Said O.J. Simpson, winning parole.
He also said: "I’m in no danger to pull a gun on anybody. I’ve never been accused of it. Nobody has ever accused me of pulling any weapon on them."
Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson never accused him. They were dead. But O.J. — chattering away and seemingly under the impression that he is well-loved — didn't seem to see any need to avoid statements that would make us think of those old murders.
Still, he was acquitted of those murders, and they had no role in the parole board's decision (or so they said). He'd served 9 years for armed robbery, and he met the standard and deserved parole. But why didn't he act humbled and remorseful and keep his statements short?
That would have worked better in the effort to obtain parole. It must be that he believes he can be popular. That might seem delusional, as I heard Jeffrey Toobin on CNN call him. But it might not be wrong. From Page 6: “Everyone in town is shopping him a reality show.”
"I’m in no danger to pull a gun on anybody. I’ve never been accused of it. Nobody has ever accused me of pulling any weapon on them."
He said while being paroled for ARMED robbery.
Just a sharp knife.. oh wait - still looking for the REAL killers.
“Everyone in town is shopping him a reality show.”
How about a guest spot on How to Get Away With Murder?
I expected, based on the reporting beforehand, that OJ would be paroled. Then he opened his mouth. OJ smirked throughout and acted as though he'd done nothing wrong, or at least nothing seriously wrong, in the 2007 robbery. It was all a setup, someone else's fault, he wished he hadn't listed to whomever, etc. I thought to myself, he's fucking this up. Turns out they had their minds made up. Either that or the victim impact statement, which was very pro-OJ, repaired much of the damage OJ had done to his own case.
The Juice is loose. The Kardashians have a new character to revive their flagging sitcom.
33 years for that rat-pack stunt inn Las Vegas was ridiculous. They were punishing him for the murders he had been acquitted of committing in another court in another state.
That was not proper any way you slice it.
I don't know much about parole -- thankfully -- but it was granted today, so why will it be October before he's released?
It must be that he believes he can be popular
O.J. is popular, among Black people. He beat Whitey.
I know well educated, professional, feminist, Black women who are devoted to O.J..
So what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
“Everyone in town is shopping him a reality show.”
These are old scripts offered to Ted Bundy.
"That was not proper any way you slice it."
Well, he did do that. And he was quite efficient at it.
What if OJ had taken a manslaughter plea rather than go to trial for murder? He likely would have been out of prison years ago. Was that his decesion? Did he get bad legal advice?
Need new slots in Vegas from IGT to replace minimum four cherries.
“I’m in no danger to pull a gun on anybody.
I’ve never been accused of it.
Nobody has ever accused me of pulling any weapon on them.”
Only three. Need one more.
Keep talking Juice.
In all those gallery photos at the link, OJ's head looks like those cartoon meme heads they put on GIF and other animated content.
A head outsized for the body and "pasted" on.
One thing we do know, no one will mess around with OJ's chick.
OJ is a skilled liar. He got away with a double murder, but at least there is a modest sense of justice that he did 9 years for that stupid armed robbery where nobody was hurt.
The sad thing is that he'll probably get a reality tv show instead of being ostracized and other-ized for murdering his wife (and Goldman).
But life goes on.
It's a shame Ford Motor Company is delaying the reintroduction of the Bronco until 2020. A missed opportunity. Could have had you-know-who as their spokesman.
"They were punishing him for the murders he had been acquitted of committing in another court in another state."
Yes, I agree. The prosecution was so inept that I wasn't sure he was guilty after watching a lot of the trial on satellite.
The guy who proved his guilt was the civil lawyer, Petrocelli.
I think he was probably in a meth frenzy when he did it and might not even know what he did. On the other hand, he did a pretty good job of getting out of town. I still don't understand how he could look so normal on that plane flight.
He and Nicole were into drugs big time. A former girlfriend of mine went to their wedding reception and said that was the only time in her life she used cocaine. It was all over the house he had in Laguna.
The Browns were living off him for years and the Brown daughters had all had boob jobs but none had a college degree.
Nicole was a wild chick in high school. My girlfriend's brother went to school with her.
"It's a shame Ford Motor Company is delaying the reintroduction of the Bronco until 2020. A missed opportunity. Could have had you-know-who as their spokesman."
