July 10, 2017

What is happening with Bill de Blasio? Has he given up even trying to appeal to ordinary voters?

The Post has 3 articles in that edition: "De Blasio’s bizarre humbug in Hamburg," "NYPD union head slams de Blasio for skipping slain cop’s vigil," and "De Blasio skips slain NYPD cop’s vigil to praise police in Germany."


Martin said...

Obama did the same thing often enough--it's his way of giving the middle finger to people he doesn't like.

harrogate said...

Your definition of "ordinary" is fun.

Michael K said...

Warren Wilhelm Jr. is doing what he is best at. Grandstanding.

Bloomberg probably gave him the idea.

If New York City wants to elect these media hounds, I could care less.

rhhardin said...

In fairness, the public mourning thing is bogus.

People die all the time. It's a police PR thing.

De Blasio just didn't take the news cycle into account.

Sebastian said...

Plenty of ordinary minorities and plutocrat millionaires in NYC to keep the lefty scam going. Who cares if a black thug kills a black female cop--all black lives matter, but some matter more than others. Smart for a leftist to get out of town--the killing messes up The Narrative.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...

“Trump wants to put out statements but with no questions asked.”

Trump wants to put out statements that raise more questions than can possibly be answered and his great genius (when it’s working) is that his best suit is as a listener (not a talker) to all the cacophony of Pan’s feedback (out of the fire, into the Pan) before Trump acts.

Someone will Tweet that he is having sex with Maureen Dowd right now.

BarrySanders20 said...

De Blasio is appealing to his voters. Euro-centric NYC'ers who oppose Trump.

He only needs to worry about a challenge from his own party. Or Bloomberg, if he chooses to run again.

Chuck said...

I'm guessing that the NY Post isn't part of the "left-wing Main Stream Media."

This myth that all of the media is lined up against Trump has to end. Because there is a big Trump contingent of newspapers, columnists, radio programs and the majority of the staff on the #1-rated cable news channel in the nation that are all, to put it politely, devoted to Trump and the Tea Party.

Rick said...

Because there is a big Trump contingent of newspapers, columnists, radio programs and the majority of the staff on the #1-rated cable news channel in the nation that are all, to put it politely, devoted to Trump and the Tea Party.

Trump and the Tea Party have very little policy overlap so anyone who lumps one in with the other to make a point is unable to understand reality.

Anyway it's beyond amusing the existence of dissent which grew out of the overwhelming leftism of media is supposed to prove the media isn't left. It's absurd - and the sort of thing only those unable to get past the group think of the drum circle believe.

BarrySanders20 said...

Nypost will skewer any pol in headlines. And this one is a good one.

Eric said...

This is Hillary's big chance. As far as I know, she hasn't ruled out running.

Dave from Minnesota said...

One party rule give you idiots for rulers. Left or right.

MayBee said...

The G20 protestors should consider that an open invitation to go to NY and "protest"

Seeing Red said...

I know Chuck isn't talking about Fox News, cause they're swinging Left. Anything to the Right if a person is to the Right, but it doesn't mean the station is actually Right, or central, in the middle. it's about perception. Instead of having 10 trash Trump stories, if you only have 9, you are to the right.

De Blasio wanted to play with the big boys. We can't let his job that he ran and was elected for get in the way. Mayor is a small job. Plus, that's where the money is!

traditionalguy said...

Soros beckoned from afar with his Slush Funds Light, that now is the time for all good Communists to come to the aide of the International Community.

Danno said...

LLR, the NYT and NY Daily News are prog/lib and probably have subscription levels way beyond the Post. Please don't try to refute the facts with this New York City example.

Let see, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC are equivalent to FOX?

bwebster said...

Also, news reports indicate that the NYC subway system continues to slowly melt down:


Earnest Prole said...

New York Post : Bill de Blasio :: CNN : Donald Trump.

William said...

The most depressing thing is that he will be re-elected and by a bigger margin.......Bloomberg was the best NYC could hope for. Bloomberg was against crime and terrorism. If only liberals could restrict their efforts to make the world a better place to large soft drinks, how much a better place the world would actually be.

Kevin said...

