"According to a listing on Casting Networks in L.A., the musician's upcoming music video project needs several actors to play protesters on a set resembling a rally/counterprotest ... including 8 white men and women, 30-65 years old, 'preferably out of shape' to play Trump supporters."
TMZ reports.
१३८ टिप्पण्या:
They hate us all, not just Trump.
Sort of like this guy, right?
Sort of like Hillary, right ?
this is how you get more Trump.
Eh, it is a music video. Caricatures are the norm there.
"Legend's also on the hunt for 2 females -- one white and one Hispanic -- to share a kiss in the video with the protest going on. The casting sheet says, "We want to show that there is no segregation in love. But just two human beings of any race or color.""
-- But not any race or color though for this example; one white and one Hispanic, please.
So is he looking for the opposite side of the coin?
Would the ad call for the ability to froth at the mouth on cue?
Who in the fuck is John Legend? (Please don't answer that as I really don't want to know.)
Because elderly white overweight folks lives don't matter.
What is really ironic, though, is that all of the respondents will be Hillary supporters.
Fatness is an equal opportunity American thing. So I guess he has never taken note of the many fatties in Antifa and at Women's Marches.
Why don't Mexicans grill out? The beans keep falling through the grill.
Have to love the cultural stereotypes.
AJ Lynch:
That's the rub. All the obese, low-esteem slobs are to be found on the Left. Legend's casting is obviously self-stroking egotism.
Legend's also on the hunt for 2 females -- one white and one Hispanic -- to share a kiss
Somehow I doubt the 2 females will be overweight, or elderly.
Free Pepsi?
Same guy with his wife used gender selection to select the IVF embryos.
"“I’ve made this decision,” Teigen tells PEOPLE exclusively while chatting about her book Cravings in this week’s issue, on newsstands Friday. “Not only am I having a girl, but I picked the girl from her little embryo. I picked her and was like, ‘Let’s put in the girl.’ ”"
"The model's followers went a little nuts after she made a joke about her frozen embryos. Chrissy, who has been extremely open about her decision to use IVF, took a picture of an email with the subject line, "Outstanding Embryo Storage Balance Due." In the caption, the model teased, "Damn how's my embryo gonna be in debt before it's even born.""
Yes, off topic. And yes, IVF is commonly accepted but Argh...
Bringing new meaning to the expression, "His music isn't for everyone."
Hey, Legend, why not get two fat black men kissing? How cool would that be?
"just two human beings of any race or color"
As long as they're hawt. Everybody knows chicks kissing is hawt.
Come on, ff you really want to outrage the bourgeoisie, at least have men kissing. Fat, ugly men. Or a guy kissing his pre-pubescent son. "Just human beings of any race or color", right? Or maybe a guy kissing his dog. What? You're gonna get speciesist on me?
Dang, AllenS beat me. Gotta oil up that Publish button.
So much for those "perfect imperfections" when maligning Trump supporters.
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
The article doesn't say whether Legend himself is the video's director, the one who usually supplies the "vision."
Chris Christie would be a good fit.
AllenS said...
Hey, Legend, why not get two fat black men kissing? How cool would that be?
The Swedes give out this pamphlet to immigrants as an illustrated instructional manual on spreading STDs; it features some gay porn cartoons with fat black men.
Stereotypes do die hard when one's attachment to reality is ideologically impaired.
isn't he just looking for average Americans?
An interesting thing to note is that there are three groups:
* BLM Protesters
* Neo-Nazis
* Trump supporters
Which is a pleasant change of pace from #2 and #3 being rolled into one.
Celebrities are so damn full of themselves.
This gave me a great laugh. Thanks. It's a nice change from contemplating nuclear games.
Leftists like to manipulate and use propaganda for their ultimate goal. Control. every. one.
Is this a-hole proud of his corrupt Hillary vote?
"They hate us all, not just Trump."
That means I'm doing it right.
1) Isn't this some sort of 'fat-shaming' or other lefty victim identity thing?
