I mean, we haven't had anything like this for a long time. I was going to name some ladies of the past I'm reminded of, but I don't want to libel anybody. I'll just say it's nice to have a good old-fashioned rich bitch to be horrified by.
I'll just link to Robin Givhan's piece in The Washington Post — "Louise Linton just spelled out her value system for you common folk," noting, among other things, that Linton has taken her account private and apologized.
१२३ टिप्पण्या:
Sometimes you can't even parody something it is so perfectly stereotypical.
It is unlikely that Linton personally apologized. She has little people to write that crap.
"Your life looks cute" -- I imagine it being said with a passive aggressive Mean Girl vocal fry.
Also, I think she's wrong about the passive aggressiveness. Maybe the second one is passive aggressive if you think he's being sarcastic. But the first and third posts are aggressive aggressive. There's no other way to interpret "#deplorable" and "Distasteful."
Who is this (chuckle) Louise Linton person and why is the, ahem, apparent fact of her existence imposing itself upon my awareness?
The perfect rich bitch. I like that.
The Secretary of the Treasury married her. What does that tell about him? (Choice of spouse is one of my exceptions to the aversion to guilt by association.)
Hope Mr. Secretary has a good prenup.
Is any pushback at all allowed? It is it that she just didn't say it right? Could Salinger or Mamet or Sorkin have written something she might be able to deliver without subsequent pillory?
Ann, perhaps a poll, call it #Espritd'Escalier, with Things She Could Have Said Instead?
Sounds just like Beyoncé.
Why should she be ashamed of being rich? Why should she accept abuse? Because she's a woman? Fuck them.
I'm tired of this goddamn virtue signaling and anonymous sniping and shutting people down because they say something you don't like. Free speech work both ways, so tough it out, you poor snowflakes.
Do you suppose we could pinpoint the exact moment it stopped being racist to question administration travel costs?
She should keep it up but censors are everywhere.
At least she can spell. When Barbra Streisand decided to write her own FAX instead of having a "little person" (Thanks ARM)do it, it was quickly apparent that she is illiterate.
You left out a poll option: "She should be a Democrat. Then she wouldn't have to create all the embarrassing fashion hashtags. The press would do it for her while fawning over her."
"Is any pushback at all allowed? It is it that she just didn't say it right?"
-- You can push back. But... if you're being accused essentially of living in a rich socialite bubble... maybe "I pay more taxes than you" shouldn't be your go-to defense. Honestly, in this case, she could have skipped straight to the "I think your kids are cute! I'm sure we're both really nice; have a great time with Game of Thrones!" and been fine.
I thought her answer was fair - why are people not supposed to defend themselves against the constant nasty remarks from the left - I am so sick of the double standards
Its social media. I like her pushback. Sorry not sorry...
...and I will have a great time with Game of Thrones. Except: where the Hell did they get that chain?
Henry II: "Never complain, never explain."
And above all: Never apologize!
I love her and want to be her, but without the ugly husband. I read that she was in Cabin Fever and actually comes from more money than the hubby has....divine and fab. Her family has a castle-totally jel.
It's pretty bad when you're shallower than Robin Givhan.
Mooch wanted to say something like that, especially the paying taxes part, even though it wouldn't be true in her case. Certainly the left would have loved her for saying something like that.
Umnnhhhh....who is that babe and why does ANYBODY care? Same question applies to Hollywood and jocks, for that matter. Who cares???
"Do you suppose we could pinpoint the exact moment it stopped being racist to question administration travel costs?"
-- We've always been at war with Eastasia.
Hollywood arrogance rears it's ugly head once again!!!
Why get into a pissing match?
What is obviously missing:
I am Laslo.
darrenoia said...
You left out a poll option: "She should be a Democrat. Then she wouldn't have to create all the embarrassing fashion hashtags. The press would do it for her while fawning over her."
Ha hahaha exactly.
Tom and Lorenzo would swoon!
There would be books written about her!
There should have been one other choice in the poll: what's a Louise Linton?