"the majority of the staff on the #1-rated cable news channel in the nation that are all, to put it politely, devoted to Trump"

Yes, covering stories like the passage of Kate's Law, interviewing Republican Senators about why they can't pass healthcare legislation, and going more than one hour without a segment devoted to Trump's "collusion" with Russia makes them "devoted to Trump".

This network did as much as anyone to deny him the nomination when CNN and MSNBC were promoting Hillary's preferred challenger. And now that they deign to cover the news, they are "devoted to Trump".

RichardJohnson said...

Michael K

Warren Wilhelm Jr. is doing what he is best at. Grandstanding.

There is some irony in the Mayor speechifying in Germany, given that the Mayor renounced his father's German surname. I wonder if any German journalists asked him about that. I doubt it.

Chuck said...

Seeing Red said...
I know Chuck isn't talking about Fox News...

I happen to know that Chuck WAS talking about Fox News. Hannity; "Fox and Friends"; Judge Jeanine Pirro; Eric Bolling; Stuart Varney; Jesse Waters; Greg Gutfeld; these are some of the biggest Trump cheerleaders in the country. Their sole function right now is to support and defend the Trump administration. And just one-half step below them on the pro-Trump propaganda scale are Tucker Carlson and Martha MacCallum.

I watch Fox, a lot. Because there are some honest conservatives who are still there. Brit Hume; Charles Krauthammer; Steve Hayes. And a couple of honest reporters, Brit Hume and Chris Walace.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

In fairness, the public mourning thing is bogus.

People die all the time. It's a police PR thing.

However, as Mayor of New York, the Police Department along with the men and women who serve in it are in the equivalent relationship of Commander in Chief to the Military. The Mayor as a representative of the "City" is also the boss or person in ultimate responsibility for everything under his command.

When some of his "command" are under attack, killed in the line of duty, it is the responsibility and the moral duty of the Commander in Chief to acknowledge the sacrifice in some way.

Ignoring the death of one of his own in order to grandstand against a political foe for personal aggrandizement, really really doesn't reflect well on the Mayor. The resulting further erosion of support by the "troops" towards their CIC will be evinced in less policing. The people of the City will be the ones to suffer.

PB said...

Rahm's going to try to run for President. deBlasio feels he's more qualified because NYC is larger than Chicago, plus he thinks a younger, crazier version of Bernie will win.

bagoh20 said...

What is most unseemly and hypocritical to me is that the man who represents THE city that is the very symbol of capitalism, it's power, and success goes to Europe to join a protest against capitalism. He is the walking representation of Fen's law. I wonder how big his soft drinks are. I'm betting he drinks Mountain Dew of a bucket.

n.n said...

de Blasio colludes with foreign fascists to influence American elections. Democrats defend the right of Planned Parenthood et al to recycle unworthy human babies.

Close association. I wonder what the NYT is cooking.

Seeing Red said...

Are you talking about news presenters or opinion shows?

PB said...

Rahm's going to try to run for President. deBlasio feels he's more qualified because NYC is larger than Chicago, plus he thinks a younger, crazier version of Bernie will win.

Fabi said...

"pro-Trump propaganda" -- said no Reublican ever.

HoodlumDoodlum said...

Trump and the Tea Party.

What an interesting grouping. Does the Tea Party, whatever's left of it, strongly support Trump? Is Trump strongly associated with the Tea Party? He certainly shouldn't be--the Trump core supporter group is a lot less libertarian-leaning than the core Tea Party group. The Tea Party agitated for smaller government and for repealing big government prgms. Trump is definitely pro big government. Additionally lots of the "NeverTrump" people derided by Trump supporters as "GOPe" were vocally anti-Tea Party (David Brooks, etc)...so it's just darn odd to hear someone refer to "Trump and the Tea Party" as though their media supporters are the same.

Achilles said...

Please don't feed the dishonest idiot troll.

n.n said...

Mr. Chairman, we do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and in particular at Fannie Mae. Obama deems granny unworthy and redistributes several hundred billion from Medicare, thereby confirming an opportunistic conflation of health care, medical care, and financing schemes. Democratic activist Planned and pursued elective abortion of congressman and his staff. Meanwhile, there is renewed hope for non-refugees from catastrophic anthropogenic global social justice adventures. Also, Germany feels isolated following Obama's departure, suggesting a collusion between Merkel and Obama to execute a coup d'etat in Ukraine and to influence American elections.

