REPORTER: Senator McCain said that the alt-right is behind these and he linked that same group to those that perpetrated the attack in Charlottesville.Define your terms — it's a way of slowing down an interlocutor who's letting labels do too much of the work. Trump combines the demand for a definition of one thing that is said with calling attention to what is unsaid: You've got a label for one side but not for the other side.
TRUMP: Well, I don’t know. I can’t tell you. I’m sure Senator McCain must know what he is talking about. When you say the alt-right. Define alt-right to me. You define it. Go ahead. No, define it for me. Come on. Let’s go.
REPORTER: Senator McCain defined them as the same group —
[cross talk]
TRUMP: What about the alt-left that came charging at — Excuse me — What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, the alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt? [cross talk] Let me ask you this: What about the fact that they came charging, that they came charging with clubs in their hands swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do. So, you know, as far as I’m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day.
Perhaps reacting to that demand for definition, the NYT has "Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language" (by Liam Stack).
First up is the definition of "Alt-Right," and I think this definition pushes the word into a much uglier zone than some of the people who have popularized the term deserve:
The “alt-right” is a racist, far-right movement based on an ideology of white nationalism and anti-Semitism. Many news organizations do not use the term, preferring terms like “white nationalism” and “far right.”The NYT cedes the term to Richard B. Spencer, calling him "a leader in the movement," and noting his definition: “identity politics for white people.”
Let's compare what Milo Yiannopoulos writes in his book "Dangerous":
When we published [“An Establishment Conservative’s Guide to the Alt-Right" in March 2016], there had been little commentary, and no trace of an authoritative definition of the emerging alt-right. The media stuck to their usual hysterics that accompany the rise of any popular new right-wing movement.... [I]n its early days, the alt-right included a member base as diverse as disaffected Tea Party supporters and eighteen-year old meme addicts curious about a movement that defied so many taboos....That gives the history of the term and how it's changed over its brief lifespan, but it also verifies the NYT definition as the current definition.
The definition of alt-right has evolved since we penned our guide. White nationalists and Neo-Nazis took over, and people who initially enjoyed the label were being accused of sins they did not commit. This suited the media just fine... In effect, the extremist fringe of the alt-right and the leftist media worked together to define “alt-right” as something narrow and ugly, and entirely different from the broad, culturally libertarian movement Bokhari and I sketched out. This wanton virtue signaling was wholly unjust to young members of the movement who were flirting with dangerous imagery and boundary pushing....
Thanks to the willingness of old-school conservatives to march in lockstep with the mainstream media, the alt-right gradually came to be dominated not by friends of Pepe, but by actual white nationalists....
Let's move on to the NYT definition of "Alt-Left":
Researchers who study extremist groups in the United States say there is no such thing as the “alt-left.” Mark Pitcavage, an analyst at the Anti-Defamation League, said the word had been made up to create a false equivalence between the far right and “anything vaguely left-seeming that they didn’t like.”What's unorganic about the way the term arose? And why is Pitcavage the beginning and the end of the story of this word? Once we have left and right (terminology that goes back to the French Revolution), if you're going to put a prefix in front of one, it — organically! — suggests a corresponding prefix for the other, whether or not the people receiving the label enjoy its application to them.
Some centrist liberals have taken to using this term.
“It did not arise organically, and it refers to no actual group or movement or network,” Mr. Pitcavage said in an email. “It’s just a made-up epithet, similar to certain people calling any news they don’t like ‘fake news.’”
Notice how Trump introduced the word: "What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, the alt-right?" He's not accepting the organic quality of "alt-right," because he's distancing himself from the usage with "as you say." It's almost as though he's saying: Okay, if you're going to say "alt-right," I'm going to say "alt-left." (By the way, as Alt-house, I don't like the creeping pejorative nature of the prefix "alt-." Like I'm a very extreme house.)
The NYT piece proceeds to define "Alt-Light," which I'd never seen before. Is that organic? Is it sugar-free? Does it taste great or have fewer calories?
The “alt-light” comprises members of the far right who once fell under the “alt-right” umbrella but have since split from the group because, by and large, racism and anti-Semitism are not central to its far-right nationalist views, according to Ryan Lenz, the editor of Hatewatch, a publication of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Members of the alt-right mocked these dissidents as “the alt-light.”I see that there's a Wikipedia entry for "Alt-lite" ("also known as the 'alt-light'"). Excerpt:
“The alt-light is the alt-right without the racist overtones, but it is hard to differentiate it sometimes because you’re looking at people who sometimes dance between both camps,” he said.
Individuals associated with the alt-lite include Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec. Many such figures who are now identified with the alt-lite were previously associated with a broader conception of the "alt-right."Hmm. I'm dubious. If you want to distance yourself from alt-right because it's been dragged into an ugly place, why would you want a label that sounds almost the same? I note that Milo doesn't use the term (either spelling) in his book. It has an off-taste to me. I'm going to say: unorganic.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 713 of 713Well, TTR: you refuse to even consider the idea that perhaps your side was trying to kill him and he was trying to escape a mob.