"What is obviously missing:
Because the government did pay for those. Mentioning them would just be begging for Mueller to hire another investigator.
It's all part of draining the swamp.
If she were a proper Southern lady, she could've just went with #blessyourhearts.
How is this different from posting a picture of your meal at some restaurant?
Linton is 'old money', her tacky boasting about brand names suggests some insecurity that all that old and new money apparently can't wash away. Sad!
Wow, I must be incredibly dense. I do not get this at all. So she was (truthful, but) snarky to a person who attacked her. Whoopee. As someone already said, if she were a democrat there would have been no notice of this at all.
What the heck am I missing?
Bravo! Great performance. She has Elizabeth Taylor's persona. He will be lucky to keep her long.
Wow. The Althouse poll results.
I can't believe the woman she got into a spat with has actually agreed to be interviewed about it on tv.
"I love her and want to be her, but without the ugly husband. I read that she was in Cabin Fever and actually comes from more money than the hubby has....divine and fab. Her family has a castle-totally jel."
Maybe he has a great personality. I would have assumed his money was a big, big part of why she accepted him. But she was rich already? Weird.
Did you follow Robin Given's links to the Town & Country article with all the photos of her jewelry?
"All the Jewels Louise Linton Wore to Her Wedding."
"I love how easy pearls are to wear with anything and everything. Pearls are elegant and demure. They remind me of the femininity and grace of the '40s and '50s. They make me think of Grace Kelly and Tippi Hedren in Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder and The Birds. Those women were so chic."
Yeah, especially when getting pecked by birds and plunging scissors into men's backs.
Why did she marry Mnuchin? Maybe he is a smart enough guy that appreciates a beautiful, refined, outgoing, entertaining woman to share his life. Finding that combination in a rich man is exceedingly rare.
""I love how easy pearls are to wear with anything and everything. Pearls are elegant and demure."
I love a woman who appreciates a good Pearl Necklace.
I am Laslo.
"Yeah, especially when getting pecked by birds and plunging scissors into men's backs."
Yes, but they were so cool and chic even when having to defend themselves.
No pearl clutching for those ladies.
Whoa. I'm with those who are wondering what the big deal is. The awful rich! Too bad they don't contribute anything. Which is just what Linton was pushing back on, and it is the truth.
Tired of "the rich" being vilified. Excuse me. Tired of only the Republican rich being vilified.
I say this as a person who will probably never be "rich", but at the moment feels rich. I know that I have definitely been poor. I didn't then and don't now begrudge prosperity, jewels, fine clothes, beautiful things, etc. The person who does is truly poor. And I don't mean poor economically.
She's hot. Fuck everything else. See how easy that was?
Well....she is correct. Her wealth and career as an actres and author, combined with his from various activties Goldman Sachs exec and Hollywood producer (his credits include American Sniper, Mad Max: Fury Road, and Wonder Woman) DOES assure that they have paid more in taxes than some frustrated woman carping at her on instagram.
How many jobs for other people has jenmiller29 created? What contributions to society has she accomplished? How many art galleries has Jen funded?
Not that everyone can have a 'charmed' life like Louise or work in occupations like Mnuchin. However, jenmiller29 just seems to be sucking on those sour grapes. Envy is an ugly emotion.
Linton has nothing to apologize for.
PS> Her jewelry is beautiful. Retro reminiscent of the 20's 30's. Understated and quite lovely. Her dresses at various hollywood functions....not so much.
FTR: Mnuchin is a NYC Democrat.
Let's face it, high earners do more than their fair share. First, they benefit society far more than average people like me (it is what they do in exchange for becoming high earners), then they pay far more than their fair share in taxes.
Maybe she hit the outlet stores for some brand name bargains. Ever think of that?
"When ya got it flaunt it, kid." Looks like our gal is of the old school.. :)
I have three words for Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin: "talaq, talaq, talaq"
"Why get into a pissing match?"
Or a prissing match.
The bitch is jennimiller29. Deplorably bitchy.
