"As the first lady departed to see storm fallout in Texas, Twitter erupted with critiques of her shoe choice" (Politico).
Later, in Texas, she wore sneakers. The stilettos were only seen in her walk across the White House lawn. (But have you ever tried walking in stilettos on lawn? It doesn't work. You can't put any weight on the heel and must, essentially, tiptoe.)
ADDED: In the photograph at the link, the grass makes it hard to see the shoes. Here's another photograph, so you can see what people got overexcited about (and also see the sneakers, which look great).
७३ टिप्पण्या:
Shoe choice by FLOTUS will be one of the Articles of Impeachment.
Must be a slow day at Politico.
My feet hurt just looking at those shoes. I have never been able to wear heels. It was pretty easy to figure out that she had another pair with her.
I looked up to see what Michelle Obama wore to walk on the South Lawn. She wore flats.
Women who wear stiletto heels ever, anywhere, are crazy. And they're not even attractive.
One of these days, I'll learn when we can insult women over their clothing choices.
Those shoes don't look high enough to be stilettos, they look like regular high heels.
How lucky for us that we can focus so shallowly on a woman's choice of shoes.
How lucky for us that the world doesn't have bigger problems, like floods, hurricanes, illiteracy, single parenthood, car jackings, poverty, street violence, rogue nations threatening the world with ICBMs and nuclear warheads...
But how many scoops of ice cream did they serve aboard Air Force One on the way there, hmm?
And how insensitive was it to use fossil fuels to fly there, when everyone knows the hurricane was caused by our addiction to fossil fuels?
Or perhaps we should consider the unnecessary use of the exclamation point in the President's tweet: "Leaving now for Texas!" -- a clear sign of mental instability if ever there was one!!1!
... anything to avoid acknowledging that the state and federal responses to Harvey have been excellent.
As pointed out those aren't stilettos. Flats would have been a better choice. More women should choose flats. Tall women choose flats to pretend they're smaller. Michelle did not choose to be freakishly tall. Politico should choose to not be Tom and Lorenzo.
Matthew Sablan said...
One of these days, I'll learn when we can insult women over their clothing choices.
It's a pretty wimple rule actually.
"Those shoes don't look high enough to be stilettos, they look like regular high heels."
It's hard to see in that photograph because of the grass, but these were 5" heels, unusually high stilettos. Other photographs make it obvious. That's why people were talking.
Robert Cook is a fashion denier. Not sure when the first stiletto was invented, but they've been hot ever since. And it's not what the stiletto looks like, it's how the woman's butt wiggles while she's wearing them.
But have you ever tried walking in stilettos on lawn? It doesn't work. You can't put any weight on the heel and must, essentially, tiptoe.
I haven't. But I bet there are a lot of things that Melania can do in stilettos that don't work for other women. Is there any indication that she had problems on the short walk across the lawn?
"Politico should choose to not be Tom and Lorenzo."
Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all.
these were 5" heels, unusually high stilettos.
In that case, I'll just be grateful that they aren't all calling them "hooker heels".
Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all.
Helps explain why Politico did I suppose.
Remember all those fashionistas who defiantly refused to dress the first lady? Me either.
...but these were 5" heels, unusually high stilettos.
You laugh now, but just wait until they have to walk through floodwater that's 4.5" above everyone else's nose...
Melania uses the soft ground adaptors, an after-market mod.
@Althouse - Cultural bias! Eastern European women can walk in heels ANYWHERE!
I didn't click. I only click for inappropriately sheer outfits on the red carpet.
Second paragraph of the article:
Since her belated move into the White House in June, Melania Trump hasn’t yet announced an issue, or even an area of interest, for which she plans to advocate from her powerful platform. She has made few public speeches or statements, beyond introductions at campaign rallies she attends with her husband. But she’s dutifully stepped into the silent role of enhancing her husband by appearing impeccably and appropriately dressed by his side.
Like her husband, Melania pisses them off because she will not conform to the traditional expectations. The "belated move" was the product of her staying in New York so her son could finish his school year instead of pronouncing causes from her "powerful platform." That platform is overcrowded already and people are trying to push people off. Why would Melania want to get up there in the first place, given that her "area of interest" seems to be her family.
Let's be honest, she is doing a great job as FL and as a Mom.
And she's the best looking FL ever.
She didn't change her pants, she knows how to work with her wardrobe. Both outfits were wonderful.
"Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all."
Oh for crying out loud.
The only takeaway I keep having from these criticisms of Melanie is that she looks perfect, all of the time.
I have no idea how she walks in high heels across grass but she seems able to do it gracefully.
