These jeans sent a different message [than the black sweater she wore at the sentencing], one surely received by the paparazzi staked outside her door that morning. With a smattering of yellow and orange flowers and leaves from hip to heel, the jeans said: bright and cheery. They said, Let’s roll around in a meadow covered with wildflowers in our hair like hippie children from the 1960s singing “Let the Sunshine In.”... They’re a walking celebration. An explosion of animated joy.What's up with the adjective "divorce" in "Divorce Jeans"? The occasion is that the sentencing is over. Abedin and Weiner are not yet divorced. The article refers to him as "her soon-to-be-ex-husband." And I don't think he's gone to prison yet.
But we get the idea: "Divorce" works as an adjective in front of the names of things — e.g., "divorce hair" — a woman adopts to express that she has cut herself off from her old married life and feels just great about all the freedom flooding into he life.
In other contexts, it might be bad to celebrate your freedom when your mate is going to prison, losing his freedom. But Weiner's crime required Abedin to show no empathy.
८७ टिप्पण्या:
So she's gonna be one of those D-I-V-O-R-C-E women, like Tammy Wynette. Interesting.
Who the fuck cares about this Saudi Muslim Brotherhood flack (Look it up)? Outside of her access to that fat fucking evil crone for whatever evil purposes she and her squalid life means nothing.
Weiner crime was that because of him, Queen Hillary Clinton is not in the WH and his wife, Huma, is not a deputy Chief of Staff or some odd position with Robin Giyhan of Post or Vannesa Friedman of NYT going oolala all the time. Everyone was supposed to be happy and jump all day, now they are crying. Weiner is at fault.
Katy Perry opted for a supershort platinum blond cut after her breakup with Orlando Bloom.
I thought she divorced Russell Brand?
But Amal Clooney was spotted wearing them, and she's not getting divorced yet, is she?
Does anybody else wonder what Hillary really thinks of men at this point? If Bill and Carlos aren't enough, there's Podesta's leaked DNC email asking if anyone else has noticed the foul odor from Hillary lately - "a combination of boiled cabbage, urine, and farts". And her son in law, who just blew up his hedge fund with a giant bet on the direction of Greek bonds. Men, at least the kind she runs with, must seem like scoundrels and the real reason we can't have nice things.
I think the men of America narrowly dodged a bullet!
Yep, those are husband-going-to-prison yippee jeans.
Mary Perry is passed around like some biker gang ole lady.
How could they confuse Orlando Bloom for Russell Brand?
"Well, let me put it this way..."
Katy Perry. Sheesh.
"I thought she divorced Russell Brand?"
Yes, but she broke up with Orlando Bloom.
She changed her hair after Brand too.
I want to care about this. But I just can't.
I winder when the burkha will come out ?
a woman adopts to express that she has cut herself off from her old married life and feels just great about all the freedom flooding into he life.
I always think it's that they realize they need to start putting some effort into attracting new men.
They are not Divorce Jeans unless they are worn with Fuck-Me Heels.
I am Laslo.
If I never hear of Abedin and Weiner again, it will be too soon.
You know, Abedin's husband is such a pervert, and her mentor is such a sorry excuse for a human being, that she could be photographed bottomless and I don't think I'd be bothered to click on it.
My word was dungarees. Kudos for Hayley at NYT for looking that one up...
The Who cares? crowd is right though it makes me question why she remains. Lefties abandon the powerless quicker than the Dothraki yet Abedin remains. Hmmmm....
Not "divorce" jeans, they're "I had to marry this weird and obnoxious but obviously Jewish guy as a beard so that people would not stop focusing (or focus a little less) on the intolerant Islamic beliefs of my close family and their connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, and by withholding wifely duties induced the idiot who had no chance of getting laid in NYC of doing online crap that is now getting him sent to jail and allowing me to divorce him after the beard served his purpose, but because of his idiocy and dic pics I now don't get to be the chief aid and confidante to the most powerful person in the world and so I am feeling a little ambivalent, sad and lost and what the hell am I supposed to do next?" jeans.
