I think sometimes people who are very beautiful don't get a good read of how stupid they are. It's unfair really. Unfair to the rest of us that they are so good looking, and unfair to them that they don't get normal feedback over the course of a lifetime.

२०५ टिप्पण्या:
205 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Play the what if game and insert Obama for Trump.Depp wouldn't work again until he repented.
He didn't "flirt" with the idea of assassinating the president. He wants it, his cheering audience wants it, as does the left. They would all rejoice at a Hodgkinson hit on Trump.
Johnny Depp is proof positive that beauty fades and other virtues should be cultivated
Masculine Beauty? Ha!
He looks like a girl.
Hey! The Dems have found a perfect Presidential Candidate. The Pirates of DC need a word wizard to match the Donald sword slash word for sword slash word. And as a bonus he is half insane which makes him acceptible to the base.
How can Trump not get re-elected when this is the opposition.
I don't see what was stupid, it's just normal leftism.
Here is one of a very large number of death threats Republicans received after Walker's election.
-Subject line -- "Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!"
"We feel that you and your republican dictators have to die. This is how it's going to happen:...We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, this isn't enough...So we have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent. This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't tell you all of them because that's just no fun."
Don't think of Johnny as a beautiful man...he has a beautiful mind. Just forget about the drug usage and depression.
"We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is your last warning.”
It's also unfair to brilliant people who, because they happen to be very beautiful, are assumed to be stupid.
He had his formative experience as an adult playing a teenager in 21 Jump Street.
Now, he's a teenager playing an adult.
It's likely he is stupid, actors from Ky aren't helping our state's reputation. Ashley Judd, Jennifer Lawrence...
Dave from Minnesota quoted a death threat that you can read at National Review. Dave provided that link.
I just don't want the text published here, especially looking like it's Dave writing it. It's like the threat is being made from here. I know Dave meant to be critical of it, but it was confusing and ugly and I don't want to see it here.
It's unfair really. Unfair to the rest of us that they are so good looking, and unfair to them that they don't get normal feedback over the course of a lifetime.
Isn't that how Casanova became such a great lover? By telling the smart girls how pretty they were, and the pretty ones how smart?
Perhaps we should also lament how truly smart people don't know how unattractive they may be.
He said he's not an actor, which is a lie, and he immediately said he's a liar. He's confused and he knows he shouldn't be listened to unless he's supported by a script. It must be very weird when you are continually listened to, even as you know your speech is low quality. I feel sorry for him, but I'm affected by finding him so beautiful. I haven't seen one of his movies in years. The picture I chose to make my point is from "What's Eating Gilbert Grape." That's an excellent movie. The beautiful and still a boy Leonardo DiCaprio is in it.
but it was confusing and ugly and I don't want to see it here.
And with so many of them actually being made, we don't need to waste the FBI's valuable resources working through all the copy and paste search hits.
Thank goodness Depp doesn't act out on his violent urges.
"Last December, Heard reportedly texted a close friend to come over because Depp was attacking her.
“I got to her apartment to find her with a cut and bruised lip, a swollen eye and a chunk of hair missing from the top of her head,” Heard’s pal told Page Six. “This incident really stuck with me because she confided in me that day that she feared for her life after an intoxicated Johnny tried to suffocate her with a pillow.”
"Stakes escalated in recent days amid fresh claims drawn from Heard’s court filings, including a photograph of a bloodied finger. Heard said Depp accidentally sliced off his fingertip during an argument in March 2015, then dipped the stump in blue paint and scrawled “Billy Bob” and “Easy Amber” on a mirror, according to the celebrity news site TMZ...
The actor mistakenly thought his wife was having an affair with Billy Bob Thornton, her co-star in London Fields, according to Heard’s filings. She and Thornton have denied any affair."
I am Laslo.
"it was confusing and ugly and I don't want to see it here." Your blog, your rules. But Dave showed, of course, that there is nothing "stupid" about Depp: assassination advocacy is just a form of virtue signaling among progs. And has been for a long time.
He looks like a girl.
Marilyn Manson dated Rose McGowan and Evan Rachel Wood. The world is a very strange place, my friend.
Ok, Depp you're not an actor. How would you like to be a prisoner?
Based on critical reviews of Depp's latest effort in the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise, he's right. He really can't act anymore.
Imagine if Trump were a racial minority or female.
Think Clarence Thomas or Sarah Palin. Would they stop at character assassination?
Knowing that almost all actors are assholes kinda spoils the fun of watching movies.
From our Tory friends at the London Daily Telegraph:
The Steady Decline of Johnny Depp
It's tough for a Pretty Boy to grow up.
You spend your formative years with most women wanting to Suck Your Cock, and some men wanting to Fuck You In The Ass.
After awhile you don't know who to Trust.
All of your actions show a Scared Little Boy acting out in the Hopes of a Daddy Figure to come make things Right. To feel Protected. Safe.
Many people act like they will be the Daddy, but inevitably they are Lawyers and Agents and Parasites with Agendas.
When the Hoped-For Daddy doesn't come there follows the resentment of Daddy Figures.
Why weren't they there for ME?
It isn't FAIR.
Sometimes they are also secretly Gay and become Scientologists.
I am Laslo.
Sorry AA. I shouldn't have posted those. I am just tired of graphic threats against conservatives. Especially now that people are acting on those threats.
Knowing that almost all actors are assholes kinda spoils the fun of watching movies.
I like Depp's movies (and his acting in them). Its not so much what he said in England, but he looked so stupid saying it. Maybe he needs to stick to a pre-written script.
Depp has always been weird.
These people are indulged as though they were intelligent.
The best example of how wrong that is can be found in the story of Kim Bassinger and her attempt to act as her own agent.
