... maybe you'd like to argue that I should call it the Flowery Soup Café, but you will have a formidable opponent, me — a professor opponent, a professorly opponent. But you can argue — or talk prettily — about whatever you like.
And if you need to buy something — like soupy spoons or baseballistic bats — please use The Althouse Amazon Portal.
That is lovely.
As long as it is not oleander soup
Shouldn't that be "professorial"?
If I've told you I regard you as a bad faith commenter and I intend to delete everything you attempt to post here and I know you have seen that I've said that, any continued posting is showing your bad faith. Once you are in this position, there is no way back. The only way to show your good faith, in fact, paradoxically, is never to post again. Go find something useful to do with your time.
"Shouldn't that be "professorial"?"
Not in my soup.
The great(est) tennis player ever, made history today. Too bad Čilić didn't give him much of a game. The way Roger Federer is playing, it wouldn't have mattered if Čilić had been at the top of his game or not though. Federer did not lose a set in the whole tournament.
Is someone paying you to be here, Once? Then hit the bricks, if you don't enjoy the company.
Onesie, you're not getting it. No amount of pet fellatio is getting you back in. It doesn't matter anymore if you have arguments. You have no status here to advance arguments. You have renounced it by your behavior, which she finds beyond the pale. You had warnings, yet you persisted. Kthxbai
7/16/17, 11:17 AM Delete
Blogger Once written, twice... said...
And Ann, why don't you just block me? I am sure you have that capacity as the blog administrator.
7/16/17, 11:17 AM
You're wrong, blogger doesn't have the tools to block IPs or even logins, so your compliance is needed. So she can only delete you. She is quite persistent.
Have you ever known a woman, Once? This is what they're like. Get over it.
The other shoe has dropped.
Seattle Mayor Ed "Purvey" Murray molested his foster son in Oregon. The investigation deemed Murray to be unacceptable in the foster care system.
When the story broke, it was couched in terms of a fellow that he met on the bus.
I want to know why he never had to register as a sex offender, or serve jail time?
Harvey Keitel. Cocaine. Duran Duran. A van. Stevie Nicks. Juices.
The Complete Laslo and Harvey Keitel Series from Laslo Films.
I am Laslo.
This is Ann's place. Don't shit on the carpet.
"This is Ann's place. Don't shit on the carpet."
You should take your own advice.
It would be nice if the comments had an "upvote" function. We could clap when a member of the dionysian chorus does a cute solo.
By the way, the "I'm not a robot" function doesn't work. I will have posted this without interacting with it.
You should take your own advice.
I don't direct those comments at Ann.
I direct them at you.
Bur thanks for your concern, Impostor Inga. I don't have to change my name because I beclowned myself. Unlike you.
I think we should have a trial. In the dock, once written, twice..., stands accused of commenting in bad faith. The defendant claims that the prosecutor is only bringing this charge because she disagrees with his views. The prosecutor says there is evidence, loads of it, but she refuses to sully her blog with it.
Hmmmm...., what a conundrum! What's a kangaroo to do? I know! Onesie, you get your own blog, and post all your good-faithful silliness over there. And then at some point in the future, the jury will come by, have a look, and render a verdict. Like that's gonna happen! Your problem is that you need some way to attract a bunch of right-wing commenters, so you can hang out with your betters. I'm afraid you just don't have the candlepower, Onesie. What you don't get, is that Althouse is a liberal. Hey, she voted for Obama, for Christ's sake! We mad-dog righties come here because it's such a welcome change of pace to have an intelligent liberal we can chew on. Sorry, you don't qualify.
You have my sympathy, but no more of my attention.
" I find hanging out with people who agree with me to be a bore."
Definition of a troll. Trolls post snarky comments to draw attention to themselves.
If you linked to evidence supporting your positions, you might have more validity.
You don't.
(Many of her right wing commenters say much worse than my Hillbilly riff.)
True. I've heard slurs here against gay people, Muslims, liberals, feminists, transgender people, and more. Why would "hillbilly" be more offensive?
"I direct them at you."
Althouse allows some of her regular commenters to shit on her liberal guests in her "home", or are liberals interlopers here? Do conservatives feel that Althouse's comments sections are a free for all for them?
Lefties here throw the first punch.
Then they go running to Mommy to wield the ban hammer.
"If you linked to evidence supporting your positions, you might have more validity."
When one post links to supporting evidence, one is criticized here. Your notion that such evidence is welcome is erroneous.
Those blossoms ought to be identifiable. I don't know how to do that. Maybe a germanium and a lily? It would be lovely if some botanist could jump in here and say what they are, in clockwise order or otherwise.
"Lefties here throw the first punch.
