৬ জুলাই, ২০১৭

Yes, don't let anyone tell you CNN is incapable of an awesome achievement.

২৭৩টি মন্তব্য:

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন   ‹পুরাতন   273 এর 201 – থেকে 273
Michael বলেছেন...


Thanks for that. I will now feel free to click on heavy.com. Your command of English and ability to read and describe what you have read is an improvement over the other commenter who seems to have misunderstood.

MayBee বলেছেন...

So....when was Sean Spicer interviewed about this?

Also, The Heavy story also does point out the video Trump tweeted is different from the one the guy CNN is harassing posted. I don't doubt he inspired it.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Exactly right Dr Weevil -- made only better by the fact he condescendly suggested that fifty to one might be a fair fight!

MayBee বলেছেন...

Heavy is an aggregation site. They are known for their "5 Fast Facts" or "7 Fast Facts" stories that they'll get up right away whenever major (or minor) news event happens.

So if there's a shooting somewhere and you're wondering who did it and what his Facebook page looked like, that's the site to go to.

Anne in Rockwall, TX বলেছেন...

"If you want, I could print it, roll it up in a little ball and shove it down your throat."

Yowza Chuck, chill out.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Fabi said...
Chuck is again being vulgar and threatening violence against another commenter. Didn't Chuckles yesterday post the commenting rules and tattle to the professor about claimed violations by others?

This whole fucking page is a long list of personal attacks on me.

Nobody would be happier than me if you Trump fans would just post on topics and leave me out of your line of fire.

If you want to defend Trump, that is quite alright. But the most shit-stupid way to do it is to say, B-b-b-ut what about Hillary? What about Obama? Chuck's a moby. Chuck's a Democrat. Chuck works for Soros. Chuck=cuck. Chuck is a 'sperg.'

I care, at least a little, about Althouse's rules. I don't care one bit, about any of you.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Chuck wrote:

"And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did."

Perhaps you should write a "From One Life-Long Republican to Another" letter to Robert Mueller asking him to look into this very, very important issue since it is clearly something for which Trump might be impeached.

Drago বলেছেন...

Didn't Chuckles yesterday post the commenting rules and tattle to the professor about claimed violations by others?

In Chucks defense, he probably turned himself in.

Chuck বলেছেন...

MayBee said...
So....when was Sean Spicer interviewed about this?

The news service called the Jewish Telegraphic Agency emailed Spicer on Monday the 3rd.


You're welcome.

Drago বলেছেন...

Nobody would be happier than me if you Trump fans would just post on topics and leave me out of your line of fire.

Yeah, "he" just wrote that.

Without irony.

Fabi বলেছেন...

You don't care about us so much that you immediately reply to every perceived slight and even threaten people with violence? You're a golfer aren't you, Chuckie? I think you need a mulligan.

Darrell বলেছেন...

I don't care one bit, about any of you.

And you started out the day so good. Sensible comments and reasonable thought. I had to check twice that it was you. I guess you are sundowning now. Sad.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Oh, I am sure Chuck even punished himself, too, by assigning himself a 10 minute time-out from commenting.

MayBee বলেছেন...

OK, I found where Spicer sent a one-line email:
White House spokesman Sean Spicer said in a one-sentence email to a JTA request for a response to the ADL report on the gif, “The video did not come from Reddit.” He did not say where the video came from.

This appears to be true, as the video is different than the one on Reddit. As I said, I would be surprised if it was inspired by the one on Reddit.

Drago বলেছেন...

If you wish and have the stomach for it, you could head on over to the lefty fever swamps and see that Chucks talking points perfectly mirror the far left talking points.

But only "perfectly".

Darrell বলেছেন...

We had a dog like Chuck once. We had to send it to live on a farm. Sad.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Back before the fall of the Soviet Union, there was a very useful phrase for some westerners who liked to think of themselves as intellectuals: anti-anti-Communists. They would never say anything positive about the USSR, but could be absolutely guaranteed to trash anyone criticizing the USSR in any way, and to do so relentlessly and dishonestly. It would eventually become obvious, by cumulation of evidence, which ones were in fact Communists or pro-Communists or fellow travellers (however you want to put it), but too sneaky to admit it.