They just aren't smart enough to stay out of trouble in simple matters like their own business.
I used to know a guy who was a financial guy at a studio in the old days of Hollywood. He had so many actors coming to him and asking him to manage their money and give them an allowance that he started a business to do just that for celebrities.
Those were the smart ones.
What is worse for a Hollywood Starlet: having Johnny Depp assault you or having Derek Jeter give you Herpes?
I am Laslo.
What I find difficult is trying to forget all the ugly political comments actors make in their off time while I'm trying to watching them act.
Are you comparing Depp to Derek Zoolander? I sure hope so.
He's an idiot like Ted Nuggent.
Big Mike said...
"Pirates of the Caribbean"
I tried to watch one of those thinking Keith Richards was in it. Turns out he's kind of an asshole too, or at least a fool, playing for the Clinton Foundation. On the other hand, the Stones haven't put on a good concert since Mick Taylor quit.
Has he done a lot of drugs or sustainable organic free range vegetables?
It's "Nugent" not "Nuggent" FWIW
Democrats sure are sending out a lot "dog whistles" to assassinate our President Trump.
He should be placed on the no-fly list -- oh wait, he haas his own private jet.
Never mind...
sparrow said...
It's "Nugent" not "Nuggent" FWIW
Pretty sure it's Ted Nugget, who has notes of tropical fruit and a earthy, yet balanced flavor.
"a[sic] earthy"
How many death threats does it take before the Democratic Party is classified as a terrorist organization?
The liberal douche train is jumping the tracks. They're palpably crumbling.
I read an article a few weeks ago that argued that most actors must be idiots because the chances of making it as an actor are so low only an idiot would go into the business. Also, a certain amount of narcissism is needed so that you can believe that you are going to be the one to make it.
I think sometimes people who are very beautiful don't get a good read of how odious, smug, and morally crippled they are. It's unfair really. Unfair to the rest of us that they are so good looking, and unfair to them that they don't get normal feedback over the course of a lifetime.
Once written, twice... said...
He's an idiot like Ted Nuggent
As EP would say,
Distinctions not cost-effective.
I would say,
If you're going to call someone an idiot, Onesie, you should write so that people can tell the difference between you and him.
Hint: spell check is your friend.
Second hint: you spelled Ted Nugent's name wrong.
Third hint: it's "Nugent" and you spelled it "Nuggent." (If you had typed "Ted Nugget" you could blame the spell check)
Fourth hint: you are an idiot.
Stupid people don't know they're stupid.
I'm tired of this. It's time to throw some agit prop on Islamic media.
"Next month at the Oscars, several actors plan to wipe their ass with pages from the Koran. And the actresses will perform a sexual routine on the likeness of the Prophet"
Fuck these people.
the Stones haven't put on a good concert since Mick Taylor quit.
That's Rick Taylor, bitch! [slap]
We're witnessing the end of the celebrity era.
The next step will be synthetic animated actors, either digital versions of dead stars or fully lifelike animated entities. Both can be fully controlled, i.e. what they say, by their creators and will cost less. It will be the high end version of what is happening to McDonalds employes.
I’m not an actor. I lie for a living.
And he makes his case. You are an "actor" and you do "lie for a living". That is what actors "do".
In Roman times, actors were shunned by "polite society" because they lie for a living. Oh how many of them make me long for the days...
"I think sometimes people who are very beautiful don't get a good read of how stupid they are."
To be fair, it happens to ugly people also.
Hodgkinson's Disease can afflict both the the beautiful and the ugly. It's a progressive disease, and, like most progressive diseases, in the end stages everyone becomes ugly.
Bad Lieutenant, you start off your post with
"Once Written, twice...said...."
I didn't say it, I wrote it.
But I am not going to personally attack you because you made a silly mistake.
So, I misspelled Ted Nugent's last name. What can I say? I am not a fan and I didn't want to look it up.
But the personal attacks continue against liberal posters on this blog and Ann does not say a peep. I am going to continue to support the new civility that Ann called for a week ago, even though it has proven to be one sided.
Amazing. Johnny Depp seems to think that his entire audience is Democrats. That a good number of the people who buy his tickets are not middle of the road or Conservative.
Now, I am not sure how much influence this will have on his audience numbers, but I am guessing it is much more than zero. And considering how much his allure has fallen already, the effect will be larger than he anticipates.
The only thing I can compare it to is Tom Cruise. Has he recovered from his melt down on Oprah? You can't unsee or unread things like this being said.
I have said before and I will say again, Twitter has been bad on Trump but it has been HORRIBLE for the Left and Celebrities. They get this idea that they are sharing confidences with a few close friends and 90% of the reactions are positive. The Hardliners who agree with them.
But an unseen, not commenting number has seen something shocking and at odds with their values.
Could it be that a portion of the downturn in cinema isn't based just on how good T.V. is, but is also based on how scurrilous and out of touch the actors are compared to their wider audience? Can anyone look at Clooney the same way since his Smug-Fest at the Oscars?
The Studio System, for all it's flaws, knew to keep their stars mouths shut. They were selling an icon and an image and not a political belief.
Now Johnny Depp has shown that he is more likely to be a human shield against American interests than a star going around hawking war bonds. He has shown what team member he is and deserves his box office failures.
Lieing requires intelligent thought. Acting requires speaking words written by others, wearing clothing selected by others, and standing where directors tell them. In other words, they do nothing intelligent for globs of money.
I read an article a few weeks ago that argued that most actors must be idiots because the chances of making it as an actor are so low only an idiot would go into the business. Also, a certain amount of narcissism is needed so that you can believe that you are going to be the one to make it.
That makes sense as if you are conservative and risk adverse, you probably wouldn't pick acting as a career choice.
I wonder if part of it also that those who go into acting full time are generally very poor or very rich.
