From "Anthony Scaramucci Called Me to Unload About White House Leakers, Reince Priebus, and Steve Bannon/He started by threatening to fire the entire White House communications staff. It escalated from there," by Ryan Lizza in The New Yorker.
Scaramucci also told me that, unlike other senior officials, he had no interest in media attention. “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock,” he said, speaking of Trump’s chief strategist. “I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President. I’m here to serve the country.”...ADDED: Scaramucci responds via Twitter:
Unlike other Trump advisers, I’ve never heard [Scaramucci] say a bad word about the President. “What I want to do is I want to fucking kill all the leakers and I want to get the President’s agenda on track so we can succeed for the American people,” he told me.
I sometimes use colorful language. I will refrain in this arena but not give up the passionate fight for @realDonaldTrump's agenda. #MAGAAnd:
I made a mistake in trusting in a reporter. It won't happen again.
१५३ टिप्पण्या:
This is better than anything Hollywood could come up with. Blows away that silly The West Wing show from Aaron Sorkin
Awesome, sounds like Trump found his Patton. I'd like to see the Mooch slap some leakers.
Tony the Mooch has got your moral clarity right here.
Scaramucci also told me that, unlike other senior officials, he had no interest in media attention. “I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock,” he said, speaking of Trump’s chief strategist. “I’m not trying to build my own brand off the fucking strength of the President. I’m here to serve the country.”...
Oh, sure. I believe The Mooch called up Ryan Lizza, that famous media friend of the Trump administration, & said exactly that on the record for publication. Sure, it happened just like that, word for word.
I'm gotta go now. There's a documentary series I watch regularly that you all should try & watch. It's called My Little Pony --- Friendship Is Magic.
Is this on tape? Sounds like a troll job to me.
The resistance strikes again.
The New Yorker just lovvvvvves this inside baseball stuff.
Myself, I say "meh"
Call me when somebody is indicted.
The problem is we have a Chief of Staff who behaves like a Communications Director and a Communications Director who behaves like a Chief of Staff.
Was this on the record?
Weird that he's already sucking his own cock. Someone's a little "testy" because he got left in the drive thru, probably by Priebus.
Remember Rahmbo goes to the Whitehouse?....Of course you don't.
There is nothing here not to love. I love it. I love the president and I love Anthony Scaramucci and everything he brings to the show.
Well, if true, I was justified in thinking hiring this guy was a bad idea.
If not true, I'm still probably justified in thinking that.
Just heard a recording of scar saying Priebus needs to prove he is not a leaker. Now, that is serious.
We were told that this is also the way Rahm Emannuel talked, but he was never actually quoted.
Would be preferable to have someone with Oscar Wilde style wit, but ya gotta go with what ya got.
I blame Trent Reznor. You want more fucking like an animal, this is how you get more fucking like an animal.
Harold Ross can now be harnessed for power now that he's spinning in his grave over his beloved magazine printing "sucking his own cock" and more.
Priebus has a whiny voice, and come to think of it, the transcripts read whiny too.
Prime example of being bat shit crazy, referring to ones self in the third person..
Hey, wait... I thought that swearing was the new in thing.
I would count Ryan Lizza at The New Yorker getting this call from Anthony Scaramucci as leaking.
Tonight on World Wrestling Entertainment........The White House Staff.
I also wonder if there's a tape.
Does anybody know if it would have been legal (I assume he was in DC) for Lizza to record this conversation without specifically informing Scaramucci?
320Busdriver said...
"Prime example of being bat shit crazy, referring to ones self in the third person..
"“The swamp will not defeat him,” he said, breaking into the third person."
Scaramucci could have been referring to Trump here, not to himself.
If Priebus really can suck his own cock, we're on the road to making America great again.
Highly entertaining.
Let he who hasn't run off at the mouth a bit after snorting way too much coke cast the first stone.
"Scaramucci could have been referring to Trump here, not to himself."
That may be true, but he went off the rails on the disclosure form while seeming to know very little about how that works. He might just be Trumps mini-me.
After reading the article, I am certain the reporter confirmed that Reince was the leaker.
"At this point I'm happy if we don't stumble into a nuclear war."
You might speak to your Democrat friends that want war with Russia.
I would also like to know if there is a tape.
Emmanuel was also well known for mouthing off but he was a Democrats so it's OK.