I consider the source. The Trumpists SUCK at "ideas" and follow an inveterate pathological liar, so I take what they put out with the largest of salt grains. Or just avoid it until I see that the other regular American hasn't barfed up and violently choked on the latest platter of steaming right-wing bullshit first. We need taste-testers when it comes to truth in your administration and I'm not up for being the first to be poisoned. This Trump fuckwad is not worth going out on a limb for, at all. Credibility worse than a used-car salesman.
And they have their due process rights, too. If you think these videotaped people caused a death then petition the state of Virginia to file a charge and stop fighting this stupid shit out on the internets. All it's doing is to equivocate between America's enemies and just some regular old activists who, whatever else they did wrong, at least hate the right people.
Now the Nazis and the Confederates killed "hundreds of millions" of Americans? That's off by three orders of magnitude, which is to say: intensely idiotic.
In any case, the woman arrested for putting the noose around the statue in Durham when it was pulled down has been reported to be a Maoist and a big fan of North Korea - both of which killed tens of thousands of Americans in the Korean War, and millions more of their own people. In fact, Mao is one of the very few people in the world (two I think, the other being that other leftie Stalin) who murdered more than Hitler. Not to mention that North Korea was threatening to slaughter millions of Americans just last week! Was the Durham woman in Charlottesville a few days before? I suspect some of her comrades were, and may even include some of the injured.
Any pretense that the left doesn't include people whose political opinions are every bit as contemptible as those of NeoNazis is obviously false. The difference is that Maoists and Ju Che fans seem to be welcome on the left, where Nazis are pariahs on the right.
Nobody is sympathetic to Nazis, but it did seem, in the video, that AntiFa wasn't worried about any trial.
Both sides were looking for violence and found it. The whole thing organized by an occupy guy.
Yeah, oh right. I just noticed that.
Should say "hundreds of thousands" (of Americans).
Still a damn big number but you do what you need to do to whitewash the scale of destruction of America's enemies.
TTR: You didn't answer the question, did you? Is violence against a "Nazi" always justified, no matter what?
And if so, isn't it legitimate for those of us you leftists call Nazi's to wonder, exactly, how far you want to endorse violence?
Right now, Twitter and pages everywhere are filled with "All Trump voters are Nazis! No question!" Given that state of affairs and flat out calls from the left to ban and destroy all Nazis--perhaps you might begin to see why some people are concerned about leftist violence.
Of course, I'm pretty sure you don't care at all if your side says there's 90 million nazis in america--and they should all be beaten to death. This is of course based off of previous threads I've seen you say things in.
Maoist and a big fan of North Korea - both of which killed tens of thousands of Americans in the Korean War...
A foreign war in which we CHOSE to participate. Unlike the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of Americans killed on our own soil by secessionists and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS killed when we had to stop the entire continent of Western civilization from being hacked to pieces by a single-mindedly fucked-up genocidal maniac.
They were chasing him before the crash. There's no way for that mob to show up that quick without chasing him prior to the crash.
Maybe. Or fascists carrying weapons are already prepared to react with violence and are therefore capable of doing so instantaneously.
If so it will come out. Some witnesses to the Michael Brown killing told police the truth even though they were afraid to speak publicly. In circumstances with more than a few witnesses it's very hard for liars to maintain discipline.
just some regular old activists who, whatever else they did wrong, at least hate the right people.
And there it is. But TTR bravely refuses to consider that members of AntiFa attacked peaceful Trump supporters in the past. It's much easier to manage fewer facts if your goal is to never change your mind.
The one who allied with the Japanese who of course, did attack us at our own seaports.
Is violence against a "Nazi" always justified, no matter what?
That's for the law to decide. But you judge and jury types think you're the law just like Trump thinks he's the presidency so what use do you have for a correct, responsible, and simple answer like that?
I am not equally sympathetic to all victims. I'll let you be the one more sympathetic to Nazi "victims" and I'll be more sympathetic to regular old American victims.
That's that.
No one's whitewashing anything except you, TTR. Nazis are evil and stupid: duh! They still have a right to express their evil, stupid ideas without being assaulted, and they are far more likely to go away if you point and laugh instead of assaulting them. Maoists and supporters of North Korea are also evil and stupid, and have the same right to express their evil, stupid ideas, no more, no leass.
We on the right find both groups beneath contempt, while agreeing that neither group should be assaulted except in self-defense. Do you find Maoists and supporters of North Korea as contemptible as Nazis, or don't you? Do you think righties should feel free to punch anyone seen walking down the street wearing (e.g.) a Mao T-shirt? Or are you like so many on the left, endorsing violence as long as it comes from those on your side?