Just like those old "Hertz" commercials with O.J. a-runn’ and a-hurdlin’! Right into a new Bronco, just waiting for him right now, in a Hertz lot in Vegas. God, I gotta get out of this slumvile heaux blog.
>That was not proper any way you slice it.
"slice". Great choice of words.
But, yeah, let's all feel sorry for poor put-upon OJ. Pass the Kleenex.
I don't think that there's any useful or moral lesson to be learned from the example of OJ, but people keep looking. This must mean something.......OJ is a bit of flotsam who bounced free from the currents. He tells us nothing about the direction of the currents, their velocity, or their direction. He's just OJ.
"It must be that he believes he can be popular."
Yeah, because he is a celebrity and still alive, his victims are dead, gone and forgotten.
>>He tells us nothing about the direction of the currents,
Au contraire! OJ's first trial proved conclusively that racism is worse than murder.
“OJ is a bit of flotsam .... He tells us nothing about the direction of the currents, their velocity, or their direction.”
Heisenberg aside, the case tells us about the economics of prison release in poor Nevada (look up the recent history for yourself), about Nevada’s 11-point parole risk assessment, and about how the Nevada board applies the risk assessment in practice - today. Maybe coming to your state soon. All current.
"I gotta get out of this slumvile heaux blog."
Nah, hang around. The dark humor is just getting out of the starting blocks.
I was watching a British video on narcissistic personality disorder. Haven't finished it yet.
Back to the hunt for the real murderer! Such a shame that so much time has been lost.
"But why didn't he act humbled and remorseful and keep his statements short?"
The Goldman Family will be Hoovering up his reality show earnings, I would think. He may want to stick to cash gigs.
Next trial: Tax evasion.
Is Simpson still on the hook for the unpaid civil verdict? If so, wouldn't anything he gets from reality shows or ads have to go to that?
If you don't like the conduct and results of his murder trial, talk to the State of California about it.
You are not entitled to gin up a necktie party to make up for the failures of the California judicial system.
"He said while being paroled for ARMED robbery."
Once of his accomplices was armed. That's enough for the law but not for OJ.
I've heard you can murder someone on main street these days and people will still love you. Go Juice!
"his victims are dead, gone and forgotten."
Not by me.
"Are you humbled by this incarceration?"/"Oh, yes, sure. I wish this would have never happened."
I filled out the Massacree with the four-part harmony. Wrote it down there
Just like it was and everything was fine. And I put down my pencil, and I
Turned over the piece of paper, and there . . . on the other side . . . in
The middle of the other side . . . away from everything else on the other
Side . . . in parentheses . . . capital letters . . . quotated . . . read
The following words: "Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?"
I think OJ should team up with Bill Cosby to do a old-geezer remake of I Spy.
OJ looked surprisingly fit, much better than when he first entered prison. And with the pile of untouchable annuity and pension money he's accumulated over the past 8+ years, ready to live the rest of his life to the fullest.
Ironic, but Nevada did him a favor.
"Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit."
You are not entitled to gin up a necktie party to make up for the failures of the California judicial system.
Tell that to Brock Turner.
"Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stamp your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth, I don't give a shit."
........... But I do need to get to the beach and help Andy Dufresne finish his boat."
I hope he donates his brain so they can check for CTE.
"Zihua. Zihuata... Damnit -- I can't spell Zihuatanejo!"
I'm with Michael k. I watched an awful lot of the trial live. I probably sae more than 50% of it.
Not sure he didn't do it. But neither was I convinced he did.
If I were A juror I would have voted to acquit.
John Henry
"Kid, have you rehabilitated yourself?"
Sargent, you got a lot a damn gall to ask [not recommended to be spoken – out loud – under certain circumstances]. Now, after you make Sargent ....
"...get to the beach and help Andy Dufresne finish his boat."
So excited, I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head.
Could you please pass the dead burnt babies?
John Henry
But why didn't he act humbled and remorseful and keep his statements short?
'The death penalty for the D.C. sniper was said to be because he "showed no remorse." When the law gives a price list for committing various crimes, why should there be a discount for acting ability?' -- T. Sowell
Supposedly he has a $300,000 NFL pension which is exempt from execution to satisfy the civil judgment against him. He will move to FL where homes are also exempt.
What angers me is the misconceptions these high profile cases leave the public with. In Nevada most violent criminals do not even serve 5 years. Any other person doing this crime would have been allowed to plead to probation. Even murder. As long as you murder a 'nobody' - you can plead to time served and be out in less than five.