1. Times article = codswallop.
2. Times overall = balderdash.
3. Times writer = precious and foolish.
4. Newspaper of record? Fiddlesticks.
" In other contexts, it might be bad to celebrate your freedom when your mate is going to prison, losing his prison."
losing his freedom?
Ugh. So glad she's not in the White House.
Divorce CNN.
I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair and send him on his way.
Zero sympathies for Abedin. Zero. It came out in court that she was aware of Weiner's perversions in 2009, before they got married. Like Hillary, she was fine with it as long as it did not become public.
Now they are Resist Jeans.
To complete the circle, when Weiner is out of prison he is going to buy a red Corvette.
I am Laslo.
Abedin is a traitor.
I think she has the money in that setup.
Not much point in divorcing him if she has to not only pay the lawyers but pay him off too.
I get the vague sense that all of this might signify something.,....Maybe future generations willl look upon Anthony Weiner as the Oscar Wilde of his generation. Perhaps he's a messenger from the future where sexting will be considered a harmless form of flirtation......In any event, you will hear less and less about Anthony and Huma. Theirs is not a romance that makes Democrats look good. By way of contrast, if any Republican of similar stature had such a scandal, it would be a plot line in Veep, Will & Grace, and farcical movies for years to come.
The jeans don't match the neck.
Nitpick: "divorce jeans" is a compound noun, sort of like 'ice cream' or 'life insurance'. Technical term is tatpuruṣa.
America's Politico said
There's someone who you'd think would have slunk away in shame.
Hey, AP, how's your Hillary POTUS 45 now? All you K-Street parasites doing OK? Go choke on a canape.
"They are not Divorce Jeans unless they are worn with Fuck-Me Heels."
Don't you mean fuck-me-pumps?
I couldn't get past the NYT paywall to see this. Darn the luck.
That was never a real thing Greg.
Sometimes a pair of jeans is just a pair of jeans.
She is definitely one hot Muslim.
I wonder if that horse camp ended up helping Weiner out with the judge at sentencing.
To Greg Hlatky said...
There's someone who you'd think would have slunk away in shame.
Hey, AP, how's your Hillary POTUS 45 now? All you K-Street parasites doing OK? Go choke on a canapé.
Mr. Greg, my consulting business has grown 125% since the election. I am doing OK, super OK. Better than many people like you. Don't worry, 2020 is round the corner. And, you guys (and only guys like you) will be saying: POTUS Warren or POTUS Harris.
Here is what Trump has done good for USA: Yes, he has made USA great again: How:
- More women are running for offices. Once a woman becomes POTUS (2020), then it will cold dark day when another white guy becomes POTUS. Your days are over.
- More minorities and immigrants will vote in 2020, more than 50% growth on election day.
- If Trump panics and does not run (very likely, 80%), Pence is going to lose ALL 50 States, including his home state, Indiana and all red states, like Texas.
Bonus points: The House and Senate go to Dems. Say hello to Speaker Pelosi one more time.
There is a possibility that leaders of WH, Senate, and House will all be women in 2020!
Game over, guy!
Yes..we can hope for continued prescience of Dem prognosticators.
"But Weiner's crime required Abedin to show no empathy."
Bill Clinton's crimes required Hillary to run for POTUS a couple of times.
Nevertheless, when applied to normal people, that's an interesting observation, Althouse.
“Nitpick: "divorce jeans" is a compound noun, sort of like 'ice cream' or 'life insurance'. Technical term is tatpuruṣa”
This is a grammar topic I researched and wrote about recently. It’s a noun used as an adjective, which is done freely in English all the time. I don’t think it’s best to call that a compound noun, but I’m open to argument. The dictionary won’t list “divorce” as an adjective, but it won’t list “divorce jeans” or any of the many phrases you could come up with using this idea, like divorce vacation, divorce party, divorce tattoo, divorce eyelash extensions.
