960's when I was married to a black guy some people may have stared but it didn't bother us. Of course, here in the West, racially mixed couples are not uncommon today.
Blogger bgates said...
Yeah, in the past 100 years of American racism
Tell us more stories about the Twenties, great-great-grandpa.
9/28/17, 9:48 PM
Zing. You got me. Because there is no evidence of white-on-black racism left. Not even there in the reference I made to goddamned email. Whatever is thought here about the attitudes of black women toward white women, I've personally seen far worse among the wealthy white men of Tennessee and Louisiana in the past decade. You all can pretend that white people have moved on, but it's just some self-excusing fantasy, disconnected from the facts.
Dickin'Bimbos@Home said...
The left, in a nutshell."
That story is ridiculous several levels, including the fact that Dr. Suess was pretty much of a lefty himself, although he kept it out of his books.
What a petty, spiteful little person that librarian is.
"I cannot imagine the intellectual dissemblance..."
I don't have to imagine the physiological dissemblance because it ejaculated right on my tummy.
1. It's been a long time since I heard anybody use the word "conversation" in public who had any genuine interest in having one.
2. "About as good as it can be" would involve a display occurring at a time other than during the anthem. I thought the Cowboys' solution was better than the Packers'.
You know, it's ironic; think of all the people talking about bloated plutocrats then how dare a company executive, or a financier, or a fireman or cop milking OT and PTO (perhaps not a very good public servant, or a bad one, or just insignificant, maybe now after keeping his job all this time, goldbricking or is it featherbedding) nearing retirement to max the pension we pay him, make twice, five, as much 10 times, as much 100 times as much or more Kama as a teacher? Why is the doctor worth more than a nurse or PA especially if they do most of the work?
Remember when that kind of political bull session gossip was hot stuff? 10 20 years ago or more? Imagine an intelligent straightforward sincere Democratic and alike Republican senator and or Congressman worth have a public debate some damn issue importance say the economy. Or don't, because we don't even think about that stuff anymore.
Now it's all the tussle in the trench, your pistol and Bowie knife against his entrenching tool and the bayonet if he can pull it out of your best friend in time to receive you, and them there's always teeth and headbutts.
This issue is drivel! The protests are DRIVEL!!! the controversy is made for television.
Remember how people said, snidely or otherwise, that Reagan's power derived at least in part from his film and stage work? His ability to manage appearances?
Consider the in a passive rather than an active capacity, Donald Trump has probably never known a day without television. He has probably had access to a television all his life. To an extent he is a product of this experience. And of course much time on and behind the camera and the scenes.
So tell me why any lunkhead on any of these teams, who is there to relieve The Waterboy and and never play it down, I still making $350,000 a year, the income of a successful doctor or lawyer, or most Executives is my acquaintance. Now the counter to that is they are all the more noble to risk whatever they think feel or say they're risking because they have more to lose than a ditch digger who supports or opposes abortion gun control or any of the other hot-button issues. However, there are a thousand more just as good, and a million almost as good, and when they had the player strikes it was uncomfortable for everybody but they started playing soon enough. My Little Pony guys who can replace them.
Blogger rcocean said...
"I dunno, you could check with their brethren who were lucky enough to survive, many (though obviously not all) of whom are supporting these football players..."
Oh, that's so clever and "ambiguous". Yeah..."many". You can't really say that true or not true, can you? Well, "Many" people think you're a fucking dumbshit.
Disprove that.
9/28/17, 9:49 PM
I'm sure many people think I'm a fucking dumbshit, so we can just agree to that. There are a lot of idiots out in the world.
But you know what? For every deceased veteran of a foreign war you can find who condemned these protests, I can find you at least 10 living veterans of those wars supporting them. At least I have some evidence for my claim; I'm not the one forcing views into the mouths of the dead who can no longer speak for themselves.
Craig, poster boy for White Guilt.
You all can pretend that white people have moved on
-from blowing up children and lynching people -
, but it's just some self-excusing fantasy, disconnected from the facts.
Uh huh.
Blogger exiledonmainstreet said...
Craig, poster boy for White Guilt.
9/28/17, 9:58 PM
You might think that I have spent a great deal of time reading classic libertarian texts and have been largely convinced by them...
Craig hanging around racists makes you racist. You can say you are just trying to show the racists just how racist they are, but it don't matter.
