We all know that Trump used name-calling (at least during the campaign) to get the better of his rivals, mostly by attaching a relatively ordinary adjective to the first name: "low-energy Jeb," "little Marco." Trump would repeat his chosen phrase until it stuck in your head.
Scaramucci is like Trump, but a step beyond. He's using name-calling, but it's not presented for public consumption. It just (somehow!) leaks out. And what leaks out is so nasty that: 1. It supports the claim that it was never intended to be heard by the general public, and 2. You only need to hear it once to get it stuck in your head.
What am I talking about? According to a HuffPo source in the White House, Scaramucci called Reince Priebus "Rancid Penis."
And then there is Scaramucci's notorious sideswipe of Steve Bannon: "I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock." It's not name-calling, per se. (No adjective attached to the name.) It's not even a direct insult, since he's talking about himself. You have to make an inference to get to Steve Bannon is trying to suck his own cock. But this is a characterization of Steve Bannon that only needs to be heard once to become unforgettable.
Some people think Trump is his own parody. No exaggeration needed to lampoon him. Just look at him as he is. Amazingly, Scaramucci shows the parody level that could be used by a Trump lampooner. But Scaramucci is doing it in real life and in service to Trump. We don't need a comedian to show us the leap from this service to Trump to sucking Trump's cock. (Remember the quaint old days of acting horrified that a comedian called Trump a "cock holster"?) Scaramucci has already said it about himself.
२२४ टिप्पण्या:
224 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Trial lawyers understand the principle of primacy. The first person to establish a phrase in the jury';s mind 'Little Marco', "Lying Ted"--or in the Mooch's case "Rancid Penis" is well on the way to winning his or her case.
As for Scaramucci, he talks like a foul mouthed Brooklyn street person and seems to have a bit of penis envy.
"The short-fingered vulgarian" has too many syllables, I guess.
But it sure worked on The Donald!
You have to make an inference to get to Steve Bannon is trying to suck his own cock
He might mean that Bannon is trying to suck Scaramucci's cock, which could be wishful thinking.
If only the plebes would understand their respective positions and quit striving. The PTB do not admire strivers.
They are below.
Morning, Chuck.
It may be to do away with the fake pose of being horrified as a working position.
It cuts out the newsbabes.
I'm not going to google to double check, but I'm pretty sure "Rancid Penis" has been around for awhile.
Like Trump, Mooch will learn that once you join Team GOP the press and every NY friend he had now reviles him. It's very good for the powerful to become deplorables. Our injustice becomes theirs, and they have the prestige to fight back. The vulgar name-calling is far down on my outrage list.
The 60 million Trump supporters don't care about Trump's behavior or Mooche's; they see him as a last chance to save their country. If the Deep State/neocons/Dems/GOPe remove him from office or, quite likely, kill him, this country will become ungovernable. While we won't see armies marching across the countryside and fighting pitched battles, I would expect to see assassinations and guerrilla actions in all States. No politician or journalist or entertainer or civil servant or judge or financier or crony capitalist will be safe.
PS. Scaramucci's wife has filed for a divorce because she hates Trump. She is a total dog. It is a mystery why Scaramucci, whose SMV is now very high, kept her this long.
Yes, how great it is to have a lot of name calling going on in the White House. My plea would be for them to focus on the agenda, not what's in their pants.
Homeric epithet, is the term. Like strong-ankled Hillary.
" The vulgar name-calling is far down on my outrage list."
File this under, "stuff guys do."
The cock crows but the hen sucks the eggs.
I don't care if Scaramucci uses profanity. Social norms on that kind of behavior have sadly deteriorated, due in large part to the efforts of those who hate Trump the most. The left has championed and normalized virtually every form of transgressive behavior ever since Lenny Bruce took the stage. Now everyone's panties are in a wad because this guy uses some foul language? Please.
If he can find, get rid of, and perhaps even get prosecution of administration leakers then he is aces in my book.
But please remember the Harvard Law Mooch can also act like a Presidential Communications Director whenever he wants to, but he also does his WWF-Trump role of a Jesuit educated, direct at you Mafia Wop, which is just a character actor job.
The Dimms will never compete with PT Barnum-Trump's greatest American Show on Earth. Although they do control the Senate now.
I would expect to see assassinations and guerrilla actions in all States.
With increasing polarization and alienation from Washington, it feels like we're approaching the murder of the Gracchi brothers in republican Rome. Not a good place to be.
Stevie Mae Vaughn?
Sexual Market Value (I looked it up)
What are the differences between Scaramucci and Rahm Emmanuel?
I remember someone--I think a woman--reviewing the series "Veep," and sniffily saying something like: people in show business may express themselves like that, but I'm sure responsible public officials do not. From my limited experience, this is pretty naive. My son and I now compare notes on how the politics in the news is getting ever more Veep-like. If something goes wrong, and frankly the politician/leader is far from perfect, there is always a staff member who should be fired. In this constantly panic-stricken, demoralizing atmosphere, it is natural in a way to be constantly f-bombing each other. Still, I agree with our host on calling out "civility bullshit": the fact that people express themselves directly, even crudely (calling a spade a fucking shovel) does not in itself mean they are bad (or good) at their jobs. We want to look up to leaders, but we shouldn't mistake illusions for analysis. I tend to think Trump's staff needed a shake-up, and he's doing a reasonable job in general.
Thank you Ralph L -- I'll add it to my LOA.
What are the differences between Scaramucci and Rahm Emmanuel?
Alike in abrasiveness (not so sure about crudeness, maybe). But to answer your question: political experience.
1. I really object to this language as it further degrades our already low culture.
2. Supposedly Rahm Emanuel used the same type of language but it was never reported. Surprise!
3. This guy, Mooch, will only continue the drama and controversy in the WH. Bad!
4. Mooch adds to the narrative that the MSM and Dems can continue to use that Trump is chaos and unpresidential. This hurts him on the margin.
5. This New York attitude doesn't play well in many states with voters. That was one thing I was concerned about with Trump from the beginning of the campaign.
6. Nice analysis by Althouse.
And so the filthy, unthinking peasants are herded by the media.
You don't think the Donks call people filthy names? This kind of thing is only news when the repubs do it. "There should be a code of conduct for public figures, dontchya know..."
And when Blowjob Bill is getting his cigar lit under the table by young interns? Well shucks! That's just boys being boys!
Far as I'm concerned the Huffington post is run by cocksuckers - for cocksuckers. And I mean that in the nicest way, ladies!
You left out the "best" part, Glen Filthie -- Slick was also getting his ass licked by Lewinski in the Oval Office! But Trump is bad because reasons.
Did Joe Biden tell the press to report this because it's A Big Fucking Deal?