2) One suspects the two ladies Mr. Legend hires to make out will not be the big-boned, flannel wearing, crew-cut type of women. Or "trans-women".
Oh, oh, fat shaming and ageist. Is there a lefty anywhere who isn't a bigoted, racist scumbag?
John Legend. Real name: John Stephens.
And it has the added value of being true.
Funny enough, the only peopke who have actually told me they voted for Trump are a taller, reasonably fit 40-something female and a mid-30's Mexican-American.
Angry that your demographic's been identified, old white lady? ;-)
Old white lady Hillary - she's got 64 million people who don't give a rat's ass about her corruption and her money whoring.
John Legend.
His wife is best known as a model who is, to put it charitably, not good-looking.
It is quite the skill, being an unattractive model.
While she has a good body, that body is topped with Ms. Potato Face.
The man has to lash out at somebody: he couldn't even get a Kardashian.
I am Laslo.
Check out the photo from big Mike's comment at 10:43 am. https://twitter.com/AliceTeller/status/904122230468169733
How about "Make America Strong, Competent, and Kind Again" (MASKA)?
Old white lady Hillary - she's got 64 million people who don't give a rat's ass about her corruption and her money whoring.
It's good that Trump has so many positive attributes going for him that his followers can't say enough good things about him!
I try to enjoy the talents of performers even when they are obnoxious about their politics... but I have to say...What a jerk and his wife, too. I will go out of my way not to buy anything with his name attached.
He beat HER. That's enough for me.
So the search is on for a bunch of fat, ugly skanks, like Trump's wives and daughters.
Good luck,
"Chris Christie would be a good fit."
Chris Christie would struggle to fit into anything man made.
He beat HER. That's enough for me.
Any liar who lies more convincingly than she does, could. That's not the point.
The point is that, if you hate her so much - if you think she's so awful, then anyone who's the least bit "better" than her is still pretty close to the bottom of the barrel - by your own FUCKING logic! You are making a tacit admission of just how awful he is. And yours is still a minority opinion, and of a minority that shrinks daily. A slim majority thought he was more awful. Either way, the nuclear codes are in the hands of a moronic megalomaniac, and whatever he bungles up is on turds like you, who refuse to take responsibility for - or even admit! - just how pisspoor a president he is.
Finally, since you Republicranks are such poor thinkers, you fail to understand that holding him to account now - even impeaching him - in no way risks your apocalyptically dreaded scenario of a Hillary Clinton presidency. You do know that Indianus Evangelical Mike Penice is the Vice President, do you not? Impeach Trump and you end up with someone infinitely more dignified and decent, and probably at least cautious enough to minimize the steady stream of fuck-ups emitted from this White House like gamma rays from a radioactive nuclear waste site the size of a thousand Hiroshimas.
Dump Trump before your gullibility becomes clear and a liability to everyone.
John Legend inspires me to change my name. I was thinking of "John Epic". My wife says "John Anecdote" would be more suitable.
Anyway, I look forward to seeing Michael Moore playing a Trump supporter.
"John Legend is searching for some folks who look like they love President Trump. In his opinion that means they should be old and overweight." | wc -c >> 142
"John Legend's searching for some folks who look like they love President Trump shows his opinion that means they should be old and overweight." | wc -c >> 143
"John Legend's searching for some folks who look like they love President Trump, and in his opinion that means they should be old and overweight." | wc -c >> 145
"John Legend is searching for some folks who look like they love President Trump, and in his opinion that means they should be old and overweight." | wc -c >> 146
The clearest writing uses the fewest characters. It is the most efficient for storage and transmission.
"Legend's" could be read as a possessive or as a contraction. Determination is made only after encountering "and" twelve words later.
John Legend - whoever he is - seems to have low respect for folks who admire Trump. The writer - whoever he is - has low respect for readers who happen upon his screed.
Thanks for the thread, Althouse. Tells me all I need to know about both Legend and the writer.
TTR said: "Dump Trump before your gullibility becomes clear and a liability to everyone."
> Neil Gorsuch.
> Controlling the southern border.
> Reining in the EPA
> Ending the Paris climate accord.