This site seems to be infected with anti-anti-Lefties, pretending to be on the right, and pretending only to be anti-Trump. Again, cumulation of evidence makes their professions very difficult to believe.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Careful about using those quotation marks, Drago -- you might get a nastygram from the punctuation police!

Laslo Spatula বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward said...
"Oh, I am sure ***** even punished himself, too, by assigning himself a 10 minute time-out from commenting."

As I have written before, for some (could be anybody, of course), the self-punishment comes AFTER the Gay Porn -- THEN they comment while experiencing the inevitable self-loathing, taking out their self-anger at others on the Internet while futilely spraying Febreze in the room to hide the Scent of Shame...

From yesterday, as an example:

Diary of a Conservative Trump Hater (excerpt)...

Oh how they come out of the woodwork: the LITTLE BASTARDS and the TRUMP ASS-CLOWNS, like TERMITES -- TERMITES eating away at all RESPECTABILITY and the WAY THINGS ARE DONE.


These ASSHOLE ASS-PUNKS finally get a taste of WHAT'S COMING FOR THEM and then they cry and whine about EXTORTION.

You fucks, EXTORTION just means YOU GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE. Do you people not understand that YOU WILL BE FOUND and HELD UP FOR INSPECTION?

A RIGHTEOUS INSPECTION is coming, assholes -- and I will gladly wear the LATEX GLOVES.

Do people not understand that TRUMP MUST BE STOPPED? And if takes me putting my LATEX-COVERED FINGERS UP SOMEONE'S ASS on the INTERNET to stop him, than that is what I will do.

And -- yes -- as I wrote this I MASTURBATED TO GAY PORN AGAIN. And -- of course -- then came the SHAME. ANGER. SELF-LOATHING.





I am Laslo.

Drago বলেছেন...

So, to summarize: our "lifelong republican" has written that liberal Kirsten Powers is a "journalist and a communications professional" even though Kirsten has been on the wrong side of every issue since day one except for a brief sojourn to the rational side only to be drug back.

Meanwhile, Jeffrey Lord, who is a political strategist and has been spot on in political prognostication for several years is a "hack".


Fabi বলেছেন...

...to hide the Scent of Shame...

Laughing so hard I'm about to pee!

MayBee বলেছেন...

Thanks, Chuck. I found it.

Bad Lieutenant বলেছেন...

If you want, I could print it, roll it up in a little ball and shove it down your throat.

7/6/17, 4:32 PM

I'm your huckleberry, lawyer man. Stop by anytime with lunch. I prefer onionskin. BTW that was a threat, right? That's OK, I like threats.

Actually had been considering what to do about you since you seemed to be holding it together today. Thought you might now want to be treated as normal. That ship has sailed...

MayBee বলেছেন...

I mean of course I would not be surprised if it were inspired by the one on Reddit.

Rae বলেছেন...

The great irony here is Ms. Powers is the author of "The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech".

Drago বলেছেন...

You fucks, EXTORTION just means YOU GOT SOMETHING TO HIDE. Do you people not understand that YOU WILL BE FOUND and HELD UP FOR INSPECTION?

A RIGHTEOUS INSPECTION is coming, assholes -- and I will gladly wear the LATEX GLOVES.

From "Doctor Zhivago"

"Pasha: The private life is dead - for a man with any manhood.
Zhivago: I saw some of your 'manhood' on the way at a place called Minsk.
Pasha: They were selling horses to the Whites.
Zhivago: It seems you've burnt the wrong village.
Pasha: They always say that, and what does it matter? A village betrays us, a village is burned. The point's made.
Zhivago: Your point - their village."

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

Chuck probably jacks off to photos of George Will.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Drago said...
So, to summarize: our "lifelong republican" has written that liberal Kirsten Powers is a "journalist and a communications professional" even though Kirsten has been on the wrong side of every issue since day one except for a brief sojourn to the rational side only to be drug back.

Jeff Lord is a hack, whose career was purely saved by becoming the Trump butt-boy for CNN.

The reason I went out of my way to call Kirsten Powers a "journalist and a communications professional" was to distinguish her from the subject of Fen's insane rape-fantasy, Samantha Powers. When he undoubtedly mistook Samantha for Kirsten.

What happened to Fen? Was he sent home for that one?

Drago বলেছেন...

Rae: "The great irony here is Ms. Powers is the author of "The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech"

It was "safe" to write that then.