Then they go running to Mommy to wield the ban hammer.
Then there are the whiners who cry that someone else threw the first punch after they've been kicking them. Pathetic.
Oh, the flowers. Thank God.
I had to come over here because I can’t keep up with Unknown on a great riff - here or anywhere.
I’m here with the flowers because I worked myself into Combat Stress Reaction trying to prove to my dissolving ego just who the boss really is.
The remedy is rest. Rest including comedy. R & R.
Seeing in the far background, Yiannopoulos, “literally a form of violence," then to beloved Brennan, and I’m thinking to myself that if -- if -- it’s really “a form of violence” that messes with my brain (what doesn’t affect my brain that enters there?), then there really is sweet rest and peace, by just walking away from what my subjectives call violence for awhile, walk away - to the “Flower Soup Café.”
Recharge. Back into combat later.
In the realm of self-policing (called taking responsibility for my own combat stress reaction), it’s on me.
My peace is up to me.
Ah, the “Flower Soup Café.”
From yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald
Headline - No matter how bad it gets, here's why Donald Trump isn't getting impeached this year
It’s labeled an analysis by Philip Bump, a WaPo correspondent, not a bad analysis overall except for this sentence, “Republican House members are all up for reelection each year.” I know that members of the House of Representatives are considered for reelection every even year, I guess Bump didn’t know that. It’s a little thing, but I would hope The Smh, WaPo, Bump, or his editors would catch such a blatant error. It gives people a fake view of how our government works.
Ann is entitled to her own positions. You are unlikely to find anyone here that agrees with your cut-and-paste talking points from Lefty websites and the DNC. Live with it or seek greener pastures.
"Ann is entitled to her own positions."
Who said any differently? That's another big fail in reasoning.
"Live with it or seek greener pastures"
When Althouse has "defenders" like this, it's not a good sign. This is one of the low quality commenters that never seem to be singled out for chastisement.
Who said any differently?
Once. Can't you read or is it just the understanding you have a problem with?
You hurled an insult with every one of your comments, yet you are here asking the insults be punished with banning. Impressive.
Unknown said ... [to Once Written]
"This is Ann's place. Don't shit on the carpet."
Moonstruck, where love prevails, “don’t shit where you eat.”
I don’t know the current controversy. Nor do I want to become guilty. Thank God for warnings - whether in the form of gentle flowers or as blast furnace bans.
I do agree that ‘once warned’ by Ann, Once Written, ought to stop. I don’t know Ann. Just guessing that private apologies and stopping the behavior would do the trick.
Probably, generously.
What I take – "This is Ann's place. Don't shit on the carpet” - to mean is that she doesn’t owe - not owe - a justification to anyone about anything in the Alt House, except to her beloveds in her house, with whom she negotiates, and they with her, the meaning of all things.
Two cents.
Back to the flowers.
I heard a joke today. A guy walks into a bar. Another guy walks into it as well. The third guy ducks.
"Who said any differently?"
"Once. Can't you read or is it just the understanding you have a problem with?"
Do try to keep up. I said that, not Once.
"Althouse allows some of her regular commenters to shit on her liberal guests in her "home", or are liberals interlopers here? Do conservatives feel that Althouse's comments sections are a free for all for them?"
It's just shocking, isn't it? We just wander into the place like we were invited, sit down on the white leather couch with a glass of merlot in one hand and a cabernet in the other, our knees a good foot-and-a-half apart, and just blab out our hate-filled opinions like we owned the place. Racist, sexist, hectoanachraphobic ravings ... It must be hard for you. Here, boy! Come sit here on the floor and I'll let you have a sip of this cab. Poor mutt.
"It's just shocking, isn't it? We just wander into the place like we were invited....."
Are you saying only conservatives are invited here?
"Are you saying only conservatives are invited here?"
Ha! Da joint is open to da respectable public! And who are you calling a "conservative"? I was a conservative once. Back when there was something worth conserving. Now I want to put people like you in camps. Temporarily.
I feel, somewhere, Ann must turn Yoda: “there is no such thing as try, only do and do not.“
Or was it, “do or do not, there is no such thing as try.”
It takes a Master to say and enforce.
Althouse said: "I find myself siding with him and rooting for him, even when I don't like him or agree with what he's saying."
Once said: Ann, with all due respect, is this not more about you and those who share this irrational reaction? Are you not acknowledging here that you are allowing yourself to be manipulated by a charismatic strongman leader?""
I say: Actually, I also find myself rooting for Trump, mainly because I find the people attacking him to be malicious, duplicitous, bigoted, snobbish, intolerant a-holes. I root for Trump to demolish those people, to show how shallow they are and because it is really amusing to watch them burn in the sunlight like the Zombies in Minecraft when they are exposed.