Bay Area Guy said...

To his credit, DeBlasio is an unabashed Leftist. He doesn't pretend otherwise. To win national elections, Dems have to put on a veil or veneer of moderation to hide their leftism. DeBlasio doesn't have to do this in NYC.

So, What does this mean?

It means fighting global warming is more important than fixing a broken subway system.

It means fighting inequality is more important than creating jobs.

It means fighting for civil rights is more important that stopping crime.

It means fighting for criminal defendants is more important than supporting cops.

DeBlasio does what 75% of Dems would like to do, but for their desire to win elections.

Yes, he is a wacko, but, Hey, at least he's an honest wacko.

eric said...

How did you all manage to allow Chuck to derail another thread? A thread about the mayor of new York for crying out loud.

Listen to Achilles and don't feed the troll. They go away if you ignore them.

Seeing Red said...

And those things are important to the NYC voters. Until they have to live with the consequences.

Seeing Red said...

I don't need to live somewhere do bad that being mugged or worse is the price I have to pay. They're willing to put up with the violence for other conveniences. And cache.

Drago said...

An army of strawmen......
"This myth that all of the media is lined up against Trump has to end.

The good news is that one match makes them all disappear.

Drago said...

I miss Emily Litella: what's all this I hear about all media being against Trump?!.....


Robert Cook said...

"Also, news reports indicate that the NYC subway system continues to slowly melt down:


This story strikes me--a 36-year resident of Manhattan--as exaggerated, to say the least. There are occasional problems with the subways, and right now there is much repair and upgrade work being done one various train lines--but this work is restricted to certain times of night or certain days of the week, and signs are posted indicating the hours and days of any service cutbacks--but I haven't noticed any particularly bad service.

As for people being late, perhaps they're waiting too late to leave for work. Yes, delays are unexpected, but, at least in my experience, they're hardly epidemic, as this story depicts.

Having lived here long enough, I find the service today much better than in the 80s or early 90s.

Robert Cook said...

I voted for De Blasio, but I won't vote for him again. He has been a giant disappointment as mayor, and openly arrogant toward the voters. Bye bye, Bill!

Ann Althouse said...

"In fairness, the public mourning thing is bogus. People die all the time. ..."

Jeez, you sound like Ted Bundy.

"My friend Barb claims that when asked to justify his behavior, Ted Bundy responded, 'Well, there are so many people.'"

Sedaris, David (2017-05-30). Theft by Finding: Diaries (1977-2002) (Kindle Locations 5105-5106). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.

Seeing Red said...

I thought DeBlasio was very honest during the election and said what his priorities were?

James Graham said...

New York is the center of world capitalism. It is also the center of the Democrat Party. Go figure.

Temujin said...

In the early 90's under the previous Democrat Mayor, David Dinkins, New York was a freakin' mess. So much so that even famously left-wing New Yorkers voted in Republicans for the next 20 years to clean up the city and make it great again. Giuliani and Bloomberg did just that (though Bloomberg got very nanny-statish after getting bored with his job). But, New Yorkers being New Yorkers, they HAD to swing back to a regressive Liberal- de Blasio.

The city is again on the path to becoming a giant mess. Dems have a long, storied history of running great cities into the ground, then pointing their fingers at every other person and reason in the world for their city's demise. In the case of this blunderer, he's just up front stupid. I've listened to him. This is not a bright man. He is, however, a committed, enthusiastic Socialist, so any failure to understand what it takes to move civilization forward is par for the course. History is full of de Blasio's.

rhhardin said...

Jeez, you sound like Ted Bundy.

Natural sympathy functions in your own neighborhood, not in media stories brought into your neighborhood as entertainment because there's a market for sympathizing.

It's entertaining yourself with a stranger's misfortune.

Sympathy in your own neighborhood has an actual function. You can help there.

Quaestor said...

PB wrote: Rahm's going to try to run for President.

Can America hope for such mythic good fortune twice in succession?

Rick said...

He has been a giant disappointment as mayor,

No reasonable person could be disappointed. People elected a useless demagogue and they got a useless demagogue.

Big Mike said...

The subways are a mess, people are shooting cops just for fun, no wonder deBlasio has left town. The fact remains that he's not up to the job and neither he nor his voters much care.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

Well, skipping off the Germany spared DeBlasio from having to face the police he detests and who detest him. At an earlier memorial service for a slain officer, he was booed when he showed his face.