You hang with Hitler supporters, then that is what you are. You don't become it or pass go for the $200 or get to write it off at tax time: you are the embodiment of Hitler, racism, and ugliness if you intentionally hang around people like that, even if only briefly and even if only in your past. It is a forever stain on your own very unique soul Craig.
Just remember...
That story is ridiculous several levels, including the fact that Dr. Suess was pretty much of a lefty himself, although he kept it out of his books.
What a petty, spiteful little person that librarian is.
And stupid. Instead of courageously saying - "I hate your husband!"... It's "You're a racist."
Now on to getting the NFL to allow equal opportunity free speech...
Sorry I just hit post because Google Voice to Text keeps crashing the browser. Anyway, they really should snap out of this and I think that forget it this is is the last riddle. I suggest on Sunday that everybody, both sides, and personally I would invite all the owners of all the teams and you could no at every every Stadium they're going to play a bunch of games remember I don't watch this right anyway this is a disadvantage and talking about football because I don't know football well. For instance I have no conception of the entertainment portion, I would never condescend to watch that it would probably turn me into a and ironic hipster for as long as it persisted. So I don't do that to myself. :-) so I don't know if there are cheers and drill teams and what not all the time, or only at colleges, or in the playoffs, but I would think that one or all of the teams really know all they should have Unity they should be as one and that's when they should do the anthem properly and in fact I think they should all drill to do a perfect military parade formation type stance and delivery of the proper respect according to the NFL code. I guess then after that you can see how the people laugh it up and everybody gets well. After that maybe people do what they want but maybe the fever will have broken. A thing with strips me also about this positions delivery of Anthem service, and the way that Althouse seems painfully eager to lap it up, is that it itself is not unified. They didn't all do it right. They didn't all do the same thing. Which everything they do, the compliance or the Defiance, they should do as one. That will show that strength, which is more important than whatever set of facts or opinions they choose to believe. They can all believe whatever they choose to believe but they all have to believe in the NFL and the NFL Says dance monkey I'm not going to tell you twice. I can't even understand what the question is here. All these players can be replaced. Hell, let Colin Kaepernick go to Cincinnati, if he promises to be a good boy. But from now on, anybody who does this gets banned from football. There's always another quarterback. There's always another running back. There's another 300 pound tub of s***. To restore confidence of the public in the NFL, the NFL needs to demonstrate that it's got this.
"The "unity" jive is laughably transparent. This is the NFL trying to slink away gracefully from the bed-shitting of last week."
Blogger Guildofcannonballs said...
Craig hanging around racists makes you racist. You can say you are just trying to show the racists just how racist they are, but it don't matter.
You hang with Hitler supporters, then that is what you are. You don't become it or pass go for the $200 or get to write it off at tax time: you are the embodiment of Hitler, racism, and ugliness if you intentionally hang around people like that, even if only briefly and even if only in your past. It is a forever stain on your own very unique soul Craig.
Just remember...
9/28/17, 10:02 PM
It's like you have gone to a special school teaching how never to offer a cogent thought, how not to be able to make an argument, how to squirm when someone pushes back. If so, it was obviously very effective.
I hit post again because I was again afraid of the browser. Anyway, whatever the NFL does on Sunday, they do as one or they just a dead sport walking. Phil invent new sports! Americans are not going to be bored for long. Is plenty going on. Hell I almost never watch TV anymore. I hate to say it cuz it sounds like a humblebrag but a few movies that's it...and of course Laslo every night.
I am going to be sad when that Playboy cover recedes from the Althouse front page.
I might even kneel.
I am Laslo.
Also, would be kind of naive to not think the black woman pissed at the white wife also disdains the black husband.
Hell no! If he's good enough for a white woman he's good enough for her! Why doesn't she have that man? There are no men, no black and, and there's a man and that b**** has him,
Aaron Rodgers showers with black men.
I am Laslo.
We all know Kaepernick is 100% victim
What percent victim are you?
Trump had made it about patriotism.
The NFL is trying a lot of different solutions. Very American. Churchill said "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."
None has worked so far. This is the best so far. I don't know if the NFL is smart enough to use this as a symbolic victory, than require standing for the anthem on the field, and other players can stay in the locker room.
Some black players see it as Trump disrespected them... So they can't back down per their culture.
