And that's not one of these articles that reports on the existence of a report in another publication. USA Today makes no mention of the Politico article that I blogged first thing this morning, "Is the President Fit? Donald Trump is the least athletic president in generations. Here’s why it matters."
As Kevin said in the comments to that earlier post: "Is this what's left to them after the collusion with Russia effort failed? Bullying Trump about his weight?"
Did some memo go out? This is the talking point — Trump is fat??!!
२१४ टिप्पण्या:
214 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»More reminders that Hillary didn't win: stories about the dumpy and overweight president.
There is still a journOlist, and there will always be one.
They are coordinating their wishcasting for a heart attack.
I am Laslo.
All the fit that's shit to print.
Breaking news: "Trump (we stopped using honorific "President" for the office holder as of Jan 20) could have worse morning breath than most Americans..could his weight, height, hair have something to do with it?"
stories about the dumpy
Depends would prefer that you didn't use those words when talking about Hillary. It's a movement.
Gee, one might get the impression that the Democrats are bereft of any ideas policies that resonate with the vast majority of Americans.
How odd....
News is, I still haven’t recovered from the rant that springtime ended, for Hitler.
We, the men with straw in our heads,
when summertime comes,
will burn, baby burn.
The Breaking News is that Trump is going down in flames from an added indictment: He was already White, and Old, and a Man, and Rich guy who uses and insults women, and talks like a vulgar Bronx Brat.
Now add to the list that he is a Fat Slob, and the 25th Amendment is triggered.
Proportionally speaking, Hillary heavier than DJT.
As Paulie Walnuts would have put it, "Before, and way before."
I glad they can keep their stories straight.
"Mr. Addison called, he wants his disease back."
Concern trolling is a weird thing. You can always feel the hate.
"Did some memo go out? This is the talking point — Trump is fat??!!"
Well, from a closer reading of that headline, it isn't really that Trump is fat, but he will get fat.
So their breaking news is speculation about Trump's eating habits.
They should go back to talking about how many scoops of ice cream everyone is getting.
Actually, I find this kind of inanity comforting. It means that nothing at all is happening, which is normal for mid-July in Washington and good for normies. If anything at all was happening, there would be a way to shriekingly blame it on either POTUS Trump or people who voted for Trump.
Pray for more of the same.
Trump is what we used to call a 57th St. biggie. A big guy in an Oxxford suit and Countess Mara tie. These guys were proud of the girth they sported in board rooms and the 21 Club. Lee Iococca was more or less the standard. Trump has hummingbird energy. He isn't going anywhere. And "borderline" obese is not obese.
The oracles warn of stress past, stress present, and press-induced stress to come.
Actually, if you go to the website of the Metropolitan Golf Association (the New York City-regional golf association for Westchester County, Long Island and northern New Jersey), you will find that Donald Trump carries a handicap of 2.9.
If that were true, it would make Trump the best-golfing president by far, and arguably the next-most athletic president since All-Big Ten (Michigan) lineman Gerry Ford.
But it isn't true. It cannot be true. Trump hasn't posted any scores in years. It is a vanity handicap, and it makes someone like me who works on his golf game and who turns in scores from matches played strictly by the rules, want to beg Trump for a match. I want to play Trump for a billion dollars. He has to give me four strokes a side.
Just some more "Trump is not the right sort" signaling to those who are part of the in group.
BMI is meaningless, it's averages. College athletes with 3-6% body fat are near obese on BMI charts.
Let's see your $Billion, Chuckles.
I thought so.
Maybe you can get the Detroit mob to front you.
But it isn't true. It cannot be true. Trump hasn't posted any scores in years. It is a vanity handicap
I lack the literary ability to describe how much most people do not care about this.
As if leftists aren't praying to Gaia that he keels over.
I remember there was some black leftist on NPR who openly hoped that Clarence Thomas would go the way of many middle-aged black men after gorging himself on fried chicken, grits and biscuits made with lard. I have no idea what his eating habits are, but he's still with us, thank God.
He does look big. So what? I thought fat shaming was bad? The left would love it if Donny dropped dead - so why all of the concern?
Oh I know- nagging. The left never stop nagging.
Trump is flourishing.
Never mind the politics behind this specific headline, it's more that "Breaking News" isn't really breaking news anymore.
Too many outlets use the term to try to grab attention to get people to click on links, or stay on a channel for a few seconds to get hooked into a story or conversation, without any real standards of importance or urgency behind the term.
That boy cried wolf a few too many times for the term to have any importance anymore.
Guess what everybody! Trump is vain!
OMG! Really! I am shocked!
William Howard Taft did OK, as President and Chief Justice. He was hardly svelte.
Good grief, Chuck, your entire comment was a strained and unrelated nonsequitor. That was pathetic even by your significantly-handicapped standards.
"Trump hasn't posted any scores in years."
Poor chuck. Trump has people to do that for him. Most indexes (Handicap ,as you should know if you were not a bullshiitter, is passe. It is calculated from Index and course rating) are posted with the list of scores in the locker room. Have you been there ?
I have been told he drives the ball 300 from the tee by people who were there in person to see it.
My Index when I had to quit because of my back six years ago was 9. What's yours ?
The nonsequitor is a robot.
They're adding it to the next generation of sexbots, for small talk.
Boy, if anything will discredit Trump with the average American it's the news that he is not obsessed with fitness like their betters in the Coastal Elite. Don't these people ever want to win another election?
"Trump Takes Monster Shit!"
Now, that would be "breaking" news.
My Index when I had to quit because of my back six years ago was 9. What's yours ?
I usually play in the low 70's. If it gets any warmer than that, I go to the clubhouse, and drink beer.
Breaking news! The investigations are ongoing.
The collusion with Russia story is alive and well, it most certainly has not collapsed despite your wishful thinking. As for Trump's health, he should eat another Big Mack and enjoy every last bite while it lasts.
Speaking of Russia collusion, today is the anniversary of Soviet collaborator Ted Kennedy killing Mary Joe Kopechne.