I am getting a definite Terminator II vibe from that photo of the Mooch. The hairline, the sunglasses, the two arms pointed out as though they held short-barreled shotguns.
You had me at "he went off the rails"
From the article
"He cryptically suggested that he had more information about White House aides. “O.K., the Mooch showed up a week ago,” he said."
I rest my case.
Sorry, antiphone, the nickname the "Mooch" is already taken. Michele Obama owns it.
I am getting a definite Terminator II vibe from that photo of the Mooch. The hairline, the sunglasses, the two arms pointed out as though they held short-barreled shotguns.
The Movie starring Ben Stiller
People are already referring to Mooch as the Terminator (just googled it) and he seems to be embracing the label. The next meme.
YH wrote: "Oh, sure. I believe The Mooch called up Ryan Lizza, that famous media friend of the Trump administration, & said exactly that on the record for publication. Sure, it happened just like that, word for word."
Yes, while this account is entertaining, I share YH's skepticism. Is there a recording? Not that I think a reporter would ever lie or make up shit....
320Busdriver said... [hush][hide comment]
I am getting a definite Terminator II vibe from that photo of the Mooch. The hairline, the sunglasses, the two arms pointed out as though they held short-barreled shotguns.
Gangster. I hope the next pic I see has shoulder holster bulges. Maybe during press conference, he reaches menacingly inside his coat after getting a CNN russia question.
Wonder how RP fills his days in the WW these days.
Good thing they relaxed the Goldwater Rule.
"From the article
"He cryptically suggested that he had more information about White House aides. “O.K., the Mooch showed up a week ago,” he said."
I rest my case."
OK, I'll give you the third person thing, but "Prime example of being bat shit crazy"?
I don't know. I have cousin who often refers to himself in the third person. It's definitely annoying, but he's not at all crazy. Plus, in this case, we have to consider the source.
But I've got feeling the American Psychoanalytic Association will back you up on this.
Thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening, he.
Well, now the Trump-haters and the Trump lovers all know, and can all agree on, exactly why Scaramucci was hired by Trump. He is exactly the same kind of profane, filthy, nasty, outer-borough thug that the Gangster In Chief is.
I sure hope that Scaramucci stays, and that Reince Preibus goes. Me likey. I want more of this show.
You can't make this shit up. The guy who is going to terminate leaks in the White House is, in his first week on the job, leaking to the hated New Yorker. To Ryan Lizza, one of the highest of all of the high-priests of Trump Hatred.
And no "Deep State" to blame this on. All it took was a telephone, and an out-of-control Scaramuucci. The out-of-control Scaramucci seems to be the base-rate Scaramucci, for what it's worth.
I wish I could buy everybody a drink; I am so happy about this.
If we could replace everyone in government today, from the President to Congress and all employees earning more $63,525 we would be in far better shape. Replacements should be selected at random by Steve Harvey.
Binary just went Singularity.
“I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock.” Big Black Hole gonna suck you all off. Schwarzschild - best way to drain the swamp! Imagine all of them in the Big Hole with nothing but their own Tweets. Some information - I don’t want to see escape!
Other hand (closer to home), I hope they all talk this way to each other. Really do. Why waste time pissing passive aggressive. Get your junk on!
Soldiers at play! War faces!
Hey everybody, I don't want to slow down the party, but in addition to Anthony Scaramucci discussing what is surely an anatomically impossible act on the part of Steve Bannon, Scaramucci also accused Reince Priebus of a "felony" in the form of some sort of illegal release of the Mooch's financial disclosure.
Trouble is, Preibus didn't leak it to the reporter who reported it; it's a publicly-filed, publicly-available document.
NPR -- I love the well-educated -- has the whole story:
This is fantastic! Sun Tzu claps from beyond the grave.
In the new Netflix series Friends from College there are scenes at a hedge fund one of the leads has joined. I thought the characterizations and dialogue in those scenes to be way over the top. Reading the Lizza story on Scaramucci, I guess I was wrong.
It's not leaking if you are on the record. Crazy maybe, but not leaking.
How do you go downhill from Spicer?
Re: Referring to oneself in the third person
From Michigan State University yesterday:
"Talking to yourself in the third person can help you control stressful emotions"
I like him
He acklowdedged saying it. Hot.
Yet another clown climbs out of the car.