> Initiated a travel ban.
> Pardoned Joe Arpaio.
> Tax cuts on the horizon.
What's not to like?
What's not to like?
>Civil liberties, policy and political power not yielding to corporate control or the anxieties of paranoid social retrogrades.
>A xenophobic chimera to appease Nazis and Confederates that won't do 1/10th for the working class as would better economic policy. As it stands, Mexicans are migrating away to flee the worsened economy here anyway.
>Protection of health and the environment over a corporate gripe to make more money by poisoning you and our country's watersheds.
>A less competitive national economy for emerging energy industries and a buffoonish, self-defeating appeal to country over planet.
>Hahaha. Students, scientists and entrepreneurs kept out so that Saudis and other actual terrorists and the countries supporting them can still get in.
>Lawlessness now the law of the land and an executive who disrespects the independence of the judiciary as a co-equal branch of government.
It's the FOX News wet dream: Rich douchebags finally convincing middle class morons to blame everything on the poor and allow for a president to convince them that everything he's doing just for himself, he's doing for him. Kool-Aid at it's most hallucinatory. Entitlement Kool-Aid. Drink up.
@TTR, I find it interesting you failed to address my bullet points (a little NRA lingo for you).
As a result, I will not respond to your tirade above. A quick question though, what happened to Russia! Russia! Russia! You failed to include that in your screed.
Any middle class Trump supporting jerk-off who thinks his taxes can be reduced to an amount that would make up for how much Republican policy has stagnated his wage growth since 1980, deserves the declining living standard that Republicans have brought him.
He might as well just pay tax tribute to Trump, directly. Trump already pays way less as a percentage of income than anyone not living off of investments or carried interest - probably 15% max. Trump's tax plan is basically a way to just reduce this further. It's a reduce-his-own-taxes plan that his apologists are dumb enough to think that it will do them any good. Get back to me in four years and let me know how much wage/salary growth you have at the same job.
We are where we are because two of the most awful people in America ran against one another for President. This because the Democrats rigged their nomination but the Republicans didn't rig theirs (Otherwise we would have had Jeb!). The ostensibly more qualified of the candidates, for all H>er piety and wit, couldn't figure out how the Electoral College works, so lost against all the odds. The losing side have been busy losing their shit ever since. Who knows what the anti-Hillary crowd would have done if she had won ?
So TTR says to Dump Trump. But how and in favor of whom ?
I find it interesting you failed to address my bullet points...
That's because you're an illiterate. (Try rfi.com and see if one of their adult illiteracy programs might help you). I addressed every one of them. I let you know why each was a bad idea. You just support those things because you believe that only by paying economic and political tribute to Trump, does the world or life have any meaning. Unless you are a multi-millionaire - you are supporting policies diametrically opposed to your own economic (and often biological!) interest, and even many of the super-wealthy understand that this is bad an unsustainable policy in the long-run. You don't have morals or principles worth debating; you have an agenda to do as much for Trump as you can. So of course you don't know how to handle the obvious objections to something that ridiculous.
You did not understand any of this because you do not understand the concept of disagreement, or even how reasoning even works. You are just out to drum up support for things that 30% of the country (and falling) care to support.
Maybe you should ask yourself why that is. Oh no, that might take thought and responsibility. Far better to just berate yet another random citizen with the foresight to call you out on your bs.
Headline: "Americans spend more on taxes than food, clothing, housing combined ..."
Yeah, it's a real mystery why Americans would want a tax cut.
What a bigot.
Pretty hilarious that someone whose post reads like an RNC communique would call any unfavorable response to it a "screed."
Watch Trump continue this trend.
Blogger Ritmo uses the word "DUMBASS" (all caps), then labels another commenter an illiterate.
Got it.
Good night Ritmo! Enjoyed it!!
Ritmo, its Labor Day.
Its not right, staying indoors yelling at people.
Go out and play, get some exercise.
Join a dance club, meet women.
Or at least go yell at people in the park, its healthier.
You and your kind are no longer useful.
Are you a white male?