Trolls are punching in early.
President Trump looks prosperous to me. He neither drinks nor smokes, and, his biggest vice is putting ketchup on a steak. I bet his 70 year medical check-up went well.
"Michael said...
Trump is what we used to call a 57th St. biggie."
Never heard that phrase before. It's glorious.
Larry Schweikart, a true Trump supporter on Twitter, sees all these issues as "cheese in the maze." Trump is more than happy to let the media go nuts over every anti-Trump issue that comes down the pike but this pike is a maze they get lost in. Russia's the biggest cheese hunk of cheese in the maze but whenever that scent fades a bit, anything will do: weight, Barron's "autism," fake approval ratings, and now weight. The quality of cheese is going downhill but it still gets the mice in the maze scurrying.
They better be careful, or they're going to trigger all those waddling blue-haired "fat acceptance" SJWs who "like" and re-tweet all their anti-Trump content. Get with the program, you msm bigots, and bleat after me: healthy (and sexy!) at any size!
"Did some memo go out?"
No, no, no, no, no. This is not a vast conspiracy of any kind.
Yes, we have had Journolist. Conspiracies do happen.
But the real issue is that the people who inhabit these journalism pet shops are similar. They don't have to plan together, get at a card table and draw up tasks and jobs. They just think alike.
Not a conspiracy.
Poor, sad, pathetic Chuck.
Back in the real world, here's a rather interesting article from Golf Digest that goes just a bit deeper than just Trumps golf game and is a good read from a knowledgeable golfer who has played with Trump:
Trump can drive the ball 285 yards!
Another thing that Trump took from Hillary is the distinction of being the least athletic president in generations. I don't think she can walk down stairs.
Whenever I despair of some Trump foolishness, I consider the alternative. Then I feel a little better.
I'm guessing this equates to an unstated concession that impeachment is not in the cards. Thus the base must rest its hopes upon a stroke. Because yes, it is coordinated. Hope springs eternal, etc.
The funniest part about this is that when you look at the mortality data, Trump's weight is in the longest-lived bracket for his age. The very best studies we have all show that being at an "ideal" weight is correlated with higher mortality. It's not subtle. It's glaring.
BMI of 25-30 is the lowest mortality grouping. So you are currently considered overweight, but you are least likely to die! Which is supposed to be unhealthy?
Grade 1 obesity (35) is nearly as good in terms of survival. It is not until you reach Grades 2 & 3 that death rates show a hefty jump.
When I was a kid 25-30 was considered ideal, which, as it turns out, is actually ideal in terms of death rates. But now we have another "healthy" standard, presumably selected to sell weight loss drugs or keep obesity researchers in funding. WTF.
Donald J Trump is still playing golf, and Tiger Woods isn't. There, that's all you need to know.
Fabi: "Trump can drive the ball 285 yards!"
Who are ya gonna believe? Tiger Woods and other professional golfers or some self-described Michigan Electoral politics "expert" and part-time lawyer/full-time defender of dems who claims otherwise?
Chuck said...
Actually, if you go to the website of the Metropolitan Golf Association (the New York City-regional golf association for Westchester County, Long Island and northern New Jersey), you will find that Donald Trump carries a handicap of 2.9.
Trump is a fan of the Jim Harrison body type with a soft belly to cushion again women but not, unfortunately the gourmand taste
( see the Raw and the Cooked for example) in either case they both tee-up fairly well.
You can check for handicaps. Search in Florida for Donald Trump and it'll pop right up.
Fat shaming is back in? Well then, feel free to resume pointing out how fat lesbians are.
Trump derangement syndrome. Headline on Mpls Star Tribune: "Mpls city council urges JP Morgan to cut Trump ties"
Hey Mpls, maybe you should worry more about Chicago style violence on the north side and affirmative action hire police officers killing white ladies on the south side.
Hey, link? Fabi, Chuck, it's not that difficult. You can just post the text of the URL. You can get fancy and do the a=href stuff if you like. I just want a link. The golf sites I've seen do not have searchable databases of every member's handicap.
And as a golfer, I've gotta say that golfing is the biggest lying game ever invented.
Are we now allowed to talk about elected officials' weight now?
I'm really concerned about Kamala Harris' weight these days. She's no Michelle Obama. Hidden behind that pants-suit is a real big ass.
This is breaking news too.
I think that by far the unhealthiest President we've ever had was Woodrow Wilson. He had a major stroke, but, even before that, whilst negotiating the boundaries of the world's nations at the Versailles peace conference, he was undergoing the mental changes that sometimes occur to people prior to a stroke. Post stroke, Wilson lay in bed and thought about running for a third term after his recovery......FDR was a sick cookie throughout all his years as President, but he was visibly dying when he ran for his fourth term. The interesting thing, though, is that Wendell Wilkie who ran against his third term died before FDR did. Some people are the picture of health and vitality until the moment they have a massive coronary. There's hope for Trump haters........JFK did a fabulous job of hiding his ill health. "Vigah". He was young and vital as opposed to a sick, old man like Eisenhower........Maybe Eisenhower deserves some credit for being upfront about his health problems and JFK deserves some blame for being so duplicitous about his. Nah, it'll never happen.
This would really be a big story. I'd like to see Trump's handicap posted with an exegesis of the Problem With Golf. Maybe New Yorker long-form essay.
Bay Area Guy: "Are we now allowed to talk about elected officials' weight now?"
Fen's Law reappears again and again.
The Left and their "lifelong republican" allies don't really believe a single thing they lecture the rest of us about.
Who is in better shape, Trump, BJ Clinton, or Hillary Rodham Clinton?
Bob Ellison --
Wilkie smoked like a chimney. Actually like a chimney over a tire fire.
FDR...yeah, he was half dead by the fall of 1944. There's a new book out there on his last year. "His Final Battle".
Some accounts describe his last public appearences as looking like Weekend at Bernie's
Aha! Here it is: GHIN lookup.
