१० जुलै, २०१७

"In support of my hypothesis that one-third of the public do not even recognize humor when they see it, I give you this satirical video as Exhibit A."

Writes Scott Adams, pointing to this:

"On Twitter, lots of folks believed this was serious. Including the part where she mentions Morse Code via blinking. I made a similarly satirical video yesterday that generated a lot of hate-tweets from Trump supporters who didn’t realize I was joking. To be fair, my video ended with technical difficulties before I could clarify to the audience that I was presenting satire. That made it worse. But the people who are not humor-challenged knew it was a joke from the title alone. See if you can tell I was joking. My video is here."

I was thinking of that yesterday afternoon when I chose to put up the video "CNN: Donald Trump Rips Marine's Hat Off After Assaulting Him" without explaining that it's a joke. That video reverses another video in which there's a hat that has blown off a Marine's head. The Marine can't do anything about it, because he's required to stand at attention saluting the President, who is arriving to board Marine One. Trump stops, bends over, picks up the hat, and goes over to the Marine puts the hat back on his head, and firmly pats the man's upper arm 3 times.

Now, when Trump met Putin the other day, as they shook hands for the first time, Trump patted Putin on the elbow 3 times. A few moments later, Trump patted Putin on the back — remember?! — 3 times. Of course, 3 dashes in Morse Code means "O," which — as anyone who's written Xs and Os at the bottom of a love letter knows — means "hug." That's a lot of hugs for Putin. And a nice amount of hugs for the Marine.

७६ टिप्पण्या:

Quaestor म्हणाले...

To tell dashes from dots you gotta know the sender's fist. Trump could have been sending S as in "Hush!" which is sometimes written as "ssssh" and pronounced "sssh" which is what mommies say to cranky babies which in this context may have meant "Shut up, Vladdy, they're on to us."

Or it could have been innocent, as in "Hush, little Vladdy, don't you cry." — a line stolen from that famous Zionist George Gershwin.

Tommy Duncan म्हणाले...

The humor impaired will always be among us.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Damned fingers, I wrote sssh when everyone knows its ssssh.

I sincerely apologize for bringing down the Althouse reputation for orthographic probity.

Bruce Gee म्हणाले...

The movie Good Morning Vietnam!: The Robin Williams character cracks a joke. The grumpy colonel replies: “Humor. I recognize that. Humor’s gotten a lot of my men killed…”

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Are you sure O's mean "hugs". I've always assumed it was an invitation for some intense fellatio...

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

In crossword puzzle cluing (at least in the NYT), when they want SSS (or SSSS), they refer to the sound a snake makes.

Therefore, if the pats are not long enough to be construed as hugs, Trump is a snake.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Are you sure O's mean "hugs". I've always assumed it was an invitation for some intense fellatio..."

No, and I'm also thinking that if you make the "O" shape with your fingers, it is considered an alt-right gesture.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

We are living in interesting times. Who will win the challenge for control of men's minds? CNN doing its old fashioned Blackmail threat "Breaking News" spins, or DJT ridiculing the pathetic attempts? Stay tuned.

You know the old fashioned Blackmail artists are going into a panic when Jerry Springer says Trump is offending his sensibilities.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

I'm also thinking that if you make the "O" shape with your fingers, it is considered an alt-right gesture.

Could be both...

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Three pats or three taps or three horn honks is a syrupy way to signal "I love you." It needs a real time response like the times a spouse says I love you. Going silent is not an acceptable response.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Therefore, if the pats are not long enough to be construed as hugs, Trump is a snake.

Obviously, the Times has been anti-Trump for a very, very long time. I smell a conspiracy.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

The conversation has taken on a decidedly Masonic tone. I smell a conspiracy.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

In a post-modern society many people cannot see humor unless they are primed to see humor. Humor comes from the deconstruction of the constructed: that is, the expected must necessarily lead into the unexpected. However, these people do not trust in their own experience of the unexpected: as such, need cues from the surrounding culture that humor is about to transpire....

The prisoner does not expect to find his cell door unexpectedly open: is this random articulation of chaos, or is a joke being played on the prisoner? Ensconsed in deprivation, the prisoner is not conditioned by the immediate culture to expect comedy: extrapolate this condition to the politically correct society and it is no surprise that many find themselves Humor Neutral...