I can understand your frustration, then. Just not your entitlement.
Keep bringing up AGW. I noticed you deleted almost every comment of yours in the last thread you hijacked with that bull shit. An improvement - for someone as useless as you. Just not enough of an improvement.
Ahhh Labor Day. That's right.
Just another day for Republicans to celebrate how much they've sucked off of the working class, including what they've sucked off of the labor movement.
Yep. Fear of dirty words is not what defines someone as an "illiterate," Dink. You illiterate jack-off.
Go pump some more poisons into your neighbors' groundwater, why don't you. Assuming you can even read the label on what they pump into it. (Usually this information is secret, though. Much like his cuckholder's Trump's tax returns).
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
"Either way, the nuclear codes are in the hands of a moronic megalomaniac, and whatever he bungles up is on turds like you, who refuse to take responsibility for - or even admit! - just how pisspoor a president he is."
Easily the best President since Reagan. He is my Leader, Toothless. He leads me. I am glad to hear that he frightens you. Be afraid, Toothless. Be very afraid! :)
Enjoyed it!!
Every chance you get to prove that others do your thinking for you is an opportunity for you to enjoy.
It shows how much of a psychological safe space they provide for you.
He is my Leader, Toothless. He leads me.
No doubt. Just like a fucking lemming.
Do everyone a favor and be sure to jump off that ledge just as soon as you can.
Allow to apologize to the readers for engaging an unnamed individual. Twice this year I have made this grievous error. Won't happen again.
Allow to apologize to the readers for engaging an unnamed individual. Twice this year I have made this grievous error. Won't happen again.
Translation: "My name is Humperdink and I got my ass shredded and handed back to me after getting arrogant once again about something I cared not to know anything about. It was ugly and polluted the thread worse than so much spattered roadkill. Or a groundwater well owned by the frackers who employ me. I promise not to do it again."
Bill And Hillary Clinton Made $240 Million In The Last 15 Years
Betsy DeVos made billions just to bribe Republicans to get more for her for-profit schools, and she got rewarded with a cabinet post for which she couldn't even understand the qualifications.
And then there are the Koch brothers.
Don't hate wealth, white male in decline. Especially wealth made from one's own talents or the demand there is to hear what they know and have to say. The problem is bribing the system. Republicans take and make many more bribes than the Democrats. But I can understand if math is not your strong suit, uneducated white male.
Gonna dump the old oil down the storm drain after dark.
Why not put it in your or your neighbors' drinking water?
Go let them know what you're up to. Better yet, you should bathe in black crude. It's good for your psoriasis and whatever other creepy skin conditions your hirsutism is concealing.
Oh wait, I said "neighbors" in re: the inveterate asshole FullMoon! My bad!
Like anyone would want to live near that professional jerk-off. The property values are driven down every time his stench wafts into the garage he pulls up into.
Don't they have an insane asylum nearby that he could bunk at, instead? I know S.F. likes its homeless population, but usually they behave and smell better than FullMoon.
His houses should be confiscated through eminent domain and converted into soup kitchens. With the 500 sqft he has, that could hold at least five or six bums at least. Better than the single bum that bunks there now.
Michael Moore by himself weighs more than eight Trump supporters.
When Michael Moore sits around the house he SITS AROUND THE HOUSE!
Cops walk up to Michael Moore and tell him to break it up.
Umm, yeah, Clintons and Obamas real talanted at speechin; and writin'books. Uh huh.
It's called a free market, dummy. What do you have against it?
I mean, I know you're familiar with how little interest anyone has in whatever you say or write - but that is because you're a stupid, arrogant jerk-off. Others are more talented and socially redeeming than you are. When you advertise your resentment against them it's obvious the reason why.
Koch Bros? Say, they employ thousands of blue collar workers of all colors, right, but you hate them for it.
No. They're professional polluters who bribe the gov't and tried to re-segregate NC schools. Talk about school CHOICE! You didn't even know that, you professional pud puller.
Just go hang out in the dirty movie cinemas on whatever street best caters to your obviously quite limited social skills.