Correction - should read you can plead to manslaughter and be out in less than five.
But O.J. — chattering away and seemingly under the impression that he is well-loved..
Apparently he has Trump's disease. What's that condition called, again...?
“Could you please pass the dead burnt babies?”
My oh Mai Lai. No Gun Ri.
I’m better working alone. Have made my own judgment calls. Too many, not easy.
You make yours.
Any other person doing this crime would have been allowed to plead to probation. Even murder. As long as you murder a 'nobody' - you can plead to time served and be out in less than five.
That's nuthin! Some guy who ran for president once claimed that he could gun someone down in broad daylight in downtown Manhattan without it affecting his support whatsoever.
OJ is moving to Florida, where he will have to satisfy that state's conditions, which supposedly are more stringent of those in Nevada. Presumably, if he so much as spits on the sidewalk they can drop a net over him and put him back in the Nevada Pen. No Trump angle here.
Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in s box.
And it's one, two, three, what are we fighting fo.
Don't know and don't give a damn
"claimed that he could gun someone down in broad daylight in downtown Manhattan without it affecting his support whatsoever."
Not just someone. Someone who needed gunning down.
All roads lead to Rome. Or in today's political climate, all threads lead to Trump.
OK, I'll play. If Obama had an uncle ......
John said... "Be the first one on your block to have your boy come home in s box."
My boy is Air Force weather combat - behind the lines. I’ve kissed him goodbye too many times. And he, me.
Someone in the northern lights thread made the comment that map is not territory.
True. Excellent comment. Given the topic. A kind and gentle correction (thank you) to my wandering into the northern sky and looking for a quadrant map of the pretty lights with no egocentric Google earth horizons. Map is not - fair enough.
The comment, however, is true and not true. Working with small teams, fire attacks, leapfrogging, and simultaneously calculating peel, the slope of the line of retreat, the map and territory do merge. Doing so without speaking a word in a small team means feeling the map and the territory merge into one. It’s inexplicable. Felt-sense.
To maintain compassion and to feel love in the form of love rising up as a defensive mother-bear – many who lived, should not have lived, and many who died, should not have died. The calculus is beyond me. Ask someone else. I’m just not very good at this. There’s something - not about guilt - but about love, like Keats, rising up and ascending in flames.
Curiously absent was his previously stated desire to (now resume) search for Nicole's murderer(s). I must have pained him to put that on hold.
But hey..that's nothing. Because TRUMP!!!
Pull a gun? Pull a NAKED gun?
-Once of his accomplices was armed. That's enough for the law but not for OJ.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Feste, I am very sorry.
Just chiming in with more 60s antiwar stuff.
Terrible bad taste and I should have known better.
Best wishes to you and your son and may he always be safe.
John Henry
Blogger John said... "Feste ...."
John, don't think twice about it. No apologies needed. The "60s antiwar stuff" is a part of the freedom worth living and dying for. "There's something happening here, what it is, ain't exactly clear."
"MMA guy just got 36 to life for beating up his girlfriend. "
Another high profile case - not reflective of the norm.
I say it because as an former NYC police officer I am very aware that most arrests involve repeat offenders. When the media is not looking, DA's are happy to cut deals in exchange for very little time. Trials are expensive. If you do make them go to trial - they will punish you by adding on time. However, very few people go to trial. The public defenders strongly encourage all their cases to plea out.
John, besides, Air Force guys are pussies.
@ Cacimbo,
"I say it because as an former NYC police officer I am very aware that most arrests involve.."
Hey - thanks for your service. I had 2 uncles in NYPD from about '70 - 90'. Loved those tough old birds.
I say it because as an former NYC police officerYou know more than me about it/
With that, I deled my smart alec remark.
"Even murder. As long as you murder a 'nobody' - you can plead to time served and be out in less than five."
Have a hard time accepting less than five for murder, unless pleaded down to much less. . If less than five is the case things even worse than I imagined
"One thing we do know, no one will mess around with OJ's chick."
He is pretty much confined to the rent-a-chick market. Probably won't get all worked up over any of them.
In NY- Manslaughter second degree requires a minimum of 3 years. Murder calls for a minimum of 15, but most cases plea down to manslaughter.