You keep thinking that surely that was the last clown they could have fit in that little car .... Yet here comes yet one more and it turns out he is the biggest clown of all.
God help the United States of America, cause 5hese guys likely won't.
When they said pass the popcorn I'm pretty sure this is what they meant.
And just remember, while all this is going on not one law screwing us in favor of apparatchiks is passing. So to recap: a full slate of entertainment followed by no rape.
Is this great or what? We couldn't have picked a better outcome.
The Clinton Administration could have used more cock blockers. Where were these people then?
" .. surely an anatomically impossible act on the part of Steve Bannon .."
Steve's flexible.
Chuck said... ROFLMAO.
Chuck, dig your spiels. Kinda on opposite sides. But, don’t get tout excited. This is what will give John McCain another 20 years of life!
“What I’m going to do is, I will eliminate everyone in the comms team and we’ll start over,” he said..."
I am Laslo.
Blogger D.E. Cloutier said...
Re: Referring to oneself in the third person
From Michigan State University yesterday:
"Talking to yourself in the third person can help you control stressful emotions"
But thats not like talking to a reporter about how you're going to "kill" leakers in the whitehouse.
I used to talk to myself in the third person but now that I've made it big time I have my people handle that.
Was this in the Humor section or the News? Or is there a difference anymore?
If it's real, I guess we know who the new "Bad Cop" is.
Laslo! It’s you. If you too get sucked into this New Hole, don’t worry.
Werner Herzog will finish all your unfinished films. You and the grizzlies. Doing the freaky-deaky.
mccullough said...
This is better than anything Hollywood could come up with. Blows away that silly The West Wing show from Aaron Sorkin.
This is so good I might watch the reality version 8 years hence.
I've never watched more than one episode of any reality show ever.
Feste said...
" .. surely an anatomically impossible act on the part of Steve Bannon .."
Steve's flexible.
It can be done. Google Ron Jeremy [suggested act].
Results maybe not safe for work.
Rick, will Google. Gotta give this sane, sedate, sober forum a rest. Maybe write in Jeremy and Hof in the next Big Election. Peace, out ...
"kill all the leakers"
Shakespearean, but they should be second on his list.
I bet he's a good fuck. He gots me horny.
"Google Ron Jeremy [suggested act]. "
Jeremy was pretty unique.
So to speak.
The winning keeps getting better and better.
Am I really supposed to trust what the New Yorker says?
As someone said, lets hear the tape.
Chuck: "I wish I could buy everybody a drink; I am so happy about this."
When I asked Chuck on another thread whether he favored Trump or the swamp, I didn't expect to get the answer here. But there it is: Chuck picks the swamp. Big surprise.
I've got your "I've got your ________ right here" meme right here.
How I deal with every report of Trump White House infighting: The Magic Power of Not Caring.
Personally, I prefer the f-ing language served up by the Junior Senator from New York.
Mooch sounds like a foul mouthed New York blowhard. I'd suggest that he better not cross Marris or he will get his family jewels handed to him. There's blowhard foul mouthed "tough" and then there's tough.
"Talking to yourself in the third person can help you control stressful emotions"
I think there's a difference between talking to yourself in the third person and talking about yourself to another in the third person.
I guess the NYer doesn't have comments. That's too bad - these would be great.
BTW I seriously thought this might be Borowitz by mistake. I can't drive home right now, I'm laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes.
When I asked Chuck on another thread whether he favored Trump or the swamp, I didn't expect to get the answer here. But there it is: Chuck picks the swamp. Big surprise.
Who, really, is to blame for today's clusterfuck? There's no "swamp" that did this to Scaramucci. This is one of the biggest and most laughable unforced errors in recent beltway history.
Scaramucci called Ryan Lizza! Scaramucci went off, on his own phone, on his own time, and in his own absolutely inimitable way.
This is all so "Trump" in every way. All the bitching about leaks, and how Scaramucci was going to be the new sheriff in town and plug all the leaks. And right off the bat, Scaramucci is telling Ryan Lizza of the New Yorker what he can leak. Allow me to put this into terminology that the boys from Queens and Staten Island and Jersey will get: Un-fucking-believable.
The "swamp" didn't do this. Trump Mini-Me did it. He did it to himself, all by himself. There's nobody else to blame. We have a whole new meme for the White House; the Short-Fingered Vulgarian, and the Merely Short Vulgarian.