Bravo, Darcy and Dust Bunny Queen! Voices of sanity. (Not to imply everyone else is insane,
those both just caught my attention.)
Smart, beautiful and rich, what's not to like?
Lots of women have good taste in jewelry but few get a chance to show off their fabiulous taste. She's good looking, rich, and is married to a rich, important man. Any one of these things is enough to make those women who buy their jewelry at Walmart hate her. She should spend her days contemplating the joys of her existence and not trying to win snark battles, which are unwinnable,
I only regret that she apologized for what was a perfectly nice retaliation to a snarky and stupid comment. jenmiller is a bitch, far worse in every way than the target of her jealousy. #deplorable indeed.
Wow. The Althouse poll results.
Yeah. Few c-suckers, like you, here.
Hey -- it got her an Althouse tag! Maybe that was Louise's goal!
Saw a lot of her type at The Quail and at Concourse d'Elegance this weekend. Why are so many rich and powerful men attracted to skinny bottle blondes with resting cunt face? Even the young rich google guys buy that hideous, stringy piece of chewed gristle bathed in permanent and temporary cosmetics. Nothing is more disgusting than the wrinkled, pumped up décolletage of a trophy wife well past her sell by date. Assume no pre-nup?
I like her.
I don't like that she sounds like a rich Democrat, but I like that she Snipes back at idiots sniping at her. Maybe Trump is making the right more bold? Although I don't know that this will work out for her. I mean, if she were a Democrat, the media would be loving and defending her right now.
But since she is a Republican, or at least working for a Republican administration she will be treated like the worst person ever.
Perhaps this is common, but why is she tagging along on her husband's official business? First Ladies accompany their husbands because the president is head of state as well as government. Not sure why the Treasury Secretary needs his wife in tow while he's on the clock.
" Why are so many rich and powerful men attracted to skinny bottle blondes with resting cunt face?"
Tom Wolfe called them "Social X-rays" because they were so skinny.
And they are all Democrats, Howard. Worse luck.
" Not sure why the Treasury Secretary needs his wife in tow while he's on the clock."
I doubt she weighs much and the fuel consumption was probably much the same.
Maybe he likes her.
"Saw a lot of her type at The Quail and at Concourse d'Elegance this weekend. Why are so many rich and powerful men attracted to skinny bottle blondes with resting cunt face? Even the young rich google guys buy that hideous, stringy piece of chewed gristle bathed in permanent and temporary cosmetics. Nothing is more disgusting than the wrinkled, pumped up décolletage of a trophy wife well past her sell by date. Assume no pre-nup??"
Just a guess - but are you a liberal, Howard?
"I thought her answer was fair - why are people not supposed to defend themselves against the constant nasty remarks from the left - I am so sick of the double standards"
How do you know the critical remarks were from the "left?"
insanely awful
good one
This might give some hint why they keep Teresa Heinz Kerry under wraps.
"She's hot. Fuck everything else."
Actually, she's not. She looks like just another generic, prefabricated Celebrity Blonde™. Too glossy, too vacuum packed, too interchangeable and forgettable. Even if she were hot, the nasty, condescending attitude would have erased it.
"Smart, beautiful (sic) and rich, what's not to like?"
The nasty personality.
The complete lack of self and situational awareness is remarkable to behold. Frankly I find it amusing, haven't seen this in quite some time.
- steve (so as not to be confused with the troll named Unknown)
Mike: I'm not hung up on party affiliation... some of my best friends are Trump voters. I'm sure a good % of wealthy car guys are limozene Libras. They still have bad taste in women.
The nasty personality.
That's your echo.
Should Louise Linton have apologized? We may disagree about many things, but after Trump isn't there a universal consensus that no one need ever apologize for anything on social media? Or for that matter in real life?
Hey now. She's clearly inspiring an African American's pursuit of the/his American Dream.And she's so thin she can't cost much in terms of jet fuel.
The hash-tagging of her outfit is a nice touch.
None of her librul critics even tried to refute her claim that she and her husband paid a bundle in taxes.