Until you assholes decided that was not nice.
Right. Me. I'm not living in S.F. or even California but I guess it's a real mystery why your neighbors and nearby residents don't take a thing you say seriously - let alone allow themselves to be convinced/persuaded by whatever the fuck FOX News propaganda you keep banging on about. I guess you just couldn't convince them of your impeccable logic and social acumen. Unbelievable. How wrong that no one you live near takes your bull shit seriously or finds it convincing.
Even you cannot be so stupid as to believe hundreds of thousands for a speech, or tens of millions for book advance is anything other than bribery or money laundering.
Maybe for the Clintons but perhaps it escaped your astute notice that no relation of Obama's is headed anywhere near politics anytime soon or even in the future. Nope. They just like his speeches as they liked his best-selling book. Again, these are skills that you lack, so you resent them for it. No one ever paid anything for a single insight or piece of advice you had - EVER. Nor will they ever do so. So keep complaining about people whose insights command the market value that you lack and can't come anywhere near.
You must be a real hoot at parties. Sitting in the corner, getting drunk on punch and bitching about the entire ethos surrounding you, all those people, and why they just can't go along with the FOX News Sexual Harassment Project Propaganda. You have all the redeeming value of a pubic louse.
Yeah, uh, actually, the geeks and techies and medical entrepreneurs doing quite a bit to help me out with my property values.
I just watch 'em drive the values up and smile and laugh.
Right. And they're the ones you hate. The ones you can't convince or persuade to dumb-down their politics with whatever bullshit FOX and Limblown preach to you. You're just the parasite who latched onto the dog that ended up winning at Westminster. No better than a ghetto dweller who got swept up in a gentrification effort.
Of course, you will never be able to afford to live here SAD
Most people can't comfortably afford to live there, and neither can you. As I said, and as you admitted - dumbass - that you just bought way before the market surpassed by several orders of magnitude your own purchasing power - decades ago. To claim that luck as some kind of a skill is about as dumb as calling an otter in a river being prospected for gold skillful. You should count your blessings instead of advertising how stupid you are and undeserving of them online - to the world.
There's FullMoonie - just admitted that he has to rely on his talented, liberal neighbors to provide him with any net worth whatsoever, and he can't seem to understand why he didn't win the argument on how he thinks his politics make him superior. He can't even respond!
Stupidity in action, folks. It's like watching a downs syndrome individual not understanding how his superior intellect wasn't what won him the winning lottery ticket.
Like I said - he's a parasite. At least the lottery winner is part of the state's revenue stream when he bought the ticket. FullMoon's just a property value parasite.
Trump Brilliant
MAGA Shine On
I've heard that if you write such slogans in a place where a lefty will read them before they realize what the words are, they go blind from clawing at their eyes to erase the majestic vision.
It's Ann Althouse's Anger Management Clinic.
Maybe Michael Moore would be willing.
Can't even buy ,or honestly, afford to rent, in the most beautiful city/area in the country.
Everyone there thinks you're a cunt. If they didn't, then go spew your bullshit to them. Obviously you do it pseudonymously online instead for a reason.
By all means, revel in your parasitism. Just admit that you're a parasite. You smile at the advantage you take of your neighbor's increasing wealth, and know that you contributed nothing to it.
Hurts, don't it?
Hey - I've got no issues with my own life. You're the one who feels so resentful of your neighbors that you have to go online to bitch about their values in life.
Like I said, go knock on their doors, and harangue them for a change. I've got no problem with them. You're the one who's so pissed off that they won't invite your boring, bitchy, cuckholded ass to their parties. You know they look down on you. That's obviously why you feel you have to come here and tell everyone how awesome you think you are.
Nah, I got a million friends. Invites to all the baptisms, graduations, birthdays.
That FullMoon, he a little crazy, but he OK.
And stupid. And useless.
They're just better neighbors than you. Better people.
But you know that's a part of the bargain: You open your mouth, and the stupid turd hit the punch bowl that you can't stop drinking from.