Never a dull moment.
As I age, I appreciate dull moments more and more.
Maybe "low-key" is a better descriptor.
I'm confused. People are reacting as if something bad happened.
Thunderbolts and lightening.... very very frightening...
Scaramucci's actually not all that bad a guy. I saw him giving an interview to a BBC lady today. He seems to have swallowed his boss's prime directive of going off the rails whenever he wants, but if it's directed against useless assholes like Republican Reince and Bigot Bannon then that's the least of my worries. The slick Manhattan faction he's in with needs to be reined in obviously, and regulated, but at least they can do some good and are far from being as dumb as Reince's Republican Elite Establishment and Bannon's bigots. And he's entertaining as hell - for good and for bad.
The Mooch is far from this administration's biggest worries. He actually might serve Douchey Donny well.
Mooch is a character who apparently just loves the insider knife fighting game. THe guy who went off like this (which is so ridiculous it is comical) is the same guy who took the high road with CNN for a fake news story it had to retract (costing 3 people their jobs). Mooch had a long liberal Democratic record but clearly loves the game more than he likes policy.
What makes the flamboyant and vulgar remarks so awesome is its unimportance. Outside the WHite House, who cares which courtier has the inside track?
I'm with you, Bad Lieutenant -- where's the clusterfuck?
Bad Lieutenant said...
I'm confused. People are reacting as if something bad happened.
Not me! I think this is fantastic; hilarious. Next week can't possibly top this week.
Remind me; was this week, "Manufacturing Week"? Or was it "Jobs Week"? We already had "Energy Week." "Infrastructure Week" came and went. Not sure about "Dental Floss Week" or "Golf Short Game Week." "Skin Tone and Hair Color Week" will need a place in August, of course.
Chuck, show me on the electoral map where the bad orange man touched you.
I love New Yorkers
Blogger Michael K said...
Chuck, show me on the electoral map where the bad orange man touched you.
Without Priebus, we'd be griping about President Hillary.
My wife is listening to Lester Holt on NBC. I think that guy clutches his pearls, cuz he ain't gotta dick.
Blogger Michael K said...
Chuck, show me on the electoral map where the bad orange man touched you.
Michael K - LOLOLOL! That was good.
His colorful language is surely a big f'ing deal.
Reince/Scar face off pic
TTR makes the best realpolitik observation. By applying Scott Adams theory, Mooch as a hypomasculine macho loudmouth who will lead the deplorables like sheep without a peep to the middle.
"I made a mistake in trusting in a reporter. It won't happen again."
High percentage chance this is a lie and that he knew exactly what he was doing.
You know, language like this would never have been tolerated in the Obama White House. It was so much more presidential and things. Right, Rahm?
"I made the mistake of trusting a reporter"
Judas - Fucking -Priest.
If I was Trump Chief of Staff, I wouldn't worry about "Scarmouche".
He's a moron.
"I made the mistake of trusting a reporter"
The simplest explanation is that young Mr Scaramucci has something of a drinking problem.
Oh, sure, it was a "mistake."
Blogger rcocean said...
He's a moron.
A first class douchebag!
"Bannon trying to build his own brand on strength of the President"
Projection much?
"...snort..." A credit due Michael K?
I still think Chuck has TDS, but if this clown show doesn't find a way to get back on the rails it is doomed. I do hate to think this singular opportunity to right our country could be wasted. Trouble in the WH, DOJ, State, and I'm hoping Mattis doesn't feel like he got a rug pulled out from underneath.
"I made the mistake of trusting a reporter"
Even I learned this at a younger age than Scaramouche.
And I am not from New York nor a White House big-shot.
The takeaway here is Chuck professes to listening to NPR.
David said:
High percentage chance this is a lie and that he knew exactly what he was doing.
Well, at that, if not a high percentage, it certainly is a non-trivial one, considering the cast of characters.
Trusting a reporter??
Now, he wanted to know whom I had been talking to about his dinner with the President.
***Scaramucci, who initiated the call, did not ask for the conversation to be off the record or on background.***
“Is it an assistant to the President?” he asked. I again told him I couldn’t say. “O.K., I’m going to fire every one of them, and then you haven’t protected anybody, so the entire place will be fired over the next two weeks.”
If this is the quality of communications director Trump has chosen he's sunk. What an idiot. He calls up a reporter and vents his spleen. Idiot. Fool.