Today is today and the left needs their foot soldiers and "useful idiot" "lifelong republicans" in line as the revolution is salvaged from this interloper.

And they were so close too! They could taste it! It was right there!....

And then "Teh Donald" smashed their dreams.

Why, there were actually some "lifelong republicans" arguing for us to simply accept our fate, accept a Presidential electoral vote wipeout, accept a Republican majority Senate wipeout, and just go back to the hard work of building up enough Republicans again in the Senate to impeach the inevitable electoral force known as Hillary.

Oh how they gloated and planned, planned and gloated, waiting for the moment the establishment right could permanently join with the crazy left and beat those recalcitrant peasants into the dirt.

Some of those very thoughts and desires were gleefully expressed here.

But Teh Donald, Teh Donald! He must be stopped even if we have to burn down the constitution and all our rights to do it.

Drago বলেছেন...

"lifelong republican" and #CNNStrongDefender Chuck: "Jeff Lord is a hack, whose career was purely saved by becoming the Trump butt-boy for CNN."

Jeff Lord called this election long ago and you'll never forgive him for having the temerity to make you look like an electoral idiot.

As if you needed any help in that category!


Drago বলেছেন...

Poor Chuck. Jeff Lord knew the political score and Chuckie didn't.

If Lord is a hack then you are far, far less than a hack.

That's the real issue here, isn't it?


FullMoon বলেছেন...

Fabi said... [hush]​[hide comment]

Chuck is again being vulgar and threatening violence against another commenter.

Happens all the time.
You have to imagine Chuck as the ignorant cop seen in the "bad cop" vids. Were Charlie a cop, he would bust innocent heads under color of authority. Anyone here doubt it?

Fabi বলেছেন...

FullMoon -- we need to keep a list of commenters who have been threatened with physical violence by Chuckles. Not to mention Greta Van Susteren!

FullMoon বলেছেন...

The news service called the Jewish Telegraphic Agency emailed Spicer on Monday the 3rd.


The site leads to pics of stuff the guy allegedly posted. Not nice.I do not understand why CNN having so many Jews is supposed a bad thing, although hansasshole presents it as such.

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

Here's a serious question about CNN -- and a lot of other news networks that reported the Shake That Didn't Happen in Poland -- if we can't trust them to *watch a video for 5 more seconds* to confirm something... why do we trust them with so much other stuff?

FullMoon বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
নামহীন বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

I kind of like Twitchy. At least I always used to. I am uncomfortable with how pro-Trump they are. I read that earlier. I am not buying it. I think the Trump-used video came from HanAssholeSolo and I don't think HanAssholeSolo himself doubts it.

Ah, so provided solid evidence that you were wrong (change in aspect ration alone marks it as different), you hand wave away all the evidence and double down on your earlier incorrect statement.

Brilliant, simply brilliant.

And Chuck, I condensed CNN's threat down to something even you could understand. So sorry if that hurts your feelings

MayBee বলেছেন...

Well, maybe CNN should just start tracking down all assholes on the internet, and threatening to out them if they don't straighten up and fly right.

As for me, I thought the whole idea behind "I disagree with what you say but I'll defend your right to say it" was that we, you know, can disagree with what people say but we will defend their right to say it. Emphasis on the disagree.
Of course we defend the right of people to say things when we *agree* with them, or when they aren't controversial or even awful.

MayBee বলেছেন...

Matthew Sablan said...
Here's a serious question about CNN -- and a lot of other news networks that reported the Shake That Didn't Happen in Poland -- if we can't trust them to *watch a video for 5 more seconds* to confirm something... why do we trust them with so much other stuff?

Great question!

MayBee বলেছেন...

According to the Heavy.com link Chuck posted, here is what the Reddit guy said about the tweeting of the .gif:

Holy s***!! I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my s***post but the MAGA EMPORER himself!!! I am honored!!

The user did note that his original video, which was in GIF form, isn’t exactly the same as the one he posted. The video that Trump tweeted had sound matched up with it and an “FNN” logo at the end. HanAssholeSolo’s didn’t have those things, but both had the original logo the Reddit user created and the way it moves matches up.

So it's pretty tough to say HanAssHole guy doesn't doubt it's his video. He himself notices the differences.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

Ah, so provided solid evidence that you were wrong (change in aspect ration alone marks it as different), you hand wave away all the evidence and double down on your earlier incorrect statement.