Not many people in NYC voted for Trump. I bet many of the police did.

Big Mike said...

Someone will Tweet that he [Trump] is having sex with Maureen Dowd right now.

Have you seen Melania? Having an affair with MoDo would be like walking past a T-bone steak dinner to eat cat food (apologies to Ida).

Gk1 said...

De Blasio is one good bungled snow storm or terrorist attack from being thrown out on his ass. New York liberals enjoy the posturing up to the point they can't avid stepping in human filth on the way to a dinner party. That's pretty much how they wound up with Rudy Giuliani, isn't it? Having a black mayor wasn't worth the moral preening when you were afraid to leave your house at night.

Lewis Wetzel said...

Why do socialists, the greatest mass murderers of the 20th century, find a natural home in the Democrat party?

rhhardin said...

A lie can make it around the world before a half-truth can get its pants on.

DKWalser said...

The Post has the best headline writers in the business.

exiledonmainstreet, green-eyed devil said...

BTW, how long before there are demands to change the name of the NY Yankees? Isn't the name "Yankees" and that red, white and blue logo with the Uncle Sam hat, insensitive to those who have suffered under terrible Yankee imperialism? Such jingoism doesn't suit today's NYC.

The Yankees should rename themselves the UN Globalists and their games should start out with "Imagine" instead of the National Anthem. And ditch that Kate Smith recording of "God Bless America." That's Babe Ruth era stuff and we all know how unenlightened and dumb everyone was back then.

Michael K said...

"these are some of the biggest Trump cheerleaders in the country."

No, I think voters are the biggest Trump cheerleaders.

Robert Cook said...

"De Blasio is one good bungled snow storm or terrorist attack from being thrown out on his ass. New York liberals enjoy the posturing up to the point they can't avid stepping in human filth on the way to a dinner party. That's pretty much how they wound up with Rudy Giuliani, isn't it? Having a black mayor wasn't worth the moral preening when you were afraid to leave your house at night."

Oh, please. No one was afraid to leave their homes at night during Dinkins' tenure. In fact, the crime stats started dropping during Dinkins' term, as they did all around the country at the same time, but Rudy Giuliani, a destestable schmuck, came in and claimed he cleaned up NY's crime rate. Baloney.

Also, NYC is cleaner now than at any time I've lived here, so there's no problem of "avoiding stepping in human filth on the way to a dinner party," as it is simply not a noticeable reality.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

James Graham: "New York is the center of world capitalism. It is also the center of the Democrat Party. Go figure."

New York is a locus of *crony* capitalism, as are both the Democrat and Republican parties.

James K said...

De Blasio is one good bungled snow storm or terrorist attack from being thrown out on his ass.

There likely won't be any snowstorms between now and the election. Maybe a hurricane.

The turnout 4 years ago was something like 23%. DeBlasio has made himself unpopular by his general boorish behavior, not just this latest incident, but it will take a viable opponent.

NYC is cleaner now than at any time I've lived here

The increase in people living and sleeping on sidewalks is palpable. Violent crime has leveled off rather than continued its downward trend. Ditto on property values versus their upward trend. We can wait until things get really bad or try to preempt it by electing a mayor who doesn't fancy himself the reincarnation of Hugo Chavez.

James K said...

I should add: There number of shuttered storefronts on prime avenues in Manhattan is astonishing, and rents are actually declining. While some of this is nationwide due to the decline of bricks & mortar retail, NYC is one place where stores should be able to thrive if they weren't hamstrung by ridiculous levels of taxation and regulation.

Ray - SoCal said...

92% vs 52% on Fox negative coverage of Trump on tv makes Fox pro Trump?


Tea party is dead as a political force. Nobody is supporting it, since it's been destroyed. Which got us Trump...

rehajm said...

No one was afraid to leave their homes at night during Dinkins' tenure. In fact, the crime stats started dropping during Dinkins' term, as they did all around the country at the same time...

As has been studied the reduction in crime rates at that time had little to do with who was Mayor and everything to do with the reduction of the population in crime committing age groups.

You can credit Wagner, Lindsay, Beame and Koch for reducing sex drive if you want.

Static Ping said...