I think the politics of Jane Fonda cancelled out her sex appeaL, or maybe it was her personality. She seemed so brittle and artificial that it was hard to be attracted to her.....Her career never suffered though. I suppose there were some people who were more attracted to her because of her fatuity........Anyway, it's very hard for a gorgeous movie star to completely nullify her sex appeal. Jane Fonda is the only one that I can think of who succeeded. That's kind of an accomplishment..
As Laslo pointed out Depp has been accused of domestic abuse.
Prior to the 20th century, actors were social outcasts. Eugene O'Neill's mother, who was lace curtain Irish, was shunned by her friends when she married O'Neill's father, a popular matinee idol. Actresses were considered just a step up from whores. The idea that actors would consider themselves qualified to lecture us on politics and morality would have struck the Victorians as ludicrous.
Their image changed in the 1930's because Hollywood made a big effort to present them as wholesome, just plain folks, although we know that casting couches, drugs, and orgies have always been a part of the Hollywood scene.
I really don't care what self-destructive paths the trained seals choose to follow offscreen as long as they entertain me. But I certainly don't want to be preached to by people who can't even maintain a relationship for more than 5 minutes.
For his next movie, the marquee will read "Johnny Derp.”
Little Janey Fondle never regained my attention after her stunt in Hanoi.
It used to be understood that "actress" was a euphemism for "prostitute"
Presumably not much different for "actor"
There is a whole episode of 30 Rock dedicated to "The Bubble" that handsome/beautiful people live in. It involves a very handsome man, because, of course, he plays against Tina Fey's lead female character, but it applies to either gender.
But, as Hillary Clinton proved, there are lots of ways to get surrounded by "Yesmen" that don't necessarily involve good looks.
Acting requires speaking words written by others, wearing clothing selected by others, and standing where directors tell them. In other words, they do nothing intelligent for globs of money.
6/23/17, 9:15 AM
Acting is a weird skill. As people who have tried out for school plays and businessmen and lawyers who look incredibly uncomfortable when they are shilling their wares on TV know, speaking other people's lines with ease and conviction is as rare a gift as athletic ability. Like athletes, good actors can hone their talents, but if you don't have some innate ability in the first place, you'll never pick it up.
There are actors who are intelligent (and even brilliant: Exhbit A: Hedy Lamarr), just as there are athletes who are intelligent (Exhibit B: The Ravens player who is working on his PhD in Mathematics from MIT). But it's clearly not a necessary perquisite.
And with so many of them actually being made, we don't need to waste the FBI's valuable resources working through
If they're not working on actual attacks, why would they bother to work on threats?
"I really don't care what self-destructive paths the trained seals choose to follow offscreen as long as they entertain me. But I certainly don't want to be preached to by people who can't even maintain a relationship for more than 5 minutes."
I can't help it; I do care. I want those likeable charming personas I see on stage or screen to live happily and well and to know the world as I do. Totally impossible, I know, but it breaks my heart every time they end up self destructing, no matter how deserved.
There was a supreme court ruling today on a Wisconsin cabin owner issue. I'd like to hear the professors thoughts and some more context around the law and issue.
"But the personal attacks continue against liberal posters on this blog and Ann does not say a peep."
If I were you I would flounce off to DU or DailyKos where you could commune with really clever people.
And I do mean "commune."
Fen, I didn't even post anything yesterday.
Michael K, you are probably right that Ann is cultivating her audience so that her blog can be the DailyKos for the right.
"Once Written, twice...said...."
I didn't say it, I wrote it.
In the spirit of the new amity, I will only observe that the distinction between wrote, typed and said is not closely observed on these fora. The more so as people are so often using voice-to-text on their phones.
It being Friday, I will, further, actually halfpologize for the jab, it was only because you gratuitously dragged Nugent into it. However, you must admit that it is ironic (or since I often misuse that word, let's just say funny) to insult someone's intelligence and then misspell his name.
Don't worry, you're not on the list...or are you? I'll have to check. Well, at any rate, you're not first on the list. Make good posts and stay in my good books.
Happy Friday!
Shorter Once Written, twice-- Infamy. Infamy. Why does everyone have it in for me?
I am very much of the opinion that a lot - not all, but a lot - of the really good Hollywood actors have very shallow personalities. It is a lot easier to be someone else when there is no "you" to get in the way. This comes out when they try to be normal and they come across as shockingly awkward, crazy, stoned, and/or regurgitation machines of whatever other people tell them. There's a reason Scientology is so popular there. It probably also explains why the marriage failure rate is so high; it is difficult to make lifetime bonds when neither partner has anything to bond.
He failed to read the Kathy Griffin memo?
By the way, her tour calendar is still empty.
Well, thank you Bad L.
Stupid indeed. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" (To quote the movie PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE.)
Oh also, Once, that is cut and paste from blogger, as below:
Bad Lieutenant said...
"Once Written, twice...said...."
This is mostly well understood.
OT: Avoid jianbing in the USA. It is a passable snack, perhaps , but not worth $15!!! (plus a tip!!!!!) at a midtown food court. I bet it costs a nickel in Shanghai.
"It's also unfair to brilliant people who, because they happen to be very beautiful, are assumed to be stupid."
Boy, don't I know it!
Robert C....it took me a minute to get that.
"Self-Important & Entitled Professional Victim" Once Written: "But the personal attacks continue against liberal posters on this blog and Ann does not say a peep."
Once takes time out from calling conservatives/republicans HillBillies, Nazi's, racists etc. to complain that some are lobbing personal attacks at her/him/xer.
Once has achieved that rarefied status of a poster who can no longer be parodied.
Well played.
Robert Cook: "Boy, don't I know it!"
Sing it brother!