Hey!...it worked for CBS didn't it?

(Of course Chuck would never defend them either....right?)

Darrell বলেছেন...

why do we trust them with so much other stuff?

"We" don't.
The News Media is putting the slurs in the headlines now because that's all people read and remember. Trump's speech in Poland--one of the finest in generations--will get the headline treatment. Trump Speaks To Polite, But Wary Crowd.

Tommy Duncan বলেছেন...

Another thread "all about Chuck".

I enjoy banter and the exchange of ideas and perspectives. It is good to have your core principles tested and it is refreshing to learn something new. The Althouse Blog often provides that sort of stimulation. And then the "usual suspects" arrive and the bottom falls out. How sad to be the force that drags the discourse into the gutter while being oblivious to the results of your behavior.

Sadly, Chuck is not the only one.

Have a nice evening, Chuck. Good night.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Chuck is deleting his old posts, FullMoon? That doesn't surprise me at all -- now he can play his favorite "Quote me!" game.

Gahrie বলেছেন...

I don't care one bit, about any of you

Neither does the rest of the Left...after all we're just a bunch of bitter clinging deplorables.

Fabi বলেছেন...

We've noted the difference in the .gifs for two days MayBee -- thanks for posting a detailed account! There is no way Trump's video came directly from the guy at Reddit -- that was purely a left wing talking point. Spicer didn't lie and is owed an apology from sperg.

MayBee বলেছেন...

This is interesting from Gizmodo:

They say it was someone high up who put the "CNN reserves the right....." language in. Supposedly to show no deal was made???
But these two things are interesting:

Ultimately, CNN found no cooperation between HanAssholeSolo and Scavino. The fact that the Trump administration had plucked this particular user out of obscurity, without his permission, made the decision not to name him a simple one, these people said.

Interesting that didn't make it into the original CNN piece.

Even while CNN was startled by the reaction, some employees privately agreed that Davis’s language, about “CNN reserv[ing] the right” to name HanAssholeSolo, read as threatening. At the same time, according to the sources, CNN’s executive leadership resisted calls to remove the passage or clarify its meaning. Their reasoning: Any edits or changes to the article itself would suggest CNN had done something wrong, which would only embolden its army of enemies, many of whom believe the network is hopelessly biased against Trump.

Hahahahaha! We are what we criticize, eh, CNN?

Matt Sablan বলেছেন...

"The fact that the Trump administration had plucked this particular user out of obscurity, without his permission, made the decision not to name him a simple one, these people said."

-- Trump *didn't pick a user*. They forwarded a viral video. That's like saying if I buy a painting, I'm endorsing an artist, even if I'm buying it from Goodwill who has no idea where it came from.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

So Chuck knows what the Jewish Telegraphic Agency wrote to Sean Spicer but isn't aware that the black unemployment rate is at a ten year low, less than half the rate at the midpoint of Obama's term of office. Strange.

Fabi বলেছেন...

Great work MayBee!

Bob Loblaw বলেছেন...

Well, I'm late to the party and only brought a six-pack of house brand beer, but lemme just say, in response to this:

how did someone who posts anti-semitic, racist & anti-gay content become a victim for ppl to rally around?

He can't be a racist, or anti-semitic or whatever. I have it on good authority only people with privilege and power can be racist. So Kirsten Powers, for example, can be racist. But not a powerless guy posting crap on the internet.

Darrell বলেছেন...

Greta spotting Chuck.


D 2 বলেছেন...

Think about one of those (Altman?) movies where maybe Mr Boogeyman (Waits?) plays a role in Act One by telling a weird story in the bar that he once heard somewhere, which involves Mr X. (Hackman)
In Act Two, Mr X, upon hearing the story is getting round the bar, goes and beats up Y, (a young Justin Bieber or maybe a self hating Jeff Goldblum) who he thinks started the tale.
Act Three (Scenes 1&2) is, apparently, an Al Pacino type trying to explain, over and over and over and over and over and over again, to his neighbour (?) that Mr X has no RIGHT going round thinking he can beat up the Ys in town anytime he chooses. In desperation, Pacino even resorts to poor theatrical analogy.
Mr Boogeyman is not the story. Y is not the story. They are subplots interwoven to the main story , that being the immoral choices under taken by Mr X.
Good luck with getting through Act Four.