Loser Trump
It's all downhill for Loser Trump now.
Undoing regulations with EO's is not difficult.
Passing bills through Congress is difficult and Trump lost the Trumpcare vote.
Tax reform aka tax cuts for the rich won't happen because the money was going to come from passing Trumpcare.
The Wall? Dream on.
$1 trillion dollar Infrastructure bill? Who are you kidding.
And, that is why Trump is whining on Twitter this morning about changing the Congress filibuster rules from 60 to 51 because he knows nothing is going to pass through Congress now.
I agree with David Begley. Trump has lost the Footloose voting bloc.
Mr. Scaramucci did not make these remarks in public, nor did he publish them himself--just as Mr. Trump did with the infamous "grab" comment.
I am more outraged at the lack of honor displayed by those publishing someone else's comments. The press has descended to gossip-mongers, who, if I recall correctly, ultimately reside in one of Dante's circles of hell.
"What are the differences between Scaramucci and Rahm Emmanuel?"
Shower scenes.
Name calling started with Trump. https://www.amazon.com/Shrub-Short-Happy-Political-George-ebook/dp/B000Q67I8K/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1501336473&sr=1-3
Mr. Scaramucci did not make these remarks in public, nor did he publish them himself--just as Mr. Trump did with the infamous "grab" comment.
Actually the"Bannon sucking his own cock" was made during an on the record interview with a reporter. So the mooch has Noone to blame but himself.
Bill Clinton did not have to even try to suck his own cock. His legal wife apparently has a foul mouth herself.
THe first comment in the thread (from Comanche Voter) stated:
"As for Scaramucci, he talks like a foul mouthed Brooklyn street person and seems to have a bit of penis envy."
As someone who grew up a Brooklyn street person, I take issue with this. Mooch's language is consistent with what I heard from guys from the 'burbs (Mooch is from Long Island, but Jersey guys were the same way) who acted like a caricature they created of Brooklyn. THey were fake tough guys who regularly announced how tough they were, yet those of us who were from Brooklyn saw right through the phony toughness. We ridiculed them mercilessly until they knocked it off.
I recall one instance of a guy from Long Island talking like Mooch did. He ended up in a locker and told he could come out when he was ready to shut up.
Freder Frederson:
What are your thoughts about Democrats, including the DNC chair, changing "Fuck Trump" on video?
Thanks in advance,
People for Whom History Did Not Start Anew This Morning
"I’m not Steve Bannon, I’m not trying to suck my own cock." It's not name-calling, per se. (No adjective attached to the name.) It's not even a direct insult...
Oh yes it is!
Having trouble typing this morning, Birk?
Getting a little jumpy on the "publish your comment" button?
This New York attitude doesn't play well in many states with voters. That was one thing I was concerned about with Trump from the beginning of the campaign.
It was a problem with Christie as a national candidate. Not the language but the attitude.
Trump is doing things people like, such as canceling regulations and appointing people who fire employees at the VA.
Illegal immigration is down and there is talk of merit-based immigration law.
McCain made himself a focus of the failure of Obamacare repeal and that will help Trump and Congress.
The Democrat-Pakistani-ISI scandal is about to blow sky high and that will absorb some attention.
Russia is slipping as a serious issue and the Nork missile tests are rising as an issue.
The Democrats are abusing every Congressional tradition, like "blue slips" and hearings on appointees. That has to end.
Ah yes, I'm old enough to remember when Dems were using foul language to show how fucking pissed off they were at Trump.
You see the bad language showed their anger was genuine. At least that is what the focus groups said.
Rush Limbaugh has been the master of this for decades, and people across the spectrum of radio try to emulate him.
Years ago on Boston public radio "Jim and Marge," Jim introduced then GOP chairman Reince Priebus as "something you do in the shower," presumably "rinse pubis."
Everyone had a laugh, including Reince Priebus, who I'm sure had heard it all before.
It's the name I've had in the back of my head ever since, not necessarily in a negative way, but a Rush Limbaugh jocular way.
Fits way better than "Rancid Penis."
I don't care if Scaramucci uses profanity. Social norms on that kind of behavior have sadly deteriorated, due in large part to the efforts of those who hate Trump the most. The left has championed and normalized virtually every form of transgressive behavior ever since Lenny Bruce took the stage. Now everyone's panties are in a wad because this guy uses some foul language? Please.
Seriously. This is so true. The left has degraded society on all levels.... and NOW they want to complain that others are being 'vulgar'. The vile "Nasty Woman Speech" in public by Ashley Judd is supposed to be ok? and Scaramucci's common street language in a private setting isn't? Give me a break.
The pearl clutching offended act like they have never been around any of the common deplorables. I suggest they go to a biker bar, hang out with a construction crew, a logging crew, go drinking with some career sailors and hear how the regular people, who voted for Trump actually speak.
Whether some schlub in the White House throws out some crude insults is the last thing we are concerned about. The media going off on this just reinforces how useless and ridiculous they are.
Theory: Scaramucci's real job description is to move the Overton window such that President Trump will appear more presidential without having to tone down his own speaking style.
It was a problem with Christie as a national candidate. Not the language but the attitude.
Hahahahhaa. No it wasn't. How out of touch you are -- it amuses me.
Both Trump and Christie only care about themselves but Trump is a bit better at pretending to get passionate about the things that other people might actually need or care about. Trump also never directly insults constituents/voters, just other parties they rely on - the media, etc.
Plus, Christie is physically speaking a disgusting train wreck. Trump is plump, and a bit pasty. But so was Bill Clinton.
Christie failed lap-band surgery. He's gargantuan. People worry that he will either eat them, or sit on them.
He has no sense of self-control. Neither does Trump - but at least he confines that to his Twitter toy.
Christie is a disgusting, fat, slobbering, slob who can't even keep his ass in a chair without rolling out. You combine that with the Republican agenda of hating and depriving and not working for the people, and it's too obvious a disaster for even zombie Republican voters to agree to. And his sense of entitlement is so far off the charts it puts even Trump's to shame.
Michael K., everybody. Once again with his finger on the pulse of the people.
There's plenty of Street-Italian invective Scaramucci could use, but maybe he picked it up from watching The Sopranos instead of in the gutter. His JD from Harvard Law suggests that he's actually Lace Curtain.
BREAKING NEWS! A barely disguised Steve Bannon, in homage to now former colleague Reince Priebus, uses an after shave lotion called "Rancid Polecat No. 2."
"Keeps my skin nice and scaly."
With so much free stuff around, they no longer pay guys in the basement to generate new poly-political memes. The Mouth expense accounts to distract Mueller. Won't happen.
