August 24, 2017

The problem with Hillary's pause-button fantasy.

As we talked about yesterday here, Hillary Clinton — in her soon-to-be-published memoir — fantasized about the choice she didn't make when she was on stage with Donald Trump at the second debate last October. She wrote:
"It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled. It was one of those moments where you wish you could hit pause and ask everyone watching, well, what would you do? Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren’t repeatedly invading your space? Or do you turn, look him in the eye and say loudly and clearly, ‘back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’...

"I chose option A. I kept my cool, aided by a lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off. I did, however, grip the microphone extra hard, I wonder, though, whether I should have chosen option B. It certainly would have been better TV. Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world." 
I've already said a few things about this, so read the first post, but there's something else. Is Hillary saying — with hindsight — I should have taken option B? I don't know what's in the next paragraph. Perhaps she says my choice of option A really was best, because I would have sounded weird, weak, or crazy if I'd said "back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can’t intimidate me, so back up."

Last night, PBS News hour played the audiobook version of that quote. Listen to how "back up you creep" sounds in Hillary Clinton's voice:

That might get some feminists and fans to cheer, but I think most people would think it's ridiculous to voluntarily join a debate and then object to the proximity of the opponent. I suspect that she's saying: See? I did the right thing. I know how to deal with "difficult men" trying to throw me off.

Does she mention Rick Lazio, who got into her space in that senatorial debate in 2000? Hindsight there says she did the right thing, which was to act as though his approaching her was funny. The feminist spin — man invades woman's space — was applied by commentators after the fact.

So I think Hillary knew how to act and wasn't choosing between options and would never have chosen option B, even if she'd had a pause button to get more time to contemplate the options. Option B is a book-selling gambit invented not because Hillary lost the election and seriously thinks saying "back up you creep" might have produced a better outcome but because it might stir up excitement about a dead-on-arrival book.

But I want to talk about "creep." Why — if you were inventing an imagined line that might have been deployed during the debate — would you come up with "back up you creep"? Why not something more sophisticated? Why use a girlish word like "creep"? It sounds like something a 22-year-old intern might call her boss. Let's go back to 1998. Here are Michael Isikoff and Evan Thomas writing in Newsweek:
Over the phone, the two women are talking about sex and its consequences. Night after night, for months on end, they have talked of little else. One of the women, the younger one, sounds like a neurotic, slightly spoiled Valley Girl...

The older woman, Linda Tripp, is urging the younger woman, Monica Lewinsky, to tell all about her relationship with the man they refer to as "the big he" and "the creep." But Lewinsky is resisting, hoping, somewhat plaintively, that she won't get caught....

For a moment, Lewinsky seems to entertain the idea of threatening to tell all – tell Clinton that she intends to reveal the truth if she is questioned by Jones's lawyers. "Maybe we should just tell the creep," she says. "Maybe we should just say, don't ever talk to me again, I f-----d you over [by telling others about the affair], now you have this information, do whatever you want with it."...

Lewinsky recalls a thank-you note she wrote the president after her family was allowed to watch him tape a radio address. "I sent a note to Nancy [Hernreich, an assistant to the president], a note to Betty [Currie], and a note to the creep... 'Dear Schmucko, thank you... As my little nephew said, 'It was great to meet the principal of the United States'."...
Back to October 2016. Here's video from the NYT put up the day after the debate. The pro-Hillary spin is fascinating — so different experienced today that it was back then, when we felt Trump was down and desperate and Hillary was sailing toward victory:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A book, where she whines about a big mean man. Does this mean Hillary is no longer a corrupt liar?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Poor Hillary. Creepy Bill and Creepy Donny all up in her biznis.

Creepy Bill paved the way for her corruption, and this is the thanks Creepy Bill gets? What about all the creepy men involved in her personal enrichment financial schemes? Are they creeps too?

Rae said...

I know a lot of the well has dried up, but couldn't they scrape up enough money to hire a voice actor? One that doesn't sound like your mother-in-law on Xanax?

glenn said...

If she'd said "Get away from me you creep" to her husband the first time she found out he was rampaging through the typing pool she might be President now. Instead she just admitted she can't stand the heat. Time to stay out of the kitchen.

Laslo Spatula said...