If you were diagramming the sentence, you’d put divorce under jeans, not alongside it. I assune with ice cream, you would treat it as if it were written icecream.
Fools and their money. Who would give any to an always-wrong-never-in-doubt fool and drone like America's Politico?
Wouldn't 'Divorce Jeans' have a split in the crotch?
America's Politico is performance art, guys. Hell-o?
The I'm still sexy jeans to show her curved hips and long slinky legs are today's proper mourning outfit. Now if she could just get him
Out of jail so the schmuck will
keep the kid every other weekend, love will blossom again.
Remember: whatever women do is empowering.
Wearin' jeans? Empowering! Brave.
"Divorce jeans", like "ice cream", is correct. When the noun is used as an adverb, modifying an adjective, then a hyphen is correct. "Ice-cream divorce jeans", for example, to describe divorce jeans that look like ice cream. But if you mean jeans that create a divorce through ice cream, "ice-cream-divorce jeans" is correct.
Divorce jeans?
Before we married, my wife clued me into the concept of women's "Fuck me boots."
I am doubting that Divorce Jeans is the most common phrase.
Whatever the phrase, she is a woman to stay away from unless you aspire to the tabloids.
"J Lee said...
Wouldn't 'Divorce Jeans' have a split in the crotch?"
Desirable men are expected to show initiative.
Is America's Politico (above) the same guy that predicted Hillary in a walkover right up to election day and hasn't been heard from until today? Is he that guy?
Why, exactly, do people pay so much attention to Abedin? The attention this glorified staffer gets in political circles is baffling enough, but I've never gotten the thing where people try to make her into some kind of fashion icon.
"But Weiner's crime required Abedin to show no empathy."
Not following. Do you mean before, or after?
I think America's Politico and Mick are the same guy.
Abedin's crimes require me to show no empathy. But since she committed them in service of the NYT's heroine, plus she does dress pretty well and looks pretty good, she is celebrated.
Dressing well and looking good doesn't work for Melania though. So it is probably the criminal coverups of Clinton's emoluments operation.
AP makes 100 political predictions, get one (1) correct ....... and then we hear "told you so". Except I can't think of the one he got right.
'tabla rasa jeans' might be an even more accurate description of intent.
Personally, I suspect she can try all the warp speed directional changes she wants, she'll never quite escape her orbit around the Dead Planet.
@Youngblood, "glorified go-fer" is more like it.
Molly said...
4. Newspaper of record? Fiddlesticks.
There is only one valid use of Fiddlesticks...
I'm lately sensing this blog has jumped the shark... The relentless word parsing and faux-analysis has gotten tired. Time for a break.
I just feel bad for her. She gave up everything for access to power, and has seen it all crumble to dust. Maybe she can take something from the experience and become a better person.
I think she must have loved Weiner. Call me naive. Because there is no one in this day and age who would have blamed her for divorcing him the first time screwed up and many who think it was wrong for her to stay with him after that. The days when people in the public eye were expected to stay married ended before I was born.
Flaunting her sexy jeans, while depriving the Weiner of sex, is what caused Poor Anthony'a problem in the first place.
Thanks for letting us know. Imagine our relief upon your return.
Just to remind folks - Convicted sex offender, Anthony Weiner, was a powerful Democrat Congressman, and his hot, frigid, Muslim wife woulda been Chief of Staff in a President Hillary Clinton Administration.
That coulda been your world.
Just sayin'.
Abedin is important because she was going to be the face of the Clinton admin, at least in managing private access to Hilary. You can figure out her role from the Clinton emails. She was the gatekeeper.
I wish our society would stop glamorizing Divorce. While divorce may be the right decision in some cases, it is almost always just a movement from bad to less bad. Divorce doesn't make your life good. The best it can do is make it less bad.
Oh, I wish I an was Ex-Mrs wiener
that is what i truly want to be;
For if I was an Ex-Mrs.wiener
everyone would think the best of me.
Thank You.