You have to put in his name. He actually does have a low handicap. Pretty weird. But as I say, a lying game. Even the handicapping system is designed to lie.
Potus is tall, over 6 ft.and wears a bulletproof vest. He's worn one since the first days of the campaign. I thought he looked overweight but was told it was the vest.
Given Hillary Clinton's never-completely-explained collapse at the 9/11 memorial last September, it's clear that we nevertheless voted for the more physically fit candidate.
"Is this what's left to them after the collusion with Russia effort failed?
Query: Is Ann at “These accusations are false; it never happened” or has she moved on to saying, “Sure, it happened, but there’s nothing wrong with it.” ?
Thanks, Fabi. I got there just as you were posting.
Hey thanks for that link.
It proves me right, in ways that many of you might not understand.
Trump has a string of Trump-golf-club championships. He's a member of a real club -- Winged Foot -- where he's never won a thing, and where I understand few other members will play any matches with him because he is such a relentless cheater.
Golfing addict Alice Cooper was once asked about cheating and handicaps in celebrity golf and he said, "I'll just tell you this; I have played golf with Donald Trump."
The Jaime Diaz GD story (in which he says Trump drives the ball about 230, which I fully believe) was posted moments before Fabi quoted the Don himself in claiming that Trump averages 285 off the tee. I loved that Trump quote. If Trump averaged 285 off the tee (and I think that Trump made that claim in 2014), he'd have been #126 on the PGA Tour Driving Distance list. Ahead of former U.S. Open champion Graeme McDowell, and immediately behind former U.S. PGA champion Jason Dufner.
The other thing that GD article did, was to document exactly what I said about the weird lack of any recent, credible score postings by Trump. Trump is posting scores (and "winning" club championships) at courses that he owns. If there is a single credible tournament score in the bunch, I'm not aware of it. Jaime Diaz was way too polite to challenge the basic honesty of Trump's score postings at Trump-owned clubs.
I won't hold my breath for it, but I want to see Trump play a round of golf where he is watched for his adherence to the rules, and posts an honest score.
I call 100% bullshit on the Trump handicap.
"Lifelong republican" Chuck: "It proves me right, in ways that many of you might not understand."
Just like Trumps election, somehow, after the fact, morphed into "proving you right".
Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.
Remember how the media went out of their way to downplay Obama's smoking?
Another way Trump is not like Hitler.
"lifelong republican" Chuck: "I call 100% bullshit on the Trump handicap"
You see, this is the point.
No. One. Cares. What. You. Claim.
And don't even think for a moment about dredging up some comment from your "brilliant" Rachel Maddow to "prove you right".
Weight may be in now, but wait till Oprah runs: weight will be out. We may see but may not tell. Watch how the conflict of interest with Weight Watchers will become a forbidden topic. Oprah's business interests will show how she broke the class ceiling and modeled back success, unlike Trump, who as an evil white male used his presidency to enrich himself.
I saw an ad in a 1930s magazine. It said "Women! Put on 10-15 pounds in no time at all"
It then showed a skinny boney lady, and one with nice curves and a little gerth to her legs and hips.
@William, have you forgotten that Abe Lincoln suffered from clinical depression for his entire term of office?
Fabi, I don't think that link will work that way. You have to go into the GHIN system and then search by name.
Trump has played golf like 25 times this year. And not one score recorded. He'd be kicked out of any reputable club, if he were a sandbagger with that record.
But funny enough, Trump is a reverse sandbagger. He's a vanity handicap. There's no way that he's a 3, and any other real 3-hdcp. player would love to get into Trump's wallet.
So fake news is real news?
Big Mike: "@William, have you forgotten that Abe Lincoln suffered from clinical depression for his entire term of office?"
On the other hand, thats just life in the 1860's along with a civil war tearing the nation apart and looking for the longest time like the South would win.
If a President was not "clinically" depressed during those times you could argue that they weren't paying attention.
"Did some memo go out? This is the talking point — Trump is fat??!!"
Perhaps it's related to his telling Mm. Marcon that she's in great shape?
They're done telling him how rude it is to compliment people and have moved on to telling him he's not in great shape...
"Potus is tall, over 6 ft.and wears a bulletproof vest. He's worn one since the first days of the campaign. I thought he looked overweight but was told it was the vest.
Trump, sans vest, looking good!
Needs a "civility bullshit" tag?
I don't think that Trump is a 3-hdcp either, Chuck. He's a very good golfer, but probably high single-digits. I've played with Alice Cooper on a very difficult track. He fired an 82 -- and excellent score for having never seen the course. I carded a 77, but I'm not bragging too much.
Civil war fun fact. If you adjust for the change in population, if the Civil war occurred today and had the same amount of American deaths, we'd have 5,000 Americans killed (or died from various causes while on active duty) everyday, for 4 years straight.
That's 5,000 yesterday. Another 5,000 today. Another 5,000 tomorrow, and on and on.
Unknown is apparently unaware that Billy boy was one of 5 "obese" presidents measured by BMI.
Bottom line: I'll bet that Trump will continue to board his SUV's without being carried by the Secret Service (unlike you know who), although I wouldn't put it past Chuck to link to Jon Stewart or Colbert or someone like that claiming otherwise.
Benie Sanders honeymooning in the Soviet city of Yaroslavl, 160 miles northeast of Moscow in 1988?
Talking to a Russian now?
Get the smelling salts!
Democrats aren't hypocrites, no siree!
Unknown is a dirtbag commenter (their term), here to disrupt and attempt belittlement only. He has said as much. Why waste time on a guy who prides himself on not hearing?
Did someone mention something about Trump and "reputable clubs"?
"lifelong republican" and "Judge Smails-wannabe" Chuck hardest hit.
> he is such a relentless cheater.
Out: Trump is Hitler. In: Trump is Napoleon. And it fits the obesity concern trolling too!
Drago said...
And don't even think for a moment about dredging up some comment from your "brilliant" Rachel Maddow to "prove you right".