Mr. Depp is not the first celebrity to come under fire for making violent allusions toward Mr. Trump, spurring a debate about where to draw the line regarding incitement, political commentary and art when it comes to a president who has shown no reluctance to antagonize opponents. [sic]
All the Democrats need to be antagonized to the point of issuing death threats and committing violent assaults is to lose an election. Ask Governor Walker.
I think your idea is plausible; good actors have the ability to take on diverse characters because they lack strong characters of their own. Makes sense, no idea how you would test or measure such an attribute.
Boy, don't I know it!
Who told you?
The only thing I can compare it to is Tom Cruise. Has he recovered from his melt down on Oprah? You can't unsee or unread things like this being said.
@FIDO, someone in Hollywood thought they could do a mummy movie with Tom Cruise instead of Brendan Fraser. They thought wrong.
I would add that their (actors) lack of character is why they are frequently on the left: they passively follow the prevailing culture. It takes a live man to swim upstream.
Blogger Robert Cook said...
"It's also unfair to brilliant people who, because they happen to be very beautiful, are assumed to be stupid."
Boy, don't I know it!
Drago said...
Robert Cook: "Boy, don't I know it!"
Sing it brother!"
I will consider these comments to be fake news until Robert Cook and Drago post pictures of themselves in shorts.
“I’m dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, it’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly stupid.” – Captain Jack Swallow
A A said.... I feel sorry for him, but I'm affected by finding him so beautiful.
I sensing something rare here in the realm of "cruel neutrality", and that is crocodile tears.
Rare, unexpected, inexplicable.
I'm surprised Drudge hasn't made this his headline story yet. What would be a good tag for it? Deppsperado?
exiled: "I will consider these comments to be fake news until Robert Cook and Drago post pictures of themselves in shorts."
That would violate the Althouse Shorts Rule, and then "lifelong republican" Chuck would demand a Special Prosecutor.
I've never understood why we take actors and artists so seriously. I think Shakespeare said something like " it doesn't take much art to make a face".
Even the actors that are smart are usually uneducated or have odd ideas based on their unusual life. They become rich and famous at an early age by reading other people's lines and working 3 months a year. It must be hard for them to keep in touch with reality.
Is he comparing Trump to Lincoln and himself to John Wilkes Boothe? That means #TheResistance is the Confederacy. Trump supporters should welcome this.
OTOH, aren't most Democrats stupid or unbalanced?
...they passively follow the prevailing culture.
Correction the prevailing culture of Hollywood has been a haven for communists and anti-Americanism since the early 1920s. One should take the time to read The Mitrokhin Archive and Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America. Lenin and Stalin spent more money and more effort to infiltrate and influence Hollywood than even to learn the secrets of the Manhattan Project. And it paid off handsomely. Hollywood was briefly patriotic from Pearl Harbor to VJ Day (mainly because it suited Stalin's agenda, having been jilted by his erstwhile sweetheart and partner in crime, Adolf Hitler) then they immediately reverted to form. To fully appreciate how malleable Hollywood has been in the hands of the Left one should look into the career of Dalton Trumbo.
Quaestor....also discovered after the fall of the USSR were documents showing cash payments from Stalin to the Farmer Labor party of Minnesota....today's Democrat Farmer Labor party (what the Democrat party is called in Minnesota).
They even have a statue on the state capital grounds of Floyd Olson, the Farmer-Labor/Communist governor from the 1930s.
"Hey Johnny, this is Tom."
"Good to hear from you! It's good to have friends that reach out to you when times are tough."
"Oh yeah. People still think I'm a freak after jumping up and down on Oprah's couch. Since then I have been Auditing my Excitement Simulation for better results."
"Uh… sure. Sorry to hear your latest movie isn't doing well at the box office…"
"Yeah: we've had some bombs lately, haven't we? And that's kinda why I called you…"
"Yeah. I have found that Scientology helps put success in perspective."
"I'm not sure I really want to get into that…"
"For instance, being OT VII is far more important than ticket sales. I can make things levitate."
"Levitate? Really?"
"Yeah. I lift them in my hands, but I have rendered my hands weightless, so I am not actually holding them up. Levitation, man: it rocks."
"That's pretty cool…"
"I've heard around town that you've been partying pretty hard, lately…"
"You know how it is, Tom: the pressure of being so good-looking gets overwhelming sometimes…"
"I know the feeling. But drugs and alcohol are not the answer. You should try a Purification Rundown -- it'll set you straight."
"Oh yeah. Since I've been OT VII I have abstained from toxins and my penis has grown an inch-and-a-half."
"Hey! Who told you I have insecurities about my penis length?"
"I've been there, bro. When you're as good-looking as we are the chicks expect you to have a magnificent cock, too."
"So Scientology can make your cock bigger?"
"Oh yeah. And when I come it's, like, quarts."
"That sounds good…"
"Plus, when you're famous Scientology leaders will hook you up with Hot Chicks. And when you're farther than them on The Bridge they have to fuck you, because you know better than they do."
"That's really nice of them. It's just that I feel so tormented, lately."
"That's just your Thetans screwing with you."
"My Thetans?"
"Yeah. Disembodied Spirits that have attached themselves to you, and play on your Fears. OT III gets you past that shit."
"So, when I get to OT III my bad spirits leave me, and then at OT VII my cock gets bigger?
"That's how it works, man."
"What happens at OT VI?"
"I won't lie to you: that's an awkward one. Your balls get huge, but you still have a small cock that doesn't get bigger until the Next Level."
"So I'll have huge balls and a small cock?"
"Yeah. Like I said: awkward."
""Can I just skip OT VI then?"
"Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. But if you have a lot of money you can Audit out of that Level quickly."
"Actually, I'm having a bit of financial troubles…"
"That's the Thetans: some of them make you spend money like there's no tomorrow."