TTR replaces "thousands" with "millions", and when corrected, admits that "thousands" is correct but dubs it an attempt to "whitewash" anyway.
A simple and correct answer? You weaseled, TTR. Is murdering a "Nazi" always, without fail, justified?
Tell you what: When I was in college, I had a swastika banner in my room. I sat and listened to Nazi songs and Nazi philosophy. I hung out with people wearing Nazi and SS uniforms.
I'm sure that means I'm a legitimate victim of violence in your mind.
Would it change your mind any if you knew that I was helping out on the college performance of "Caberet" and I had the Nazi banner because I was responsible for making sure the Swastika was pointed the right way.
I'm pretty sure you still would call me a Nazi though. And you refuse to answer whether or not I should be murdered.
Meanwhile, you support North Korean agitators and Communist extremists and don't have a word to say against them, nor do you care about supporting people who caused millions of Americans hurt, damaged, maimed, or killed fighting commies all over the world.
We are not more sympathetic to either victim s They are both wrong. You can't condemn their violence, that's on you. There was violence on all sides, organized by a previously vocal Obama supporter, and there is one side you can't condemn.
Look where this violence leads It escalates.
No one's "more sympathetic to Nazi victims". I would find it just as bad if some Nazis had come along and beat the crap out of the Maoist statue-toppler, and that's not because I have any sympathy with her disgusting politics. Not wanting to see law-abiding assholes beaten by lawless assholes is a consistent and reasonable middle-of-the-road position that for some reason is now seen as 'right-wing'. Wanting to see law-abiding assholes and morons beaten just for having disgusting political opinions is simply unAmerican - fortunately for you, because it means none of us want to beat you for being such a swine.
They still have a right to express their evil, stupid ideas without being assaulted, and they are far more likely to go away if you point and laugh instead of assaulting them.
Like in Germany ca. 1932?
What they "express" are fighting words, conveyed at the national level writ large. There is no way what they want can come to pass without destroying America and everyone's civil liberties and natural rights. So they know they are provocative of the mob. But being the pussies that they and most kids today are, even they can't pass up the opportunity to portray themselves as victims. It's really the only thing that works anymore nowadays.
Do you find Maoists and supporters of North Korea as contemptible as Nazis, or don't you?
I sure don't. They never went to war against America in a way that killed hundreds of thousands of us on our own soil and after entering a war they declared on us. Nor did they turn the entire world upside-down in a war of conquest. Mao people sure didn't shy away from violent means, but they were less abrupt and disastrous about having to involve the entire civilize world in their goals in a way that was all-encompassing and detracted from all the other non-military ventures we were able to pursue and excel at in the meantime. They were containable and for that I am eminently grateful to them. The Nazis and their allies were not. The secessionists were not.
Go chew on that one. This equivocating horseshit just needs to stop.
How can anybody think the Confederacy was awful but Mao was great and North Korea is worthy of fandom?
tim in vermont said...These white supremacists only serve the interests of the left. They are no force of themselves. They could have been safely dealt with by mockery. That would have been the end of them.
Remember when the ACLU intervened in Skokie and the neo-Nazis got to hold their march? The good people of Skokie decided their best option was to ignore the entire proceedings and the Nazis marched down virtually empty streets. It was far more effective than anything proactive or reactive they might have done.
You go, Qwinn! Launch that War on Typos and Miswritten Comments pronto! You will soon get people to understand that the letter "Q" is NEVER followed by a "W", but always by a "U."
The idea that a Trump apologist would go jihadicidal over misstated comments is overwhelmingly laughable. Tell us again about Frederick Douglass. Or about how the founder of the country was as destructive to America as the secessionists.
Meanwhile, you support North Korean agitators and Communist extremists..
I don't support them I'm just not more sympathetic to Nazis than to them.
The rest of your personal anecdotes, Vance, seem as distracting and off-point as always.
So TTR comes out saying Mao was great and General Lee was worse than Hitler, or at least as bad as.
He praises North Korea. Wow.
What about Che Guevara, TTR? Another liberal hero who loved gunning people down. He's the bees knees, no doubt. Come on, tell us all how great the pantheon of Leftist murderers are. Pol Pot? Castro? Chavez? Nicole Ceauckaesea? Stalin, Lenin, Beria... all better than a Republican, right?
Let that Hammer and Sickle fly, TTR!
Like in Germany ca. 1932?
The people who applied the tactics of Hitler's Brown Shierts, ca. 1932, were -- as ARM assures us the "heed people of Charlottesville."
The mistake wasn't what I was calling out, TTR. The fact that you attempted to portray people correcting your mistake as attempting to "whitewash" is what I was calling out as the mark of a truly loathsome asshole.
Don't you wish we could put Antifa and the KKK/neo-Nazi crowd in Thunderdome?