I complimented exactly one interview conducted by Rachel Maddow. It was her interview with Kellyanne Conway, right after Trump had said some things about nuclear weapons that were so reckless, even Kellyanne couldn't explain them. And yet I congratulated Kellyanne on a very game effort. The only loser, was Trump.
And that is the one and only time that I ever wrote anything complimentary about Rachel Maddow.
Yet you keep doing this, even when I've corrected you about this sort of smear in the past.
You're not merely a shit head, Drago; you're a lying shit head. Fuck off; stay away from me and my posts, please. For the good of these comments pages. I'm not going to let you get away with these Trump-style lying insults. I'm going to correct you. So the best thing for all concerned is for you to not start it in the first place.
This is funny coming from a newspaper that tried to fob Hillary of on us. She basically campaigned from a medical transport. Did you see that she would lose again if there was a revote?
Liberal judgment is always sterling.
"Hidden behind that pants-suit is a real big ass. "
I'm sure Willie likes them that way, just like Kayne West.
" For the good of these comments pages. I'm not going to let you get away with these Trump-style lying insults."
Oops, I thougt you were going to say you would stay away. Then I kept reading your comment.
"Emergency! Emergency!
Everybody to get from street!"
My favorite line from "The Russians are Coming."
Drago; do you understand how little you know about club golf?
Trump isn't operating any great golf clubs; he is operating some glamoured-up resort courses. Turnberry; Doral; the rest of them.
See, Trump really is a member at one truly great club, and that is Winged Foot, and it is where he really learned to love golf and golf clubs.
Great comments here, at the best golf blog in the world (
Trump had said some things about nuclear weapons that were so reckless
Chuck will never have piles?
*He's a perfect asshole, for you youngsters out there.
Imagine this story if Hillary we're president.
You can't. It would never be written. In every graph with Trump, write Hillary. See how that looks.
And is there any doubt that she is less athletic than trump? I mean, at least he golfs. What exercise does she get?
reaches new low
It's market forces aimed at women.
Women's tastes reach new low.
Girls, grow up! Realize when you're being girly morons! It's not the papers' fault. It's your tastes, not theirs, that rule.
"Civil war fun fact. If you adjust for the change in population, if the Civil war occurred today and had the same amount of American deaths, we'd have 5,000 Americans killed (or died from various causes while on active duty) everyday, for 4 years straight."
I had at least one great great uncle who died of typhoid fever in the civil war.
"In this paper, I want the reader to understand and become familiar with the topic of typhoid fever in the American Civil War from 1861 to 1865. It was during the 19th century that typhoid fever emerged as a deadly infectious disease in which there were no effective treatments. Early in the war, from 1861-1863, this infectious disease spread from camp to camp, causing men to become sick and die. This period early in the war was called the medical middle ages due to a lack of knowledge towards infectious diseases and what made them so lethal. Typhoid fever was one of several infectious diseases that emerged in 1861 during the first year of the war. At the start of the war, in both the Confederate and Union armies, there were few doctors to help against this disease. Many of these doctors were inexperienced in the way of medicine, and therefore, were unable to stop the spread of these diseases that caused more deaths than battlefield wounds."
Poor, sad, deluded Chuck.
I'm going to guess professional tour events are better evidence than your silly opinions.
Once again, you can do very well for yourself by simply accepting as true the opposite of whatever Chuckie says. Particularly the things he says in defense of dems.
And is there any doubt that she is less athletic
Hillary did everything Bill did. Backwards. In Depends.
"Needs a "civility bullshit" tag?"
No one is bullshitting about civility, not even me.
This is not just fat shaming. It is also bullshit. A few weeks ago these clowns were all making fun of pictures of Trump playing tennis and golf. He's pretty active for a 70 year old.
Golf Digest, January 2017: "We called in golf swing coach Martin Hall of the Golf Channel to take a look at Trump’s swing and give us his take. Trump boasts a 2.9 handicap.... “He has an effective-looking golf swing,” says Hall. “He’s a player.” Hall said the nonconformist move in his backswing is refreshing. We’re in the middle of an era of instruction where people are looking for the perfect swing, trying to take it back on the perfect plane. Trump doesn’t follow that trend. “In some ways,” Hall says, “he has similarities in the way he moves a golf club to Bobby Jones and Sam Snead. His backswing is rounded, he has a very flat shoulder turn, and he sways off it. His downswing comes over the top, but he traps it very well on the way down. It isn’t pretty, but it’s reliable. It says something about having skill rather than style.”"
"Golf Digest, January 2017: :We called in golf swing coach Martin Hall of the Golf Channel to take a look at Trump’s swing and give us his take. Trump boasts a 2.9 handicap.... “He has an effective-looking golf swing,” says Hall. “He’s a player.” Hall said the nonconformist move in his backswing is refreshing. We’re in the middle of an era of instruction where people are looking for the perfect swing, trying to take it back on the perfect plane. Trump doesn’t follow that trend. “In some ways,” Hall says, “he has similarities in the way he moves a golf club to Bobby Jones and Sam Snead. His backswing is rounded, he has a very flat shoulder turn, and he sways off it. His downswing comes over the top, but he traps it very well on the way down. It isn’t pretty, but it’s reliable. It says something about having skill rather than style.”""
Yeah, Trump gets the job done. Results Trump style.
"Hillary did everything Bill did."
And bills girlfriend's did not appreciate it one bit.
Trump should take better care of himself.
Chuck: "But it isn't true. It cannot be true. Trump hasn't posted any scores in years. It is a vanity handicap."
The MGA just made the handicap number up out of the blue. Chuck knows this and you can trust him.
"People don't actually read newspapers. They step into them every morning like a hot bath."
Marshall McLuhan
USA Today is a tepid foot bath. Always has been, always will be it.
Has it ever broken a big news story?
"Trump should take better care of himself."
Me too and so should most everyone else.
Yes. I remember well when Politico reluctantly endorsed Trump because Hillary the Grifter was unfit, overweight and ill.
Don't I?
BTW, look at the comments. Politico is a news site for cretins.