Rusty বলেছেন...

Wait a minute.
How old are you?

grackle বলেছেন...

And one of my frustrations in all of this is that no one seems to have taken Sean Spicer to the woodshed for saying the video didn't come from Reddit, when it obviously did.

Spicer did not claim that the .gif didn’t originate at Reddit. He merely says the Trump administration didn’t get it from Reddit. The .gif went viral. It could’ve been copied from many sites other than Reddit.

From time to time Chuck tries to offer the JTA Spicer quote as “proof” that Spicer lied. But we do not know what question Spicer was asked – the JTA article does not bother to give us this vitally important information.

The article gives us LOADS of other info but not the question that Spicer was answering. Until we know the question we cannot possibly judge the veracity of Spicer’s answer. A lawyer OUGHT to know this – but for some reason – not Chuck.

tdocer বলেছেন...

MadisonMan @ 4:17 PM


Char Char Binks, Esq. বলেছেন...

Chuck, I figured out who you are. And I could publish that, and these photos I have of you in a Tijuana donkey show, legally, but I'm not going to. At least not yet. It's not newsworthy, yet. And for me, publishing under these circumstances is just more trouble than it is worth. Bad p.r., bad vibe, and as much as I admire your way with a burro, I don't want to be party to any other nutjob freak out there who might do you harm...

See, it's all above board. No threat at all.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
tim in vermont বলেছেন...

They name him, suddenly he will be lawyered up on OPM. Maybe they are not complete idiots.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

By not naming him, they keep him a powerless nobody.

JamesB.BKK বলেছেন...

EDH @1:22

How to fit the Roman Polanski exception?

Josephbleau বলেছেন...

I like the ideas presented here. I want to see a fake vid of Gunnery Sgt Hartman yelling "Bake the cake Christian maggot, Or I will f**k you up!"

damikesc বলেছেন...

This is why I opposed the whole "Should you punch a Nazi?" nonsense. Given how fluid the definition of terms are to progs, you can't trust them fully.

damikesc বলেছেন...

Not singling anybody out, but anybody defending CNN is in the wrong. Completely. This is "if you don't do what we like, we will release your name to the same activists who violently attack anything they disagree with."

exhelodrvr1 বলেছেন...

"Well, maybe CNN should just start tracking down all assholes on the internet, and threatening to out them if they don't straighten up and fly right."

Circular firing squad

Chuck বলেছেন...

damikesc said...
Not singling anybody out, but anybody defending CNN is in the wrong. Completely. This is "if you don't do what we like, we will release your name to the same activists who violently attack anything they disagree with."

If this is such a clear-cut case of extortion, then law enforcement should get involved. (They won't.)

If it is so clear that this guy has been the victim of tortious action by CNN, he'll make a claim. (He won't.)

If CNN were to publish his name (they won't), and if that act were actionable (it isn't), then CNN will face a gigantic civil lawsuit (they won't).

I hope to bookmark this, and come back to it in a year. And see how y'all did with your legal predictions.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Oh, and one other thing; there remains the high likelihood that someone else, unconnected to CNN, will out "HanAssholeSolo" (besides his own lawyers, in a U.S. District Court filing), making CNN's actions entirely moot.

damikesc বলেছেন...

You mean the guy doesn't want his name publicized to violent activists?

NAACP donors didn't want their names released to the KKK either.

I know you dislike Trump...but you're losing the plot here. You're DEFENDING a major media company going after somebody who...and, again, there is evidence it wasn't even HIS meme that got reposted...made a meme CNN didn't like.

That is all he did.

You dont see something wrong here?

And as for your Spicer crusade...I saw that meme (or one quite similar) elsewhere weeks ago and I don't ever visit Reddit. I don't know the exact source if cash in my wallet outside of "change from Chic Fil A". So if i say I didn't get my money from a drug dealer, I didn't. Even if said dealer used that money to get a sandwich at CFA.

Todd বলেছেন...

Chuck said...

I am declaring right now; no one associated with CNN will face any criminal jeopardy whatsoever over this.