I dunno. Kennedy gives me hope. Maybe one day Trump's own self-unawareness and entitlement will backfire on him so badly as to end up spewing self-pity at some of the best deserved backlash over his taking advantage of an otherwise public "luxury" that he deprived the voters.
It basically already happened with the health care fiasco, but so far he's getting more of a pass on that one than his tanking 30% approval ratings will show. But that will change. Trump might be a better learner than Christie, but not by much.
The difference between Rahm and Scarmucchi is that most reporters would treat Rahm's profanities with discretion and will publicize any such lapse ruthlessly if made by Scarmucchi. The fact that Scarmucchi doesn't know this simple fact is not a recommendation for his sagacity as a communications director,....... I like the show Veep. The participants in the show seem to take some pride in their obscenities. They really go to a lot of trouble to be inventive and original in their use of foul language. I've read that the show is extremely popular in Washington. I wonder if Scarmucchi was trying to emulate the characters on Veep or if the Veep writers are trying to mimic the patois of Washington power players.....It's a well known phenomenon that real life gangsters try to act like Hollywood gangsters. Chicken or the egg.
The difference between Rahm and Scarmucchi is that most reporters would treat Rahm's profanities with discretion and will publicize any such lapse ruthlessly if made by Scarmucchi.
Do you not know about google or do you not know how to use it?
Ha ha. Trump-Christie drama. What really happened.
What petty losers. The both of them.
"The fact that Scarmucchi doesn't know this simple fact is not a recommendation for his sagacity as a communications director,.."
Yes, that is a question. Why did he not see that ? "Communications Director" does not seem a good fit.
I like 'Trumpanzee' and 'Trumpkin'. Suitably insulting and allows the user to retain a smug sense of superiority.
Scaramucky is the least of that pseudo-administration's problems. At least Drumpf finally has a guy who can get the message out in the way that he wants it. Let the chips fall where they may. Enough with the GOPe providing him cover and doing their usual shell game. From now on everything will be direct.
A Groper in Chief as slick as he thinks he is deserves nothing less.
You want to know something? Mucky's even classier, when you get right down to it. I actually really liked his interview with the WH driveway BBC reporter. He can actually be classy when he wants to, and doesn't get intimidated or rattled like the typical GOP liar Spicer does or as full of shit as Fat Huckababy Sanders does.
".. they really go to a lot of trouble to be inventive and original in their use of foul language .."
They've got it covered from foul to faux-academic.
Bat-shit Edward Luttwak using pretend psychedelic Fibonacci numbers about new car sales to justify sixteen year term for Imperial Trump.
Glad I once went through Posner's circuit to get Luttwak misdirection cleared up.
“If he asks you more than 3 questions, you better get used to the fact that you are the murderer.”
American adults talk the way Mucky talks. Not always as often, maybe. But they're definitely not as afraid of that speech as the gentle lying flowers of the GOPe's water carriers (assembled here today) think they are.
He's a rough guy, with a rough agenda. He needs a direct speaker. One who's not so timid as to have to dress up the vulgarity that is Trump's agenda/presidency with non-vulgar language. As far as straight-shooters go, you could definitely get one a hell of a lot less classy than Scaramucci.
GOPe Trumpkinses talk about "rolling up their sleeves" and being straight shooters and they're fucking afraid of language. What a bunch of jokes.
The British show 'In the Thick of It' has a similar character, played by Peter Capaldi, who is a spectacularly vulgar Enforcer for a Cabinet Minister.
Interesting factoid: There is a valid comparison between Mooch and Rahm Emanuel regarding their comically foul mouths and general demeanors.
Both are under 5'8". Compensating?
American adults talk the way Mucky talks. Not always as often, maybe
Exactly. Of course, there is a time and place for everything. I can swear with the best of them. But there are times you watch your language.
Each person consists of different personas that you "wear" for different occasions. You have your professional at work persona, the playing with your children persona, the going out and hanging with your buds at a bar after work, the person you are when you are around your grandmother, the person you are when you are getting sexually frisky with your spouse.
Those are all aspects of your total "self" and unless you are an Asperger's person who can't distinguish social settings or absorb the rules of society, you learn when to act or not to act.
That Scaramucci uses profanity, isn't really all that shocking. All politicians use profane words. BFD. They just don't get reported or caught doing it.
What is shocking and discouraging is that there seem to be spies and rat finks in the White House who are leaking inside information and reporting on private moments in order to damage the Administration. Those people should be knee capped ;-D and made into examples.
They just don't get reported or caught doing it.
Oh come on. That's the whole point of this pseudo-administration's newest pseudo-scandal. He was the one who called Lizza and started this whole thing off.
It's just uptight GOPe prudes getting silly about the least of their worries.
Actually, it's a toss-up between Loser Trump and Drama Queen Trump.
The 2nd has nice ring but it is three words. Should let the country vote on which they prefer.
Ok just one question, GOPe water carriers.
When Steve Bannon sucks his own cock, does he put a paper bag over his head?
tcrosse said... The British show 'In the Thick of It' has a similar character, played by Peter Capaldi, who is a spectacularly vulgar Enforcer for a Cabinet Minister.
What’s lost?
Hazanavicius’ ode to silence in, “The Artist.”
Chaplin’s greater-than-talk-political satires in silence ...
Mueller’s silence is scaring Scaramucci storms into full blown misdirection.
For “as long as.”
“If he asks you more than 3 questions, you better get used to the fact that you are the murderer.”
Mooch was a complete idiot. Either he failed to tell Lizza it was off the record or he did tell him that it was off the record and Lizza broke journalistic ethics. Why did Mooch trust an enemy at The New Yorker? Lizza is now frozen out, but he still has sources and he will get content. Lizza is a hero to the Progs.
When Steve Bannon sucks his own cock, does he put a paper bag over his head?
That was funny :-)
"Lizza is now frozen out, but he still has sources and he will get content. Lizza is a hero to the Progs."
Yes. It's hard to know if Mooch really thought this was something he should allow to be spread around or if he was lied to.
Being lied to should be an assumption by the Trump White House.
Noonan is letting her New York cocktail party manners get too obvious.
In the Loop (2009) has a foul-mouthed bureaucrat. Good flick.
I think the end of this will be when Luttwak cross-correlates Perfect-Trump-Talk for Sweet Sixteen Years of Trumpery to hidden variables in Randy Johnson’s perfect sperm count on May 18, 2004
“If he asks you more than 3 questions, you better get used to the fact that you are the murderer.”
Rule #1 - Don't trust the media.
Rule #2 - Don't trust the media.
Rule #3 - Don't trust the media.
Kate said...
I'm not going to google to double check, but I'm pretty sure "Rancid Penis" has been around for awhile"
Oh, I'm sure Priebus has heard every possible variation of his name since early childhood.