That's not what I said, Vance. But go be a pathological liar - just like your president is.
What a great job he's doing with race-relations and Union preservation. Awesome job. Can't even keep a CEO on his CEO Advisory Council
This guy could get flies to flee a pile of shit. He really is that toxic. And so are the people he defends.
Oh Qwinn. You're so quewewt.
Ok. Vance didn't whitewash the scale of destruction of America's enemies. He just apparently thought we should be more concerned about the democidal retards in countries that could be contained from destroying us.
Do you feel better now?
It's what you meant, TTR. I mean, if you actually opposed the violence of leftists, you wouldn't be in this thread trying to say that only "Nazis" and "White nationalists" are bad and defending Antifa and saying North Korea and Mao isn't as bad as General Lee and the South.
I mean, really? Say what you want about the South, and you leftists do, but saying that North Korea is a better place than the Confederacy is lunacy. Slavery still exists in NK. And the South had plenty of good to go along with the evil of slavery. There's nothing in NK that's good that I'm aware of.
Since you consider North Korea a better place than, say, Biloxi Mississippi circa 1862, it follows that you think the Soviet Union with Beria and Stalin in control must have been paradise.
Maybe I'm wrong and you don't actually want to live in Stalin's Russia. So why do you support the left, which is agitating to do exactly that? I know people, right now, who are terrified for their lives in San Francisco because of what will happen to them if word gets out they voted for Trump. They have to lie all day long for fear of their lives from you and yours, TTR. Because antifa has apparently sworn to firebomb trump supporters in that city.
How pleasant that you support such politics.
Did he hit anyone in the process of slamming into the stopped car, or was it all after he went into reverse?
exhelodrvr1: I believe what happened was the deceased woman was preventing the car that he hit from moving forward. In short, she was between two cars, and when he hit the second car it shoved it into her, killing her.
What about Che Guevara, TTR? Another liberal hero who loved gunning people down. He's the bees knees, no doubt. Come on, tell us all how great the pantheon of Leftist murderers are. Pol Pot? Castro? Chavez? Nicole Ceauckaesea? Stalin, Lenin, Beria... all better than a Republican, right?
You are incredibly kind to these jackasses who always, without fail, misrepresent what you say. I'm not even sure if they know they misrepresent what gets said.
Go back and look under you bed, Brookzene. Surely David Duke is there this time.
Whenever there are this many comments on an Althouse thread, you can bet the farm it's over-run with lefty's sowing their seeds, planting them with sledge hammers, demanding they grow.
Vance said...Right now, Twitter and pages everywhere are filled with "All Trump voters are Nazis! No question!" Given that state of affairs and flat out calls from the left to ban and destroy all Nazis--perhaps you might begin to see why some people are concerned about leftist violence.
I heard Terry McAuliffe in a podcast interview. He stopped just short of calling for a ban on white supremacist groups and "hate speech." He also claimed the Unite the Right demonstrators were from out of town ("They descended on our beautiful city..."), wore body armor, carried semi-automatic weapons, some concealed, and had hidden caches of weapons around the city (the police refute this saying they found no hidden weapons). He remarked again and again how amazing it was that no property damage occurred (he seemed to be crediting the police for this, a rebuttal to criticism about the lack of police action). He claimed to have restored more civil rights to Virginians than just about any governor anywhere evah. And when he spoke to President Trump, he delivered a lecture about how things have to change in this county.
Can anyone tell me if Fields' Second Degree Murder charge was based on things he said after he was arrested or if the DA brought the charge based on what he (she/they/ze) thinks happened?
Go back and look under you bed, Brookzene. Surely David Duke is there this time.
I have no idea what you are babbling about. Care to enlighten me or do you just want to keep repeating this nonsense?
It's ok Brookzene. It just shows how desperate and ignorant they are.
I'm laughing at you.
Well, Vance, Mississippi has the virtue of being in a place called America. North Korea does not. So I sort of care about what happens in Mississippi in a way that I don't about what happens in North Korea.
Perhaps if you were an American, instead of a North Korean, you might understand this.
Remember "Fuck Steve Scalise"?
Some post Scalise shooting unity..
I'm laughing at you.
Oh. How, uh, dreadful.
I like to laugh at Toothless, too. ARM I merely feel contempt for.
TTR doesn't care about what happens in North Korea, even though one of the things happening in North Korea just last week was a plausible threat to launch a nuclear missile or two that would kill more Americans than Robert E. Lee and Hitler managed to kill between them, with four years each to do the killing. The argument that supporting Mao and North Korea is less offensive than supporting Robert E. Lee or Hitler is completely sophistical, in fact extraordinarily stupid, dishonest, and downright evil.
I like to laugh at Toothless, too. ARM I merely feel contempt for.
Well, thanks for the information about what you like to do. That was interesting. Bye now.