Honestly, I've always thought fashion modeling was very shallow and kind of stupid, but I have new respect for it because she makes it look easy when I know it is not. I'm not sure how much my attitude toward Melania is driven by my negative reaction to her petty critics, but I have grown to really like and admire her. Even more so because she hasn't embraced a "cause" and has maintained privacy and seems to be a good mother to her son.
It's like I see these stories and immediately think...oh, she must have looked really beautiful and her detractors had to find something catty to say about it...I think I'll take a look.
And that's me as a heterosexual woman...I can only imagine the male response.
Melania wears heels *everywhere. It's like the Left hasn't been trying to shame her for the past 6 months about her shoe choices.
"Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all." But, Robin Givhan, fashion critic at The Washington Post, wrote an 820-word analysis of the first lady's choice of footwear.
"It was also an image that suggested that Trump is the kind of woman who refuses to pretend that her feet will, at any point, ever be immersed in cold, muddy, bacteria-infested Texas water. She is the kind of woman who may listen empathetically to your pain, but she knows that you know that she is not going to experience it. So why pretend? Well, sometimes pretense is everything. It's the reason for the first lady to go to Texas at all: to symbolize care and concern and camaraderie. To remind people that the government isn't merely doing its job, that the government is engaged with each and every individual. Washington hears its citizens. That's what the optics are all about. Sitting around a conference table and talking into a speaker phone are not good optics." [The Washington Post]
These people are retarded to think the Trumps don't take luggage on trips. FLOTUS disembarked in Texas wearing Adidas original Classic Stan Smith tennis shoes. The most tasteful classics leather tennis shoes available for $80 when not on sale.
"These people are retarded to think the Trumps don't take luggage on trips."
-- What's weird is a lot of these people writing this work in big city offices... where a lot of the women I know have two to three pairs of shoes stashed in a drawer or a desk to change in and out of mattering on the occasion. One of the twenty-somethings has six different pairs, plus an emergency pair in her purse.
"I looked up to see what Michelle Obama wore to walk on the South Lawn. She wore flats."
I've never seen a Wookie wear stilettos either.
Did anybody except me notice that TTR claimed yesterday that FLOTUS is not attractive?
Mrs. Trump's fashion is quite nice.
Politico deleted a tweet on the heels.
Tucker Carlson ripped reporter critics as harpies:
I miss the good old days when we had perspective on First Lady fashion
"Melania Trump hasn’t yet announced an issue, or even an area of interest, for which she plans to advocate from her powerful platform."
Forget the shoes - this is what I find most interesting. Is there an official First Lady job description? I had not realized that the president's spouse HAD to be a political advocate.
I've never seen a Wookie wear stilettos either.
No matter how bad the MSM is there's always some joker to make them look better by comparison.
But have you ever tried walking in stilettos on lawn? It doesn't work.
Did you see Melania walk across the lawn, then up the stairs of the helicpoter? Talk about an accomplished woman!
Millions of children in the school lunch program would disagree with you.
She should have worn snowshoes.
Phil 3:14
Thanks for the link. Evidently an investigative "journalist" found ten fotos of Moochell not looking like she just exited a clown car.
Shoe sizes:
Jacqueline Kennedy : 10.0
Hillary Clinton: 8.0
Laura Bush: 6.0
Michelle Obama: 11.5
Melania Trump: 10.5
and the men:
John F. Kennedy: 10.0
Bill Clinton: 11.0
George W. Bush: 10.5
Barack Obama: 12.0
Donald Trump: 12.0
Do you see the pattern?
I see the pattern.
I am Laslo.
It's like I see these stories and immediately think...oh, she must have looked really beautiful and her detractors had to find something catty to say about it...I think I'll take a look.
And that's me as a heterosexual woman...I can only imagine the male response.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Anyone remember Sarah Palin's heels? People sure got the vapors.
Here's a funny reminder:
Hey, remember Sarah Palin's giant shoes she wore the night she wowed the GOP convention?
Well, maybe "giant' isn't the right word for them. After all she wasn't wearing huge green Frankenstein-like clodhoppers.
But you know, those red high-heels she was wearing. Some might describe them as sexy. We wouldn't, of course. But those other people might.
You know who else always wears heels, besides Sarah Palin and Melania Trump? Women in movies.
In the modern day Paris scene of Wonder Woman, our gorgeous heroine is dressed like a model. Stiletto heels. This, a woman who grew up fighting people in sandals. How many curators at the Louvre wear 5" heels? Okay, 3".
Wonder Woman Works at the Louvre Now – In Marvel’s newest superheroine movie, Wonder Woman’s mortal alter ego, Diana Prince, works as an ancient weapons expert at the encyclopedic Parisian museum.
Her shoes? The Left are losing and they know it.
Won't you walk up and down my spine?