They don't think you're ok. They just tolerating you and pretending that you're a slightly less useless person than you are. It's a pleasant lie they tell themselves because they're otherwise better insulated from the likes of assholes like you.
Nah, I got a million friends.
Eh - I hate to break the news to you. They're actually not your friends.
Go show them what you write. Attach your IRL name to it; address, too!
Phoenix - a place too hot for the planes to take-off from.
You can take it. Good party schools, I hear. Or at least somewhere nearby in that state. Drunk kids with questionable futures who actually might look up to you for a change. Which is something you seem to sorely need.
No kids, right?
You underappreciated, underpaid, undervalued, but lack the courage to make a move.
Remind me again why you think I'm supposed to move there? Because that's the only way you were able to make any money so you assume anyone who doesn't, should?
Why does your income not align with your property value? You don't seem to understand the meaning of "under appreciated, underpaid," if you don't.
The low value others place on you is exactly where it should be.
No need to harangue my neighbors, they all good people -
No. You hate the things they value in life. You must be too drunk tonight to remember.
Go show them what you're writing. Then ask them if they can recommend a good AA sponsor.
You two should get a room.
I'm the one laughing and leading you by the nose.
I don't doubt that you're laughing; you're obviously drunk.
If you're the one who's leading then where are you going? You don't even know.
AGW has nothing to do with this thread. It's not even an issue in SF - I already told you that. When you were sober briefly you deleted about 20 AGW-related nonsense comments from the last thread you went psychotic on.
I have a feeling Althouse will start deleting the majority of your comments on this thread.
"Easily the best President since Reagan. He is my Leader, Toothless. He leads me."
Hmmm...that's like saying Jim Jones is the best murderous cult leader since Charles Manson, (true enough, given that Jones caused the deaths of many more people).
It seems to me that any American citizen claiming the President is his "leader," and boasting that said President "leads me," has confused his place as a sovereign citizen and the President's as a public servant presumptively working for us, and instead sees himself as but a lowly vassal, fit only to abase himself to a power-hungry mediocrity who has temporarily attained the Presidency.
He's quoting profiles now. As if they can't be read.
Pretty drunk. And perhaps as walter said, infatuated.
Nope, no hate for anything or anyone.
Drunk and masturbating to other commenters is no way to go through life.
Being drunk and masturbating is better than being strung on meth and fucking your step-sister.
Unless your step-sister is really hot.
I am Laslo.
Then why continue? Leave the comments to us more serious people.
I'm just responding to the idiotic things you say. Nothing you said was serious. It was just a bunch of jerking off to your housing situation and getting your drunk fixation on with me. I made the mistake of assuming you were actually trying to make a point.
Find me a thread in we both comment where you didn't obsessively stalk me. It started today at 4:51 PM. No one said anything to or even mentioned your drunk ass prior to that.
Too true, Laslo.
But then, no one knows how low "FullMoon" will stoop. Not even him.
Ah! The revelation. You the last to realize I'm just playing you like the ignorant fish you are.
Plain and simple, you educated, vociferous, literate and stupid.
I tell you every single time I am trolling you and yet, you persist. SAD!
Watch now, you cannot resist replying, again.
So nothing you said can be taken seriously, yet you feel a need to intrude on others' conversations. Noting and reiterating this admission of yours - as to how useless you are to this or any conversation - is not "being played." It's more widely exposing your purpose to be a bad one.
COMMENTS ARE MODERATED some but not all of the time. This is for the purpose of excluding/removing a small handful of commenters who, I believe, intend to ruin this forum. They already know who they are. For everyone else, try to be responsive to the post, don't make personal attacks on other commenters...
If you can't abide by some simple basic rules of decency, it's time to go off and make your own blog. True, you might not get people to "troll" there, as your purpose has to be a semi-honest attempt or it won't get visitors/commenters. But to admit you can't do anything here but parasitize - the way you parasitize the Silicon Valley housing market - doesn't win you anything. It exposes you as a loser.
Some un predicted rain in Santa Cruz today. Over a hundred degrees yesterday.
What the heck is going on> Is it Climate Change?