Laughter can signal many things, one of those being oppression: laughter intended to coerce by implied societal force. Those who experience oppression cannot experience humor without the consent of their oppressors: as such, societal survival again requires the adopting of the Humor Neutral persona...

To laugh at perceived power implies the receipt of permission: this permission is often conveyed by non-verbal signaling. Those outside the prevailing culture may not be conversant with these non-verbal cues, and -- as such -- consciously decide to not open themselves publicly to laugh in error...

Humor Neutrality-as-Defense Mechanism is necessarily a response to the deconstruction of Western mores and paradigms: when the prevailing societal values cannot be trusted, then the society's cues to humor must be viewed in distrust, also: this onset of the suspicion of humor becomes the axis on which societal input is received...

Obviously, suspicion then leads itself to Humor Neutrality: the Self is not to be trusted with such decisions of observation as related to comic intent versus comic correctness. This distancing of the Humorous Self thus invades all aspects of the person, and all of their subsequent societal interactions. Indeed, the acceptance of such can lead to a wider acceptance of a sense of conspiracy, to be found where humor is not...

I am Laslo.

Kevin म्हणाले...

No, and I'm also thinking that if you make the "O" shape with your fingers, it is considered an alt-right gesture.

As will now three pats on the back. I might have to adopt that just to see the reaction of my blue state friends.

You know what else is an alt-right gesture? Picking up someone's hat and returning it to him. In doing so your arm surreptitiously makes the Nazi salute. Sieg Heil!

John henry म्हणाले...

I believed it was real. I believed it was real because there have been so many real videos (Triggly Puff comes to mind) that are so much more bizarre.

This woman's reaction seems typical. It is so hard to do parody these days.

John Henry

Kate म्हणाले...

She is genuinely funny. I'm ff her now on twitter.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Real or not -- either way we get to laugh at the Left's expense.


PatHMV म्हणाले...

I think the video is pretty funny, but I wouldn't fault anybody for assuming it was someone being serious. I know some people who genuinely take their reflex loathing for the President to this level. It's bizarre to me that anybody takes politics this personally.

Meade म्हणाले...

" Picking up someone's hat and returning it to him"

Or, conversely in the case of John Kerry, not returning it to him.

mtrobertslaw म्हणाले...

I thought the video was real and I also thought it was hysterically funny. Where I live, I've actually heard people react exactly like that woman.

Ron Winkleheimer म्हणाले...

People who don't have a sense of humor always think they have a sense of humor.

I saw an article somewhere in the last couple of days that posited that the left has no sense of humor and offered as proof Jamie Oliver, whose talent is to get a studio audience of leftists to make laugh like noises without ever saying anything funny.

A further observation, any sane person would think, after seeing the CNN body slam .gif, that the CNN personalities insistence that it would encourage violence against the press as satire. But, it is not. So, everyone keeps laughing at them.

Because either they really mean it, which indicates they are hysterical ninnies, or they are just being cynically dishonest and think we are that dumb.

Bob Boyd म्हणाले...

Both men Trump patted were short.
Does Trump just go around patting short people?

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

The prevailing culture alone can determine when the Funny is Not Funny. Note that this, by necessity, is fluid: the determination of Not Funny must respond to events, and the response of responses to events...

While some may be led to expect that this would make the inverse true -- that is, the Unfunny is now Funny -- that is not necessarily the case: the rehabilitation by society of the Unfunny is used sparingly, to negate the use of humor as a deconstructive tool in the wrong hands...

Let us again return to the Prisoner: is the prisoner allowed to rehabilitate Freedom to the state of imposed confinement? The answer can only be 'Yes' if the culture determines that 'No' is a threatening response...

This, obviously, points out the major underpinning of culture regarding humor: Humor Neutrality is a measured response to the perception of freedom. To laugh is to be free -- but to be free is to allow oppression -- especially against the perceived transgressive...

I am Laslo.

cacimbo म्हणाले...

These are "real" headlines from the past year. "Trump blinks secret message to Putin" would fit right in.