In NY- Manslaughter second degree requires a minimum of 3 years. Murder calls for a minimum of 15, but most cases plea down to manslaughter.
Scary. Three years with time off for good behavior hardly enough time for murderer to get over being pissed off at witnesses. Kind of encourages "I didn't see a thing"
K-Trey, serving thirty-years-to-life, says....
Yeah, I did it: I fucked OJ. Fucked him in the ass. Ass-fucked him. The dude walked around the cell-block like he was all Hot Shit, you know what I'm saying? And you know how to make someone stop acting like they're Hot Shit in prison? You fuck them in the ass in the corner of the laundry...
Oh, the guards knew what I was going to do: hell, they gladly looked the other way, you see what I'm saying? I knew no fat-ass white guards would stop me from fucking OJ in the ass: hell, after I was done fucking OJ in the ass one of them even smiled and handed me a fresh towel...
The problem is, once you've been fucked in the ass EVERYONE in the prison thinks they can now fuck you in the ass. So those cracker Aryan Brotherhood guys got to thinking THEY could start ass-fucking OJ. Fuck no: it don't work that way. OJ ain't THAT black, but he's black enough that I'm not letting some white skinhead punk fuck him the ass...
I remember the look on OJ's face when I knocked out cold the Aryan Brotherhood dude: I swear, there was a little tear welling up in OJ's puffy eye. So I made the bitch suck my cock. Yeah -- K-Trey from the street, getting his cock sucked by OJ: Damn it feels good to be a gangsta...
I am Laslo.
I should add that since my experience is in a large very left city I would guess that in smaller towns people do face longer sentences.
Everyone in town. A town filled with greasy slimy slime whores who vote for Hillary.
"But why didn't he act humbled and remorseful and keep his statements short?" Not to pile on, but what else do you expect from a sociopath who got away with murder?
When I was on 3 VA juries in 1991, the mandatory sentence for selling $20 of crack was 5 years.
The juries decided on the sentence (for adults) and we were harsh (don't know if the judges modified them later). We assumed they'd serve a third of it.
He is one of the creepiest people I have ever witnessed.
Someone asked me yesterday why OJ got 30+ for such a bullshit armed robbery. In order:
1. It's OJ and therefore in the public eye (45%)
2. The trial tax (45%)
3. A firearm was involved (10%)
Just watched a portion of the parole hearing for the first time this morning.
A couple of questions: Did the parole hearing board members get OJ's autograph after the hearing or before? Why was the hearing board composed of all whities?
"It must be that he believes he can be popular."
Because he must believe he is popular.
The news interest in the OJ trial was about what a black jury would do.
No such interest in this one.
Not humble? Because he is a diabolical narcissist.
Another great example of a blog post and comments. Anomalies in the justice system: relatively tough sentences for possession of small amounts of drugs. We all know there's supposed to be a war on drugs underway, but also this might be quite simple to prove. Should be easy to persuade the accused person to plead guilty, and even if it goes to trial, won't be a lengthy one. On the other hand, manslaughter/murder: often requires a lot of complex evidence (juries today probably expect complex forensic evidence), accused person is encouraged to plea to a lesser charge and avoid the costs of a trial. People who are tried and then get heavy sentences are the exception: they are already high profile, there may be a sense that they had a life of privilege, so there is no excuse for them, and they are being punished for insisting on a trial. All of this is quite separate from the OJ-specific issues such as: was it possible to get a jury with a number of black women to convict him; and was every prosecutor in the U.S. looking for a chance to get him for something.
Feste said...
John, besides, Air Force guys are pussies.
Two Words in retort: Per Diem.
One time when I was giving a presentation I opened with Military Aviation at work. I showed Army Attack choppers shooting up bad guys, Marine Harriers dropping bombs, Navy Carrier flight deck take off and landings, Coasties dropping rescue swimmers from a chopper and AF pilots playing golf.
EDH said...
In all those gallery photos at the link, OJ's head looks like those cartoon meme heads they put on GIF and other animated content.
A head outsized for the body and "pasted" on.
In truth, OJ does have a weird head. At USC, the equipment managers had to get a special helmet made for him.
And in one of the most under-appreciated SNL skits, OJ was a conehead (a direct nod to his having a weird head for fitting football helmets) which almost nobody got. That was the same SNL where OJ was "Mandingo." Ouch.