Jenni Miller was all over Portland media this week. She came across as reasonable, reflective, and non-ideological.
Very good, especially coming from a women who lives in that redoubt of elitism, Lake Oswego.
"How do you know the critical remarks were from the "left?""
You're kidding, Right ?
"If she's going to be part of our government by accompanying her husband on trips, she needs to understand that it is the people's government and try to be more sensitive to the fact that there are people out there struggling ..." Miller told The Oregonian/OregonLive in an interview Tuesday.
What's hard about that?
"You're kidding, Right?"
No. One doesn't have to be a leftist to be critical of the ostentatious and boorish behavior and conspicuous consumption of the rich. One just has to be aware of reality.
The nasty personality.
What nasty personality? Confidence <> "nasty personality"
Agree with Brookzene on this. When her husband took the job she assumed responsibilities whether she liked it or not.
Brookzene said...
"If she's going to be part of our government by accompanying her husband on trips, she needs to understand that it is the people's government and try to be more sensitive to the fact that there are people out there struggling ..." Miller told The Oregonian/OregonLive in an interview Tuesday.
What's hard about that?
8/23/17, 12:10 PM
Nothing, other than it is completely unlike when anyone tried to point out that it seemed somewhat wasteful for the Obamas Take Separate Planes So First Lady Can Get A Few More Hours of Vacation in Martha’s Vineyard. Back then it was all "shut up". We just be asking for some consistency is all.
She's like a Leona Helmsly that pays taxes!
This is about politics and nothing more. Show me where Jenni from Oregon minded Hillary's $14,000 pantsuits?
DBQ has it right. The envy IS ugly. It's what the Democrats count on, gin up and run on.
"If she's going to be part of our government by accompanying her husband on trips, she needs to understand that it is the people's government and try to be more sensitive to the fact that there are people out there struggling ..." Miller told The Oregonian/OregonLive in an interview Tuesday.
What's hard about that?
If you pick a fight with somebody, you don’t to cry “bully” when you lose.
What’s so hard to understand about that?
Why do cabinet secretaries have to fly a private government jet? Isn't commercial first class sufficient? It's not like anyone will notice them and she wants to be noticed anyway. Enormous waste of taxpayers' money, not to mention the impact on the fake news known as global warming
"What nasty personality?"
If you can't see it, it her snide remarks just seem "confident" to you, I must assume you're just as nasty yourself.
Actually, she's not. She looks like just another generic, prefabricated Celebrity Blonde™. Too glossy, too vacuum packed, too interchangeable and forgettable
Wow, for a second there I forgot it was 2017. I didn't know it was still acceptable to judge women by their looks. I wonder what she would think of a hunk like Robert?
If you can't see it, it her snide remarks just seem "confident" to you, I must assume you're just as nasty yourself.
Nice chickenshit dodge, Bob, but it doesn't answer the question. As usual.
Smartass uppity liberal whines about Linton. Linton defends herself, and goes a bit on offense. Smarmy Manhattan lefty cries "nasty".
That's a better synopsis of what happened.
I'm commenting on a woman commenting on a woman's comments to a woman who commented on her comments about her clothing.
"Your life looks cute" - nice one!
Who is "judging her by her looks"? I'm judging her looks, or rather, the looks she applies to herself. (I'm criticizing her for her miserable personality.) By our society's standards, she's considered "hot" or "beautiful," and this shows how empty our standards are. She is polished, scrubbed, lacquered, a Barbie Doll, the real person utterly masked by for artificial accoutrements of "beauty." One can't even see the real person underneath the grotesque layers of artifice. Why, she could be a Fox News Network anchor person!
@ I Callahan: I call them as I see them. Linton's response was not a "defense" but a gratuitous insult to the woman to whom she was replying in particular, but also to all the rabble who don't have the money and connections she and her husband have, and who are therefore unworthy to address her or her peers with anything less than subservience.