Middle school must have been hell. I had a grade school classmate who was given a hard time because his name was Lesley. It stopped only because he was 6'4" by the time he was 16.
Trump is on the offensive.
The democrats are on the disagreeable.
the media and the democrat party are one big "Fake Dossier"
You can make lots of anagrams from penis, too.
Noonan is still reeling from grab them by the pussy.
Trump must remind people of their first wife.
Noonan never had an ex-wife. Trust me, Hillary is the one who had the Crazy Ex-Wife shtick nailed.
"The Democrats are on the disagreeable."
Dems are saying, in their private parts, "God, please God, give him an open mic! And another. And, ‘do it to me one more time!' It's the Law of Large, Larger, and Extra-Large Numbers."
I keep getting Noonan mixed up with Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review.
I mean I don't distinguish their personalities. They could be one person.
Last week I saw some Democrat-sponsored event attended by Nancy Pelosi that ended with the guy at the podium leading the room in a "Fuck Donald Trump" chant. I didn't see that get much Media coverage, except at right-wing blogs.
It's interesting that Trump himself doesn't use foul language (apart from "pussy" in "pussy-grabbing)." I don't say that in his defense. It's just that I wonder why nobody has noticed this.
The Democrats will soon have other things to worry about.
First the Pakistanis and second Fusion GPS.
Who the Russians were helping, for example.
What if, all this time, Washington and the media have had the Russia collusion story backward? What if it wasn’t the Trump campaign playing footsie with the Vladimir Putin regime, but Democrats? The more we learn about Fusion, the more this seems a possibility.
We know Fusion is a for-hire political outfit, paid to dig up dirt on targets. This column first outed Fusion in 2012, detailing its efforts to tar a Mitt Romney donor. At the time Fusion insisted that the donor was “a legitimate subject of public records research.”
Mr. Grassley’s call for testimony has uncovered more such stories.
Suddenly, the Democrats on Grassley's committee don't want public hearings. I wonder why ?
If it is Trump related:
Rule #1 - Trust the MSM.
Rule #2 - Trust the MSM.
Rule #3 - Trust the MSM.
I think it was David Burge that tweeted yesterday that Trump resembles every movie ever made... or something to that effect. I don't have wifi right now so I can't look it up.
Fusion GPS? Never heard of it.
Fabi said...Fusion GPS? Never heard of it.
Executioner in the Tower of London. Will kill both sides.
Ham-fisted tech sabotage. Forget the Dem slant. Just Satan's Smoke.
Republicans will hire them next. Axe.
BREAKING NEWS: (via The Hill) Trump on track to spend more on travel in 2017 than Obama spent in all 8 years.
Unknown: "Rule #1 - Trust the MSM."
Does that include the reporters who have been fired for getting stories wrong?
Not even Wolf Blitzer is on board with that any longer, much to a certain LLR's dismay no doubt.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump tweets members of his own party "look like fools".
Trump: "Republicans in the Senate will NEVER win if they don't go to a 51 vote majority NOW. They look like fools and are just wasting time......"
Maybe the mooch wants to springboard from this job into a mayors job somewhere and figures if it worked so well for Rahm....
Meh, I'm sure it's not the first time he's been called that. So we know there's either a bug or a actual person leaking. Shoukdnt be hard to track down.
""BREAKING NEWS: Trump tweets members of his own party "look like fools""
Trump is certainly channeling a significant chunk, if not a majority, of the republican base voters who put republicans in charge.
So I guess "unknown" is attempting to show how connected to the republican base Trump happens to be.
So, okay......thanks.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump tweets members of his own party "look like fools".
Trump: "Republicans in the Senate will NEVER win if they don't go to a 51 vote majority NOW. They look like fools and are just wasting time......"
What part of that Tweet/statement is untrue?
Breaking news!!!! Trump has opinions and expresses them!
"(Remember the quaint old days of acting horrified that a comedian called Trump a "cock holster"?)" Yeah, I know what you mean -- but wait, I thought all right-thinking people thought the holster was right on but Mooch out of bounds?
Anyway, at the risk of going all Peggy-Noonan-pearlclutching on you, the Discourse Degradation poses a dilemma to conservatives, who want, you know, to preserve some actual civility, thinking that it is an actual virtue in a free, diverse, and socially egalitarian country, but who at the same time want our side not be low-energy, turn-the-other-cheek schmucks in the ongoing culture war.
Leaving aside whether Mooch is in any meaningful sense "our side," or whether he has any clue about what he is up against.
Fabi: "Fusion GPS? Never heard of it.
Indeed. Allegations of russian collusion with Trump have disappeared from the MSM as if on cue, as if there were a list of journolistos who decided it was time to back off, right at the very moment we start finding out real details of real stuff that certain non-republicans were engaging in.....and getting actual money from actual russian govt sources to do it.
What a completely unexpected and unforseeable outcome.
Who could have guessed?
BTW, anyone seen Debbie Wasserman Schultz lately, 'cuz that li'l lady is looking a bit frazzled as she flits about lobbing threats against law enforcement officials.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Never heard of her.... /MSM
Assange has an interesting tweet.
He says the appointment of Kelly, Mattis, Dunford (chairman of the joint chiefs), a recognized clique apparently, is coup insurance vs, I assume, the hostile security services which Trump has been unable, so far, to dominate. I have no idea if there is substance here, but its interesting that Trump has been so careful to appoint senior military officers of a certain faction. In the old days Kremlinologists would have found this sort of thing very significant.
White house PR flacks and their antics, and the silliness of the press and the politicians, and certainly the words they use, is all theatrical superstructure, painted canvas over substantial objects. There are things going on under that smoke and fog that are, deliberately, made difficult to see. The two typical errors here are to a.) mistake the superstructure for substance; and b.) assume you know what the substance actually is.
Paranoia is a rational approach to this system where most power and wealth depend on the maneuverings of courtiers in an imperial capital.
T-Rump expressing his O-ring-pinions.
'I'm the king of debt.'
Pubic expressions further detailed in the books he wrote in businesses that ended in the Cha-Cha-Cha Chapter 11.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump declares war on Congress
Trump: "If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!"
This Awan story will be bigger than Watergate if the FBI and DOJ do their jobs. Andy McCarthy at NRO and Scott Johnson at Power Line have good stories.
BTW, anyone seen Debbie Wasserman Schultz lately, 'cuz that li'l lady is looking a bit frazzled as she flits about lobbing threats against law enforcement officials.
As the Trump White House continues imploding...
"What about Debbie? What about Hillary? Hey guys, let's talk about Eleanor Roosevelt...now there was a traitor."
"If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!"
It's personal with Trump. He needs to personally get back at Obama. He's not interested in the American people.