A long, drawn-out trial would do wonders for media ratings. There seems a chance he could be acquitted elsewhere but not in Charlottesville. They appear to be racist to the core.
Any town that gets pushed around by a Clintonista like McAuffle is not exactly impartial.
TTR doesn't care about what happens in North Korea
Not as much as I care about what happens in America. But that is because I am an American.
What a shame that you don't know what country you're from. But I suppose we should take you as seriously as any true patriot.
Where are you from anyway, then? Dubai?
Van der Lubbe's council should move to get the venue moved based on media manipulation of evidence.
Sorry, Weevil - I thought you were Vance again, what with that interventionist North Korea shit.
"Counsel" not council. I know from experience that you attorneys are sensitive to words.
Someone who cares what happens in America doesn't care what happens in North Korea even when what's happening in North Korea right now threatens to incinerate millions of Americans in a nuclear fireball? Got it, TTR: you're an asshole.
(Did I look like I was answering an argument addressed to someone else? When I read "Well, Vance, Mississippi has the virtue of being in a place called America", I thought it was about some small town in Mississippi I'd never heard of and wondered what that had to with anything.)
You're hilarious.
I saw that on Brietbart. I'm not sure how you stumbled on it.
Why don't you tell us that good black folks like the gal in Texas and Diamond and Silk loved the Roger Taney statue that was removed at night in Baltimore? Those are the good blacks, the ones who don't want to remove Roger Taney statues. I'm sure your husband also loved statues of Roger Taney. To avoid erasing history, the good blacks know that we must have statues that honor Roger Taney.'re an asshole
Given your support for Trump, I have no choice but to consider this a compliment.
Presumably this gal in Texas and your husband would have been some of the very fine people who would have joined in w/ the torch KKK folks in Charlottesville.
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...
Funny the mother of the victim and most of america thinks it was appropriate to denounce ALL of the violence including you leftist shitheads.
Trump made a veritable Rodney King out of her.
Maybe she is glad Trump is being honest and decent and not waving her bloody shirt around with a bunch of jackals trying to seize political power.
Bannon unplugged.
"Bannon explained that his strategy is to battle the trade doves inside the administration while building an outside coalition of trade hawks that includes left as well as right. "
“The Democrats,” he said, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
Blogger The Toothless Revolutionary said...'re an asshole
"Given your support for Trump, I have no choice but to consider this a compliment."
Actually in your current state asshole is far too kind. You are waving a bloody shirt around calling everyone who disagrees with you and opposes you politically a nazi.
It is gross.
@ARM: So we're back to Bannon as the "real" President. I'm relieved. I thought for a moment that The Mooch would scare him into leaving.
Big Mike said...
ARM I merely feel contempt for.
He's still angry with me for pointing out that Albemarle Regional Jail is in Albermarle county rather than Charlottesville. It's a subtle point, I know, and he was close, but no cigar.
It is gross.
TTR is racist to boot. Several years ago, I called him out for applauding the "browning" of American. Of course she denied it, and I don't have a link. So it's "he said, she said."
PB, my former husband [not the man I was married to for 40 years] was black and was from Texas, yes. He was born and raised in a small town and his father was career military. He was also apolitical, preferring fishing and horses to politics. He died of kidney failure.
The article in question I read at CBS DFW [Dallas-Fort Worth].
@ARM, it sits in one of the zip codes that cover Charlottesville. You are a spherical asshole, because no matter which direction one looks at you, you are still a perfect asshole.
Oh noes mock..
Jelly's sphincter clench might completely envelope/obliterate the poor sod.
" AReasonableMan said...
Bannon unplugged.
"Bannon explained that his strategy is to battle the trade doves inside the administration while building an outside coalition of trade hawks that includes left as well as right. "
“The Democrats,” he said, “the longer they talk about identity politics, I got ’em. I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats.”
Ah..falling in line with that realllly forwards your agenda.
So run..fucking run with that. All the way to 2020.
Big Mike said...
it sits in one of the zip codes that cover Charlottesville.
But not actually in Charlottesville. The denial is strong in this one. Just imagine the difficulty he is going to have accepting the fact that Trump's presidency is a dumpster fire.
This is a national moment of crisis.
It's nothing of the sort. It's an entire country of easily distracted and manipulated children being whipped into a frenzy about something that should have been a big nothingburger, but wasn't because people just can't fucking stay away from the drama, the virtue-signaling, the pointless pious moral masturbation, the self-righteousness.
What if that collection of morons and losers had showed up....and everyone ignored them? They could wave their stupid flags and go home. No harm, no foul. But no. We have to have all those self-important twits show up at the university on Friday night to shout slogans, as though that ever saved one person of color one moment of actual pain or grief. They gave those torch-bearing simpletons the audience and the fight they wanted. Well done, stupid easily manipulated idiots.