The LA District Attorney moved the venue of the trial to an area of LA with a high black population. The thinking was a jury with a majority of black women on it, given the evidence, would not hesitate to convict OJ. That was the first blunder. The second was the prosecution's failure to realize that a blood soaked leather glove is going to shrink as the blood dries.
Are you guys the same ones who gripe so much about the Democrats and their "feelz"?
richlb said...
Pull a gun? Pull a NAKED gun?
Having no interest in football, for me O.J. will always be Nordberg:
Drebin: Hector Savage. From Detroit. Ex-boxer. His real name was Joey Chicago.
Hocken: Oh, yeah. He fought under the name of Kid Minneapolis.
Nordberg: I saw Kid Minneapolis fight once. In Cincinnati.
Drebin: No you're thinking of Kid New York. He fought out of Philly.
Hocken: He was killed in the ring in Houston. By Tex Colorado. You know, the Arizona Assassin.
Nordberg: Yeah, from Dakota. I don't remember it was North or South.
Drebin: North. South Dakota was his brother. From West Virginia.
Hocken: You sure know your boxing.
This guy testified that the prosecutors were lying about the DNA evidence.
"I'm with Michael k. I watched an awful lot of the trial live. I probably sae more than 50% of it.
Not sure he didn't do it. But neither was I convinced he did.
If I were A juror I would have voted to acquit.
John Henry"
Ditto here. Read a book by three of the jurors, and that was their point.
Here is my big problem - in law school, our Crim Law prof, who was one of the highest profile Crim defense attys in town, and had worked a number of capital cases, told us that, in his experience, murders are cold blooded or hot blooded. Cold blooded tend to often be almost surgical. It is the hot blooded, the crimes of passion, where there is blood everywhere. So, what was this - a crime of passion, or a premeditated one? Blood everywhere, and most likely all over the killer. But OJ managed to make his flight to Chicago, requiring fairly tight planning (for someone who couldn't figure out that Las Vegas casinos have some of the best video surveillance in the world), getting showered and changed, dumping the clothes and knife so that they are never found, etc. The use of the knife says crime of passion, or at least opportunity, while the planning required shows an awful lot of premeditation.
Tucker Carlson had Mark Furhman on last night, and the two of them reminded me of another reason I questioned OJ's guilt. I think that some evidence has come out since the trial that Furhman was a bit of a white supremacist. At least a racist. And, remember, it was he who found the key piece of evidence - the bloody glove, while illegally searching OJ's house. Why did four detectives drive over to OJ's house to tell him about the death of his ex-wife, instead of sending some uniforms? Why did Furhman then go over the wall? And then they found the glove - after having had access to the blood at the crime scene. My view is that an honest judge would have suppressed the glove, and everything else found at the house, as evidence in a heartbeat. One who wasn't looking for his own 15 minutes of fame.
Depressing thing, to some extent, is that people took to calling Sandpoint, ID (with the closest Walmart and Home Depot) "Furhmerpoint. Or some such, after the former detective moved there. Sandpoint is about a half hour north of Hayden Lake, at that time, skinhead central in N ID. Aryan Nation, militias, etc. Since then, though, so much money flowing in the Coeur d'Alene area, that the white supremacists have been priced out of the adjacent Hayden area (we stayed in CDA last weekend, and saw million dollar houses being advertised in the paper at Hayden Lake). Sandpoint is starting to get pricey too (much better sailing on Pend Orielle than on Lake CDA, more scenic, and has a real ski area nearby). Luckily, it hasn't pushed across the border into MT.
"The LA District Attorney moved the venue of the trial to an area of LA with a high black population. The thinking was a jury with a majority of black women on it, given the evidence, would not hesitate to convict OJ. That was the first blunder. The second was the prosecution's failure to realize that a blood soaked leather glove is going to shrink as the blood dries."
Story I got, from a guy sitting next to me on a plane a couple years later was that the DA knew that the case was probably lost after a group of Black ministers met with him, and told him that if OJ were convicted by a white jury, LA would burn (again). Which forced the move of the trial to downtown LA, where they could get enough black jurors. The selection of the two second stringers (one female and one black) to try the case was his Hail Mary. That guy on the plane claimed to have been a close personal friend of the elected DA who had to make those decisions. Made a lot of sense.
"I hope he donates his brain so they can check for CTE."
Me, too.
Preferably while he's still alive.
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