Bill de Blasio is a communist and, like any good communist, the goal is not to have to appeal to ordinary voters or, for that matter, any voters at all.

grackle said...

Bill de Blasio: The CNN of big-city mayors. But the New Yorkers will re-elect with no problem, wait and see. The citizens of this self-important metropolis are not likely to care much about cops or they wouldn’t have elected this Lefty in the first place.

"the majority of the staff on the #1-rated cable news channel in the nation that are all, to put it politely, devoted to Trump"

The straight news staff is anti-Trump. They strive mightily not to be too obvious about it. The opinion shows are mostly pro-Trump, with some neutrality but there’s usually a #NeverTrump on ANY panel on either of the two types of shows. Look for a panelist who really, really wants Trump to stop the tweets. The #NeverTrump types naturally want to outlaw Trump’s best weapon.

Michael said...

Robert Cook
I am now in the city only ten or twelve times a year so I am not as tuned in as you are or as I once was. But I have certain paths that I take and I notice from trip to trip and year to year the difference in the number of panhandlers and people sleeping in the streets and I conclude it has gotten worse under de Blasio just as it had gotten better under Guiliani. Strolling south on 7th from 57 was 2 or 3 bums a block pre Rudy, then the number dropped to zero and now it is one every other block. I walk on the west side of the street, it might be different on the east. I agree that the city is pretty clean now and it is rare to see the trash piled up and the summer stench that was once so prevelantl

It is a hell of a lot easier and a lot more fun to preen about those things which he cannot do one thing than to toil away at the things that he can.

Chuck said...

grackle said...

The straight news staff is anti-Trump.

Well if you say so then I will give them another chance. If I want the most intensely anti-Trump news that FNC has to offer, when should I watch?

Thanks for your help on this.

Unknown said...

Let's see. "Tonight on MSProClintonDemocratsForever News at 9: we discuss whether Trump voters should be guillotined or just imprisoned until they die. Taking the imprison side is noted Republican, WSJ Commentator and Jeb Bush campaign worker T. Coddington Van Vorhees IV, who lives on a 800 foot yacht moored next to John Kerrys. Taking the guillotine side is moderate Democrat, committed feminist, and ACLU chair from inner city Detroit, Martha NeverSleptWithAManBecauseI'mALesbianMuslimMidget Jones. Let's start with you Martha. We all know that it was a criminal act to vote for Trump. But why should they be executed?......"

Anything to the right of this kind of story is proof positive that the media person or network is "a rabid Trump supporter".

Bill Blasio would of course agree, since he's with a bunch of rioters destroying Hamburg and hasn't criticized any of it, as far as I can tell.


Fabi said...

This thread is about de Blasio. Thanks for your help on this.

(My Captcha had me identify the photos containing "shorts". If only it had been men wearing shorts!)

Gk1 said...

Ah I see, I've been corrected. New York was paradise in the late 80's and Dinkins was canned as mayor because of racism, not general incompetence. Crime was getting better on its own due to macro changes in crime fighting. Good to know.

Robert Cook said...

"The increase in people living and sleeping on sidewalks is palpable."

Yes, homelessness is becoming more visible. It's still not near the levels that were normal in the 80s, but it is increasing and could one day return to its former levels.

Static Ping said...

The NYC subway is the responsibility of the state, not the city. While de Blasio has not exactly excelled in his handling of the situation, the blame sits with Cuomo in Albany.

Do remember that de Blasio won the Democratic primary against a field which featured Anthony Weiner as the candidate with the most name recognition. After 20 years of Republicans and Independents, the city was almost certainly going to elect a Democrat and he was the one to squeak it out against a bunch of blah Democrats and then stomp a blah Republican.

Also, keep in mind that the population of New York City is volatile. There are lots of people moving in and moving out. These are not the same voters that put Rudy in office.

Robert Cook said...

"Ah I see, I've been corrected. New York was paradise in the late 80's and Dinkins was canned as mayor because of racism, not general incompetence. Crime was getting better on its own due to macro changes in crime fighting. Good to know."