"But I want to talk about "creep."

From Wiki:

"Mission creep is the expansion of a project or mission beyond its original goals, often after initial successes.[1] Mission creep is usually considered undesirable due to the dangerous path of each success breeding more ambitious attempts, stopping only when a final, often catastrophic, failure occurs..."

Hillary's career seems to fit the definition: she got her husband to be Governor, then President, then saw an even bigger plan for herself.

Of course, perhaps she wanted to be President since her Goldwater days, and everything up to that was merely scaffolding.

In that case, she crept up on us over the decades, a horror-movie monster coming up an endless hallway.

And it seems that hallway has no doors, because she keeps moving FORWARD...

I am Laslo.

Michael K said...

The video shows clearly that she initiated the "invasion of the other's space."

After that, they were both walking around the stage. Aside from Gore's attempt at intimidating Bush, I don't think I've seen that in debates.

Mostly they stayed with podiums. This time the podiums are quite small, maybe at her request.

John henry said...

She doesn't need a pause button, she needs an "emergency stop" button.

Like she famously gave to putin. He doesn't seem to be using it. Perhaps he'll give it back.

I know. She called it a reset button but federal law defines it as an "emergency stop"

John Henry

Hagar said...

The most amazing thing about this is that the media play her voicebook rendition of this along with the video that clearly shows her moving to her right in front of Trump, and Trump then retreats and stands beside his lectern.

These people take it for granted we will believe her tale rather than our own "lying eyes"?

rehajm said...

All the queens horses and queens men- all those people from the meticulously designed organizational chart they had to toss in the shredder, all those brilliant minds and this is the best dog ate my homework excuse they're leading with?

What difference at this point does it make? Is Hillary running for office?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Laslo - excellent.
...She crept up on us over the decades, a horror-movie monster coming up an endless hallway.

Podesta, plays the roll of the creepy vampire.

Please, piano in the sky - fall on them!

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Remember her reset button actually said "overcharge"? Imagine if Trump had done that.

Laslo Spatula said...

re: mission creep.

"...stopping only when a final, often catastrophic, failure occurs..."

Hillary's loss was certainly catastrophic, but was it final?

I am Laslo.

Chris N said...

She should carry a podium around for an entire election cycle, you know, as an art project.


The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

Selling Hillary as a feminist icon has always been problematic and more than a little hollow. When your whole career is predicated on being an enabler for a rapist no one is likely to confuse you with Amelia Earhart. No matter how shrilly you bitch

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mockturtle said...

Just pack up your well-worn grievances, Hillary, and go away. PLEASE!

sparrow said...

Hillary never had the basic political skills Bill did. Without his boost we never would have heard of her and without him she never would have had the nomination. She's been charmless from day one.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Remember when she set up a private server while head of the State Dept and used it to hide her personal enrichment schemes? Then deleted 30,000 e-mails and physically destroyed devices and hard-drives after they were subpoenaed, and used bleachbit to destroy the rest.

Imagine if an (R) had done that.

Hagar said...

That video is the biggest problem with her pause button fantasy!

AllenS said...

Oh for Christ sake! Commenter Ignorance is Bliss provided us yesterday with the video of Hillary entering into Trump's personal space. When he was shown in back of Hillary, is was at his lectern.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Without Ross Perot, it would be Bill and Hillary who?

AllenS said...

is = he (typo)

Laslo Spatula said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DarkHelmet said...

Forget the pause button. When I see her I reach for the mute button.

Derek Kite said...

Timely to listen to the commentary about how she is inevitable and he is hopelessly damaged.

I heard this week that he is hopelessly damaged, abandoned, with no support.

This by the very same people who saw their 24 hour coverage lead to his presidency giving 24 hour coverage to a bunch of neo nazis.

Learn nothing and forget nothing.

Laslo Spatula said...

Speaking of Creeps:

Laslo Films Presents "The Creeper Three: The Creeper Menace"

I am Laslo.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She really is losing her touch with the lying.
This one is on video.

Her Media will pimp the lie anyway.

Wince said...

Hillary's voice in that excerpt, devoid of inflection, sounded less like her recounting of a shared experience with the reader and more like a mind control experiment.

tcrosse said...