More parasitizing of the science/policy discussion.
Not enough of one, Will Brown - at least if I'm allowing myself to think that FullMoon has any valuable interest to add to any discussion about anything.
Thanks for reminding me of how not to waste my time. I appreciate the redirection. Enjoy the day!
You not conversing with anyone but poorly educated me, genius.
I am the only one finding you amusing now, everybody else gone.
Now, grit your teeth real hard, use all your vaunted intelligence and expensive education, together with your imagined street smarts, and try not to respond.
Nope. You just hijacked the thread, is all. And admitted it.
You can't tell other people what or how to respond. This pisses you off, but it's your problem. You can't control discussions at all; you don't have that right. No one does.
Just because you're stupid and resentful about the issue that animates you most - AGW - (probably because your neighbors and betters out in the bay are pretty interested in it) - doesn't mean you can control conversation on that issue here, either. Even when it's not the topic of the thread.
You're not winning anything. The attention you think you getting is actually making you look like even more of a cunt than intended.
I'm not bothered at all by any of this. You might want to get a hobby, though.
Tell your wife that your pro-AGW crusade in the one corner of your life where you think you had a chance of being disruptive enough to control through the means you lack everywhere else - trolling - has failed. Maybe she should pay for a shrink for you. Although you probably out-earn even her, which is sad for both of you. Your only recourse to some good therapy would be to sell of that property. Maybe rent out a room of it. It would be interesting, like in the Silicon Valley sitcom.
You're not fooling anyone. Time to pack it up. So you didn't get an education and don't know how to do anything in life but be disruptive and annoying. So what? Who cares? That's your problem, not mine.
Racist AND sizist? For shame, John Legend, for shame!
So you didn't get an education and don't know how to do anything in life but be disruptive and annoying.
One man's disruptive and annoying is another man's laughing and enjoying.
Sorry balls, your boilerplate tirade against Trump is what you would say about any (R).
Hillary is a fucking liar and she used a private server to make herself rich. You immoral leftists call that the free market. No - it's illegal and she should be in jail.
Hey balls, Hillary is setting up her own media bubble. An alternative false universe where she is squeaky clean and virginal.
Go forth and worship like a good little leftist tool.
I look forward to seeing Michael Moore playing a Trump supporter.
Heh. We all know democrats who support corrupt liar money whore Hillary are all svelte and sexy... all of the mind numb sheep in hollywood anyway. Very sexy.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Umm, yeah, Clintons and Obamas real talanted at speechin; and writin'books. Uh huh.
It's called a free market, dummy. What do you have against it?
Only a fucking idiot would call what Clinton Clinton and obama did free market.
Actually being stupid wouldn't be enough. You are particularly unhinged lately. My guess is you realize how wrong you have been.
Hum, is the Hispanic totally of Spanish ancestry, or one that has both Indian and Spanish ancestry? If totally Spanish then it would be two white women kissing each other. Just what does "Hispanic" really mean?
Type-casting! Getcha type-casts heah!
"Easily the best President since Reagan. He is my Leader, Toothless. He leads me."
Ohhhh hahahahahaha!
Some un predicted rain in Santa Cruz today. Over a hundred degrees yesterday.
What the heck is going on> Is it Climate Change?
Why yes -- it's the waistband wasteland Trump supporting breeders driving their SUVs to churches on Sundays and to Wal-Mart afterwards who are to blame.
Ritmo' into a HST Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas level drug frenzy.
I see the meds wore off at 8:07 last night.
"One look at you and I can tell you are the type who pre-judges people!"
Amazing. Never quite seen the likes of this, TTR/Ritmo destroying an entire thread by their frantic, non-stop, postings of, essentially, nonsense.
I could not believe I got sucked in again. Embarrassing. He/she posts something stooopid. Natural inclination is to respond. Once that occurs, it's over.
I'm looking for Hillary lovers to do my own documentary. I took out an ad in VARIETY: "Looking for ugly, stupid-looking women. . . ."
Cleanup on aisle TTR!.... Dude its even more unhinged and abusive than usual today!
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