New York was not a paradise in the late 80s. Did anyone here say it was? Dinkins was bland and lacking in apparent personality. He had no signal achievements to point to and so had no chance to prevail against the blustering, bullying Giuliani, (who played to the city's racists in his campaign). Nonetheless, the crime rate in NYC was dropping during Dinkins' tenure--as it was doing everywhere in the country, indicating sociological reasons for the drop in crime. Giuliani claimed credit for something that had started happening several years before he took office. Crime continued to drop in NYC during Giuliani's terms--as it continued to do nationwide--so whatever Giuliani was doing was not the sole, and possibly not even a primary, cause of NYC's dropping crime rate.

madAsHell said...

I kept reading the headline, and couldn't understand how "Deutsch", and "bag" were relevant. Speaking the headline out loud helped clear my confusion.

cacimbo said...

"the crime stats started dropping during Dinkins' term" & " the reduction in crime rates at that time had little to do with who was Mayor "

Amazing that people actually believe this. Below is a link to some actual crime stats. The number of people murdered increased again during Dinkins last year in office.There were small drops in some other serious crime, probably from people simply not reporting. I was a NYC police officer during the Dinkins and Giuliani years. The difference was remarkable. Under Dinkins cops were discouraged from making arrests while the Mayor paid for drug dealers funerals. Cops hated that Giuliani would not give them pay increases, but he completely changed the way the police department operated and the city became much safer as a result. Living in Brooklyn during the Dinkins years almost every person I knew had been a crime victim. My own cars were broken into three times and stolen once - that was in one of Brooklyn best neighborhoods at the time. Apparently $9,000 Hyundai's had great radios. Radio theft was so common they invented the Benzi box. Almost all my friends were crime victims, either their handbags were snatched, property damaged, or getting dragged down a Manhattan block by a thug trying to rip off a necklace - at noon. In neighborhoods like Bed Sty and ENY the gun fire never stopped. Kids were dodging bullets walking to school. Dinkins came to give an afternoon talk at Cypress projects and the local thugs started shooting the place up in the middle of the speech. Dinklns cleared out quick and never came back. The revisionist history that things were improving under Dinkins is laughable.

johns said...

de Blasio is the perfect mayor for NYC at this time. Jerry Brown is the perfect governor for California at this time. Illinois' bankruptcy is perfect for this time. The most clear cut experiment in red vs blue government is occurring, and it is marvelous to watch. I am in California but I hope that the voters here will continue to elect Democrats to be governor. A Republican cannot help this state. The Republican governor of Illinois cannot help that state, other than to speed the bankruptcy a little. The laboratory of democracy is producing results at an amazing rate, and it is incredible.

cacimbo said...

Bloomberg won his third election by only 50,000 votes. The public was sick of him, but neither party put up a serious challenger. Again no serious candidates have stepped up to run against Deblasio even though he is not well liked. It is rare for a NYC incumbent to face a serious challenge. The political establishment of both parties will destroy any who dare.Just ask Michael Grimm, he challenged party leadership so both parties conspired to charge him with a felony and made him do jail time for paying restaurant workers in cash - the NYC norm. A stern lesson for any others foolish enough to think of challenging the status quo.

Anonymous said...

I see no one's ever told de Blasio the joke about European heaven and European hell. (In one, all the lovers are Italian, all the cooks are French, all the bankers are Swiss, all the engineers are German, and all the police are English. In the other, all the lovers are Swiss, all the cooks are English, all the bankers are Italian, all the engineers are French, and all the police are German.)

grackle said...

If I want the most intensely anti-Trump news that FNC has to offer, when should I watch?

Start with anytime Shepard Smith is on. Ditto Jonah Goldberg, who is openly NeverTrump. Wallace is more sly about it; his sins are mostly sins of omission, such as carefully overlooking when Trump is attacked by the MSM and characterizing Trump’s responses to media attacks as attacks on the media. He’s also good at cutting off panelists trying to defend Trump.

Krauthammer, Steve Hayes and Bret Baier do the same type of studied ignorance of the Trump side of the various anti-trump memes. Hume is better but I’ve never heard any of them offer much praise without throwing in an anti-Trump caveat at the end.

I haven’t really monitored Fox the last couple of months. I FF until I see a face I’m interested in, maybe once or twice a day. I watch the introduction of the panelists to see who are on the panels. If it’s the usual I skip it.

The usual = pro-Trump panelists who seem chosen for their inability to communicate clearly and have no grasp of what Trump is doing. Most of them are conventional eGOP types who would rather have Pence to talk about. They even do some light bitching about Trump’s tweets whenever the chance arises.