"I made the mistake of trusting a reporter"
Trusting him to do what?
Andrew Dice Clay lives!
Can't blame him for being pissed about being outed for having dinner with Hannity.
Meanwhile back at the ranch:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on the House’s $788 billion spending measure
The House has passed a $788 billion spending bill that combines a $1.6 billion down payment for President Donald Trump’s controversial border wall with Mexico with a whopping budget increase for the Pentagon.
Ryan Lizza is live on CNN right now. I know you'll all want to tune in.
It was a recorded interview.
Unless you want to tune into the healthcare defeat on Fox. Or the recapping of the Russia sanctions bill sent by Congress as gigantic middle finger to Trump on Russia, on MSNBC.
So many Trump defeats, so little time.
This circus is awesome.
I guess RL said it was not for publication and then chucked.
The Mooch is making Trump look restrained and civil by comparison. Good job Anthony. I haven't laughed out loud that much in months.
My wife is starting to look funny at me. Got to quit laughing.
Michael K -- Thank you. That was hilarious.
"The takeaway here is Chuck professes to listening to NPR."
Worships NPR.
Calls Maddow "brilliant".
Called obama "magnificent".
"lifelong republican".
Chuck wrote: "He is exactly the same kind of profane, filthy, nasty, outer-borough thug that the Gangster In Chief is."
Says the LLR with absolutely no self awareness.
They're going to find Scaramucci in a Washington park with a gunshot wound to the head.
They always end up dead. A hit job in DC is highly affordable.
"Michael K -- Thank you. That was hilarious."
I stole it from another thread,
Susan, I think.
He is exactly the same kind of profane, filthy, nasty, outer-borough thug that the Gangster In Chief is.
There we have it, Chuck says they're just not our kind of Republican, right? Not from the right clubs, the right addresses. Queens? Brooklyn? That's where our nannies and housekeepers live!
More Cowbell Mooch is a dumbass, just like his boss. Not A Politician Mooch didn't know that financial disclosures are public info? Great Comm Shop there, Mooch! Call the FBI! Call Beleagured Jeff! It's a felony! Geez!
Mooch called Lizza, Lizza recorded and now Mooch is crying like his bitch boss. I trusted a reporter, boo-hoo! I thought these guys were "tough" New Yawkers!
Soon, very soon Trump will over take Honest Abe as Most Presidential! Bigly!
Proceed with the Althouse Circle Jerk! Call Dilbert!
I guess the trigger warning should actually come first. Troll Alert! Troll Alert! Our Safe Space has been breached!
Jacksonjay, are you drunk?
Very lucid! You really ask me that after Trump refers to himself as second only to Lincoln? I notice you have no arguments, just a sophmoric question worthy of Redditt.
Proud of Clean House Mooch?
jacksonjay: "Mooch called Lizza, Lizza recorded and now Mooch is crying like his bitch boss. I trusted a reporter, boo-hoo! I thought these guys were "tough" New Yawkers!"
What if mooch expected Lizza to do precisely what Lizza did and that was the entire point?
Mooch has plausible deniability to say 'hey, I thought it was all off the record' when in fact he very much wanted it all in print.
So he can cry "unfair" when he got exactly what he wanted.
jacksonjay: "Soon, very soon Trump will over take Honest Abe as Most Presidential! Bigly"
If he does expect the dems to do to Trump what they did to Lincoln and pretend that Lincoln was a democrat while simultaneously pretending all the white southern democrat voters during Jim Crow were actually republicans.
You know, rewrite history as required, as leftists always do.
Francisco: "Says the LLR with absolutely no self awareness."
My new favorite Chuck-ism is Chuck screaming at other posters that they know nothing about MI electoral politics whereas he does as if Nov 8, 2016 had never occurred!
That was fantastic.
Yeah, that's it! Mooch trolled Lizza! The endless whining about the media is wearing thin. Trump whined about the media to the Boy Scouts. For God's Sake! Sad.
Did he intend to look like a dumbass by calling the FBI and Disloyal Jeff over at DOJ? It's a felony! You really don't believe this is Jedi stuff, do you?
Are Mooch and Reince really best buddies?
Are the attacks on Sessions really an attempt to troll the media?
Chaos is good.
Sounds like Trump just learned that Abe was a Republican. When he says, "A lot of people don't know this, ...", it probably means he just found ou!