Flashback to 1972, Nixon's Committee to Re-elect the President, or CREEP.

Professional lady said...

Calling Trump a creep is a way to generate some interest in her whiney book.

Birkel said...

Leftists everywhere:
After President Trump is impeached or Article 25ed (That appellation is from an UnknownInga account.) Hillary Clinton will ride to get coronation on a unicorn.

AllenS said...

Here is the video --


mockturtle said...

Come to think of it, grievances are the only thing Hillary has worn well.

Fernandinande said...

Billary is the most fascinating person in the whole world!

I'm fantasizing about how she would react, and which words she would use to describe her reaction, if two(!) people stood near her, because I'd want to do and say exactly the same thing if two people stood near me.

traditionalguy said...

More Fake News out of the imaginary collection of narratives of of the Masters of Deceit. Clinton stories once ruled the world, but now they seem like stale re-runs of a boring TV series from the 1980s. Bill Clinton could put that all together for a time, but Hillary is a murderous evil presence that the Clinton owned media could not save from a good opponent.

DJT has raised the bar for communication skills. He uses a superior presentation of bias confirmation from the experiences of the past 10 years and links them to the American Jacksonian Tradition of governance by elected representatives of a Christian Nation that values its citizens wishes.

Today's war is between Trump's skills and the CIA/FBI apparatchiks who dominate the Media. May the best man win. And unless the patented assassination by a crazed loner happens soon, Trump will become our next FDR.

Xmas said...

For the love of God and all that is Holy Laslo. This commitment to your character is epic.

Back on topic, whomever thought having Hillary Clinton record an audiobook doesn't understand how the internet works.

I'm expecting a HRC soundboard less than a day after the book is released.

MAJMike said...

The Hildebeast blames everyone but herself.

tcrosse said...

The assumption here is that if Hillary had said that, it would have shut Trump completely down. Au contraire, it's very likely he's been called worse things by better people and would know instantly how to deal with it.

Michael K said...

"She's been charmless from day one."

And incompetent. Everyone seems to have forgotten her clumsy secret health care commission.

The Democrats did learn one thing from her flop. The second time they let the insurance companies write Obamacare.

The theory was to force all those healthy young people to buy inflated price policies. They chickened out on the size of the fines, though.

Henry said...

Could we try out this alternate reality with the Trump-as-a-woman and Hillary-as-a-man actors? Hillary as a man could use the quote as is:

‘back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.'

Unknown said...

Going to agree with the Trumpuppets on Hillary and her book.

No one gives a crap. She fought an awful campaign. Put progessivism into jeopardy with Trump's election. Is going to give the Trumpuppets new Hillary talking points for months just when you don't need them.

Henry said...

John Henry wrote: She doesn't need a pause button, she needs an "emergency stop" button.

She needs a "break glass in case of panic." button.

Or a machine shutdown switch for the whole shop.

Fernandinande said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fernandinande said...

If one person standing near you makes your skin crawl, what would your skin do if two people stood near you? Is the skin trying to crawl away from them? If the two people were on opposite sides of you would your skin try to crawl in two opposite directions and end up under tension but not moving? On the other hand, if your skin liked one of the people but not the other one, your skin might start crawling so fast that it would literally be strolling! Is the science settled?

Maybe PRI's "Science Friday" will address these important questions.

Caligula said...

"She doesn't need a pause button, she needs an "emergency stop" button. "

It's not a "pause" button, it's a "read-modify-re-write" memory modification button. She wants to just re-re-remember it until it comes out "right," the version in which she not only knows she's the hero but everyone else knows it as well.

(And yes, the next anti-Trump gambit is going to be "he's mentally ill, we must invoke the 25th Amendment.")

Jaq said...

All of these people railing about Trump, deny it as they might, werr heartbroken when she lost. Remember that when they talk about "judgment."

Imagine if she was president today! Talk about skin crawling.

Fernandinande said...

If two dogs stood near me I think I'd like to have a "paws" button, just in case the incident became national news for a few months.

Larry J said...

So, she admits being in the presence of strong men makes her uncomfortable. How could she be expected to deal with foreign leaders?