Also the usual = Mara Liasson, A. B. Stoddard, Juan Williams and various other anti-Trumpers.

There’s so much fake news that I try to confine myself to what is verifiable. That means the NYT, Post and most big-city newspapers is of no informational value, their relevant articles mainly based on anonymous sources.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

Those aren't homeless, they're commuters.

Nonapod said...

There's no shortage of people on FNC who are critical Trump. Heck, even Eric Bolling (arguably the biggest Trump cheerleader at the network) has openly disagreed with Trump from time to time, and I don't think anyone (bar the most extreme Trump zealot) would categorize him as "anti-Trump". Blind unquestioning loyalty is by nature idiotic and dangerous.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Earnest Prole said...

Giuliani claimed credit for something that had started happening several years before he took office.

The first year Dinkins was mayor saw murders jump to their highest number ever in New York City. By the time he left office the number of murders was still greater than before he took office. Under Guiliani murders then dropped by a factor of three. Anyone who actually lived in New York City during this time would know this.

Gk1 said...

Funny how Cookie so casually trots out counter intuitive talking points. Having never lived there I can only go off of what was written about the dinkin's years. Even so you would be hard pressed to find anyone wanting dinkin's back as mayor or bitter regret Rudy was mayor. I live in the one party state of California and see the same mediocrities driving the state to ruin.

Tobias said...

"Mayor feeds his ego in Germany after fleeing a city in mourning."

You could say it's his Hamburgbrag.

James K said...

Funny how Cookie so casually trots out counter intuitive talking points.

Cooke is mistaken about (violent) crime dropping under Dinkins, at least not by any reasonable definition. As to the claim that it dropped everywhere, well yes, but I don't think anywhere matched the astonishing drop in NYC, from something like 2200 murders/year to around 350. On a per capita basis something like an 85% drop.

Jim at said...

I love what de Blasio is doing. Because he is shining the full light on the thoughts, actions and priorities of the left.

Not just parts of the left, but of each and every person on the left.

This is who they are. All of them.

Michael K said...

"I live in the one party state of California and see the same mediocrities driving the state to ruin."

I left in January.

Tucson has lots of lefties but I don't see them taking over like they have in California.

Michael K said...

Also the usual = Mara Liasson, A. B. Stoddard, Juan Williams and various other anti-Trumpers.

Sunday they had Juan and a black woman ex-Congressperson who are both lefties.

Brit Hume sounds neutral but gets in the occasional dig at Trump.

The fourth was Newt Gingrich who is openly pro-Trump but makes good arguments.

He originated the Trump technique of going after the media in 2012.

Chris Wallace is more and more anti-Trump as the year goes on.

They have that woman from the AP on all the time. The AP is almost as bad as CNN.

holdfast said...

So who or what were all these people protesting anyway?

Trump? Who, if you read the MSM - from the NYT to the Toronto Globe and Mail (in a series of remarkably coordinated stories - was basically "excluded" by the other 19 "leaders" because he refused to join the Jihad against the CO2 molecule?

Pretty Boy Justin - Who is basically a millennial lefty loser with his tribal tats (even though I think he's technically Gen X)?

Merkin and Marcaroni - Basically the avatars for the modern Liberal Elite who want to run our lives for our own good?

David said...

He's an asshole. Always has been an asshole. It's not complicated.

Clyde said...

Of course, the headline isn't really funny when you pronounce Deutsch properly (sounds like Doytch).

Ken B said...

He is the echt progressive, displaying the contempt for others that is the core and heart of progressivism.

Darrell said...

They have that woman from the AP on all the time. The AP is almost as bad as CNN.

Didn't they AP finish the vote count? When they started, with 99% of the votes counted, Trump led by some 1.1 million. When they finished Clinton was 4 million ahead. Practically none of the uncounted vote went for Trump. How do you like that, incredible!

Anonymous said...

James K (3:10pm):
I recall someone demonstrating that it was dishonest to compare the drop in NYC murders with the national drop without subtracting the NYC totals from the national totals: they were a very large part of the drop. While substantial, the drop in murders nationwide was considerably less impressive with the NYC numbers removed.

dwick said...