-"Donald Trump's Wrong. Mexicans Aren't Going to Rape You". - Politico
-"Trump Didn’t Just Banish a Baby. He Banished a Mother" - Wired
-"Donald Trump just literally made the Republican race about his penis." -New Republic
-"Bank with Steven Mnuchin on the board filed to take a 90-year-old woman's house after a 27-cent payment error."-Politico
-"'Uhhh No Bi***' Donald Trump Changed #BHM To African-American History Month And There Aren't Enough Eye Roll Emojis To Accurately Respond" - BET
-"Does Trump beheading cartoon go too far?" -BBC
-"Journalists Whisper at Trump’s Crazy Press Conference: ‘This Is Insane’" - Daily Beast
-"Upper hand: Putin and Trump's body language shows who's the boss"- Guardian
-"Trump’s alt-right Poland speech: Time to call his white nationalist rhetoric what it is" - Salon

Chuck म्हणाले...

"On Twitter, lots of people believed this was serious..."

Which tells me all about Twitter. And the people who frequent and who rely on Twitter. And what Twitter is worth, as a serious medium.

I understand that Althouse has a fascination with Twitter. And I still don't get it. (In truth, I proudly don't get it; I don't want to get it.)

Scott Adams seems to be part of a large contingent that is claiming that Trump speaks directly through Twitter and that it is a superior method of communication for him, cutting through the media filters. And that I also do not understand. If Trump wanted to put out a press release or a public statement on the White House web site, he can. If he wants to speak directly in a live press conference or a speech, he can. The difference is that Twitter posts can hide behind the limitation of 140 characters, and be less specific. And the press doesn't get to ask questions in real time about the meaning of Tweets.

So yeah; Twitter can be used to communicate; and if it is effective for Trump, one big reason is that Trump can use it without much accountability. No questions asked.

I wonder if Scott Adams thinks that Trump's Tweet about an "impenetrable Cyber-Security unit" was a joke. Paraphrasing Sen. Lindsey Graham, if it wasn't the worst joke we've heard, it was close.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

The imposition of humor upon culture is, then, the establishment of boundaries, just as boundaries are being progressively altered. While this may seem counter-intuitive -- i.e., many expect humor to transgress boundaries -- it becomes obvious that humor that does not respect boundaries is Unfunny to the prevailing culture.

Thus, the transgressive are most afflicted by humor, in direct proportion to the laughter as oppression...

In such circumstances, the Humor Neutral again must rely on cues for determining where humor ends and repression begins. Being fluid, this demarcation is akin to the overlap of photographs from a child's birthday party to child pornography involving balloons...

I am Laslo.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

Trump is a social guy, which seems odd for someone who places Life before Choice, Posterity before ideology.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

As one can no doubt surmise, it is required for some modes of humor to be neutralized to allow progressive ideas and ideations into the prevailing culture: the supposed humor of a man in a dress must necessarily give way to the acceptance of a man in a dress...

Being that the progressive cannot be predicted by concepts that have yet to be conceptualized, Humor Neutrality becomes essential to the preparation of an inclusive society...

Indeed, what is humorous is often a cue to what must be accepted: the unacceptability posited by humor inevitably returns us to future oppression...

I am Laslo.

n.n म्हणाले...

"O" represents the circle of life, from conception to unPlanned Parenthood to dissociation.

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

One can see the implication of oppression into the standard concepts of humor. When the Jew walks into the bar, he is essentially traveling from oppression to societal ritualization. As such, we can learn about society's repression by who does NOT walk into the bar: the man in the dress, the gender-neutral, etc...

As such, humor functions not as a source of laughter but as the signaling of the unacceptable into acceptance; with this in mind, Humor Neutrality functions as preparation for a culture's progression...

I am Laslo.

Todd म्हणाले...

That was pretty funny, somewhat like the "why can't you leave Hillary" alone video from a while back.

It should be unsurprising [but still is a little] that there are folks that have the mental ability to use the internet BUT also believe this type of stuff.

n.n म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

Picking up someone's hat and returning it to him. In doing so your arm surreptitiously makes the Nazi salute. Sieg Heil!