Every day, the press figuratively hooks up a fire engine to a sewer. They spray excrement into the air hoping some of it will stick to Trump. It rarely does. There are days when Trump makes an error. However, there hasn't been a single minute that I've believed it would've been better had Hillary won the election. America didn't just dodge a bullet with that election. We dodged an all-out thermonuclear exchange.

Infinite Monkeys said...

I think it would have been good if she had said something like, "I appreciate that you're drawn to me, I've never been known for having that kind of charisma." I can't imagine her actually saying anything like that, though.

tcrosse said...

Put progessivism into jeopardy with Trump's election.

The Progressive Agenda has been sacrificed on the altar of Hillary's personal sense of entitlement.

William said...

Is this tidbit meant to whet the appetite? This seems kind of boring. Her campaign was a compendium of salacious details, and this is what she offers. Pass........And audiobook is definitely not the way to go. Maybe she could release a cover album of her favorite songs, Duets with Streisand and Katy Perry. With auto tune and proper orchestration,such an album would probably sell well and be of historical interest. Her version of Desolation Row with Joan Baez singing backup would be killer.

Infinite Monkeys said...


People who don't hate Trump are puppets but people who like Hillary are rational thinkers who all came to the same conclusion without any outside influence. They also came up with the same insults independently. Kind of amazing, really.


Mattman26 said...

Seriously, as Rae notes, who on earth thought it was a good idea for her to record her own audiobook?

Couldn't we just drill holes in my head instead?

James K said...

In the videos that I've seen she doesn't seem the least bit troubled, which makes sense because she was the one who walked over to Trump's side of the stage. This is obviously some made-up complaint after the fact that this bitter old hag has glommed onto in order to get some sympathy from the feminists and of course to sell some books. Nonetheless, the book will be on the remainder table in a matter of a month or two.

Hagar said...

What the videos shows is that when Trump was speaking, he moved in front of his lectern so that the focus would be on him and not on the lectern.
When it became Hillary!'s turn, she grabbed the mike and moved in front of him so that the focus would be on her and her opponent would fade into the background.
IOW, Basic TV Debate Tactics 101.

And Trump graciously(?) stepped back a pace and stood beside his lectern and gave her space.

The people re-playing this video for us, but expecting us to believe her spoken fantasy for a soundtrack are indeed demented.


Rusty said...

It's like a slow motion car rollover accident. Just when you think it's come to rest it teeters over a ledge and continue its slow journey to the valley floor. I'm kinda hoping it's a deep valley 'cause this accident is entertaining as hell and can't help but destroy the democrat party even more.
You go girl!

Paddy O said...

"Hindsight there says she did the right thing, which was to act as though his approaching her was funny."

I forgot about the Lazio moment. That really does explain the current issue. That was a winning moment for her in a questionable race. So, she sought to repeat that moment, and I even wonder if she has imported that moment into her memory of Trump's debate.

With the way she shifts responsibility, blames everyone else, lies about even inconsequential matters that can easily be proven otherwise, it seems she's a narcissist, which suggests she's not even being purposeful in lying. It's how she literally sees the world.

James K said...

And Trump graciously(?) stepped back a pace and stood beside his lectern and gave her space.

Also the video image distorts depth and makes him seem closer than he really was. Which also explains why she didn't display any discomfort, and also shows that she's full of s***.

Lucien said...

I particularly enjoy the way the reporter presenting the piece says the debate occurred days after an audiotape surfaced "Of Mr. Trump bragging about groping women" -- as if it is part of our political lore that he was doing that.

I'm not sure the news media should get a free pass on that kind of editorializing. Jost as they should not when they predictably describe President Trump as "lashing out" rather than "responding" to criticism.

Paddy O said...

"who on earth thought it was a good idea for her to record her own audiobook?"

Those on her staff who didn't want to be sent to the cornfield.

Michael K said...

" can't imagine her actually saying anything like that, though."

Me either. It would require a sense of humor and to be comfortable in her own skin.

If she was that, she wouldn't be Hillary who, when greeted with "Good Morning Ma'am" by the secret service, says, "Fuck You !"

mockturtle said...

And I love the way Judy Woodruff chimes in about Trump's propensity for groping.

Sebastian said...

Hitch was wrong: there are still some people left to lie to.

But there can't be many: even the most lying liberal eyes can see can see through her BS.