Robert Cook said 7/10/17, 10:31 AM:

This story strikes me--a 36-year resident of Manhattan--as exaggerated, to say the least.

Well, thank you, Mr Manhattan!
The governor of NY declares a state of emergency for the 'broken' NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority' along with a $1B cash infusion... but it seems for Robert Cook--a 36-year resident of 'high-income zone' Manhattan (which constitutes all of ~7% of NYC land area)--everything is pretty okay. So as long as Mr Manhattan isn't personally inconvenienced all the fuss is exaggerated. Let the unfortunate folks in the 'low income zones' and boroughs beyond Manhattan eat cake.

Rusty said...

"Tea party is dead as a political force. Nobody is supporting it, since it's been destroyed. Which got us Trump..."

Who do you think got him elected. The TEA party, not being an actual organization, can pop up at any time. Right now we're working our way into local and state governments.

Robert Cook said...


Your snark is duly noted, but it is not unreasonable for me to speak of living in NYC for close to four decades. I do live and work in Manhattan, but I worked in Queens for years and daily commuted 90 minutes each way to and from work, at all hours of the day and night, (I worked in a hotel). I took two trains and a bus each way. In short, I have seen NYC subway service in three boroughs (Manhattan, Queens, and Brooklyn) over many years and service today is better that was ever the norm for at least the first half of the years I've lived here. Do I know the service everywhere? No. Is it possible there are parts of the city experiencing sporadic poor service today? Yes. But for the governor to declare a state of emergency for the MTA smacks mostly of politics to me and does not convince me we actually have a state of emergency.

Robert Cook said...

"Cooke (sic) is mistaken about (violent) crime dropping under Dinkins, at least not by any reasonable definition."

No. I'm not.

Big Mike said...

Cookie, I followed both your links and there are no hard statistics to say that any of the commentators you think you are refuting are wrong.

exhelodrvr1 said...

"The laboratory of democracy is producing results at an amazing rate, and it is incredible"

Add in Venezuela, UK Health care, the increasingly apparent long-term impact of socialism on European society, and Greece's financial situation, and we are certainly getting a pretty clear view of what the ideas of the left will lead to.

Unfortunately, half the country is blind.

Mrs. X said...

I'm a 40 year resident of Manhattan. I lived through Dinkins. I was a young woman and I was afraid to go out of my apartment at night. One female friend of mine was mugged at an ATM on Park Avenue in midtown. Another was attacked and nearly killed by a mugger in the vestibule of her coop in Chelsea. She didn't have much money on her. The mugger grabbed her by her collar and bashed her head against the stone floor until she was unconscious.

Things improved dramatically under Giuliani. Anyone who says otherwise is willfully blind or very high. Things are now deteriorating in a way that makes even a committed New Yorker like me think about leaving. My husband and I put our daughter on a bus to a summer job 2 years ago very early in the morning at the Port Authority and had to step over encamped homeless people of a mindblowing number. I take a long subway ride 4 days a week (to Brooklyn) and it has gotten exponentially worse in the last 6 months. I'd estimate that two out of four days, a trip that google maps and past experience says should take an hour actually takes at least an hour and 20 minutes (30%) longer. There was a recent statistical study released. You can google it.

I have also seen the same homeless guy twice, the one who said "I've turned my life around from what I used to do, which was robbing white people. Give me money so I don't have to go back to doing that." So things aren't so bad. If you don't mind being threatened while being late.

Robert Cook said...

Is this a little better, Big Mike?

Giuliani became Mayor of NYC in 1994. Crime in the city started dropping in 1990. It continued to drop after 2004, as I have already acknowledged. But crime also dropped nationwide during this period. One may assume that policing policies under Dinkins and Giuliani helped in this drop, but as the drop in crime was a national phenomenon, one must also assume there were other causes.

So, if any credit is to be given to Giuliani for NYC's drop in crime, it must also be given to Dinkins. However, neither of them may claim total credit for what seems to have been a result of other social factors having nothing to do with either of them.

Meade said...

Ich bin ein hamburger.

greyniffler said...

When you kill a random cop BECAUSE s/he is a cop, you are attacking the safety of every inhabitant of the polity and the publi order that allows a free society to function. Every one of us has a stake in this. The killer should be treated not like a mad dog, but like the disease of rabies itself.

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