@Craig (9:47): Somehow in that spittle-flecked display of douchebaggery, you neglected to mention which of my comments were not factual and how they were "self-excusing," etc. You are evidently unfamiliar with the various demands of BLM and other black radical groups and politicians, particularly as they relate to criminal justice. Either that or you are too simple-minded to grasp the hypocrisy of the "unity" bullshit.
Have you checked your "white privilege" lately and made out your check for reparations? You know, to promote unity (unless you are not white). As for the war, you have such a handle on this that you must be right. It was "self indulgent" of me not to notice how "paltry" the few hundred thousand dead were. They may, however, have seemed like a lot at the time.
So tell us, please, what can we white folks do today to make up for those "vicious wrong[s] committed by ... white people" (sic.) more than a century ago. I know. Let's hold hands for unity while the national anthem plays. It will change everything.
Yes, yes. By all means. "Start" this much needed conversation..via football.
"No justice. No punt!"
It's probably more crock than kumbaya,so let's compromise and call it a crock of kumbaya. Ambiguity solves more social problems than righteous thinking. Let the issue flutter and float away. It's already done a fair amount of damage to the NFL. The people most supportive of these players are the people most likely to wish to have the sport banned because of CTE......With the exception of the Windsors and a few others, no white person has as much privilege as a professional athlete. There's such a thing as racism, but professional athletes live in a protected bubble from adolescence on. They hear rumors about racism from their friends, but that's not the big challenge in their lives.
Blogger hombre said...
@Craig (9:47): Somehow in that spittle-flecked display of douchebaggery, you neglected to mention which of my comments were not factual and how they were "self-excusing," etc. You are evidently unfamiliar with the various demands of BLM and other black radical groups and politicians, particularly as they relate to criminal justice. Either that or you are too simple-minded to grasp the hypocrisy of the "unity" bullshit.
Fine, you want me to be more precise? Here you go:
They want special treatment to offset problems of their own making.
They want us to ignore that they kill each other and cops.
They want us to ignore the fathers who abandon their illegitimate children.
They want us to ignore the looting.
They want us to ignore the plethora of black millionaires.
I am familiar with BLM (though of course I don't know every single utterance of every single person ever affiliated in any way with BLM). I look forward to your evidence for even a single one of these lies and mischaracterizations. (And, no, just to save you time, a BLM matter person saying, "We don't want you to deflect our attention from this particular concern right now" is not the same as "We want you to ignore that." I'm sure you're smarter than to have made that high-school level mistake, but just in case.)
And a few hundred thousand is a lot of dead people, and the Civil War was horrific. But estimates of the number of dead caused by the white christian slave trade range from the single digits of millions to the three digits of millions. My apologies if I don't think those estimates aren't a relevant bit of information in considering the sacrifices made in the civil war.
If by "resolved" you mean the NFL implicitly admits that Trump was right but lacks the guts to say so, so tries a stupid stupid bit of face-saving theatre in the hopes it will just go away, then sure.
NFL Locker Room Shower Inner Monologues...
Black Athlete: I can feel white boy staring at me. He's pissed because the brothers protesting may cost him some dollars.
White Athlete: I think my protesting black teammates may be going to cost me some dollars.
Black Athlete: I don't think he even gets it.
White Athlete: I'm not sure I get it.
Black Athlete: Sure, he bobs his head when we play Rap before the game, but he ain't down with it.
White Athlete: My black teammates like to listen to Rap in the locker-room before the game. I am not particularly fond of Rap, but I'm not going to make a big deal about it or nothing.
Black Athlete: The white boys talk big about Unity, but when the shit goes down they chicken out.
White Athlete: I want to be united with the black athletes, but it seems like it always ends up with some shit going down.
Black Athlete: I deal with racism every day, motherfucker.
White Athlete: I deal with black people every day.
Black Athlete: He's probably staring at my cock. All the white boys stare at the brothers' cocks.
White Athlete: He certainly has a big cock.
Black Athlete: He's jealous of my cock.
White Athlete: I'm okay with my cock.
Black Athlete: He ain't okay with his cock.
White Athlete: I wish my cock was bigger.
I am Laslo.
Trump can put a lot of pressure on the NFL, but has actually been very easy on the NFL owners focusing on the patriotism angle of players.