And then it will dawn on them, if it hasn't already, that, contrary to all fancy poli sic explanations and all the white trash coming out in force for the Donald, she explains Trump.

Trump was hard to swallow, but Hill was a lump too far.

rcocean said...

Lets stop right there.

Why are we talking about "what should Hillary have done?" when the video shows Trump was NOT 'breathing down her neck' and that she walked in front of him?

She invaded HIS Space, not the other way round! The problem is she's short and Trump is tall, so when she stood in front of him - even when he was 3 feet away - he's in the picture.

There's been a pattern for 2 years, where the MSM/Left just makes crap up, pretends its true, and we all go along like it IS true, when its not.

I guess talking about the Legend is more interesting then the truth.

rcocean said...

Go look at the tape, if she'd turned around and said, "Get off my back, creep", almost everyone would have thought she was a crazy bitch having hallucinations.

Bill R said...

"It was incredibly uncomfortable... My skin crawled."

If you can't take the heat Honey, go back to the kitchen.

Bob Boyd said...

Hillary's editor should have told her, there are things you're writing that seem to belong only on Facebook...

Mattman26 said...

Yeah, go make us some of them cookies.

n.n said...

You cannot pause evolutionary processes (e.g. human life). You can, however, abort them.

boycat said...

Hillary still doesn't seem to realize she lost the white women's vote. The people she's counting on to commiserate with and to buy her book didn't vote for her.

Jay Vogt said...

The "Times" video is really interesting: first the narrator, while giving DJT his due as a TV performer, chuckles at the haplessness of his post "Hollywood Access" situation, second at around the 0:30 mark the video is edited in such a way that it appears that DJT slaps HRC in the face twice while the narration characterizes his demeanor as "irresponsible and aggressive".

Pookie Number 2 said...

For better or worse, Trump's name-calling has a ring of authenticity that some people like. I think Hillary is just following her tried-and-failed approach of copying anything that works for other candidates, with no awareness of how that magnifies her reputation for insincerity.

Darrell said...

DarkHelmet said...
Forget the pause button. When I see her I reach for the mute button.

Or fast forward.

FullMoon said...

Wonder if Trump will tweet a link to the video, along with a subtle comment.

Darrell said...

The MVPs of the debates were the doctors that got Hillary's meds right. Sorcery that was.

FullMoon said...

Trump should start showing the vid on one of those giant stadium screens at his ralleys, with best you tube comments scrolling

FullMoon said...

Darrell said...

The MVPs of the debates were the doctors that got Hillary's meds right. Sorcery that was.

8/24/17, 10:15 AM

Looking forward to explanation of horizontal vehicle entry procedures.

Darrell said...

Hillary fans expect whoppers. Do you want to read Joe Isuzu's book where he plays it straight?

rcocean said...

"Hillary still doesn't seem to realize she lost the white women's vote. The people she's counting on to commiserate with and to buy her book didn't vote for her."

The book accomplishes 3 things.

1) It allows the Left-wing publishing industry to reward her with millions of $$$$.
2) It gives her fans - however few - what they want.
3) It gets in the news and allows her a chance to bash Trump.

Ray - SoCal said...

Book accomplishes:
#4 - gets her back on the speaking tour with ability to charge $$$$

boycat said...

It allows the Left-wing publishing industry to reward her with millions of $$$$

But the book will lose money.

Big Mike said...

You know, it's sad when months after the fact Hillary gets it more wrong than what she did at the time. If she'd turned to Trump and ptold him to get off her back, Trump would have said something along the lines of "Hey! I'm standing right next to my podium, so if you don't want me standing behind you, you shouldn't step in front of me." Game, set, match.

Boxty said...

Remember when Putin released his dog at a press conference on Angela Merkel, who is afraid of dogs, to intimidate her? I guess Putin would only need to move his chair next to Hillary to intimidate her.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Ann Althouse said...The feminist spin — man invades woman's space — was applied by commentators after the fact.

That spin was ridiculous then and it's ridiculous now. "Give women equal treatment" and "act as though women's bodies are the most sacred thing imaginable and ensure no woman is ever physically or mentally uncomfortable even for a moment" are two ideas so plainly contradictory that it's only Leftist threats (of being deplored as sexist, etc) that prevent us from laughing at "feminists" who assert both simultaneously.