What ever happened to being gracious? And yes, I do think people with greater advantages in life should be gracious to others, to all others, even to those who criticize them. But maybe I'm just hopelessly old-fashioned.
"Zambians are calling Linton out on everything from describing the “monsoon season” in a landlocked southern African country far from South Asia to writing about the “dense jungle canopy” when Zambia is made up of mostly wooded and grassland savannas."
Some peasants don't know they're peasants, and thank God for trophy wives who can find in their heart, that special language where you suddenly realize the truth.
Grace is all but lost. That used to be one of the best things about the best conservatives. Although libs and others had it also conservatives really wore it well.
Few care now. As Ernest Prole said, nobody has a need to apologize anymore. Nobody needs grace. We're really losing more than we know though imo.
"Why, she could be a Fox News Network anchor person!"
OMG! The ultimate insult !
The most obnoxious example of a full of herself anchor person decamped to NBC and hasn't been seen by anybody.
Dropped from sight.
Next stop, MSNBC.
"Grace is all but lost. That used to be one of the best things about the best conservatives."
Brookzene, I'm curious if you see your self as a member of the new Red Guards.
This lady does and she knows what they look and act like
Like Mao’s Red Guards, some American college students and their supporters have been shouting down anyone who dares to disagree with them. These modern-day Red Guards demand that college campuses be an inclusive and safe place, but are bent on making sure the campus is an unwelcoming and unsafe place for anyone who doesn’t show unconditional support for students’ sanctioned orthodoxy. From Yale to Middlebury, college professors and administrators have caved to these students mobs’ preposterous demands. Exhibit A is Nicholas Christakis, the Silliman master at the center of Yale’s debate over Halloween costumes. His very public self-criticism probably would have won over Maoist Red Guards in China, but failed to gain sympathy from privileged Yale students.
Now that kind of zealous demand for thought conformity has expanded outside campuses to the “real world.” When James Damore, a Google employee, raised questions about Google’s diversity training in a memo, he was fired by Google. As Sumantra Maitra wrote, “Nothing could be more dystopian than the largest information, communication, and documentation hub controlling your thoughts and punishing you for wrong think.”
Ring a bell ?
gratuitous insult
What was gratuitous about it?
@Robert Cook:
What ever happened to being gracious? And yes, I do think people with greater advantages in life should be gracious to others, to all others, even to those who criticize them. But maybe I'm just hopelessly old-fashioned.
I think this is a valid question to be directed at both sides of this exchange. I take issue with the notion that those with wealth and status should be held to a higher standard with regard to graciousness. Why would that be? What was gracious about jenni from Oregon's remark?
I'm with you though, I'd love to see a little more grace in this world.
We're really attempting to destroy more than we know though imo.
FIFY, Brooksy.
Sounds like an empowered woman to me. Take no crap!
I want to apologize for calling her a bitch. I need to be more careful of the stones that I throw.
I take issue with the notion that those with wealth and status should be held to a higher standard with regard to graciousness. Why would that be? What was gracious about jenni from Oregon's remark?
"I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth."
- The Great Gatsby
@Brookzene It's very difficult to have grace when no matter what you do or say you get slugged by those to whom you are trying to show a little grace. Turning the other cheek is a nice thing, but when the other guy only takes advantage, one only has so many cheeks. Once out of cheeks then we must return to the old testament advice of "an eye for an eye".
Meade said...I want to apologize for calling her a bitch. I need to be more careful of the stones that I throw.
...and Dodge them Dodges!
It's very difficult to have grace when no matter what you do or say you get slugged by those to whom you are trying to show a little grace. Turning the other cheek is a nice thing, but when the other guy only takes advantage, one only has so many cheeks. Once out of cheeks then we must return to the old testament advice of "an eye for an eye".
Your observation is true. And it has nothing to do with righties vs lefties - it's part and parcel of the human condition.
And there' no upside to rationalizing our failures, imo.
I shared the post and the juvenile tweet from Mrs. Munching with my 14 year old daughter.
Her response: "OMG! What is she - hashtag - 13?