Where's the Beef?
What does all this inside baseball, beltway sniping have to do with anything? Is this more or less important than polls?
I just don't see the angles.
He sounds like a scene from Goodfellas.
"I just don't see the angles."
Backbiting makes the administration and it's leader seem weak. It lessens President Trump's ability to get things done. And things need to get done this go around or the USA is going to go the way of the left. That would be a bad thing.
I'm a world where anybody trusted the media -AND- paid attention, maybe. But tell me which groups in Congress changed their respective tunes?
Zero Democrats are going to support any agenda I might prefer.
In what world, under what circumstances, would any of that he different?
Any disruptor was going to face this. Did Scott Walker face less? This is about what could be expected.
So Scaramucci is a "moron", "idiot" etc.
Just watch: Next week the Democrat press cabal will portray him as an evil genius pulling Trump's strings. This kind of thing is how my much younger self learned to never trust ANYTHING the news media/Democrats say.
Let me rephrase:
Was Scott Walker less vilified, despite his upper midwest affect, than Donald Trump?
Were Texas legislators less maligned in their redistricting efforts?
Was Ronald Reagan for confronting Soviet Russia?
George W. Bush for reading a story to children instead of acting like a wild man after learning of the 9-11 attacks?
Some folks have short memories.
Michael K said...
"Michael K -- Thank you. That was hilarious."
I stole it from another thread,
Susan, I think.
7/27/17, 9:46 PM
Guilty as charged. Worked perfectly here though. Gee maybe it will go viral on Althouse. :)
"Any disruptor was going to face this."
And only a severe disruptor can do what needs done in Washington imo. I'm not saying Trump should lay off, just that a united front (as much of one as can be gathered anyway) would be a more efficient means of cutting through the morass.
Yep, Trump and Mooch have em right where Trump wants them, disrupted!
I'm confused. This isn't even close to the wackiest orange thing this week.
Communists are often confused.
Naturalists see this in their observations. The new wolf is challenging the alphas in the pack. Trying hard to attain status in the hierarchy. There will be blood. These are serious struggles. But afterwards the pack’s ability to run down its prey never seems affected.
The same occurs in boardrooms, Senate offices and numerous other venues where alphas operate in society.
We cannot know one way or the other whether Mooch really thought the conversation was off the record. My guess is yes. I can’t see how this type of language does his purpose any good.
As for the struggle:
I’ve read stuff online going back months speculating that Preibus was the source of Whitehouse leaks. His background is eGOP and I’m always suspicious of eGOP people.
Bannon strikes me as someone who would not be easy to dislodge.
I doubt that Trump cares that the boys are jousting. Keeps’em sharp and combat-ready, perhaps a leaker or two exposed or weaknesses displayed and noted for future reference - and as for Mooch cussing out the other two - I’ll bet he’s heard similar language from each of them.
Stuart Varney said something recently that I think may be significant. Speaking about the daily cascade of fresh Trump news he said something to the effect that it was impossible for “us”(meaning the MSM) to “keep up with it all!”
To quote Professor Althouse: “… this is too chaotic for me.” I’m thinking that it reached that point for the public some time ago and that is why the anti-Trump propaganda machine isn’t as effective as it has been for other victims.
Q. Does all this chaos hurt Trump or help Trump?
Blogger pacwest said...
"And only a severe disruptor can do what needs done in Washington imo. I'm not saying Trump should lay off, just that a united front (as much of one as can be gathered anyway) would be a more efficient means of cutting through the morass."
Before you go to war you need to be able to trust the people on your side.
It looks like Reince has been playing both sides. I think Scaramuchi wants this out there because he has Reince dead to rights. It is clear the GOPe has been traitorous from the start. It seems Reince made it personal by leaking the disclosure as well.
The bannon scaramuchi fight will be interesting though. Bannon won Trump the presidency and has clearly been the ideological force so far. Is scaramuchi any kind of ideologue?
Shocking - shocking, I say - that such language seems to have escaped the confines of movie theatres, popular music lyrics, and cable television.
But, not as shocking as would be waking up to find Hillary President.
As a leaker AS needs practice.
jacksonjay said...
Sounds like Trump just learned that Abe was a Republican."
There are Democrats who are confused about that. Some of them work for colleges:
Thunderbolt and lightning..very, very frightening..
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