Some things Trump could do:
1. Call for end of anti trust exemption for broadcasting.
2. Call for unbundling cable
3. Call out how head of NFL communications used to work in Clinton whitehouse
4. Talk of crime rates of players
5. Talk concussions
6. Talk of black on black violence vs police shootings
7. Highlight number killed in NFL cities via black on black violence each weekend
8. Talk how blm actually hurts the back communities
9. Schedule a speech in an NFL city, same time as the game... live commentary / Fisk the game.
10. Tweet issues / Fisk an NFL game live. All the stuff people hate. How long it goes, calls, national anthem, announcers, etc.
What the hell do they think they're even doing playing football on Thursday nights? Hello. It's a school night, people. bout Trump focuses on what he was elected to do?
"Paying $100+ for an afternoon in a stadium built with massive tax subsidies for billionaire team owners, just for the privilege of watching a bunch of millionaire lowlifes who don't even know me, lecture me about how I have to change my racist ways?"
That's not entirely fair.
Not all of the games are in the afternoon. Some are at night.
It's a clear win for Trump because Trump tweeted that locked arms was good, and kneeling is bad. So now they do precisely what he told them they can do! Of course that's a win for Trump.
Think of it as the Broken Windows approach to MAGA.
(And, no, just to save you time, a BLM matter person saying, "We don't want you to deflect our attention from this particular concern right now" is not the same as "We want you to ignore that." I'm sure you're smarter than to have made that high-school level mistake, but just in case.)
Funny, I think I know just what you mean. What is a high school move, excellent analogy, it is like High School to turn the game into your own vehicle for political expression. It's we don't want you to deflect our attention from football at this time, not necessarily we want you to ignore anything. But we're not going to ignore you.
Insty has a good link on the NFL's special status in anti trust law, bench the NFL.
The inner monologues are priceless, Laslo.
- Krumhorn
" bout Trump focuses on what he was elected to do?" Dunno - those of us who elected him might have different ideas on what we elected him to do.
Trump lost this one. He told the NFL what to do, they said "fuck you". He cannot tell people that they cannot speak, he doesn't trump, no pun intended, the 1st Amendment.
Craig said...
But you know what? For every deceased veteran of a foreign war you can find who condemned these protests, I can find you at least 10 living veterans of those wars supporting them. At least I have some evidence for my claim; I'm not the one forcing views into the mouths of the dead who can no longer speak for themselves.
Over 60% of the American public thinks the players should stand for the anthem in every poll taken.
There is no way 90% of veterans are somehow in the 25% of Americans that support the protests.
You are just a liar flat out.
Unknown said...
Trump lost this one. He told the NFL what to do, they said "fuck you". He cannot tell people that they cannot speak, he doesn't trump, no pun intended, the 1st Amendment.
This is weapons grade stupid.
The Green Bay packers have just declared that cops are hunting black people. They have just stood with BLM.
walter said... bout Trump focuses on what he was elected to do?
We voted for him because he fought back against the leftist shitheads that are trying to tear this country apart.
The kneelers were driving fans from the game slowly but surely. The media incessantly hammered on Kaepernick not having a job. Every time a player kneeled they made him a hero.
Trump gave us a voice against the left/media.
He is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Your tears are mana.
"He is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Your tears are mana."
The sycophancy has progressed to mania.
There are meds for that.
Blogger Achilles said...
Craig said...
But you know what? For every deceased veteran of a foreign war you can find who condemned these protests, I can find you at least 10 living veterans of those wars supporting them. At least I have some evidence for my claim; I'm not the one forcing views into the mouths of the dead who can no longer speak for themselves.
Over 60% of the American public thinks the players should stand for the anthem in every poll taken.
There is no way 90% of veterans are somehow in the 25% of Americans that support the protests.
You are just a liar flat out.
9/28/17, 11:02 PM
You're an idiot. Where's the lie? Point me to the sentence that's a lie. Good luck...
Two vet groups did not like the kneeling:
I can't think of any other nations that fought a civil war to end slavery, besides the u.s.
And the sad thing is slavery is still going on in parts of Africa.
And isis brought back slavery in the Middle East.
And a lot of Africans and Arabs were involved in the slave trade.
Why no protests against any of the above?
Why the negative focus on the us, and not other nations?
The Drudge Report headline that says 'Packers stand' links to the SB Nation site. SB Nation is owned by Vox so I expected the comments there to be supportive of the protest. Every single comment slammed Rodgers and the NFL (and you can't say that's because they were linked to by Drudge, since the SB Nation team sites all have 24 hour waiting periods before you can post on them. You can't just go there and leave a drive-by comment.)