"Thank God! I thought it was just because I make bad decisions!"
"There are NO bad decisions when you are a Scientologist. You are on The Path."
"This IS sounding better…"
"Maybe you can swing by my place, we'll dim the lights and listen to some L. Ron Hubbard recordings…"
"Ummm… I've heard rumors that you're gay. This isn't just a way for you to fuck me, is it?"
"Keen observation there, Johnny. You got me: with that kind of awareness you'll be OT III in no time…"
I am Laslo.
Being beautiful also requires some skill. I know that because of the case of a woman I was good friends with when I was in my 20's. She was (and presumably still is) smart and extremely funny - and quite obese. She got along well with guys, who treated her as "one of the boys." Then she went on a strict diet, began working out and dropped 80 pounds. And she went from being pretty but fat to being an absolute knockout. She was tall, blonde and blue eyed and she looked like a Viking goddess. The difference was astonishing.
Her world changed completely - and she couldn't handle it. Suddenly men treated her differently, women treated her differently, strangers treated her differently, and she didn't know how to be a beautiful woman. She had never had a boyfriend. She didn't know how to act on a date. She wasn't used to female hostility and jealousy. She became shy and tense and wary rather than funny and warm. That fat had served as sort of a protective cushion and it was gone.
Within 2 years, she gained all the weight back.
She made me realize that being beautiful is like being rich. Plain people might dream of being beautiful and poor people might dream of being rich, but not everyone can cope with the change if their dream becomes a reality.
People who are very beautiful make their own laws.
- Vivien Leigh
Johnny Depp's stupidity here is simply voicing the Hollywood id; I imagine the expression of a Trump death wish is commonplace in Hollywood circles. Don't cry for him, Althouse.
Joan Rivers had Johnny Depp's number. She called out his poor taste on the red carpet time after time. Few listened.
Once Bitten: "I didn't comment last night"
My bad. Perhaps I've confused you with one of Ritmo's many sock puppets. My apologies. I'll delete the accusation upthread.
Yeah, what are you waiting for, Johnny? Make a move, big mouth.
Quaestor is in no danger of being hailed as beautiful. Unfortunately, that's no guarantee against the stupid part.
What are the possibilities that Depp could hit anything that he shot at?
Secret Service will be paying this asshole a visit.
Depp has been watching John Oliver and reading the Guardian and he thought that the Brits would eat that shit up.
"Ann is cultivating her audience so that her blog can be the DailyKos for the right."
If she were, you would be banned already.
Lefties can be pretty slow, sometimes.
Johnny Depp is a mess and I hope he gets help before things get too bad.
But who applauds this? What is wrong with that crowd?
From the NYT Article: "The Public Theater in New York recently lost financial support and drew protests over a production of Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” in which the assassinated Roman ruler had strawberry blond hair and bore an uncanny resemblance to Mr. Trump.
Uncanny? I think by uncanny they mean intentional. The resemblance is entirely canny.
I had a roommate who never achieved fame and fortune as an actor. He did, however, make good money as a waiter. He was very good looking and had a constant rotation of women. He complained that they never took him seriously and that the relationships made him feel empty......,Over the years we've lost touch. I hope he died young.
Like the commenter above wrote- I think we are not all that far now from the death of the movie star era. Within the next generation, you won't be able to tell the difference between a fully computer generated actor and the genuine article. I say this because in just the last year, I have had to take second and third looks before realizing something was computer generated rather than recorded live action- it has already gotten that life-like.
In the meantime, Elizabeth Warren is back to saying things like the new health care bill is paid for with blood money, and people will die. Why doesn't someone call her out?
"They just aren't smart enough to stay out of trouble in simple matters like their own business."
Not the only profession that has that problem. Hint. Hint. Another one I am thinking of that sometimes has a god complex.
I predict President Trump will tweet that Kathy Griffin and Johnny Depp should be investigated for collusion. I wonder also if he might start threatening to put them and other would-be Hollywood assassins on the no fly list? That strikes me like the sort of solution Trump will come up with. Trump might then expand the collusion investigation to all his Hollywood enemies.
"In the meantime, Elizabeth Warren is back to saying things like the new health care bill is paid for with blood money, and people will die. Why doesn't someone call her out?"
How do you know she's wrong?
Pro-Choice is a death cult. It's not surprising that its followers would entertain those dreams outside the abortion chambers. It's a progressive condition that escapes the acolytes' perception.
Simple punishment would be to repeal the Hollywood Tax Breaks, as Insty is always reminding us.
"Uncanny? I think by uncanny they mean intentional. The resemblance is entirely canny."
To paraphrase that noted drama critic, S. Freud, sometimes a death wish is just a death wish.
How do you know she's wrong?
Because you agree with her?
How do you know she's wrong?
Obviously, people die every day. So in that way she's not wrong. But changes in tax policy are not blood money.
"I will consider these comments to be fake news until Robert Cook and Drago post pictures of themselves in shorts."
I can't wear shorts, as they reveal another unfairly generous personal attribute that causes others to objectify me.
"Hollywood no fly list"
Better, ban Depp from his private jet. Someone making terrorist threats against the GOP and President Trump should not have access to 9-11 style WMDs.
I blame drugs and alcohol. Even his ex-wives and kids can't stand him.
He should assassinate himself.
P.S. I have never seen any of his movies. Everything he acts in, I am not interested. I don't watch Hollywood serials (Star Wars, Batman, etc, etc). It's too cartoonish for me.
Thus, I haven't paid into his wealth.
"How do you know she is wrong"
Because Fauxahauntus is agitating political violence. She has been briefed that her brownshirts are justifying the murder of her colleagues because they are "killing" the poor and "killing" the planet.