Right-hand bias, National Socialist salute, [class] diversity, abortion rites. This is a clear and unambiguous progression that predicts a Pro-Choice outlook. I wonder if there were any left-handed Nazis.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent म्हणाले...

"Which tells me all about Twitter. And the people who frequent and who rely on Twitter. And what Twitter is worth, as a serious medium."

Chuck almost makes a sentient observation but then quickly fills his pants with a rant that proves that he doesn't understand Twitter (and social media generally) as well as Trump does.
One of the advantages of growing up in a pre-Internet age is that it gives you the perspective to realize how utterly lightweight and trivial 99% of social media is. Hence our astonishment that "cyber-bullying" could ever drive anyone to suicide, and our mockery of the fools who make claims of pugnacity in the comments of blog posts.
The video is so overwrought and heavy handed that it's hard to believe that anyone would not recognize it as parody. Yeah, the Left says similarly hysterical things all the time, but surely they would not be so stupid as to post a video of their idiocy on the Internet?

tcrosse म्हणाले...

I'm also thinking that if you make the "O" shape with your fingers, it is considered an alt-right gesture.

Unless you then insert the index finger of the other hand into the "O" shape.

Skipper म्हणाले...

Are you sure the 3 pats weren't 3 Morse code "dots" for "S"?

Laslo Spatula म्हणाले...

From "Humor Neutral: Post-Modernism, the Prisoner and the Construct of Culture":

As one should be able to plainly see by now, humor is, in essence, a tool used against progress in the guise of personal liberty. A truly just society would have no need for humor: as such, humor manifests itself in injustice...

In this context, Humor Neutrality is a defense against the oppression of personal liberty. A just society would require that those who use humor be held accountable for their injustice: as such, humor cannot be seen as an example of Free Speech, but rather the use of Speech as oppression...

You will find a culture's weakness by what it perceives to be funny: thus, to make a culture more just humor must be removed from the table of acceptable interaction...

I am Laslo.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Perhaps Todd was thinking of the notorious Leave Britney Alone! rant posted by one Chris Crocker, which is more bizarre than humorous. Much funnier is Seth Green's parody.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

The backwards video is a standard joke on the internet.

People will post a video of some people rescuing a dog from a precarious place. Pull the dog or cat from a lake. Running it backwards it looks like they are throwing the dog into the water. People get all verklempt until the joke has to be painfully pointed out to them. Reverse dog rescues

It is obvious, if you actually look with your eyes instead of your bias, that the video(s) are being run backwards. Man. People can be so stupid.


Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Chuck: And that I also do not understand.

In which C**ck admits the core of the problem. He just doesn't get it.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Quaestor is floored and humbled by Dr. Spatula's brilliant Ph.D. dissertation.

Where was it granted? Evergreen State College?

Quaestor promises to stifle all subsequent chortles, titters, snickers, and giggles (unless aimed at Not-MY-President Trump and other White Devils).

Tommy Duncan म्हणाले...

Chuck said:

"And I still don't get it. (In truth, I proudly don't get it; I don't want to get it.)"

Therein lies much of the problem.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Also hilarious is the twitter account of Sean Spicier an obvious parody account. The outraged reactions from the left are beyond funny and beyond pathetic in their obtuseness.

When you have no sense of humor.....the left is so very easy to troll.


Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Sean Spicier on twitchy.

I know you are but what am I

You can't make this up! LOL

Paddy O म्हणाले...

Laslo, good stuff! That could get published in a number of journals! Which is a sad sign about academia, which is filled with a lot of humorless scolds. Though the most brilliant and constructive academics I've met have all had a great sense of humor.

Chuck, I find it interesting you don't get Twitter. That's not a critique or complaint, but a curiosity since you post comments on a blog. You could post things on your own website or write letters to newspapers equally as well. Yet, here you are engaging in a more real-time conversation with a larger audience.

The key to understanding Trump, even if you disagree with him, is that he won because people like his approach. So he found a way to maximize his reach and be the most Trump possible. You don't like Trump, so don't like the tweeting, but I'm surprised you don't understand why it makes a lot of sense and is effective for Trump. Basically he gets his message out to steer the conversation as he wants to and his tweets get attention that would otherwise be ignored. He's not just providing content, he's steering people's emotions, and provoking discussions in the ways he decides they should go.