I would root for Pee Wee Herman against those same people.
oglaf.com is a pretty much always obscene, but often *extremely* funny webcomic. Today's update I thougt particularly appropos: http://oglaf.com/annals/. Definitely NSFW, you have been warned!
Just so nobody is left out, here is the funniest SFW oglaf.
Oops -- turn off javascript or turn on adblock before clicking on the SFW link, or you will get a non-SFW ad with the SFW comic. Sorry!
@ Bob
re: the flowers
I think that the green one at the 11 o'clock position and the big rosey one at 5:30 are dahlias.
They are beautiful. This photo would make an excellent jigsaw puzzle.
I'm making peach cobbler in my big cast iron pan. Old southern recipe.
Thanks, Unknown 12:33
"If they hate the show so much, why do they keep coming back?"
Our four (4) month old German Shepherd pup is the star pupil at obedience school. Not even close.
From my sample size of the one in our class, don't get a St. Bernard.
Darrell said...
"This is Ann's place. Don't shit on the carpet."
Stevie Nicks shit on the carpet with Harvey Keitel.
"I Am Laslo: Laslo and Harvey Keitel Part Five"
I am Laslo.
Please don't talk to that commenter who is harassing me. The best advice continues to be don't feed the troll.
Blogger Unknown said...
I made fried chicken marinated in buttermilk and corn bread dressing ( with homemade cornbread from scratch) too. I made collard greens with ham hocks yesterday and pinto beans too with more ham hocks. Then I made potato salad with crispy bacon in it. I also made buttermilk biscuits. I'm working on the macaroni and cheese now. Mmmm mmmm good. Who said white ladies can't cook soul food? What is soul food anyway but good old fashioned southern cooking?
"It would be nice if the comments had an "upvote" function."
Yes, but only if you could choose chronological order if you wanted. I like to see how the conversation develops... but that makes me sensitive to the type of commenter that's choosing to dump clutter -- repetition, multiple comments. The troll under discussion right now was a problem for sheer clutter, which showed no respect for the topic under discussion. I don't care about substance that criticizes me, but I do care about clutter.
Dust - “Actually, I also find myself rooting for Trump, mainly because I find the people attacking him to be malicious, duplicitous, bigoted, snobbish, intolerant a-holes. I root for Trump to demolish those people, to show how shallow they are and because it is really amusing to watch them burn in the sunlight like the Zombies in Minecraft when they are exposed.”
Thanks for this. I told a friend recently that I’m rooting for Trump as god’s-hammer to smash (all the stuff Dust says), but I’m not rooting for Trump much otherwise, not yet, because @RealTrump has some serious substance issues.
The failure to address substance issues becomes substance-abuse, politically, with gambling for a resurrection next up in the dock.
We’ll see.
Dustbunny (bunny of cosmic dust) - a child is teaching me to play Minecraft. You know, enter the kingdom as a little child. He’s teaching me that he can summon the ‘creepers’ (snake-devils) and make the creepers obey his own (child’s) objectives in game.
I haven’t seen it yet. Still learning the controls. If true, then one part of the game of politics is to summon political demons, use them by converting their evil to good, but the game-maths behind this art of the deal require so much trudge-work, that I’m not competent to know the score, except by luck, some of the time. Perhaps summoning and mastering the creeper-snake-demons in Minecraft would make me a better member of the polis?
Having fun is good enough for now.
Unless those creeper-sons-a-bitches are non-saying Socratic muses.
I disagree with Ann.
Jesus was not a tech. Morton Smith worked that thesis in, “Jesus the Magician.” It’s at least half-true.
Jesus was a rhapsode. See Plato’s, “Ion.” But that fucking Socratic muse killed divine inspiration and rhapsody in art, in “Ion,” using the most demonic form of techkne-reasoning Plato had at his Socratic disposal.
Whether the Socratic crucifixion of rhapsode in “Ion,” or the crucifixion of Jesus as rhapsode is worse - I’ll never know.
I guess the trick of summoning the creeper-demon-snakes of Socratic murders is to know how to use them.
I don’t.
A Jew, an Italian, and an Irishman walk into a bar.
Bartender says," What is this, a joke ?"
A man walked into a nightclub with a beautiful girl on his arm..."
One thing about burning bridges on the internet, they can be rebuilt in a nanosecond. Under a different name, of course.
Boo Hoo.
I told a friend recently that I’m rooting for Trump as god’s-hammer to smash ...
Yes, I compared Trump to the guy who pulls the cord to stop that train from going off the missing bridge.
After, almost anything is an improvement. His governing so far exceeds my expectations.