And instead of dialing down the rhetoric, she is playing into their radicalization.
Mass Hollywood suicide - go choke on a golden statue, you over-paid leftist hypocrites.
RE: Tom C and his Oprah moment. I believe he subsequently formed his own production company. He hires himself.
Interesting to hear the crowd cheer for John Wilkes Booth killing Abraham Lincoln.
Just like the audience at Julius Caesar in NYC, cheering for the final demise of the Roman Republic and 13 years of Civil war leading to establishment of an emperor.
Liberals really have either lost their minds or are so ignorant of history they have no idea what they are doing.
And to think, I once thought Trump was bad for using "America First."
Speaking of "Julius Caesar", am I the only one to LOL when Trump said "Robert Mueller is an honorable man"? I have no idea whether Trump meant the literary allusion, but it was priceless, and I haven't seen anyone else recognize it.
Plain people might dream of being beautiful and poor people might dream of being rich, but not everyone can cope with the change if their dream becomes a reality.
See the "Responsibilities of Beauty" in the novel "End Zone," by Don DiLillo.
I can't wear shorts, as they reveal another unfairly generous personal attribute that causes others to objectify me.
Me too. Huge knees, probably from praying too much.
btb, keep in mind that the "honorable" Brutus who led the assassination of Caesar died two years later at Philippi. Was Trump sending a message, just trolling, or the word "honorable" just came to mind because that's what people had been saying about Mueller?
Why doesn't someone call her out?
Dear MayBee,
1) dueling is illegal in the United States, sadly.
2) she would have to be challenged by a girl, I do not think it would be right for a boy to stick her with a sword or shoot her through the head.
3) SEXIST!!! I denounce myself.
"The only thing I can compare it to is Tom Cruise. Has he recovered from his melt down on Oprah? You can't unsee or unread things like this being said."
Cruise, unlike Depp, is a consummate pro. Always on time, never complains, and gets shit done (including his own stunts.) Yes, the Scientology issue lingers, but he's not costing producers money with bad behavior and/or habits.
Cruise has a lot of friends because (like Depp to a degree) he's made a lot of people a lot of money over the past 25+ years.
I like the Pirates of the Caribbean films (saw the fifth one last Friday) but mainly because Geoffrey Rush is really good as Hector Barbossa. Depp pretty much does the same “drunken Keith Richards” shtick in every film and isn’t very interesting (it also doesn’t help that as he’s aged, he’s not able to move around as well on the set). Rush on the other hand has a greater range as an actor and his character has a great redemption arc that goes through all five films.
" Another one I am thinking of that sometimes has a god complex."
The difference is that we know it.
As a matter of fact, the surgeon that I went into practice with out of training was the first physician that Charley Ryder took as a client.
Ryder was the movie studio exec I referred to. He used to manage people like Don Drysdale the baseball player, too.
You got to hand it to Depp. He can make more people, who don't know who he is, really mad at him faster than Trump can. That is a talent of sorts.
Cruise, unlike Depp, is a consummate pro. Always on time, never complains, and gets shit done (including his own stunts.) Yes, the Scientology issue lingers, but he's not costing producers money with bad behavior and/or habits.
Agreed, I put “being a Scientologist” in the same category as “being a Democrat” when it comes to actors – all things being equal, I’d prefer that they weren’t but so long as they don’t beat me over the head with it when I’m trying to watch them in their movie or television program, I can ignore it and just enjoy the performance. And it also helps that Tom Cruise (and John Travolta) has made a lot of very entertaining films that hold up well for me on repeat viewing.
I didn't vote for Obama. I thought he was a smooth, charismatic, moderate-sounding left-winger. I simply didn't like his policies.
But, I didn't despise him -- at all. I actually respected him. Nice family, good temperament, good tone, world class smile, exceptionally talented politician.
He won, we lost, life went on.
In contrast, the anti-Trump crowd, though, has turned up their angst, hysteria and bile production way past eleven. They are irrational. They act as if Trump is causing the sky to fall. They act as if Trump will be rolling tanks in the streets a la Berlin in 1941.
It is absolutely batshit crazy.
More so, all this batshit craziness gently nudges the folks in the middle a bit more towards Trump. He got 46% of the popular vote last time. The crazy leftists are pushing the needle to 48 - 49% of the vote.
If they keep it up, they will push him to a majority -- in the popular vote. The GOP already has an edge with the electoral college, do these idiots want to give Trump a popular mandate in 2020?
Keep it up, Depp. This is how you get more Trump.
Nebraska Democratic Party technology chairman Phil Montag speaks out on the issues:
"This motherfucker's [Congressman Steve Scalise] whole job is to get people, convince Republicans to fucking kick people off fucking health care. I'm glad he got shot. ... I wish he was fucking dead."
Partial bowdlerized transcript
"It's always tempting to impute
Unlikely virtues to the cute."
--Ogden Nash
P. J. O'Rourke quoted this line to explain the popularity of the Kennedys.
Ben Shapiro makes an excellent point lately. The left should have simply stayed silent and let Trump self-destruct with his tweets and other garbage decision-making. Instead they engage in assassination porn and over the top rhetoric which just reinforces the Trump electoral map. The leftist has no ability to contain his emotions for the strategic good - getting power.
Will some young lady now play John Hinckley now that she knows what Johnny "Jodie Foster" Depp wants?
Fernan....that was actually the 2nd Nebraska Democrat to say something like that just this week.
Scary part, while looking for news on this, I read the comments on this from a couple of stories in Nebraska news sources. Its amazing how many Democrats agree with what this guy said. That Republicans deserve to get shot. Its quite scary.
If the Democrats don't get their crazies under control, I don't see how they can win elections in any swing areas.