7/6/17, 3:47 PM

One has nothing to do with the other. Just because a reporter or TV personality did something wrong is NO reason to expect them to be punished for it. They are not the normal riff-raff. For instance, a year or so ago a TV personality held up that illegal magazine (too great a capacity) in DC on TV (part of an interview with NRA) even after they asked for permission and were denied, faced no prosecution. He was the "right" sort of people. Prosecutorial discretion and all. So your "assurance" that no one will face consequences is likely correct though that does not mean what you are trying to imply (that they did nothing wrong).

Todd বলেছেন...

Our resident troll can't seem to handle simple logic or basic honesty - hard to say which.

Challenged to back up his statement that "Trump has Tweeted stuff found on that page like 20 minutes after first appearing there", he proves that Trump tweeted something that had appeared on that page 20 minutes before, but not for the first time. It had appeared on Rosie O'Donnell's Twitter feed five or six months before that! That means - just to spell it out with 'emphasis added' for slow learners and rub it in for one of them - that it was not something Trump posted "like 20 minutes after first appearing there", and rolly polly trollie's proof crashes and burns.

7/6/17, 4:34 PM

I get that, I do BUT...

Politio’s Ben Schreckinger reported in April that Trump’s social media team monitors social trends — including The_Donald sub-Reddit.

So it is not a secret that the Trump "team" monitors Reddit and it is not without merit that one of those folks sent the GIF on to Trump cause they thought it was amusing, as well as Trump doing the same for the same reason.

I expect (and hope) that Trump is personally too busy to check in on Reddit and that he has people that do that as part of a larger media awareness effort (which appears to be the case from the above statement).

LilyBart বলেছেন...

Dear CNN: You MADE him a (somewhat) sympathetic figure. That's quite a feat!

Unknown বলেছেন...

One minor note: Donald and Rosie O'Donnell had a quite famous brawl a few years ago.

So I wouldn't be a bit surprised that Donald keeps track of her statements, even today. And since she's a spectacular example of sheer stupidity on the left (Fire can't melt steel!); well, stupid statements by her tend to stick in your mind.

I do hope people rub into certain commentators that said commentator just went on record as supporting Kathy Griffin severed head thing. He probably did think it was funny.

As for Kristen Powell: I wonder what Allahpundit thinks? He had quite the thing for her for quite some time..... unrequited, naturally. Hard to romance a girl when you wear a bag over your head.

The big thing here though is that the left is actively using "Unmasking our opponents" to ruin lives. Brandon Eich is one example. But more chillingly is Scott Eckern. Who, you ask? Exactly. He was just a worker at a theater in San Fransisco. Until the left exposed his donation to Prop 8 and literally ran him out of town. It was bad, bad, bad. The guy lost his job, lost his house, and had to flee the state.

But hey, he donated against Prop 8, so ruining his life is newsworthy and good, isn't it Chuck? The left had every right to publicize his name and address and job and harass him; just like Memories Pizza had to shut down! After all, it's newsworthy to show how disagreeing with the left means you are a bigot and thus deserve whatever the left can do to you!


Chuck বলেছেন...

I do hope people rub into certain commentators that said commentator just went on record as supporting Kathy Griffin severed head thing. He probably did think it was funny.

I did no such thing. You have -- yet again, and I have lost count of the number of times you have done this -- completely made up your own version of what you think my position is.

Let me make this really clear. Because you need it extra-clear, Vance, to not screw things up. I am not on record supporting Kathy Griffin because I do not support Kathy Griffin. I did not write one word of support for Kathy Griffin. What I did was to point out they hypocrisy of claiming that Kathy Griffin's bad and ugly joke was something that deserved a visit from the Secret Service, but HanAssholeSolo's bad and ugly jokes are free speech to be lauded as such. (And of course HanAssholeSolo isn't going to be getting a visit from the Secret Service, or the police, or his dorm's resident advisor or his babysitter.)

That's all, Vance. That is my position. Not the moronic bullshit that you made up and typed in your post.

I never said that Kathy Griffin's stunt was funny. I didn't think that it was funny.

You didn't think to ask about that, Vance; you just presumed and started typing.

You really are one of the most relentlessly ignorant of all of my detractors here. Just quit reading me, and quit commenting on my comments.

«সবচেয়ে পুরাতন ‹পুরাতন   273 এর 201 – থেকে 273   আরও নতুন» সবচেয়ে নতুন»