Then Saturday, again, we have to have that ridiculous embarrassing display of well-meaning ninnies once again shouting pointless slogans. Which accomplished what, again? And then things get really fun when the antifa, always spoiling for a fight ~~ which is the only actual thing they care about; the well-meaning kum-ba-yah singers like their entertainment as the warm glow of being a do-gooder, but the antifa want the thrill of a street fight ~~ take the opportunity to spice things up with some of the old ultra-violence*. And that poor clueless kid got caught up in something that should have been way beyond her purview, and now she's dead and her family and friends will mourn her forever, and for what? So a bunch of under-stimulated dumbasses could have their fight club, and so that people like you and social-media slacktivists can make it into some kind of National Crisis Of Epic Proportions.
I'm so fucking sick of the whole goddamn thing.
(in case you are poorly read, sunsong, that is a reference from A Clockwork Orange)
It worthwhile looking at the first few minutes of this documentary on Charlottesville covering the illegal march on Friday to understand why this was such a disaster for Trump. Middle class people don't want this shit in their town.
"We'll fucking kill these people if we have to."
Glanced up at the thread and saw multiple people throwing insults: asshole, Nazi, I dunno what else, but smells like high school. This is, officially, against the comment policy, right?
Have people not lost their minds to the point that you can see this is crazy? There is a situation with Korea, there are other issues such as infrastructure and jobs and, I dunno, maybe trying to influence the world with foreign policy? The US President is wasting political capitol engaging in a debate about Lee versus Washington and Nazis and torches in Charlottesville and yea the Confederacy? All he had to do was say, "Talking about Infrastructure. Not gonna take any questions on anything else."
This. Is. Ridiculous. The. President. Should. Be. Working. On. North. Korea. And. Talking. About. Infrastructure. Or. A. Topic. More. Appropriate. Not. A. Topic. Better. Suited. For. A. High. School. Debate. Class. Or. Idiot. 19. Year-Old-College. Students. Debating. Jackson-Lee-King Day. At. Midnight. In. Their Dorms.
This is making international news. Trump is making international news, not about the NORKS but about this. The picture of people and shoes flying in the air after getting hit by a car made front page news in other countries. He's wasting international political capitol on this when we need allies. Germany criticized Trump's comments.
What's more important to you? The NK situation or a statue in Charlottesville? Political capitol is not infinite.
AReasonableMan said...
It worthwhile looking at the first few minutes of this documentary on Charlottesville covering the illegal march on Friday to understand why this was such a disaster for Trump. Middle class people don't want this shit in their town.
"We'll fucking kill these people if we have to."
It is also worthwhile to note that Jason Kessler, the founder of "Unite the Right," was an Occupy protester and Obama voter.
Have you heard the press jackals at the pressers?
I hear you on a certain level..but do you hear the jackals? do the elevated Europeans etc?
TTR is racist to boot. Several years ago, I called him out for applauding the "browning" of American. Of course she denied it, and I don't have a link. So it's "he said, she said."
1. You're mother's a cunt.
2. I'm not a "she."
3. Why should anyone care what color anyone's skin is?
4. If I "applauded" anything having to do with that it was to piss your stupid childish ass off. It's the fact that you're uptight and so sensitive to it that makes YOU a racist.
5. You are obsessed with me and are too thick-headed and oblivious for anything anyone says to matter to you.
Stop commenting about me. Go kill yourself. You are already halfway there given the asphyxiation potential from how far up your ass your head is.
You are waving a bloody shirt around calling everyone who disagrees with you and opposes you politically a nazi.
They (you?) aren't nazis, but nazi-sympathizers.
Subtle difference, but a meaningful one.
Nazis stand for the destruction of America. And unlike commies, they couldn't be contained - and have actually attacked it.
And they were shaped and encouraged by the same southern secessionist confederate fucks that are also being defended. Hitler spoke very admiringly of what the south had done and what it had tried to accomplish.
Nazis are the bigger threat to America. Hands down. Always were. I owe them no more sympathy than you do to communists. They already have their 1st amendment and due process rights. But I'll leave the sympathy for them to you. I have no constitutional obligation to sympathize with them as you apparently do.
Even Drudge seems to have turned on Trump, now headlining death threats to Trump critic. Jews aren't comfortable with Nazis. I have always meant to look up the genesis of that dispute.
@TTR: I'll resume taking you seriously when you come down off your "get Trump" high and start mentioning alternatives or something more actionable than a 24/7 bitchfest.
@wwww: How do you know how much time Trump spends on idiotic race politics? It's the new media which is obsessed and spending all their time on race politics. Just turn the damn TV off for once in your life. There are people talking to you here. We're not trying to sell you something like the alphabet networks are.
@Achilles, Kessler is reported to have been Clinton's payroll.
Wow ARM, Trump..positioning a son in law Jew as a key advisor must be oh so conflicted by his Nazi sympathies...