I just got a news alert from CNN, introducing a first-person account of this from the woman Mrs Mnuchin got in a spat with.
Come on, CNN. Pull yourself back from the abyss.
Neither lady covered herself in glory with this one.
Saw a picture of the snarky lady and read her screed. Basically did not accept an apology and proceeded to be the bitch I imagined her to be. I did not think she would be that fat though. I pictured her as more of a shrill Brooklyn bitch.
More than you've ever wanted to know about Louise Linton: Queen of California
If your going to flaunt your wealth on your dime, have at it. But don't do it on my dime.
Tom said...
If your going to flaunt your wealth on your dime, have at it. But don't do it on my dime.
You're grossly overestimating your contribution to the flaunting.
You're grossly overestimating your contribution to the flaunting.
You're dead wrong there. Many people paid dearly for his dime to be every bit as good as hers.
Nothing like a good "Fuck You", well-delivered with aplomb. The twat she lambasted had it coming, so she gets a pass on this one.
Mrs Munch reminds me of a bitch I knew when I lived in Denver.
Keep in mind this was 1990.
I'm laying in my bed in my cheap apartment and I get a call:
"Hi, Todd ... This is (bitch's name) and I'm calling from the cell phone in my Lexus ...
...Click ...
Meh. I don't get the outrage either, but maybe it's because I assume that's basically the internal monologue of 80% of Hollywood and DC.
I'd give her half a Hilton. She wouldn even move the needle on the Helmsley meter.
No no you meant Swindan.
Tilda Swinton. Swim ten. Swinten Swinton Swintin.
Her performance, now after years I can say freely, in the Coen's (who else? Nolan? Laslo?) perfect "Hail, Cae*sar" is what holds it all together, with a physical presence like that of Vincent 'VD' D'nofrio in Full Metal Jacket, as well as overwhelmingly in that cop show about New York perverts.
*damnit is that "a" there? Oh oh oh it's over there... okay.
Tilda Tilda Tilda, Tilda Tilda. OMG what a pleasure to be able to write or direct for such a pro's pro professional.
So the first guy in line, he is the one, you know, the one. So when he farts, the next guy smells it. So the next guy wants to be number one, you see?
I want an attorney to make me rich. We will sue because auto-correct will be so powerful, so greedy, so bureaucratic and corrupt (spelling bureaucratic correctly without spell check gave me the rush my CR500 used to) they will start demanding royalties for auto-correcting--and that fucking auto-finishing--piddly corrects like we know now programs are successfully doing.
If you can't sell AI fear FUCK YOU TRY HARDER.
"Catching Drifts" will be my next release, once you motherfuckers pony up, centering on "Fargo" (duh of course) style weak bleak.
Few who find, ever, EVER, seek the weak bleak, that hindsight allows us to speak, whether/weather meek.
"'Why, she could be a Fox News Network anchor person!'
OMG! The ultimate insult!"
Well, hardly that, and not intended as such. It was to point out that all the female Fox newsreaders have the same look: busty bleached blonde...fake. They constitute a Stepford Wives cohort of newsreaders. Linton has the same Celebrity Blonde™ look, and it is disturbing and offputting in its glossy artificiality.
"It's very difficult to have grace when no matter what you do or say you get slugged by those to whom you are trying to show a little grace. Turning the other cheek is a nice thing, but when the other guy only takes advantage, one only has so many cheeks. Once out of cheeks then we must return to the old testament advice of 'an eye for an eye'."
To the contrary: it is easy to be gracious to those who are gracious to you; being gracious under difficult circumstances, to people who are ungracious (or worse) to you, is the epitome of grace. It is the difficulty of maintaining one's grace in all circumstances that makes it admirable and notable. Otherwise, it's easy and worthless.
Since the majority of the population doesn't pay a fair share of the country's expenses, and instead lives off a small percentage that are highly productive, most people do not like it hearing that. Everybody thinks they do their part, and don't want that fantasy messed with. It's much more comfortable to blame everything on the people paying for it.
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