SB Nation closed the comments section.
This is weapons grade stupid.
9/28/17, 11:04 PM
It's Inga, what do you expect?
It's win for Trump because the NFL as a whole is trying to slink back to appearing to be united and patriotic. But things have happened. The teams have made it plain that they understand that unity is necessary for success but they also have made it plain that the only success which a lot them care about is their own, the success of their team, not their country. People saw that that was how the team members (many of them) saw things. It won't be forgotten. But I do think the NFL leaders and owners saw that the NFL better go back to being entertainment. Hillary can deny reality for months and write books about her denial without anything much happening. The NFL was almost wiped out. And it may happen yet that the real fans conclude that the fun is over and so then attendance declines sharply leading to gigantic losses. But that won't be known till a few games go by and the real fans feel in real time whatever the real fans are going to feel about these teams. (I'm an woman intermittent watcher, not a fan.) If the teams get pouty and the real fans are forced by fresh insults to think about think about paying a hundred dollars a seat to hear their soldier fathers, brothers, husbands, sons being insulted ... and to watch poor playing by sulky athletes who, anyway, themselves who are being injured by too many games ...
Unknown said...
Trump lost this one. He told the NFL what to do, they said "fuck you". He cannot tell people that they cannot speak, he doesn't trump, no pun intended, the 1st Amendment.
Actually I think Trump won this one because of a similar reaction to what you are describing. Trump said to the effect, "I don't like it when NFL players kneel during the anthem, it is disrespectful to our country." People everywhere in and in the NFL that don't like Trump responded by in effect saying, "Screw you Trump I can kneel whenever I want to it my right as an American!" They then proceed to kneel during the anthem and very, very unpopular action. Because this is framed as respecting the country and the flag, it comes off as Trump, the country and respecting the country versus everyone else and the left. If you don't think of it this way imagine a scenario where Trump never said anything. You are the football commissioner and you have the power to order large numbers of your players next week to take a knee during the national anthem. Would you ever in your wildest dream recommend that course of action? The left shoots it's self in the foot repeatedly by having a hyper reactionary attitude towards President Trump. Trump doesn't win by convincing people to like him, he wins by reminding people why they dislike the other side. The end result of this little drama play, is that the left has painted itself as people who dislike or don't care about some small measure of respect we all used to partake in to show respect for the country we all share. Trump wins, bigly.
UnknownInga64 is still waiting on the Walker indictments and the Prussia investigation.
Get one of your children that lived in that show on the investigation.
Craig thinks white people need to excuse themselves on account of their whiteness. I like a self-loathing white commenter as much as the next guy. But Craig makes me sad.
Craig said...
"You're an idiot. Where's the lie? Point me to the sentence that's a lie. Good luck..."
I can find you at least 10 living veterans of those wars supporting them.
You don't even know 10 veterans who wouldn't punch you in the face.
Unknown said...
"He is doing exactly what we elected him to do. Your tears are mana."
The sycophancy has progressed to mania.
How is that Russian collusion story coming? Mueller is finding a lot of law breaking... by the democrats. Getting desperate.
The whole sham was put together by traitors. The same side protesting against the flag now. Shocking I know.
Now that you have given up on winning elections are you going to try to take power by force? What happens when all of your illegal voters get deported and stricken from the voter rolls?
How is that Menendez trial going? A lot of reporting on that, eh?
Maybe the Prussia investigation will come through.
My Black ex-wife and I lived in the Lincoln Park area of Chicago, one of the more racially integrated areas of the city. Even in the 70's, we rarely got stares and never comments, except from Black women. My wife was clear that they thought she was acting like she was too good to be with a brother.
Ray asks: Why no protests against any of the above?
Why the negative focus on the us, and not other nations?
Answer: Straight-up black on white hatred and racism. This isn't rocket science, folks.
The Democrats are racist pigs who demand a continuation of racism (identity politics) for all time.
There can be no "coming together". There can be no "agreeing to disagree." One side must lose.
I want it to be them
Meade said...What the hell do they think they're even doing playing football on Thursday nights? Hello. It's a school night, people.
I'm with Meade on this. I'm old enough to remember when "Monday Night Football" began.