His tweets are like fly-fishing, whereas press releases are like putting a worm on a hook.

Jael (Gone Windwalking) म्हणाले...

“... do not even recognize humor when they see it ... “

The cure of cures for unrecognized humor already prescribed by the Great Sage, Edward Cole, is – “Never waste a hard-on.”

Chuck म्हणाले...

He's not just providing content, he's steering people's emotions, and provoking discussions in the ways he decides they should go.

I can't argue with that. No content, just emotions. Trump is appealing to people's most base, gut feelings.

That is why I voted for Trump; in the hope that, as an empty vessel and as a pure one-off campaign machine, Republican ideas could be imposed on him and that he might just be able to stay out of their way.

It is also why I have nothing but personal loathing and contempt for the guy. Zero ideology. Nothing but short term transactional games, and always for the end result of preserving the Donald Trump personal brand.

Todd म्हणाले...

Paraphrasing Sen. Lindsey Graham, if it wasn't the worst joke we've heard, it was close.

It wasn't the worst joke, not even close. This one is far worse.

A whore goes into a bar and sits down next to a priest and says "Want a date"? The priest says "No thank you, but you could come to our shelter where we will help you and keep you safe so you won't have to do this anymore."

See, that is a much worse joke.

Clark म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Paddy O म्हणाले...

"Zero ideology. Nothing but short term transactional games"

People don't want ideology. Trump is doing what progressive/liberal politicians have been doing for a while. That the Trump brand overlaps the old tea party goals is a win-win for both those sides. It actually provides more stability as Trump is now locked out of polite social society and the only hope for his brand is to maximize conservative audience.

This is why narcissists often lead big movements, as they are really in it for themselves but have integrated their success with the success of the movement. It's not ideal, but it is a shift from having someone who has a strong personal ideology and selfless goals become wishy-washy and undermined by the flood of narcissists with different goals in the room. Trump is out narcissizing the rest of the narcissists in Washington, and they can't stand it because he's doing exactly what they thought they only they could do.

He's the man for our time, the man that Washington and Progressives invited in when they made all of politics about hyperbole and personal attack.

He's not doing anything especially horrible, he's just doing things that highlight how dysfunctional Washington and the Press have become. He's doing things that reflect the way things actually now work in politics, rather than holding on to a mythical collegiality between the various forces.

Drago म्हणाले...

HWMNBN: "That is why I voted for Trump; in the hope that, as an empty vessel and as a pure one-off campaign machine, Republican ideas could be imposed on him and that he might just be able to stay out of their way."


Republican "ideas" have morphed into riding on the Dem Train while hoping it goes just a bit slower, as the fake Obamacare repeal votes for the last 7 years have demonstrated.

Remember, these are the same establishment types that wanted HWBush over Reagan.

Drago म्हणाले...

I wonder if "republican ideas" are supposed to include the immediate embrace and advancing of every single far left narrative and talking points?

Based on the performance of some here, it would appear so.

PB म्हणाले...

The problem is that too many people act like that in earnest.

Clark म्हणाले...

I thought the video was hilarious, but I wasn't at all sure that the woman in it wasn't sincere. A lot of the election reaction and trump reaction stuff (and, to tell the truth, some of the votes of left wing supreme court justices in recent years) seem impossible to me even though given all the circumstances I know they are real. I know they are true but I cannot believe they are true. An example of violating the belief condition in the analysis of knowledge. [Reposted with correction.]

mockturtle म्हणाले...

Of course it is meant to be funny. But it could very well be serious because there are people just like her out there. And I do mean OUT THERE!

FleetUSA म्हणाले...

Conservative Momma is just so funny. Watch her on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWLJV_nY95B-sXmpqB_MYjw

Todd म्हणाले...

Hence our astonishment that "cyber-bullying" could ever drive anyone to suicide, and our mockery of the fools who make claims of pugnacity in the comments of blog posts.

That one has indeed always puzzled me. It is online. The friggen internet. Someone bothering you, either ignore them or go to some other place on the internet. They are words. Not fists, not sticks, just words.

I can sort of understand feeling "bullied" when you are a kid but when grown adults complain that they are being picked on, on the internet, makes you wonder if they should be allowed to work appliances and/or drive a car...