Back to October 2016. Here's video from the NYT put up the day after the debate. The pro-Hillary spin is fascinating

It is fascinating how low they'll stoop--forced perspective has got to be one of the oldest "special effects" from the time images could first be captured! But hey, there is no "Media," remember?

Semi-related: Creep
Creep - Vega Choir

Susan said...

When Hillary appears I have a strong urge to brandish a crucifix.

Maybe she SHOULD consider the ministry.

Bay Area Guy said...

Think about it.

There was a contested election for the most powerful position on the planet -- the American President. 135 Million people voted. The number of big ticket issues (illegal immigration, Iran-Nuclear deal, Supreme Court appointments) are too numerous to list here.

And, Hillary writes a book, and tees up the following issue for dogspittle media:

Resolved, Trump was too close to me in one of our public debates, and I should have said something, but I didn't

Not exactly an Oxford-worthy issue..............

Howard said...

I bet Bill Clinton knows how to hit that pause button.

Yancey Ward said...

She is simply lying about how she felt. Pretty much anyone with an IQ over 90 realizes this when watching the actual videos. The origin of this lie, however, is pretty obvious to me- it comes from the camera shot where it appears that Trump is looming over her, but that shot is a visual illusion caused by the fact the viewer is seeing it in two dimensions, not three- you lose the depth perception that would inform you that Trump was several feet behind her and behind his own podium.

I am quite sure viewers of the debate felt like Trump was invading her space, or trying to stay in the camera frame with her, but the debate was captured by numerous television cameras from all different angles. No doubt, this illusion that fooled television viewers was picked up on by the Hillary! folks who ran with it in the media afterwards, and in writing her memoir, Hillary! just goes with the lie, because, what are the consequences for lying now?

tcrosse said...

So it's still All About H>er.

Howard said...

Wrong Yancey. Trump deliberately "invaded her space"... and it fucking worked making her look and feel like the hunted, not a hunter. Give the asshole some credit, he is Einstein on stage presence and psychological bullying.

Known Unknown said...

"If she was that, she wouldn't be Hillary who, when greeted with "Good Morning Ma'am" by the secret service, says, "Fuck You !""

Has this ever been proven? I mean, I can accept that she was rude with the 'help', but this seems too convenient for her opponents.

Howard said...

Trump looming in Clinton's space confirmed Hillary is a frail grannie, not a commander in chief.

Michael K said...

"Trump deliberately "invaded her space".

Yes, by standing still while she walked in front of him.

You're trying too hard, Howard.

mockturtle said...

"If she was that, she wouldn't be Hillary who, when greeted with "Good Morning Ma'am" by the secret service, says, "Fuck You !""

Has this ever been proven? I mean, I can accept that she was rude with the 'help', but this seems too convenient for her opponents.

IMO, it would depend upon when and how the SS agent said it. Did he say it with a smirk the morning after the election? Then maybe he had it coming. ;-)

Rabel said...

"who on earth thought it was a good idea for her to record her own audiobook?"

Hillary did. Because she got paid for the reading.

Michael K said...

Has this ever been proven? I mean, I can accept that she was rude with the 'help', but this seems too convenient for her opponents.

Nobody is going to own up to it but I suggest you read, "Unlimited Access."

Or you could ask Billy Dale. He might be willing to tell some stories.

Bilwick said...

Here's a pause-button moment I'd like. Hillary, the one-time Goldwater Republican, actually listens to Reagan's speech at the 1964 GOP convention, especially when Reagan says, "We will have to explain to future generations what we valued more than liberty." And actually getting what Reagan is saying, Hillary starts reading Hayek, Mises and Hazlitt instead of Alinsky and whatever other State-shtuppers molded her later thinking; and she becomes even more pro-freedom than ever, instead of the Queen Cacklepants we know today.

Derve Swanson said...

Lesson to be learned here:
Unless a woman knows how to lose with dignity and respect, she should refrain from running for national office or competing on the big stage, I think.

HRC is setting women's progress back years with her whining, excuses, and inability to accept that when you play the game, sometimes you might lose... Deal with it.

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