Anyone remember the video of President Obama lifting weights?
Just to inform non-golfers:
A golf handicap is calculated kinda the way global temperature is calculated. It's not a real number. It's a wavy thing that you can re-do all over the place. If you want a high handicap (like if you're entering a club tournament), you can manufacture one. I once went into a tournament with no listed handicap, and they gave me a 26, which was pretty accurate, and I hit a birdie on a long par-4, and they recorded it as an eagle.
If you want a low handicap, you can manufacture that as well. In fact, the golfing system is designed to manufacture low handicaps.
A 2.9 should mean that Trump would expect to golf a 75 on a normal 72-par course. No way that's even remotely possible. I'd guess Trump is a 109 on average.
We’re in the middle of an era of instruction where people are looking for the perfect swing,
The guy I went into practice with was a terrific golfer and he said, "Beware of the guy with the bad swing. He has figured out how to compensate and he will beat you every time."
He played every year in the Pebble Beach tournament, as has Trump, and one year he played in the pro-am with Arnold Palmer and Lawrence Welk. He said Welk's swing was so bad that Arnold had to go and take a lesson after playing with him. He had to get it out of his head.
A golf handicap is calculated kinda the way global temperature is calculated.
Cheaters want high handicaps, not low.
I'd guess Trump is a 109 on average.
Based on what ? Your handicap?
Not a golfer, but did find this short vid
Trump Tee's off
"I'd guess Trump is a 109 on average."
I don't believe that. I've played golf too, a lot of golf after I retired and I've read that Trump is a good golfer that he hits the ball a long way about 300 yards and is good hitting the ball out of sand trap.
Based on what ? Your handicap?
Yes, partly. Have you golfed? Have you ever seen someone shoot a 75? It'd be a stunning thing.
I don't actually have a handicap. Just a long memory of golfing. Nobody shoots a 75.
Michael K:
Your mentioning Trump in the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am is so interesting.
I checked it; Trump played in it seven times between 1993 and 2006. He stunk. His team never made the cut. And that is a good reveal, on whether his handicap means anything.
You are correct that a true golf hustler (the notorious Billy Walters, at Pebble Beach, is a great example) wants a high handicap. But a golfing narcissist who stays away from money matches and tournaments (like Trump) is happy with a low-single digit handicap for purposes of publicity and bragging.
The handicap system is not perfect but well designed. If you want an advantage in tournaments, just post high scores and your handicap will rise. But, you will have an embarrassing high handicap. Just report low scores and end up with a low handicap, but you will be screwed if you play in a tournament.
To get a 2.9 you need to have hit some pretty low scores, at least some times.
>>Nobody shoots a 75.
Bob, you are trolling, right? I've shot better than 75 on my home course many times. My golfing buddy is a true scratch handicap.
Not sure what you are trying to say here, but it's not "Nobody shoots 75"
"Michael K:
Your mentioning Trump in the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am is so interesting.
I checked it; Trump played in it seven times between 1993 and 2006. He stunk. His team never made the cut. And that is a good reveal, on whether his handicap means anything.
You are correct that a true golf hustler (the notorious Billy Walters, at Pebble Beach, is a great example) wants a high handicap. But a golfing narcissist who stays away from money matches and tournaments (like Trump) is happy with a low-single digit handicap for purposes of publicity and bragging."
You have to be a good golfer to play with professional golfers. Golf is a very hard game and it's very easy to embarrass yourself. You have to be a good golfer to play with the professionals.
Ivanka in heels.
Pro Golfer John Daly on Golfing with Donald Trump & Bill Clinton - 11/7/16
Oh, man. This brings it out.
A golfer puts an old, worn-down ball on the tee. He utters a small prayer: "Please let me hit the green this time."
He hears a voice: Put down a new ball!
Disbelieving, he prepares for the shot.
Put down a new ball!!
Now convinced, he takes out the newest ball in his bag and sets it atop the tee.
Take a practice swing!
He has the word of God behind him. He takes the most beautiful practice swing he's ever taken.
Put back the old ball!
DanTheMan, you're right. Someone must shoot 75, and it's amazing that you can do that. It's just that most of us have never seen it done in amateur golf.
DanTheMan, more to the point: do you think Trump could break 90 on your home course? Would you give him eight strokes on a bet?
dbp said...
To get a 2.9 you need to have hit some pretty low scores, at least some times.
To get a 2.9 (I checked, and actually I now see it as 2.8), you need to have posted some pretty low scores. That's not hard to do, when the golf staffs all owe their jobs to you.
"You are correct that a true golf hustler (the notorious Billy Walters, at Pebble Beach, is a great example) wants a high handicap. But a golfing narcissist who stays away from money matches and tournaments (like Trump) is happy with a low-single digit handicap for purposes of publicity and bragging."
Billy Walters grew up in Munfordville, KY. Hart county, the same county I'm from but I never knew him, he's a couple of years younger than me.
To get a 2.9 you need to have hit some pretty low scores, at least some times.
To get a 2.9, you have to have some liars in your group.
Strong CNN Defender Chuck: "That's not hard to do, when the golf staffs all owe their jobs to you."
The golf digest article clearly states that Trump used mostly scores from tournaments over the years to get his score.
Our Powerful Dem Defender Chuck fails again.
"To get a 2.9 you need to have hit some pretty low scores, at least some times.
To get a 2.9 (I checked, and actually I now see it as 2.8), you need to have posted some pretty low scores. That's not hard to do, when the golf staffs all owe their jobs to you."
It's silly to argue that Trump isn't a good golfer when it's obvious that Trump is the kind of man who is good at everything. He's a gifted man however disliked by liberal losers.
Chuck continues to upchuck.
Drago said...
Strong CNN Defender Chuck: "That's not hard to do, when the golf staffs all owe their jobs to you."
The golf digest article clearly states that Trump used mostly scores from tournaments over the years to get his score.
What "tournaments"? I expect that (a) you don't know, and (b) if we found out the truth, they'd be some of the "senior club championship" events at Trump-owned clubs where Trump just turned in cards and told the assistant pros to just post them.