The Vault Dweller said...
While divorce may be the right decision in some cases, it is almost always just a movement from bad to less bad. Divorce doesn't make your life good.
I am going to disagree with you on this. If you are in a bad marriage, and you are not the problem, divorce makes your life good, or at least restores it to something approximating what you had before the marriage, which can be good.
Funny thing is that America's Politico is an old regular parody commenter of a Democrat insider operative that has total assurance that Dems will win and GOPs will lose whatever election is coming up. The interesting thing is that he used to be 90% right until The NYC Orange Haired Vulgarian Clown came down the road. Poor Politico has not been right about one damn thing since then.
AReasonableMan - do you ever say anything even slightly humorous or interesting?
You're so fucking boring. I bet you wow them at parties.
But whatever. I'm sure *someone* thinks you're fascinating. Just like someone thinks "Ishtar" is funny.
Keep giving us the party line. If it makes you happy.
"And you can jump on the phone with The Times’s Maggie Haberman and The Washington Post’s Robert Costa — ignoring that you’ve labeled them the “fake media” — and act like you’re in control. You can say that people should have waited for “Phase 2” and “Phase 3” — whatever they would have been — and that Obamacare is going to explode and that the Democrats are going to get the blame. But it doesn’t work that way. You own it now."
Guess Trump was wrong all those times he said Obamacare is his kryptonite, that he can whip it it out and scare all the voters because the Superman Democratic's depend on for their very existence are all quickly dying.
"With a smattering of yellow and orange flowers and leaves from hip to heel, the jeans said: bright and cheery."
$895.00 | SHOPBOP | SOLD OUT
EDH - 12:24 - LOL - Needed +I'm stealing that one.
Hideous Cloony jeans. She must still be on the Clinton Foundation payroll.
Look, I think Huma is beautiful, but I can understand how many people might not think so. Remember, we are all just human, and love is so important! I have known many bad people and most of them would have been so much less bad if only someone had found them beautiful, and had looked them in the eyes and said : you are lovable. I for one do not doubt that there was a day when Huma and Anthony looked in each others eyes and said: you are lovable. When you pray long enough for your enemies (and Huma and Anthony both rejoiced in vicious mockery of people I love, which I guess would make them my enemies if I was the sort of person with "enemies') you understand that this world is difficult. There is no excuse for what Anthony Weiner did - he said so himself - but let us not mock those who are suffering in a way that only those who have never had someone look in their eyes and say, I love you, can understand. Let us all pray that the bad things we have already done are worse than anything we will do in the future. God loves us all. I hope that Huma and Anthony will one day be parents of whom their children can be, with sincere regret for the past but with sincere kindness and repentance in their hearts, going forward - as I was saying, can be proud.
I think America's Politico and Mick are the same guy.
I was thinking A'sP is Titus.
A woman over 40 can save her face or her ass, said C de Neuve. Sounds less vulgar in French.
I'd add upper body & arms to face. Not digging the coathanger look (too much like my youth).
I think Titus is legitimately Titus.
Then again, maybe you are right.
"Weiner's crime required Abedin to show no empathy. "
That line seems minimally addressed thus far..
Was the suicide vest at the cleaners?
Huma, daughter in a staunch Muslim family, underwent female circumcision as a child.
As such, Weiner was never able to bring her to orgasm (yes, this sentence works both ways).
Weiner was denied the ability to bring his wife full pleasure, and his psyche suffered for it.
She was circumcised, but it made him an emotional eunuch.
As such, he was driven to those he perceived as physically innocent: young girls.
Huma and Weiner were both victims.
I am Laslo.
This may be what happens when you trade your morals for 'ethics.'
You can't sit down right, cuz you're jeans are too tight...
That line seems minimally addressed thus far.
So I guess others are supposed to address it for your amusement? Other than it is self-evidently true, what do you have to say about it?
Actually Tim, was honestly wondering about the italics of required. If she's grooming her image via this display, I honestly wonder where she goes from here.
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