I just don't want the text published here, especially looking like it's Dave writing it. It's like the threat is being made from here. I know Dave meant to be critical of it, but it was confusing and ugly and I don't want to see it here.
What is even more confusing and ugly is that the author and publisher of those threats was a preschool teacher named Katherine Windels who admitted to police that she was the prep, but was never actually convicted of the two felony charges of sending death threats that included putting bullets into the brains of Republican senators and their families. Rather the Dane County judge (another leftie apparatchik just doing her job) sent the young woman into a first offender program.
Just another nasty little leftie shit.
- Krumhorn
Alex, true. When I was a never Trumper, I was thinking Trump won't last 6 months in office. He'll self-destruct. President Pence will be a big improvement.
Well, Trump is doing okay, but I never thought the left would go more crazy than they did with Bush 43 was in office.
The point is that every time the Dems could be poised to take advantage of a Trump gaffe or mis-step, they engage in assassination porn or some other violent rhetoric. Of course, swing voters see this and still might vote for the Democrat if the economy is doing poorly in their area.
Same theory applies to beautiful people and billionaires.
There are, what, 350 million people in USA? Every day you can find folks saying stupid things to get upset about. Don't have to look far.
I like hanging out with smart people. The fact that many of them are beautiful women doesn't bother me at all. I could name names ...
Then there's Kathy Griffin..
I haven't watched the Pirates films. Can Keith Richards get a role as Depp's Dad or Uncle?
"... sometimes people who are very beautiful don't get a good read of how stupid they are"
Tell me about it. My curse. But whaddayagonnado?
"Never understood why we take actors so seriously"
It's because people conflate the actor with the character they portray. And the actors know it and exploit it.
Few years back there was a silly protest about something, and WhatsHisName donned his President Bartlet persona, walking point by himself, right out of a West Wing script.
Bystanders along the protest route were actually awed that a former President had taken up the cause.
You think I'm kidding. I'm not.
"There are, what, 350 million people in USA?"
So, Johnny Depp's public pronouncements have no more significance than the random mutters of the drunk at the end of a dive bar? That's why no one would ever pay a Hollywood star to model clothes or sell liquor or cars or political parties. Because no one pays them any mind or would ever seek to impress them?
Heck, Peter O'Toole might be the greatest actor who ever lived, but in interviews nothing really came across as 'oh this guy is some genius I should listen to'. Actors are pretty faces paid to recite lines for our amusement.
"When someone threatens to kill me, I will do my best to kill them first." - Virgil Earp
Johnny Depp's self-indulgent lifestyle is beyond parody or description. Six houses, a private jet and spending like a Democratic Congress, and then he sues his manager for being broke. It's fun to rag on him for his lousy acting, but it wasn't always so bad. Edward Scissorhands was a brilliant film and he did a great job with it IMHO.
I don't see any pattern of good or bad acting by the most obnoxious political celebs. And similarly, it isn't a matter of smart or not smart. Lots of Nobel-winning scientists make crazy stupid comments about socialism, global warming and other issues outside their expertise. I mean, WTF is Stephen Hawking talking about with his warnings that humans have to flee the planet?
Montag is out for those comments.
I haven't watched the Pirates films. Can Keith Richards get a role as Depp's Dad or Uncle?
Third film.
"The only thing I can compare it to is Tom Cruise. Has he recovered from his melt down on Oprah? You can't unsee or unread things like this being said."
You admit watching Oprah? Wasn't she on during work hours?
By all means hire Hollywood movie stars to model clothes.After all they're pretty.It's quite another thing to listen to their political opinions. The same is true of athletes.
As much as I like Aaron Rodgers,I have no idea what his political opinions are nor do I care. Throw the ball well,Rodgers.I don't care what you think about Trump.
As for the Pirates movies, I've enjoyed them. They're mostly entertaining. In part because they're written by guys who know how to write entertaining stuff (Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio) and the best were probably directed by Gore Verbinksi.
I even think that Lone Ranger movie gets a lot of undeserved shit thrown at it. I liked Depp's take on Tonto. Arne Hammer was probably miscast but it played with the idea that he wasn't a natural hero but was forced into becoming one.
It was fairly entertaining, but a bit bloated.
Montag is out for those comments.
More precisely, he's out for those comments getting publicized on Youtube. Otherwise he would have gotten promoted.
Dep was a good looking guy in his prime, but these days his face has that stretchy, over-worked look.
What's so beautiful about Johnny Depp? He's got a string of useless movies and is just stupid.
Darrell asks somewhat rhetorically, How many death threats does it take before the Democratic Party is classified as a terrorist organization?
That's a good question. IMO, these almost daily death threats go unpunished just because they're against Trump. Kinda like, "Well, gee, doesn't everyone want him dead?". No, many of us actually voted for him. If you bump him off you'll have us at your throat so fast it'll make your head spin. Mr. Depp's pretty face wouldn't be so pretty.
Depp is a very talented actor. He was especially good in Sweeney Todd. I just wish the beautiful-but-brainless would keep their mouths shut offscreen.
I would say I'll never see another Johnny Depp movie, except I've yet to see one anyway. Wait, I have watched portions of Donnie Brasco on some cable channel.
I haven't bought a movie ticket or rented a movie in over 20 years, as I refuse to put a nickel in the pockets of those I deem are trying to destroy this nation. After finally becoming "awoke" those many years ago, I haven't regretted it for one second.
Separation of art and life. As long as his movies don't seek to teach liberalism or progressivism, or worse, indoctrination into the Pro-Choice cult (e.g. abortion rites, [class] diversity, quasi-scientific prophecies of past, present, and future; mischaracterizations of history).
"I lie for a living."
Anyone made the "So, he want's to be a politician?" joke yet?
This message brought to you by the Committee to Reinvigorate Trump's Base.