One of Trump's vaunted club championships -- from Trump International in West Palm Beach in 1999 -- is from a time when the grass was still growing in. If they held a club championship, it was in Trump's imagination.
So now we've already.gotten away from "Trump is fat" to "Trump lies about his golf handicap." And here I thought everyone lies about their golf handicap. One of the Unknown commentators links to a picture of Trump playing tennis with tighty whities under his shorts. Tighty whities!?!?! Now THERE'S a reason to impeach the bastard!
dreams said...
Chuck continues to upchuck.
Comments like that always reassure me that I am hitting the mark. I'd just love it, if this blog had some commenters who were members at Winged Foot or even Pine Valley, where I happen to know that Trump has played but did not post a score. I have played Pine Valley. I will bet that Trump did not break 100.
Poor sad Chuck.
At some point it crosses over from amusing to pathetic.
Can't wait for Chuck's coming non-stop attacks on Kid Rock and "subtle" redirects in support of Stabenow to combine with his ineffective anti-Trump rants.
Drago continues the boring back and forth commentary/attacks on one particular commenter once again, unexpectedly!
Unknown whips out an Inga-level defense of Chuck.
What a strange thread...
Went from journalist Trump is fat to Trump cheats at Golf.
Or did I miss something?
Big Mike said...
So now we've already.gotten away from "Trump is fat" to "Trump lies about his golf handicap." And here I thought everyone lies about their golf handicap.
"Trump is fat" is hard to quantify. I mean, we can see; and I suppose if we could believe anything from Trump, we could take his word on what the scale says.
"Trump lies about his golf handicap," is something that could credibly be investigated and proven one way or another. I always wanted to hear from somebody who was beaten by Trump in a real match of consequence. I've never even heard about such a person.
Golf handicaps are designed to defeat lying. You are supposed to post all of your scores. And post scores after you have played by the rules. And the customary lie in golf is a handicap that is too high. We call that sandbagging. You get called out on that, if and when you regularly and suspiciously beat players of the same handicap.
Trump can't possibly be doing that. He cannot be playing seriously with other single-digit players and beating them. I've never known of Trump being in a match of any kind, apart from the televised Pebble Beach event (which he would have entered for the sake of vanity and prestige), where, as mentioned above, Trump sucked.
Ray: 'Went from journalist Trump is fat to Trump cheats at Golf."
Any port in a storm for Chuck and his lefty pals.
"What a strange thread...
Went from journalist Trump is fat to Trump cheats at Golf.
Or did I miss something?"
Trump's a big target but the slings and arrows do no damage.
Poor Chuck.
Whom to believe? Whom to believe?
I think I'll go with Jaime.
Jaime Diaz: Golf Digest: "Seven of Trump's 10 "counting" scores have occurred in tournament play. That's a high tournament-to-casual-rounds ratio and indicates a gutsy player and good member-guest invitee. It means something else: There were lots of witnesses to his performance."
Drago said...
Can't wait for Chuck's coming non-stop attacks on Kid Rock and "subtle" redirects in support of Stabenow to combine with his ineffective anti-Trump rants.
What a strange numbskull you are. I've called Debbie Stabenow a "dunce," ineffective, and even a "waste of human space."
What the fuck is wrong with you, sport?
Where did all this golf stuff come from?
Anyway, if the OT (Original Topic) is coordination of the news, well, here you go, yet another, albeit minor, case. Being a news junkie, I no longer see this sort of thing as a case of this or a case of that; rather on matters of US politics and public policy, this is Standard Operating Procedure, everything is coordinated.
This is not simply a matter of social monoculture in the ranks of media professionals. These are large and expensive operations with layers of supervision of the "creative" personnel. They don't just get to wing it.
July 2017 Chuck: "Trump can't possibly be doing that. He cannot be playing seriously with other single-digit players and beating them."
Pre-November 2016 Chuck: Trump is going to lose! And he'll probably lose the Senate for the republicans too!
Chucks failure of imagination is usually indicative of someone on the far left.
trump is allowed to make these kind of criticisms about other people, but other people are not allowed to make them about him.
"lifelong republican" and Dem Stolen Valor Defender Chuck: "What a strange numbskull you are. I've called Debbie Stabenow a "dunce," ineffective, and even a "waste of human space."
The campaign between the two has yet to begin.
You'll fall into line, just like all the rest.
Trump is always bragging about how he has the best genes, how tireless, strong and smart he is, how little sleep he needs every night. Pointing out the obvious won’t hurt him any.
That line about tournament scores from Jaime Diaz overlooks the fact that unlike almost every other golfer on the planet, Trump owns the courses (and golf professional staffs) of the places where he is posting scores.
I'd love a chance to debate Jaime Diaz on this.
Chuck: "I'd love a chance to debate Jaime Diaz on this."
Maybe we should get Jaime under oath!
I am ok with fat shaming. I have actually done it to people in person. There is a fabulous organic cafe on the first floor of my penthouse loft and one day I was in there ordering my usual-banana/strawberry mango with protein powder. The cute Nepalese barista was making my smoothie in the back of the cafe and he was the only one working. The owner of the cafe goes to South Korea for 5 weeks every summer to visit his relatives. Anyway, the fattie came in huffing and puffing and asking where the employees were. I told him that he was in the back making my smoothie. He proceeded to go around the cash register and in the back and told the employee he needed to be work and wanted his coffee. So I said fattie can you have some patience and starting rubbing my 6 pack abs at him. He asked me if I was making fun of his belly and I just kept rubbing my 6 pack abs while I looked at his stomach with disgust. I felt empowered.
the worst thing about fatties is they have no discipline.
Go to a Wisconsin Supper Club on a Friday night when they have the all you can eat beer battered walleye or cod or haddock or perch (none of which is actually fresh, natch). French fries, baked potato, hash browns, "american fries", relish track, cheese and crackers, salad with french and thousand island dressing heaped on, and a brandy old fashioned. You will see tons of fatties-men, women, young children, even old people, fat as fuck, feeding their faces
We don't have anything out here that would be considered all you can eat. You can't swing a cat in Wisconsin without hitting those places.