There is no way that someone like Romney could handle this hate. He blew a couple of opportunities in 2012, once in that debate when Candy Crowley was a partner in debating him.
"But you can argue — or talk prettily — about whatever you like."
Don't talk prettily about women though, if you aren't one, as that would be sexistly objectifying.
"March 20, 2011
Envy tends to be the true force behind moral indignation.
Escolios a un Texto Implícito: Selección, p. 477"
"Name three" is a slap in the face to anyone requesting that we all, all of us without a single exception, shut the Hell up about this person. I am quasi-guilty now too because of this comment but I figure I got my own special unique reasons* so all is well. Boy am I sure glad I am special!
People keep writing "don't feed the trolls" because the trolls are continuously getting all fattened up, even with only chunks of two words at a time.
It makes me feel horrible to see trolls win, which has happened at other places I used to frequent, all because the need we feel to engage is so strong at times among some of us, presumably even those with beneficial intentions, that is precisely what we do even knowing on a meta-level we are helping to cause that which we claim to condemn.
*relating to my history as a purpose-driven troll
Bad Lieutenant said...
Have you ever known a woman, Once?
Why yes - once!
When I got back from my honeymoon the guys at the pizza recycling place were snickering to each other and asked me "Well, Fernandinande, is your new wife pregnant?" and I answered "I sure hope so, I sure wouldn't want to do *that* again!"
IMO most of us love Professor Althouse because of her unique mind that she uses on a talented Rennaissance Woman's myriad of areas, not because she is perfect. She has forgotten more than most of us ever learned, and she is still learning. Beautiful.
Davila is very quotable.
Not always very penetrable.
What do you think?
D'y'all think Trump would have fired Crowley at that point? Surely there was a back-up in the wings.?!
I got off FB because my political comments irritated appx 50% of my alleged friends and relatives. I'd lose them as FB friends. OK, good riddance. Other topics would do the same to others thin-skinned relatives/friends. Bye-bye Zuckerdork.
On this beloved blog (my favorite), you can irritate to your hearts content, say (nearly) anything you want and still go to bed smiling. Free speech at it's finest.
But what about Joe Scarborough? Did Mika drive him to quit the party, or was he a Bolshevik all along?
I don't think they would have dared sub someone for Crowley.
That would just invite another opportunity for Trump.
They would have tried to spin it subsequently as misogyny or something.
"I sure hope so, I sure wouldn't want to do *that* again!"
A friend of mine had five daughters. The youngest was at an age where her mother explained the "facts of life" to her one day. She was about 7.
She obviously spent the rest of the day thinking about all this new information.
That night at dinner, she piped up with the question, "Mother, you mean to tell me you did that five times ?"
"I got off FB because my political comments irritated appx 50% of my alleged friends and relatives. "
That's why I decline almost all "friends' requests.
With a few family members who have other politics, we just don't mention it.
With a few family members who have other politics, we just don't mention it.
You are fortunate in your family. My family members with other politics just can't leave it alone. So I have abandoned FB. Unfriending "friends" is one thing; unfriending relatives is another.
I am not convinced Trump would have continued the debate. Of course points he would bring up would be very different. That would have been historic event.
I think Don Colacho confirms what many in America who have voted Republican over the years know to be true using his great vocabulary and near-Shakespearian displays of pithy wisdom.
The penetration here is of a positive, confirming sort.
Proggies would allow the evil of his message's penumbra's emanations to dictate their thought process' which I don't believe is the type of penetration you are referring to, but it is significant, as timely wisdom always is to those lucky few remaining without all potential hindsight exterminated.
I would have loved for him to consider and commment on Gram Parson's song "100 Years From Now" when Parsons was singing with The Byrds.
One hundred years from this day
Will the people still feel this way
Still say the things that they're sayin' right now
Everyone said I hurt you,
They said that I desert you
If I go away,
You know I'm going to get back somehow
Nobody knows what kind of trouble there is
Nobody seems to think it all might happen again
One hundred years from this time
Would anybody change their minds
And find out one thing or two about life
But people are always talking
You know they're always talking
Everybody's so wrong
That I know it's gonna work out fine
Nobody knows what kind of trouble there is
Nobody seems to think it all might happen again
Read more: The Byrds - One Hundred Years From Now Lyrics | MetroLyrics
"Unfriending "friends" is one thing; unfriending relatives is another."
Oh, I have a son who doesn't speak to me. He, of course, is a lefty and a lawyer.
He is also the one I did the most for but that must be a rule or something.
"Oh, I have a son who doesn't speak to me. He, of course, is a lefty and a lawyer."
That is so sad. Was it over politics?
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