"What about Debbie? What about Hillary? Hey guysW, let's talk about Eleanor Roosevelt...now there was a traitor."
What about Russia ? ..Oh, wait.
Debbie may be seeking asylum in the Russian embassy about this time.
I doubt she would like Pakistan.
What about Russia ? ..Oh, wait.
That's the Special Counsel's job, and the congressional investigative committees. You can ask them to look into HRC, Debbie, Eleanor. But right now it is what it is.
Trump: "If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!"
Dear T-Rump, “may I have a side order of KY Jelly with that?”
T-Rump is learning from the Suicide Terrorists, Pirate Cock-Block games with infinite numbers of bullshit tries, and game maths on political suicides - pages from Bush and Clinton, bombs away (this time Congress).
MAD first, then pull out before involuntary ejaculation.
Drop another GBU-43/B MOAB - on the poppy fields, this time.
I’m not going to pull a George Price and kill myself before T-Bone does himself in.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump announces NEW HEALTHCARE BILL no one has heard of. Congress (and rest of the World) scratching their heads.
Trump: "If a new HealthCare Bill is not approved quickly, BAILOUTS for Insurance Companies and BAILOUTS for Members of Congress will end very soon!"
Poor Unknown. That russian collusion collapse is definitely going to effect some lefties more harshly than others.
At this point pity rather than anger is the order of the day.
Those heady days when credence was lent to the obviously fake russia dossier (paid for by the russians in collusion with a democrat run oppo research firm) seem so distant now. So much hope. So much promise.
There's a good reason why TRUMP UNIVERSITY BLEW BLACKHOLE.
Playing school after Vanderbilt and Rockefeller - way out of his league.
I’m officially de-registering from T-RUMP U. Game’s over.
Been justifying that mother of all – bombed out losers – for way too long.
Drain my swamp bitch.
Come in the front door.
The wackos are hitting the cap locks. LOL. Ever notice how crazy people are convinced this is an effective rhetorical tool?
Michael, worked on you!
You're being cynical, Drago! There's no collusion amongst journalists to deep six the single most important -- until two days ago -- story in the history of our country. These things happen. Right?
I'm still laughing at the various incarnations of Unknown who knew for a fact that there was video of hookers pissing on the bed that Obambi slept in! Double lulz
Trump was elected to stop Hillary, build a wall, drain the swamp and to disrupt the PC cult. Anything else is a bonus. It would be preferable, but not important, for him and his aides to show some class while doing those things.
If Trump is not successful, we will have to contend with life under the heels of swamprats like Schumer, Waters, Fauxcahontas, McCauliffe, McCain, even Ryan, not to mention the leftmedia, who are all, apparently, the objects of the adulation of lefties here and elsewhere.
BREAKING NEWS: John Kelly, new Chief of Staff says he won't suffer idiots and fools. Then how will he be able to interact with the President?
The unsinkable SS Russia was steaming full ahead until it hit the Fusion GPS iceberg.
Abandon meme! Abandon meme! Women and Chuck first.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump has to eat crow after the vast majority of Congress votes for Russia sanctions bill.
I love the smell of lefty desperation in the afternoon!
BREAKING NEWS: Trump has been laundering Russia mob money for decades. Special counsel investigating.
"What are the differences between Scaramucci and Rahm Emmanuel?"
Freddie Mercury just wrote a song about a Scaramucci, but he actually used to rahm Emmanuel. So that's a big difference.
"BREAKING NEWS: Trump has to eat crow after the vast majority of Congress votes for Russia sanctions bill."
Roll it in eleven herbs and spices and toss it in a bucket and it's just any other breakfast at the residence.
Actually, no. I see the all caps and I move on. Never make it a practice to knowingly listen to or interact with screwballs.
So hard to keep up with all the BREAKING NEWS and we haven't got anywhere near the end of the RUSSIA thang.
It is gonna be BIGGER than Dunkirk
The largest popcorn and coke please. Thanks.
BREAKING NEWS: WSJ Editorial board writes Trump is "careening toward a historic reputation where names like Carter and Nixon reside."
This is unfair to Nixon and Carter who both accomplished a lot more than Trump. The WSJ is way out of line on this. #FakeNews
The largest popcorn and coke please. Thanks.
Not sure you should keep up with celebratory comments. This crap is endangering our country imo. Our enemies have to be looking at this mess and thinking there's got to be some ways to exploit it. But hey, as long as HRC isn't president, it's all good, right?
I think Inga is having a breakdown.
It will be fun watching democrats go to jail over the Russian collusion story. Hopefully they get some GOPers too.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump Jr.now tied to Mexican drug cartel's money laundering bankers. Special Counsel investigating.
Blogger Brookzene said...
The largest popcorn and coke please. Thanks.
"Not sure you should keep up with celebratory comments. This crap is endangering our country imo. Our enemies have to be looking at this mess and thinking there's got to be some ways to exploit it. But hey, as long as HRC isn't president, it's all good, right?"
The democrats created a hoax to cover for getting caught Rigging their primary against Bernie and are getting caught at it.
The democrats tried to pull a coup on a lawfully elected president.
You are damn right we are going to exploit this by ridding the country of a bunch of fucking traitors who tried to destroy the country first by electing Hillary Clinton then refusing to peacefully transfer power.
Blogger Unknown said...
"BREAKING NEWS: Trump Jr.now tied to Mexican drug cartel's money laundering bankers. Special Counsel investigating."
Stalinist piece of shit.
BREAKING NEWS: Russian mobster Felix Sater advised the Trump campaign. Congressional intelligence committees and Special Counsel investigating.
You are damn right we are going to exploit this by ridding the country of a bunch of fucking traitors who tried to destroy the country first by electing Hillary Clinton then refusing to peacefully transfer power.
Troll away there, Achilles!
BREAKING NEWS: Trump & Family have bought Mount Rushmore. Plan is to build a Trump Hotel in the image of Trump's face.
Racist, sexist, Islamophobe, homophobe, warmonger, xenophobic, Nazi.
But the name calling started with Ttump? Trump is very much a REACTION TO the name calling.
The people most offended by Trump and Scaramucci's name calling are the first people to call others names on this thread.
Drain my swamp bitch.
Come in the front door.
I didn't realize you were a lefty.
One important item out of all this, which one would think quite a few on both sides must have concluded by now -
The US intelligence and security apparatus has grown much too large and complex, and much too powerful for the health of the Republic, which isn't so hot anyway. It is extremely dangerous, it has been used on a large scale for domestic politics.