@TTR: I'll resume taking you seriously when you come down off your "get Trump" high and start mentioning alternatives or something more actionable than a 24/7 bitchfest.
There ARE alternatives. I don't have to keep reminding you of them. Hello, senility?
And how about you just stop commenting to me anyway, seeing as how you don't really get involved in the conversation - other than to provide stereotypes and puns, and ban people from your own blog just because a terrorist you host threatens them and they unwittingly violated a rule in as harmless a way as could be.
I don't think Trump is a Nazi. I think he is an emotionally stunted moron. I would guess that he was much sharper when younger but now he is old and has lost the plot.
Trump had to settle with the government in the 1970s for preventing black tenants from doing business with him. and TTR with the senility angle.
Elevated..especially in the age of "privilege".
Yeah, he's not a racist. He's a narcissist. So he has no choice but to bask in the love the racists shower upon him.
I hear you on a certain level..but do you hear the jackals? do the elevated Europeans etc?
The President or any CEO needs to manage the press in a time of crisis. You can't control what the press says but you can control what you say to the press. He's giving oxygen to this issue at the expense of infrastructure and a bunch of other things. Most Presidents walk away from yelled questions they don't want to answer. DJT does not. Answered questions make a quote for news coverage.
You give your comments on infrastructure. You say, "Thanks folks", wave, and walk away. Then Elaine Chao steps up to the podium & answers questions about infrastructure. That's how you don't suck all of the oxygen out of the room. Now the Press is covering: "Who is better: Washington or Lee?" Germany has more info to comment about RE: Nazis. From my POV it's a shit show. I've never seen someone need a communications director more then this President. But he wouldn't listen anyways, so what's the point?
Well walter, you go and ask yourself when chickelit has ever remembered what the point of something was, then.
He's incapable. But he keeps striving!
He really is like in the special olympics of blog commenting.
But his music vids are nice and his chemistry posts at least knowledgeable so of course I'm obliged that he's not a complete loss to society. Just when it comes to how judgmental and oblivious and socially destructive he is.
He really is like a little kid stomping on an anthill as he walks by. He blames what he does on the ants. Because he, you know, doesn't notice them.
Germany criticized Trump's comments.
Try to imagine how little I care.
Theoretically, wwww..but when he doesn't delve into it "sufficiently", that becomes the press's anvil.
Do you really think it's him or the current mode the admittedly "hack" press has evolved to?
And how about you just stop commenting to me anyway, seeing as how you don't really get involved in the conversation - other than to provide stereotypes and puns, and ban people from your own blog just because a terrorist you host threatens them and they unwittingly viola
I have a long history of commenting here and have been acknowledged by the hostess for contributing many times, unlike you. Your specially is alienating people and hijacking threads. You'll be pleased to know I am on the verge of ignoring you because you have become so boring and predictable. Night after night after night of just "bash Trump."
This report describes Trump's lack of emotional maturity.
I Have Misplaced My Pants wins the thread. That's a perfect summation of this whole idiotic shitshow.
I Have Misplaced My Pants wins the thread. That's a perfect summation of this whole idiotic shitshow.
The Toothless Revolutionary said...
You are waving a bloody shirt around calling everyone who disagrees with you and opposes you politically a nazi.
They (you?) aren't nazis, but nazi-sympathizers.
Subtle difference, but a meaningful one.
There is no coming back from this. You will apologize or I will forever consider you an enemy. You have a penchant for creating straw men, but this is beyond the pale.
The entire left is losing it's mind right now. Calling millions of people who voted for someone they didn't like Nazi's is ridiculous.
You are staring into the abyss. It is staring right back at you. The only people acting like nazi's are you.
You want to be nasty and disgusting fine. There will be no quarter from us either.
The entire left is losing it's mind right now.
So it would seem, Achilles. I doubt there was this much hysteria during the famous War of the Worlds broadcast.
Are you confused? Early senility?
Do you really think it's him or the current mode the admittedly "hack" press has evolved to?
The way he talks about these subjects gives them more oxygen.
I really think he's managing the press badly if he wants to pass any substantive legislation. It's hard, by design, to get anything big through both the Senate and the House. Often times the President must ask at least 1 pol to vote against what might be his own political interest. He gets this vote through the pressure of the Presidency. He doesn't have a lot of time before 2018 and he can't afford to expend political capitol on controversies. Every day covering Confederate statues is a day not building support for tax reform or infrastructure.
right..and if he ignores the press questions, he's "inaccessible" or worse etc.
You have to listen to the press interruptions to have a sense of this.
You'll be pleased to know I am on the verge of ignoring you because you have become so boring and predictable.
I'm also pleased to hear you admit that you're too dumb to understand that reality and reason have no obligation to entertain your ADHD-afflicted ass.