HT: "Trump is always bragging about how he has the best genes, how tireless, strong and smart he is, how little sleep he needs every night."
Is he "sort of a God"?
And if someone wants to explore the subject of media coordination, consider the broader view of this.
It opens a lot of interesting questions - who, how, why
Each is fascinating, a set of mysteries in mysteries, with rather fundamental implications, with just some telling hints here and there. An irresistible exercise for those who play the fantasy role of "open source" intelligence analyst, which is what we actually are, we news junkies.
A little more interesting than the President's golf scores I think.
A 75 is not stunning on an average course. The pros would shoot in the high 50s or low 60s on an average course. Your local municipal course that plays 6400 from the tips? Yeah, they would be going to 59.
I've watched VERY GOOD golfers shoot mid 60s on VERY GOOD courses. Up close and personal, even. I watched Steve Spurrier shoot in the mid 70s on that same weekend. And he's an excellent, older amateur golfer. Excellent!
I'm doubtful as hell that Trump shoots 75 on good courses. Certainly not from the tips. I'm not surprised if he shoots 75 on mediocre courses from the whites.
Great idea, first they piss off half the audience by treating his policies unfairly, now they piss off the readers who are overweight and/or aren't regular exercisers. Brilliant!
These are the same group that though Hillary was fit even though she had some serious neurological symptoms, fainting episode, a history of serious blood clots and memory issues.
buwaya: "It opens a lot of interesting questions - who, how, why"
The coordination is obvious and is the result of selective filtering over the last 50 years leading to a clear monolithic world view.
Is the President Fit? Donald Trump is the least athletic president in generations.
The last two presidents have been outliers. Bush, in particular - he was freakishly fit for a man his age. I remember the very same media types fretting about him spending so much time exercising when he should be presidentin'.
The media questions feed into more fundamental ones, that get into the nature of the modern world, of this society.
The answers to the media question are likely to answer the fundamental ones in modern politics, which have prevailed since the rise of all-encompassing all-powerful governments.
This is what Orwell was up to in 1984, showing us what questions to ask.
Who are your masters?
What are their intentions?
Do you think fopdoodle would give Stabenow the van Susteren treatment if he got the chance? Or do you think he would send the standard $1000 donation?
Quite a few of Trump's scores for his Florida handicap are denoted with a "T" -- tournament scores. Those are very indicators.
Bob Ellison -- I've broken 75 at least a hundred times in my life.
FullMoon said...
Chuck repeats:
I've called Debbie Stabenow a "dunce," ineffective, and even a "waste of human space."
Yeah, you'd like to bruise her up a little, right?
If she were to win, you would be here saying how you voted for her, in spite of your un-brideled hatred.
I have never once voted for her. I will never vote for her. In 2000, I told everyone I knew that the most important vote that they would cast in that year's election was in the Michigan Senate race, and that Spence Abraham needed to win. (Stabenow beat the incumbent Abraham by less than 2 points. And it led to the historic 50-50 split in the Senate at the time.)
The Spence Abraham couldn't beat Debbie Stabenow but Donald Trump did beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan?
The mind boggles how a guy with the charm and charisma of The Spence Abraham didn't win. After all, he was sufficiently socially conservative for an LLR to support.
Maybe another factor is involved that LLRs just don't consider important.
What's your best score at PVGC, Chuck? Did you like the soup? What's the name of the club drink? Did you stay on property? If you bought a shirt there, does the logo include "Pine Valley" or not?
It's not just that Trump is a Poopiehead. He's a Big, Fat Poopiehead.
"Pro Golfer John Daly on Golfing with Donald Trump & Bill Clinton - 11/7/16"
Nothing but MOOBS as far as the eye can see!
Great comment Buwaya!
Who, why, what.
And the newsroom being a big bureaucratic machine, that removes spontaneity.
Ivy League and similar journalism graduates with a narrow world view, with a lot of cultural Marxism.
On a mission to change the world. Uncover the next Watergate.
Send out the right message to help move the society in the right direction.
Phoning a friend to get some of those answers, Chuck? One more -- describe the "halfway house".
"Ivy League and similar journalism graduates with a narrow world view, with a lot of cultural Marxism."
But this assumes that these people, the "creative" flunkies of these bureaucratic machines, no matter their Ivy degrees, are making these decisions. These are bureaucratic machines; someone other than these low-level people are making the decisions.
"Blogger vicari valdez said...
trump is allowed to make these kind of criticisms about other people, but other people are not allowed to make them about him."
I didn't see anyone saying that. Indeed, criticise away.
Uh huh.
Fabi: "What's your best score at PVGC, Chuck? Did you like the soup? What's the name of the club drink? Did you stay on property? If you bought a shirt there, does the logo include "Pine Valley" or not?"
Fabi plays Robert DeNiro to Chuck's Sean Bean in the "What colour is the boathouse in Hereford?" scene.
"It's just that most of us have never seen it done in amateur golf."
Bob, it's too bad I'm now too old and too crippled up with back trouble but I would have liked to show you some amateur scores.
The guy who did my back surgery used to take my x-rays to show patients who were considering a similar surgery. He would tell them this shoots his age. I was not 79 then, I used to tell him. I was 70, like Trump.
Who do you play with ?
Here's a hint, the better players you play with, the better you score.
This thread has gone off track badly.
I disagree, with respect, that the bureaucratic machines need decisions made for them. They are so well processed, so rigorously vetted, so impossibly stiff that little direction is needed. At most they need a corrective every so often just to make sure they are not too strident. The deplorables should not be aware of the machinery, after all.
The decisions were made years ago.
I think that friend Chuck comprises 50% of all of the Americans who care about Trump's golf handicap.
Fabi said...
What's your best score at PVGC, Chuck? Did you like the soup? What's the name of the club drink? Did you stay on property? If you bought a shirt there, does the logo include "Pine Valley" or not?