This was an ancient theme of the left, going back to the early days of the Cold War as it was part of the Soviet line. Understandable, they wanted to hamper the weapons of the other side. But the Cold War ended, and instead of being demobilized, massively reduced once their only mission was complete, these were expanded and given a vast and fuzzy remit. The predictable result is that these institutions seem to have adopted the purpose of simply being independent powers.
This sort of thing is also typical of the state power centers in the process of expansion and corruption of a bureaucratic state. A bureaucracy of spies is an especially dangerous one though.
Buwaya, if you had a blog I would read it every day.
Brookzene said...
"Troll away there, Achilles!"
You wish it was trolling.
First they are going to make Fusion GPS are going to tell us the names of all of the democrats who paid them for the pee dossier.
Then we are going to find out who wrote the FISA affidavit based on the obviously fake evidence that democrats paid to have made.
Then we are going to find out who used those FISA warrants to spy on domestic political enemies.
Then we are going to find out who leaked the information that was gathered illegally to the press.
Then we are going to throw all the stalinists involved in the conspiracy in jail. There will be hundreds of democrats going to jail and many of them will be happy to out Obama and Hillary in order to get lighter sentences.
"But the Cold War ended, and instead of being demobilized, massively reduced once their only mission was complete, these were expanded and given a vast and fuzzy remit."
The shift to spying on the American people - the biggest threat to the swamp once the USSR imploded - was a natural extension of the bureaucracy. These people are nothing if not self-preservationists.
BREAKING NEWS : DOJ: Ex- Manafort associate Dmytro Firtash is top tier comrade of Russian mobster. Congressional intelligence committees and Special Counsel investigating.
LOSER TRUMP ... still beat Hillary.
Every single Russian businessman of any substance or influence is "a top tier comrade of a Russian mobster". Or can be construed as a mobster. Or having connections with the Russian government (Putin!). A very large part of the economy there is still state-owned, and unavoidable.
And for that matter, you aren't too much further from that if you do business in China - well, that is, dealing with people you could call Chinese mobsters, or somehow closely connected. And closely connected with government entities.
Not that I want to get in the way of a propaganda line or anything, thats just how things go in these places, for those interested in perspective.
"But hey, as long as HRC isn't president, it's all good, right?"
Nice to see you're starting to 'get it' too.
BREAKING NEWS: "Trump’s Russian Laundromat. How to use Trump Tower and other luxury high-rises to clean dirty money, run an international crime syndicate, and propel a failed real estate developer into the White House." New Republic. Congressional intelligence committees and Special Counsel investigating.
Somebody's sticking pins into a Trump doll. Maybe that'll work.
"Dmytro Firtash"
Alexi, I'll take gay Russian porn stars for 1000 rubles please.
Every high-rise condo developer across the world actually.
Including masses of them recently constructed in San Francisco (notorious for full sold but unoccupied condo buildings), the SF Penninsula, San Jose, and as far afield as Sydney, Vancouver, Malaga Spain, Johore Malaysia and Manila Philippines.
I was looking at offerings in buildings in Manila where most floors had been bought out by mysterious Chinese interests.
Plenty of not-quite-sure-where-it-comes-from money buys property anywhere it seems safe.
I bet you a nice chunk of your 401K has interests in this sort of action. Welcome to the money-launderers.
Stalinist piece of shit.
You havin' fun there, Achilles?
Remember, you're carrying water for a guy who wants to be president, and still doesn't realize that only 51 votes in the Senate are what's needed for his Take Healthcare away from Americans Bill.
What a leader!
"The predictable result is that these institutions seem to have adopted the purpose of simply being independent powers." Goal displacement. Corollary to Michels' iron law of oligarchy. But at least the SPD started out trying to be democratic.
Every time somebody sticks a pin in a Trump doll, a pickle cries.
I wasn't horrified by Colbert saying Trump's mouth was a holster for Putin's shvantz. I think Colbert's rectum is a holster for the Mailed Fist of the State. (It's good to be Big Brother's Court Jester, isn't it, Steve?)
@Jim at said LOSER TRUMP ... still beat Hillary.
Everyone in the whole wide world knows Trump beat Hillary in Nov '16.
We ain't talking about the election today, we are talking about Trump since Jan '17 and the future.
Though, DRAMA QUEEN TRUMP is such a beauty.
I think Colbert's rectum is a holster for the Mailed Fist of the State. (It's good to be Big Brother's Court Jester, isn't it, Steve?)
You're the one who probably argues that the state needs to return more of his pre-tax take-home pay to him, so what does that say about you?
BREAKING NEWS: Trump & Family have bought Mount Rushmore. Trump dynamites faces of past presidents to make room for the new Trump at Rushmore Hotel in the image of Trump's face. Local orange bushery being grown specially for look-a-like hair on top of hotel.
May I add that people like Tom Steyer, Democratic Party and environmental activism financier, made his fortune on "wealth management", of which a large part is participation in these sorts of speculative real-estate ventures marketed to persons of mysterious means. And clients, of course, with "wealth".
And a host of others of his ilk.
Who besides Trump develops investment property in NY and environs, and who do they support politically?
I think Trump's in Trouble sounds good.
Unknown: "We ain't talking about the election today, we are talking about Trump since Jan '17 and the future."
Who is "we", since the majority, yes MAJORITY, of democrats believe that Russia changed vote totals to install Trump.
A majority of dems actually believe that.
Snark: "Every time somebody sticks a pin in a Trump doll, a pickle cries."
It's not a political conversation until a lefty/"lifelong republican" goes after a child.
Duh, What’s up Doc? - Michael K
Michael K said... I didn't realize you were a lefty. Thanks.
What you don’t realize is too much to cover, starting with, I’m more far right more than you’ll ever be.
We’ll see a Koch-block Tea Party, a transient Koch-Bloomberg coalition, a Soros- Bezos coalition running numbers over the head of your SNOMED CT limited-creativity.
Do your autopsy on your own moribund dead party. Be careful because corpses exhibit involuntary aspirations, saying, “I'm the king of debt.' Look at all my Chapter 11'’s.”
You’ll never hear those words, Doc, because you’re pumping your volta and galvani meters into dead-Franky, but still demanding results and creating imaginary results, sans the literary dexterity of Mary Bysshe.
Mueller’s silence has Trump scared to this.
I’ve done my time. Done my time covering for your dead patient.
"Listen Columbo, just for a minute, how about we stop pretending that I'm brilliant and you're simple.”?
TTR: "You're the one who probably argues that the state needs to return more of his pre-tax take-home pay to him, so what does that say about you?"
Probably that people deserve as much of the fruit of their labors as politically possible to ensure maximum individual liberty.
Feste: "What you don’t realize is too much to cover, starting with, I’m more far right more than you’ll ever be."
Easy Tiger.
Any further movement on your part to the right could capsize Guam!!