It makes me feel strangely alive
"Did anybody except me notice that TTR claimed yesterday that FLOTUS is not attractive?"
What one considers attractive is entirely personal, and I, personally, agree that Mrs. Trump is not attractive. (At least, as I've seen her in photographs and on tv. Perhaps in life or without her makeup she might be more attractive.)
I never paid too much attention to the current First Lady but I saw a picture this week where she was kind of in the background, with her son walking with a little girl in the foreground, and Melania had on a long green dress, big sunglasses, and high heels...the picture caught her mid-stride and I thought "damn, that is a glamorous looking woman."
I don't much go for giant heels but on her? They work.
Also: let's learn something while we're here.
High-ish heels were first worn by men. It was a continental fashion first, I think--French nobles in cities wore heels. The style had a practical purpose: city streets were basically open sewers in many places, so having heels kept your feet from being submerged in the muck. Heels for women didn't come until later.
See? Heels in a flood zone--maybe the First Lady is paying fashion homage to the fashion origins of the item!
Jealousy is an ugly thing.
Can't you get these with heels? I have seen many women with these at televised events on surfaces like lawns:
"I have no idea how she walks in high heels across grass but she seems able to do it gracefully."
It's August. The ground is probably sufficiently hard to take heels, grass or no grass.
Also, somewhat related: Only $540!
If only Melania had the fashion sense of Michelle Obama.
Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all.
Too bad. We all need a daily serving of Fresh Fruits.
Leftist Collectivists are down to claiming Mrs. Trump is not attractive.
Imagine that.
Politics is so personal as to deny reality.
They are also kvetching that Trump should not have worn a "campaign hat."
But the "USA" hat was just right for the occasion as was the "campaign speech" telling the Houstonians they are Texans and Texans can cope with anything!
HoodlumDoodlum said...
"See? Heels in a flood zone--maybe the First Lady is paying fashion homage to the fashion origins of the item!"
Après nous le déluge!
Wasn't this yesterday's Trump outrage of the day? Oh, I forgot. This and lack of Empathy were co-outrages yesterday.
Don't we have a new outrage yet today? After all, he's literally Hitler!!!
Don't we have a new outrage yet today? After all, he's literally Hitler!!!
Eva Braun wore flats.
Of course, Democrats would prefer a "comforting" speech with crocodile tears about their victimhood, etc. and promising large sums of Federal aid coming (i.e. graft).
Sheilah Jackson Lee is already demanding at least $150 billion, I see.
I think I remember $8 billion being appropriated in 2005 for Katrina reconstruction, several years later only $4 billion had been spent, and then no more was heard of it.
If only Melania had the fashion sense of Michelle Obama.
Melania's stilettos don't come in men's sizes.
Twitter is dumb.
This has always been true, and remains so; if anything it's merely somewhat worse and more obvious now that a Democrat is out of the White House.
Stilettos are good for aerating the lawn.
What a First Lady!!!
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...
If only Melania had the fashion sense of Michelle Obama."
Let's not forget Hillary. The designers were all set to make pantsuits fashionable again. For that alone, we must thank God that Hillary lost.
I recall reading that Tina Turner always wears heels. In fact, it had become uncomfortable for her to not wear heels. Even her bedroom slippers had to have a wedge heel.
Funny that Ritmo now thinks FLOTUS is unattractive. I remember the nude photo shoot scandal during the campaign. He was quite enthusiastic about the photos then, which he seemed to have studied closely. No disparaging comments then.
But then, of course, nobody thought Trump would be elected. And Ritmo, like most leftists, thought that the photos would turn us prudes on the right against Trump, so he had no problems defending her then.
Now he's looking at her through his usual shit-colored glasses.
Ann Althouse said...
Tom and Lorenzo refuse to cover Melania at all.
Which is why I never visit the TLo site anymore.
She wisely wore her high-water pants.
Petty, thy name is Democrat.
You may have hit the real issue accidentally when you said:
"(But have you ever tried walking in stilettos on lawn? It doesn't work. You can't put any weight on the heel and must, essentially, tiptoe.)"
You can't being a normal woman and neither can the women reporters. Super models, on the other hand, are trained to do such things and, like riding a bicycle, the training sticks.
Envy. It's just envy.
Cook: "... I, personally, agree that Mrs. Trump is not attractive. (At least, as I've seen her in photographs and on tv.)"
Life through the lens of leftism.
Ann Althouse said...
I looked up to see what Michelle Obama wore to walk on the South Lawn. She wore flats.
But she wore $540 Lanvin sneakers to a Food Bank.
You should see Eastern European women walking on cobblestone streets in high heels. As Borat woulds say, "Is nice".
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