Scale back NFL broadcasting; cut salaries for overpaid players and ESPN politicians; fire Goodell. Win-win!
You may have missed a couple of wins.
I've solved my NFL problem for the year. I don't--and won't--watch it again in the 2017-2018 season. I'll find something more interesting to do--like studying the repair manual for a steam boiler--or maybe reading the annotated statutes of Rhode Island--the 1930 edition.
The NFL and its posturing pampered princes isn't entirely dead to me--but it doesn't get my interest in the way that it once did. As Obama was wont to say "actions (or at least elections) have consequences." It all started with the germ of an idea planted in the lizard brain of Colin Kaepernick by his girlfriend. It grew exponentially from there. Now it's true that a lot of girlfriends have planted ideas in the lizard brains of their boyfriends. But to paraphrase Waylon Jennings, who once sang, "Don't you think this outlaw bit done got out of hand", the NFL and its kneeling bit has definitely gotten out of hand.
Craig said...
And a few hundred thousand is a lot of dead people, and the Civil War was horrific. But estimates of the number of dead caused by the white christian slave trade range from the single digits of millions to the three digits of millions. My apologies if I don't think those estimates aren't a relevant bit of information in considering the sacrifices made in the civil war.
Democrats had a lot of slaves. They were, and are, a bunch of racist shitheads. It was a great thing when Republicans freed the slaves from democrats.
Then the democrats created Jim Crow.
Then the Democrats pushed eugenics.
To this day cities run by democrats are segregated with high crime poverty stricken ghettos and shitty public schools run by democrats where the black people live.
And 40% of the abortions of unwanted babies planned parenthood deals with are black. They didn't even change the language of eugenics.
Trump won. It really is that simple.
"How is that Menendez trial going? A lot of reporting on that, eh?"
So much reporting on it that I thought you were referring to the Menendez brothers for about a couple of seconds, and was scratching my head.
These are football players. Football is their livelihood and profession. It is a team sport, and most successful players are supportive of and loyal to their teammates. It goes beyond loyalty to brotherhood and even love, partly because football is such a intensely demanding, strenuous and dangerous support. The political displays and the outside forces related to these displays run the risk of damaging the bonds of the team. So it is unsurprising that as they sort things out, the players are rallying around team solidarity. There is a lot of parsing of the meaning and intent of the protests by kneeling. But the meaning of the linking or arms is clear. Team before everything else, undivided in spite of potential differences about everything else.
Obama's greatest legacy is all the racial healing.
For me, this misses the point. People are not required to stand for the anthem. There should never be a law that requires them to do so.
My issue is with the media for focusing on Kaepernick and others. They should have focused on the anthem, singer, and the flag and allowed viewers to partipate in a unifying movement. And the NFL should have honored their own rules. Employers haves right to require their employees represent the organization.
Any "solution" has to involve the media and the NFL. As for me, I am done with the NFL and ESPN. They chose poorly.
@Craig (10:27): Surely you are not so unskilled at critical thinking as to believe the word "ignore" must be used to support my assertions.
Black students, like those at Cornell demanding concessions to the advantage of African-Americans is asking for special treatment. Movements by BLM to reduce the number of black inmates without regard to their offenses requires ignoring their crimes. Millionaire black athletes, among the most privileged people in America, protest the country's "oppression of black people." Presumably, we are to ignore their hypocrisy, their status and their wealth. This stuff only occurs as rocket science to mentally challenged moonbats.
Finally, "white Christian slave trade?" Seriously? Your ignorance of history, Christian theology, and your bigotry all tied up in one phrase! Who did those white slavers buy their merchandise from? Who was William Wilberforce? Does the New Testament approve of slavery? Were John Brown and Julia Ward Howe atheists?
You really have no business conversing with adults.
The Trump Effect is real folks.
But estimates of the number of dead caused by the white christian slave trade range from the single digits of millions to the three digits of millions.
It wasn't the heat of the West Indies, it was the humidity.
In much of the world before modern times, if a vanquished adult male wasn't sold into slavery, he was often killed on the spot.
Recent Iranians, like the Berbers, figured out they could make money from captured Westerners.
Their Sunni equivalents would rather behead them.
Tired of all of this important social awareness stuff. I just want to enjoy football and all the important commercials in between downs. Can't these morons save it all up and lay it all on us at the Super Bowl?
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