Is it just me, or is DNC headquarters redesigning their "Russia Collusion" Bat Signal?
Perhaps its merely an aesthetic change.
BREAKING NEWS: Pickle's real name is Cucumis Sativus.
Drago said... lol!
Drago, you're killing me .. get back to you later, with the reasons why ..
Probably that people deserve as much of the fruit of their labors as politically possible to ensure maximum individual liberty.
Notwithstanding the fact that the gov't has nukes and can declare your currency worthless tomorrow;
Notwithstanding the fact that extreme inequality breeds revolutions that can usher in actual tyranny;
Notwithstanding the fact that people without money should still be regarded as "free" and that the extremely wealthy are already allowed to control the government;
Notwithstanding the corruption, anarchy and instability all this breeds;
the fact remains, that the guy you quoted looks at relationships in a completely hierarchical way and is therefore no less an ass-holster to Colbert than he claims that Colbert must be to the government.
Drago ... "capsize Guam!!"
Drago, why can't we just capsulate Guam, put Guam into those doctor-sized gell caps, market Guam-guano, you know, rectal “up periscope” to Big Pharm, that Daddy-Doo told us he would do? Tag, you’re it.
Btw, Trumpists:
Jeff Sessions was first GOP Senator to publicly support Trump and brought along other GOP'ers.
Reince Priebus as head of RNC played critical role in bringing along most of the GOP to support Trump.
Priebus is under a bus and another is waiting to run Sessions over.
So, you think the Republicans in Congress are going to just bend-over and take it in the ass again from Trump.
Feste: "Tag, you’re it"
Ugh. Feste is attempting to stretch my creativity muscles too far on a leisurely Saturday. And its a free day! You mental gymnastics workout leader Nazi!
"It's not a political conversation until a lefty/"lifelong republican" goes after a child."
Let's face it, you really haven't gone after a child until you go full Hitler Youth on a few thousand Boy Scouts.
Snark: "Let's face it, you really haven't gone after a child until you go full HitlerYouth on a few thousand of Boy Scouts."
It's not really a conversation about the Boy Scouts until a lefty calls them the Hitler Youth, thus continuing the decades long left wing attacks on that group.
Here's a relatively recent lefty attack on the Boy Scouts from Snarks pals in California:
Given the left was calling a Reagan AND the Boy Scouts a bunch of Nazi's in the 80's, this is hardly a surprise.
That Pickle kid better not join the Boy Scouts lest Snarks pals ban him from Social Media and put him on lifetime Doxxing Notice, just in case he exhibits any more DoublePlusUngood WrongThink.
"BREAKING NEWS: Pickle's real name is Cucumis Sativus."
Anthony Scaramucci wants us to know he's also not trying to sativus his own cucumis either.
Unknown: "............" something something something.
Hard to discern really but I think it all boils down to Deplorables are Nazi's. At least, that's where all of these rants usually end up so why don't we just cut to the chase?
I personally think Debbie Wasserman Schultz should lead that charge, but she is inexplicably 'missing in action' these days.
I cannot for the life of me understand why.
You know, given the body count in Rahm/lefties magnificent Murder Showcase City of Chicago, perhaps a little vulgarity is to be overlooked.
BREAKING NEWS: Trump sours on Pickle
I'm glad that Rumpel-Snark-skin has awoken from his decades-long slumber to make note of the lefts 40 year assault on the Boy Scouts.
For the lefties, the Boy Scouts, like Western Civ, "has got to go".
Indeed, to make way for the current full-speed ahead love affair/alliance between the western left and the islamists.
You know, I'll bet a bunch of motivated lefties/"lifelong republicans" like Snark and Chuck, if they really put their nose to the grindstone, could have every Cub Scout, Webelo and Boy Scout doxxed by EOB Monday.
Drago said
"I personally think Debbie Wasserman Schultz should lead that charge, but she is inexplicably 'missing in action' these days."
Just your garden variety case of bank fraud, move along.....lulz
Didn’t see this.
The reason why sea levels are falling is because T-Rumpers are holding in all their accumulated edemic-effluent crack-skull retained bodily fluids - water on the brain – covered externally, and thinly by their chants, “Trump is smart!, Look how smart! He’s really smart!”
T-Rump is so smart he’s got them faked out.
When T-Rumpers finally get the Fleet, the Super Fleet, and the Kong Sized Seventh Fleet - enemas that they all need, then sea levels will rise. And poor Guam!
I really don’t think the Joint Chiefs will let T-Rump out of his containment moat. And do too much harm. Which portends the myth-of-the-Man, John McCain’s return, just in dramatas time, to pay T-Rump the doo respects that he really deserves. His Fleet Enema.
That’s what really happened there. McCain returns. And T-Rump really does not – does not - have the numbers skills (he does not) necessary to know what’s going on. He’s in the containment moat. Splashing.
I’m sick of covering for him. Been there. Done that. Game done.
Mueller’s silent treatment has T-Rump’s effluent moat on the rise.
In re Nazi - Darwin wasn't. Nor Hayek. Nor the respectable John Maynard Keynes - who has a place in the mix.
You had to try! Try again :).
No, I wouldn't call a "garden variety case of bank fraud."
More like selling out the United States of America for cash.
Robert Hanssen could not be reached for comment,
He is in Florence Supermax and is in solitary 23 hours a day,.
He might get some company.
"You know, I'll bet a bunch of motivated lefties/"lifelong republicans" like Snark and Chuck, if they really put their nose to the grindstone, could have every Cub Scout, Webelo and Boy Scout doxxed by EOB Monday."
Meh. I got as far as posting my Cheif Scout son's SSN on Facebook, and then I got bored. Work is for Republcans anyway. Ha ha!
Dear DBQ,
That Scaramucci uses profanity, isn't really all that shocking. All politicians use profane words. BFD. They just don't get reported or caught doing it.
What is shocking and discouraging is that there seem to be spies and rat finks in the White House who are leaking inside information and reporting on private moments in order to damage the Administration. Those people should be knee capped ;-D and made into examples.
7/29/17, 10:24 AM
And people who kneecap people are the type of people who say fuck, shit, cocksucker, schizo, etc. This was just a sincere, candid, New York-inflected paraphrase on "No More Mr. Nice Guy."
I don't understand why people react so to the criticisms the Trump administration makes. If you want someone to do better, you tell them what they're doing wrong. Some would say, In private, but evidently today there is no private, so why try? Sessions, for instance, should definitely improve his performance if he wants to stay in his place or any other.
(I think Sessions would be great as DHS Secy. Right in his wheelhouse, I expect he would enforce the shizznit out of the borders, and no need to recuse about anything unless a lot of Russians are overstaying their visas or walking south from Canada.