Thank you for your contribution, Johnny
> Anyone made the "So, he want's to be a politician?" joke yet?
Journalist would be a better fit.
He is actually not that pretty anymore.
He has aged poorly. Maybe all the wine and cigarettes? And he dresses ridiculously for a man his age.
I did like him when he did the independent movies like Ed Wood. I said wood.
I am horny.
Bob Loblaw said...Dep was a good looking guy in his prime, but these days his face has that stretchy, over-worked look.
"You think I'm kidding. I'm not."
Fen - I don't think you're kidding at all. Jack Webb was constantly asked to talk about police matters and Chad Everett (bonus 70s TV points for knowing who he is) was asked to provide medical help - people assumed he was Doctor.
Proverbs 26:18-19:
"Like a maniac shooting
flaming arrows of death
is one who deceives their neighbor
and says, “I was only joking!"
Yeah, this kind of garbage has been going on for a looooooooong time.
"The left should have simply stayed silent and let Trump self-destruct with his tweets and other garbage decision-making"
Except he's not doing any of that. And the Left's constant concern over Trump's tweets is amusing. "The President is hurting himself, please stop tweeting" - says the Left and bizarro nevertrumpers (with a straight face).
"How many death threats does it take before the Democratic Party is classified as a terrorist organization?"
Well, the prospect of President Hillary terrorized a lot of us. So, they've done more than threaten us with Death.
"I know Dave meant to be critical of it, but it was confusing and ugly and I don't want to see it here."
It was colorful. Maybe we can call it art.
Meanwhile, at the White House today, Trump hosted NH politician Al Baldasaro. who last year was investigated by the Secret Service for saying, “Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason."
So let's see if the Secret Service investigates Johnny Depp.
Pretty sure it's Ted Nugget, who has notes of tropical fruit and a earthy, yet balanced flavor.
I always distrust cleverly named beers and wines.
The left's reaction to Trump makes me believe we could eliminate leftism through mass suicide alone. We just follow up Trump with electing Ted Nugent.
Then just a little cleanup work.
@American Liberal, you're quite right -- these days they use lethal injection.
Very beautiful!
Of course justice would dictate that we handcuff her, fly her to Haiti, and turn her loose on the streets of Port au Prince with a sign around her neck that reads "this woman stole money intended to help you after the earthquake." I wonder why liberals are so blasé about the Clinton family's pilfering funds from money raised for Haitian relief? Is it because Haitians are black?
One could argue that Hillary has already suffered a Fate Worse Than Death by being denied the throne which was H>ers by right.
@tcrosse, one could. Haitians might disagree.
Static Ping said...
I am very much of the opinion that a lot - not all, but a lot - of the really good Hollywood actors have very shallow personalities. It is a lot easier to be someone else when there is no "you" to get in the way.
Exactly. When you aren't really somebody, when there is no real you, you can easily be anybody quite well.
Some actors are good because they project who they are. Jimmy Stewart and Gary Cooper spring to mind. They were quite a bit like the characters they played. Other actors are good because they project who they want to be. I can think of many actors like this, but Cary Grant is the example par excellence. He was a cockney kid from a chaotic childhood who was able to imitate poise and the kind of self assurance that only the children of the very wealthy possess........Johnny Depp does a pretty good impression of who he wants to be. I think he wants to be someone like Hunter S. Thompson, a man who lived not just by his own rules but in his own dimension. That's a tough act to bring off. He was able to bring the illusion off in a number of roles, but you have to be careful trying this out in your personal life. It didn't even work all that well for Hunter Thompson. Well, maybe Johnny can make a few minor course corrections and continue to be loved and esteemed by millions. Or, if worse comes to worst, he can be like Hunter and think up a really clever and imaginative way of committing suicide.
Trump's assassination would be the opening shot in the Second Civil War, which would begin almost immediately.
I just wish the beautiful-but-brainless would keep their mouths shut offscreen.
Oh Lordy yes. Are you listening Katy Perry and Jennifer Lawrence?
Look gang, the air head actors and actresses know that bad press is better than no press. They also know it will be forgotten quickly by those in power in Hollywood.
Hence they say stupid shit that is provocative. Gets then in the press and just one mea culpa and they are good. So they say these things without thought or FEAR.
Have you ever seen then insult Muslims? Kim Jong? Iran's leaders? No? Why?
They don't cause they know these nutjobs will KILL THEM. But Westerners will just read their outrageous utterances and move on while their employers nod in agreement.
Captain Jack (Depp) himself is a pretty face that can read lines well and nothing more. He is just a symptom of this system
roadgeek opines: Trump's assassination would be the opening shot in the Second Civil War, which would begin almost immediately.
I think so, too. But what form would it likely take? What actions?
Upthread: "Heck, Peter O'Toole might be the greatest actor who ever lived, but in interviews nothing really came across as 'oh this guy is some genius I should listen to'. Actors are pretty faces paid to recite lines for our amusement."
Check out his two volumes of memoirs: "The Child" and "The Actor." Great storyteller who never thought that his opinions were the most important thing about him.
Great actor, too. "My Favorite Year" is one of my most favorite movies.
As for Tom Cruise, he's weird, but I think in the same way Tim Tebow puts people off. He does so many good thing, that in our deeply cynical culture he's an object of suspicion. He's not just a professional on the set, but he seems to really care about his co-workers, judging by the stories that have been told about him.
For example, he worked on a movie where the child co-star -- in their first role -- was replaced. Pretty crushing blow, but later it came out that Cruise kept in touch with the kid for awhile, and helped him get through his disappointment.
Coming Soon To A Theater Near You:
Johnny Depp Stars In: Butt Pirates Of Pelican Bay!
It seemed more nautical than:
Butt Pirates Of Terr Haute Indiana!
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