My best score at PVGC is my one and only score; 89. And while I hit a couple of very costly bad shots (on my tee shot on 3, and on my second shot on 7), I actually played pretty well. I would have shot no more than 80 on any normal course.
The soup is tremendous but I couldn't really enjoy it as we ate lunch before playing, and I was so excited to get out on to the course I could hardly sit still.
Also, Bryson deChambeau was there playing at the same time.
I stayed with friends on the Philly main line, not at the club.
Of course I bought a shirt. Of course it said "Pine Valley" in addition to the logo. Who do you think I am? I didn't even get to look into the so-called members' pro shop upstairs. I bought a couple of visors too.
And the best part is what I won't tell; the stories about Donald Trump playing there as a guest.
Pine Valley is the "easiest" of the top-tier private clubs to play, Drago -- it's possible that he's played it, but I prefer the trust-but-verify approach. If he said he'd played Seminole, Cypress Point or Shinnecock Hills -- I'd really call bullshit!
Chuck: "And the best part is what I won't tell; the stories about Donald Trump playing there as a guest."
Note how Chuck has nothing to relay, just subtle innuendo that there is something to relate, but can't be related 'cuz "reasons".
uh huh.
Just like all of Chucks MSM pals everyday.
The pro shop upstairs at PVGC is extraordinarily upset that it was called "so called". I have it on good authority that Supreme Court Justices who have played PVGC cried when they were told of this slight. They said it was an assault on all pro shops. Further, Supreme Court Justices, the bailiff and ALL golf pros were advised that so called Chuck was behind the attacks on golf pro shops everywhere.
The term so called is the new Michgander C-word. UPers, of course, disagree.
Good answers, Chuck -- and a good score! I've never broken 80 there in my nine rounds. My secondary club has a slope of 151 and a rating of 75.4 (a brutally hard course) and PVGC is even more difficult. Please tell me you had at least one "Transfusion" after the round!
It's a mindset with lots of virtue signaling and feedback, which makes real thinking unnecessary.
i agree that the base decisions on what are right think were made long ago.
>The decisions were made years ago.
Fabi said...
Phoning a friend to get some of those answers, Chuck? One more -- describe the "halfway house".
lol. It rained during our round and we had to shelter in the windmill/thing. I spent more time in there than I wanted to.
You have to ask me a question that nobody would know unless they were at PVGC. Have you played there?
Holy shit; you have played nine times at PVGC?!!?
We have to stop sniping at each other!
I bet trump can throw a baseball 60 feet and bowl higher than a 19.
I'm a member of a top-tier club, Chuck. I've played them all -- and I do mean them all.
I said more than a year ago that you and I would have a great time on the golf course, Chuck -- we just can't talk about Trump! :-)
Birkel said...
The pro shop upstairs at PVGC is extraordinarily upset that it was called "so called".
Because, as Fabi knows, it is little more than an oversized broom closet. Housing stacks of golf accessories monogrammed with the second-most coveted logo in all of golf.
I agree, Fabi. You and I could have years of wonderful and productive conversations without Trump.
Do you know the GCA guys?
Wilbur has played Seminole and Oakmont, et alia, demonstrating that it ain't who you are, it's whether you know the right people.
Oh, and because I am honest and not bullshitting about PVGC, I have to say that I recall something from somebody about "Transfusions," but I have never had one and didn't ask for one. You'll have to tell me. I'm almost afraid to ask.
You know, Sandy Tatum just died; did your PVGC guys tell about his dinner/membership there?
Check out the hat:
Wilbur I guess you know Bob Ford!
I do not, Chuck.
The logo Chuck's talking about is the Pine Valley logo without the words "Pine Valley" underneath -- crest only. Like having a stylized outline of the US that doesn't say "Masters" but rather "Augusta National Golf Club". Membership has its privileges!
Enough of this -- I'm goin' to play me some golf! :-)
Chuck, it's a logical conclusion - even in jest - but I never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ford.
I just have known some members.
The article is not really about "Trump is fat." It's about "Trump doesn't seem to look after himself." This is example number 1002 of why I suspect Trump is not really, really rich, since if he were he would spend the money on professionals to watch over his diet and exercise, etc. (Example number 1001 was the Trump campaign paying $50,000 for legal help for Jr. a short while ago over the Russian meeting.)
Of course, there is also an element of Trump thinking he got to 71 with this behavior, why change? But I find that a lot of people in their seventies are actually quite conscious of the need to for healthier behavior, as they spend more time going to wakes and funerals, aware they themselves ain't immortal either.
So I think there is some benefit to such articles because they inform the readers on things they should be thinking about in their own lives (not that the average USA Today reader deals with the level of stress a president faces, especially retirees in their sixties and seventies and beyond).
Did some memo go out? This is the talking point — Trump is fat??!!
@Althouse, do you remember the schmuck Ezra Klein accusing you of being an anti-Semite because one of your commentators (me) asked the same question a number of years ago but jocularly phrased it as "do the rabbis run a phone tree?" Then it turned out that Ezra himself was running a chat room -- primarily for Jewish journalists -- so they could coordinate talking points. I'm certain that something like that chat room goes on today, but better run and more secretive.
Transfusion was once my favorite athletic club beverage (ginger ale and grape juice). Now I substitute seltzer/club soda for the ginger ale.
Of course, there is also an element of Trump thinking he got to 71 with this behavior, why change?
Maybe Trump, like many of us oldsters, has run out of his lifetime allotment of 'give a fucks' or is saving the remaining ones for when they really count.
I know I am
I do admire that with all the stress he's stayed away from tobacco and alcohol.
Yeah, Trump is not all that rich.
Wilbur said...
Chuck, it's a logical conclusion - even in jest - but I never had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ford.
I have! A rare pleasure indeed. Like meeting Arnold Palmer, or Jack Nicklaus; you know you are in the presence of someone who is (1) a legend and (2) a regular guy.
I have never understood star fuckers.
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