How will Gen. Kelly do at greasing the nominations process, I wonder? Guess he will have had some experience from the inside.
T-Rump is so smart he’s got them faked out.
Ah, another one self-identifies. Thanks, Feste. Now I know you're just a left-leaning whackadoodle, with your “If he asks you more than 3 questions,..." etc sigs bullshit.
More whackadoodle than left, though. You started off good, but then you did the whole stolen valor thing, that was too bad. I had hoped that was an innocent misunderstanding but now I see who and what you really are.
Hang out with Etienne, you two should have fun.
BTW ..... Unknown, TTR, Brookzene et al, the odds of Trump being impeached, arrested, indicted handcuffed, pinched, incarcerated, collared, nabbed or frog-marched is zero. But hey, keep hope alive.
The truth about Wasserman Schultz is starting to leak out.
I wonder how long it will be before she leaves Congress ?
Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani-born Awan and his wife Hina Alvi, and refused to fire either of them even after U.S. Capitol Police said in February 2017 that they were targets of the criminal investigation. She said police wouldn’t show her evidence against the couple and, without it, she assumed they might be victims of anti-Muslim profiling.
Awan booked a round-trip ticket to Pakistan in July and planned to depart Monday, July 24 with a return ticket in six months. He was arrested at Dulles Airport during his attempt to leave.
The Associated Press reported that Awan’s lawyer, Chris Gowen, said Awan “had informed the House of his plans to visit his family.”
I wonder what they have on her ? Seth Rich's murder ?
Michael K -- the Russia "collusion" narrative will go down as the biggest flipped script in political history. Fen's Law.
Coup complete. Drumpf surrounded by Mattis, Kelly and McMaster because no one wants his finger on the chicken switch. Conservative cucks cluck ooooooooooooooh big tough man in charge, me love him longtime.
I hope the Congress nails Hillary and her filthy minions toot sweet. We need to stop getting screwed by ALL of the politicians bought off by our enemies aiding and abetting the Taliban in Afghanistan: Russia, Iran and Pakistan. I predict it will all be swept under the carpet because that sword cuts both ways.
I’ve done my time. Done my time covering for your dead patient.
"Listen Columbo, just for a minute, how about we stop pretending that I'm brilliant and you're simple.”?
7/29/17, 2:48 PM
Just another babbler. Sad!
Take your meds.
BTW ..... Unknown, TTR, Brookzene et al, the odds of Trump being impeached, arrested, indicted handcuffed, pinched, incarcerated, collared, nabbed or frog-marched is zero.
I don't care what happens to the fool. For my country's sake, I just want him out of the White House.
Blogger Bad Lieutenant said...
Only thing “bad” about you is your reading skills, Sir.
Since Doc, didn’t man up ... here’s your Bad free two-fer. Try really hard to focus, Lieutenant. I know this is above your pay grade. But try.
Duh, What’s up Doc - Michael K
Michael K said... I didn't realize you were a lefty. Thanks.
What you don’t realize is too much to cover, starting with, I’m more far right more than you’ll ever be.
We’ll see a Koch-block Tea Party, a transient Koch-Bloomberg coalition, a Soros- Bezos coalition running numbers over the head of your SNOMED CT creativity.
Do your autopsy on your own moribund dead party. Be careful because corpses exhibit involuntary aspirations, saying, “I'm the king of debt.' Look at all my Chapter 11'’s.”
You’ll never hear those words, Doc, because you’re pumping your volta and galvani meters into dead-Franky, but still demand results and creating imaginary ones, sans the literary dexterity of Mary Bysshe.
Mueller’s silence has Trump scared to this.
I’ve done my time. Done my time covering for your dead patient.
"Listen Columbo, just for a minute, how about we stop pretending that I'm brilliant and you're simple.”?
I hope the Congress nails Hillary and her filthy minions toot sweet.
You guys read too much Breitbart.
"I’ve done my time. Done my time covering for your dead patient. "
I have no idea what you mean by this but I do not respond to lefty trolls. That's why I thanked you. I can scroll quickly past.
I don't care what happens to the fool. For my country's sake, I just want him out of the White House.
Because they're so impotent when it comes to getting anything done - in their lives, in politics, in media - all they understand is vindictiveness.
That Scaramucci uses profanity, isn't really all that shocking. All politicians use profane words. BFD. They just don't get reported or caught doing it.
Gotta be because they're smart enough to not actually phone it in to the reporter. Doy.
Doc - "I have no idea what you mean"
We agree on that.
Your "lefty trolls" meme is a bit too autonomic. Koch, Koch, Koch, Tea Party, Bloomberg.
Your party is falling apart. While you cry, "I have no idea, I have no idea, I have no idea.'
"I’ve done my time. Done my time covering for your dead patient " - means that I've covered for Trump too long. You do the autopsy.
BREAKING NEWS: Jared Kushner sealed a multimillion dollar real estate deal with Russian oligarch Lev Leviev, whose company was cited in a money laundering case. Congressional intelligence committees and Special Counsel investigating.
Feste said...
Jay Elink said... “Testosterone improved some aspects of spatial abilities in women ... I'd love to have some femme 'splain why throughout history almost all the major scientific and technological advances have been made by "dumb men".
Fair swipe.
I recently re-read Cromer’s (sci-prof) “Uncommon Sense: The Heretical Nature of Science,” (Amazon available - easy read) which isn’t gender-argumentative.
I didn't say you were stupid, I said you were a flake. Yes, the above sounds intelligent, but *you are spamming threads with it.* It's not that good. And your covering up jazz, again, babble, meaningless. I don't 'have no idea what you mean,' I know exactly what you mean; what you mean is nothing at all.
But you let my "stolen valor" remark pass, which I take to mean you admit it. Therefore, I'm afraid that you can find no favor with me.
Are you a Meadehouse puppet? Is this Ann, posting with some references open to crib from, high on maybe nitrous oxide? Take another whippet and tell us where on the electoral doll the President man touched you.
What are you pretending to be, a right-wing critic of President Trump saying that he's not right-wing enough?
I'm really sorry about this. You started out seeming like you were going to be cool.
Bad Lieutenant said... what? Sorry, really don't understand that? - what is?
It's interesting to see the lefties sounding triumphant as their Russia theme starts to morph into Democrat fraud, money laundering and maybe murder.
We'll see what happens and pretending is what children do.
"Listen Columbo, just for a minute, how about we stop pretending that I'm brilliant and you're simple.”?
What? Oh, no, sir. Not me. Now, my wife, she has the brains in the family. Just today,s she said, let' me see, I wrote it down right here. Say, now darn it, have you seen my notebook? It is about five by- oh here it is, right here in my pocket. How do you like that? Before I go I have just one more question....
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