There is no coming back from this. You will apologize or I will forever consider you an enemy.
Sorry to hear how little drama you have in your life. Threats of physical wars or some other sort of strange violence in cyberspace, launched over question marks, applied to questions of sympathy that's clearly being shown all over this thread. If you're this starved for drama, try watching a soap opera. And for god's sake, take off the wife-beater and put down that can of beer.
Your specially is alienating people and hijacking threads.
Much better than your speciality of alienating reality and conforming to threads - just like a good little Hitlerjugend.
You have to listen to the press interruptions to have a sense of this.
They do this all the time to politicians during question time. Presidents often walk away from the podium w/ reporters yelling questions. Or they walk to the plane w/ reporters yelling questions. You don't answer any question that is not in your interest to answer. The press always complains, but that doesn't make news the way a presidential statement makes news.
This advice applies to anyone talking to the press, not just the President or CEOs in a crisis. No comment doesn't make much news. An interesting comment makes news.
And what the holy hell was Bannon doing talking about North Korea saying they have us beat? He said he didn't know he was being interviewed? Jesus Christ. This NK stuff is not good for my blood pressure, can't take any more, I'm going to bed.
I have a long history of commenting here and have been acknowledged by the hostess for contributing many times
Oooh! Lookit me! I'm so special! I bring home gold stars to mommy and daddy! Yeayyyy!!!! AND I shelter terrorists on the blog I'm usually at - simply for the purpose of making fun of the teacher!
I think I'm going to call you Janus, because no ordinary human can be as two-faced as you are.
Yay, Pants!!
I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
What if that collection of morons and losers had showed up
What if that collection of morons and losers had not showed up?
What if that collection of morons and losers had not showed up?
8/17/17, 6:28 AM
That would have been nice - but they did. And instead of ignoring them, and letting them wave their sad little signs around for a couple of hours, this little drama played out exactly as Pants said it did.
Because, as Pants said: " It's an entire country of easily distracted and manipulated children being whipped into a frenzy about something that should have been a big nothingburger, but wasn't because people just can't fucking stay away from the drama, the virtue-signaling, the pointless pious moral masturbation, the self-righteousness."
Who funded the fascists? Who gave tacit support for the fascists? Who created a political environment in which they felt emboldened?
To give agency to only one side is to distort reality and avoid the real questions.
"Who funded the fascists?"
I don't know how much "funding" you need to gather up a small group of losers. Ran up a bit of a bill at Home Depot for the tiki torches, I guess. Stop talking like this was the f'ing Nuremberg Rally, drama queen.
" Who gave tacit support for the fascists? "
Ask George Soros. He funds the fascists on your side.
Are you interested in who is funding this group of idiots, ARM?
"Another far-left group at Charlottesville last weekend: the Workers World Party, a group of Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries who have declared their support for Kim Jong Un's murderous dictatorship in North Korea. Workers World's publication has consistently published propaganda-like screeds supporting Venezuela's murderous regime.
The communist group "sent many of its members to Charlottesville, Va., to beat back the Nazis and Klan who marched there," according to a post recapping the group's participation in the weekend's violence.
Workers' World's stated goals are classic Marxism, including igniting an international socialist revolution and "the shutdown of the Pentagon and the use of the war budget" --- that is, the funding for the Department of Defense --- "to improve the lives of the working class and especially the oppressed peoples."
Ah, yes. They're just like the boys of Pointe du Hoc.
Maybe you should show the same interest in the motives and funding of the provocateurs.
The entire left is losing it's mind right now.
What did you think would happen after Trump was elected?
What did you think would happen after Trump was elected?
8/17/17, 7:43 AM
Yes, it's too much to ask totalitarians like you to accept the results of an election you lost.
How bout those Trump approval ratings? 34%. Holy cow! Now that's totalitarianism.
AReasonableMan said...
Who funded the fascists? Who gave tacit support for the fascists? Who created a political environment in which they felt emboldened?
Mostly academia by creating sinecures thus showing them fascism doesn't require a life of poverty. But pretty much all left institutions support them as long as they can maintain plausible deniability.
Brookzene, are presidents elected by approval ratings and polls?
Brookzene is apparently for rule by opinion polls and doesn't understand how elections or the electoral college works.
I guess you were sleeping when they explained how the US government works back in 6th grade or so.
Trump didn't cause the divisiveness, his campaign unmasked it.
You just never saw it because the MSM ignored it, and our people sure weren't gonna show it to you and your ilk.
Bay Area Guy, Buwaya and I know that, on the ground, as the Left marched through the institutions, those of us non-leftists have been driven into hiding. Trump gave many people the hope that they were not alone. We are about half the voters in the country and we have decided not to capitulate. Trump provided a focus for that anti-PC, anti-creeping-liberal-fascist sentiment that the GOP was refusing to offer.
ARM @ 10:28
Again with the irony
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