Todd म्हणाले...

Quaestor said...
Perhaps Todd was thinking of the notorious Leave Britney Alone! rant posted by one Chris Crocker, which is more bizarre than humorous. Much funnier is Seth Green's parody.

7/10/17, 9:02 AM

Yes, that. You are correct and I found that side-splittingly hysterical!

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"People will post a video of some people rescuing a dog from a precarious place. Pull the dog or cat from a lake. Running it backwards it looks like they are throwing the dog into the water. People get all verklempt until the joke has to be painfully pointed out to them. Reverse dog rescues."

That was great. It was so absurd. With the music, it created genuine pathos, and I started to cry. But then the dog put a plastic bag on a cat's head and I had to laugh. That jackass dog!!

Etienne म्हणाले...

That was better than anything I saw from paid comedians !!

oopsy daisy म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

@ Althouse

I know. Funny.
The last one where it looks like the people are putting the poor kitty into the spring mechanism an attaching it onto the car. There were people OUTRAGED by the "cruelty of those who do these things for a brief moment of internet fame!!!" How HORRIBLE.

Until it was pointed out...DUH the fire dept guys are saving the kitty and the film is being run backwards.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

It's like that time CNN teasingly suggested they were going to keep their eye on the wrestling video jokester and all the no-humor Trumpers we're screaming blackmail.

Left Bank of the Charles म्हणाले...

Or the series of Russia collusion jokes ... and then it turns out there actually was collusion!

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

While I was sure it was humor by the time she started talking about Morse Code, the problem is that there are certainly people out there who actually believe she was serious and correct. I don't doubt for a second that there are people who have already contacted Robert Mueller and asked him to examine all the videotape of the Trump meeting with Putin for carefully hidden communications between the two men.

Again, as I have written many times over the years, The Onion isn't parody- it is a newspaper transmitted to us from the future.

Todd म्हणाले...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
It's like that time CNN teasingly suggested they were going to keep their eye on the wrestling video jokester and all the no-humor Trumpers we're screaming blackmail.

7/10/17, 11:57 AM

You are right! It is JUST like that, except it isn't. CNN didn't "teasingly suggest" anything, they were fairly clear that he needed to "behave" or they could release his personal information, which was blackmail but sure, "just like".

Or do you mean that they both are unhinged? If so, you are right and I stand corrected, they are "just like".

Todd म्हणाले...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
Or the series of Russia collusion jokes ... and then it turns out there actually was collusion!

7/10/17, 12:01 PM

Silly rabbit, don't you know it is not "collusion" when the Democrats do it! No "collusion" here, nope, none at all, no Clinton Foundation bribes - I mean donations, no uranium, definitely no "I can be more flexible after the election" talk. NONE.AT.ALL. Oh, look, squirrel (or Trump tweet, same difference).

David-2 म्हणाले...

@Clark - that's the absolute best thing about this video! It's hilarious if you know its a parody - and it's hilarious if you don't know!

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

Of course Adams is correct, and it's well more than half the population who don't get sarcasm, satire, and parody, the primary forms of political humor. And that doesn't include those who understand the humor but play dumb, like the media dopes who claimed Trump threatened them with death by body-slamming.

Bad Lieutenant म्हणाले...

Quaestor said...
To tell dashes from dots you gotta know the sender's fist.

Q, hold fire, we have rhhardin incoming...

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

Hey DBQ, you put up a fake Sean Spicer parody link, I hope not intentionally. Here’s the “real” one.

Wilbur म्हणाले...

"... three horn honks is a syrupy way to signal "I love you."

You clearly don't live in Miami, where it is regarded as an invitation to open fire.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

@ Earnest

Thanks for the correction!! I don't do twitter at all so I was guessing that was the correct one.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

So has Trump done this patting thing three times?

Maybe he's signalling: ... --- ...


Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

Chuck @ 9:39am:

Dear G-d, if by "Republican ideas" you mean "GOPe ideas" then no, no, a thousand time no. That's a very significant part of getting us where we are today: having a fake opposition party, when in reality they are the Washington Generals of the Party Of Government (after Codavilla).